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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Hi everyone thanks for your help. Any feedback is appreciated. We have three separate sitemaps: blog/sitemap.xml events.xml sitemap.xml Unfortunately we keep trying to get our events sitemap to pickup and it just isn't happening for us. Any input on what could be going on?

    | TicketCity

  • I'm revamping my wife's ecommerce site.  It is currently a very low traffic website that is not indexed very well in Google.  So, my plan is to restructure it based upon the best practices that helps me avoid duplicate content penalties, and easier to index strategies. The store has about 7 types of products.  Each product has approximately 30 different size variations that are sometimes specifically searched for. For example: 20x10x1 air filters, 20x10x2 air filters, 20x10x1 allergy reducing air filters, etc So, is it best for me to create 7 different products with 30 different size variations  (size selector at the product level that changes the price) or is it better to create 210 different product pages, one for each style/size?

    | pherbio

  • I recently met with a new potential client who currently has two websites for his business - one that is for the business as a whole and another that is specific to one of his particular services (his main service and what the overall business is known for). My first question was "why do you have two websites?" His response was that he has had a really hard time ranking well organically for his main service. He worked with an SEO company for two years and never was able to establish a solid organic presence for searches related to his main service - so he went ahead and had a site built to focus specifically on that service with the hope that it would help him rank organically for searches related to that service. The new site was built very recently (Dec. 2014) and it hasn't had a lot of optimization work put into it. The original site has a much higher Domain Authority, more incoming links, etc. My typical preference has always been to use one website and drive all traffic to that site, while building out specific content for any products/services on individual pages of the site. For some reason I'm torn as to what to do with this particular situation since his main concern is ranking for his core service, which hasn't happened with the original site. I'm concerned, though, that optimizing and managing two websites will be less effective than driving all of the traffic to one site, and that it could actually be detrimental overall. What are your thoughts? Suggestions? Feel free to let me know if you need any more details.

    | garrettkite

  • Hi there, I have a cupcake website; To date, we have sold only regular cupcakes. Moving forward, we are about to start selling lots of different sorts of cupcakes and want to categorise them - i.e.; sport cupcakes, corporate cupcakes, movie-themed cupcakes etc. I am looking for a recommendation on how best to structure this in terms of pages / domains / subdomains etc, so as to best support SEO. Your help would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you, Laura.

    | cupcakesdelivered

  • Hi Yall, I'm disavowing a new set of links and have come across a wall: Let's say your niche is in web hosting and you post to forums such as a (a forum very popular in the hosting business).  If your sole purpose is mostly selling your business and you have links (not anchor text keywords) that you direct users to for specific products and you do a disavow those links? I'm not leaving links like: Web hosting, or, Free Hosting... I'm posting deals and answering some questions on other posts that direct to my site with traditional links. Thank you

    | Shawn124

  • My Website traffic and keywords dropped day by day. How can I know website is hit with panda or penguin. Website is - 24hourpassportandvisas. com

    | bondhoward

  • I got below message from google, But I did not see any hidden text, Please check it. Suspected hacking Google has detected that some of your pages may contain hidden text or cloaking, techniques that are outside our Webmaster Guidelines. Specifically, we detected that your site may have been modified by a third party. Typically, the offending party gains access to an insecure directory that has open permissions. Many times, they will upload files or modify existing ones, which then show up as spam in our index. Sample URLs: Recommended action Clean up the hacked content so that your site meets Google's Webmaster Guidelines.

    | bondhoward

  • I am running a website for a law firm. It has been running for many, many years and has plenty of backlinks and authority. I then create a standalone website for a specific type of case that the law firm is handling. On that website, I have a page that copies some of the attorney bio text from the main website. How much of a negative impact will this standalone website have on the main website as far as duplicate content issues are concerned? Please explain your answer in detail. Thank you in advance.

