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Category: Web Design

Talk through the latest in web design and development trends.

  • 2 days ago I saw my site listed with the 'mobile friendly' text in the Mobile searches. Today it has vanished. I have checked my site using the Google tool and it shows my site as Mobile Friendly. Has anyone had a similar experience?

    | dynamyt100

  • I am looking for the best captcha solution for our website which is magento based.  Currently our web developer is recommending google captcha.  Is this just a spam check list or will it do the job well? I would like any other recommendations that are clear for readers and are professional.

    | TeguarMarketing

  • I'm pretty well rounded when it comes to SEO, but I'm just frazzled when it comes to YSlow and PageSpeed Insights. Of course, individual factors are important to site performance, but it has become increasingly difficult to recommend open-source and hosted platforms that don't pass muster on many of the performance standards being tested. For example, entity tags, expires headers, and cookie-free domains are nearly impossible to set with hosted platforms, and none of the major open-source CMS like WordPress, Joomla, Magento, Odoo, etc., consistently put javascript at the bottom or make "fewer" HTTP requests. Mobile is now king, so quite a few people (including myself) need to "mobilize" their website by late April or risk dropping in mobile search rankings. Nearly all my clients run multi-lingual e-commerce websites, so that really limits options but makes it that much more important to keep current with Google's SEO recommendations. What platforms perform best taking into account any correlation with YSlow scores/PageSpeed Insights to high floating sites on SERPs? Would one spend the money to "fix" their current platform that has worked very well to date or switch to a mobile-ready platform?

    | kwoolf

  • I have been asked by a client to add their cookie policy to their website, which I have, but they want to know when the cookies expire on someone's computer. Is there a way I can find out when they expire? any advice would be much appreciated.

    | One2OneDigital

  • Hi guys, I have had to re-design my site although we are only 4 months into the seo game we have seen some good progress with our rankings. My question is there anything I need to consider before implementing the new designs so it doesn't effect my current rankings or any of our SEO work. Our current designs are content thing and so we have had to create more content to better optimize our site, however if doing so will this loose our current ranking position? Apperciate any advice around this Thanks

    | edward-may

  • One of my clients wants to link to the same page from several places in the navigation menu. Does this create any crawl issues or indexing problems? It's the same page (same url) so there is no duplicate content problems. Since the page is promotional, the client wants the page accessible from different places in the nav bar. Thanks, Dino

    | Dino64

  • Hi everyone, we had a client's Wordpress website go down about 2 weeks ago and since then organic traffic has basically plummeted. We haven't identified exactly what caused the crash, but it happened twice in one week. We spent a lot of time optimizing the site for organic SEO, improving load times, improving user experience, improving the website content, improving CTR, etc. Then one morning we get a notification from our uptime monitoring service that the site was down, and upon further inspection we believe it may have been compromised. The child theme that the website was using, all of the files were deleted and/or blank. We reverted the website to a previous backup, which fixed the problem. Then, a few days later, the same exact thing happened, only this time the child theme files were missing after the backup was restored. We've since re-installed and reconfigured the child theme, changed all passwords (Wordpress, FTP, hosting, etc.), and we're looking into changing hosting providers in the very near future. The site uses the Yoast Wordpress SEO plugin, which has recently been reported as having some security flaws. Maybe that was the cause of the problem. Regardless, the primary focus right now is to recover the organic traffic and Google rankings that we've worked so hard to improve over the past few months up until this disaster occurred. The client is in a very competitive niche and market, so I'm pretty frustrated that this has happened after we were making such great progress, Since the website went down, organic search traffic has decreased by 50%. The site and all internal pages are loading properly again (and have been since the second time the website went down), but Google Webmaster Tools is still reporting a number of pages as "not found" witht he crawl dates as early as this past weekend. We've marked all errors as "fixed", and also re-submitted the Sitemaps in Google Webmaster Tools. The website passes the "mobile-friendly" tests, received A and B grades in GTMMetrix (for whatever that's worth), and still has the same original Google Maps rankings as before. The organic traffic, however, and organic rankings on Google have seen a pretty dramatic decrease. Does anyone have any recommendations when it comes to recovering a website's authority and organic traffic after it's experienced some downtime?

