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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • I am working on adding more content to the site (content marketing, trying to attract natural links), and this includes a blog. On-site optimization will be done based on good keyword research, and after that I will be working on link building for the site. I will pull backlink data of competing best performing dating websites, google-wise, and try to get some links from there. What other link building strategies / techniques could be good for this? Thanks.

    | blrs12

  • I have a client that would like me to support them with SEO on a site. I was hoping to get some feedback from the community to see if there were people who had experience int he following areas: Supporting the day to day operation of a WiX site?  Specifically are there any issues I need to watch out for or be aware of if I choose to support this site? From and SEO perspective is this platform OK or are there some issues I need to be made aware of? I would sincerely appreciate any input or comments on this platform.

    | Ron_McCabe

  • Hey there awesome people of Moz I have this site that has many languages in it. The main language is English and my developer did the following ( is the main site ) which redirects with a 301 to if your geo location is supported by our languages then you will automatically be redirected to whatever language you have in your country but does the first language with is english have to 301 redirect to ? I thought that the right way is to just leave /en at the root file. Thanks in advance

    | Angelos_Savvaidis

  • Hello, for sometime now we have URLs showing up in Google webmaster saying these are 404 errors but don't exist on our website.......but also never have? Heres an example cosmetic-dentistry/28yearold-southport-dentist-wins-best-young-dentist-award/801530293 The root being this Really confused about this? We have recently made our website wordpress? Thanks Ade

    | popcreativeltd

  • I have ppc landing pages that are similar to my seo page. The pages are shorter with less text with a focus on converting visitors further along in the purchase cycle. My questions are: 1. Is there a benefit for having the orphan ppc pages indexed or should I no index them? 2. If indexing does provide benefits, should I create links from my site to the ppc pages or should I just submit them in a sitemap? 3. If indexed, should I use rel="canonical" and point the ppc versions to the appropriate organic page? Thanks,

    | BrandExpSteve

  • We're about to roll out a mobile site. The mobile and desktop URLs are the same.  User Agent determines whether you see the desktop or mobile version of the site.  At the bottom of the page is a 'View Desktop Site' link that will present the desktop version of the site to mobile user agents when clicked. I'm concerned that when the mobile crawler crawls our site it will crawl both our entire mobile site, then click 'View Desktop Site' and crawl our entire desktop site as well.  Since mobile and desktop URLs are the same, the mobile crawler will end up crawling both mobile and desktop versions of each URL.  Any tips on what we can do to make sure the mobile crawler either doesn't access the desktop site, or that we can let it know what is the mobile version of the page? We could simply not show the 'View Desktop Site' to the mobile crawler, but I'm interested to hear if others have encountered this issue and have any other recommended ways for handling it.  Thanks!

    | merch_zzounds

  • I was just curious about any potential side effects of a client Basically utilizing a catch-all solution through the use of a spider for generating their XML Sitemap and then disallowing some of the directories in the XML sitemap in the robots.txt. i.e.
    XML contains 500 URLs
    50 URLs contain /dirw/
    I don't want anything with /dirw/ indexed just because they are fairly useless.  No content, one image. They utilize the robots.txt file to " disallow: /dirw/ " Lets say they do this for maybe 3 separate directories making up roughly 30% of the URL's in the XML sitemap. I am just advising they re-do the sitemaps because that shouldn't be too dificult but I am curious about the actual ramifications of this other than "it isn't a clear and concise indication to the SE and therefore should be made such" if there are any. Thanks!

    | DRSearchEngOpt

  • Interested in getting some opinions of best practices for large dynamic sites? My main question is, should we be focusing on a different "strategy" if we have a similar type site or does the same principles still apply? Second question is would building a blog presence in our community be a better strategy than trying to get our dynamic pages to rank? If there is a great step by step or white paper resource anyone could recommend, would be greatly appreciated, as our technical team is just diving into SEO. If anyone cares to take a look, our site is

    | Blake_Davis

  • Google WMT recently found and called out a large number of old unpublished pages as access denied errors. The pages are tagged "noindex, follow."  These old pages are in Google's index. At this point, would it better to 301 all these pages or submit an index removal request or what? Thanks... Darcy

    | 94501

  • Hi We have an ecommerce site where we have some returns/scratch /dented products identical to the original one. The onpage content of the damaged/original is pretty much identical with the damaged just having a describing the damage. I had wanted to make a canonical tag on the damaged product to the original so it would not be a problem of duplicate content but as it is a volusion site we dont have that option - it only canonicalizes back to itself! Any ideas what else I can do - cant really change the content much and I dont really want to deindex it so people find it? Thanks!

