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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Our URLs are not following a lot of the best practices found here: We have also been waiting to implement HTTPS. I think it might be time to take the plunge on re-writing the URLs and converting to a fully secure site, but I am concerned about ranking dips from the lost link juice from the 301s.  Many of our URLs are very old, with a decent amount of quality links. Are we better off leaving as is or taking the plunge?

    | TheDude

  • Hi guys! We're looking at a site in the trade industry here in Australia and it appears that around the Panda/Penguin updates in September & October last year, they've had their Google PageRank wiped out back to zero. I know we shouldn't be focusing too much on PR these days, but can't help but wonder what's caused this. It's a local business website who aren't selling links etc. I'm thinking backlinks pointing at the site that were giving them a boost have been discounted, however, they still have quite a number of quality links coming into them. Would love to pick your brains! Regards.

    | WCR

  • Hi Mozzers What is your view on the following. Should you Paginate comments to increase page speed? If yes, at what # of comments would you begin pagination? (with the objective being decreasing page load times) Apply rel="canonical" back to the main article URL? eg: url/comment-page-1 => url noindex the comment pages? create a "View all" comments page? Thanks in advance for your help! 🙂

    | jeremycabral

  • Hello Moz folks ! For the very first time im dealing with a massive community who rely on UGC ( user generated content ). Their forum is finding a great deal of duplicate content/broken link/ duplicate title and on-site issue. I have Advance SEO knowledge related to ecommerce or blogging but new to forum and UGC. I would really love to learn or get ressources links that would allow me to see/understand the best practices in term of SEO. Any help is greatly appreciated. Best, Yan

    | ydesjardins200

  • Hi guys, Been working at a large media agency for the last couple of years, on quite big brands doing their SEO_._ Its getting to the point where i'm becoming frustrated by the lack of action taken by my clients in executing simple things like - basic 301 redirects, creating new content/pages, improving existing content, implementing basic meta descriptions, push back against CRO, etc. It can take 6+ months to a couple years for them to implement our recommendations. I literally feel like my role has become simply reporting on a monthly basis or doing audits (content, technical, etc) which i know won't even get implemented. I love getting result and providing value. But unfortunately its difficult and SEO becomes uninspiring when clients are slow at executing. I was wondering if anyone has similar experiences, or suggestions. Cheers.

    | Mikey008

  • Content is located in a specific section of the webpage that are being loaded via AJAX.

    | zpm2014

  • Hi there, Our company sells educational videos to Nurses via subscription. I've been looking at their video search results page: When you click on a category, the URL appears like this: Would this be an instance where i'd use the canonical tag to redirect each search results page? Bearing in mind the /cpd page is under /Nursing cpd, and that /Nursing cpd is our best performing page in search engines, would it be better to refer it to the 'Nursing CPD' rather than 'CPD' page? Any advice is very welcome, 

    | 9868john

  • It seems for sometime now I have not been showing up the top for my keywords when I use to be ranking #1 and #2 for my main keywords, however now, I don't show up anywhere - this has been for almost a year now, can anyone tell me how I can find out (apart from google web masters tools) where I was penalised? Thanks

    | edward-may

  • Hi MOZ! How are ratings and reviews rich snippets are showing in search for "sephora Urban Decay Naked On The Run" when they don't have that data in their structured data?  -- verified with Google Structured Data Testing Tool for reading!

    | DA2013

  • We have a video for our company, located here: It's an overview of our company and the services we offer. We'd like to get this page ranking, but we haven't had much luck so far. Our Youtube account does better, but I'm looking for some things we can do on or offsite to get this page to rank. Any tips would be appreciated!

    | ScottImageWorks

  • First time poster here with a dilemma that head scratching and spreadsheets can't solve! I'm trying to work out whether to focus on getting links from new domains or to nurture relationships with the bigger sites in our business and get more links. Of the two links below which does the community here think would be more valuable a signal to Google? Both would be links from within relevant text/post copy. Link 1. Site DA 30. No links currently from this domain. Link 2. Site DA 60. Many links over last 12 months already from this domain. I suspect link 1 but given the enormous disparity in ranking power am I correct?! Thanks for any considered opinions out there! Matthew

    | mat2015

  • Okay this would be a piece of cake for most of you out there.. What are the best practices once you add a page or piece of content on your website with a new keyword that you have never used before but plan to use it with every relevant new page you add. How do you ensure that Google will crawl that page? Secondly, if you add the new keyword in the old pieces of content/ pages you have already published by editing the content to suit that keyword, how would you ensure that it gets crawled my Google. Thanks in advance

