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Category: Web Design

Talk through the latest in web design and development trends.

  • Now I know these links don't create much value.  However, every web design company seems to do it. My question is this: If you use it, is it always good to go to the home page of your site, or is it best to redirect to sub pages.  For example, if you made an e-commerce website and you link it back to your e-commerce portfolio or description page? Overall, is it still worth linking back from these? Should you only do it on a single page? Thank you in advance.

    | vortexuk

  • Hi all, We got this error for almost a month now. Until now we were outsourcing the webdesign and optimization, and now we are doing it in house, and the previous company did not gave us all the information we should know. And we've been trying to find this error and fix it with no result. Have you encounter this issue before? Did anyone found or knows a solution? Also would this affect our website in terms of SEO and in general. Would be very grateful to hear from you. Many thanks. Here is what appears on the bottom of the site( Not Found The requested URL /java/backlinker.php was not found on this server. <address>Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80</address> <address> </address> <address> </address>

    | monicapopa

  • Hi, Upon checking the text cache view of our home page, I noticed the main menu has been duplicated. Please see: Our coder tells me he created one version for the desktop and one for the mobile version.  Duplicating the menu cannot be good for on page SEO.  With that said, I have had no warnings reported back from Moz.  Maybe the moz bots are not tuned to looks for such a duplication error. Anyway, the reason the coder created a different menu for mobile in order to support the design requirements.  I did not like the look and feel of the responsive version created based on the desktop version. Hi solution to this problem is to convert the Mobile version menu into ajax.  what do you guys think? Thanks, Jarrett

    | TrinityPower

  • How do you visualize a website structure in terms of (categories of) pages and interlinking. I use such visuals for discussing what you are actually doing now and what can be improved. I have made visuals I few times myself (basically making boxes representing categories of pages and lines representing internal links), but I found that I soon ran into a scheme of huge proportions and needed more paper and more time. Appreciate your thoughts!

    | NewBuilder

  • Hi All, We have just redone a site wide url migration (from old url structure to new url structure) and set up our 301's etc but have this one issue whereby I don't know if' it's a problem of not. We have 1 url -**/**  which has been set up to 301 redirect back to However, when I check the server response code, it comes back as 200. So although it appears to visually 301 redirect  if I put the url in the tool bar, the status code says different. Could this be seen as a potential duplicate home page potentially and if so , any idea how I could get around it if we can't solve the root cause of it. This is on a cake php framework, thanks PEte

    | PeteC12

  • Hi, We currently have a UK-focused site on ; We're now targeting the North American market as well, but the contents of the site need to be different from UK. One option was to create another domain for the NA market but I assume it would be easier to rank with though. What would you suggest to do, if a company is targeting two different countries in the same language? thanks, jaan

    | JaanMSonberg

  • Hi ....I need to know if anyone has any concerns of running 2 or more WordPress installs on one domain and if so what would the concerns be. The situation is that we have a static html site that has a WordPress blog....and it is installed in . We will upgrade the static site to WordPress and this WordPress install will be in and then we will point its address to the root and make all other needed changes when ready to go live...but the install will stay in its own directory. So bottom-line is we have one domain with two WordPress installs that are each installed in their own sub directory and run from their own independent databases. There are quite a number of reasons for us to want to do this but I wont get into that......I just want to know if anyone has any concerns with this setup? The research we have done says its OK as well as our hosting provider....but before we get cracking we thought maybe one more "educated" input would make us feel more comfortable. Thanks

    | nomad-202323

  • Hi Everyone, Two questions, first: should you allow google to index your privacy policy? Second: for a service based site (not e-commerce, not selling anything) should you put the policy in the footer so it's site wide or just on the "contact us" form page? Best, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • Hello All, We are soon to launch our new redesigned website along with a mobile responsive version but i  have noticed we currently don't include the on page Content we have on the mobile version which we have on the desktop version to help with rankings etc. I am not sure how google does mobile research with regards to rankings. We have designed our responsive version to be as user friendly as possible at the expense of having to much clutter/content but I am wondering now , if we will rank on mobile if all our on page content isn't present. Just wondered if we should include it at the bottom of the pages with say a "Read more"  extension to help avoid clutter? Any advice greatly appreciated thanks Pete

