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Category: Web Design

Talk through the latest in web design and development trends.

  • Does using  role="heading" instead of affect SEO?

    | LNEseo

  • Hey all, Our company has 4 product websites, and each has its own separate blog. They are currently set up as subdomain blogs ( hosted on, but I would like to transition them over to root folders ( in order to improve accessibility and SEO. What is the best way to go about doing this? Should I continue to host the blogs on wordpress or are there better options? Would I migrate the blog posts over or just redirect? I'd like to get a general framework/plan of action going in order to know what to expect. Thanks!

    | kslusarski

  • Hi My web team are currently working on an updated site using Drupal and have asked me the following question: Is more than one H1 tag with the same value an issue for SEO with HTML5 and the doc outline algorithm? Can anyone help with this please? I appriciate any responses. Thanks in advance. Chris

    | Fasthosts

  • In development of a website, is it typical for the developer to retain rights to the CSS, Markup and other Coding? If so, why is this done?

    | DemiGR

  • Apologies for the title, but a serious point here.... We (like a lot of people) spend time on almost mechanical on-page optimisation. However, we are finally moving our thinking to our visitors and what works for them - not the search engines. I know, about time. With that in mind we have de-cluttered our content pages and increased font sizes - focussing on usability more. This is an example of a tweaked page - This is an un-tweaked page - Which do you prefer to read/look at??

    | dexm10

  • Hello, We have implemented breadcrumbs - which comes up nicely for Blog and Forum in Google Search However, when  we look at our 2 other section - New Car Product and Latest News - it does not comes up, is there any issue which can foresee Sample URL of New Car - Sample URL of News - Its been over 1 month - since breadcrumbs been introduced in both New Car and News. is there any issue like in them as why is is not showing in search. Any recommendations Many Thanks !!

    | Modi

  • My client has medium sized website (15k pages). They have a company that takes care of everything related to the website. Recently they decided to put a wordpress blog on the site, with a bought theme that only needed the yoast SEO plugin. On an extension like this  I could do this very quickly and I am not a professional programmer. The company claims it took them 40 hours and charged 40 x 125$ = 5,000 $ for it. That does not make sense to me at all. Can anyone explain to me how a clean wordpress install with a preselected theme can take 40 hours? Especially when the people that are installing it call themselves wordpress experts and make custom themes etc. Thanks in advance.

    | Lebron27

  • I have a site with 13 pages, 6 are product pages, 5 are free tips pages (the other 2 are the home page and contact form). Currently I have the navbar at top of site with a "products" dropdown menu for the 6 product pages and a "Tips" dropdown menu for the 5 tip pages.  All categories except the contact page are at the bottom as breadcrumbs, the homepage is "home" and the rest are relevant user friendly keyword anchor text. So I have 2 more pages to ad to "Tips" and am wondering whether to have a new 2nd level tips page that links to a 3rd level of 7 different tips pages, or keep it shallow as it is, with only 2 levels from the homepage to the other (now 13) pages, with a potential of 22 pages in the foreseable few years? (and some graphics work to make it user friendly like how Zappo's has categories to the side on each of its drop down navbar menu's and non-link text categories for its bottom of page breadcrumb links) Can those aforementioned pages linking to each other in the footer dilute link equity? (I think that's one of the primary reasons I'm curious). What do you think of this: (I guess I should no follow my contact page), could it be better to have a 2nd level page for "Tips" to get more equity to that page rather than across all 7 tips pages? I have read around about this on here (hence how I found out about Zappo's) and elsewhere and wanted ask to make sure.

    | Zoolander

  • I am looking to install on my website a Question & Answers Forum pluggin for wordpress Like MOZ Q&A What pluggin do you recommend  for questions and answers Would be to replace the one on this site that i don't like due to some problems i have on configuration.