    | goldbergweismancairo

  • I’ve come across numerous blogs recently that suggest that SEOs should NOT do bulk re-directs to a category page. This has come as something of a surprise (doh!!) and I feel like I should already know this. It does seem like there is lots disagreement here so I thought that I’d ask what people’s opinions were to make sure that I get my thinking straight. I've read all the main Moz blog posts on this topic and, although really useful, they've left me none the wiser around a few specific questions. Here’s some more detail about the situation. We’re currently consolidating a lot of content into a main blog, which will be the focal point of new blogs posts that are created. This is different to the past, where we tended to create separate blogs for different products on separate domains. I’m currently considering how we move content across from one the older blogs to this new blog (which will soon sit on a subfolder of our main domain). I have three (!) questions: 1)      Could you confirm that doing bulk re-directs a category page is bad? I already know that doing them all to the homepage is an error. 2)      Should I re-direct the home page of the old blog on a separate domain to the relevant category page on the new site? The category page is related, but does not cover the EXACT topic. The category page covers our replacement product offering. It I shouldn't do this, where should I re-direct the old blog domain to? 3)      I’ve recommended that we set up 301 redirects on a one-to-one basis, redirecting each piece of content to its new location on the old site. What about content that has been earmarked for removal and for which there is no obvious alternative? My previous recommendation has been to re-direct these pages to the most relevant category page on the new blog. Would it be better to let this 404 or, as an alternative, create a custom 404 for the users on the new blog highlighting the new content that we offer? Any help would be appreciated 🙂

    | RG_SEO

  • Hey there Mozzers, I have a site that few months ago went from being http - https. All the links redirect perfect but after scanning my site with Screaming Frog i get a bunch of 503 errors. After looking into my website I see that a lot of links in my content and menu have as a link the http url. For example my homepage has content that interlinks to the http version of the site. And even though when I test it it redirects correctly after scanning with Screaming frog it reports back as 503. Any ideas what's going on? Thanks in advance

    | Angelos_Savvaidis

  • Hi, I've been working on a site for about 5 years. We built the traffic up to about 8k visitors/day. Although now it's dropped down over the past 2 years to about 2k visitors a day. New traffic source is mainly from SEO longtail. The whole time we have been working to improve the site. What's the best way to get some help from experts on the right direction to get traffic back up or to at least tell me the site will never work 🙂 Thanks in advance. M

    | relientmark

  • Hey all, I'm a bit confused by conflicting advice, need some direct input. We're quite experienced in SEO but that doesn't mean we can't get better 🙂 I manage a very old, well established, very generic TLD portal that ranks very highly in MANY keywords. (If you know our domain, I'd appreciate not naming it here) (145 1-3 ranks, 342 1-20 ranks) but there are also many topics we want to improve upon. Lets say, for example, I own, but I've failed to rank for 'gold events' and I acquired What is the thought as to using some of the  g(TLD)s versus the original .com? In the example or or  I really can't find a consensus on which would bemost effective for SEO purposes. In a more general aspect of the same question, we own MANY "gold.newg(TLD)" domains and are conflicted as to best use of all of them. All advice greatly appreciated. Nat

    | WorldWideWebLabs

  • We are launching a video dense website.   Is there any evidence that having a .tv tld can help with video optimization?  We are trying to find proof that Google looks at a .tv tld favorably for video SEO as opposed to a .tv website.