    | PeteC12

  • Hi all, I have a very curious predicament and I'd be grateful if someone could shed some light on the situation. As mentioned in the title, organic traffic to our website has remained unchanged, but organic impressions have taken a 98% drop in the last week. This happened suddenly over one day; on October 22, impressions were 700, on October 23, they were 500, and on October 24 they drastically dropped to 50. The next two days they were at 22 and then up to 35. Organic traffic, however, showed the normal "weekend drop" as of October 24, and is still showing normal level (even increased a bit) continuing into this week. These are organic impressions according to Google Analytics and Google Webmaster tools. We did perform a complete site redesign a month ago. Could this be an effect from the redesign? We also noticed drop in Domain Authority, but our competitors suffered a similar (if not greater) drop as well, so we wondered if it could be due in part to the algorithm update. If anyone could shed some light on the situation I would be so appreciative! Thanks!

    | Joanne_Pendon

  • Hey all,
    We just moved our website to WordPress and trying to compare the new reports we are receiving for page speed/user experience to the old ones. Looking at dates before the relaunch, it looks as if old site speed reports are unavailable? Does anyone know of a way to recover older reports? We want to compare the responsive site/new desktop version to the old one (end users would have to "pinch" the screen to look at content on old site). Thanks in advance if you have any info!!!!

    | SEOSponge

  • Which would be best for a client: (for promoting the product and SEO) Product on existing business website: or a completely new domain name for the product: Thanks for your feedback.

    | Kdruckenbrod

  • I am new to SEO management. I had a 3 month SEO copy writing internship and a 5 month SEO temp job. In both I mostly wrote copy, but I've been teaching myself SEO on the side, I became Google certified. I ended up getting a telemarketing job and somehow the conversation of SEO came up and I winded up managing their SEO for 12 dollars an hour. They say that every lead generated from the website that turns into a sale will be worth 10 dollars and if and when the sales exceed my paycheck I will starting making commission so long as it stays above my hourly. SEO is very fun and this is like my dream job. They are leaving the planning 100% up to me and I want to make sure that what I am doing will work. My plan is as follows: Part 1: Page Authority via backlinks and social media We are health care brokers and my boss, the owner has a lot of contact. He is talking with large unions like, "The Teamsters," and large company retirment groups like, "Blue flame," which is apparently in some way connected to DTE or GE. Long story short, I am trying to get him to convince them to give us a back link to our main page. He also has a ton of clients that own companies. This is good because they may be persuaded to give us backlinks too. In addition, the tech guy thinks he can implement something where we can get a google +1, facebooks likes/shares, twitter likes and shares and pintrest pin it's that would be a part of an email that we send to people within the list of 12,000 clients. From what I can see, from the client base and the people we are working with we should be able to raise the page authority substantially despite the fact that the site is only a few months old and is not yet out of the sand box. I have been slowly picking off each error with SEO MOZ's website crawling. Part 2: Making a Insurance Jargon Dictionary Guide For The Tri-purpose of gathering traffic, proving our professionalism and helping people understand semi-complex insurance jargon. I could build these 2-3 keywords would be addressed per page and they would be defined in a way to help people looking for terms understand them, while simultaneously netting a strong keyword density and a strong page. I think as far as I can tell there are no issues. Part 3: The dictionary pages will pull in new traffic and the home page will receive links and distribute link juice to the sub-pages. This subpages will guide traffic back to the main page with no-follow links to direct people from the unique termed landing pages to the home page for insurance processing. As far as I can tell my logic is solid and on paper this should work. Am I missing anything (like key details, flaws in my plan)?

    | Tediscool

  • It seems like everywhere I turn, people are using parallax themes. Now, with responsive design themes, I understood that change, because google pretty much said to do that. But, I don't see why parallax has gained such popularity. Is there an SEO benefit to it? Are there studies showing it serves much better UX? Etc? Curious and thankful, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • On our new website we are going to have a blog that is custom built.  However, you can browse the general blog with pagination.  You can also nest into the categories or by month.  Doing each will have a different link: Category: My question is what is the best thing to do with these pages.  Rel Canonical them to the blog home? Or nofollow/noindex them? Will Google not see these as duplicate content pages?

    | vortexuk

  • On our new website we have a testimonials page which you can cycle through them.  We also have the testimonial on the our work / project page.  Essentially this is duplicate content from another page, what's the best thing to do here?  In the sake of SEO, remove the duplicate content and only have one? Or won't it make much difference?

