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Category: Web Design

Talk through the latest in web design and development trends.

  • Hi, hope someone might be able to help me with this. I am setting my son up with a website for his small painting and decorating company. However, I am a wordpress stalwart and he has seen a theme which is a javascript animated responsive theme from template monster. Its not my choice just he is adamant that he wants it. However, I am slightly concerned that Google cannot index as well with these kind of sites as they would with a standard HTML site. I would be grateful if someone could confirm if they can be indexed etc. The content appears in what I can only describe as lightboxes. Thanks

    | denismilton

  • I have searched for tags to use for our redudant content on 25 unique local landing pages. The redundant content references our services and abilities on each page. Could anyone tell me how to retain this content and direct the search engines to disregard this portion of the landing page. We are a WordPress site -- if there is a plugin - I would love to know which one might work, although I have not been able to find one that will protect us from duplicate content issues. Thank you in advance.

    | seant119

  • Could an ecommerce site with a nd domain compete with one another and hard organic rankings if the content of the pages are the same? All the links would be identical (apart from or the product descriptions, pages titles etc... would all be identical or similar (our page titles are ever so slightly different). Could this be hurting us? Thanks in advance ^ Paul

    | kevinliao

  • My website can be accessed with a number of different URL's and I am trying to consolidate the traffic to one point.  Is there any problem, SEO or technical, with forcing all users who come to my site to going to our https domain?  I have already set a preferred domain in WebMaster Tools and set rel=canonical for each page.  For instance, anyone entering the below sites would be forced to land at

    | Stew222

  • Reading the moz article on internal links, it mentions that the optimal link structure for a website should look like a pyramid. Are these one-way links or reciprocal links? Does it matter when trying to get keyword optimized pages to rank*? If so, under what conditions should one be used instead of the other. Related: 
    Are internal reciprocal links weaker than one way? Whiteboard Friday - Sitewide, Reciprocal, and Directory Links I am trying to get the right pages to rank for their corresponding keywords, but under the On-Page optimization, the pages are ranking for the wrong keyword.

    | atomike238

  • The problem we have is that we have lots of inventory pages.  These inventory pages have a bunch of links at the top linking to different styles of the item, up to 56 links in some cases.  Then each item listed has a link to the item's detail page and a link to the item's shop owner's page.  So if a page has 50 items shown, there are really 100 links just for the inventory.  This is not taking into account the header links, footer links, sidebar links to other sections on the site. We have all these links to help consumers move through the site.  The problem is that every item detail page on the site is not getting indexed and actually I think it's more like over 50% of the item detail pages are not indexed because the search engines are too busy following all these other links. Should we nofollow, index the links to the different styles of the item, the shop owner page?  Or what should we do to get the search engine bots to index our item detail pages?

    | CFSSEO

  • So mobile sites are all the rave, but how many are doing it correctly and with all the different options which is correct or the best? For example I have a guy telling me that the mobile site must validate here or here However I have run many so called mobile sites like nike ( and those built by dudamobiles and all dramatically fail the above tests! Responsive is another key element of web design and the guys at twitter came up with bootstrap, so I ran these sites through the above validators and all have failed. I take this site as an example from, please note this is not my site but was top of thelist on here. Mobi Ready 2 / 5 - result poor mobile experience Results from google pagespeed Mobile 62 / 100 Desktop 83 / 100 So while it looks good on mobile devices it does not score well If you look at the google site: The case studies listed all fail the validation tests, so my question is is it worth getting our mobile sites validated and will this affect rankings?

    | iprosoftware

  • I changed my Drupal theme to "Bootstrap 3" and now my traffic is down 50% gradually in past 5 days, can this be theme related? Answers to checks below : 1). There were no redirects involved, I just flipped a switch and changed theme for my Drupal blog. 2). No issues reported by Google WMT except the fact that impressions fell, see stat images for comparison at - 3). shows healthy "About 201,000 results". 4). Checked slow loading times and browser issue, nothing there. 5). It's not a seasonal drop. Pls. suggest what else should I focus upon to find the reason. @Prateek_Chandra where can I share my analytic report with you privately. I can also enable guest access to my account for you to have a look.