    | LaythDajani

  • I'm looking at a site that has implemented trailing slashes inconsistently across multiple pages. For instance: (WITH) (WITHOUT) (WITHOUT) (WITH) (WITH) The blog was created later in Wordpress which is one of the reasons why this issue exists. Looking at the inbound links unsurprisingly the lions share go to the home page but lots of other pages have links as well, particularly the product pages, no to many to the blog pages. This pattern is similar in terms of which pages rank, the home page ranks well for a variety of phrases, the product pages also do quite well. I know that ideally the URL's should be identical to the existing site, or if you have to you should 301 redirect old to new. The client wants to switch the whole site over to Wordpress which will be default implement a consistent URL structure across the board, thereby changing at least some of the URL's no matter what I do. I remember a Matt Cutts video that stated that even a 301 redirect will loose a clicks worth of link juice see: The existing site has a poor UX compared to the new proposed design so this should help us. Has anyone got any experience with a similar issue or any advice about how best to proceed?

    | GrouchyKids

  • Hi there, I am running an WordPress blog and i was looking a couple of days on the source code of the categories. From a SEO point of view would make sense to include into the header of the categories the rel=“next” and rel=“prev” tags ? Same question would be for the image galleries . Should i add the rel=“next” and rel=“prev” tags on the image galleries ? So for example if i upload 10 images to a gallery, the user will check the post and see the gallery. It will click on an image and will redirected on the attachment page of that displays that image > from where he can click next to see the next image or prev for the previous image. Therefore should i add the rel=“next” and rel=“prev” tags here too ? Many thanks  

    | MirceazetelSerafim

  • Hi there good looking person! Our traffic went from 12k visitors in july to 3k visitors in july. <<  >>When we moved our site from wordpress to the hubspot COS (their CMS system), I didnt submit a new sitemap to google webmaster tools. I didn't know that I had to... and to be honest, I've never submitted or re-submitted a sitemap to GWT. I have always built clean sites with fresh content and good internal linking and never worried about it.  Yoast kind of took care of the rest, as all of my sites and our clients' sites were always on wordpress. Well, lesson learned.  I got this message on June 27th in GWT_ Increase in not found errors__Google detected a significant increase in the number of URLs that return a 404 (Page Not Found) error. Investigating these errors and fixing them where appropriate ensures that Google can successfully crawl your site's pages._One month after our site launched we had 1,000 404s on our website. Ouch. Google  thought we had a 1,200 page website with only 200 good pages and 1,000 error pages. Not very trust worthy... We never had a 404 ever before this, as we added a plugin to wordpress that would 301 any 404 to the homepage, so we never had a broken link on our site, which is not ideal for UX, but as far as google was concerned, our site was always clean. Obviously I have submitted a new sitemap to GWT a few weeks ago, and we are moving in the right direction... **but have I taken care of everything I need to? I'm not sure.  Our traffic is still around 100 visitors per day, not 400 per day as it was before we launched the new site.**Thoughts?I'm not totally freaking out or anything, but a month ago we ranked #1 and #2 for "marketing agency nj", now we aren't in the top 100.  I've never had a problem like this. _I added a few screen grabs from Google Webmaster Tools that should be helpful.__Bottom line, have I done everything I need to or do I need to do something with all of these "not found" error details that I have in GWT?_None of these "not found" pages have any value and I'm not sure how Google even found them... For example:! -JasonuhLLtou&h4QmGCW#0 uhLLtou&h4QmGCW#1

    | Charlene-Wingfield

  • We are looking at using it as a translation service but I have SEO concerns. Does anyone have any experience or see any potential problems?

    | EcommerceSite

  • Hi all, I am in the process of conducting a Link Audit and I am faced with quite a lot of seemingly poor quality examples, such as; To me these should be removed \ disavowed but I am getting a little resistence from stakeholders regarding the amount of links I am seeking to rid ourselves of - all are of a similar quality to my examples above... Just so that I know that I am not being 'over eager' with my audit, I welcome your opinions Thanks Andy

    | TomKing

  • Hello MOZ stars! I have a question regarding user comments on article pages. I know that user generated content is good for SEO, but how much impact does it really have? For your information:
    1 - All comments appears in source code and is crawled by spiders.
    2 - A visitor can comment a page for up to 60 days.
    3 - The amount of comments depends on the topic, we usually gets between 3-40 comments. My question:
    1 - If we were to remove comments completely, what impact would it have from seo perspective? (I know you cant be certain - but please make an educated guess if possible)
    2 - If it has a negative and-/or positive impact please specify why! 🙂 If anything is unclear or you want certain information don't hesitate to ask and I'll try to specify. Best regards,

