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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • I will try to make this as clear as possible. We represent the yellow pages -
    For every single company that is listed we have Creditworthiness - that helps to find information about their payment history and their business status. It's pretty useful. An example could be found here: Some companies that are proud of their result started putting Iframe on their pages: We noticed this on Google Webmasters, when new links started to appear.
    So we are not sure if this is good for SEO? Of course this is good for our Google Analytics:))
    If this is good, maybe we should send offer for our clients, that we can help to put iframe like this for free, for people who are not able to do it themselves. Your opinions please!

    | FCRMediaLietuva

  • I have a lot of spammy links pointing at my website according to MOZ. Thankfully all of them were for some URLs that we've long since removed so they're hitting my 404. Should i change the 404 with a 301 and Re-Direct that Juice to my home page or some other page or will that hurt my ranking?

    | jagdecat

  • We've been doing some SEO work over the last few weeks and earlier this week we saw a large spike in traffic. Yay we all thought, but then yesterday the traffic levels returned to pre-celebratory levels. I've been doing some digging to try and find out what was different Monday and Tuesday this week. Mondays are usually big traffic days for us anyway, but this week was by far the biggest, and Tuesday was even higher still, our best day ever. After some poking, I found that the direct traffic followed the same pattern as our overall traffic levels (image attached). The first spike coincides with an email we sent out that day, but the later spike we just don't know where it came from? I understand loosely that direct isn't easily traceable, but can anyone help us understand more about this second spike? Thanks! ayqL2wi

    | HB17

  • Over the years, tons of original content from my website (written by me) has been scraped by 200-300 external sites. I've been using Copyscape to identify the offenders. It is EXTREMELY time consuming to identify the site owners, prepare an email with supporting evidence (screen shots), and following up 2, 3, 15 times until they remove the scraped content. Filing DMCA takedowns are a final option for sites hosted in the US, but quite a few of the offenders are in China, India, Nigeria, and other places not subject to DMCA. Sometimes, when a site owner takes down scraped content, it reappears a few months or years later. It's exasperating. My site already performs well in the SERPs - I'm not aware of a third party site's scraped content outperforming my site for any search phrase. Given my circumstances, how much effort do you think I should continue to put into policing scraped content?

    | ahirai

  • We have a variety of issues at the moment, and need some advice. First off, we have a HUGE indexing issue across our entire website. Website in question: Firstly
    In, if you search for 'plumbers gosford' (, the wrong page appears - in this instance, the page ranking should be,NSW/Plumbers I can see this across the board, across multiple locations. Secondly
    Recently I've seen Google reporting in 'Crawl Errors' in webmaster tools URLs such as:,QLD/Electronic-Equipment-Sales-Repairs&Sa=U&Ei=xs-XVJzAA9T_YQSMgIHQCw&Ved=0CIMBEBYwEg&Usg=AFQjCNHXPrZZg0JU3O4yTGjWbijon1Q8OA This is an invalid URL, and more specifically, those query strings seem to be referrer queries from Google themselves: &Sa=U&Ei=xs-XVJzAA9T_YQSMgIHQCw&Ved=0CIMBEBYwEg&Usg=AFQjCNHXPrZZg0JU3O4yTGjWbijon1Q8OA Here's the above example indexed in Google:"AFQjCNHXPrZZg0JU3O4yTGjWbijon1Q8OA" Does anyone have any advice on those 2 errors?

    | localdirectories

  • How do we safely show logged-in members/Google one type of content on a page and logged out/non-members another kind of content without getting slammed for cloaking? Right now we do this thing where we show Google everything on the page, but new visitors partial forum comments with the pitch to sign up and see full comments. So far, we have not gotten into trouble for this. The new idea is to show non-members a lot of marketing messages and one kind of navigation and then once they sign up and are logged in, show different or no marketing messages and a different kind of navigation. How do we stay out of trouble with this? Where is the cloaking line drawn? It's got me kinda nervous. Thanks... Darcy

    | 94501

  • Hi guys, this type of question has been asked a few times before but I couldn't find something that told me what i need so apologies if its a tad repetitive. I use Magento, and have several pages using its CMS. However, it produces 2 URLS for each page with a simple /. For example, I know google treats this as 2 separate pages, which would be the better solution. 1. Write a URL re-write for every CMS page
    RewriteRule ^hire$ [R=301,L] (Is this right?) 2. Write a general rewrite rule to always add the /
    No idea where to begin with this 3. Add a Canonical tag to the page which i think is possible in magento by adding this to the Custom Design Layout XML option in the page CMS. <action method="addLinkRel"></action> <rel>canonical</rel> <href></href> This would make the /hire/ page self-reference and the /hire page reference the /hire/ page I think. Which one of these solutions is the best and any pointers with the coding would be grand.