    | henya

  • A client i'm working with is desperate to rank top for the term 'wholesale jewellery' (it's a UK company and that's the UK spelling). He previously held the top spot but got hit with a penalty and is now bottom of page 1. So far nothing I have done has had much of an impact despite this being a relatively low competition term.  We've fluctuated around the first page for the last few months but the highest we got was 4th before dropping again. The site's domain authority is on par with the site ranking top (who have no content to speak of) and is superior to most other sites on the first page.  The site also has similar social metrics to the top ranking site and superior to most others on the first page. I've focused on building fewer good quality links and some of them have been excellent - DA 80+ and yet, still no movement. On-page optimisation is spot on as well. A couple of things I have spotted that might be having an impact: -my client's site has a .com domain where most others have -most sites on the first page have either jewellery, wholesale or both in their domain names -relevance of linking istes could be playing a part here. My client has links from wholesale sites but few from jewellery-related sites -within my client's link profile there are very few, if any exact anchor text links for the term 'wholesale jewellery' -legacy of a penalty could be making ranking progress that much more difficult? I'd appreciate your input because I've hit a brick wall. The site is

    | shr109

  • It occurs to me that a malicious program could set up thousands of links to dummy pages on a website: etc.. How is this normally handled?  Does a developer have to look at all the parameters to see if they are valid and if not, automatically create a 301 redirect or 404 not found? This requires a table lookup of acceptable url parameters for all new visitors. I was thinking that bad url names would be rare so it would be ok to just stop the program with a message, until I realized someone could intentionally set up links to non existent pages on a site.

    | friendoffood

  • I have an online party store and when I search for broad industry terms: (party supplies & party decorations) I notice that one of my category pages outranks the homepage.  The homepage's Page Authority is better and more external links pointing to the homepage.  Is there s technical SEO problem?  Why would a category page outrank the homepage?

    | PartyStore

  • My company is working on creating destination guides for families exploring where to go on their next vacation. We've been creating and promoting content on our blog for quite some time in preparation for the map-based discovery. The UX people in my company are pushing for design/functionality similar to: From a user perspective, we all love this, but I'm the SEO guy and I'm having a hard time figuring out the best way to guide my team regarding getting readers to the actual blog article from the left content area. The way they want to do it is to have the content displayed overtop the map when someone clicks on a pin. Great, but there's no way for me to optimize the map for every article. After all, if we have an article about best places to snorkel on Maui, I want Google to direct people to the blog article specific to that search term because that page is the authority on that subject. Additionally, the map page itself will have no original content because it will be pulling all the blog content from other URLS, which will get no visitors if people read on the map. We also want people, when they find an article they like, to be able to copy a URL to share. If the article is housed on the map page, the URL will be ugly and long (not SEO friendly) based on parameters from the filters the visitor used to drill down to that article. So I don't think I can simply optimize the map filtered-URL. Can I? The others on my team do not want visitors to ping pong back and forth between map and article and would prefer people stay on the discovery map. We did have a thought that we'd give people an option to click a link to read the article off the map but I doubt people will do it which means that page will never been visited, thus crushing it's page rank. so questions: How can i pass link juice/SEO love from the map page to the actual blog article while keeping the user on the map? Does google pass that juice if you use Iframes? What about doing ajax calls? Anyone have experience doing this? Am I making a mountain out of a molehill? Should I trust that if I create good content, good UX and allow people to explore how they prefer, Google will give me the love? Help me Rand Fishkin, you're my only hope!

    | Vacatia_SEO

  • Good Morning, I was wondering if some one could clarify the best way to write a title tag for local SEO. 1.) "Pet Store in Boston, MA" or 2.) "Boston, MA Pet Store" Thank!

