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Category: Web Design

Talk through the latest in web design and development trends.

  • I am setting up an ecommerce website that will sell batteries and like most e-commerce sites we will be taking credit cards.  I was exploring the different SSL certificates and providers and I was shocked at the difference in pricing.  Anywhere from free to over $1000!  What is really necessary and what is nice to have? Any suggestions on SSL providers? Thanks

    | Atlanta-SMO

  • I want to add some structured data to our companies website via microdata through  I have been asked to gather all of the requirements so that it can be done server side and automated when things change.  I honestly don't know where to begin as there are many areas where it can be added.  Has anyone done this server side before?

    | Sika22

  • Hi, I am setting up a Shopify e-commerce store and I have a questions about duplicate product descriptions. I have written unique product descriptions for all our products. Each product has at least 10 color options. I am thinking that it would look better if I created each color variant as a unique product. i.e., ect. Here is the kicker. Would I be penalized for using the same product descriptions for each product type?

    | Jon_B

  • Hello, So last year I did rank for my website. Yet I switched from Adobe Muse to wordpress. I thought it would be great for updating and blobbing if I ever do it. So I got a theme, and went for it I have Yoast and that's it for plugins. But if I take say another couple of years to blog, am I hurting myself with wordpress? Like Google knows I am using wordpress so it expects me to be creating content? I know its an odd question, just had to ask

    | Berner

  • Will the following urls will be considered as two different urls? 1. key2=value2 2. & key=value1

    | prsntsnh

  • Hi there! Can a site that has no ads on it be hit by Google's latest Page Layout update? Can it be hit for just one or two keywords? My site ( has a decline in Google organic traffic in early Feb so my suspicion is the Page Layout update. However I have no ads on the site. Digging into GWMT I find that it is only one or 2 keywords that seems to have taken a dive, mainly [photo paper]. I used to get around 80 imps a day for this term. Then on 6 Feb it was down to 50; 7 Feb = 34; 8 Feb just 4 impressions! I got a spike back at usual levels on 10 & 11 Feb, but since then it has been back down to only 5 or so impressions a day. [photographic paper] took a small hit at the start of February, but has nose dived since the start of April. The homepage performs well for Google organic traffic - low bounce (22%) and good ecom conversion rate (14%) - although this is likely to be largely branded traffic. I feel my site is a 'good' result for the search term [photo paper], although there is always room for improvement of course! Any suggestions as to why Google has stopped showing my site for these keywords? All help is greatly appreciated. Cheers,

    | SimonHogg

  • My real estate website is I'm considering undergoing a new design...bounce rate is somewhat high and I can't decide if the current design looks outdated or not. Thoughts?

    | gohawks7790

  • I find I have disproportionate anount of visitors viewing at 768x1024, which coincides with the high iOS visitor rate. However, does this mean the vistors are all viewing in portrait orientation, or does the report portair regardlaess of orientation?

    | gotomarketers

  • Hello All, I have a WordPress site that Moz says has duplicate content. So I set up an addition to the .htaccess file . . . redirect code to move from one folder to another RewriteRule ^category/latest-news/(.*)$ /latest-news/$1 [R=301,NC,L] What did I do wrong? I am not proficient in .htaccess files.

    | Michael_Rock

  • I have been looking into making my website for iphone friendly as my analytics are not great for the iphone and I know when I try to navigate around it on an iphone it can be tough. I was told that if I make changes to the layout that it would affect my layout across everything, which I did not want to do. So I have two questions: Is this correct regarding the layout? If so, if you did something like which would be the mobile version how would that possibly effect your rankings with regards to the traffic distribution? Any feedback would be appreciated.  Also if anyone has any experience in doing this I would be interested in discussing further.

    | RobDalton

  • Hi Moz community,we have a single page application ( with a lot of content in java script light boxes. There is a lot of valuable content embedded but google can not crawl the content and we can missing out on some opportunities as a result. I was wondering if someone was able to solve a similar issue (besides moving the content from the java script to the HTML body).   There appears to be a few services sprouting up to handle single page applications and crawling in google. anyone use these services? Some feedback would be much appreciated!ThanksAndreas

    | AndreasD

  • I checked my google analytics stats under network - hostname and found another website showing up for some of the traffic. When i looked at that site's code it started with