    | maestrosonrisas

  • Hello Fellow Forum Members: Thank you all for taking the time to read this. This is in follow up to one of my previous questions, but I now have more information. I will try to be as concise as possible and want to sincerely thank anybody who invests time in answering this. Around February 9, 2013, we launched our new site on the Bigcommerce platform.  We moved from Volusion after 6 years. We had paid the Bigcommerce partner for an upgraded 301 redirect package as I was thoroughly concerned about losing rankings. By the end of February our rankings were diminishing. We expected a slight dip due to the new site. As of May, our organic traffic had dropped by 82%. Google WMT is showing 1500+ 404 errors. Many have to do with review page type URLs and some were just plain never redirected apparently. In May, we hired a wonderful SEO company that is a heavy contributor to the Moz community. They have been generous and wonderful to work with. By the end of this last week it was determined that most of the coding suggestions our SEO was making could NOT be implemented in Bigcommerce because Bigcommerce will not allow access to the PHP files by our developer, thus hindering the execution of these suggestions. Some of these were move the blog to the root, use canonical on the home page, use canonical for pagination, stop the indexing of https URLs and a few more. Today, June 25 we are at a complete loss and trying to just keep our business alive. The opinion of both the SEO and the developer is that my choice of Bigcommerce as a platform was not the best. So my main question is what are the odds our rankings have decreased due to the lack of 301 redirects during our migration to Bigcommerce versus the rankings decreasing do to Bigcommerce being a bad choice as a platform? We are being advised to redevelop our entire site on an Open Source platorm such as Wordpress or Magento, but if that's not needed I certainly don't want to have to do that. I hope I have provided a decent amount of history and information. Thank you for any help/advice you are willing to offer.

    | josh330

  • Hello Friends, I am using Cufon for image replacement in my website. May I know, does Cufon have any negative seo effects? Will this affect the search engine ranking or loading time of my website? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using cufon in a website in seo perspective?

    | zco_seo

  • I have had terrible luck with programmers who seem to live in their own little world and never get things done on time.  Can anyone recommend a great company here in the usa that you have used before that has done great work?  I am looking at the nerdery.  Anyone use them?

    | netviper

  • Hello fellow Mozers! I've searched to see if I find an answer, cant seem to find it. Is there a way to do a blanket 301 redirect?  I am moving a site that has all pages end with .html extension over to wordpress. I was wondering if I could set up a rule that says redirect all pages with .html extension to a version of the page with no extension.  I will keep the same url with the exception of the .html extension. to to Instead of doing a 301 redirect for about 250 pages, I was wondering if I can just do one rule that will handle all the redirects considering I am keeping the same page url without the .html extension. Thanks 🙂

    | mike_sif

  • Hi, We have an ecommerce site set up at using Shopify and the MOZ crawl is returning a huge number (hundreds!) of Duplicate Page Title errors. The issue seems to be the way that Shopify uses tagging to sort products. So, using the 'Riedel' collection as an example, the urls all have the exact same page title. We are also having the same issue with the blog and other sections of our site. Is this something that is actually a serious issue or, perhaps, is Google's algorithm intelligent enough to recognise that this is part of Shopify's layout so it will not negatively affect our rankings and can, essentially, be ignored? Thanks.

    | SimonDevlin

  • My site build in HTML has been badly hit this recent update and I have been toying on the idea of changing it to Wordpress. Would this help in my rankings? It seems the hit came only that last 2-4 days when business become much quieter. Frankly i have no idea on why the site fell in ranking all of a sudden. Been comparing to competitors and even a friend in the same industry and nothing makes sense so far (link profile, DA, PA etc) This site has been ranking well for 3 years prior to this. 2. My site has loads of content and visitors arrive from various landpages. But by changing it wordpress, the url of most of them would probably change. What should i do? 301 redirect all of them or is there a better method?

