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Category: Web Design

Talk through the latest in web design and development trends.

  • Does a long scrolling page of text perform better than a page that has the content in sections that have to be moused over to be seen? Are there any articles or research on this?

    | SirSud

  • We are an eCommerce site for autoparts.  It is basically impossible to avoid duplicate content, and I think we are getting penalized by Google for it. Here is why it is impossible.  Let's say I sell a steering rack for a 2000 Honda Accord.  I need an SEO rich page for 2000 Honda Accord Steering Rack.  I sell steering racks for more than 25 years of Honda Accords.  I can try and make the copy different but there is no way to spin the copy that many times and make it seem like it is not duplicate copy.  This even gets more complicated because I sell hundreds of parts for each year of a Honda Accord, plus a lot of times you even have to go down to the engine size of the car for the right part. I can't use a redirect, ie 301 redirect because they are not the same pages. One is for a 2000 Honda Accord and the other a 2001 Honda Accord, and so on.  Is their a redirect out there that I do not know about that would help me out in this case? Also, if their is no way around this and I am getting penalized would it be better to eliminate all these pages, possibly losing my ability to rank high on searches such as "2000 Honda Accord Steering Rack," and just replace with a page that has a Year Make Model, and Part dropdown which just takes the customer a checkout page?

    | joebuilder

  • An external company is redesigning our website. They have a draft version active in a folder on their website to enable us to view it (example: There is no permission required to view the website, anyone with the url could just go there. I am not sure if they're using the robots.txt to block crawlers, or if they're blocking specific ip addresses. If the engines are allowed to crawl their website and they index pages of our draft website, does that affect our website negatively in the future once we host it on our domain?

    | jdossetti

  • Hi all, Wondering if anyone could help out here, good a very strange issue.... Went into Google Webmaster Tools and looked at the incoming links to a client's site (new client, only just gained access to WMT) and noticed 2563 links coming from a domain. Upon viewing said domain it is a 100% copy of the clients site, I mean 100%; the phone numbers, email address etc are still pointing to the client's site. Everything is the same, the pages, the navigation etc. When I click on a link on the copy site it loads the same pages but at their site, the internal linking points to the version of the pages on their site.  It seems to be an ongoing thing because the last time the client updated their blog was last week and this is on the copy site. Obviously this cannot be helping with regard to seo. The client knows nothing about it so not come from them. The copy site is indexed in Google!!. The first thing to do is to contact these people and ask what they are doing. This is proving to be easier said than done, the contact details (as mentioned above) on the pages still point back to the client and the whois gives no details. What would be the first step to take here? Obviously there is the whole legal area about stolen content but that can wait until we have the site down and out of Google. Is there somewhere in Google to report things such as this? I will speak to client and if they are happy I will share both the domains in question, they know I am seeking alternative opinions Many thanks Carl

    | GrumpyCarl

  • I am int he process of redesigning a home page and wanted to know from our community if anyone had examples on some great Homepage Designs from an SEO perspective. Things I am looking for : 1. Homepage URL/Design 2. Navitagion 3. Call to action Thank you, much appreciated. The home page I am redesigning is Vijay

    | vijayvasu

  • Google spider can't access my site and all my pages are gone out of serps.  I've called network solutions tech support and they say all is fine with the site which is wrong.  does anyone know of a web tech who i can hire to fix this issue? Thanks, Ron

    | Ron10

  • Hello everyone This is my first post over here. In the next few weeks we going to change the entire content and design in our site. The site has 240 pages with poor contents and design. Except 301 redirects for all the old url’s I wanted to consult with you what is the right way to do it without harm my organic traffic that come from google? How google refers to this kind of changes? Which steps should I need to take to do it properly? Hope to get your help in the issue. Tahnks in advance.

    | JonsonSwartz

  • I have a highly ranked website for a niche category. My site ranks higher in SEOMOZ than all of my competitors, but I can't get any higher than 4th on a page for one specific search term. What can I do to help my site increase its ranking on a specific search term?