    | AISFM

  • Hey Moz'erz, Looking at the indexed pages of my clients eCommerce website I noticed that dynamically created pages are being indexed. For example this page does not "exist" but is created by a drop down filter menu that sorts by product tag: /collections/tools/TAG I can only conclude that this page got indexed either through a backlink or once upon a time there was an internal link pointing to this URL and got indexed (currently there is not). Are either of these cases possibilities? In either case before considering removal or any action I would of-course reference analytics to check for conversions, traffic and any backlinks for those "pages". I believe at the end of the day is recommend a drop down filer that doesn't create new pages as the best solution. Thoughts, comments and experience is greatly welcomed 🙂

    | paul-bold

  • Hi, We have just taken off our auto redirect on our sites so we now have separate domains -, .de, .com, .fr, .eu, We are about to install a country selector that pops up. Its bit more of pros and cons answer I am after So the 2 options we considering are as follows The more complicated one with the following functionality across all sites in the case the example is having  a French IP So I have a French IP – I arrive on French site = no pop up I arrive on UK site = pop up with text saying “you are on the UK site” and generates 2 button one saying“continue” and the other saying “take me to” I arrive on the USA site = pop up with text saying you are on the US site and generates 2 button one saying  “continue” and the other say “take me to” I arrive on the German site = pop up with text saying you are on the DE site and generates 2 button one saying  “continue” and the other say “take me to” I arrive on the Australian site = pop up with text saying you are on the DE site and generates 2 button one saying  “continue” and the other say “take me to” I arrive on the European site = pop up with text saying you are on the EU site and generates 2 button one saying  “continue” and the other say “take me to” The other simpler option I have French Ip 1. I visit the French site no pop up 2. I visit any other countries site and a pop up with a all our flags appear allowing the person to select which country they wish to go to Hope that makes sense any suggestions etc would very much appreciated Thanks

    | tidybooks

  • Hi all, Hoping someone can she some light on a fix with ref to wordpress and the search function it uses as Moz is craling some pages which reference the search Errors showing up are duplicate pages, descriptions and titles. The search function is not important on this site and I have tried to use a plugin which disables the search page which it does but these errors still show up. Can anyone assist as this is the final piece of the puzzle and then we're down to 0 issues on the site.

    | wtfi

  • I have a client who has a website for their U.S. based customers. They are currently adding a Canadian dealer and would like a second website with much of the same info as their current website, but with Canadian contact info etc. What is the best way to do this without creating duplicate content that will get us penalized? If we create a website at and or something like that, will that get us around the duplicate content penalty?

    | InvoqMarketing

  • With all the talk about how much mobile is important and how it is going to return its own search results, we finally decided to make a mobile site for one of our smaller websites to test the water. We put it up about two weeks ago and did Vary HTTP header method to serve the site. Before the change, on the average week we would get 270-300 mobile visitors from organic search results and we converted 0.78% to sales. Since the change, we are now getting about 70 mobile organic visitors per week but converting 2.47% So what can I say but WOW. We are converting way way better but our organic mobile search traffic has dropped off a ton. Luckily our desktop and tablet traffic(we serve the desktop version of the site to tablets) has stayed the same and has not dipped. Do any of you guys have experience or gone through launching a mobile site before? Did you see the immediate drop in organic mobile traffic and did you recover your traffic back to previous levels? If so, do you know how long it takes to recover? I am thinking it is a big change and will take time for Google to adjust but I am not sure since the mobile version has so much less text now on the home page and on category or product list pages or whatever you guys want to call them.

    | KurtL

  • Looking for freelancer or firm that can do the following? Any recommendation here? Graphic designer needed for a women apparel brand. Our business is mainly online and we are seeking designers to design graphics for each section of our website. (Homepage, category pages etc) I'd love to find someone who's very good not only at the graphic design of websites, but can provide design into the UI / UX of the actual tools & back-end dashboards. Thank you for considering this opportunity. Candidates who possess ALL three experiences are preferred. Graphic Design (Photoshop, Illustrator) Photography Clothing, Shoes, Bags or at the very MINIMUM female products or services experiences You are both a talented graphic designer AND possess female product (Clothing/shoes/bags) or services experiences. Job Description: 
    We are looking for a talented Graphic Designer who will be responsible for creating compelling and innovative visual design solutions. We need good design and inspiring photography that looks inviting and signals quality for our website. You do not need to code CSS/HTML, you just need to provide us high end designs that will look as good as the design sample attached.
    Here's what you need to know. Your responsibilities: Use bespoke homepage imagery and design to set a positive first impression of the site and convey its brand values. Great product photography is particularly important in visually-driven industries. Understand business and user requirements for each section of our websites (Shoes, Clothing etc) Translate requirements into highly engaging and compelling design concepts Effectively conceptualize, design and create high-quality visuals in a variety of formats Good design and inspiring photography is essential. Your qualifications: -Photoshop & Adobe Illustrator expert with a lot of experience in designing homepages, category pages and other pages of the site. Firm understanding of intelligent UX/UI Design Strong grasp of visual design principles, information design, typography, color, imagery and iconography Compelling portfolio that demonstrates elegant and innovative visual design Site that we think is awesome and example of graphics/photography design of our standard: Anyone knows where to get quality designer which has the skills above? Thanks