    | Charles_Murdock

  • Hi, My website is showing up in Google but this page is not : I cannot figure it out why. I submitted in manually to be crawled and it showed up for a day or two and then it disappeared again.  The website is not copy pasted, it has unique content.

    | leokadiarapczynska

  • Our site has lots of unique content and photos and it is constantly being scraped and posted on other websites. Most of these are no-name sites that pop up and exist for adwords revenue. Aside from the fact that we don't want our content being copied, this is an SEO nightmare because they often link back to us from pages that are stuffed with keywords and have very low domain authority (it's a form of negative SEO). My question is: Does anyone have experience with fighting this phenonmenon? What have you done that is effective? Does anyone have experience with a service such as ? Does it work/is it worth it? Any input is appreciated!

    | YairSpolter

  • Howdy folks, I've got a website that is roughly 3 months old. I created it as a naked URL as I often prefer the look but I've noticed that a lot of my competition has www and also some of my clients seem to prefer it as well. I feel like switching it to www will be of long-term benefit for my site. The problem is that I currently have several pages with first page rankings and a backlinks. I am wondering what the negative effects of switching it to www would be, and how I can minimize any issues. I am guessing I should do a redirect, and I have access to some of the backlinks so I can change those as well, but is there anything else? Thoughts? I appreciate the feedback!

    | jameswesleyhunt

  • I am wondering what is the best practice regarding blogs? I read that it would be best to structure a website like a pyramide instead of a flat panckage But I have seen many blogs where the post shows right after the domain name. instead of Domains/blog/postname My point is that if a website has many post then the structure will get very flat and this will maybe make your most optimized and important pages less important to google a) What do you think about this, which one of the two blog solutions do you prefer and why? b) in context to blog If for instance you had a keyword like Copenhagen property would you then consider renaming your blog to c) Would write a little intro like 200 words for the page 1 of your blog and add in some keywords.

    | nm1977

  • HOW TO DO RECOVERY AUTHORITY OF OLD DOMAIN NAME? I got some advise on this in another post here on MOZ based on this i need a few answers TO SUMMERIZE**:****.** My client got some REALLY bad advice when they got their new website. So they ended up changing the domain name and just redirecting everything from the old domain and old website to the front page of the new domain and new website. As the new domain not optimized for SEO they of cause now are not ranking on anything in Google anymore. QUESTION 1 According to my client, they use to rank well on keywords for the old domain and get a lot of organic traffic. They don’t have access to their old google analytics account, and don’t have any reports on their rankings. Can anyone suggestions how I can find out what keywords they were ranking on? QUESTION 2 I will change the domain name back to the old domnain name (the client actually prefer the old domain name) But how to get back most possible page authority: For information titles, descriptions, content has all been rewritten. A - Redirect I will try to match the old urls with the new ones. B - Recreate site structure Make the URL structure of the new website look like the old URL structure Etc. the old structure use to be like    (old)  (new) Or (old) (new) does the html in the old urls need any attention when recreating the permalinks in the new websites. Look forward to hear your thoughts on this, thanks!

    | nm1977

  • Hi I am trying to crawl my site and it keeps crashing. My sys admins keeps upgrading the virtual box it sits on and it now currently has 8GB of memory, but still crashes. It gets to around 200k pages crawl and dies. Any tips on how I can crawl my whole site, can u use screaming frog to crawl part of a site. Thanks in advance for any tips. Andy

    | Andy-Halliday

  • Hi, I have this site: We did a 301 from the old site: to the one above. It's been several weeks now and Google has indexed the new site, but still pulls the old one on search terms like: Los Angeles divorce lawyer. I'm curious, does anyone have experience with this?  How long does it take for Google to remove the old site and start serving the new one as a search result?  Any ideas or tips would be appreciated. Thanks.

    | mrodriguez1440

  • I'm after some advice. I've dropped 1 million pageviews in the last 30 days after a website relaunch a few weeks ago, and my revenue is a quarter of what it was, which is a massive worry. After 12 years of hard work and a much anticipated upgrade, it's been a nightmare. There were so many problems with the changeover that should have been done, but I have been fixing the aftermath up like crazy since then and nothing seems to be improving. I just want to know if there are any glaring issues I have missed that I can focus on. I have been working on ridiculous stuff like duplicate content from multiple imports (301 redirects and removing the dupes from google) and so much more. Feels like a bomb and I am stuck underneath it. Website is Thanks in advance.

