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Category: Web Design

Talk through the latest in web design and development trends.

  • I have noticed that our website tool to get a quote does not work with active scripting disabled is this bad? How many people have this disabled?

    | BobAnderson

  • A thought has crossed me. I've started to think about my relationships (uh oh...where is this going..?) with my web developer and designer and it seems design has become the core part of every SEO strategy I employ. Every page layout, rich content on a page and behaviour my customer might do, I'm thinking about the design. Are we in a way, designers as well? We put on so many hats and is design one of them? I'm technical with my web developer but I'm also concerned with the delivery the customer sees. How is your relationship with your web designer and developer? Are they core individuals in your SEO life?

    | Bio-RadAbs

  • I am working with a web developer who built our client's site in Joomla.  I seem to have a lot of issues with Joomla based sites.  Any how, the site is and when we run site reports it is showing there is no xml sitemap. However he used a popular Joomla plugin for sitemaps called Xmap. Here is their url: Can anyone provide any advice on what the website developer needs to do in order for the xml sitemap to function and "show up" on reports? Thanks Mashed Up

    | Atlanta-SMO

  • I am curious to know if there is a way to view or calculate the average time it takes site visitors to convert per session.  For example, based on a current website design, the average time on site might be 3 minutes and the number of conversions might be 100.  is there a way to say that for the current website design, it takes 3 minutes for the average site visitor to submit a web form? Then, as I redesign the site, my goal would be to improve the average time to conversion by making the web form more accessible and require less information within the form itself. I don't think this is currently possible in GA.  Has anyone figured out a way to accomplish this by use of traditional tracking tools?  Or, am I facing having to code my site to record each visitor's time on site from the second they enter and then stop the clock when they submit the form?

    | dsinger

  • We set up a WP blog that's hosted through GoDaddy. For various reasons, we purchased a URL to use to get through the technical build and set up and are trying to map that to a subdomain of our company website. (We can't host it on our own server, unfortunately). My question is: for WP blogs hosted via WP you can buy a domain mapping upgrade and I'm trying to find a similar plugin that could offer the same thing that would apply to our GoDaddy hosting and point to our subdomain (GD apparently doesn't offer the domain mapping). Anyone have any thoughts, please?

    | josh-riley

  • Is having this number of W3C errors & warnings an issue and will be impacting my site's performance? When the site was built 6 months ago my developers told me that it "was nothing to worry about", but I have read that any errors aren't good, let alone the huge number my site has? Your advice please Thanks Ash

    | AshShep1

  • I've had a horrible experience with the security on wordpress hosting with GoDaddy.  Someone recommended Blue Host as my next option.   Does anyone have any experience with BlueHost and what other hosting companies would you recommend for wordpress hosting?

    | ChristineCadena

  • Hi Guys, During the time I have installed wordpress many times on differents folder of my hosting service for making some experiment. how can I make sure this has not slowed down and dirty my database? 
    Because I'm afraid to have deleted the wordpress folders in the pasts instead of uninstall wordpress from the wordpress autoinstall panel 😞 Could old wordpress database (that I don't use any more) slow down my primary wordpress installation? Sorry for my bad english and thank u... I am a little ignorant about databases and I am afraid about put hand on them.

    | Italianseolover

  • I work at a non-profit that has always used the .org URL for any sites they create. I am designing a site right now with a heavy weight on SEO as part of the strategy and I have both the .org and .com versions of the URL. Am I right in thinking that I should use the .com?


  • Hey Mozers, One of my 2014 resolutions is to start doing A/B Testing, so far I have been following "best practices" and "common sense" when comes to website design, but I would like to go above and beyond. I was hoping a could get a few tips some of you that are already doing A/B testing. How is it been? Do you see a great ROI? What do you think would be best path for who is starting now? Any book or links you would recommend? Thanks

    | Felip3

  • How do I make a wide, somewhat fast loading image effect like this home page has: work on my website I'm asking for how to create the effect (with small enough image kb to load) and what the image should be of in your opinion. Thanks!