    | vortexuk

  • Hey Guys, I just launched my new website. I just asking around for feedback. Please check it out if you have time and let me know

    | benjaminmarcinc

  • Hello all, Im doing quite a lot of research into personas at the moment, and am wondering if there are any good websites that you know of that market to multiple personas? Just looking for inspiration once the persona work is done. Cheers! William

    | wseabrook

  • I know this is not a marketing question but this community is very dev savvy so I'm hoping someone can help me. At random times we're finding that our website pages load without the main body content. The header, footer and navigation loads just fine. If you refresh, it's fine but that's not a solution. Happens on Chrome, IE and Firefox, testing with multiple browser versions Happens across various page types - but seems to be only the main content section/container Happens while on the company network, as well as externally Happens after deleting cookies, temporary internet files and restarting computer We are using a CMS that is virtually unheard of - Bridgeline/Iapps Codebase is .net Our IT/Dev group keeps pushing back, blaming it on cookies or Chrome plugins because they apparently are unable to "recreate the problem". This has been going on for months and it's a terrible experience for the user to have. It's also not great when landing PPC visitors on pages that load with no content. If anyone has ideas as to why this may be happening I would really appreciate it. I'm not sure if links are allowed, by today the issue happened on this page Linking to an image example below knEUzqd

    | CliqStudios

  • We are in the midst of redesigning our website and have been working with freelance blog/content writers to increase the unique content on our site. We are finding it increasingly difficult to manage the topics/keywords as we continue to expand. Googledrive and google spreadsheets have been our primary tools thus far. Can anyone recommend a good tool that would allow us to manage content and blog posts for our site?

    | Tom_Carc

  • Does anyone know if the lack of sitemaps on ECWID built sites is a negative for SEO? Does Google somehow index these sites and do they penalize because sites can't include the urls in sitemaps? Also, any idea how to build a sitemap to include ECWID shopping carts?

    | Atlanta-SMO

  • My website markets holiday cottages and it's grown from my own singular cottage into a small letting agency and I used to rank at best number 3 for the short tailed keywords like Whitby holiday cottages with its drop-down to position 10 on So this week I was looking for a UK business to help me improve my rankings and the first thing they said was my home page is detrimental with the listing too many conflicting info with it  advertising all 12 properties on it. They suggested a door entry page into the site keeping it simple but when I run it through the analysing tool here on Moz for "Whitby holiday cottages" as an example it came out looking okay. I do  the usual things of title tags and meta descriptions for my keywords etc any suggestions or advice would be very welcome thank you Alan

    | WhitbyHolidayCottages

  • As we are getting more user to our site. We decided to improve its visual appearance. As of now our site ranked higher around 1 - 5 in google. Does the visual changes affect SEO rank and what about adding subdomains?

    | FhyzicsBCPL

  • Does anyone have ideas on how to manage inventory of an e-commerce furniture dropship store made from woo-commerce? I work with 10 drop shippers who all upload an excel sheet once of month with inventory and discontinued product information. Right no inventory is not being tracked. I simply tell the customer the item is out of stock which is NOT GOOD in the long term. I believe I have 2 options: 1. Program some automation
    2. Indicated estimated shipping time of 1-6 weeks since an out of stock item takes about 4 weeks to be put back in stock. Remember I am selling furniture.

    | The_Kiwi_Man

  • Can anyone help me detect some SEO improvements onpage please... I have shortened the website URl so its not easily found when searched via search engines.. Please have a look and give me some tips. Thanks

    | Nettv

  • There are three questions here. 1/ Does it matter in which order you list the meta tags.? Title , Description etc. 2/ Should these be bang at the top of the head section or is it irrelevant as long as they are there? Finally our generated site is written so that the output is in the following form:- Would it be better to suppress the id= tag or move it to the end. I have gut feel that this is detremental when it comes to some search engines but have not done any analysis.

