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Category: Web Design

Talk through the latest in web design and development trends.

  • Besides the standard Yoast for SEO plugin tweaks, I'm researching best practices when setting up a wordpress blog. In this instance, the "front end" of the site would be hardcoded static pages designed for an e-commerce site, while there would also be a /blog/ attached to the site - for blog posts, fresh content, etc.

    | GKLA

  • Okay, so our company offers video production, web design, and web marketing services.  While we do offer these services individually, our goal is to get our clients to integrate these services together. Our nav is currently like so : home - about - video - web design - web marketing - blog - contact Now I've seen businesses and agencies also use a nav with a "services" button instead of listing out their service offerings (if they have more than 1, like us).  The services button usually links to a category page or has a drop down with links to the company's individual services. I'm wondering if there is any benefit to having a main services page like this and linking to the individual pages off of it (video ,web design, marketing, etc). Or if we should just keep it the way we have it now (since we've already got some page authority on the individual service pages). I know this may not be the most important aspect of our site and we may be over-thinking it but any thoughts/ideas would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

    | RenderPerfect

  • Hey SEO-Pros, I'm currently redesigning a quite old website, with the following URL structure: TLD/category/category.php?interview_id=819 The new Version will be a little more SEO-friendly: TLD/interviews/name-of-interview/ I know I have to do a 301-Redirect for all the old URLs to the new ones in order to keep the (until now pretty good) Google Ranking. If the rankings drop after the redesign has been done, I'll surely get killed 😉 So, Is there any easy way of creating these 301-Redirects (must be thousands of URLs...)? Best Regards guys and thanks for your help!

    | dominator

  • Hi All, Hope everyone is doing well.  I am currentyl in the process of having a re-design to myu HTML Static Site, I am switching to WordPress.  My site is still running now until the new one is prepared.  My question is: I do rank pretty well for some of our strong local keywords, we also have a FEW links pointing to inner pages with an extension of .HTML, should I set the the WordPress URL's to reflect .HTML or will the Search Enginesfigure out that http://www.domain/innerpage.html is the same as http://www.domain/innerpage/ or is it NOT the same. Should I switch or not? Thanks for your input Jimmy

    | jimmy0225

  • Hello, We've just relaunched this site in the last several days, and we're seeing some small (but stead) traffic decreases, as well as engagement decreases. We're aware that page speed (about 4 seconds from a non-cached browser) and some 404s are an issue, our team is currently working on both. But we're really looking for some constructive criticism here as to what we need to improve. Other issues to be aware of: lots of our social counts went back to 0s, as lots of URLs changed, and it wasn't possible to migrate comments from the old system, so those have gone back to 0 as well. We wonder if this might be affecting both users and search engines perception of the site. Your input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks,

    | FishAcct

  • Hi All, I am looking to start a eCommerce business and would like to centre the user engagement of the site around a forum. Can anyone suggest a forum platform that adopts good SEO practice? So far my considerations are; phpBB vBulletin Wordpress with bbPress plugin Wordpress with plugin Anyone used these with great success? Do you have another suggestion? I am simply in the preliminary stage of sourcing something and am eager to here your thoughts... Thanks in advance... Dan

    | djlaidler

  • Hi guys, I got almost 1000+ soft 404s from GWT. All of the soft 404s produce 200 HTTP status code but the URLs are something like the following: (query used: house for rent) (query used:-------rent) There are no listings that match these queries and there is an advanced search that is visible in these pages. Here are my questions: 1. Do I need to redirect each page to its appropriate landing page? 2. Do I need to add user sitemap or a list of URLs where they can search for other properties? Any suggestions would help. 🙂