    | BobGW

  • I have a client that wants to build a mobile friendly directory for local business associations. Any suggestion on a CMS to build it in that could be self policing the sign ups? Bascially, the associations want to offer small local businesses a spot in the online directory, where they can just visit and submit their NAP and website. Down the road eventually add in places for advertising, such as a spot to for the small business to post an online coupon. Thoughts?

    | cschwartzel

  • Hello Again Moz community, This is my last Q of the day: I have a LOT of outbound links on the home page of Some are to clients projects, most are to other pages on the website. Can reducing this to the core pages have a positive impact on SEO? Thanks, Anton

    | Web3Marketing87

  • Hey guys, I was reading Brian's Guide to backlinking and other Quicksprout guide and I asked myself how do they use for create that pages. They are using wordpress, but what tools do they use for creating that landing pages? Optimizepress plugin? Other template builder plugin? Thank u very much.

    | Italianseolover

  • The person who build our site setup a lot of the pages like: domain/location/city/title tag For example: I know the length is too long and it seems entirely unnecessary to me. Many of the pages I have created since I got here are just domain/title tag (which is almost always city-field of law-attorneys-lawyers). However, when I compare the original pages with the new ones, they both rank similarly. Given what a pain it is to change urls, I'm not sure if it would be worth it to shorten them all or not. However, I would like to know if the way there were setup originally makes sense for some reason I don't understand. Thanks, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • Hi, I'm finally starting to use structured data in my clients sites now that Google has embraced it so much. I have a client that is a cosmetic physician and has associated services. I thought it would be beneficial to markup each service according to I'll be doing a similar thing with a new local surveyors website too. I'm just wondering if it is worth doing and what Schema properties would you recommend using. For the cosmetic physician I'm thinking of: description

    | morktron

  • We are planning to relaunch our ecommerce site selling gifts on Magento EE . I want to know weather we should go for retina or not. My only concern is page loading. Any advise will be appreciated.

    | Jvalops

  • Hi there! Currently, our site uses underscores "_" within the url structure.  We are moving to Wordpress soon (the site is currently static html) but it will be a couple of months before the migration. Here is an example of the current structure: When we do change, our url structure will have hyphen's "-" to separate terms, so the preferred new structure will be: The entire site (with the exception of our Wordpress blog) currently uses the old structure. We have about 10 - 15 pages we will add before our migration, my question is: Should we use the preferred url structure starting NOW or stick with the old one? And set up 301 redirects are part of the migration process? Many thanks!

    | SEOSponge

  • Hi Everyone, I decided to delete my slider from my homepage and replace it with a static image. However, after I deleted the slider, I'm left with a dark square where the slider used to be. I want to put my new static image in that same spot, but have no idea how. Does anyone know where or what code I should add to do that? The page is The WP Forums never seem to be too helpful for me, but Moz always is! Thanks in advance, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • We have a Business Catalyst Site with the Same product Listed in 2 different catalogs. Each product page is the same page with different URLs you can see it here: Any suggestions welcome

    | OnlineAssetPartners

  • I've just taken over the management of a website and am getting 4x  4XX (client Error) issues. Example: Can anyone give any guidance as how to fix this wordpress? I also see a lot of 'temporary redirects' due to multilingual plugin - is there anything I can do to fix this?

    | skehoe

  • Hope you are all having a great day! I am wondering if anyone would be able to provide general feedback.  I work for a medium size company in Chicago. Currently our site is static html and we are seeking to migrate to Wordpress.  After speaking with a number of website companies and receiving proposals, I am trying to understand if there is an approximate going rate or range for moving content from static html to a CMS like Wordpress? i.e. a cost per page? We don't have any dynamic content.  Most of our pages are text and images. The site itself, including the blog is around 220 pages. Thanks in advance for any insight or resources!

    | SEOSponge

  • What is the best practice for hosting a company blog for an eCommerce website? As a subfolder or as a subdomain or a separate domain entirely? Or some other option?  There are articles recommending each of these approaches, but it’s difficult to identify which is the most recently preferred approach.

    | jkinnisch

  • Hello, I am working on a travel site-mostly content based, but for the deals section of the site, we were thinking of being powered by expedia...if we go with a booking engine (Expedia) will that hurt us with regards to SEO?  If Google is looking for content and not another booking engine how can we overcome this?  Do you think this approach is positive? any thoughts or advice on this, thanks so much.