    | rester

  • Lately I've been working a lot with Modx to create a new site for our own firm as well for other projects. But so far I haven't seen the advantages for SEO purposes other then the fact that with ModX you can manage almost everything yourself including snippets etc without to much effort. Wordpress is a known factor for blogging and since the last 2 years or so for websites. My question is: Which platform is better suited for SEO purposes? Which should I invest my time in? ModX or Wordpress? Hope to hear your thought on the matter

    | JarnoNijzing

  • Our E-Commerce company has an abundance of surplus items, refurbished items etc. from returns. It isn't worth spending any time making the product listings, but it would be nice to sell them from our site. I'm worried that in creating these almost "empty" product listings Google will view these pages all as duplicate pages, or pages without unique content because they will really just be an empty, standardized page on the cart with limited text. Even though in reality for customers looking for deals they are very useful pages to get deals, any tips on how to do this? (We can't justify creating unique pages because most of the offers are "one offs" where once we sell one product we are done with that listing.)

    | absoauto

  • hi..
    I want to Know what is a Maximum limit of using H tags in One Page : for Eg : I Know That I Can use Only One H1 Tag per Page, What about Other H tag Limit..
    h1 - 1 time Maximum
    h2 - ..?
    h3 - ..?
    h4 - ..?
    h5 - ..?
    h6 - ..?
    h7 - ..?
    i want to target more than 30 key word using H tag as a header of the paragraph...

    | funclub247

  • (I do award "Good Answer" and "thumbs up" to responses as earned) I have tried to ask this question previously (maybe not correctly).  I have a client that I am doing the on and offsite optimization and the MOZ report is kicking back major errors.  I have examples below.  They all seem to relate directly to rokecwid and ECWID.  Is there ANY solution to fix this? Is this hurting the rankings Since I didn't build the site, I am having to tell the website company what to do when I need changes made to code, etc... I am also not very proficient with Joomla! and my web engineer is one of those closet coders (the best kind to have) and doesn't communicate in a way that a "layman" could understand.  He pointed out several issues with the HTML but I don't think that is related to this below. Can anyone tell me what to tell the web company that built this site to get rid of these errors? A very small sample of the urls w errors:
    1 14 1
    1 1 0
    1 14 1
    1 14 1 SEOMOZErrors_zps3a1ce2a2.png

    | Atlanta-SMO

  • Because domains with a mobile version have better rankings in Google then domains with only a deskop version we're considering a mobile website. My web developer says that a is duplicated with the, and he recommends a responsive design. What is better for SEO positions in mobiles devices. A m.domain mobile website or a responsive design. What are influential factors?

    | remkoallertz

  • Hi all, Hope I get an answer on clients site which I believe is hosted on a windows shared server. The output of the site is something like this: I am looking to get a URL friendly output for the site - as far as my knowledge I believe Htaccess doesn't work on this type of hosting? thoughts? Thanks in advance

    | OnlineAssetPartners

  • Still dealing with the weird traffic drop on my website. I have removed a bunch of old links from a defunct blog, 301 thin pages, added text to remaining pages. I'm still stumped. So awhile ago I freshened up my website and thought I was "helping people" by making sure they could CONTACT the studio more easily... I added more links to the "contact page" I thought this would help conversions...This changed the number of links to my entire site....Would this be the problem with my ranking/traffic drop?

    | Squee

  • Anyone ever had any experience with this tool? Any feedback on how adobe muse does with SEO and markup is appreciated! update 1: Really? nobody has any comment on this?

    | Raydon

  • Moving my site to WP and the old url structure pages end in ".html". I have seen there are plugins that allow you to add .html to the WP pages to preserve links. I am hosting on Synthesis and they do not support htaccess, although you can submit 301 re-directs through the help ticket system. My question is what is the best way to proceed? I have read that 301s "leak" some link juice, but I sure do like those pretty urls. Advice appreciated!

    | Chris661

  • Hello Mozzers, I just launched a website for one of my clients and one of the update requests they had was to add the first link in the navigation again when the navigation drops down. Here is an example of the navigation now: For example, they would want "About" showing up again, they want this for every navigation item. I know this wouldn't be right. How would you respond to them?