    | esiow2013

  • Hi SEOmoz team, for the last few months I've been working on a new design for my website, the old, live design can be viewed at - it is primarily focused on helping users find hotels close to concert venues throughout North America.  The old structure was built in such a way that each concert venue had a number of different pages associated with it (all connected via tabs) - a page with information about the venue, a page with nearby hotels to the venue, a page of upcoming events, a page of venue reviews.  An example of these pages can be seen at: The /venue-hotels/ pages are the most important pages on my website - and there is one of these pages for each concert venue - they are the landing pages for about 90% of the traffic on the website. I decided that having four pages for each venue was probably a poor design, since many of the pages ended up having little or no useful, unique content. So my new design attempts to bring a lot of the venue information together into fewer pages.  My new website redesign is temporarily situated at: (not currently launched to the public) The equivalent pages for Madison Square Garden are now: (the page above contains venue information, events and reviews) and I would really appreciate any feedback from you guys, based on what you think of the new site design compared to the old design from an SEO point of view.  Of course, any feedback on site speed, easy of use etc compared to the old design would also be greatly appreciated. 🙂 My main fear is that when I launch the new design (the new URLs will be identical to the old ones), Google will take a dislike to it - I currently receive a large percentage of my traffic through Google organic search, so I don't want to launch a design that might damage that traffic.  My gut instinct tells me that Google should prefer the new design - vastly reduced number of pages, each page now contains more  unique content, and it's very much designed for users, so I'm hoping bounce rate, conversion etc will improve too.  But my gut has been wrong in the past! 🙂 But I'd love to hear your thoughts, and thanks in advance for any feedback, Cheers Mike

    | mjk26

  • We are an IT services firm. A conversion for us is completion of a lead form. Generally speaking, is it better to have a form to fill out in the sidebar on most organic pages, or a button that takes you to a lead form? I see both used, which do you think converts better?

    | CsmBill

  • Good morning my fellow Mozzers! I am currently looking at adding some diversity to my current web hosting and I was hoping I could get some suggestions. I dont currently need a VPS or Dedicated Server, I just need some shared hosting, you know, packeges that are sub $20 a month...i mean i will pay more than that, but so far everything i look at that meets my needs(basic hosting, email, ect...). This is for client sites and they are growing in number somewhat rapidly. I currently host with GoDaddy and they are amazing in the support department, but I do question whether their servers are causing slow page loads ect...but all in all I am happy with them. I have used Netword Solutions in the past, but left them because i was not a big fan of talking to support people in india and malasia. I do think that their servers might have performed better than GoDaddy so i am not ruling them out at this point i am looking for a provider that has excellent support and who has servers that are not so overloaded the can render pages and content slowly. Performance is very important to me. I am not looking for the cheapest, I am looking for the overall best. Thanks in advance SEOmoz family!!!

    | WebbyNabler

  • Hello SEO community.  I have started an online marketing company that focuses on a specific niche and have been researching how micro sites can be beneficial for SEO.  For example the "Nifty" presentation mentioned how micro sites are going to be key for local seo. However I have also heard that link networks are increasingly bad and are penalized by the Panda updated. While we are writing good, original content for our clients, I like the microsites because: URL - we can choose urls for the main keywords Content Focus - we can focus on specific content Ranking - these sites seem to rank pretty well Citations - we are able to give citations for our clients from these sites But am I worried, am I creating a link network?  Even thought I am putting out useful, good content, is this more hurting me than helping me?  Should I give up on this strategy or continue?  Help!

    | jshiraz

  • Hi, One of our clients has got a new website but is still getting quite a lot of traffic to her old site which has a page authority of 30 on the home page and has about 20 external backlinks. It's on a different hosting package so a different C block but I was wondering if anyone could advise if it would be better to simply redirect this page to the new site or set up a landing page on this domain simply saying "Site has moved, you can now find us here..." sort of idea. Any advice would be much appreciated Thanks

    | Will_Craig

  • We have a client who has 3 separate websites targeting the US, Australia, and the UK. Each of them has relevant ccTLD's such as: .com and Our client wants to use the Magento multi-site function so it combines all the stores (which are the exact same products) and merge it into one through Magento. These sites are all hosted in the US and had nothing to do with me haha! I understand Rand has mentioned on a video it would be best having the websites with ccTLD's hosted in that country (if budget permits), however in this case the budget doesn't permit us to go down that road. Has anyone any advice on this matter, has anyone did this before and had a lot of success with the SEO? At present there doesn't seem to be a lot of information about it and opinions are varied and sometimes divided. Any help would be very much appreciated guys Thanks, Matt

    | HigherthanSEO

  • Hi I would like to ask whats better to recommend customer, who wants to start bussiness in webdesign and seo, should we make for him three websites each categorie: www.marketingexample.cpm or he should make one website with more categories: Thanks a lot sorry for my english Im not native speaker.