    | georgetsn

  • Aside from mind mapping software are there any tools ( recommended) to build a visual sitemap of the internal linking structure of a URL? I've been trying to 'show' clients the structure of a website as it pertains to internal and external links. Here is one I've tried it's "Close" - . I've been using the excel export function, import into mind meister and building it. It's a teeny bit time consuming for large websites. Site structure I feel is a valuable portion of SEO and a down and dirty visual explanation would be great. Don't get me wrong, it offers other benefits as well- it's just I'd like to free up the time it takes. Thank you in advance. Screen shots are available on the website of the organization.

    | TammyWood

  • We have a domain in the netherlands that shows stars (rich snippets) in adwords and in the organic search results. As we do the the in rich snippets test tool we see some errors as shown in the attachments, the errors are shown in review aggregate - but stars are stil shown in paid and organic search. Do we need to follow-up these errors? Do they influence ranking - or the stars in the near future? Z0fCKRW

    | remkoallertz

  • I have a client that has a website hosted with the site designers hosting company. That designer has proven to be unreliable, ineffective and non-responsive. We have since built a new website using a new domain name, but now we have lost all citations and links. Can I reclaim this domain name by pointing it towards my server and migrating the new site to his established domain? Should I update all of his citations to the new domain? What will happen to the old site? The old designer does not respond to any emails or phone calls so any help would be appreciated. Thanks

    | mrobby1

  • Hi. A client runs Woocommerce platform selling clothing. This clothing is seasonal and 95% of the stock, once it sells out is never restocked with the exception of a few core items that cross over season to season. What I want to know is, whats the best way to handle items that are out of stock and never coming back? I see a few options: delete it. Losing its rank and indexed link. 301 it back to the "brands" page or the "category" page. Eg. a Armani T-Shirt can go to either Armani page or T-Shirts page keeping it relevant. Just leave the old products there saying out of stock. All have benefits to the business. Delete it. Its gone. No more trouble, extra work involved, keeps out CMS clean. Obviously good for SEO? Also good for customer to go to a relevant page. But do we end up with loads of links to manage increasing costs if a developer needs to do the work? Easiest but defo not the right option. So what is it? Is 301'ing really worth the hassle? Is it possible bearing in mind we have 500 items every 6 months going out of stock? Who 301's it? Is it possible for staff to do it in Woocommerce or does a developer have to do them everytime you need to 301 a product? What is your advise on what to do and how to do it? Thanks

    | YNWA

  • Hi All, I want to copy articles from CNN/Bloomberg/etc and I want to show the content to my users in Lightbox (CSS), but the problem is duplicate content. Do you have any idea how can I no-index part of page/content?

    | JohnPalmer

  • Hi, Will interlinking our internal pages using dynamic parameters(like help us in increasing our rankings for linked pages OR we should use static urls for interlinking Regards

    | vivekrathore

  • Hi Guys, Could you kindly help us in choosing best approach out of mentioned below 2 cases. Case. 1 -We are using: We interlink our static pages( through footer, navigation & by showing related searches. Self referential Canonical tags have been implemented. Case. 2 -We plan to use: We interlink our Dynamic pages( through footer, navigation & by showing related searches. Canonical tags have been implemented on dynamic urls pointing to corresponding static urls Query 1. Which one is better & expected to improve rankings. Query 2. Will shifting to Case 2 negatively affect our existing rankings or traffic. Regards

    | vivekrathore

  • Hello, Within the last few months, my company launched a brand new website for our clients. Unfortunately, the web developers we went through aren't very knowledgeable on SEO practices and as a result, our URL structure is a total mess. I'm looking for some advice on the best way to go about a possible restructure of the URL's or what you suggest I should do from here. Any advice helps. Thanks! Lauren McLaughlin

    | LMcLaughlin

  • i've been told that it is possible that google discounts the weight or page rank passed in footer links of websites and my website has the navigation to many  of my  pages in the footer of each page.  My whole website is about 20 pages so each page has links to the 5 most popular pages at the top and the rest of the links are in the footer of each page.  Am i losing page rank by having these links in the footer?  Should i make my navigation different? I have lots of articles on my site so i thought it might be not only helpful to my readers but give my pages an seo  boost if i placed in context links in the body of my articles to other pages of my site. Does this sound like a good idea? Thanks mozzers! Thanks mozzers!