    | ATP

  • Hi - I'm working with a utility company that's produced a calculator for individual households. When you go to their website and type in your address, various household info is pulled across (from various databases) and a calculation is generated on electricity costs/savings per month - the only unique content on each page = numbers. Beyond that, the content on each page is a template. There is actually a unique URL for each household (when you click on your property name a unique results page is generated). I'm worried about thin content penalties - is the best option to nofollow noindex these individual household pages (99% of the site!)???

    | McTaggart

  • Hello Mozzers, I was looking at my homepage and subsequent category landing pages on my on my eCommerce site and wondered whether I have to many internal links which could in effect be diluting link juice to much of the pages I need it to flow. My homepage has 266 links of which 114 (43%) are duplicate links which seems a bit to much to me. One of my major competitors who is a national company has just launched a new site design and they are only showing popular categories on their home page although all categories are accessible from the menu navigation. They only have 123 links on their home page. I am wondering whether If I was to not show every category on my homepage as some of them we don't really have any sales from and only concerntrate on popular ones there like my competitors , then the link juice flowing downwards in the site would be concerntated as I would have less links for them to flow ?... Is that basically how it works ? Is there any negatives with regards to duplicate links on either home or category landing page. We are showing both the categories as visual boxes to select and they are also as selectable links on the left of a page ? Just wondered how duplicate links would be treated? Any thoughts greatly appreciated thanks Pete

    | PeteC12

  • Hi Moz Fan, I have a few question that confuse by now, According to my website used wordpress for create a blog. 
    but now i have got duplicate page title from wordpress blog and very weird because these duplicate 
    page title look like these term Lamborghini ASK Hanuman Club < title that was duplicate but they duplicate with the page like this 
    articles/13-วิธีง่ายๆ-เป็น-คนรวย-ได้/lamborghini-2/ , /articles/13-วิธีง่ายๆ-เป็น-คนรวย-ได้/lamborghini/ I don't know why Worpress create a new page that only have 1 pics, So I think that might be the effect 
    from Wordpress PHP Code Or wrong setting. Can anyone suggestion what should we do for these issues ?
    because i have many duplicate page title from this case.


  • Hi SEO's! I've been checking out webmaster tools (screenshot attached) and noticed that we're getting loads of long tail searches around a search query 'arterial and venous leg ulcers' - on a side note we're a nursing organisation so excuse the content of the search!!! The trouble is that google is indexing a PDF page which we give out as a freebie: This PDF is a couple of years old and needs updating but its got a few links pointing to it. Ok so down to the nitty gritty, we've just launched a blog: We have a whole wound care category in which this content belongs, and i'm trying to find the best way to take advantage of the search, so I was thinking: Create an article of about 1000 words Update the PDF and re-upload it to the main domain (not the sub domain Attach the PDF to the article on the blog OR would it be better to host this on the blog, and setup a 301 redirect to this page? I just need some advice on how best to take advantage of this opportunity, our blog isn't getting much search traffic at the moment (despite having 300+ articles!!) and i'm looking into how we can change that. I look forward to your response and suggestions. Thanks! qtY64B1

    | 9868john

  • Hi We have a robots.txt file, but do I need to create a separate file for the or can I just add the line into my normal robots file. Ive just read the Google Guidelines (what a great read it was) and couldn't find my answer. Thanks in Advance Andy