    | BellyBellyKelly

  • I wanto to be in the top of the google search. I am usiing a lot of SEO tools but... I have done it  during one month. Do I have to wait more?

    | CarlosZambrana

  • One site that I'm working on has previously had a great deal of success from the pdf preview content on the site. The pdf previews are quite substantial and rank for many many long-tail terms that drive a reasonable amount of traffic back to the site to purchase the full version of the product. As part of a site redesign, the way the pdf previews are embedded/presented on the page is changing slightly: The proposed modal pop-up on the new site the code looks like thie: <object data="my-pdf-preview.pdf" type="application/pdf" style="width:100%; min-height:600px; max-height:100%;max-height:100%;"><embed src="my-pdf-preview.pdf" type="application/pdf"></object> Where as the old code looked like this: <object data="mt-pdf-previewpreview.pdf#view=FitH,50&scrollbar=1&toolbar=0&statusbar=0&messages=0&navpanes=0" <br="">type='application/pdf'
    height='600'> It appears your Web browser is not configured to display PDF files. No worries, you can download the PDF file here.</object> Note: how previously the code contained a plain, standard link to the pdf document. My worry is that without this link, search engines won't a) be able to discover/crawl the pdf content or b) pass any link-equity to these pdfs. Does anyone have any experience/recommendations about this? I'd like to have some information before I request that they add a plain link to the pdf previews back onto the on-page content.

    | DougRoberts

  • I have a strange situation and looking for advice on how well a permanent redirect of url will work. I have an eCommerce site called This site sells TWP Deck stain and the URL/Content is fully owned by me. We do not however own the TWP brand and have always operated with permission from the manufacturer as an Authorized dealer. Circumstance have come up where they now want to be in control of all URLS that have the name "TWP" in them. Not sure if they legally can do this but they can cut me off with product if I do not comply. My options are: 1. A permanent redirect of entire site to new URL that does not have the word "TWP" in the url. 2. Give them the URL but they are willing to have me use the URL as I have in the past. A contract for this would be drawn up to cover me for years to come and possibly offer compensation if they decide not to renew. My concerns are numerous but the question for the Moz community is to how well the 301 redirect will work and will I lose my rankings? I currently dominate the rankings for my site and I very concerned that there will be major loss of sales and traffic. Any help or opinions on this would be much appreciated.

    | dogtopiamichigan

  • I've got a glossary on my site with an index page for each letter of the alphabet that has a definition. So the M section lists every definition (the whole definition). But each definition also has its own individual page (and we link to those pages internally so the user doesn't have to hunt down the entire M page). So I definitely have duplicate content ... 112 instances (112 terms). Maybe it's not so bad because each definition is just a short paragraph(?) How much does this hurt my potential ranking for each definition? How much does it hurt my site overall? Am I better off making the individual pages no-index? or canonicalizing them?

    | LeadSEOlogist

  • Hi Moz, Here's more info on our problem, and thanks for reading! We’re trying to Create 301 redirects for 44 pages on We’re having trouble 301 redirecting these pages, possibly because they are AJAX and have hashbangs in the URLs. These are locations pages. The old locations URLs are in the following format:!new-york and the new URLs that we want to redirect to are in this format: We have not been able to create these redirects using Yoast WordPress SEO plugin v. The CMS is WordPress version 3.9.1 The reason we want to 301 redirect these pages is because we have created new pages to replace them, and we want to pass pagerank from the old pages to the new. A 301 redirect is the ideal way to pass pagerank. Examples of pages that are able to 301 redirect hashbang URLs include!Saddles and!RobOusbey.

