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Category: Web Design

Talk through the latest in web design and development trends.

  • I have a restaurant client that we're setting up with to distribute their menu and make sure all of the restaurant sites have updated information for their business. As part of SinglePlatform's service, they offer a mobile site. Normally we would just create a mobile site and make sure that it's optimized but this client isn't ready to invest in a customized mobile site yet. The mobile site we can get with SinglePlatform is very simple. Call, Menu, Address, View Full Website, Photos, General Info. I know this would make it much easier for mobile users to find information and contact them but it's not mobile best practices. Whatever main page they land on would redirect them to the home page of the mobile site (i.e. not a 1 to 1). We also won't have any Google Analytics information for this site. The question comes down to usability or SEO? I'm leaning toward the mobile site for now and sell them on a customized solution later. I guess I'm just looking for some verification or any insight. ZRVbARv

    | JaredDetroit

  • My client wants a fancy jquery carousel  at the top of their home page, as is all the rage these days.  I would like to add some nice SEO friendly text to that carousel, but I'm not sure how best to do that..I assume that by keeping the text which will appear in the carousel in divs on the page, which will be swapped out as the images cycle, it should still be easily picked up by search engines?

    | TroyCarlson

  • My real estate web site was migrated form Drupal to Wordpress last July. The ranking have dropped a lot since migration. One of the things we changed is that we have added two carousels to the home page. Most of the text is below the carousels. Is this bad for SEO? Thanks,

    | Kingalan1

  • I'm very interested on what users here use and why? From my experience regarding online SEO, both CMSs are equal. However, the ease of use is a different story. While both systems have a learning curve, wordpress is the easiest to learn thus making it probably the most popular CMS today. Joomla on the other hand takes a bit more time to understand but when learned, can be quite flexible. So if anyone here is kind enough to add their thoughts, I'm all ears!

    | kumidiaweb

  • Prior to my website redesign and relaunch on July 10th, our domain authority was 33. 301 redirects were implemented properly. Out or 600 pages, about 200 URLs were modified. Domain authority has dropped to 28. Rankings are terrible. Conversions are awful. What does the domain authority drop mean? I have noticed in the past that a drop in domain authority tends to coincide with more a drop in ranking and a drop in the quality of visitors. The site is Thanks,

    | Kingalan1

  • Caresma Building
    Alamang St., Bel-Air,
    Makati City,
    1209 (632) 890-0062 Question 1: What is the difference if i remove itemprop="address" after the Question 2: Do i need this line or should I remove it since "telephone" and "email" are also under "PostalAddress"? Thanks in advance! 🙂

    | esiow2013

  • *Update 9/19/2013 So I finally have more details the site is a joomla site and is hosted on godaddy. The weird thing is the malware message only appears when browsing the site in chrome it comes up fine in internet explorer any specific reason why that would be? Also we noticed that on the joomla template there were about 6 scripts after the tag that were adult site related and have nothing to do with our site, any ideas? I appreciate all/any suggestions and or advice. Thank You. I had a client recently pay about $300 for a site design that she hosted on go daddy. This is the site can anyone tell me why this would happen its only been live for about three months and out of no where we get this message? My client is thinking maybe the designer inserted some kind of malicious code?as he is now charging a couple hundred to fix the issue. Is there any way to look further into this? Im not sure a webmasters account was ever set up for this site so any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    | aaseo123

  • Does anyone have any RWD WP templates they would suggest? It's for a friend of mine that is starting a local solar panel installation company. For the beginning, he likely will not have more than a handful of categories and subcategories. I'd say no more than 50 total pages. Any suggestions would help. He doesn't want to spend more than $50 - $100, but he's not married to that figure if it's worth it. Thanks everyone, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • What if an info, like an address, is not visible in my content but I would like Google to know the address through a schema markup like the following sample? Is it ok with Google and their guidelines? , , Here's what Google says from this link though it is quite confusing for me: "In general, Google won't display any content in rich snippets that is not visible to human user. It can be tempting to add all the content relevant for a rich snippet in one place on the page, mark it up, and then hide the entire block of text using techniques like display:none, value-title, css etc. Don't do it! Google will ignore content that isn't visible to human users, so you should mark up the text that visitors will see on your web pages." Is it ok if the content is not visible to users but included in a meta tag? Thanks in advance!