    | lanigreg

  • I am currently working on a proposal for a clients Wordpress website development which includes ongoing SEO after the website is developed. I have looked into a number of options and the one that seems the most cost effective involves using subdomains for the individual listings pages. What I want: What I can get for a decent price: So the majority of the website will actually exist on a subdomain because the IDX API will automatically populate pages for all of the MLS listings in the area (hundreds or thousands). Meanwhile the domain itself will have all the neighborhood pages and other optimized content, blogs and whatnot. My concern is that dividing the website like this will have negative effects on SEO. There wont be duplicate content across subdomain and main domain, but they will share a lot of links back and forth. I haven't found any recent sources on the topic. Almost everything I have found says that dividing a website in this manor is bad for SEO, but these articles are often many years old. Does anyone know of a Wordpress plugin/IDX company that can provide a solution that doesn't use a subdomain and actually just lists each MLS page within a directory? I am open to using another platform, I am just most familiar with Wordpress. Will using a subdomain in the ways mentioned above have a profound negative effect on SEO? Thank you for your time in responding, I greatly appreciate it.

    | TotalMarketExposure

  • Why is Google Webmaster suddenly started showing hundreds of HTML Improvements I mean to ask, my hundreds pages are been shown as duplicate - despite canonical marked correctly Below are sample url - which are been crawled in own way. I have rechecked canonical tag - which is correct as URL - 1, in all 3 url Do i need to worry about anything or shall i presume its a flaw from search engine to report this as an issue (This only pertain to Forum section) ps - i know these are dynamic url and not sef friendly url, but its been 3 yrs and  , due to our ignorance and site builder took advantage of this. now - nothing can be done much to make them sef friendly as site has several thousand pages and touchwood - these dynamic url are not impacting much

    | Modi

  • Hello, We are trying to figure out the best way to categorize our app review website. We have 3 platforms, iPhone, iPad and Android and each platform has several sub categories and numerous apps subcategories totaling around 50 to 60 categories for each platform. Any suggestions how to do this properly? thank you Mike

    | crazymikesapps1

  • Our travel company used to maintain a set of country destination guides on our site, under the folder path.  Because we offer tours all over the world, we used these pages as high-level guides to each country so a prospect could get a sense of the highlights of those destinations.  These pages operated as landing pages too.  Unfortunately the pages became stale and unfocused, and we decommissioned them.  In order to bring them down, we put a 301 redirect on these URLs, pointing them to a faceted-search page that showed all of our tours to that country, with URLs: These faceted-search pages were pulling double duty as both search pages and landing pages, which isn't ideal (from a users perspective). We are now in the process of redoing our search function and we'll need to move the search URLs off /trips/ and onto /search/.  Within this transition, we are going to re-launch destination guides, and I think the best place for them will be back on the old /destinations/ subfolder.  So, a few moving parts here. My question: Do you see problems with reversing the redirect path completely? Ie. where we currently redirect /destinations/country to /trips/country, we are now proposing to redirect /trips/country to /destinations/country.  Our concern in this equation is that, over the last few years, we've built up significant link volumes and equity to the /trips/ pages, and we don't want to lose that.

    | Adventures

  • We have our site all ready for test users but the site speed is painfully slow. Our developers are a bit stymied about what to do. Is anyone a site speed expert or know of anyone good that can evaluate our site and tell us what's going wrong? Thanks!

    | EcomLkwd

  • Hello, I have a page for opening an account in my website, this page is not accessible from my website menu, the only way to reach this page if you have the URL, I send the URL for specific users I want them to open an account in my system. I have two questions regarding this: does this harm or cause damages to my website SEO ? blocking this page in Robots.txt will cause any issue/will help ? waiting for your answer.
    Thanks in advance,