    | techdna1

  • What it is NOT: No Link was broken. I have used Moz, Screaming Frog, Excel, etc - there are not broken links. We have not added spammy links. We kept the same amount of links and content on the homepage - with an exception of 1 or 2. All the pages remained canonical. Our blog uses rel=prev rel=next, and each page is canonicalized to itself. We do not index duplicated content. Our tags are content="noindex,follow" We are using the Genesis Framework (we were not before.) Load time is quicker - we now have a dedicated server. Webmaster tools has not reported any crawl report problems. What we did that should have improved our rankings and traffic: Implemented Responsive design Our bounce rate is down - Average visit length is up. Any ideas?

    | Thriveworks-Counseling

  • Hello Experts, how to submit website like this flow, i mean how can we show our home, about us, services and contact us page like this in search engine 14dcx86.png

    | JulieWhite

  • Hi, I run a website called  We currently have a desktop website and a mobile app (native apps).  However the largest community of our users tend to use our desktop site on their mobile phones.  Our bounce rate is about 12% higher for mobile devices than desktop users and our pages per visit drops by almost 50% from desktop to mobile.  My hypothesis is that mobile users when presented with a "designed for desktop" site are more likely to leave since the navigation isn't as natural. I'm considering investing in either a responsive design for the site or a dedicated mobile site and wanted the communities input on what metrics I should be looking at to determine "is it worth it"?  Or should I just stick with service the desktop version to the mobile users?

    | tvfoodmaps

  • I have recently switched a site from oscommerce (an ecommerce CMS) to Wordpress (using WooCommerce plugins). I have already placed automatic redirect rules for all the products and product categories. It has now been 2 weeks since the new CMS went live. However, the site is receiving approximately 30% less traffic than it used to. The new site has a cleaner layout, is responsive design. As I mentioned, the old product and product category URLs are being redirected to the new WordPress URLs. Any other ideas? Do you think its just Google penalizing for changing site structure? On the plus side, I see structured data and rich snippets showing up in Google SERPs for the site. The site is

    | amitramani

  • Hi Everyone, Over the weekend, we got a number of spam emails sent through our contact form, but what makes this unusual is that it went to an email address that is no longer listed in the contact form. We used to have it go to our info@, but not anymore. The new email address has not got any spam, but the old one still is. Those spam emails all say at the bottom "This mail is sent via contact form (top) on Kempruge website." How is this happening? What can be done about it? We have added captcha, but that only seems to help the site that is currently linked to the contact form, not the old one. Thanks everyone, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • We have recently re-programmed our website to Responsive Web Design. All the URLs have remained the same, all the content is unchanged. We have this new version sitting on a development server and are finding ourselves hesitant to make the changeover. Our rankings are great currently, and our question is whether or not there are any risks that we will incur by making this change. We would appreciate any advice on how to implement this change safely. Or if that's it's even possible to insure that there won't be ranking losses.

    | gfiedel

  • Hey Mozers... Would you guys mind help me brainstorm? My client contact me and he wants to build a car classified kind of website for Utah. He wants to make the website from scratch, he has a pretty good budget and plan on using online marketing together with traditional marketing. If you were building your own car classifieds sites and budget was not a problem what would you include in your site? (ex: responsive, native ios app, blog, free tool for tell the user the value their car, etc) How would you do the online marketing? Which car Classified site do you like? why? Thanks Felipe

    | Felip3

  • Hi Folks, I am relatively new to SEO and I was hoping folks here could give me some guidance/tips on ranking in a competitive keyword space. My client is a health care provider and they wish to rank for terms like 'heart attack' which I believe will be quite difficult due to it being a short tail keyword and it is a very competitive space. Any an all advice and input is greatly appreciated. Regards, Dave

    | icanseeu

  • Do any of you out there use wordpress for an ecommerce site? I'm getting some mixed reviews on it (but it's the internet, so that's bound to happen). Is there any sort of site traffic or page limit that would make using wordpress a bad idea? Thanks, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • Hello there, quick question on HTTPS downgrade to HTTP. Originally, full site was HTTPS. Redesign eliminated need for secure layer. Site currently has https 301'd to Ideally, site would live at, but with the old site having been indexed https, the security warning triggers when you visit, hence the 301 to a subdomain. Thinking possible solutions here are to a) add back in secure layer or b) 301 all old https pages to new http pages. Have I overlooked something? With (a), I will see no SEO impact, correct? With (b), can I expect impact similar to a relaunch? Have seen a lot of chatter that there is some impact in switching http to https, but not much the other way. Any help much appreciated!