    | DA2013

  • Hello,I have a question, I want to know which option is best for implementing a multi languages. We have a client whose website will have English and Spanish languages, both languages ​​have the same content but English we focus on the US and UK, and Spanish only for the country Spain, the question arises what is the correct nomenclature we use or would it be the best value.**Option 1:****Option 2:**Or any of the two options is correct What would be the correct ?. Another question, if a German user is in Spain, and do a search on (Google Spain), what will be the best option that should be implemented, / is-de / or single / de /, which one will position before ( provided that the statement I is correct). A greeting and thanks.

    | omar-moscat

  • Where can I find knowledge of enhanced and technical SEO for all type of websites ( mainly E-Commerce)? Please share some good sources (PDFs, Videos, Checklist etc)

    | Obbserv

  • Hi, SCENARIO: A site has say 3 examples of the same product page but with different urls because that product fits into 3 different categories e.g. /tools/hammer /handtools/hammer /specialoffers/hammer and lets say the first 2 of those have the canonical pointing to /specialoffers/hammer YET that page is now redundant e.g. the webmaster decided to do away with the /specialoffers/ folder. ASSUMPTIONS: That is going to seriously hamper the chances of the 2 remaining versions of the hammer page being able to rank as they have canonicals pointing to a url that no longer exists. The canonical tags should be changed to point to 1 of the remaining url versions. As an added complication - lets say /specialoffers/hammer still exists, the url works, but just isn't navigable from the site. Thoughts/feedback welcome!

    | AndyMacLean

  • I have a site where URLs are case sensitive. In some cases the lowercase URL is being indexed and in others the mixed case URL is being indexed. This is leading to duplicate content issues on the site. The site is using link rel canonical to specify a preferred URL in some cases however there is no consistency whether the URLs are lowercase or mixed case. On some pages the link rel canonical tag points to the lowercase URL, on others it points to the mixed case URL. Ideally I'd like to update all link rel canonical tags and internal links throughout the site to use the lowercase URL however I'm apprehensive! My question is as follows: If I where to specify the lowercase URL across the site in addition to updating internal links to use lowercase URLs, could this have a negative impact where the mixed case URL is the one currently indexed? Hope this makes sense! Dave

    | allianzireland

  • Hi All, I've been looking at the internal links on my eCommerce site to try and improve PR and get it as efficient as possible so link juice isnt getting wasted etc and I've come across some odd ones I would like some advice on My website currently has between 125-146 links on every page (Sitemap approx 3500 pages). From what I read ,the ideal number of links is under 100 but can someone confirm is this is still the case ?..Is it a case of less is more , in terms of improving a page PR etc ? in terms of link juice strength etc so it's not getting diluted to unnecessary pages. One of my links is a bad url ( my domain + phone number for reason) which currently goes to a 404 page ?. - Is this okay or do we need to track down the link and remove it. I don't want link juice getting wasted as it's on every page. Another one of my links is my and another one with some characters after the # which both to the home page. Example   and   both go to homepage.  Is this okay or  am I potentially getting duplicate content as If I put these urls in , they go to my home page. I have a link on every page which opens up outlook (email) on the contact us. Should this really be changed to a button with a contact us form opening up instead ? I currently have 9 links on the bottom on every page i.e About it , delivery , hire terms,.contact us , trade accounts , privacy, sitemap.  When I check , these pages seem to be my strongest pages in terms of PR. Is that because they are on every page?.. Should I look to reduce these links as they are accessible from the navigation menu apart from privacy and sitemap. Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated ? thanks Pete

    | PeteC12

  • What do you think about this type of ads? any suggestions ?

    | JohnPalmer

  • We are in need of a skilled SEO sparring partner to work with. We have already done a lot of SEO optimization but the results has not been as good as we hoped. I believe that might be some issues regarding structure or backlinks holding us back from getting results as I can see many competitors with almost no on page optimization or quality backlinks ranking better than us. I want to find someone who can audit our page find the problems. Also set some guidelines on what we should fix and work on to improve the overall rankings fast. Thanks!