    | JonsonSwartz

  • A couple months ago we mitigated a 12-year-old site -- about 2,000 pages -- to WordPress.
    The transition was smooth (301 redirects), we haven't lost much search juice. We have about 75 multi-page articles (posts); we're using a plugin (Organize Series) to manage the pagination. On the old site, all of the pages in the series had the same title. I've since heard this is not a good SEO practice (duplicate titles). The url's were the same too, with a 'number' (designating the page number) appended to the title text. Here's my question: 1. Is there a best practice for titles & url's of multi-page articles? Let's say we have an article named: 'This is an Article' ... What if I name the pages like this:
    -- This is an Article, Page 1
    -- This is an Article, Page 2
    -- This is an Article, Page 3 Is that a good idea? Or, should each page have a completely different title? Does it matter?
    ** I think for usability, the examples above are best; they give the reader context. What about url's ?  Are these a good idea? /this-is-an-article-01,  /this-is-an-article-02, and so on...
    Does it matter? 2. I've read that maybe multi-page articles are not such a good idea -- from usability and SEO standpoints. We tend to limit our articles to about 800 words per page.  So, is it better to publish 'long' articles instead of multi-page? Does it matter?  I think I'm seeing a trend on content sites toward long, one-page articles. 3. Any other gotchas we should be aware of, related to SEO/ multi-page? Long post... we've gone back-and-forth on this a couple times and need to get this settled.
    Thanks much! Jim

    | jmueller0823

  • Hi there, I'm in the process of building a new site using Shopify for our e-commerce site. We are currently using a WordPress site ( that was built by third party developers. I am concerned that we could see a drop in our organic traffic once we make the transition from the WordPress site to our Shopify site. Does anyone have any recommendations or a checklist we could use to make sure we're doing this properly and so that it is as smooth of a transition as possible? Thanks,

    | TheBatesMillStore

  • Trying to set up the styling on a new Shopping Cart, and having trouble with Internet Explorer (IE) When I view it in IE, I click on F12 to identify the code viewer (like FireBug) and it lets me choose to view it using the browser IE9 or earlier. So far, so good... But right next to the browser selector is the "Document Mode" selector and sometimes it says "Quirks Mode" and sometimes it says "IE9 Standards" (when using  IE9 browser) - and parts of the page styling goes crazy when I switch back and forth from Quirks to Standards. Help!  Which does IE9 and IE8 actually use?  Does it have to work for both?  Is there a way to force it to one or the other? Any guidance or tips is appreciated. Thanks, Greg

    | GregB123

  • Before 1-2 weeks ago, our G+ posts containing links to our product pages would show up in in SERPs (when searching for our brand name) with a thumbnail of the product image. Now, they do not  (see image below for visual). Our tech team confirmed there hasn't been any coding change that might be to blame and I see that this isn't happening to other sites. Any idea what may be the problem here? tcnhLgy

    | znotes

  • Hi all, I have a 10 year old website done in Classic ASP, which is fast becoming outdated and we are going to convert it to PHP so all of our pages would be changed from a '/page.asp' extension to a '/page.php' extension.  I am familiar with the need to setup 301 redirects for this and I understand there will probably be a short term drop in our Google rankings. Naturally, I don't want to have to go through this again in the future so here is my question.  Is having NO page extension, like '/aboutus/history' the wave of the future?  Does having no page extension effect SEO at all? I have seen more websites using this technique in 2013 goes on so I am thinking this is the way we should plan our site update.  I haven't looked into how to actually do this yet, but it would seem to make sense to me so that if we needed to change from PHP to say .NET or something else later on, we would not have to do 301 redirects again or have another drop in our rankings. Do any of you have an opinion or experience with this?

    | jacksghost

  • I have a folder in my site that I want to rename. I don’t want to just rewrite the URL and keep my old folder name, I want to change the folder name and then do whatever is necessary with .hataccess to not lose search engine rankings. The folder name I want to change has a space in it and also is misspelled (whoops x2) Example. foldr/page.html How would I go about doing this with .htaccess?  Do I just switch the folder name on my server and then set up a redirect, or do I do a rewrite?  Sorry now familiar with the terms or .htacces. Thanks all

    | SheffieldMarketing

  • Hi All, We are rebuilding an existing site which has around 230 Pages (lots of content not required) down to around 20. Whats the best way to 301 redirect the pages that are going to be removed- (we wont be able to use .htaccess because we are moving to Adobe Business Catalyst) Thoughts? We are trying to preserve as much SEO value as possible.....