    | esiow2013

  • Hi folks Can anybody help me.  I foolishly, dogedly followed  a tutorial for developing an 'online portfolio in WP'.  Little did I know that my initial assumption - to use the 'twenty twelve' rather than the 'twenty eleven' theme would land me in such deep water. I was attempting to learn php on my own.  All went well, until, --- the index page for the customized post type. Now I have two beautiful customized posttypes, 'companies' 'coverage' and no idea how to create an index page for either.  I can't do the next step!  I have tried every permutation - changing the permalink settings, changing them back, desperately searching for any handle to the nebulous links within the menu section.  The only thing I can do (and have done for now) is to link the menu item 'company' and the menu item 'coverage' to a single post.  Then the poor visitor has to scroll through the posts individually. I tried contacting the tutor and, to no avail!  I have searched forums and found this is a common problem, but because I am so confused and novice to php they might as well be speaking Chinese. To compound my problems, looking through 'Wordpress SEO' for Yoast, I am painfully aware I can't go to the first basic step and fix the peramilinks to 'Postname' as that just makes my flakey menu collapse like a pack of cards. Help!

    | catherine-279388

  • Hello, I have a coaching website at I want to make a second coaching website with the same exact wordpress theme, totally identical except a slightly different logo image. Everything the same. The only difference is that all the content will be unique on the new site. Does it matter to Google that the graphics are absolutely identical? I assume it's fine, I just am making sure.

    | BobGW

  • Hi fellow Mozzers, I'm currently in the process of planning/building a website for e-commerce and have stumbled on a bit of a hurdle with sub-directories. I want to use a piece of software called SellerDeck to generate my e-commerce store and also my homepage (index.html). This element of the build is fine as the e-commerce store will sit in a sub-directory of What I'm struggling with is the rest of the site architecture. I want to use Wordpress to manage content for the rest of the site. I want to have sub-directories and, all managed from one Wordpress installation. Is this possible? If not, does having two separate installations of Wordpress create any speed issues? Additional question for bonus points from me; lets say I wanted to do away with sub-directories for the /help/ and /blog/ elements (but keep the /store/), could I have a Wordpress installation that doesn't generate a homepage (index.php) so I can utilise the e-commerce software version instead. Essentially I'd be installing Wordpress at the root folder, but wouldn't have an index.php made by Wordpress. Many thanks in advance

    | BlueTree_Sean

  • Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

    | esiow2013

  • Hello, While developing eCommerce solution for building webstores in WordPress, our team decided to use metro style design for our dashboard. Could you check the Dashboard screenshot please and discuss several questions with me: How do you think, is it a good idea to use this kind of style? Do you think if there are many people who hate it?:) Should we offer more dashboard designs that can be changed through admin area (may be to offer a standard WP design) or this style will be enough for the start? Thank you very much! Yaros, GosuSell 001_dashboard.jpg

    | GosuSell

  • We have some instances of external links (i.e. pointing to another domain) in site menus. Although there are legitimate reasons (e.g. linking to a news archive kept on a separate domain) I understand this can be considered bad from a usability perspective. This begs the question - is this bad for SEO? With the recent panda changes we've seen certain issues which were previously "only" about usability attract SEO penalties, but I can't find any references to this example. Anyone have thoughts / experience?

    | SOS_Children

  • I was recently told I should take the breadcrumbs off of our site, for if no other reason than that it would look much nicer, and I tend to agree. I was curious how much seo weight breadcrumbs add to a site, and if I would take a big hit if I removed them... Thanks!

    | NoahsDad

  • Hello there, i would like to ask you if there's some preference on certain jquery slider that not only don't interfere with SEO efforts but contribute so a good recommendation or preference from you the SEO community will be gladly received. It wont matter if its free or it has cost. Thank you in Advance

    | Amarok3d

  • Under Google Analytics, I can see a bunch of quite useful information. One of the most alarming things is the excessively high Bounce Rate. It is 60%. That means, 60% of the visitors to my website (ecommerce site that sells equestrian gear and apparel) are leaving without clicking on any other links. I would highly appreciate it if someone can provide guidance on how to 
    1. Diagnose this issue, i.e. understand why the visitors are leaving. 2. Fix the issues found. For reference, the site is Any ideas and help is much appreciated.