    | alimo

  • They are going to do an entire website redesign for and I think they should adhere to responsive design best practices. However, I'm just saying that because everything I have read says that's the "way of the future" if not the way of the present already. Any reason, they shouldn't do that and keep the desktop/mobile sites? Thanks, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • i have hundreds/thousands of images on my site, but for some reason the images on this page - - are being flagged as attachment pages, meaning im getting errors for duplicate titles, missing metas ect why are these images and only these ones being flagged up, they have been added in exactly the same way as every other image on the site appreciate any advice Thanks

    | RGOnline

  • I am busy structuring URL's for a client and an issue i have come across is as follows: i have a URL that is a long one, we cant remove words in it so the question is which one is better structurally: root/courses/businessmanagementandadministration.aspx or root/courses/business-management-and-administration.aspx ​please help.

    | nick_pageone

  • Which one is better in your experience? Please don't suggest other hosting services. I just want to know your thoughts from website management, blogging, hosting and SEO standpoint about the 4 mentioned hosting sites. Thanks in advance!

    | esiow2013

  • Hi guys, our ftp got hacked a few days ago and the person uploaded a bunch of html pages with links to fake rolex websites. They also build a ton of links to the urls they had created in the image folder on our site with very spammy keyword anchor texts all in line of the same fake watches. What do you recommend as a plan of action? Make a list of all the backlinks and upload them in the Google disavow tool? Obviously i have already deleted the pages they were linking to and secured our ftp. Looking forward to your advice 🙂

    | Immanuel

  • Hi all, I cannot seem to get my pagespeed up to the level I want, but I do not have the backend knowledge to fix the following errors listed below. I have played around with this for awhile, and gotten a number of them reduced, but these last ones are beyond me at this time. Any idea how long this would take someone proficient to do? Any idea what the cost would be? I know the ideas are going to be super general, but ball park is what I'm looking for. Thanks! Ruben Remove render-blocking JavaScript: Optimize CSS Delivery of the following:

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • I have read a lot about where it is suggested to either not put an attribute link in the footer of a clients site or to no follow it. But I have a little bit different take on the question. How does this work on a large scale? Are these manual penalties, or are they automatic? By large scale, I am talking about big cms programs such as Wordpress, Joomla, and the likes of those. They all have links back to their site in the footer of the default templates. Is this bad? Does it not rally matter on the scale of companies such as this?

    | LesleyPaone

  • I'v been seeing a lot of websites use a technique to present content to website visitors when the scroll down the page called "Lazy Loading". Does this hinder SEO and indexing since the content is not actually on the page until the user acts/requests it?

    | JusinDuff

  • Actually I have problems with the rendering of webfonts on all browsers. As moz uses 100% Webfonts I hardly can read text. Anybody had this problem before? please help! THX 🙂 attached a screen to see what it looks like... screenshot-problem-webfonts.png

    | inlinear

  • The site would consist of an initial homepage, about us page, products & services page, sub-category pages that consist of the products and services in greater detail, and a contact us page.  What platform would you recommend building this site on? I currently use Miva Merchant for an ecommerce platform, however this new site will not require the customization that Miva provides, and will also not need to have ecommerce capabilities.  This will strictly be an informational site for prospective and current clients.

    | djlittman

  • Hi there, I need some help - I am looking for some examples of SEO and inbound marketing websites in the B2B service sector. Thanks in advance!

    | Hughescov

  • Hi all, Of those who've done it or have valuable advice to impart, what are the things to look out for when re-designing a homepage? In the same breath, what are vital considerations and elements to include/features to bear in mind when 'prettying up' a primary landing page as a homepage essentially serves as? UX fundamentals? Thanks folks

    | Martin_S

  • For some reason, we do incredibly worse in Bing than we do in Google. In the SEO reporter tool, I saw this message:
    Use tag in the section of your page, where "ll-cc" stands for the culture code of the language and country/region the content applies to. Alternatively use the lang="ll-cc" attribute on either the or the <title> tag .:<br /><br />I'm guessing Bing wants to me to add USA and Eng to my site, but my questions are, 1. why isn't this an issue for google? 2. I have this error message for all my pages, so is there a sitewide WP plugin anyone would recommend?</span></p> <p><span>Thanks,</span></p> <p><span>Ruben</span></p></title>