    | WayneRooney

  • HI there,
    I have a page utilizing isotope with multiple products with small text excerpts and when you click an item i opens a detailed view without requiring a new page load. I've read some of the one page posts but can't get my head around what's best SEO wise when dealing with possible duplicate content. I guess one method could be to have the product list with small excerts of text and all the details hidden in some json and then when the user clicks it, it will open the product and fill with details from inline json. The click action is overring the a tag action e.g. with jquery, so the the a tag has a clean url to a proper subpage with meta, h1 and all that stuff so google can follow it. The jquery thing enables the navigation without a page reload and I can update the document url with pushState.
    The subpage, if visited directly, includes the same animation stuff as the master but now has h1, p meta specific to that product but still with same effect, navigation and layout as the master page. Does anybody know if there is a better way to do this with one page sites when wanting to seo optimize detailed contents?

    | Hephey

  • A business partner currently has a page on a Joomla! website that is passing for the blog page.   I am not a Joomla! guy so I dont' know much about it. I do know that I don't like a lot of things and prefer Drupal however making a change to Drupal on that site is not an option.  We need to upgrade the blog page so that it is more like a blog and I know there has to be an SEO friendly component for a Joomla! blog page. Any ideas?

    | Atlanta-SMO

  • Hi All- I am building a website about outdoor activities (cycling, kayaking, hiking, etc.). The site will most likely be built with either Joomla or Wordpress. A key piece of the site will be a calendar of upcoming events. The calendar will list the basic attributes of each event like date, time and location. However if an event has a webpage of it's own I will also include a link to that page in the details of the event. My question is: How can I create a calendar that will capitalize on the SEO value of the links included in the event descriptions? I've noticed many similar sites put events into a Google calendar and then embed the Google calendar into their webpage. In that situation would Google even see any external links included in the descriptions of the events? Thanks in advance for any input. -Chris

    | 1968Rouleur

  • There were many 404 urls in my site found by Google Webmaster. I've redirected these urls to the relevant urls with 301 redirect in wordpress. After that I removed these 404 urls from Google Index through Webmaster.  "Should I cleanup these 301 redirects from Wordpress or not? ". Help Needed.

    | SangeetaC

  • Hi, I have been having a disagreement with another online marketing company. We are both promoting the same product under a different brand name but we ended up using the same theme to build our WordPress sites off of but in no way is the content the same. They are telling me that using the same theme in the same industry will cause a Google penalty. I do not believe this and do not see this causing a problem. The sites are relatively new so there is no proof of traffic dropping or penalties as of yet. What is everyone's professional opinion on this? Can a WordPress theme cause duplicate content penalty? If so would that not mean that anyone using themes will have some sort of penalty?

    | impact89

  • Hi all Wondering if anyone knows how much poor server performance is needed to affect your Google rankings. A few sites of mine were performing fine until about 11am today, since then the site traffic is down about 99% (eeek) at the same time the server was playing up with a server load about 40 - it's 12core, 64ram. I was having database issues at the time too. Surely Google doesn't work that fast in demoting sites for poor performance does it? If not need I need to ponder other reasons why i have no traffic anymore. Thanks, Carl

    | carl_daedricdigital

  • I just ran a webmaster tool from Yoast SEO premium and notice I have a lot of problems with tags (restricted-robots-txt) For example : Do I have to redirect to Should I do this to each and every posts Thank you

    | soobumim

  • Hi, we recently moved a PHP based site from one web developer to another (switched hosting providers as well).  Amidst the move our rankings drastically dropped and our citation and trust flow were literally cut in half as per Majestic SEO.  What could have caused this sudden drop?