    | amitramani

  • Can anyone please suggest why our site is not being crawled by Google at the moment? Thanks,

    | CheethamBellJWT

  • We may be inheriting a site and will be asked to do SEO for it.  We will have control over the development of the site, so this structure is what it is.  My question is - how significant of an impact do you think this is going to have and can you think of any workarounds that may help? Basically, the user experience of the site will feel similar to multiple pages.  However, this site will, in essence be one page and pull various content through javascript from different locations.  I have not seen the site yet (and believe it is still in development), but this is how it has been explained to me.  Any thoughts? My first thought was to add a blog to add page depth to the site and expand the content.  Any other thoughts are welcome and appreciated.  Thanks. (I know this is limited information, I'm sorry.  It's just about all I have to work with right now, and I was a little concerned and was hoping for a second opinion)

    | AdamWormann

  • I have three distinct hosting products, each solving three different problems. While these three products have different features in terms of functionality, they are all built on the same platform. Now, in terms of marketing some features of the platform, f.ex. High Availability, is significant to all of the products. How do I go about to include information about this feature on all product pages without getting penalized for duplicate content? Is there a way to tell Google that parts of the content on the pages for product 1-3 is duplicated with intent, or duplicated from f.ex. a page that explains the technical aspects of the platform?

    | SYSE

  • Hi Mozzers, happy friday! I'm moving a new clients website from a really bad CMS to Wordpress and wondered what I need to do to do this, get the A record of the old programmers? If someone could do me a checklist that'd be great! Thanks!

    | KarlBantleman

  • Hi, We have multiple international E-Commerce websites. Usually our content is translated and doesn't interfere with each other, but how do search engines react to duplicate content on different TLDs? We have copied our Dutch (NL) store for Belgium (BE) and i'm wondering if we could be inflicting damage onto ourselves... Should I use: for every page? are there other options so we can be sure that our websites aren't conflicting? Are they conflicting at all? Alex

    | WebmasterAlex

  • Hi, This question is E-Commerce related. We have product categories dividing products by color. Let's say we have the category 'blue toy cars' and a product called 'blue toy car racer', both of these could rank for the keyword 'blue toy car'. How do we make sure the category 'blue toy cars' ranks above the product 'blue toy car racer'? Or is the category page automatically ranked higher because of the higher page authority of that page? Alex

    | WebmasterAlex

  • Hi, We've recently gotten into Moz, with our E-commerce websites, and discovered that it's crawler takes note of about 2500 pages which it thinks are the same (duplicated). We've now begun to completely rewrite every description of every product (including Meta Title/Description) so that this number may be reduced. Since this is the biggest issue Moz spots I'm wondering what the effect of fixing it will be on our position in the SERP (mainly Google). Does anybody have some stories or experience about this topic? Thanks in Advance! 🙂 Alexander

    | WebmasterAlex

  • Hi, We are setting up our mobile website. Should we use a Subdomain ie or should we display different content under the same domain? We are worried that we are stripping out some content and images from the mobile version that could adversly affect our SEO. Thankyou

    | ryanryan

  • Buongiorno from 18 degrees C Wetherby UK 🙂 On this site the client wants to hold on to the EU site despite there being multiple standalone country sittes e.g. & Why would you ever need an EU site? I mean who ever searches for an EU site? If the client holds on to the eu site despite my position it's a waiste of time from a search perspective is the folowing the best appeasment? When a user enters the eu url or redirects to country the detected, eg I'm in Paris I enter it redirects to My felling this would be the most pragmatic thing to do? Any ideas please,

    | Nightwing

  • Hi guys this is more of a technical question. Has anyone seen this before in a url\page\ i'm referring to the forward slash / followed by a backslash \ resulting in /\ Any idea why this happens?

    | Immanuel

  • Does Google make any distinction between a web page and a blog post? Assuming all else is equal...any reason why a page would rank higher than a post? And that includes a page in WordPress vs a WordPress blog post.

    | Pinlaser

  • Hi Mozzers! I've just been viewing a website with a flat URL structure - the site has a definite structure - with various sections - and yet the URL structure doesn't reflect this... The developer tells me this is purely for SEO purposes! Would be interested in your thoughts...

    | McTaggart

  • I've noticed that on the crawl report for my site,, "too many links" is showing up as a chronic problem. Reviewing the pages cited as having this issue, I don't see more than 100 links.  I've read that sometimes, websites are unintentionally cloaking their links, and I am concerned that this is what might be happening on my site. Some example pages from my crawl report are:,, and Am I having a cloaking issue or is something else going on here?  Any insight is appreciated!