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • Hi All, We had some great rankings on since 2006 and we switched to just with cleaner url structures about 13 days ago.  We were on Volusion now Magento. We mapped out  a couple of thousand of 301's and carefully choose very similar landing pages on the new site. Uploaded an htcaccess file and submitted sitemap in GWT. We have been correcting 404's and watching GWT like a hawk. We dropped on several almost all of our great terms from page one to page 14 or 15 on the new site. We don't even rank yet on our own brand terms ?!?. ORGANIC traffic has dropped more than 50%. The only thing in our plan that we couldn't execute was using the "we moved" tool in GWT because they don't allow switches from subdomains to be entered.  Bummer! Do you think missing that one thing caused the plummet? In retrospect perhaps we changed too many things at once ie hosting, cms and going down to root url. Anyways, I don't know what we can do from here but we'd sure be silly not to ask! Anybody's suggestions or past experiences with this situation would be huge! Thanks so much in advance, Sean

    | seandunn

  • My company has a page with links for each of our dozen office locations as well as a clickable map. These offices are also linked in the footer of every page along with their phone number. When one of these links is clicked, the visitor is directed to a static page with a picture of the office, contact information, a short description, and some other information. The URL for these pages is displayed as something like http:/, with seemingly random ID numbers at the end depending on the office that remain static. I know first off that this is probably bad SEO practice, as the URL should be something like htttp:// My question is, why is there a question mark in the page URL? I understand that it represents a query string, but I'm not sure why it's there to begin with. A search query should not required if they are just static landing pages, correct?. Is there any reason at all why they would be queries? Is this an issue that needs to be addressed or does it have little to no impact on SEO?

    | BD69

  • Bit of a riddle I am trying to figure out here... I have a client that receives some visits via organic searches (around 700). Most of which are to the homepage. The client isn't actively targeting any keywords yet (on purpose) and the homepage doesn't have much on it. I've been hired to do keyword research and re-develop the site but this is the first site I've done since google really put the hurt on keyword information. My worry is that without knowing what keywords people are using currently to search and find the site, I will be potentially deleting information that is bringing in traffic. Looking at the traffic and other keywords I can view I think the keywords are branded which makes it a bit easier but again, it is a bit worrisome, not so much for this client but for future work. Anyone have any ideas other than looking at webmaster  tools and landing pages?

    | JoshBowers2012

  • ul.nav a#homelink { text-indent: -9999px; background: url('') no-repeat center 6px; padding: 0px; } ul.nav a#homelink span { display: block; padding: 5px 9px 8px 5px; width: 16px; } I'm having problems in adding back the "house" icon instead of a "Home" text in my menu. I don't what "CSS class" should I use to be added in the Home menu button (Appearance>Menu). I'm currently using a "MyProducts" Wordpress theme by ElegantThemes. Thanks in advance!

    | esiow2013

  • I just have checked on some of the keyword I am ranking for and found in the serp that next to the post I have also the site name. But I thought that I have remove it. Does somebody know how to remove it? perhaps I did not do it correctly. I am also using yoast seo plugin but I do not have it set there to show the site name after posts name. Can somebody help me to fix this please? I have also attached an image from the serp where is behind the post title also Villas Diani-the site name Thank you very much! Iris O1oj4W0.jpg