    | Andy-Halliday

  • Hello, On one of the sites that I manage - , there was a significant decrease in keyword positions over the last 10-15 days. Sample screenshot is attached. Some of the keywords even dropped for 17-18 positions. From the end of April, organic traffic dropped by 30 percent. Website is mobile optimized, so that shouldn't be a problem. In the last 3-4 months, we had traffic increase. Domain authority went up by 3 points after the last index. On-site SEO was completed, and currently I'm focusing on link-building and working on bringing back to life forgotten social media. Does anybody knows what might be the case for this negative affects on our site? Do you think it's a temporary fluctuation or not? Thanks in advance. 8dSBELm.png?1

    | socrateskirtsios

  • Dear Mozzers, We have an ecommerce website (, we want to rank the homepage for the keyword "pashmina". Problem is, we are nowhere to be found, not even in the top 100 search results of Google. It is indexed, we have no crawl errors, except that we had some problems with our hosting (503's), the crawler of Google bumped in a few of those. And we are fixing it. Our other pages, e.g. ( ranks for "white pashminas" 24th and "white cashmere pashminas" 23rd. We have done no linkbuilding, in Majestic, you can check that. We have been offline for a long time (over 6 months) and about 3 weeks ago, we did a redesign (SEO). We relaunched, everything is looking fine except the homepage isn't ranking for the main keyword. Could you guys check it out? Is it over-optimization? It can't be Penguin, Panda would be a surprise too. Or do we still have to wait for the monthly Panda data-refresh? We are currently busy with this issue, once this is solved - that the homepage is ranking - we will start linkbuilding. Mr.1000

    | Mr.1000

  • Hi, We are working on a product page for bespoke camper vans: . At the moment there is only one page but we are planning add similar pages for other brands of camper vans. Each page will receive its specifically targeted content however the 'Model choice' cart at the bottom (giving you the choice to select the internal structure of the van) will remain the same across all pages. Will this be considered as duplicate content? And if this is a case, what would be the ideal solution to limit penalty risk: A rel canonical tag seems wrong for this, as there is no original item as such. Would an iFrame around the 'model choice' enable us to isolate the content from being indexed at the same time than the page? Thanks, Celine

    | A_Q

  • How can we resolve pages with duplicate page content? With and without www?
    Thanks in advance.

    | directiq

  • Hi I operate in a highly competitive niche of "sell house fast" in UK. Sites that are in top 1-3 tend to have thousands of links.  Some of these are spammy type links.  These sites have Domain Authority too. My site has good content and is listed with around 12 well known directories.  I have been building back-links manually over the last 3-4 months. The SEO agency we are looking to work with are claiming they can get my website to first page with above keyword. How would you go about this strategy? What questions would you ask SEO agency? What elements can do I myself?  By the way, I am good at producing content!

    | propertysaviour

  • Hi, I have a blog, I want to send my blog to Google news with the plugin "Yoast news".
    If I'll change the meta-title and ill keep the title of the post as is, for example:
    Meta-title (yoast) - TEXT for Search engines | My Brand name
    Post tilte - for users - TExT For Users and BlaBla there is a problem? the title of the page and the title of the meta should be same for Google NEWS?

    | JohnPalmer

  • Hi,Would love to hear different experiences and thoughts on this one. We have a site that is plagued with 404's in the Webmaster Tools. A significant number of them have never existed, for instance affiliates have linked to them with the wrong URL or scraper sites have linked to them with a truncated version of the URL and an ellipsis eg; /my-nonexistent... What's the best way to handle these? If we do nothing and mark as fixed, they reappear in the broken links report. If we 301 redirect and mark as fixed they reappear. We tried 410 (gone forever) and marking as fixed; they re-appeared. We have a lot of legacy broken links and we would really like to clean up our WMT broken link profile - does anyone know of a way we can make these links to non extistent pages disappear once and for all? Many thanks in advance!