  • I have a client who is hotlinking their images from one of their domains. I'm assuming the images were originally stored on the first domain (let's call it and when they were putting together, they decided to just link to the images directly on instead of moving the images to Site B. Essentially hotlinking. Site A is not using the images in any way and in essence is just a gateway for their other sites and in this case a storage for their images.  It doesn't use those images at all, so it really doesn't get any benefits of the images being referenced since I read that Google sometimes counts that hotlinking as a "vote" for the original image. But again, since ite A doesn't use the images that are being hotlinked at all, there's no benefit for Site A. My concern is that it's affecting their SEO for Site B because it makes it look like Site B is simply scraping data by hotlinking those images from Site A. Their programmer suggested creating a virtual directory so that it "looked" like it was coming from Site B. My guess is that Google can see this, so then not only will it look like Site B is scaping/hotlinking images, but also trying to hide it which may send up red flags to Google. My suggesstion to them was to just upload the images correctly into their own images directory on Site B. They own the images, so there's not any copyright issue, but that if they want proper SEO credit for that content, it all needs to be housed on the correct server and not hotlinked. Am I correct in this or will the virtual directory serve just as well?

    | GeorgiaSEOServices

  • Hi, I've used this method a few times of developing Wordpress websites in a subdirectory and only moving the index.php file to root when the site is ready to launch. (full details of how this is done in the link below) The sites I've used this on all index correctly and rank for their terms, so I haven't seen any negatives at all. However moving forward I would like to know for sure if this is indeed SEO-friendly? note: The site functions as any other at, it's only the Wordpress install & admin etc. resides at: -the pages are served to root ie. Details.. WordPress from a subdirectory to the root directory: thanks in advance.

    | GregDixson

  • When having a website designed, is it best to have a Responsive Design with Media Queries or is it best to have a Website designed for laptops andDesktops and a second mobil website? What are the SEO benefits of each strategy and Which is best for the user experience?

    | bronxpad

  • This is a follow up question to Scott Parsons' question about using absolute versus relative URLs when linking internally. Andy King makes the statement that this can be done and that it saves additional space (which he claims then can improve page speed). Is this a true and accurate statement? Can using a base element and mod-rewrite alleviate the need for absolute URLs? I need to know before going off on a "change all of our relative URLs to absolutes" campaign. Thanks in advance! Dana

    | danatanseo

  • I am having difficulties installing (and getting it to work) google analytics to Joomla! 2.5.8 site.  I have it working on some sites but then not on others even though I have installed it the same.  Is there a recommended or easy way to do this that works?

    | Atlanta-SMO

  • Hi SEOmozers, I have another question.  =]  Thanks in  advance. First question: How important is the breadcrumb for SEO? I know that breadcrumb makes better UX because it shows how the visitor landed on this page and the breadcrumb may show up in the search engine.  But other than that, how important is it? Second Question: If I have a page that can be found via 2 locations, how should I handle this in regards to breadcrumb? For example, I have page A.  You can access page A via Category A and Category B.  Therefore, what I did was list Page A under Category A and when someone visit Category B and click on Page A, it will redirect to the page A that was found via Category A. The problem is on page A, the breadcrumb is Home > Category A > Page A.  So if someone visit Category B and click on Page A, it redirects and the breadcrumb shows Home > Category A > Page A. What should I do with the breadcrumb for Category B > Page A? Should I create another page A and just use canonical on it? Should I create another page A but do not index it? or leave it as is? 1 Page A, can be access via 2 categories. Please advise. Thank you!