    | Rebeca1

  • Site:  12 year old financial service 'information' site with lead gen business model. Historically has held top 10 positions for top keywords and phrases. Background:  The organic traffic from Google has fallen to 50% of what it was over the past 4 months compared to the same months last year.  While several potential factors could be responsible/contributing (not limited to my pro-active removal of a dozen old emat links that may be perceived as unnatural despite no warning), this drop coincides with the same period the 'mobile site' was launched.  Because I admittedly know the least about this potential cause, I am turning to the forum for assistance. Because the site is ~200 pages and contains many 'custom' pages with financial tables, forms, data pulled from 3rd parties, custom/different layouts we opted for creating a mobile site of only the top 12 most popular pages/topics just to have a mobile presence (instead of re-coding the entire site to make it responsive utilizing a mobile css). -These mobile pages were set up in an "m." subdomain. -We used bi-directional tagging placing a rel=canonical tag on the mobile page, and a rel=alternate tag on the desktop page.  This created a loop between the pages, as advised by Google. -Some mobile pages used content from a sub page, not the primary desktop page for a particular topic.  This may have broken the bi-directional 'loop', meaning the rel=canonical on the mobile page would point to a subpage, where the rel=alternate would point to the primary desktop page, even though the content did not come from that page, necessarily.  The primary desktop page is the one that ranks for related keywords.  In these cases, the "loop" would be broken.  Is this a cause for concern?  Could the authority held by the desktop page not be transferred to the mobile version, or the mobile page 'pull away' or disperse the strength of the desktop page if that 'loop' was not connected?  Could not setting up the bi-directional tags correctly cause a drop in the organic rankings? -Our developer verified the site is set up according to Google's guidelines for identifying device screen size and serving appropriate version of page.  -Are there any tools or utilities that I can use to identify issues, and/or verify everything is configured correctly? -Are we missing anything important in the set-up/configuration? -Could the use of a brand new subdomain 'm.' in and of itself be causing issues? -Have I identified any negative seo practices or pitfalls?  Am I missing or overlooking something? While i would have preferred maintaining a single, responsive, site with mobile css, it was not realistic given the various layouts, and owner's desire to only offer the top pages in mobile format. The mobile site may have nothing to do with the organic drop, but I'd like to rule it out if so, and I have so many questions. If anyone could address my concerns, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Greg

    | seagreen

  • Hi there, I have a potential issue with a site whereby all pages are dynamically populated using Javascript.  Thus, an example of an URL on their site would be!/category/product. I have read lots of conflicting information on the web - some says Google will ignore everything after the hashtag; other people say that Google will now index everything after the hashtag. Does anybody have any conclusive information about this?  Any links to Google or Matt Cutts as confirmation would be brilliant. P.S. I am aware about the potential issue of duplicate content, but I can assure you that has been dealt with.  I am only concerned about whether Google will index full URLs that contain hashtags. Thanks all! Mark

    | markadoi84

  • A client of mine is redesigning their site using a vertical Parallax & upon doing some research I've stumbled across Drew Barrymore's site: - which also uses Parallax. What I like in particular is that the site changes URLs as you scroll down. If you go direct to one of those URLs you'll notice unique meta data (albeit poorly optimised). All pages are indexed fine in Google (,or.r_cp.r_qf.&fp=f8873f78dfbb8c5e& I'm just wondering if this is considered ok as the user experience is good and they're not doing anything manipulative, however, there's duplicate content and a potential case of cloaking at hand. I think this approach may be ok for my client for a product features page or a global office locations page since I can break up the sections nicely and split a really long page featuring a lot of content into separate URLs. Whereas Flower Beauty have done it across the whole site... i.e. one page of HTML = the whole site. What do you guys think?

    | wojkwasi

  • In the Google Analytics visitor flow section, most of my traffic is starting off on the homepage, but a significant portion somehow is being directed to /default.aspx, as well as a minor fraction at /index.htm - see the attached image for what this looks like. My questions are, why is this happening, is it negatively affecting the site, and should I just fix it through a filter in Analytics or consult IT? Navigating to the /default.aspx page in the address bar simply returns a blank screen. Any idea of what's going on here? The logo in the top left corner of the site directs to /index.htm, so I think I have that issue solved, but /default.aspx is definitely stumping me. The server currently runs on Apache, though I don't know if it always did. My standard method of simply Googling the problem didn't give me any definitive answers, so any help would be greatly appreciated. Q12QqpC.jpg

    | BD69

  • Hi all, A client I am working on had a CMS built in recently which has resulted in all their canonicals tags being taken off the website, and as such the same page with both a .org/uk and domain have appeared in the search results and I am wondering what your guys take is on the best cause of action. For further background: Historically they have always used (not sure why) for their UK website and used .org/xxx for other countries (they also have a .org splashpage FYI). Having seen the .org/uk pages, and knowing they have to choose one to avoid duplication, they would like to move their uk website to the .org/uk domain to fit in with the rest of the divisions. However due to the historical use of their backlink profile contains links to both the and .org domains. My question then: would a canonical tag on all the pages pointing to the .org/uk pages be strong enough to pass on link juice to the .org/uk pages (from all links pointing to or would a 301 redirect be required in this instance, or indeed would it be best to stay with the domain? Thanks, Diana

    | Diana.varbanescu

  • I run multiple ecommerce stores in one particular market. I've been considering merging them all together and using a Single sign-on and allowing users to swap between websites. Each site is unique in their own way and are already ranking well on their own. But the goal is to merge them altogether to create a better user-flow. An example of what I'm trying to do is what does ( They have all of their different products but they're under different domains. Another example is and all of their brands to their sites. Will this negatively impact SEO efforts across the board or will we eventually benefit from merging them. Also, is there a correct way to do this. For example; Should I make one site the "parent website" and then create sub-directories of the other websites and work on the DNS to point to the right locations. I'm not the technical person on our team but I do lead the marketing and I can't find the right answer for this question.