    | VanguardCommunications

  • I know about Keyword Cannibalization, so I understand why it's generally a problem.  If you have multiple versions of the same page, Google has to "guess" which one to display (as I understand it, unless you have a SUPER influential page you won't get both pages showing up on the SERP). To explain why I'm not sure if this applies to our page, we have a blog that we write about employment law issues on.  So we might have 20 blog posts over the past year that all talk about recent pregnancy discrimination lawsuits employers might be interested in. Now, searching the Google Keyword tools, there aren't even close to 20 different focus keywords that would make any sense.  "Pregnancy Discrimination lawsuit" is niche enough for us to be competitive, but anything more specific than that simply has very little search activity. My suggestion is to just optimize all of them for "pregnancy discrimination lawsuit".  My understand of how Panda works is that if the content is different on each page (and it is!) then it will only display what it guesses is the most relevant "NLRB" post, but any link juice sent to the other 19 "NLRB" posts would still boost the relevancy for whatever post Google chooses. And it wouldn't get dinged as keyword stuffing because it's clearly not just the same page repeated over and over. I've found quite a few articles on Keyword Cannibalization but many are pre-Panda. I was CERTAIN I'd seen a post that explained my idea is a totally viable and good one, but of course now I can't find it.  So before I go full steam ahead with this strategy I just want to make sure there's nothing I'm missing.  Thanks!

    | CEDRSolutions

  • says: However I am wondering about structuring things this a little backwards from that: (this would be an introduction and overview of the topic described by the primary keyword) (this would be a category landing page with snippets from articles within the niche described by the secondary keyword, which is itself a niche of the primary keyword) (in-depth article on a topic within the scope of the secondary, which is within the scope of the primary) Where is the most important page targeting the most important URL. Thoughts?

    | TheEspresseo

  • My client has a mobile website ( and is working on a responsive website. The site is already labeled "Mobile friendly" on the SERP and I was wondering if, when the site will be responsive, it would be worth it to redirect the subdomain or it would be safer to keep the subdomain and still redirect mobile users to it since we're already Mobile friendly (we would keep the rel alternate on the main domain and the rel canonical on mobile).

    | Digitics

  • Does anybody know of any information or resources that point out .tv domains are helpful for video optimization?  Thanks.

    | RosemaryB

  • Hey all. I just need clarification that which one is better to use for big property or travel portal. Check below example: I have a website which runs for multiple location like india, uk, canada, uae. For every location the content is different. So my question is that for better SEO results should i use or ** **. One more example ** **or Can anyone please suggest which one is better. Thanks in advance.

    | PFX111

  • We have a client that wants to place their video content on a .tv tld instead of a subfolder/subdomain in their .com website.  They believe that the .tv domain will better represent the media experience of their business.  We can understand this client's position however we are concerned about their .tv domain will lose out on the link equity if it were no longer placed in the .com's subdomain/subfolder. Here are our questions: 1.  What would be the best way to pass of link equity from .com website to a new .tv domain?  Should we just have a video link on the .com website that 301 directs to the new .tv domain? 2.  Is there any SEO benefit of having a .tv domain for Google Video queries or even Youtube? 3.  Is there any long term value of having two different websites?  For link equity purposes we understand that it would be better if everything was in a .com.  However is a .tv domain ideal for a better representation of their media content? We appreciate any feedback.

    | RosemaryB

  • Let's say I set up a section of my website that aggregated content from major news outlets and bloggers around a certain topic. For each piece of aggregated content, is there a bad, fair, and good range of word count that should be stipulated? I'm asking this because I've been mulling it over—both SEO (duplicate content) issues and copyright issues—to determine what is considered best practice. Any ideas about what is considered best practice in this situation? Also, are there any other issues to consider that I didn't mention?

    | kdaniels

  • Hi all, We recently migrated a few small sites into one larger site and generally we had no problems. We read a lot of blogs before hand, 301'd the old links etc and we've been keeping an eye on any 404s. What we have found is that Webmaster is picking up quite a few 404s, yet when we investigate these 404s they are 301'd and work fine. This isn't for every url, but Google is finding more and I just want to catch any problems before they get out of hand. Is there any reason why Google would count a 301 as a 404? Thanks!