    | tadden

  • Hi there, Any one please help us, in cross checking our recovery work before submitting to reconsideration request. Quality Check list for a Website SEO audit check list Why am requesting means, our previous request was came with a negative result. Thanking you in advance

    | Shashidhar.SEO

  • This is my first Q & A, so thank you for your extended patience. Long story short, we moved platforms from Volusion to Big Commerce. We had a highly recommended company do our new redesign along with all applicable 301 redirects. They told us to expect a slight dip in traffic, but that it should bounce back before long.... especially with a cleaner, better organized site and better URL structure. Our new site went live on 2/8/13 and as of today, 4/17/13 our rankings are not getting any better. We've went from page 1 position 5 or so to midway down page 2 and even on to 3 for the same terms. I had stressed, and even paid extra for an extensive 301 redirect add-on, to ensure our rankings took as little of a beating as possible. Now I have no idea where to even begin.  Since the launch, our Organic Google traffic has decreased by a whopping 82%! Any insight is very, very much appreciated.

    | josh330

  • I've been following various threads having to do with URL length and Google's happiness therewith and have yet to find an answer to the question posed in the title. Some answers and discussions have come close, but none I've found have addressed this with any specificity. Here are four hypothetical URLs of varying lengths and configurations: EXAMPLE ONE:
    my-big-widgets-are-the-best-widgets-in-the-world-and-come-in-many-vibrant-and-unique-colors-and-configurations.html (115 characters) EXAMPLE TWO: (126 characters) EXAMPLE THREE: (130 characters) EXAMPLE FOUR: (137 characters) Assuming the examples contain appropriate keywords and are linked to appropriate anchor text (etc.,) how would Google look upon each? All I've been able to garner thus far is that URLs should be as short as possible while still containing and contextualizing keywords. I have 500+ URLs to review for the company I work for and could use some guidance; yes, I know I should test, but testing is problematical to the extreme; I look to the collective/accumulated wisdom of the MOZVerse for help. Thanks.

    | RScime25

  • We are preparing to update/migrate to a new ecommerce platform. We are in the process of choosing right now. One of the things we know we want is faceted navigation, but I am well aware of the problems this presents for SEO. Are any of you amazing people here using, managing or have experience with GoECart? I am interested to know your feedback, particularly from an SEO viewpoint. Thanks in advance! Dana

    | danatanseo

  • Our old <acronym title="Search Engine Optimization">SEO</acronym> built a lot of bad links (web 2.0, article ect) and in April of 2012 we received the dreaded Google Webmaster Tools notice of detected unnatural links to XXXXXXXX After 4 requests and disavowing all of the links he created we have finally received Reconsideration request for xxxx Manual spam action revoked The only problem is that this feels more of a penalty than when the received the detected links email? Everything across the board as dropped, I know we added more and more links to the disavow but everything has been going up with the quality we have been putting out until today when we received the manual action revoked. Has anyone experienced this, I feel like I wish we were still under the penalty as the rankings have dived.

    | BobAnderson

  • Can anyone please confirm for me the difference if any, between site design that incorporates Long Scrolling and Infinite Scroll? I was told (by an unnamed source) these were different designs and that "long scrolling" is better for SEO . However, in all my research I am unable to prove there is any difference between the two. I understand Infinite scroll may include Ajax, but does that mean Long Scrolling does not? If anyone has any references or can supply any further education here, I'd appreciate it! Thanks!


  • Hello SEO Experts, I am a developer at and we are working on improving the SEO of the website. The SEOMoz Crawl Diagnostics Summary shows that following 2 URL have duplicate content. Can you please suggest me ways to fix this problem? Is the duplicate content error because of same "The Details", "Size Chart" and "The Silhouette" and "You may also like" ? Thanks, Chirag

    | ChiragNirmal

  • Hi, I have a Magento e-commerce site (clothing) and when I had a look through some of the sections in Google Webmaster Tools I found URLs that I can't find on my site. For example, a product url maybe which is fine. In that product there maybe three sizes of the product (Small, Medium, Large) and for some reason Googlebot is sometimes finding a url like: has been found and when clicked on is a live url (Status code: 200) with is one of the sizes (medium). However I have ran a site crawl in Screaming Frog and other crawl tests and can't seem to find where Googlebot is finding these URLs. I think I need to: 1. Find how Googlebot is finding these urls? 2. Find out how to keep out of index (e.g. robots.txt, canonical etc.... Any help would be much appreciated and I'm happy to share the URL with members if they think they can have a look and help with this problem. I can share specific URLs which might make the issue seem clearer, let me know? Thanks, Darrell

    | clickyleap

  • I've never used video other than embedding youtube videos.  This time I want to host my own with encryption for the subscriber content and sample videos for general consumption.  Would love any pointers at all. I would also like the content to be streamable on ipad etc.  What platform would you use (adobe etc)  and why? I don't want to start out on one road to discover down the line that it sucks for SEO.  Obviously the subscription content will suck since it will only be available to logged in users, but the rest..... In a nutshell I want to know how to host video well for SEO and make it shareable, but with the option to also have some of the video content subscription only. (should have put it like that to start with probably.)