    | idg-sweden

  • Hey Mozzers, I was speaking with a friend today about a site that he has been working on that was infected when he began working on it. Here ( you can see that the site has 4400 indexed pages, but if you scroll down you will see some pages such as /pfizer-viagra-samples/ or /dapoxetine-kentucky/. All of these pages are returning 404 errors, and I ran it through SEO spider just to see if any of these pages would show up, and they don't. This is not an issue for a client, but I am just curious why these pages are still hanging around in the index. Maybe others have experience this issue too. Cheers,

    | evan89

  • Our company gets inbound links from news websites that write stories about upcoming sporting events. The links we get are pointing to our event / ticket inventory pages on our commerce site. Once the event has passed, that event page is basically a dead page that shows no ticket inventory, and has no content.  Also, each “event” page on our site has a unique url, since it’s an event that will eventually expire, as the game gets played, or the event has passed. Example of a url that a news site would link to: bears-vs-tbd-tickets.aspx Would there be any negative ramifications if I set up a 301 from the dead event page to another page on our site, one that is still somewhat related to the product in question, a landing page with content related to the team that just played, or venue they play in all season. Example, I would 301 to: tickets.aspx (This would be a live page that never expires.) I don’t know if that’s manipulating things a bit too much.

    | Ticket_King

  • If i have a community of recipes where there may be multiple recipes of a cheesecake uploaded by different users,  what would you recommend me to do ? does it affects me as duplicated content.

    | vicrojas

  • Hi looking at doing a large guest post campaign for a new site (no authority) of mine. In total the plan is to distribute 50 high quality articles to other blogs in the same vertical. The goal is to kick start my link building campaign doing this. However I know that Google has been slamming down on guest posts: AND What are some ways of doing guest posting and reducing the risk. Will keeping anchor-text brand based, be the best option? Kind Regards, Mark

    | Mikey008

  • I work for a company which owns 14 different brands, all of which have their own domain, website, sales teams, management teams etc. 10 of the websites sit on the same IP address and have the same (or very similar) WHOIS records. The group website links to all the other sites on an 'Our Companies' page, using the anchor text 'visit site' underneath a brief about that company. My question is what are the ramifications of having those 10 sites sitting on the same servers? They are distinct companies but they mostly have a similar theme. They don't really link to each other unless it's a genuine reason for a cross-over. My CEO has asked me to arrange to move some to other servers but I'm not 100% convinced it's necessary - and wouldn't moving over at this stage look like we're trying to hide something? (Most of the sites have been going for 5 years +). Looking at the WHOIS, or the address in each site's footer makes it clear that they're all part of the same umbrella group. And should I nofollow any links between all the sites? There's not many, it's mainly just the ones on the main group website.

    | Betfred_James

  • Hi all, we moved a website over to Wordpress 2 months ago. It was using .cfm before, so all of the URLs have changed. We implemented 301 redirects for each page, but we weren't able to copy over any of the meta descriptions. We have an export file which has all of the old web pages. Is there a tool that would allow us to upload the old pages and extract the meta descriptions so that we can get them onto the new website? We use the Yoast SEO plugin which has a bulk meta descriptions editor, so I'm assuming that the easiest/most effective way would be to find a tool that generates some sort of .csv or excel file that we can just copy and paste? Any feedback/suggestions would be awesome, thanks!

    | georgetsn

  • More than a year ago (August 2013) I got an "Unnatural Links Warning," I ignored it because I thought it was erroneously sent and that it was odd that there was no place for me to submit a reconsideration request in the Manual Actions section of Webmaster Tools. This happened for several of my domains. I am now noticing a lost in ranking (but not a loss in "ability" to rank). It led me to post this question in the Webmaster Help Forum, I really didn't get an answer though. Here is a link to the Google Export of my links from and Any idea of what I can do related to this? Even If I did disavow/remove any questionable links, there is no place for me to submit a reconsideration request.