    | alexhoug

  • I have had my current website for several years now, and traffic has been slowly building. 2010 = 49 hits a day, 2011 = 71 hits a day, 2012 = 157 hits a day. I target local traffic and local keywords around by business. I have kept up with SEO changes, using Facebook, social media, updated tags, and kept content fresh, added more galleries images, Auth tags & markup. I have 301 older sites that I have run in the past. Then early this spring everything dropped, slowly but surely, now I'm at 90 hits a day SERPS for my main phrase "boudoir photography" us at less than 50 according to MOZ. I have been watching the new Algo updates, and never had any issues because I don't spam article marketing, I don't buy links, I try to keep content fresh, I don't use directories...I designed the site for PEOPLE not SEO. I get major press about once to twice a year, newspapers still don't get links though.. grrrrr I get natural links through gallery shows, events, local blogs, art shows... So I thought it might be over the year I have slowly added too many less than 100 word pages? Media, Bio, Art I combined all into one page. One page with 300+ words VS 3 pages of 100 words. I did a 301 several pages and trimmed my menu down from 11 to 8 to help everything look cleaner and more eye pleasing...I started asking my friends/clients/collaborators for more links with no link text so they are natural...& not just "boudoir photography" Traffic is still dropping... What have I missed?

    | Squee

  • We're re-platforming on Magento and wondering about our images. 1.  Should I be concerned about 301 redirects for my images. 2. Is there a "best practice" path for images?  or is just the name important?  Right now, all our images are in /meta/images/sm or /lg or /xlg.  Since we're re-platforming, we're wondering if we should change the urls.  But, I'm assuming this would require all of them to have 301 redirects and with all the other redirects, I'm not sure this is really feasible. thanks for any suggestions on this.

    | centralvacuumstores

  • I just got a new client today and his entire website layout and structure is using tables instead of divs. This client is on a tight budget and wants to avoid unnecessary hours for re-coding the website, but at the same time he wants me to improve his SEO organically. This is the first time I've been asked to do work on an existing website that uses pure tables for the entire layout and I'm wondering if this effects the SEO in any way. So my question is, will tables effect rankings and SEO in any way?

    | ScottMcPherson

  • I'm running into a very confusing situation - and while I think I've worked through the answer, I'm hoping someone can help provide their insight. I have a client who is in the process of rolling out a responsive site. Because we need to host both Responsive and legacy versions of product pages on the domain we are using the following URL pattern. New Responsive Product Page  (existing URL structure) Older Product Pages (redirected to) The rollout will be approximately 2 months to complete. The question becomes - should a 302 redirect be applied from the existing URl to the /legacy/ URLs  until the new designs are launched? Given that the timing will be so short this seems reasonable. Or should a 301 be applied until the new responsive designs are rolled out?

    | JonClark15

  • For example, if I optimize keyword “pleurx” really well on our landing page, I'd like to know if subsequent
    pages linking back to that landing page will rank higher than before for “pleurx”
    even if “pleurx” wasn't optimized on the subsequent pages. Thanks! -Andrew

    | Todd_Kendrick

  • I have a client who wants to create drop down menus on their E commerce Site. Currently they do not have any. If we create drop down menus I am afraid we will loose too much category and product page power.  However these drop downs would be good for the user. To accomplish this drop down menu without negative SEO side effects I had an idea. Create a javascript menu. Google's spiders do not read javascript correct? This would bypass any negative effect of having an HTML menu correct?

    | waqid

  • I am building a new website and I plan to 301 Redirect my Old Domain ( to a brand new Domain ( in the upcoming months. To do this I was planning to update the htaccess file on both the old and new domains. The htaccess file on the old domain would look to 301 redirect all pages on the old domain to the new domain. The htaccess file on the new domain would detail any specific URL redirects I want to implement (ie. will redirect to newdomain/TEST) - this will ensure link equity is retained and bounce rates are kept at a lower level. Does this sound like the right approach? Also, what do I need to do with the old domain going forward? Do I need to keep this forever in order for the 301 redirect to work or can I eventually just forward the domain to the new one permanently?