    | Syed_Raza

  • Hey, I had an issue where a client found a bad link on their site then I went to fix it and couldn't figure out where on earth it was. I tried using different software which would find the link, but not tell me where it was linked from. I asked for some help from someone in my office and they found it in about 15 seconds. Their strategy was "think like a client - just click everywhere". Is there a way to quickly find what URLs are pointing to a specific URL? Cheers

    | renegadeempire

  • So here is a question that may be obvious but wondering if there is some nuance here that I may be missing. Question:  Consider an ecommerce site that has multiple sites around the world but are all variations of the same thing just in different languages.  Now lets say some of these exist on just a normal .com page while others exist on different ccTLD's.  When you build out the XML Sitemap for these sites, especially the ones on the other ccTLD's, we want to ensure that using <loc>"</loc> <xhtml:link<br>rel="alternate"
    /> Would be the correct way of doing this.  I know I have to change this for each different ccTLD but it just looks weird when you start putting about 10-15 different language locale variations as alternate links.  I guess I am just looking for a bit of re-affirmation I am doing this right.</xhtml:link<br></xhtml:link<br> Thanks!

    | DRSearchEngOpt

  • Wondering if anyone could offer some tips here please. I cannot share the site name so will try and be as detailed as possible. My client had their site on a .com domain and have decided to move to a domain. The new site has been put on the uk domain with more or less the same structure, save for pages which have been removed or merged. I am now setting up 301 redirects to tell the engines about the moved site, however this is giving me no end of grief. I can get to redirect to no problems, however, if I try and redirect any of the inner pages to their new locations they all end up on the home not where they should be. Given the homepage isn't designed to rank for all the terms. The htaccess I am using is below, I cannot see anything wrong with it, can anyone else? Redirect 301 /
    Redirect 301 /villa_rental.php
    Redirect 301 /new_home.php
    Redirect 301 /
    Redirect 301 /developments.php
    Redirect 301 /solana_hills.php
    Redirect 301 /middle_east.php
    Redirect 301 /denia.php
    Redirect 301 /faq.php I have tried both relative and full paths for the old site but doesn't make any difference. Does it matter the old site is php and the new html? many thanks

    | carl_daedricdigital

  • I want to hide a lot of text behind my site page. I know its possible with that tag. But in what way a search engine looks at those text? Hidden or they are crawled and indexed.

    | FhyzicsBCPL

  • I am getting mobile error occurred problem.Can somebody help me about this issue? Morris

    | PrintEZ

  • Has anyone noticed any fall out from the recent redesign of SERP pages by Google? I noticed that there appears to be one less organic result "above the fold" now, so if you were possibly in third or fourth position maybe slight dip in traffic? Any noticeable shift in click through rate with the new bigger font? Also, has anyone noticed if the new design has caused any shift in best practices for on-page meta data like Title tag and description tag counts? I know the Title tag was previously driven by the pixel width of the title in Google SERPS, just curious if that has changed with this redesign.

    | IrvCo_Interactive

  • Hi fellow Mozzers. I am in need of assistance. Pagination is and has been broken on the Website for which I do SEO in-house...and it's been broken for years. Here is an example: This category has 122 products, broken down to display 24 at a time across paginated results. However, you will notice that once you enter pagination, all of the URLs become this: Even if you hit "Previous" or "Next" or your browser back button, the URL stays: I have tried to explain to stakeholders that this is a lost opportunity. That if a user or Google were to find that a particular paginated result contained a unique combination of products that might be more relevant to a searcher's search than the main page in the series, Google couldn't send the searcher to that page because it didn't have a unique URL. In addition, this non-unique URL most likely is bottle-necking the flow of page authority internally because it isn't unique. This is not to mention that 38% of our traffic in Google Analytics is being reported as coming from this page...a problem because this page could be one of several hundred on the site and we have no idea which one a visitor was actually looking at. How do I articulate the magnitude of this problem for SEO? Is there a way I can easily put it in dollars and cents for a business person who really thinks SEOs are a bunch of snake oil salesmen in the first place? Does anyone have any before and after case studies or quantifiable data that they would be willing to share with me (even privately) that can help me articulate better how important it is to address this problem. Even more, what can we hope to get out of fixing it? More traffic, more revenue, higher conversions? Can anyone help me go to the mat with a solid argument as to why pagination should be addressed?

    | danatanseo

  • To stop getting our sites particular page in search engine we use "nofollow" tag. But the code is inside <a>tag and i didn't have that tag in my page. What would i do? how do i insert it in my page and where?</a>

    | FhyzicsBCPL

  • In the footer of my WP site at, I have "Questions? Call us at xxx-xxx-xxxx 10:00 am to 8:00 pm Pacific time or email [address]" I've searched, but haven't easily found a shortcode where I can insert the current time for my time zone in this footer statement. Does anyone know if such a thing exists? The Do Not Disturb function on the iPhone has been a big help, but we've still had calls at three in the morning from someone in Australia on New Year's Day who didn't know how to look up time differences online.