    | ScottImageWorks

  • Many errors from previous ecommerce site.  Do I need to redirect every single page that no longer exists at this domain? used to be but we have since changed course.  We want to be our local site on Long Island and NYC. will be an ecommerce project that I'll be revamping in the coming months.  I think Moz as well as Google still has all of the old ecommerce pages indexed.  And of course, Moz is shooting me a bunch of error all regarding pages from the ecommerce site that used to be on  Any thoughts?  Commentary?  Thx

    | loveyourkitchen

  • About a month ago, my company changed domains (from the long-established to the new and also did a complete overhaul of our site.  We tried to do everything necessary to keep Google happy as we went through this change, but we've suffered a drastic loss of both rankings and traffic. I know that can happen as a result of a redesign AND as a result of a new domain, but I'm wondering how long you would expect it to take before we bounced back and also, what can we do in the meantime to improve?

    | ScottImageWorks

  • Looking for a developer with  Network Solutions platform experience. 714-744-1926Tony Ashford

    | OCFurniture

  • Hey Guys - we recently launched a new website for a client. Prior, all of their URLs were dynamic via an old-school Cold Fusion CMS. We basically had to rewrite 90% of the sites URLs (site is like 300 pages). The new URLs are SEO friendly and the on-page SEO is strong; but the page rank/authority is starting from scratch from these pages and placement has decreased more most of the new pages with competitive keywords. We set up all of the 301 redirects properly and are actively monitoring in Google Webmaster Tools. **Anything else I can do to lessen the pain and get these pages higher page rank/authority sooner rather than later?**Thanks for all of your help.

    | NobleStudios

  • I know this question is not directly related to SEO, but I figured I have been getting some good help from this forum, so why not? The website is I am looking to redesign the home page. It is an ecommerce website selling equestrian clothing and leather goods. My goals are: 1. Reduce the very high bounce rate and drop-off rate. 2. Fine tune the relevancy of the website towards a handful of keyword phrases. 3. Engage the visitor to create better click-through and to increase the average time spent on the page/site. 4. Page Loading time is of importance. It has to load quickly. I would love to hear some specific suggestions, examples, best practices.

    | amitramani

  • What do you believe is the best approach when it comes to Local SEO for businesses in 2013?

    | BlueRockDigital

  • Hello. I have 2 websites in diffrent category and i want to move some of my visitor that arrived in specific page of doamin1 (url like this: root of domain 2.

    | vahidafshari45

  • Example URLs: My IT dept. tells me the second instance of this article would be ignored by Google, but I've found a couple of instances in which Google did index the 'rt-article.html' version of the page. To be fair, I've only found a couple out of MANY. Is it an issue? Thanks, Trisha

    | lzhao

  • We have a client that operates 5 gyms in 5 different part of Miami, and each gym has its own website. All sites rank well and have a a good pagerank. For the purpose of their marketing and brand they would like 1 website developed which includes all of their gyms which we are launching later today. Each gym will have it's own landing page within the website Should we redirect the URL's of the different websites to the individual landing pages on the new site or how should that work to minimize any penalties on our SEO. For example (these are fake url's):,,, The new url: New landing pages:,,, Should we do a redirect from: to to to to Thank you in advanced. If there is a better way to do this, or anything extra I need to know, that would be great. Thanks!

    | POPCreative

  • Has anyone worked with Parallax before?  Is it possible and worth it to do SEO on a wordpress site that uses Parallax? I have a friend that is asking.  Currently when you navigate their site there is only one URL (home page) and one title tag.

    | webestate

  • In my area, there are few different law enforcement agencies that post real time data on car accidents. One is They post the accidents by county, and then in the location heading, they add the intersection and the city. For most of these counties and cities, our website, has city and county specific pages. I need to figure out a way to pull the information from the FHP site and other real time crash sites so that it will automatically post on our pages. For example, if there's an accident in Hillsborough County on I-275 in Tampa, I'd like to have that immediately post on our "Hillsborough county car accident attorney" page and our "Tampa car accident attorney" page. I want our pages to have something comparable to a stock ticker widget, but for car accidents specific to each pages location AND combines all the info from the various law enforcement agencies. Any thoughts on how to go about creating this? As always, thank you all for taking time out of your work to assist me with whatever information or ideas you have. I really appreciate it.