    | TommyTan

  • I have a site that has been translated into multiple languages. All the translations are stored on the back end, and accessing the same URL with different browser locales triggers the user's own locale, with a fallback to English. I have avoided different locale URL's, such as and - was this the right move for SEO? I feel that it concentrates the links from other sites. I am wondering how to ask the search bots to index in the multiple languages. Can I even do this, possibly by specifying which headers the bot should use? I presume the default language for Google and Bing is English. It's my first time translating web app. Thanks!

    | thongly

  • Hi I've two questions about indexing Tabs. 1. Let's say I have tabs, or an accordion that is triggered with Jquery. That means that all HTML is accessible and indexed by search engines. But let's say a search query is relevant to the content in Tab#3, while Tab#1 is the one that's open by default. Is there any way that Tab#3 would be open directly if it's more relevant to the search query? 2. AJAX Tabs: We have pages that have Tabs triggered by AJAX (example: I'm wondering about the current best practice. Google recommends HTML Snapshots. A newer SEOMoz Article talks about pushState(). What's the way to go here? Or in other words: How to get Tabs & Accordion content indexed and allow users to navigate directly to it?

    | zeepartner

  • I was wondering what the SEO impact was of having a blog on a sub domain or sub directory. Which of the following is better? Personally, I like making the blog a more important part of the site so 2) is preferable; however, I don't know which one is best for SEO purposes. Do the search engines consider a subdomain as a different website? Can SEO authority be passed through each equally? What is your preference? Regards, Dino

    | Dino64

  • I have a client who is struggling to fit crawlable textual content on their pages. I'm wondering if we can add a "Learn More..." feature that works as a mouse over pop up. When a page visitor runs their curser over the link or button, a window bubble pops up and textual content about the page will show. Not knowing much about code, can text in this format be crawlable by search engines and count as unique and relevant content? Thanks, Dino

    | Dino64

  • my client has a blog that we cannot update to a newer WP version 3.5.1 because his php version apparently must be upgraded first. You cannot update because WordPress 3.5.1 requires PHP version 5.2.4 or higher. You are running version 5.1.6. according to client it would be potentially hazarardous for him to upgrade the php but we cant update or add new plugins because we arent running the current version of WP what is worse? i am responsible for his blog but i feel handicapped bigtime - at the same time i dont want him to do something that could wreck his site functionality either any suggestions? or advice here? thanks

    | Ezpro9

  • Hi Mozzers I would like to know how crawlers see the ampersand (& or &) in your URLs and if Google frown upon this or not? As far as I know they purely recognise this as "and" is this correct and is there any best practice for implementing this, as I know a lot of people complained before about & in links and that it is better to use it as &, but this is not on links, this is on URLs. Reason for this is that we looking to move onto an ASP.Net MVC framework (any suggestions for a different framework are welcome, we still just planning out future development) and in order to make use of the filter options we have on our site we need a parameter to indicate the difference on a routing level (routing sends to controller, controller sends to model, model sends to controller and controller sends to view < this is pattern of a request that comes in on the framework we will be using). I already have -'s and /'s in the URLs (which is for my SEO structuring) so these syntax can't be used for identifying filters the user clicks or uses to define their search as it will create a complete mess in the system. Now we looking at & to say; OK, when a user lands on /accommodation and they selects De Kelders (which is a destination in our area) the page will be /accommodation/de-kelders on this page they can define their search further to say they are looking for 5 star accommodation and it should be close to the beach, this is where the routing needs some guidance and we looking to have it as follow: /accommodation/de-kelders/5-star&close-to-the-beach. Now, does the "&" get identified by search engines on a URL level as "and" and does this cause any issues with crawling or indexation or would it be best to look at another solution? Thanks, Chris Captivate


  • Hi SEOmozer,I have a dumb/silly question. Ok, I know Title tags are important for SEO and users and it shows up in the SERP and all that.  My question is that, using a weird CMS, I have the title tag implemented and it appear in the SERP the way I want it.  However, the problem is that when I hover over the tab on the browser, it doesn't appear the same way it is in the SERP. Does that really matter that it appears differently? I checked the HTMl and this what I got<title>Example Keywordtitle><meta name="layout" content="main"/><meta name="description" content="Keyword 1 | Keyword 2 | Company Name"/>So whats within the "content" is showing in the SERP and what is in "title" tag is showing in the browser tab.  Shouldn't they be the same?