    | nm1977

  • Hey, all SEOers! May I ask you a question about subdomain and second-level directory? Our website is about software, so we write many posts about how to use this software solve problems, and then use these posts to get ranks (we don't use the page of software to get ranks). And all the posts we wrote are listed under the second-lever directory, just like: . But at this moment our boss want to list all the posts to the subdomain like By the way, the second-level directory is a page with PR 4, and the subdomain is brand new, even it doesn't exist now. So here is my question: should we list all the posts to If we choose to do like this, this will effect the speed of Google index, and we will take more time to build links for and Any answer will be appreciated and thank you advance! to get rank instead of ranking the page of product,

    | Vicky2885

  • My website hit by google pure spam and google applied manual spam action to the website. I create new website ( with the same content from the old spam action website ( As google removed my old website content from search indexed. Can I use the same content for a new website? If I delete my old website from the server, after that Can I use the old website content for a new website? Or Can make edits the old website content and make it 80% original for a new website?

    | bondhoward

  • My website hit by google pure spam and google applied manual spam action to the website. Why google applied manual spam action to my website? How Can I recover my website. I create new website ( with the same content from the old spam action website ( As google removed my old website content from search indexed. Can I use the same content for a new website? I already spend allot of money on content. If I delete my old website from the server, after that Can I use the old website content for a new website? Or Can make edits the old website content and make it 80% original for a new website? I can use my old website (nowwhatstudio) email id and social accounts for a new website?

    | bondhoward

  • Hey Everyone, I have to do a local SEO campaign. My landing pages need to target two keywords. I was wondering if you could look over this proposed H tags I've written and give me your thoughts. Houses for Sale and Commercial Real Estate in Houston, TX Houses for Sale in Houston, TX Commercial Real Estate in Houston, TX Am I heading in the right or wrong direction?

    | Charles_Murdock

  • Hi, I have a rails app hosted on Heroku ( and would much prefer to set up a Wordpress blog using a different host pointing to, as opposed to using a gem within the actual app. Whats are peoples thoughts regarding there being any ranking implications for implementing the set up as noted in this post on Stackoverflow: "What I would do is serve your Wordpress blog along side your Rails app (so you've got a PHP and a Rails server running), and just have your /blog route point to a controller that redirects to your Wordpress app. Add something like this to your routes.rb: _`get '/blog', to:'blog#redirect'`_ and then have a redirect method in your BlogController that simply does this: _`classBlogController<applicationcontrollerdef redirect="" redirect_to="" "url_of_wordpress_blog"endend<="" code=""></applicationcontrollerdef>`_ _Now you can point at and it will take you to the Wordpress site._

    | Anward

  • Hi, I started a new site for a client:  His old site: was too loaded up with bad links. Here's the weird part: when you Google: "Los Angeles divorce lawyer" you see the old site come up on the 21st page, but Google doesn't even show the new site (even though it is indexed).  It's been about 2 weeks now and no change. Has anyone experienced something like this?  If so, what did you do (if anything).  Also, I did NOT do a 301 redirect from old to new b/c of spammy links. Thanks.

    | mrodriguez1440

  • i have a question about links....if you get a link from a really good authority e.g. - website but the anchor text for that link is only your business name e.g Moz and not a chosen SEO keyword you still stand to gain in terms of your overall SEO rankings?

    | CayenneRed89

  • Hey Moz Community, My questions sounds pretty simple but unfortunately, it isn't. I have a domain name (we'll use for this) which 301 re-directs to has bad links pointing to it and does not. So essentially, I want to stop negative influences from being passed on to A 302 re-direct sounds like it would work in theory but is this the best way to go about this? Just so you know, we have completed a reconsideration request a long time ago but I think the bad links are still negatively affecting the website as it does not rank for it's own name which is bizarre. Actual Question: How do I re-direct to without passing on the negative SEO attached to Thanks in advance!