    | dancape

  • Hi All, Hope everyone is well.  I have a hypothetical and would love some experts advice. For a product like a corporate credit card what's the best URL structure to get the most out of SEO. Assuming the Page Title is Corporate Credit Card (unless this isnt the best idea? However the product is called the "corporate credit card" ).  The reason this is trickier than I thought is because they say the rule of thumb is to use the plural of everything for best SEO.  However I have pluralized the sub page "credit cards". 2) 3) If someone were to search for corporate credit cards would option 1&2 show up correctly? Would moz rank this as an "F" ? Thanks everyone! Dave

    | CFCU

  • Hi just a quick one, I have a client which owns has its main website in one domain and its blog in a complete different domain, although there are plans of moving the blog to a sub folder /blog etc we can't do it in the immediate future due to internal complications. What's is the best practise to do this ? Rel-publiser I think its related to google plus is this a good way to do it? Thanks Nico

    | niclaus78

  • Hi, We run an online beauty ecommerce store and recently acquired one of our competitors.  Their site runs on magento also, and they sell 70% the same product as us.  We plan to merge the new site into our existing magento install but keep both sites looking exactly as they do now with different themes, different product names, product descriptions, product prices, category structures etc.  In theory the customer would have no idea both sites from the same magento, they will look just as they do now. My question is, will google possibly slap the SERP's of either sites because we have combined them onto the same server and same magento install, even though nothing on either site actually changed on the front end. Both sites already have the same ownership information on the domain WHOIS, and a quick company search would reveal that we legally own both businesses under the same company.  So it's not something we are trying to hide, we are open about it, and plan to continue running both sites long term, with each site being targeted to a slightly difference audience, with 30% different products at different price points. Has anyone done this before?  Was there any SEO risks or SERP drops? Would love some advice on this matter before we make the move, the possible blow back is way too massive to do it without firm advice saying the risk is very low. Brad.

    | rec123

  • Hello all, I have a small, older ecommerce site. It has been around since 2002. It ranked very well until a few years ago. It currently does rank for some terms, but not many. (I am trying to say that it is not completely off the map.) Our domain authority is 36. Our Spam Score in Open Site Explorer is a 2/10. We received a notice in GWT in May 2013 re: unnatural links. That notice has since cleared from our account. I assume that it has expired. We were working with an SEO consultant when we received the notice from Google in 2013. He started working on cleaning up our link profile at that point. He submitted a disavowal file to Google with all of the domains that he was not able to get cleaned up manually. He kept working and updated the file again in June 2014. He told me that we did not have to file a reconsideration request. He did find that an SEO company that I hired in the past had gotten me a lot of spammy links. We got these taken down. There are still some spammy links that seem to keep cropping up. I have started going through Open Site Explorer to again contact some of these spammy sites to ask them to take our links down. Of course, the emails immediately bounce back to me. I am documenting everything. I feel like I am in a hole and can't dig out. What am a doing wrong? Should I disavow again? Should we have filed a reconsideration request a year or two ago? At this point, is it too late to do so as the penalty no longer shows up in my GWT account? How should I proceed? I prefer not to post my URL, but I would be happy to PM it to anyone who can offer advice. Thanks in advance. Melissa

    | pajamalady

  • I just linked a Google Webmaster Tools account to Google Analytics for a client, and Search Engine Optimization reports are showing up in Google Analytics as enabled, but there is zero keyword data, landing page data, etc., in the reports themselves. Has anyone encountered this?

    | yoursearchteam

  • Hi there We pushed a new version of our website live more than 6 months ago. So far, none of the images that are in the product gallery on this page are appearing in the Google Images SERPS (I tested this by searching Google Images for ""). I understand that the gallery uses Javascript, so Googlebot doesn't see the image files in the HTML, but in Webmaster Tools, if I "fetch as Google" with rendering, this suggests that Googlebot does see the gallery images. My website developer tried adding an image sitemap about two weeks ago, which is being indexed, but so far this hasn't made any difference. Any suggestions on what needs to be done for these gallery images to start appearing in Google Images SERPS? Many thanks!

    | TimIngle

  • Hello all, I've been talking with an SEO expert who convinced me to add more keywords to my titles of a section of our site which is updated with products daily. I can see the logic and I do prefer having these additional keywords. The problem now is in Moz it says we have over 2,000 pages with title elements that are too long, which is true they are all over the 70 character limit. Is this a problem SEO wise? Speaking to our SEO expert they said it's not ideal from a user point of view as you can't see the full title, but are we going to be upsetting Google by having 150+ character titles? Thanks!

    | HB17

  • Our website is struggling to generate organic traffic over the past few months and we're lost as to why. It's a relatively new site. It's mobile friendly, all products have meta descriptions and product images have alt tags. Content is added regularly. Site speed could be better and alt tags need to be added to images on the blog but other than that we're stumped. Does anyone have any suggestions?