    | TommyTan

  • I'll try to keep this clear... I am working with an company based in Germany, they own and, and that's how they are currently structuring their domains. They also own that they really want to show up in USA only. They want to keep for England/english speaking Europe and for their German audience in Germany. They are wanting us to optimize/SEO for, and they want that URL to show up as the top google search in the USA for their "company" keyword. What is showing up now is 1st in Google because it's been around longer and it has more domain authority. What is the best practice for us optimize so that it is the top dog in the USA while not messing up the other domains? Should we merge? Subfolders all around? Thanks for all the input.

    | Rocket.Fuel

  • My client was told that having 1 website for 3 different brands/services is better than having 3 websites. I need your help to prove my value to a new client.  This client has worked with Reach Local on PPC for some time and when they first got started the Reach Local Markering Consultant told this cleint that they needed to have one site for better SEO purposes. The client was told that Google ranks websites higher if they have more paid traffic going to them.  I've been doing this for long enough to realize this does not help ranking, at least not enough to make a difference. Keep in mind this is for 3 different companies.  One company does plumbing, another electrical and the last one does air conditioning.  They also have  4 locations but only two locations have mutliple services opperating out of them.  I understand these 2 location will not have there own Google+ Local / Places listing.  Using the same address for 2 different business and expecting a first page ranking is just not possible. Right now when you visit the clients website you see a logo that rotates with a banner section that follows the logo rotation.  First you see the AC Company and then the Plumbing etc.  I see this as confusing to the end user and it is more work to get it ranked for SEO.  I recommended that we build 3 speerate websites for each service and just list out all the addresses that the company services on the contact page.  I would also design inside the footer links to the other services for branding purposes. Please share your thoughts on how you would handle this if you were doing the SEO for your own 3 different business services. I really appreicate any input/insight to this.  Thank you so much in advance!!!!

    | 1SMG

  • There doesn't seem to be a definitive (or even authoritative) answer to this. The quandry is primary top navigation - the client wants to use 2-3 keyword length nav items, and I'm politely forcing him to use single word nav. The problem is that I have nothing to back up that assertion other than "this way looks better". Examples - Site is The client wants: About Our Blue Widgets Buy a Blue Widget Azure Widget Information Sell Your Blue Thingamajig My suggestion is: About Us Buy Learn Sell

    | AMSVansSEOTeam

  • Hi Guys I would like to know if somebody could possibly shed some light on this for me. We are in the process of re-designing our site, but we are keeping all of our content in terms of site structure, internal linking etc. the same. Now we were wondering if it would be a SEO best practice for us to change our pages' extension from .aspx to .html and just put a re-direct from the aspx to the html pages. Or should we keep everything as is, and maybe just revise our on-page seo efforts as well as do some more link-building. I just have to note that we are currently ranking very well for top positions and obviously all these pages are already nicely indexed. And then another question I have is with regards to our mobi site of this same website.Our dev team created it using Responsive Web Design, but they decided to implement techniques that show and hide content based on what device you are viewing it on. So when viewing it on your desktop, it will show content as per normal, but when viewing it on a mobile device it will hide this content and show the content formatted for that specific mobile device. So we are obviously sitting with a case of dup content here.Is this technique acceptable, or is there a workaround/different way of implementing this? Thanks In Advance Dave

    | DavidZA1

  • Hey guys, How are you doing? I have a website ( ) in which the primary language is Spanish. The company is oriented toward the Mexican Audience. However, recently we are dealing with many U.S companies. Also, we want to be included in the Yahoo Directory and several other directories which demand a U.S version of the website. So i want to have a U.S version of the website. My ecommerce is based in the NETWORK Solutions platform and has around 1,000 products and pages. What is the best way to include an English version of the website. Ive seen some pages using the Google traslate tool, which only traslates the text. Hope to hear some of your ideas, Regards,

    | JesusD

  • Hi all! My name is Yehuda and I'm new to this community. There's an issue i'm having trouble with: My site is hosted by Intuit Websites, and I use their Website Builder. Though it has its own domain name, it seems my "site" may just be a subdomain of their website. I'm trying to figure out if my site is actually a stand-alone website, and what ramifications/issues there be in terms of bot crawling & SEO. Does anyone have a thought on this?