    | RiceMedia

  • SITE STRUCTURE I am trying to optimize the structure of our site Getting a visible sitemap of my page make me realized it was not a pyramid as I expected it to be but instead very flat. I Would be happy for some advise on how to structure my site in future aswell how to optimize certain place on the page that i think need a change. 1: structure on posts. Maybe I misunderstand how post works in wordpress or something happen with my theme. When I look at my page sitemap my page is VERY flat because permalinks setting I chose the setting as post name (recommended in most articles). What I actually believed was that post name was place after /blog/ like: I would be a good idea to do like this right? Should I add some SEO text on the top of my blog page before the actually posts. Or would this be a bad idea due to pagination causing double content? Could one do 4 blogs in one site and replace the name “blog” in the url with a keywords 2) Pages Based on property type From our top menu, i have made links under for sael using wordpress property types Earlier I found that these pages created duplictaon of titles due to pagenation so I deleted the h1 What would you do with these pages. Should I optimize them with a text and h1. maybe it is possible to add some title and text content for the top of the first page only (the one page that are linked to our top menu) and not to page 2, 3, 4….. b) Also maybe I should rename the property types WOuld it make sence to change name of the property types from etc villa to villas for sale or even better villas for sale hua hin Then the above urls will look like this instead: Or Maybe renaming a property type would result in many 404 errors and not be worth the effort? 3) LINKING + REPOSTING OUR “PROPERTY” PAGES AND DO A 301 REDIRECT? a) Would It be good idea to link back from all properties description to one of our 5 optimized landingpages (for the keyword home/house/condo/villa) for sale in Hua Hin? b) Also so far we haven’t been really good about optimizing each property (no keywords, optimized titles or descriptions) etc. I wonder if it would be worth the effort to optimize content of each of the old properties )photos-text) on our page? Or maybe post the old properties again in a new optimized version and do a 301 redirect from the old post?

    | nm1977

  • Hi,
    I'm looking for more documentation on how you can implemented the functionality when a mobile user visitis a website and in the top of the website appears the "app download" function?
    For example as on when being visited from an iphone.

    | TjeerdvZ

  • Hello! I'm doing a little bit of research into key SEO players and thought I would get some opinions from the Moz community. Who's your go-to SEO guru? Who's up-and-coming in the world of SEO? Who are your favourite SEO influencers on Twitter? Cheers, Lewis

    | PeaSoupDigital

  • Hi Guys, Can you please tell me is it a correct configuration for tracking thank you page? In Old Version of Tag Manager - GA conversion Tracking, tag type - universal analytic, web property id - UA-12345678-9
    track type - transaction, Firing rule -{{url}} contains ordersuccessful.aspx, {{event}} equals gtm.dom In New Version of Tag Manager - Choose Product - Google Analytic, choose tag type - universal analytic, configure tag - tracking id - UA-12345678-9, track type - transaction, Fire on -Name - order successful page, type - custom event, Filter- Page url contains ordersuccessful.aspx, event equals gtm.dom If i remove event equals gtm.dom will tag fire and transaction details will reflect in google analytic? I am doing Manually configuration in new version of GTM as i have only few tags so just want to know if all tags successfully configured & I placed new GTM code on my website then google analytic will start reflecting data at same moment right, it will not take 24 hours right? Thanks! Dev

    | devdan

  • I'm working on a website with hundreds of thank you pages, does it make sense to no follow, no index these pages since there's little content on them? I'm thinking this should save me some crawl budget overall but is there any risk in cutting out the internal links found on the thank you pages? (These are only standard site-wide footer and navigation links.) Thanks!

    | GSO

  • I just started doing SEO for a new client. The case is a bit unique as they build a new website and for some reason lunched in under another domain name. Old name is and new one is OLD one is a respected webites with 35 in MOZ page authority and with +15000 incomming link (104 root domains) NEW one is curently on 0 The programmer has just that build the new website has set it up so that when people write or find the old domain name it redirect to the front page of the new website with the new domain name. this caused that my friends lost a lot of their rankings was so I believ it was a very bad solution. But I also think I can get most of the old rankings back, but my question is what to do now to get as much back of the rankings as fast as possible?? A) I believe I must change the domain name back to on the new website ? O B) Should I on the old website try finding the url of the pages with most page authority and recreate these urls on the new website or should i redict them to a page with related content? Looking forward to feedback from someone who have experience with similar cases. Thanks!

    | nm1977

  • Would changing the file name of image, not the alt attribute nor the image itself (so it would be exactly the same but just a name change) have any effect on : a) A sites seo ranking b) the individual images seo ranking (although i guess if b) would be true it would have an effect on a) although potentially small.) This is the sort of change i would be thinking of making : ![Red ford truck](2554.jpg) changed to ![Red ford truck](6842.jpg)

    | Sam-P

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