    | KeriMorgret

  • Our site is currently blocking search bots that's why I can't use Google Webmaster Tools' URL fetch tool. In Screamingfrog, there are dynamic pages that can't be found if I crawl the homepage. Thanks in advance!

    | esiow2013

  • Guys, I wanted to build a simple Pincode finder website for India. The targeted visitors as is obvious will be from India. Alike other Pincode finder websites, the users in this case too will have to key in the location / area of whose pincode he is looking for and they will get Pincode from that very location / area. Other than this, users will also come to this website when they search for something like " <location name="">pincode</location>" on Google (for instance, users will search for something like "Hiranandani Gardens Powai Pincode") Along with data fethced from our sources via Indian postal departments and other data available in public domain, we shall be using data from Google Maps API too. My question in regards to the same is as follows: What should the page-structure / structure of the website be for ranking well on Google? What should be the URL structure? Other suggestions to rank well on Google in this regards? Competition: (You can search for the term "Hiranandani Gardens Powai Pincode" to know how these sites show data) Pls. help...

    | ShalinTJ

  • I am currently running an old software called gallery2 on my website. I used it for years to showcase some of the work I have done. I switched over to Next Gen gallery some time ago, but I still have my gallery 2 online. Gallery 2 isn't really available on my website anymore unless people find it through search engines. The only reason I didn't delete it years ago was because I didnt know how that would effect my rankings. At the moment its not working...and instead of figuring out why, Id like to go ahead and remove it. How should I deal with any dead links? The problem is that I had a few hundred photos on gallery, so there will be an overwhelming number of dead links. I was thinking of making a new page on my site and just put all of my NextGen galleries on the page... and then just 301 everything that was located at /gallery2 to my new gallery page. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Tim

    | Timvroom

  • Hi all, So far I have found this one:   It looks like it identifies unused, but perhaps not duplicates? It also has a 5,000 page limit and our site is 8,000+ we really need something that can handle a site larger than their limit. I do have Screaming Frog. Is there a way to use Screaming Frog to locate unused and duplicate CSS? Any recommendations and/or tips would be great. I am also aware of the Firefix extensions, but to my knowledge they will only do one page at a time? Thanks!

    | danatanseo

  • Hi to all. Ok so as I read around the internet I see a lot of people who dislike theme forest and using their themes. I have a them from them, the Avada theme. Ok so they have made a TON of money. But would so many people buy the theme if it was that bad? Going forward, my question is, are wordpress themes a bad thing to do? I feel like its peer pressure to switch to a framework like Genesis. There are so many people who state that a framework and child theme is the way to go. But I am using this avada theme and having under 2.5 sec load times. A lot of people say the code is bloated and is horrible. I understand this and got a cache plugin that makes a huge difference. But I do want to learn and I do want to approach websites in a positive way. So if you have any thoughts on themes, please tell me your thoughts. I am no developer, so they seem to work, but is it at a price? Like bad seo and serps? Thank you chris

    | asbchris

  • Is there any tool available to check website design whether it is good for SEO or not?

    | ross254sidney

  • Hi Mozzers, I am about to move a load of content from one site to another and switch off the first site. I've got all my 301s mapped and ready to go. My gosh, that's one heck of a piece of work - it better be worth it 😉 I have been looking at Webmaster Tools Change of address. I want to know which site do I choose to change the address to? I have three versions of my site in webmaster tools: the ssl version (https) the non-ssl version (http) No www. in front My site has a sitewide SSL certificate (company policy - personally, I'd only have it on the parts that need it, but life's too short for some battles...) so should I send everything to the https version? My instinct says the https version but I really can't afford to get this wrong. Anyone have any thoughts on this? Please help! Thank you, Amelia xx

    | CommT

  • In a past Q&A forum about web design companies adding footer links to the websites they make, I really liked Irving Weisses' solution where he stated: "I think the best solution is a dofollow homepage ONLY footer link. This is the highest PR page, usually the most traffic so good visibility for advertising,  you're not creating tons of sitewide links with identical anchor texts, and the owner is only leaking some PR on their homepage." I want to implement this but would like to know the best way to do this.  I deal Wordpress 95% of the time. Is there a plugin or CSS code that would allow me to put a Do follow link in the footer but make the link disappear on all the other pages? Thanks in advanced everyone 🙂 Wesley Barras, Houston, TX