    | Zachary_Russell

  • Hello Just trying look at how best to deal with this duplicated content. On our Canada holidays page we have a number of holidays listed (PAGE A) We also have a more specific Arctic Canada holidays page with different listings (PAGE B) Of the two, the Arctic Canada page (PAGE B) receives a far higher number of visitors from organic search. From a user perspective, people expect to see all holidays in Canada (PAGE A), including the Arctic based ones. We can tag these to appear on both, however it will mean that the PAGE B content will be duplicated on PAGE A. Would it be the best idea to set up a canonical link tag to stop this duplicate content causing an issue. Alternatively would it be best to no index PAGE A? Interested to see others thoughts. I've used this (Jan 2011 so quite old) article for reference in case anyone else enters this topic in search of information on a similar thing: Duplicate Content: Block, Redirect or Canonical - SEO Tips

    | KateWaite

  • So let's say I have a site called "" that has good SEO metrics and is ranking highly for keywords like "toyota tires", "toyota battery", etc.... What if I decide that I wanna target other cars as well with my site and keywords like "mazda tires", yet still want to take advantage of my domain's existing authority... Can I do something like get a new domain like "" and redirect the old domain to it and then continue to create new pages that would target new keywords, or would I risk losing my current domain's authority or running into other seo issues? Thanks a lot

    | benjonson

  • Howdy Mozzers! We would like to use no follow, no index on our magento layered navigation pages after any two filters are selected. (We are using single filter pages as landing page, so we would liked them indexed) Is it ok to use nofollow, noindex on these filter pages? Are there disadvantages of using nofollow on internal pages? Matt mentioned refraining from using nofollow internally But we would like to conserve crawling bandwidth and PR flow on potentially 100's of thousands of irrelevant/duplicate filter pages.

    | MozAddict

  • Hi building a brand new site with no domain authority. I have created all the content and now want to start building links to the website. Mostly through guest posting, niche directories, broken link building and other whitehat methods. Anyway i was wondering if anyone has seen any good research on the way you should link to a brand new website or any site for that matter. Like in terms of % you should focus at the homepage, inner pages, anchor distribution, internal link structure, etc. A good start would be looking at successful competitors, but i wanted to see if anyone knows any studies on this. My goal is to build a link profile which meets the standards of Google and that lasts! Thanks, Mark

    | Mikey008

  • Have a friend that does a site with bible verses and different peoples thoughts or feelings on them.  Since I'm an SEO he came to me with questions and duplicate content red flag popped up in my head. My clients all generate their own content so not familiar with this world.  Since Bible verses appear all over the place, is there a way to address this from an SEO standpoint to avoid duplicate content issues? Thanks in advance.

    | jeremyskillings

  • I know that Google doesn't use meta keywords, but does it hurt to have anything in there? Just wondering if I need to remove all the meta keywords that are on my site, or are they harmless to have. Also, would meta keywords ever be used by an internal search plug-in if we were to install one in the future, or do they generally look at the product title and description for that info?

    | b4cab

  • I am in the process of migrating a site from Volusion to BigCommerce. There is a limitation on the ability to display one product in 2 different ways. Here is the situation. One of the manufacturers will not allow us to display products to customers who are not logged in. We have convinced them to let us display the products with no prices. Then we created an Exclusive Contractor section that will allow users to see the price and be able to purchase the products online. Originally we were going to just direct users to call to make purchases like our competitors are doing. Because we have a large amount of purchasers online we wanted to manipulate the system to be able to allow online purchases. Since these products will have duplicates with no pricing I was thinking that Canonical tags would be kind of best practice. However, everything will be behind a firewall with a message directing people to log in. Since this will undoubtedly create a high bounce rate I feel like I need to no follow those links. This is a rather large site, over 5000 pages. The 250 no follow URLs most likely won't have a large impact on the overall performance of the site. Or so I hope anyway. My gut tells me if these products are going to technically be hidden from the searcher they should also be hidden from the engines. Does Disallowing these URLs seem like a better way to do this than simply using the Canonical tags? Any thoughts or suggestions would be really helpful!

    | MonicaOConnor

  • Hi guys, I'm targeting a specific country NZ to start off with as my site is only new 3months old - whilst I'm trying to rank for various keywords such as - psychic readings, online psychic readings, love psychics, clairvoyant, astrology, tarot card readings etc I can see I'm slowly ranking around 18, 20,30,40 through my blog page, but nothing from the site.  I know the site is content thin and were currently working on improving this, is there anything else you can suggest that perhaps I might need to be aware of? Or any tools I could use to go about getting information that could help put me ahead lol Thanks all!