    | Ron10

  • As a small SEO agency, we also handle hosting for some of our clients. Our clients' sites are Wordpress. We set them up with a Bluehost account with a dedicated IP address, and spend a lot of time focusing on load times (implementing a CDN, optimizing images, installing W3 Total cache and using recommended settings, etc.). Last month, we had a client inform us that they are bringing their web marketing efforts in-house, so they switched to a new hosting provider and took their (existing) site to the new hosting company. They kept their old Google Analytics code installed, so I can still see how much traffic they're getting. Since switching to a new host, despite the load times taking longer, no CDN, and other errors that came up prior to us spending time "optimizing" the website, their organic traffic has increased by 26%. Same exact website, same inbound link profile. According to Webmaster Tools, their impressions and clicks have also seen dramatic increases. So now, obviously, I'm considering looking into other options for the hosting of our other clients' websites. From your experience, and especially when it comes to Wordpress websites, do you think that a hosting company can make that big of a difference in terms of SEO? I've heard of positive results from people who have used WP-Engine, and other Wordpress-dedicated hosting companies, but I just find it hard to believe that we spent so much time on load-time-specific ranking factors and come to find out, a different hosting company would have made a huge difference. Any thoughts/feedback?

    | georgetsn

  • Hi everyone. As an SEO agency we've been moving more toward genesis themes, however we have a client who really wants to redesign his website using the following theme: - the theme would be images with no audio on the homepage. He is a remodeling contractor and likes the design and functionality of the theme. I'd like to get others feedback and opinions on what you think about the on-page SEO of this theme? Thanks.

    | WillWatrous

  • HI All,  My site was ranking very well and was in 1st page of google for most of my keywords. Last week we did some update to the site and moved it to new hosting and from then onwards I dont see my site home page in Google ranking . My Website Name is : We used to be in 1st of Google for keywords like wedding Mandaps, Indian Wedding Mandaps etc, Would be great if some one helps us to figure out whats gone wrong .. I also did Webmaster Fetch as Google but nothing happened. Thanks

    | Verve-Innovation

  • One of my clients has chosen a new domain for her website so we will redirect the old domain to the new. I understand that once redirected, most of the authority built up over the years for the old domain will pass through to the new domain. Is this correct? Can this be done through the Wordpress dashboard, say with a plugin perhaps? I have a plugin called 404 Redirected I was going to try to use for this purpose. Finally, the client has other domains (5 total) she has used for one reason or another. She wants to consolidate all of them and have everything redirected to her new domain. Do you see any downside to this in terms of crawling, Google trust and authority? I know there are some user experience issues to deal with, but we're addressing those. I just don't want to do anything that may cause Google not to trust the new domain. Thanks, Dino

    | Dino64

  • Hi, What's the best way to deal with old news on a website. We don't want to take it off of the website but the news section will look ever bigger if we don't do something. Is there a good way of archiving? (The news is currently all under a 'news' tab in the top nav). Thanks

    | Houses

  • Hi, We have our existing mobile site that contains interlinking in footer & content and new mobile site that does not have interlinking. We will show existing mobile site to google crawler & new mobile site to users. Will this be taken as black hat by Google. The mobile site & desktop site will have same url across devices & browsers. Regards

    | vivekrathore

  • Hi, We are planning to show new mobile site to 60% users & old mobile site to 40% users. We will show the old site to google crawler. Our old site has some interlinking through footer & content whereas the new site does not has it. We wanted to do this since our new site does not supports some browsers. Will there be an issue with Google on showing the site like this.  The mobile site & desktop site will have same url across devices & browsers. Regards

    | vivekrathore

  • I changed our homepage banner image, and the change shows up if I'm logged into site (it's a WP site). However, when I log out of WP and go to the site, the change doesn't display. I've cleared the cache's, tried different browsers and on different devices, but it only shows the updated version when I'm logged in. Why would that be? And, how can I "force" it to update? Thanks so much! Ruben Site: Attached is what it is supposed to display. XxLWPCA.jpg?1

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • Hi, Does interlinking on mobile site helps in seo & improvement in rankings. Our desktop site & mobile site has same urls. Regards

    | vivekrathore

  • Hi, Is it okay to design different mobile site for different browsers on same url. The content of the site will also be different on different browsers. Will it be treated as black hat by Google. The mobile site & desktop site has same url across devices & browsers. Regards

    | vivekrathore

  • I am currently using magento and have all titles labeled correctly. I have made a H1 tag for the main page which works fine. Each product title becomes and H1 tag, which again is fine. However my category pages are missing H1 tags. If I manually code an H1 tag, then there becomes 2 H1 tags. It is using my category name then my manual H1 tag. I don't want it to use my category name because it is shortened to fit on my navigation bar.
    In this example the subcategory title is short sleeve. When using MOZ tool on frontend it shows NO H1 tag or the title becomes H1 tag "short sleeve" however I want the H1 to actually be "short sleeve tshirts"
    If I manually add an H1 tag to description on category page it adds both the title AND the H1 tag I enter.