    | Eff-Commerce

  • Last year I rolled my own online shop and I included microdata for all the products.  My Google ranking continued to improve during that period, but I was doing a number of improvements, so I can't say how much was due to the microdata. My store continues to grow so I moved to an eCommerce solution.  I opted to go with Volusion.  Much to my surprise, about the only SEO feature they have implemented is SEO friendly URLs.  They have not implemented microdata, which is pretty surprising given that all their sites are geared towards products.  I would think it would be very easy for them to span the product name, description, price, etc, with a product schema. I called CoreCommerce, a Volusion competitor, and they have not implemented microdata either. Why are these large eCommerce providers ignoring microdata? Are there eCommerce solutions that have implemented microdata? Do large online retailers like Amazon and Buy use microdata? Is there any data that shows the SEO benefits of implementing microdata for an online store? Best,

    | ChristopherGlaeser

  • Do you think I should switch my domain to a .com and use ccTLDs method for my other international domains ? The problem is that my .dk domain( has a better SEO ranking that my .com domain ( and also differs slightly in name. The primary keyword I want to rank is ' outdoor fitness' which is in the name of '', thus over the long-term providing better benefits. Let me know what you think. Thanks, Andrei

    | kkk9233

  • Hi All, I have currently planning to do some url remapping on my Hire Website as alot of most important pages are far to many levels deep from the root domain. This is also making my sitemap not tidy etc. In GWT, Google knows that the theme is my website is Hire as it's the top word. Therefore do I still need to use the word hire in all my new url categories / structures or not ? Examples  I was thinking of remapping to  I was thinking of remapping to Notice in the later example , I do not have the word rent in the url. Any advice is much appreciated thanks peter

    | PeteC12

  • We have a special wordpress theme for  Unfortunately the theme is blocking all the alt tags (this is a photography website...alt tags are very important).  Does anybody know of any special WP plugins for alt tags? Thanks

    | VanguardCommunications

  • I've got roughly 1200 location pages for a travel client. Since the business does the same thing at every location, the title tags and descriptions are almost identical except for the location name. I know Google likes tags and meta descriptions to be unique, but how many different ways can I write the same title in a 55 character limit? For example, here's how the titles look: Things to do in San Jose, CA | Company Name
    Things to do in Dallas, TX | Company Name
    Things to do in Albuquerque, NM | Company Name **My question: Are 1200 title tags structured this way unique enough for Google? ** I have got the same problem with the meta descriptions, but I can vary those a bit more because i have more characters to work with. Thanks for your input,

    | Masbro

  • There's a microbrewery in our area that just launched its first website. It has the "verify your age" homepage (which is not really their homepage, but I don't know what it's called) before you can enter. It looks like this: Anyway, does this hurt them at all from a rankings standpoint? Also, assuming bots/spiders/ROGER can crawl sites like this, (which I think they would have to be able to do) how do they get around this verification? Thanks, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • Hi guys, Hoping one of you have come across this before. While taking a look at the source code for a website I've recently started working on, I spotted some 'display:none' code in the footer of the page. Here's a snapshot of the code: close XMETAhead title : 404 Page Not Found | ( 39 chrs ) [ Page Not Found.](<a href=)" title="more about description" target="_blank" class="ad_seo_link">description : 404 Page Not Found( 170 chrs )[, 404 error page,](<a href=) " title="more about keywords" target="_blank" class="ad_seo_link">keywords : 404, 404 error page ( 7 items )SCRIPT![](<a href=)"> <div< a="">class="ad_seo_title">HTML5 report</div<>Doctype is not HTML5, there are no HTML5 tags, but at least no obsolete HTML tags were found. 1/5

    | ecommercebc

  • When migrating a site to a new url and one where the old url had no https and the new url will be full https does it matter if the 301 redirect points at ? Meaning, should the new site have the ssl / https up prior to redirecting the old site? Does it matter if you redirect the old site to or Since the site will force to https anyway?

    | Atlanta-SMO

  • Anyone else who runs a WP site have problems hyperlinking after the 4.0 update? I read I could deactivate all my plugins, and go through them one-by-one, but before I go to that step, I want to know if there's either an easier way to regain this functionality or if there is a specific plugin that's known to cause the problem. Thanks, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • We all know that website load speed is more important than ever. While I love the look and feel of parallax and Wordpress, I want to do everything I can to keep the load speed down. I see a lot of conflicting information regarding web hosting services, CDN services and other service (Cloudflare for example). I am looking to hear from those with their own experiences to let me know what they think is the ideal setup for a parallax Wordpress site is as far as which services to use, including: 1. Web Hosting
    2. CDN
    3. Any other service or product that would help to provide and extremely fast site load time. Thank you!