    | Johnny_AppleSeed

  • Hi There, Suppose if a website published an article in 2014 and that article got indexed after few days as Google normally do. If we give backlink from article published in 2014 to recently published website, Is there issue if backlink given? or  If the article contented updated first and then backlink is given, that would be the correct way? because updated content will re-index and at the time of re-indexing backlink will be fount by Google bot. Rajiv

    | gamesecure

  • Hello everyone, We have implemented canonical tag on our website: For e.g. on we added canonical as (as it showcase all products) Our default page is Is canonical tag implementation right? Or we need to add any other URL. Please suggest

    | Obbserv

  • Has somebody any experience (pros or cons) to using utf-8 symbols in the Title or in the Meta Description tags?
    Expedia uses it: 74ofrv

    | Yosef

  • I've gone through all the points on but the site only ranks for its brand name after months. The website is not ranking in the top 100 for any main keywords (2,3,4 word phrases), only for a handful of very long phrases (4+). All of the content is unique, all pages are indexed, the website is fast and doesn't contain any crawl errors and there are a couple of links pointing to it. There is a sitewide follow link in the footer pointing to another domain, its parent company and vice-versa. This is not done for any SEO reasons but the companies are related and also the products are supplementary of each other. Could this be an issue? Or is my site being penalized by something else?

    | Robbern

  • Hi,
    1. I just read this article:
    Google want the same title. no problem. but what about the brand? for example
    The "post title bla blu" is the H1 and title of the article and | My Brand is my brand...
    I can keep it as is with the My brand? or remove it? what about posts with long title for example "POST TITLE BLA BLU POST TITLE BLA BLU | My Brand"
    What is you suggestion, I know Google doesn't show all the text and we'll see "...". it's still important to write the brand name in the title or just the post title? (without the brand). Thanks,

    | JohnPalmer

  • Assuming you've already got a link from: (Moz domain rank 55, Moz page rank 30) You have two choices for another link: 1. Another link on the same domain but a new page: (Moz domain rank 55, Moz page rank 30) 2. A link on a new domain but with a lesser domain & page rank (Moz domain rank 30, Moz page rank 20) Assuming you have no other links to your site - both sites are relevant to your industry, both 5 years old, both have the same number of visitors/external links/ads and the content and anchor text remains the same. Which will have a bigger impact on SERP movements? Sam


  • Hi All,
    new question about my blog: in my posts title I have to add the brand? for example -
    The title of the post | My Brand name
    Or just the title without the brand? Because my post title too long and I know that Google show only the 60 characters. so it will show like this:
    The long title of my post | My Brand n... (just for example) is it okay? or for 100% optimization I have to keep it 60 Characters and no more. What do you think? Is it bad for my brand? good?

    | JohnPalmer

  • Hi, I recently made two big changes to a site - (not smart, I know).  First, I changed from Weebly to Wordpress (WP Engine hosting with CDN + Cloudflare - is that overkill?) and I added SSL (http to https).  From a technical perspective, I think I made a better site: (1) blazing fast, (2) mobile responsive, (3) more secure. I'm seeing the rankings fluctuate quite a bit, especially on the important keywords.  I added SSL to my other sites, and saw no rankings change (they actually all went up slightly). I'm wondering if anyone has had experience going to SSL and can give me feedback on something I might have overlooked.  Again, it's strange that all the other sites responded positively, but the one listed above is going in the opposite direction.  Maybe there are other problems, and the SSL is just a coincidence.  Any feedback would be appreciated. I followed this guide: - which helped tremendously (FYI).