    | HB17

  • Just wondering if anyone had come across this kind of scenario which I had/have with a client. Rebuilt/revamped site that has got problems with thin content we are looking to resolve.  Rankings for the main keywords were ok on page 2 or 3 and being worked on.  Two weeks ago ALL main keywords disappeared from ranking (category pages).  The homepage took over and ranked ALL those keywords at #1!  Bang -straight to top spot.  However happy I was I find this disconcerting as there is a reasonable level of competition. Today homepage rankings in the main go and directories come back into the rankings at some good positions on page one.  We still need to fix thin and duplicated content! I can justify the problems and swing with the category pages but the massive cross the board top position for the homepage has been pretty bizarre. Has anyone else had the experience where the homepage suddenly 'out-performs' in a big way?

    | MickEdwards

  • We have duplicate eCommerce websites, and we are in the process of implementing cross-domain canonicals. (We can't 301 - both sites are major brands). So far, this is working well - rankings are improving dramatically in most cases. However, what we are seeing in some cases is that Google has indexed a parameterized page for the site being canonicaled (this is the site that is getting the canonical tag - the "from" page). When this happens, both sites are being ranked, and the parameterized page appears to be blocking the canonical. The question is, how do I remove canonicaled pages from Google's index? If Google doesn't crawl the page in question, it never sees the canonical tag, and we still have duplicate content. Example: A. is ranked at #35, and B. is ranked at #12. (yes, I know that upper case is bad. We fixed that too.) Page A has the canonical tag, but page B's rank didn't improve. I know that there are no guarantees that it will improve, but I am seeing a pattern. Page A appears to be preventing Google from passing link juice via canonical. If Google doesn't crawl Page A, it can't see the rel=canonical tag. We likely have thousands of pages like this. Any ideas? Does it make sense to block the "clicksource" parameter in GWT? That kind of scares me.

    | AMHC

  • Hello, I am digging in to our in-links in WMT and notice that we have a number of sites that link to us in their menu or every page on their site, making for hundreds of thousands of links to our site. Here is an example: (in the topmost  right menu there is a link to our forums) There are about a dozen or so sites that link to our homepage tens-of-thousands of times. Should I disavow them, or is this be viewed as a legitimate link? Thanks in advance for any help!

    | evansluke

  • Hi all We are marketing an e-commerce site and seem to have a weird issue. For some reason the clearly specified meta description is not being used in the SERPs. Had a look in the source but all tags seems to be there. The site can be found here: A sample search in Google that uses the wrong info in the SERP: Any ideas to why this is? Grateful for any inputHave a nice day Fredrik

    | Resultify

  • Hello, Lots of site i have disavow so if i download backlinks of my site from google webmaster so google will ignore the disavow data and give me backlinks other than disavow data? Same if i use backlink tools like moz or semrush or ahref etc for checking backlinks of my site or competitor site so will this tool ignore the disavow data? If such tools not aware of disavow then it is worthless to check competitor links? Thanks! dev

    | devdan

  • Hi all, I just noticed something quite odd - if i do a search for my domain name (see: google shows my domain as first result, but it also asks "did i mean" and names another website with very similar name. the other site has far lower PA/DA according to Moz, any ideas why google is doing this? and more inportantly how i could stop it? please advise James

    | isntworkdull

  • Say I have an article that includes a list of many websites with ressources for the articles topic. From a SEO perspective, should I add nofollow to them? some of them? all of them?

    | Superberto

  • I just ran a website (Drupal) through screaming frog and the only 404s I found related to web pages which were the same as URLs already used on the website plus the company phone number so...[their phone number] -[their phone number] - any ideas what might be causing this problem?

    | McTaggart

  • I know it is a good idea for duplicate pages, blog tags, etc. but I remember somewhere that you can help the overall link juice of a website by adding no index no follow or no index follow low quality content pages of your website. Is it still a good idea to do this or was it never a good idea to begin with? Michael

    | Michael_Rock

  • Our homepage, as well as several similar landing pages, have vanished from the index. Could you guys review the below pages to make sure I'm not missing something really obvious?! URLs: It's been four days, so it's not just a temporary fluctuation The pages don't have a "noindex" tag on them and aren't being excluded in our robots.txt There's no notification about a penalty in WMT Clues: WMT is returning an "HTTP 200 OK" for Fetch, is showing a redirect to (alternate version of homepage, contains rel=canonical back to homepage) for Fetch+Render. Could this be causing a circular redirect? Some pages on our domain are ranking fine, e.g. A month ago, we redesigned the pages in question. The new versions are pretty script-heavy, as you can see. We don't have a sitemap set up yet. Any ideas? Thanks in advance, friends!