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • According to Moz i have over 500 links on some pages, GWT says about 400 with most (90%) having about 210 links. When I eyeball the site it should have no more than 30 to 40, but my web agency tells me its because the way the CMS works (DotNetNuke) that all pages are linked via the top navigation. Does this mean that my internal linking strategy is flawed before i even start to consider which pages I want to have more links to? Our site was rebranded & moved to the new CMS in June 2013. Should i be concerned or is this OK? Ash

    | AshShep1

  • We are looking for experienced developer that specializes in Volusion sites. Thanks in advance! Tony 714-744-1926

    | OCFurniture

  • I just wanted to quickly run this past someone.  I have some footer links I want set to nofollow: <map <span="" class="webkit-html-tag">name</map>="Map"><area <span="" class="webkit-html-tag">shape="rect" coords="10,39,73,101" href="URL" target="_blank" alt="some text"> should this be <map <span class="webkit-html-tag">name</map <span>="Map"><area <span class="webkit-html-tag">shape</area <span>="rect" coords="10,39,73,101 <a <span class="webkit-html-tag">href="URL" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" alt="some text"></a <span> Want to check before I advise. If this is not the way how can I fix?

    | MickEdwards

  • I am looking for a comprehensive Website Redesign SEO Checklist. One of my customers is changing its website design (including URL structure) and I need all kinds of suggestions for a smooth SEO operation. Thanks in advance!

    | stradiji

  • I have a client who has five locations.  Their current web site was structured very well for the pre-penguin and Panda world. However it does not seem to do as well after these changes.  I believe it would serve them both with their customers as well as on Google if they localized the site for each location. Currently all the content on the site if focused on one location that is in the largest metro.  On the content side we have a plan to produce local content and blogs for each location.  My questions are how to go about structuring the site map and blogs to provide the most local juice.  I was also wondering how to properly mark up a site with a main trunk  and five local branches.  I am also trying to figure out how to structure the tags on the blog. On the site map itself I was planning on maintaining all the content as well as the older blogs in the main trunk of the web site.  Under this trunk there is a locations page that currently goes to five pages that simply have an address as well as a bulletin board of upcoming events. The blog is directly off the main page with no tie to any location. Here are my thoughts on what I think we should do: I believe we should create a mini web site starting at the location page that has specific content and navigation related to each location.  That the content should focus on the specifics of that area and what would serve that clientele the best. We should add to each branch location based on the key words and competition in that area. The blog off the main web site should continue to house the general categories that are already there as well as any other general posts. I think we should add a link to each store page with a location specific blog in each mini location site. Each mini location site should have it's own blog with specific blogs targeted towards the local market. This local blog would also feed in the general blogs from the "trunk" as they are posted. Relating back to my original questions: is what I outlined the right approach or is there a more effective way to do this? Is there any special mark up I should do to tell the directories what to do? How do I structure the tags for the blog?  I was thinking of a structure like this: General blog/category/subject under the main structure : local blog/category/subject Any ideas of input on this? Ron

    | Ron_McCabe

  • I run a real estate website.
    My webmaster needs to create a 404 page for listings when they get deleted.
    So far all he's come up with is 302-redirect to a standard "error template" page.
    Can anyone suggest a 404 how-to guide I can show him?

    | Jeepster

  • I have a delima.  Basically the main business product I used to offer is not going to be offered anymore.  The types of sales events we conducted for auto dealerships are not able to be insured any longer forcing the change.  So I am pivoting to just offering direct mail and I plan on going into digital probably social, landing pages, content marketing and not sure what else. I was able to register and both variations of withc was the original site.  Also that is the closest to the actual name of the business. My question is whether to build a site focusing on direct mail using the direct mail dot com, or just to redo the current site.  The current site doesn't have much rank if any because the old product was not something that was searched for.  As a mater of fact 99% of my business came from referrals and word or mouth so I just never really bothered. My thoughts are that ROI Direct Mail will work better for search and I am even going to use that as a DBA and TM.  But I am unsure of what to do for search.  One thing that has to happen is that all references to offering staffed sales events have to be removed from any site per my insurance company. Any advice?

    | roiautos

  • When working on ecommerce websites we insist that product list pages need at least 250 words of copy that is optimised for our keyword phrase ... lets say "17 inch bike frames". So we have some crappy copy written that goes something like this.... "We have a great 17 inch bike frame for you whatever your requirement. Take a look at the frames below .... blah blah blah totally pointless text blah blah blah........." This text is of no use to the user as the page is merely a means of  them getting to a suitable product page. However, the copy is pretty essential if we want to rank well for "17 inch bike frames" and not having copy on product list pages could land us in hot water with Panda ...especially if we have lots of them on a site using the same page template and with no copy on them. Does anyone else feel uneasy with adding this crappy text to pages? It's only there for search engines and that is something that Google say's we shouldn't do but I know for sure they're not going to rank me as well if I don't have it. I'd be interested to hear other people's opinion on this. It's always annoyed me. Does anyone have any good tips for making this type of copy on product list pages less forced and crappy?

    | QubaSEO

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