    | mrodriguez1440

  • Hi All, We are a UK Company with Uk customers only and use CloudFlare CND. Our Site is hosted by a UK company with servers here but from looking online and checking where my site is hosted etc etc , some sites are telling me the name of our UK Hosted company and other sites are telling me my site is hosted in San Fran (USA) , where I presume the Cloudflare is based. I know Cloudflare has a couple of servers in the UK it uses but given all my customers are UK based ,I don't want this is affect rankings etc , as I thought it was a ranking benefit to be hosted in the country you are based. Is there any issue with this and should I change or is google clever enough to know so i shouldn't worry. thanks Pet

    | PeteC12

  • I am looking to migrate my current site to Siteground so I was having a chat with the operator who is telling me that if I was to sign up a new hosting plan I would get additional SEO benefits.. can anyone confirm or deny this? Also while on the question, do certain domain/hosting providers offer better SEO/SERP rankings and if they do can anyone recommend any in Australia in Particular? The domain is a website Transcript: me: i have a website that is registered at crazydomains and Wordpress files hosted on my friends server... what would I need to do to have the domain/hosting transfered to SG?
    Siteground Operator:.: Let me take a look at the website and I will provide you with a solution 🙂
    me: thx
    Siteground Operator:.: In this case you have two choices, you can either host it on your current plan or create a new one just for it
    Siteground Operator:.: Getting a new plan will be a better choice in terms of SEO and performance
    Siteground Operator:.: But you can run it on your current GrowBig as well
    me: why will taht give it better SEO?
    Siteground Operator:.: Because it will have its own cPanel and it will be a primary domain for it, instead of having it setup as an addon
    me: How does Google know what the primary or secondary domain on my hosting plan?
    Siteground Operator:.: It doest, as your file location will be
    Siteground Operator:.: Compared to if you put it in its own hosting plan
    me: So im struggling to understand how this affects my SEO?
    Siteground Operator:.: SERP is based on a couple of things, one of which is domain authority (DO). This tends to be a lot harder to build up with addon domains compared to domains hosted in their own plans.
    Siteground Operator:.: Additionally, you will have 2 sites under a single IP address which is not the optimal solution you want to get
    me: What would need to be done as far as transfering the WP installation/files/databse etc
    Siteground Operator:.: As its stored on a local host you will have to upload a backup copy of your files and db on our server and we will configure it for you.
    System: me has ended the chat

    | IsaCleanse

  • An energy company I'm working with has decided to target 20,000 odd companies on their own b2b website, by producing a new dedicated page per target company on their website - each page including unique copy and a sales proposition (20,000 odd new pages to optimize! Yikes!). I've never come across such an approach before... what might be the SEO pitfalls (other than that's a helluva number of pages to optimize!). Any thoughts would be very welcome.

    | McTaggart

  • Hi all, I run a travel site that specializes in hotel bookings. We're working with a third-party advertiser to launch a pop-under unit when someone searches for hotels on our site. (This unit is of the "also try your search on these competing sites" variety.) I'm worried, however, that this might affect our SEO, especially in light of this on their site: Would Google even see these pop-unders? (Are pop-unders treated the same as pop-overs?) And, if so, would G see them as unwanted and treat them as a nuisance? Could it lead to negative SEO consequences? Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks! Tom

    | TomNYC

  • Hi, was hit badly by one of Google's algorithm updates due to some prior poor seo (by another company). We took this client on and followed all of Google's guidelines and after a lot of work, managed to lift the penalty. It's been almost a year since the penalty was lifted, but it seems to be impossible to get this website ranking for 'Dentist Glasgow', they are currently page 4 in the SERPs! They have 33 Google reviews, we've built good quality links and citations, they have a 'Grade A' for on page optimisation in moz, we are also about to make the website responsive due to the recent mobilegeddon update. Do you have any further suggestions to help get this website ranking? Thanks in advance, Faye

    | dentaldesign

  • Hi all Hoping this might be something that can be answered given the number of variables 🙂 
    My main site is (Obviously targeted to Australian Market) and also targeted to NZ. The main Keywords im targeting are 'Isagenix' for both and also Isagenix Australia, Isagenix Perth, Sydney (Australian cities) and Isagenix NZ, Isagenix New Zealand, Isagenix Auckland etc.. for NZ The Australian site gets a lot more traffic and Australian market gets a lot more searches - I also have a section on the Australian site. The question is am I best off redirrecting the domain completley to the Australian Domain to give it extra SEO Juice?