    | Gauge123

  • I just converted my site to wordpress.  Previously urls like and would go to the same page.  Since using wordpress the first one will not work.  I did not have redirects set up so was wondering if there is something I am forgetting to easily make it to where if someone types in both urls it will go to the same page.

    | RobDalton

  • Currently hosting a site I'm planning on moving to a new server ASAP, 301 redirecting and have a domain that has nice authority and very old. On the current site I need to clean up the blog.  I have a few questions actually.... 1.  I'd like to remove most of the blog articles as I want the new site to be very high quality, but isn't it dangerous to do a 301 redirect to the same page for all these articles? 2.  I want to focus on the new site as the current site has too many issues but still managing to hang in their.  is highly outdated yet I don't want to spend a ton of time on the site before the 301 redirect.  With the Pigeon and Panda 4.0 rumors being released soon, I want to get the new site completed ASAP.  Do you think it's better if I fix the 3.  Would removing cloudflare make things better or worse with the crashing of my site due to high traffic (mainly spam on the blog.) 4.  My best article by far is outdated, but should I waste time updating it before redirecting or should I just get the new site going? I did way too many guest posts thinking content is king, but at least checked the outgoing links Domain Auth, Page Auth, and MozTrust in OSE, but first off I'm going to remove a page that mentions I'm looking for guest bloggers.  I tried to keep the posts relevant but at the time you could get away with 5.  Anything I can do to slow down these spammers on Wordpress?  I noticed most of them are checking for vulnerabilities but I'm keeping it up to date, have caching setup. Thanks!

    | eugenecomputergeeks

  • We are looking into personalizing visits on our website. Rather than to write Tb of code on each page, we want to use a little line of Java script on the page, that would allow to place overlay on the site, depending on the visitor. Example: Change the home page picture when a returning visitor comes back on the website and show him/her a different picture bases upon the pages he/she visited prior. Would that overlay be caught by Google and would G have a problem with that? We all know about cloaking, but G does not penalize for heat mapping overlays, for example. Or not to my knowledge they don't. Thanks all for your personal insights! Peter

    | Discountvc

  • Greetings MOZ Community: Visitors frequently start to enter contact information in the forms on our website, but then chicken out and don't hit the submit button. I noticed this watching the recordings of visitor web site visits using Mouse Flow. Is there a Wordpress Plugin that would allow us to capture data entered in forms, where the visitor does not finally hit the "submit" button? Obviously this would be very, very valuable as this scenario occurs in one out of three or four instances. Thanks!!!

    | Kingalan1

  • My site has a problem with duplicate page content. SEO MOZ is telling me 725 pages worth. I have looked a lot into the 301 Re direct and the Rel=canonical Tag and I have a few questions: First of all, I'm not sure which on I should use in this case. I have read that the 301 Redirect is the most popular path to take. If I take this path do I need to go in and change the URL of each of these pages or does it automatically change with in the redirect when I plug in the old URL and the new one? Also, do I need to just go to each page that SEO MOZ is telling me is a duplicate and make a redirect of that page? One thing that I am very confused about is the fact that some of these duplicates listed out are actually different pages on my site. So does this just mean the URL's are too similar to each other, and there fore need the redirect to fix them? Then on the other hand I have a log in page that says it has 50 duplicates. Would this be a case in which I would use the Canonical Tag and would put it into each duplicate so that the SE knew to go to the original file? Sorry for all of the questions in this. Thank you for any responses.

    | JoshMaxAmps

  • Hello all, My digital agency is starting to focus on building mainly bespoke ecommerce platforms. I've used a variety of open source platforms over the years, most of which I find un satisfying - specifically Magento (as the framework is very cumbersome). I do appreciate that many SEOs love magento, especially with the shopping cart control - being able to track conversions and customer data handling onsite Etc. My question is, what do ecommerce specialist SEOs and CROs want from a good ecommerce platform please? Thanks William