    | DHS_SH

  • Trying to decide on whether placing a link to the blog in our top level navigation would have a better SEO value than just placing it in top or footer navigation. I have an ecommerce site.

    | RPD

  • We have just relaunched and made the site much smaller than .com and dissallowed robots on 98% of the site.  The goal with this site is to get users to use the search facility rather than go through our menus like we have on .com Should I host the UK site on a different IP number to the .com?Thanks

    | PottyScotty

  • A bit of an odd one. In Webmaster Tools, there's the option to order sites by site health. When we do this our site - - is near the bottom, despite there being little or no crawl errors. Any ideas why this could be happening?

    | neooptic

  • Hi guys, So I'm working through a large dataset of 404 errors and trying to clean up the site's crawl-ability. A piece of the puzzle I can't seem to wrap my head around has to do with AJAX endpoints. It looks like GWT thinks these are URLs that don't exist and, therefore, is reporting them as 404 errors. Anyone experience this before?

    | brad_dubs

  • Hi all,
    Does anyone know of any good wordpress SEO designer? I am looking to build some sites on:
    Aircon Services
    Laundry Services
    Carpet Cleaning etc The wordpress must be able to easily add articles from time to time like this HTML site: Appreciate you help!

    | chanel27

  • Our website ( panphoenix dot com) has a Javascript animation when you load it for the first time which takes just over 2 seconds to load. Does having this animation effect rankings negatively? Would appreciate your thoughts!Thanks Rob

    | roberthseo

  • Hello, I'm migrating from an old site to a new site, and 301 forwarding many of the pages... My key problem is this I'm seeing indexed in SE and in showing as URL when I'm on homepage - should I simply 301 forward both of these? Then for several internal pages there are 2/3 versions of each page indexed. Canonicalization issues. Again, I'm wondering whether I should 301 forward each URL even if there are several different indexed URLs for the same page? Your advice will be welcome! Thanks in advance - Luke

    | McTaggart

  • I was hoping to get some feedback from you guys regarding some banner redesign we are working on for our website.  We are currently using the blue one, but we werent happy with the logo we had of the hat and hands shaking.  So once we started working on a new logo, that logo doesnt match at all with the current design so we were messing around with the banner and came up with these ideas. Id appreciate some feedback good or bad 🙂 edit: sorry guess [img] doesnt work in here Current Banner New 1 New 2 New 3

    | DemiGR

  • Since it seems it takes so long for Google to revisit a changed page, we sort of loose track of changes made trying to optimize a specific URL for a keyword. Any sense of how many times is the optimum number of times to use a single keyword on a single page? I'm referring to the total including Title, Description, Content, Alt=. The whole shooting match. I have seen our Google results improve after we have removed several iterations of a keyword Thank You

    | Davenport-Tractor

  • I look after the search side of a decorating website on which we carry a large amount of advertising from external brands as that is our business model.  Do you know if we would get penalised for having too much advertising - would it be deemed to affect the user experience?  Many thanks for your help on this.

    | Pday

  • An opportunity has been presented to me to be able to host a forum for a semi popular celebrity. Very excited about that 🙂 I have never had a very forum and would like to know what kinds of experienced has anyone had with a popular forum From what I hear if you can have a popular forum its pretty much a cash cow (adsense) especially if its reputable and is a great long term thing, because of returning visitors and the loyalty you establish with the users. Anyone in this boat who can shed some light for me? What should I expect? Best software/themes for this for user-ability as well as adsense?