    | ipancake

  • When I google, after 8 pages, google shows Slider and shop pages. Which I don't want to be indexed. How can I get rid of these pages?

    | bondhoward

  • Hi, I have this site: It's ranking very well overall for all targeted KWs.  However, I have seen a drop for one main KW:  "Los Angeles criminal defense attorney."  It currently ranks #8 (it used to be as high as #2).  What's interesting is that for similar (yet slightly less competitive KWs, he ranks much better - "Los Angeles Criminal Defense Lawyer." I'm not trying to be greedy with rankings, but I would love feedback and/or tips regarding any issues that could be contributing to this drop. Thanks.

    | mrodriguez1440

  • Hi guys, Are there any restrictions around targeting for keywords? For eg: a competitors name can we target for that keyword? Would appreciate some advice around this Thanks

    | edward-may

  • Hi all, I am currently in the process of re-writing my companies website URL structure. Compared to the way the website is structured at the minute, there's going to be a lot more URL's as the previous structure has missed out on a lot of search avenues that i intend to include within the rebuild. one of my issues is basically deciding under which category certain URL's come under, I can think of reasons for both sides but can't quite decide on which is optimal. My company is an automotive/car dealer so we sell cars for certain manufactures as well as offering a number of other services. what I'm curious about is what makes more sense in terms of the category that comes first in the URL. Here's what I am torn between; /(car manufacturer)/servicing OR /servicing/(car-manufacturer) To give you some more info that might influence the decision; In terms of generic keyword targeting, the majority would search in the order of '(car manufacturer) service' as opposed to 'service for (car manufacturer)'. Currently on our site, the sections /(manufacturer) are some of the most authoritative pages that we have on the website, but we've done very little work on /service in the past. For me, this would suggest that naturally the pages flowing from that URL would get an advantage in terms of authority/ranking. With either URL structure, the URL's are eventually going to cross paths - I just need to decide which one is best and should therefore feature first. Hopefully this is somewhat clear. I'd appreciate any suggestions or if you don't quite understand what I'm asking for then general URL advice is also appreciated. Many thanks Sam

    | Sandicliffe

  • This is quite a broad question I’m afraid – any help would be appreciated. I’m trying to find the best way of optimising our new training pages. These events are aimed at teaching our customers how to use our software to do different tasks. Inevitably, the themes and naming of these training workshops overlap with some of our products. A close example would be, to make up a product, ‘Keyword Ranker’ and ‘Keyword Ranker Training’. Someone has raised the concern that the training pages might start outranking the pages for our main tool, particularly as the training will be heavily promoted via social media. Also, the on-page content talks about similar topics. They’ve suggested that we use rel=canonical tags pointing from the each training page to the related product page to prevent this from happening. I myself don’t think this is a good idea as this is not what the rel=canonical tags are designed for. I think that they might prevent the events pages ranking for any query at all, which is not what we want. Also, I believe that the training pages and the products are different enough that Google will work out which to rank for relevant queries. Has anyone else had an experience of doing this? Are there any approaches that people would recommend? Or is this something that we shouldn’t be worried about? A few other thoughts that I’ve had: Using event markup to emphasise what the events pages are about. Making sure to remove old events once they have expired. I thought it best to let these 404 as I’ve read that 301s to a category page than cause Google to penalise content. Putting internal links from the product pages to the relevant training workshop pages. Using the meta unavailable tag on events pages, so that when the event has happened then it will be removed from Google’s index.