    | OnlineAssetPartners

  • Our e-commerce website has a mega multi-level dropdown menu on top that we wanted to re-design. The real problem is the Shop By Brand menu which hovers down to 4 level at most. Our options are: 1. Limit the dropdown menu to 2 levels total. (currently have 4 levels the most) 2. Completely remove Shop By Brand Menu and create a page like|Brands--Home My concern is that will either changes help or destroy our SEO results?

    | Mobile_ID

  • Hi Mozzers, Making a major homepage change on my site I am going from featuring content to featuring products, similar to how moz and hubspot feature their content on the homepage. Just to give you some numbers, the homepage only sees 2.6% of the total traffic and of that traffic half is direct. The homepage is going to be changed to My Question: Is there anything that should be added to the homepage to ensure that I keep the same domain authority/page authority?


  • Hello, With so much emphasis for SEO to develop unique, information content I am working to build out a "Learning Center' for one of my clients in the finance industry. As you can guess, this is quite a competitive space and their rankings have become somewhat stagnant so we are looking for new ways to develop original, share-worthy content for the site. So my question is, in order for them to retain the most SEO value should we develop this on a subdomain such as or a new domain altogether. Note: We do not want to develop this under the current site domain as it we want o only post informational content & courses and keep these pieces outside of the "sales" side of their website. Therefore, I thought the subdomain would be the best bet so that we would retain the most value for SEO... however, some of my colleagues disagree. Some vote it should be within a directory under Some say a new site & domain altogether. My vote is to place this under a subdomain such as with the idea that the site's authority will influence the root The argument I was provided against the subdomain was: "essentially adding a subdomain would mean you're sort of starting over again in terms of building authority.  adding a folder will ride the coattails off the already established authority." Lastly, for clarification, the current domain is set up as so the subdomain would be, the directory would be set up as and a whole new domain would be This is for a Wordpress site. Thoughts?  All feedback is much appreciated!

    | TinaMumm

  • I'm trying to determine the best way to set up a website to rank for a similar set of keyword phrases in three different cities. The keyword phrases I want to rank for are all pretty much the same with the only difference being the city associated with the keyword phrase. For example, "Austin water restoration" vs "San Antonio water restoration" vs "Houston water restoration". Each city needs about 7 or 8 pages of unique content to accurately target the group of keywords I'm trying to rank for. My initial thought was to write up unique content for each city and have each city act a site within the main site. For example, the main navigation for would be Austin specific, so when you land on and go to Services - Water Restoration, it would be all Austin specific content. The same would be true for San Antonio and Houston. The only problem with this approach is that I have to build up the page authority for a lot of different pages. It would be much easier to build up the page authority for one Water Restoration page and just insert a little "Areas we serve" on the page that includes "Austin, San Antonio, and Houston" and maybe work the coverage area in again at the bottom of the page somewhere. However, it would be much more difficult to work "Austin, San Antonio, and Houston" into the title tags and H1s though, and I couldn't logically work the cities into the content as much either. That would be a downside to this approach. Any thoughts on this? Wondering how large companies with hundreds of locations typically approach this? I'd really appreciate your input.

    | shaycw

  • We are in the process of building a responsive version of our site for mobile users (currently about 20% of total traffic). What are the most important SEO considerations we should be aware of when it comes to this kind of project? Thanks

    | halloranc

  • My company is implementing a responsive design for our website to better serve our mobile customers. However, when I reviewed the wireframes of the work our development company is doing, it became clear to me that, for many of our pages, large parts of the textual content on the page, and most of our sidebar links, would no longer be accessible to a visitor using a mobile device. The content will still be indexable, but hidden from users using media queries. There would be no access point for a user to view much of the content on the page that's making it rank. This is not my understanding of best practices around responsive design. My interpretation of Google's guidelines on responsive design is that all of the content is served to both users and search engines, but displayed in a more accessible way to a user depending on their mobile device. For example, Wikipedia pages have introductory content, but hide most of the detailed info in tabs. All of the information is still there and accessible to a user...but you don't have to scroll through as much to get to what you want. To me, what our development company is proposing fits the definition of cloaking and/or hiding text and links - we'd be making available different content to search engines than users, and it seems to me that there's considerable risk to their interpretation of responsive design. I'm wondering what other people in the Moz community think about this - and whether anyone out there has any experience to share about inaccessable content on responsive webpages, and the SEO impact of this. Thank you!