    | edward-may

  • Hey Guys Everytime I run the tester through google webmaster tools - I keep getting an error that tells me "Your Sitemap appears to be an HTML page. Please use a supported sitemap format instead." An idea how to go about fixing this without changing the site around? I have seen competitors sitemaps look similar to mine. Cheers

    | edward-may

  • Hey, we're looking for an experienced Ecommerce SEO. Someone that can do full site audits, build links, walk clients through implementing Schema and more. Didn't see any category for hiring so if there is a better place for this here on Moz just let me know. Thanks! Ecommerce SEO Technician, Remote, Full-time Whitecap SEO, a young and fast-growing search marketing agency, is looking for an experienced white hat Ecommerce SEO Technician. Our ecommerce clients need their websites to perform exceptionally well in search results to drive new visits and growth. This position requires a strong understanding of ecommerce SEO and the technical aspects of search and web marketing, including SEO best practices for white hat linkbuilding, on-page optimizations, along with fundamental tasks like keyword research and earning off-page signals. Responsibilities Design and conduct white hat outreach campaigns using SEO tools Assist SEO Manager in design and execution of SEO strategies Conduct full site audits Provide specifications for any technical recommendations Accurately estimate new projects and execute those projects within defined scope Communicate with clients how to execute recommended technical changes Stay current on industry trends Skills & Experience 3-5+ years of technical SEO experience. Ideally 2+ years at a digital agency Experience optimizing small to large scale ecommerce websites Experience working with technical SEO tools such as Screaming Frog, Ahrefs, Moz, Google Webmaster Tools, etc. Experience on multiple large scale, complex national SEO campaigns Familiar with ecommerce platforms such as Shopify, Magento, etc. Experience with complex Google Analytics setups: proper tracking and reporting between Google Adwords, Google Analytics and clients’ marketing automation platform Familiar with Schema implementation on ecommerce sites Personal Attributes Excellent organizational skills and the ability to manage competing deadlines Strong written and verbal communication skills Identify, assess, and prioritize a client site’s technical problems Ability to distill complex problems into easily understood, actionable recommendations Critical thinking / analytical problem solver Self-starter that can own a project from inception to completion Working at Whitecap SEO We believe in building success for our clients that will last and take pride in our retention rate. As a small remote team, strong communication is more than just a bullet point on a job listing - it is essential to our success. Everyone on the team has to fill a variety of roles and get things done to deliver the best results for our clients. We offer the chance to work with quality clients and great team members. Salary: $50-65k DOE Apply Wufoo Form

    | WhitecapSEO

  • I know that photos have been discontinued for Authorship. Someone told me that they had been discontinued for People (which has always been separate from Authorship, as I understand it) as well, but they're still listed here[1] . However, I can't find an example of them working. Can someone enlighten me? Thanks!

    | john_marketade

  • I just acquired a new website.   The domain is about 7 years old with around 1000 indexed pages in google.  Decent domain authority at 34, PR 4, a lot of inbound links. The thing that's driving me crazy is the permalink structure--set up as month/post name in wordpress Based on my experience and I could be wrong, but I would think that the structure would be more effective with just post name and no date. Am I absolutely insane at this point to try and change it?

    | tryfantasy

  • Hi all, I have experienced a drop of 11 places for our main keyword since our last Moz rankings report which means page 2 to page 3. I have also received an error 904 in my weekly crawl report two weeks in a row and think this may be the reason for the drop. Could this result in a drop of 11 places? Last week I also tweeked the H1 tags on my main landing pages, nothing major just a reordering of the words. Could this result in such a major drop? Final question is does anyone know of any major algorithm update last week that could have affected rankings so drastically? Thanks all

    | gavinr

  • Soooooo, I did a crawl report on this site : and this was what was on the report. This is a dnn site. I'm guessing the site has a redirect loop given the http status code. Can anyone help me with a fix. (the developers have said there is no redirect on the site......clearly there is....) | | 2015-01-07T21:32:25Z | 609 : Redirect to already-visited URL received for page request. | Error attempting to request page; see title for details. | 302 | | <colgroup><col width="319"> <col width="144"> <col width="378"> <col span="39" width="64"></colgroup>
    |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |

    | Britewave

  • I use the Next gen gallery plugin on my wordpress sites. The moz crawler reports a ton of high importance issues with this plugin because it creates duplicate pages It will have,,, This is a pretty popular plugin so I am hoping there is some way of fixing this relatively easy. I can imagine i need to set up a rel canonical but there does not seem to be an easy way to do so. Thoughts?