    | Serpstone

  • first of all i have to much duplicate stuff on my website end cleaning it up. But if i look at GWMC the duplicate stuff is a lot less than in SEOMOZ? can someone explain to me what the difference is? Thnx, Leonie.

    | JoostBruining

  • I tried to search for the answer but didnt find any direct answers. I need to move a 200+ site to a wordpress site.  How am I suppose to 301 redirect all of them?  Do I need to create the new pages first then have webmaster use ssh and 301 the entire list? Can anyone link me to a 1,2,3 step instructions for a huge website move?  Im sure there are other issues that I need to know about.

    | bryonstout

  • Hey guys, I am a newbie and after so many painstaking hours of building my new site using the WIX platform, I just found out that WIX is not SEO friendly 😞 So referring to (copy n pasted) the old post below posted in by Big Bazza back in June 2011, does anyone agree or have any updated information they can assist me with so I can get my new site started ? Cheers 🙂 - excellent templates and support is first class! EDIT: These all support WP 3.0 and are SEO friendly too! (They have modified the SEO functionality) However, the framework also allows you to run Yoast Wordpress SEO - which is generally considered the best SEO plugin for WP.

    | Giorgio68

  • i want to 301 my http home page  to www on a linux server and all my other redirects are set up similar to  this in my htaccess file: redirect 301 /example-page.html http://www.example-page.html how do I 301 redirect: to I've tried all kinds of code recommended for an htaccess file on a linux server  and nothing seems to work. Thanks for the help mozzers! Ron

    | Ron10

  • Hi everyone, I have a website which is built in Joomla 2.5. The development site is located at www, We have set the site live using an addon domain which is The problem is, is still accessible and being crawled by Google. How is the best way to make the development url inaccessible? Any help would be appreciated!

    | DougHosmer

  • I'm pretty new to all this but seem to have been getting good result by adjusting our sit to meet the seomoz on page analysis factors. I'm currently adjusting the alt image attributes for this page: The copy I'm writing is aimed at targeting "luxury marquee hire". It's quite hard to get the keyword into a readable image attribute which properly relates to the image. So my question is if I add say " | Luxury Marquee" onto the end of each image attribute would this get penalised and seen as keyword stuffing or something like that? My image attributes would be:
    Cocktail bar inside Giant Tipi at night | Luxury Marquee Hire Live Band on stage | Luxury Marquee Hire and so on. Thanks!!!!

    | EdoubleD

  • I am going through my crawl diagonostics issues and I have lots of "Missing Meta Description Tags". However when I look at the url's they are Wordpress Tags, which do not have a meta description. Shall I just ignore these errors or should I find a way to add a meta description? Is it important?

    | petewinter

  • Hello, Im working on a clients website and I have 2 box's. One is a subscription box and the other is a newsletter sing up. Subscription box is a google feedburner where every time there is a new post, it automatically notifies the readers. Whats the best strategy to have subscribe box since its confusing for readers when you have 2 forms. Thank you for your help.

    | KentR

  • Hi - I am planning to redesign my blog and I was wondering if this will affect my rankings? The new website template (custom designed) is much more user and seo friendly. The content, url structure, internal linking structure, meta tags, and site structure will remain exactly the same, but the visual design will be different (new sidebar widgets, and slightly different layout on inner pages). The current website is ranking very well (mostly top 5), has a healthy backlink profile, strong social media presence, and great traffic. I have heard that switching to a new template will dramatically hurt the rankings. Is this true? Are there any exceptions? Any ways I can prevent the rankings from dropping? Would really appreciate your input. Thanks in advance. Howard

    | howardd

  • My actual 404 page is giving a 4xx error.
    The page address is It loads fine... it is the page all 404's are directed to. Why is it showing a 404 error. The page works. How can this be fixed? Stephen

    | sbetzen

  • If i were to 301 redirect the index page of my website to a page in a different subdirectory of my site would that adversely affect SEO? Does your home page need to be in the root of your site? I'm asking because a developer has told me that it would be best to do that since he needs to install OpenCart on the root of our domain...

    | SheffieldMarketing

  • Hello all! i need create a jump to links on my site and when seach a keyword on google it will display jump to links i same with that images please help me how to do it, and have any plugin on wordpress can do that google-jump-to-links.jpg