    | nchachula

  • Hi everyone, i know this subject has been raised few times in the past, but i wanted to reach out to the community and find out what is your take on the advantages and disadvantage (if any) for using the Genesis Framework when building a new websites for Clients. I know for fact that many developers are complaining that they find it harder to manage the Genesis Framework, which i do appreciate has a bit more of comparability issues when it comes to plugins and modifications, but i always looked at it as a positive rather then a negative. My personal opinion is that Genesis framework is more of a stable Skeleton that is better read by Search Engine (from a technical SEO point view) and is harder for hackers to penetrate. Would have love to hear the community experts opinion pros and cons. Cheers. Dan

    | artdivision

  • I work for a pretty large company with an established web domain with thousands of pages. We are working on a new website and they talked about moving the site onto a new server. What is the impact ranking wise of going to a new server? Does Google care so long as it's the same domain, or is there some equity lost? Thanks in advance!

    | ScottOlson

  • I'm redesigning our company ecommerce site and need to test render an infinite scroller to ensure that it is as SEO friendly as possible. My problem is that I cannot view it in Webmaster Tools since I am blocking the site from crawlers using robots.txt. I know I could simply unblock Google temporarily but I really would rather not make my dev site available to search engine crawlers.

    | bearpaw

  • Hi Moz! My client wants to redirect users to a basic or professional version of their site based on cookies. What do we need to do/know to make sure implementation is SEO-friendly? What if a user has cookies turned off? Are there any other obstacles? Thanks for reading!

    | DA2013

  • I've been doing some research into web design and page layout as my company is considering a re-design. However, we have come to an argument around responsive webdesign vs SEO. The argument is around me (SEO specialist) arguing that I want dedicated pages for all my content as it's good for SEO since it focuses keywords and content properly, and it still adheres to good user journeys (providing it's done correctly), and my web designer arguing that mobile traffic is on the rise (which it is I know) so we should have more content under 1 URL and use responsive web design so that users can just scroll through content instead of having to keep be direct to different pages. What do  I do... I can't find any blogs, questions, or whiteboards that really touches on this topic, so can anyone advise me on whether I should: Create dedicated landing pages for each bit of content which is good for SEO and taking users on a journey around my site OR All content that is relative to a landing page, put all under that one URL (e.g. "About us" may have info on the company, our team, our history, careers) and allow people to scroll down what could be a very long page on any device, but  may effect SEO as I can't focus keywords/content under one URL properly, so it may effect rankings. Any advice SEO and user experience whizzes out there?

    | blackboxideas

  • Dear members, I am looking for a free/ almost free website which is good for SEO. For example i am looking at WIX right now but i keeping reading that they aren't optimal for SEO. Does anybody has some tips which website is can use, example weebly, strato, etc?? Many thanks!

    | rijwielcashencarry040

  • My sitemap in wordpress is showing up like this but i got parents page on th website and i dont see it in the sitemap, how can i fix this?

    | dawgroup

  • Our IT department wasn't able to create a new directory on the current domain name for whatever reason and so we had to create a new domain name called to build the new site.  So now we have the new site up and appartly some PDFs and pages are being directed to the from the old site. but 10,000 pages /PDFs are still indexed in Google and are not redirected.  So when you open the page you get the old instead of it redirecting to  It's sort of a mess!  My question is can we just kill the old domain name and move the back to the old domain?  We also want to do away with the and go back to  I know it's confusing as heck! What would you recommend?

    | Eagle-ABS

  • Hi everyone, I've been planing to implement breadcrumbs to client's website. However products are under multiple categories, so simple one dimensional breadcrumb isn't quite right for the job. I've been experimenting with several implementations, but sadly I wasn't satisfied with their look and feel. Which multidimensional breadcrumbs would you recommend? Thanks Bojan

    | Yanbo

  • For a primarily e-commerce site, should you have your address on every page (in the footer, for example)? Or is it enough to just have it on the contact page? Thanks, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • I'm wondering what the implications are for having multiple domains for different service areas of a company? I realize having multiple domains for one company can be troublesome because of the possibility of duplicate content, keyword cannibalization, and linkbuilding to multiple domains. But when the domains are for very different service offerings/unique business functions that each serve  their own purpose (and have  different positionings), is there a downside to having more than one domain? Any thoughts would be appreciated!