    | RG_SEO

  • Hi, I posted a similar question last week asking about subdomains but a couple of complications have arisen. Two different websites I am looking after share the same root domain which means that they will have to share the same robots.txt. Does anybody have suggestions to separate the two on the same file without complications? It's a tricky one. Thank you in advance.

    | Whittie

  • Hi Guys We're about to launch a very large website for a flooring company and would like to find out more about _key word _cannibalisation - to put my mind at rest. I know Rand posted a Whiteboard Friday early last year about this topic and mentioned using part of the same keyword was ok to use. All our keywords are specifically geared for "user intent" meaning each keyword has relevance and the content to back up the keyword. We've ensured the keywords are located within each url, placed at the start of the page title, h1 etc.

    | GaryVictory

  • Hi mozzers! I'm fairly new to SEO topic, but I'm learning fast because all of you, so please take my warm thanks first! The problem: I have a web site based on PHP/MySQL that has no SEF addresses, it's made by unknown CMS, so I cannot use any extensions or modules, I have to write my own SEF extension. The question: Would you suggest me, please an article or idea, what I need to make my URLs search engine friendly? What's best to use: .htaccess or something else? This is the aforementioned web site: Thanks a lot, Kolio

    | kolio_kolev

  • Hello, I am working on a parallax site that also has an internal landing page structure. The homepage includes snippets of the existing copy from some of the other internal pages. My question is what can I do to the homepage to prevent duplicate content in this situation? We aren't utilizing the entire landing page on the homepage just a few lines. Would it be possible to place a 'no-index, follow' tag on these sections? Thanks in Advance

    | Robertnweil1

  • Is there an SEO impact to a large corporation linking from a corporate and/or a divisional site to a specific brand site with it's own top level domain? We would like to keep the traffic coming, but not if it will be seen as a black hat tactic. My guess is that Google will be smart enough to see that the corporation owns the brand and at least not penalize us, but I am wondering if anyone else has this experience? Google Analytics is calling it self-referral.

    | mrbobland

  • Good Morning MOZguru's, Right, so I've been trying to install the Google rich snippet plugin through Wordpress for a website, and after I activate it, the website does not load ( appears a blank page) or loads very very slooooowww. Also through the MOZBar, Http status section, after the plug in it's activated it shows a 501 error. I had this issues with another website I was working on, hosted by Godaddy, and fixed it by installing plugins through the control panel on go daddy and not through WordPress. However this website is not hosted on the same platform. Does anyone know what should I do in order for the plugin to work and not affect the website? Many thanks, Moncia

    | monicapopa

  • A couple of months ago, I noticed that in Webmaster Tools my site had acquired 300,000+ links from a single site, It seems to be a reputable site, and also in the correct industry, so I wrote to them and said that we love links, but that was probably a few too many and they all go to our privacy policy page. I suggested that they had some type of error that they might want to fix. After a month with no response, I wrote again, and still no response. This is now a month after that.
    The strange thing is that I don't see the links when I visit their pages, even in the source (Google provides a list of sample linking pages). I also don't see those links in Open Site Explorer, Majestic, AHREFs, nor Screaming Frog. If I were seeing this anywhere else, I'd just ignore it as some type of glitch. But this is information from Google. I have not received any warnings nor manual actions and I am disinclined to open a disavow can of worms, since the site is doing well and I'd rather not stir things up if I don't have to. Any thoughts about what I should (or shouldn't) do? Is this a problem, or should I assume Google knows it is a glitch and will ignore it? It has been in my Webmaster Tools for about three months. Thanks for reading!