  • Hi everyone, I run a travel website that has about 30 pre-search city landing pages. In a  redesign last year we added large "hero" images to the top of the page, and put our h1 headlines on top of them in white. The result is attractive, but I'm wondering if Google could be reading this page as "white text on white page", which is an obvious no-no, especially if it could seem that we're trying to hide text. Here's an example: H1: Expert reviews of cheap hotels in Paris I should add that our SERPs for these city pages has dropped (for "Cheap hotels in X"), but it could obviously be related to other issues. Any advice would be appreciated. Many thanks! Tom

    | TomNYC

  • hello, i am sure this question has been asked before, but while i tried to search i could not find the right answer. my question is i have a .com and site. both sites have exact same product, exact same product descriptions, and everything is the same. the reason for 2 sites is that .com site shows all the details for US customers and in $, and site shows all the details to UK customers and with Pound signs. the only difference in the 2 sites might be the privacy policy (different for US and UK) and different membership groups the site belongs to (US site belong to a list of US trade groups, UK belongs to a list of UK trade groups). my question is other than the minor difference above, all the content of the site is exactly the same, so will this hurt seo for either one or both the site. Our US site much more popular and indexed already in google for 4 years, while our UK site was just started 1 month ago. (also both the sites are hosted by same hosting company, with one site as main domain and the other site as domain addon (i thought i include this information also, if it makes sense to readers)) i would appreciate a reply to the question above thanks

    | kannu1

  • I have a site on volusion, Until recently I was doing fairly well (top 3 for keyword(s) for 6 years) in serps. I was hit by the an update around july of last year, and did a full page redesign in november. My site has been losing ranking for its main keyword "wind chimes".
    One change I noticed is that no-follow was removed (when the designers added a lightbox popup for the sound) from the many many links I have for my sound files of the wind chimes (I house them on a separate server to save bandwidth, which is expensive at volusion). The webaddress the sound-files are on doesn't even have a page... it is just there for the files. (there are ~100 files linked to on almost every page of the site where a product listing shows). Should I go through and no-follow all of these links again? Is that hurting me?
    I suspect it is, but it is a lot of work for nothing if that is not the problem.

    | sbetzen

  • I like the design element of a pull quote to ad interest and highlight an important point. If I use an exact quote from the page in a pull quote on that page, does that negatively affect SEO as duplicate content? Are there formatting or tagging methods that could help pull quotes to boost SEO? For clarity, by "pull quote" I mean a stylized bit of text that floats on a page in such a way that the body text wraps around it. It is actual text (not text embedded in a graphic) but it behaves like an image with text wrapping around it. Here's an example (in red on the right side):

    | kyle21ct

  • Does anyone know of any testing / studies with evidence that Google prefers dark text on a light background vs. light text on a dark background? I have a website that currently has light text on a black background, and really like the way it looks, but am concerned that the style may be hurting SEO. Moreover, redesigning something inverse with the same quality would be a large project and fairly costly, so I'd like to make sure the benefit will really be worth the cost before moving forward.

    | Bromtec

  • My webmaster's trying (but struggling) to 301-redirect the non.www version of my site to the www version. He's following these instructions given to me in a response to an SEOMoz Private Question (ah, the good old days!). So far he's 301-redirected the homepage but seems stuck on how to do the entire site. Any clues on what he should be doing?

    | Jeepster

  • We have a client, new site and we are slowly building DA & PA for. However they have another domain industrialpropertyscotland (one of the keywords they want to rank for) Should we create a little microsite attached to the main site - Say "Your guide to buying industrial property in Scotland" or should we just stick to a 301 redirect and keep working on the main Shedfinders site? Thanks, Laura

    | lauratagdigital

  • Hi,
    We have a site with large number of products (6000 +) under each categories and so we have made a page under each category to list out all products (View all page), which lists out product in pagenation setup built on Ajax. The problem is only our 1st page is crawlable and all the other pages beyond  1st page remains hidden,  
    We need make all our pagenation URL’s crawlable, our requirements are we never want a change in URL as user goes to next page, want to show the user the same URL for all the pagenation numbers. Is there a perfect solution?

    | semvibe

  • I am a bit confused about canonicals and whether they are "working" properly on my site.  In Webmaster Tools, I'm showing about 13,000 pages flagged for duplicate content, but nearly all of them are showing two pages, one URL as the root and a second with parameters.  Case in point, these two are showing as duplicate content: We have a canonical tag on each of the pages pointing to the one without the parameters. Pages with other parameters don't show as duplicates, just one root and one dupe per listing, So, am I not using the canonical tag properly? It is clearly listed as:Is the tag perhaps not formatted properly (I saw someone somewhere state that there needs to be a /> after the URL, but that seems rather picky for Google)?Suggestions?