    | mmewdell

  • We had a section on our site Legal News (we are a law firm). All we did there was rehash news stories from news sites (no original content). We decided to remove the entire Legal News section and we were left with close to 800 404's. Around this same time our rankings seemed to drop. Our webmaster implemented 301's to closely related content on our blog. In about a weeks time our rankings went back up. Our webmaster informed us that we should submit each url to Google for removal, which we did. Its been about three weeks and our Not Found errors in WMT is over 800 and seems to be increasing daily. Moz's crawler says we have only 35 404's and they are from our blog not the legal news section we removed. The last thing we want is to have another rankings drop. Is this normal? What is the best course of action when removing hundreds of pages from your site?

    | MFC

  • What do you think about the Comment Luv pro plugin for your blog? My goal is this would help me get traffic and comments on my posts..... Make it easy to promote my own content.... the unlimited version is $97, I thought about purchasing this for my site and all my clients but wasn't sure if this was just one more tool that I spend money on and 6 months later I don't use it because I have learned about a better option (that is usually free). I am sure many of you can relate to doing that 🙂 Thank you very much for any suggestions!!! Have a superb week everybody! Matthew

    | Mrupp44

  • An ecommerce I'm helping is getting a complete redesign. Their developer had a sandbox version of their new site for design & testing. Several thousand products were loaded into the sandbox site. Then Google/Bing crawled and indexed the site (because developer didn't have a robots.txt), picking up and caching about 7,200 pages. There were even 2-3 orders placed on the sandbox site, so people were finding it. So what happens now?
    When the sandbox site is transferred to the final version on the proper domain, is there a duplicate content issue?
    How can the developer fix this?

    | trafficmotion

  • So I'm wondering if someone could explain Structured Data a little better to me and what the importance is.  I also am wondering how to best add markup to certain pages.  I tried a plugin for wordpress and I don't think it was working correctly.  I'm specifically wanting to make sure my Google Profile is showing with my website in SERP.  I have the ?rel=author tag in on the front page and when I checked it when the Google Structured Data checker it shows it to be correct but its not displaying in SERP. Thanks!

    | jonnyholt

  • Short title tag is more useful so if we just use our targeted keyword in home page title then is it useful.? for example my website: i am targeting lawsuit loans keyword so if i use <title>TNF - Lawsuit Loans | Lawsuit Funding</title> is batter to use for main page or <title>Lawsuit Loans | Lawsuit Funding | As Low As 1% | PreSettlement Funding</title> can we have to use main targeting keyword on all webpage title tag ? my website have 200+ page and i have to use different title tag for that pages including targated keyword so if i am targeting lawsuit loans in that title, what is best to divide title pipe, hyphen or comma ? does capitalization in title tag wrong effect ? Lawsuit Loans - As low as 1% Lawsuit Loans | As low as 1% Lawsuit Loans, As low as 1% (or i have to use smaller cash in title) for all different page i want to place this kind of title is it best for SEO purpose Lawsuit Loans - Lawsuit Loans Fargo Lawsuit Loans - Lawsuit Loans Escondido Lawsuit Loans - Lawsuit Loans Erie Lawsuit Loans - Lawsuit Loans Flint Lawsuit Loans - Lawsuit Loans Fort Wayne Lawsuit Loans - Lawsuit Loans Fresno Lawsuit Loans - Lawsuit Loans Gainesville Lawsuit Loans - Lawsuit Loans Grand Rapids Lawsuit Loans - Lawsuit Loans Gilbert Lawsuit Loans - Lawsuit Loans Gresham Lawsuit Loans - Lawsuit Loans High Point Lawsuit Loans - Lawsuit Loans Hialeah Lawsuit Loans - Lawsuit Loans Huntsville if i am using this kind of different title for all page then it can effective for SEO or it will be come in keyword stuffing

    | JulieWhite

  • Meta Tag Description can we add meta tag description like this i mean targeted keyword before the description start, is it useful or not? important Meta tags please visit my and inform me what are the important meta tags, so i can remove other tags

    | JulieWhite

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