    | Jorge111

  • So basically, I have about 500 GB of movies on my computer and I don't want to buy an external hardrive. I don't want to spend the money A website I could access anytime, and anywhere, without having to carry my external with me everywhere I go. Thanks in advance for any help/ references.

    | TylerAbernethy

  • Is there any harm in using javascript so a user can "toggle" open or closed additional text on a website? For example, if a user wants to read more about something, they can click on "More Info" and the text would then appear. Google is able to read the text, because I chose a random 8 word section of the text within the More Info and pasted it into a Google Search and the website showed up in search results. Just wondering if using this technique would have any negative impact. Here's what the code would look like: 
    <a <span="">title</a><a <span="">="Show Tables" href="</a><a class=" " target="_blank">javascript:toggleDisplay('table1')</a>">More Info style="display: none;" id="table1"> this is where the text would be, and from this section was where I grabbed text to search with in google. Then in the footer, here is the script needed so the more info will work: I am by no means an expert in coding/html/javascript. Thanks!

    | EEE3

  • I am currently using, and have always used the All-in-One SEO plugin for my website, but I have have heard time and again that the Yoast SEO plugin is superior.  How do I transfer to this plugin instead?  Do I need to deactivate the all in one seo plugin? What happens to all the tags that are already there for the thousands of pages, including the main page, that is functioning from the all in one SEO plugin?

    | dtlalaw

  • Hi Mozzers, I'm redesigning a property database, and wondered whether it would be better to put this on a sub domain of my site or to set up a completely separate domain? Back story: My core website is about lifestyle, holidays and property in France. It's very popular, and benefits massively from long tail search. It's a fairly strong, recognisable brand, so I assume any association the database has with the site would greatly benefit it... Maybe. My current property database on the other hand is very poor in terms of SEO/visibility, etc, so we're having the whole thing redesigned from scratch. For the database, is it better to set up a subdomain of my strong branded site, or set up a completely new domain targeting keywords in the URL? Cheers! Matt

    | Horizon

  • Hello all We are looking for any insight we can get as to why all (except 1) of our sites were effected very badly in the rankings by Google since the Panda updates. Several of our sites and prague, paris, florence, delhi, dubai and a few others (all urls) have had major drop in their rankings. ( (changed after rank drop) ), was ranked between 4th & 6th but is now down around 400th and and were both number 1 for several years for our main key words We also had two Stay sites number 1 , AmsterdamStay and NewYorkstay both .com ranked number 1 for years , NewYork has dropped to 10th place so far the Amsterdam site has not been effected. We are not really sure what we did wrong. MunichEscape and DelhiEcape should never have been page 1 sites ) just 5 pages and a click thru to main site WorldEscape) but we never did anything to make them number 1. London, NewYork and Amsterdam sites have had regular new content added, all is checked to make sure its original. **Since the rankings drop ** site We have redirected to the .com  url Added a mountain of new articles and content Redesigned the site / script Got a fair few links  removed from sites, any with multiple links to us. A few I have not managed yet to get taken down. So far no result in increased rankings. We contacted Google but they informed us we have NOT had a manual ban imposed on us, we received NO mails from Google informing us we had done anything wrong. We were hoping it would be a 6 month ban but we are way past that now. Anyone any ideas ?

    | WorldEscape

  • Doing some research (honestly) I came across this page: That page ranks very well for the phrase "green lace dress" - #2 in Google for me. I'm sure there's a good amount of links coming into it, but on the surface there's only 1 mention of green on the page and 2 mentions of lace. Looking at the code, you can see ModCloth is using the Quick View links below the products to display a more detailed description of the product - wherein lies many more instances of green and lace. So I ask: Which color of SEO hat goes with this green lace dress - Black or White? Is it good SEO to only show the product descriptions when the user initiates the Quick View? Or is it shady SEO to hide so much text from the immediate view of the user? Please select one and explain why.