    | sbaylor

  • Hi all I am working on the website which does not have a user-friendly template. I decided to change the templet and I was, so careful to have all the links and content exactly as before. Since 2 days a go website visis dropped completely it is zero visits per day compare to about 100 before! Should I roll back to the old template or does it happend because of the weekend ? Also I checked ranking it did not changed!!

    | hamidre13

  • Hey folks, I'm getting literally hundreds of Duplicate Title and Duplicate Content errors for a site, and most of them are a result of the same issue. The site uses javascript container pages a lot, but each gets their own URL. Unfortunately, it seems like each page is also loading all the content for all the other pages, or something. For instance, I have a section of the site under /for-institutions/, and then there are 5 container pages under that. Each container page has it's own URL, so when you select it, you get the URL /for-institutions/products/ or /for-institutions/services/ etc. However, the institutions container page doesn't change, just the content within. In my SEO results, I'm getting the following: /for-institutions/$%7Bpdf%7D/ /for-institutions/$%7Bpdf%7D/$%7Bpdf%7D/ etc, each as a duplicate title and content page. How can I eliminate this? Is there a regular expression that rewrites URL segments beginning with $ ? For your reference: The page is set up so that any URL that doesn't exist just refers to the subdirectory. /for-institutions/$%7Bpdf%7D/ displays /for-institutions/, but does not rewrite the URL. So too if I were to enter /for-institutions/dog.

    | SpokeHQ

  • Sit down, this might get a little complicated... I was approached by a design company to do some SEO work a client of theirs. Usually, this stuff is white label but I have direct contact with the client as the design agency felt it was easier for me to do this. The website is performing really well and looking at the sales funnel, I'm getting people wanting to buy. BUT, and here's the problem, everything falls apart because of the way the check out works. It's appalling. The customer has to register to buy a product, there's no guest check out or anything. The checkout button is right below the fold and you'd miss it completely if you didn't actually search for it. Basically, it's losing the client money. Last month alone there were 300~ people entering the conversion funnel and NONE of them complete it. I've been talking with the design company and they basically saying that it's too much work for them to change it, it's a signed off project blah blah. UI reports have been conducted and sent to them but still nothing. I have the client asking (a great client, obviously wondering why there is a lack of return on his investment) why he isn't making money. He's asking me because I'm the guy thats meant to be getting him the cash back. I keep saying to the design agency the problems and that it's never going to make money. The potential is massive. But thats my problem. Is there ANY way in GA to calculate the missed sales? I know that I can view the total amount made when the customer successfully checks out  but I need figures to present that I'm leading the horse to water, but the check out system is preventing it from drinking. tl;dr I need to show client/design agency missed sales due to poorly built checkout system. Cheers!

    | jasonwdexter

  • Hi, I'm relatively new to SEO but have tried to apply all best practices to my site. However, I've hit a stumbling block when it comes to whether or not to index my category pages. General info: the site has been created with Wordpress and has a directory of English idioms. Each idiom is associated with one or more categories that it falls under (emotions, sports, food etc). Each category has its own page where the list of idioms will be. As each idiom often has more than one associated category, the same idiom will appear in different category pages, thus creating duplicate content. However, I have given each category page its own unique description. The issue is, when there are numerous idioms, the category page will have more than 1 page. I don't have the ability to create a unique description for each subsequent page of the main category. I know that the very model for some vertical search engines (such as is to create such landing pages and that the more "categories" that they have assigned to their job ads, in this case, the more pages created and the more pages indexed in Google. This seems to work very well for them. My question is, am I doing things right? Should I be doing anything to the subsequent category pages to avoid duplicate content? My plan was to have so many idioms associated with so many categories that I have a fair number of landing pages indexed in google, thus attacking the long tail keywords. However, I'm not sure if I am going the right way. Any advice would be much appreciated!

    | villarroel

  • I work for a website that generates a high amount of unique, quality content. This website though has had development issues with our web builder and they are going to separate the site into different subdomains upon launch. It's a scholarly site so the subdomains will be like history and science and stuff. Don't ask why aren't we aren't using subdirectories because trust me I wish we could. So we have to use subdomains and I'm wondering a couple questions. Will the duplication of coding, since all subdomains will have the same design and look, heavily penalize us and is there any way around that? Also if we generate a good amount of high quality content on each site could we link all those sites to our other site as a possible benefit for link building? And finally, would footer links, linking all the subdirectories, be a good thing to put in?