    | cbielich

  • Hello everyone, I've asked a few questions in here regarding website design, etc.  So first I want to thank you guys for the responses, and second I want to apologize I hope I am not boring you guys.  I just feel like this is a forum of qualified people and I value your opinions greatly. Now to my question, I am considering a redesign as we are not happy with our current site located  We think it feels outdated, not structured well, no good call to actions, ten different fonts, blurry images, does have good integration with social media, boring and bland news page, etc. I just wanted some opinions on these other sites that were designed by the fellow we are considering hiring.  I've gotten some feedback from a friend that he doesn't think they would be an upgrade from our current site, which I totally disagree with. Though I am the first to admit design/creativity is not my strong suit, so I don't value my own opinion on this very much either, lol. I am hoping I can get some insight from you guys here.  Do you think the designs below are of higher quality than our current site? Would you be more inclined to continue reading these sites than our own? Is there one in particular you think is the best? Thanks for the help

    | DemiGR

  • There are a bunch of questions about keywords in the url and so far what I've gathered is that it's good to have them but keep it simple so it doesn't look stuffed. I'm working on redesigning some sites that were originally setup by a group who had no understanding of SEO (or perhaps I should say a misunderstanding) and spent a lot of time stuffing keywords EVERYWHERE. In some cases they weren't too far off but in others I think they just went overboard. One of the areas I'm trying to fix are the paths which leads to the following concerns. One of the sites has a basketball section and through the use of the Adwords keyword tool they determined that most people are searching for "basketball hoops". My first question is, how reliable are the monthly search numbers in the Adwords keyword tool? Are they accurate enough to warrant forming keyword strategies based on the results? As it relates to the url issue, the current tree for the basketball section of the site looks like this: /basketball (the landing page for the whole section, there are other sport specific pages as well) /basketball/hoops (goes nowhere. not sure why they didn't just go to /basketball-hoops/x for other pages) /basketball/hoops/72in-backboards (the systems are split into three different backboard sizes, these pages group them onto one overview page per size) /basketball/hoops/72in-backboards/specific-basketball-goal (the actual basketball goal details page with options to buy and such) So what I'm wondering about this setup is: does having /basketball/hoops take care of having the "basketball hoops" search term or would it be more effective to switch to /basketball-hoops? If it's fine to leave it at /basketball/hoops, do you think it would be beneficial to create an actual page for that path? We found that actually more people search for "basketball basket" than "basketball hoops" so maybe that would be a good page to try to make use of that term and explain maybe why people think "basket" instead of "hoop" and why we call ours "goals" or something. I tend to navigate pages by deleting path arguments and I hate when I land on a nonexistent path so I'm leaning toward changing the paths but just don't know if it's worth it at this point. Additionally, on one of the other sites, we have a domain that is the main keyword we want to rank for: The other company I mentioned then decided to put all of the product pages under:{category}/{set-height}-{'swing-set'|'playset'|'swingsets'|'play-set'|etc...}/combo{#} So that comes out to look something like this: I've never liked that path setup. It looks stuffed to me, especially once they start using '5ft-swing-sets' and '6ft-play-set' on other product pages. It's inconsistent which is another issue I have since I tend to surf by path. Another issue with that setup is the final argument of combo{#} but there's nothing I can really do about that because they call the products out as combinations. The only actual product name is the "outback" part. I've been trying to come up with a better path setup for a long time now but again I'm concerned that I may just be wasting my time. The only thing I did do was make the height section consistently {height}-playsets. Is that good enough or should these paths remove /swing-sets from the beginning? The actual /swing-sets page is a good and valuable landing page but then I'm not sure if it remains valuable to keep it in the paths for the product pages afterward. Any insight into this dilemma would be appreciated. I've been stewing over this for a long time and my reasoning always becomes circular since I can see plenty of reasons for keeping them the way they are and simplifying them.