    | wseabrook

  • It appears that Google Webmaster Tools is listing about 120 blog archives URLs in Google Index>Index Status that should not be listed. Our site map contains 650 pages, but Google shows 860. Pages like: <colgroup><col width="464"></colgroup>
    | | With Titles Like: <colgroup><col width="454"></colgroup>
    | Manhattan Office Space Archives - Metro Manhattan Office Space | Are listed when in the Rogerbot crawl report for the site. How can we remove such pages from Google Webmaster Tools, Index Status? Our site map shows about 650 pages, yet Google show these extra pages. We would prefer that they not be indexed. Note that these pages do not appear when we run  a search. The site has suffered a drop in ranking since May and we feel it prudent to keep Google from indexing useless URLs. Before May 650 pages showed on the Webmaster Tools Index status, and suddenly in early June when we upgraded the site the index grew by about 175 pages. I suspect the 120 blog archives URLs may have something to do with it. How can we get them removed? Can we set them to "No-Index", or should the robot text be used to remove them? Or can some type of removal request be made to Google? My developers have been struggling with this issue since early June. The bloat on the site is about 175 URLs not on the site map. Is there any go to authority on this issue (it is apparently rather complicated) that can provide a definitive answer? Thanks!!

    | Kingalan1

  • When is best to use them and are they really used?

    | TeamacPaints

  • For example: http://localhost:3000/en-US/app/a-knsmtrhqrqs/personal where knsmtrhqrqs is a string Can Google tell this is a string and what's their policy? Will it hurt rankings? Thank you.

    | RoxBrock

  • Hi guys. Take a look at the navigation on this page from our DEV site: While the CSS "trick" implemented by our IT Director does allow a visitor to sort products based on more than one criteria, my gut instinct says this is very bad for SEO. Here are the immediate issues I see: The URL doesn't change as the filter criteria changes. At the very least this is a lost opportunity for ranking on longer tail terms. I also think it could make us vulnerable to a Panda penalty because many of the combinations produce zero results, so returning a page without content, under the original URL. This could not only create hundreds of pages with no content, there would be duplicates of those zero content pages as well. Usability - The "Sort by" option in the drop down (upper right of the page) doesn't work in conjunction with the left Nav filters. In other words if you filter down to 5 items and then try to arrange them by price high to low, the "Sort" will take precedence, remove the filter and serve up a result that is all products in that category sorted high to low (and the filter options completely disapper), AND the URL changes to this:  regardless of what sort was chosen...(this is a whole separate problem, I realize and not specifically what I'm trying to address here). Aside from these two big problems, are there any other issues you see that arise out of trying to use CSS to create product filters in this way? I am trying to build a case for why I believe it should not be implemented this way. Conversely, if you see this as a possible implementation that could work if tweaked a bit, and advice you are willing to share would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Thank you to Travis for pointing out the the link wasn't accessible. For anyone willing to take a closer look we can unblock the URL based on your IP address. If you'd be kind enough to send me your IP via private message I can have my IT director unblock it so you can view the page. Thanks!

    | danatanseo

  • I am new to SEO and am currently trying to market a single page website. Its proving to be hard. I have managed to get the site to page one for a few keywords and it is improving (upto page 2 for some desired keywords) but it seems to have stuck there for a few weeks now - with no movement. I am able to develop it if required. However I thought that I would just ask if there was anything that could give it a nudge without this? I have done on-site optimisation. As far as I'm aware that's about as good as it can be. So any advice?

    | Chstphrjohn

  • Greetings MOZ Community: When a site:domain search is run on Google, a very strange URL appears in the search results. The URL is The page displays a "the site's security certificate is not trusted." This only appears for one URL out of 400. Could this indicate a wider problem with the server's configuration? Is this something that needs to be corrected, and if so how? Our ranking has dropped a lot in the last few months. Thanks,

    | Kingalan1

  • I'm in the process of preparing my company's ecommerce site for a redesign - largely to move to a responsive design and improve issues with UI and some much-needed features. This is a very small ecommerce business (Less than $300K annually), and we have settled on Magento Community Edition for our platform. We understand it to be very "SEO" friendly,  and its similar to our current platform - it gives us a lot of flexibility in design, and it appears scalable. While I am aware of our current sites shortcomings (from an SEO standpoint), I was wondering if I should employ an SEO person/company to do a pre/post redesign audit. I looked at the MOZ checklist, and ran my site through Hubspot and WooRanks free tools, and am aware of what they are reporting as SEO items to be fixed. As I am so small, I was wondering if an SEO audit in addition to what I already know might be overkill? Any thoughts/suggestions are welcome.

    | Artfx

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