    | mdorville

  • generally the difference between https:// and http:// is that the s (stands for secure I think) is usually reserved for payment pages, and other similar types of pages that search engines aren't supposed to index. (like any page where private data is stored) My site that all of my questions are revolving around is built with Volusion (i'm used to wordpress) and I keep finding problems like this one. The site was hardcoded to have all MENU internal links (which was 90% of our internal links) lead to **https://** instead of **http://** To double check that this was causing a loss in Link Juice. I jumped over to OSE. Sure enough, the internal links were not being indexed, only the links that were manually created and set to NOT include the httpS:// were being indexed. So if OSE wasn't counting the links, and based on the general ideology behind secure http access, that would infer that no link juice is being passed... Right?? Thanks for your time. Screens are available if necessary, but the OSE has already been updated since then and the new internal links ARE STILL NOT being indexed. The problem is.. is this a volusion problem? Should I switch to Wordpress? here's the site URL (please excuse the design, it's pretty ugly considering how basic volusion is compared to wordpress)

    | TylerAbernethy

  • Hello everybody, i got a problem and i hope someone can clear it up for me. my root domain authority is 42 and home page is 52 (jumped there only yesterday) ,while my google page rank is still PR2 (same for 3 month already). 1 month ago i changed my home page design (not the text) and since then my home page just disappeared from the search engines. can somebody look on my website , and tell me if i got hit by some panda ,koala,penguin or some other sweet Google animal . thank you very much.

    | kspiercing

  • I have an HTML site that is 12 yrs. old and ranks well in Google. I want the more user friendly Wordpress format to update content myself. Should I, and how do I make the transition. Thanks.

    | Stuttering

  • I have gotten a good audit done of my site now it is time to get the fixes done. I have a developer I worked with for a long time that is good at coding and fixes on my site. However I am not confident in his abilities to execute some of the seo changes that need to be done. Their are some common stuff he can tackle but when it comes to GWT and proper handling of 404's and 301's and other seo tasks I am not sure if he is the right choice.Maybe due to a lack of experience of dealing with the issues I have or is just not his specialty or web devs just don't know Is obvious a lot of SEO's don't make the changes themselves but leave it up to the devs to handle it their suggestions and fixes. But from my experience devs are not so well versed in seo and you have a hard time knowing if they are doing it correct or can even do it.(of course they will say they can they want your cash and i understand that ). In particular a good amount of wordpress devs claim to know seo but i find that far from the truth.Even when guided to issues some of them will often leave you disappointed. Sorry for my rant! Now to my question , obviously not many SEO's make the actual code changes themselves (how i wish i knew a one that did) are their ones out their that do? If not how do i find a good wordpress dev that can make proper seo changes and knows his stuff....example i need someone who can trouble shoot and track down some serious GWT I have and deal with some hardcore 404 & 301 issues . A lot claim to know but when push comes to shove I have been left disappointed. Thanks in advance for your help and suggestions or recommendations.

    | chrisyak

  • I've checked out some of the other posts related to .NET upgrades, but none specifically address ASP .NET 4.0. I understand that there are many advantages to upgrading, but as with any change made to site code I want to be 110% positive that this upgrade will not affect how Google ranks my client's pages. Since the URL extension isn't changing (will remain .aspx), I'm thinking that there won't be much of an affect on SEO at all. In fact, I'm making the argument that the upgrade will only improve page rank. Anyone go through this upgrade and experience any immediate benefits or disadvantages? Thanks for your help!

    | FreightTEK

  • I have read varying discussions on this... some say it is good or rather it does not really matter (as long as not stuffed with keywords)  and some say more than 1000+ words  is bad! I have a travel site and I want to add an historical page about the zone. It is very interesting (very organic, not written for SEO purposes as such). It adds flavor and details to a site that is really all about sales. Does anyone have an opinion whether this is detrimental to SEO or not?

    | Llanero

  • On our website we have in main menu 3 categories+1 category which scrolls down, and 2 pages. In order to avoid duplicate we have set categories non index. Is it not a problem that in main menu of the website are categories which are set non-index? There are as well 2 pages of which 1 is contact page which is also set on non-index and the second is Favorites page where visitor can view properties they liked and is also set on non index. I will appreciate any help 🙂

    | VillasDiani

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