    | EscaladeSports

  • Hi Moz Community, we lost our rankings for almost all of our keywords due to penguin 2.0 I'm trying to rectify the situation by getting our rankings back and better. Here are the potential causes for our rankings drop. 1. My Company has the exact same site (in English) on different country-specific domains.,,, etc.. We are using link rel="alternate" hreflang="en" href="" **Would this solve the duplicate content issue? ** 2. All the international domains have footer links in the homepages, pointing to our main .com site. Google webmaster tools shows that every page on these international domains as a backlink source. Would that be a problem? Should I ask our web designers to remove those footer links from the international domains? 3. In the past, our company had a partnership with forum...Like the forum promotes our company's services. I don't know how did that forum promoted our site, But Google webmaster tools shows that we have some 25K backlinks from that forum!!! But when I try to visit those backlinks, none of those pages have any links to our site....Could they be hidden? Or Some thing wrong with GWT? I'd appreciate your valuable suggestions to help us understand the situation better... Thank you.

    | hninformer

  • Hi, my website experienced a 30% drop in organic traffic following the Penguin 2.0 update, and after years of designing my website with SEO in mind, generating unique content for users, and only focusing on relevant websites in my link building strategy, I'm a bit disheartened by the drop in traffic. Having rolled out a new design of my website at the start of April, I suspect that I've accidentally messed up the structure of the website, making my site difficult to crawl, or making Google think that my site is spammy.  Looking at Google Webmaster Tools, the number 1 anchor text in the site is "remove all filters" - which is clearly not what I want!  The "remove all filters" link on my website appears when my hotels page loads with filters or sorting or availability dates in place - I included that link to make it easy for users to view the complete hotel listing again.  An example of this link is towards the top right hand side of this page: With over 6000 venues on my website, this link has the potential to appear thousands of times, and while the anchor text is always "remove all filters", the destination URL will be different depending on the venue the user is looking at.  I'm guessing that to Google, this looks VERY spammy indeed!? I tried to make the filtering/sorting/availability less visible to Google's crawl when I designed the site, through the use of forms, jquery and javascript etc., but it does look like the crawl is managing to access these pages and find the "remove all filters" link.  What is the best approach to take when a standard "clear all..." type link is required on a listing page, without making the link appear spammy to Google - it's a link which is only in place to benefit the user - not to cause trouble! My final question to you guys is - do you think this one sloppy piece of work could be enough to cause my site to drop significantly following the Penguin 2.0 update, or is it likely to be a bigger problem than this?  And if it is probably due to this piece of work, is it likely that solving the problem could result in a prompt rise back up the rankings, or is there going to be a black mark against my website going forward and slow down recovery? Any advice/suggestions will be greatly appreciated, Thanks Mike

    | mjk26

  • We are currently browsing around to have a new site built for us as we are not happy with the current one. I checked out webdevstudio and it looks like they build quality sites, but they told me they aren't taking on small projects like mine currently.  So browsing around I found this designer from the Ukraine with a nice site and nice portfolio.  I am wondering if anyone has worked with him, and maybe to get some opinions on his work?  I don't want to make the wrong choice here.. What do you guys think?

    | DemiGR

  • So I have a situation with the website I'm currently redesigning where the H1 titles are supposed to mix colors per the current brand strategy. The branding crew is adamant that this has to be done so there is no use in saying "just don't do it". To accomplish this I'm wrapping the words that need to be the other color in a . Additionally, some pages have a "sub text" as part of the title, floated to the right and in a smaller font but with the same multi color treatment. I'm wondering if the sub text should be in an H2 and positioned to the right or if it would be beneficial to have the text in the H1 as well. An example of what I'm talking about would be something like this: "Big Shoes for Big Guys - Nike Shoes" In that, the "Big Shoes" and "Nike" would be one color and the "for Big Guys" and "Shoes" would be another. I can imagine having the "Nike Shoes" as part of the H1 would be a good idea in some respect but I'm not certain of that. In order to make that happen I can only think of one way to do it: -H1-
    Big Shoes
    -span- for Big Guys -/span-
    -div- Nike
    -span- Shoes -/span-
    -/H1- So that brings me back to the original concern, do search engines care about tags inside the H1? The only other way to accomplish the color changes that I can think of would be to have a fairly large chunk of javascript setup to go through H1's to colorize them using the span tags. That is unless GoogleBot has started to execute javascript while crawling the sites now...

    | EscaladeSports

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