    | Linda-Vassily

  • Hi All, A couple of years ago my site got punished and i kind of figured out it was due to keyword anchor text backlinks. I recently was considering getting a new SEO company and found one that promotes another company in my industry. However, when i look at the backlinks, of the website they do SEO for, via open site explorer - I noticed nearly all of the backlinks are keywords. website in question is And if you see the search results here: they are ranking on first page with very big brands - and have done for about a year - but nealy all of their backlinks are the keywords in this search... I understood this is the kind of thing that killed my website 2 years ago - are these backlinks ok? should i still consider this SEO company to work on my site, i 100% do not want my site to be penalised again so any advice appreciated. thanks James

    | isntworkdull

  • Hi All, Is it OK to 301 redirect site A to site B? Site A: Site B: The story - in 2013 site a seemed to be penalised with some kind of anchor text algorithm penalty - SEO couldnt fix, so created site B and turned site A into a holding page with a no follow link to new site. SEO company worked on disavow file etc, implemented in late 2013 301 redirect site A to B in late 2013 - SEO advised to stop 301 about 8 weeks later... This was my fault i didnt realise the implications of a redirect... Stopped the redirect, but too late,  as site B dropped in rankings in early 2014 - new disavow files uploaded to both sites, but damage seems done now. No longer have a SEO company, and i would ideally like to 301 redirect site A to B, as it looks messy having a holding page - but wanted to check if SEO would still strongly advise against that? please advise James

    | isntworkdull

  • Wonder if any of you guys can tell me if there is any other way to tell google links are nofollow other than in the html (ie can you tell google to nofollow every link in a subdomain or something). I'm trying to establish if a couple of links on a very high ranking site are passing me pagerank or not without asking them directly and looking silly! Within the source code for the page they are NOT tagged as nofollow at present. Hope that all makes sense 😉

    | mat2015

  • We are doing a relaunch and changing nearly every URL. Since the list of redirects is > 5.000 we might have some mistakes we want to change later (i.e. having a 301 to a directory but finding a single page later that fits its purpose better). Can I change the 301 later and will seachengines get that? Can I use 302s for a week or two until I'm sure about my redirects and only than do propper 301s?

    | nabujona

  • Hello all, So I understand that Google may sometimes take content from the page as a snippet to display on SERPs rather than the meta description, but my problem goes a little beyond that. I have a section on my site which updates everyday so a lot of the content is dynamics (products for a shop, every morning unique stock is added or removed), and despite having a meta description, title and receiving an 'A' grade in the MOZ on page grader, these pages never show up in Google. After a little research I did a '' in Google and this indeed listed all my products, but interestingly for every single one Google had taken the copyright notice at the bottom of the page as the snippet instead of the meta or any H1, H2 or P text on the page... Does anyone have any idea why Google is doing this? It would explain a lot to me in terms of overall traffic, I'm just out of ideas... Thanks!

    | HB17

  • Hello Mozzers, I've a dilemma with a client's site I am working on that is make me questioning my SEO knowledge, or the way Google treat duplicate content. I'll explain now. The situation is the following: organic traffic is constantly increasing since last September, in every section of the site (home page, categories and product pages) even though: they have tons of duplicate content from same content in old and new URLs (which are in two different languages, even if the actual content on the page is in the same language in both of the URL versions) indexation is completely left to Google decision (no robots file, no sitemap, no meta robots in code, no use of canonical, no redirect applied to any of the old URLs, etc) a lot (really, a lot) of URLs with query parameters (which brings to more duplicated content) linked from the inner page of the site (and indexed in some case) they have Analytics but don't use Webmaster Tools Now... they expect me to help them increase even more the traffic they're getting, and I'll go first on "regular" onpage optimization, as their title, meta description and headers are not optimized at all according to the page content, but after that I was thinking on fixing the issues with indexation and content duplication, but I am worried I can "break the toy", as things are going well for them. Should I be confident that fixing these issues will bring to even better results or do you think is better for me to focus on other kind of improvements? Thanks for your help!

    | Guybrush_Threepw00d

  • Hi Guys, I have a few people whom I have built relationships up in my industry with that would like to link to my site.  Is there any particular things I need to be mindful of before having them link to me? I'm just mindful of the unknown.  Also, which links to use etc? Thanks in advance

    | edward-may

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