    | venturagroup

  • We are working on a project that uses parallax to provide a great experience to the end user, and we are also trying to create a best case scenario for SEO.  We have multiple keywords we are trying to optimize. We have multiple pages with the parallax function built into it.  Basically each member of the primary navigation is it's own page, with all subpages built below it using the parallax function. Our navigation currently uses the hashbang method to provide custom URL's for each subpage.  And the user is appropriately directed to the right section based on that hashbang.  < This is its own page < This is a subpage that you scroll to on the About page We are trying to decide what the best method will be for trying to optimize each subpage, but my current concern is that because each subpage is really a part of the primary page, will all those URL's be seen as duplicate content? Currently the site can also serve each subpage as it's own page as well, so without the parallax function.  Should I include those as part of the sitemap.  There's no way to navigate to them unless I include them in the sitemap, but I don't want Google to think I'm disingenuous in providing them links that don't exist, solely for the purpose of SEO, but truthfully all of the content exists and is available to the user. I know that a lot of people are asking these questions, and there really are no right answers yet, but I'm curious about everyone else's experience so far.

    | PaulRonin

  • I help manage a family website, that has about 10,000 products... It was top ranked since 1996, then got smacked by Penguin and recovered but its still receiving only a fraction of the natural traffic it used to get. Something we have never used... Is a sitemap.  I'm curious if anyone knows reliable software that will generate a sitemap?  My cart is custom built, website uses html pages across the board. Dynamic content and parameters are set up properly, onsite seo is in the excellent range.  The only thing that I haven't been utilizing is a sitemap.  Because the cart was hand built, it would a huge convenience to use a lightweight program thats compatible with any website, has parameter settings, exclusions and anything else useful to negate any duplicate content. I have a few highly dynamic pages as well...  If anyone knows a product or a possible solution, it would be much appreciated.  Working it up myself would be very time consuming. Thx

    | Southbay_Carnivorous_Plants

  • Is it bad for SEO if traffic is directed to "" instead of "" and would it be works setting up a redirect rule at htaccess level?

    | NoisyLittleMonkey

  • Hi, I have an e-commerce site that sells laptops. My main landing pages and category pages are as follows:
    "Toshiba Laptops", "Samsung Laptops", etc. We also run a WP blog with industry news.
    The posts are divided into categories which are basically as our landing pages.
    The posts themselves usually link to the appropriate e-commerce landing page.
    For example: a post about a new Samsung Laptop which is categorized in the blog under "Samsung Laptops" will naturally link somewhere inside to the "samsung laptops" ecommerce landing page. Is that good or do the categories on the blog cannibalize my more important e-commerce section landing pages? Thanks

    | BeytzNet

  • I'm currently looking for a Wordpress theme similar to e-commerce/shopping websites like ebay. I'm planning to put up a buy and sell site for shoes where people can upload shoe listings on their own.. The site we're planning doesn't have a buy/checkout button and paypal integration so it will look like more of an online catalog and not a shopping cart.  We will just add a contact number/email in the product listing so a buyer can contact and personally meet the seller. Let me know if this can be done in Wordpress + e-commerce plugins. I would also like to know if there's a WP plugin that will allow users to use Facebook or Twitter to login/sign up in our website/platform. Let me know if this is possible in Wordpress by installing a plugin. Thanks in advance!

    | esiow2013

  • I'm planning to put up a buy and sell site for shoes where people can upload shoe listings on their own something like though we're not the ones who will process the payment. The site we're planning doesn't have a buy/checkout button and paypal integration so it will look like a catalog.  We will just add a contact number/email in the product listing so a buyer can contact and personally meet the seller. Let me know if this can be done in Wordpress + e-commerce plugins. I would also like to know if there are custom shopping cart providers that allow Facebook or Twitter login/sign up integrated in the platform. Let me know if this is also possible in Wordpress by adding a plugin. Thanks in advance!

    | esiow2013

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