    | rball1

  • If a page is clearly unique and there is obviously no canonical tag needed, does it hurt anything if one has been added?

    | jaychow

  • I have a friend who has an ecommerce site. He got slammed in January. He doesn't buy links. In webmaster tools his queries and impressions are way down as well. his site is Any suggestions would be great

    | polarking

  • I helped a client redesign their new website and we just went live a couple weeks ago. This morning I checked his campaign and 53 keywords fell DRAMATICALLY. Like 35-50 places down in Google for dozens of keywords!? I haven't ever seen a drop that's so dramatic when putting up a new site. Have you ever seen this? Will they bounce back? This site isn't significantly different than the last one. We did forward two other domains to this new site but that wouldn't make a difference, would it? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! Matthew

    | Mrupp44

  • We have our website / ecomm cart with network solutions and they do not allow you to have a internal blog like . So the only solution is to have the blog on a external domain which we set up. Is this ok for seo purposes or are we gonna miss out on alot by doing this. Any help?

    | isle_surf

  • Using a lightbox type thing for our new website (you click on an image and then get a bigger version of image). Is there any best practices SEO wise for this and any no no's I should be aware of? It's all hard coded so not going the normal way via wordpress of using thumbnails then the larger original image as you click on the thumbnail, using two separate images- this sound to you guys?

    | Jon-C

  • Hi SEOmoz Community, A quick question for you all. I've added an attachment for reference. When I google my brand name, say for example, Applied StemCell, I see six links as well below the description. Oddly though, these links seem to be chosen at random, or at least I'm not sure how Google decides on them. When I click on one of the links that is the company's name, Applied StemCell it brings me to a PDF document! Is there any way I can choose which ones to display there? Thanks! OF2oVVN.png

    | swzhai

  • Today I noticed I was dropping (pretty big jump) for some keywords, so I checked out the source of a page, and noticed that my source code has two canonical urls. One to the home page, and one to the /page-title. I just changed themes recently, and the dropped happened after I changed themes. Is this what's causing me to drop in rank for certain terms? You can view the source here:

    | NoahsDad

  • I have heard that there are other ways of linking to a site, to completely avoid passing any seo value I think it was even in a whiteboard friday video where I saw Rand say something about doing a 307 "temporary" redirect, or something like that? Basically, I want to let my customers compare our prices with ebay, but I don't want to have ebay outrank us (for obvious reasons) Any help?

    | TylerAbernethy

  • Hi there! A client requested me to change the look of his website entirely. It currently ranks #16 on Google with one of their main keywords. My problem is: The current site was made in a CMS I'm not familiar with and all of its pages urls are not SEO friendly (EX: It is the first time I have come up with this situation so I would appreciate any tips or links to useful information. I tried searching in SEOmoz and came up with nothing. I'm sure this is a common problem though. Since they want a static website, for starters their page extensions will change from .php to .html I'm not 100% sure but I think this will be a problem for their current ranking in Google. Any ideas? Edit: I forgot to mention that all of the backlinks this site has points to their hompage as, I guess this is good.

    | Eblan

  • Just found a series of of XML sitemaps hosted like so:  and defaulted to remove and 301 redirect but as this is the first time I've encountered an issue like this, an outside opinion or two would be much appreciated. Is the 301 the best option, should I 404 them or what?

    | ePageCity

  • The company I work for offers a variety of very different products, that are sold to different audiences. Right now (and for the past 4 years) all the products have been listed on one main website. Over the years, we have accumulated over 200,000 links and rank relatively well in most of the product-specific keywords. Still, for business purposes we really feel that having a unique site specific to each product would be more beneficial than having them all on one site. What are the pros and cons of making a move to different subdomains from a main site. (i.e. instead of we would set up a

    | CleanEdisonInc

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