    | Atomicx

  • Does anyone have any experience with this situation? We have 2 ecommerce websites that carry 90% of the same products, with mostly duplicate product descriptions across domains. We will be running some tests shortly. Question 1: If we deindex a group of product pages on Site A, should we see an increase in ranking for the same products on Site B? I know nothing is certain, just curious to hear your input. The same 2 domains have different niche authorities. One is healthcare products, the other is general merchandise. We've seen this because different products rank higher on 1 domain or the other. Both sites have the same Moz Domain Authority (42, go figure). We are strongly considering cross domain canonicals. Question 2 Does niche authority transfer with a cross domain canonical? In other words, for a particular product, will it rank the same on both domains regardless of which direction we canonical? Ex: Site A: Healthcare Products, Site B: General Merchandise. I have a health product that ranks #15 on site A, and #30 on site B. If I use rel=canonical for this product on site B pointing at the same product on Site A, will the ranking be the same if I use Rel=canonical from Site A to Site B? Again, best guess is fine. Question 3: These domains have similar category page structures, URLs, etc,  but feature different products for a particular category. Since the pages are different, will cross domain canonicals be honored by Google?

    | AMHC

  • Does anyone have a good recommendation or better yet personal experience with one?

    | JCMotors2

  • Hi Moz People Happy new year to all, I have an interesting one here. I have recently been making some landing pages and they have all pretty much hit page 1 for the search terms I've focused on (UK Domain). Up until this morning the landing page was the 8th organic result on the UK domain. However I have checked this morning and the landing page has dropped below the top 50 and instead our homepage is now showing as the last organic result on page 1. This is intriguing to me as it has also happened to a couple of other landing pages I have made. Is this due to the relevance being driven higher by the landing pages but overall the homepage is more important to Google? Do you guys think this might start happening to the other pages that I have created? Any input would be appreciated! ( Ill give you links and search terms if you want to take a look for yourselves but I try to refrain from "self advertising" ) Happy Thursday Mozzers ! Jamie

    | SanjidaKazi

  • I have a client that has some site links for their store but on of the links does not appear how it should.  It should be a category that is all Capital letters but instead is appearing as initial Caps.  I am guessing that this is due to anchor text somewhere on the site but for the life of me, I cannot find it appearing like this anywhere.  Anything you think I might be missing here or should try?  This is probably just something stupid I have overlooked.

    | DRSearchEngOpt

  • We have one .com that has all our unique content and then 25 other ccltd sites that are translated versions of the .com for each country we operate in. They are not linked together but we have href lang'd it all together. We now want to serve up all static content of our global website (26 local country sites, .com,, .se, etc) from one cookie-less subdomain. Benefit is speed improvement. The question is whether from an SEO perspective, can all static content come from or should we do one for each ccltd where it would come form static.domain.xx (where xx is localised to the domain in question)

    | aires-fb77

  • Hi all, Happy New Year! I want to block certain pages on our site as they are being flagged (according to my Moz Crawl Report) as duplicate content when in fact that isn't strictly true, it is more to do with the problems faced when using a CMS system... Here are some examples of the pages I want to block and underneath will be what I believe to be the correct robots.txt entry...[forums][searchInKey]=&period=today&userMode=&followedItemsOnly= Disallow: /forum/index.php?app=core&module=search Disallow: /forum/index.php?app=core&module=reports§ion=post&do=reply_post&f=146&t=741&qpid=13308 Disallow: /forum/index.php?app=forums&module=post Disallow: /forum/gallery/sizes/ Any help \ advice would be much appreciated. Many thanks Andy

    | TomKing

  • I am looking to condense a features list on my pricing page. it is currently a static list however I want the user to click a button and a full list of standard features will pop up in a lightbox. How will this affect my SEO? Can Google read content in a lightbox?

    | ParkerSoftware

  • I have 2 sites that would be better suited being merged and creating a more authoritative site. Basically I'de like to merge site A in to site B. If I add new pages from site A to Site B and create 301 redirects for those pages on site A to the new pages on Site B is that the best way to go about it? As the pages are already indexed would this create any duplicate content issue or would the redirect solve this?

    | boballanjones

  • Hi i currently have a list of about 5000 URLs i want to visually check quickly, to identify decent content. I'm currently opening 200 at a time with firefox, more than 200 it gets really choppy and slow as you would expect. I was wondering if anyone knew any other ways of opening a large amount of web pages. It would be sweet if there was a tool which can scan a list, add the webpages to a pdf/powerpoint and send them back to you for analysis. Kind Regards, Chris

    | Mikey008

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