    | IsaCleanse

  • Hi All, We made our Website mobile responsive well in advance of the recent mobile algorithm changes . We only have a couple of pages with minor errors but yet our mobile rankings have not improved that much (maybe 1 place) and in alot of cases, we rank higher on desktop than we do on mobile for the same term etc. No the ranking boost is minimal at best and worse in many cases. I have checked our site on google mobile test and we are mobile friendly and on page speed test our mobile site is 99/100 user experience etc. Just wondered if anyone else has found the same ? thanks Pete

    | PeteC12

  • Hi Guys: I have 3 top level domains, basically - I can see that my website is ranking in another country (USA) for my keyword - however the domain name that is showing up for the USA search is correct, but the meta tag description is incorrect, this meta tag description is for the NZ domain - not the USA domain.   I have updated the hreflang tags, when i submit my new sitemap how long does it take google to update the meta tag description? new

    | edward-may

  • Just working with a company that has chosen a home URL with /home latched on - very strange indeed - has anybody else comes across this kind of homepage URL "decision" in the past? I can't see why on earth anybody would do this! Perhaps simply a logic-defying decision?

    | McTaggart

  • Hi, We are currently working on a single page ember.js website which compares LED light bulbs (seriously...) the site is the problem in question is we are using both rel=next/prev as well as cononical and wondering what affect this would have? all the canonical reference themselves I think, and are also present on the product pages. Our google impressions have dropped recently as well, so we are wondering wether or not this is having a negative affect in regards to how well google wants to play with us. Any ideas?

    | TrueluxGroup

  • Hello Everyone, We have a website Recently, we have received manual action from Google says "Pages on this site appear to use aggressive spam techniques such as automatically generated gibberish, cloaking, scraping content from other websites, and/or repeated or egregious violations of Google’s Webmaster Guidelines." . Google has given an example The nature of the business of is to creating sub-domains (website builder). Anyone can register and create sub-domains. My questions are: What are the best practices in case if someone is creating sub-domain for How can I revoke my website from this penalty? What should i do with other hundreds of sub-domains those are already created by third party like . Why these type of issues don't come with WordPress or weebly. ? Regards, Ruchi

    | RuchiPardal

  • Hi All, We are currently writing some "How to do" articles on our tool hire website and as there is alot of DIY related you tube videos out there, we thought It would be good to link to some of these at the bottom of our articles. From an SEO perspective, is there any do's and don'ts with regards how we should implement this. We are unable to do our videos so linking to others would be our preferred option. Does anyone know if this would give an SEO ranking benefit even though it's an outbound link to someone's video etc. thanks Pete

    | PeteC12

  • I posted this topic last night,  about issues I am having with a client's images falling out of index because they have a CDN now. So I have come up with a work around, but it might be considered cloaking and I am not sure. A month ago we changed over to using a CDN and the images started falling out of the index after that. Currently when you land on a page the images are served from What I am thinking about doing is detecting Google Bot and when Google Bot crawls the site serve images from The images will be the exact same images as served from the CDN so it is not a content switcharoo thing. It is just to try to get the images back in the index. So would this be considered cloaking in your opinion?

    | LesleyPaone

  • Over the last few weeks I have been focused on fixing high and medium priority issues, as reported by the Moz crawler, after a recent transition to WordPress. I've made great progress, getting the high priority issues down from several hundred (various reasons, but many duplicates for things like non-www and www versions) to just five last week. And then there's this weeks report. For reasons I can't fathom, I am suddenly getting hundreds of duplicate content pages of the form http://blog.<domain>.com</domain> (being duplicates with the http://www.<domain>.com</domain> versions). I'm really unclear on why these suddenly appeared. I host my own WordPress site ie stuff. In Options / General everything refers to http://www.<domain>.com</domain> and has done for a number of weeks. I have no idea why the blog versions of the pages have suddenly appeared. FWIW, the non-www version of my pages still redirect to the www version, as I would expect. I'm obviously pretty concerned by this so any pointers greatly appreciated. Thanks. Mark

    | MarkWill

  • Hi All, We use on most of our eCommerce website apart from on our "latest news/blog section" which we have all our how to's ...and other useful articles on . Am I missing a trick here ?.. I have found there is a  which I guess we could implement if it's a big help or if there's a better one ? Just wondered peoples thought as whether it is must have from an SEO/ranking point of view thanks Pete

    | PeteC12

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