    | Wesley-Barras

  • Hi, we have several blogs and comparison sites on specific topics. All the domains rank on top positions in very competitive niche markets. We think that we can get more profit out of the domains when we put them under an umbrella brand. Customers that visit domain A can then also find products easily on domain B.  We see this for example on, with several brands in the top. To maintain or improve our rankings i'm looking for specific information for the link structure. For example, is it better to have the 'about us'/rel=author on each domain, with contributors on that specific domain or is it better to have them all in the (umbrella) brand domain. At the moment we have the structure like this:,,  and,, I think to maintain the rankings it is best to keep specific content (like blog/ about us) on the domain. So is it the best to just do side wide links with a logo (like and what about hosting? We work with wordpress, so all domains will be hosted on one ip? when we use the multiple site option of WP? All information on this topic is more than welcome 🙂

    | remkoallertz

  • A client is planning on developing a responsive designed website which redirects visitors using IE8 to a static webpage that encourages users to visit in another browser. What are the SEO implications of a server redirect just for IE8 visitors? Possible solutions: would containing a link on the static page to "continue browsing" and give the visitor access to the entire site in IE8 work well? Or should a CSS overlay message appear to IE8 visitors, no redirect, that encourages them to visit in another browser? Or serving a separate stylesheet for IE8 visitors, and not giving a responsive experience be optimal? Any suggestions or thoughts are appreciated. Cheers, Alex

    | Alex.Weintraub

  • Hello, Back Story I have a client (law firm) who has a large .html website. He has been doing his own SEO for years and it shows. I think the only reason he reached out to a professional is because he got a huge penalty from Google last fall and fell very far down in rankings. Although, he still retains a #1 spot in Yahoo for his site for the keyword phrase he wants. I have been creating a new WordPress theme for the client and creating all new pages and updating the formatting/SEO. From the beginning I have told the client that when we delete the old site and install a new WordPress site (same domain name, but different page hierarchy) he will take a bump in the search engines until all the 301 redirects get sorted out. I told him I can't guarantee any time frame of how long the dip in SEO will last. Some sites bounce right back while others take longer. Last week, during a discussion, he tells me that if he loses his #1 ranking on Yahoo for any length of time he thinks he will go out of business. Needless to say I was a little taken back. When it comes to SEO I use best practice techniques, do my research, stay on top of trends but I never guarantee rankings when moving to a new site. I'm thinking of ways I can help elevate any type of huge SEO drop off and help the client. Here is what I was thinking of suggesting to the client and I would love some feedback. Main Question He has another domain he isn't doing anything with. It's pretty much his domain name with pc added. I was thinking about using that domain to create a simple 1-2 page WordPress website with brand new content (no duplicate content) aimed at attracting his keyword phrase. I would do as much SEO as I could with a 1-2 page site and give it a month or so to see if this smaller site can get into the top #10 in Yahoo, or higher. Then, when we move the site he will still have a website on the first page of Yahoo for his keyword phrase. I hope I explained it clearly 🙂 I would be open to any suggestions anyone may have. Thanks

    | Bill_K

  • Our clients usually have a lot of questions about our industry.  We implemented Facebook comments (see bottom of: on many pages throughout the site to allow our clients to ask whatever they'd like and build additional content using copy on how our clients speak, not industry expert vocab... I have some problems with FB comments: Our answers only show to people logged into FB.  For others it looks as if we don't reply. The data pulls from FB, so we don't own it and it is slower than our server. You need a Facebook, Yahoo, or Hotmail account...I want anyone to be able to ask a question. Can anyone recommend a script that accomplishes our Q&A functionality using our own database?  Also, I'd like to allow anyone to post without a requirement of an account. If I had a WordPress site, I suppose this would be easier, as I'm sure there are various comment solutions, but I have a HTML\PHP based custom built site.

    | TheDude

  • The company I work for are looking to go responsive which is high up the list on our development plans. Further on down the development plan they want to add more javascript into the website. Is this recommended as we plan to go responsive ?

    | jmurphy7

  • I am considering moving 1 of our sites to a Magento e-commerce platform. If I went down this route we would be keen to find someone who we can hire in-house. However I have never hired a web developer before. What should a developer with experience of launching and building Magento-based e-commerce websites have on their CV? What should I be looking for in terms of knowledge? Any help or advice welcome!

    | DHS_SH

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