    | KevinBloom

  • The general rule used to be around 300 words of copy on the homepage, but so many new websites now have very little copy, if any, on the homepage. Has the best practice changed here? If you include keywords in the title and header tags, is that enough to support strong SEO on the homepage...or do you need a few hundred words of copy still? Would love to hear what others think.

    | KevinBloom

  • Hi guys, I'm newbie.... I have been told that my home page is content thin, and if I want to rank really well in the search i need to have more relevant content on my homepage - the site is only new 2months and I can see we are now at 39th place in the search, if i make changes to the home page design and add more content will this effect this current ranking?

    | edward-may

  • Hello, I tried to search but here is a little unique situation. I would like to translate my website in 2-3 different languages not for ranking purpose, but only for some minority users within Italy to understand the content in their native language. Using "no-follow" with a Google Translate link would damage SEO? if not I would like to use it. Here are few points: Give users the ability to switch the content to their language with a link Tell Google not to follow the translated pages, because I don't want them to be used for ranking or searches I would start simply with Google Translate to see if people actually are interested, then later translate by human but still don't want google to follow I could also start with human translation instead of Google Translate if really needed, I know it is a no no. What I'm very interested is to make sure that those pages under "no-follow" won't affect my SEO in good or bad right now, because we would like to keep as it is. Thanks a lot

    | angelowei

  • Mozzers, As the title of this question describes I'm am wondering how important it is that your code has to be up to date for SEO and UX use. One of my sites was build in 2007 and updates in 2010 (new images / color) but my code hasn't changed that much over te years so the site still uses tables for lay-out purposes in stead of divs. Now how important is it to update this and how much risk will this have to my current rankings? For most of my main keywords I rank number 1 in Google (NL). I can't afford to lose those rankings but if an outdated code will get me into trouble I might have to update this anyway and then rather do it sooner then later. Any suggestions on this subject? regards Jarno

    | JarnoNijzing

  • For in which we mostly only care about Greenvile and Spartanburg counties in SC.  Is <title>Patio designs - Water features - Brick patio by Blue Dot Landscaping</title>
    good... or  or do you prefer... <title>Patio designs - Water features - Brick patio  - Greenville, Spartanburg, Simpsonville</title> Thanks for your help, Rich

    | SCyardman

  • Hi all We are being penalised on Webmaster Tools and Crawl Diagnostics for duplicate page titles and I'm not sure how to fix it.We recently switched from HTTP to HTTPS, but when we first switched over, we accidentally set a permanent redirect from HTTPS to HTTP for a week or so(!).We now have a permanent redirect going the other way, HTTP to HTTPS, and we also have canonical tags in place to redirect to HTTPS.Unfortunately, it seems that because of this short time with the permanent redirect the wrong way round, Google is confused as sees our http and https sites as duplicate content.Is there any way to get Google to recognise this new (correct) permanent redirect and completely forget the old (incorrect) one?Any ideas welcome!

    | HireSpace

  • Hi Guys, There seems some issue with the coding due to which Google is not indexing half of our menu bar links. The cached text version of is not showing links present in dropdown "All India" , dropdown "Advice" and "Hot Projects" tab in blue bar on top menu whereas these links are visible in "Fetch as Google" in Google Webmaster tool. Any clue to why is there a difference between the links shown in Google webmaster and Google cache text version. Thanks in advance 🙂

    | vivekrathore

  • John Mueller's input in the EGWMH hangout suggests that Google MAY ignore expandable content served by Javascript. Are there any alternative techniques to display tabbed content without using Javascript / JSON and be SEO Friendly? I do however view these as good for website interactivity and UX - and see many examples of websites performing well and ranking highly whilst using these techniques - are there any Google friendly ways to serve content on a page so that search bots can recognise and choose to crawl / consume the content as legitimate fodder?

    | Fergclaw

  • Many sites nowadays are approaching a section based approach with copy further down the page.  Is it still valid to keep copy above the fold now for SEO.  Will it impact on SEO if you have to scroll down the page?

    | vortexuk

  • I've been advised that too many requests are being sent (presumably to the server?), how can I reduce these and were else should I look to increase speed?

    | FBS

  • Going mobile: Responsive or different mobile version?
    Which one should we choose? Should we do responsive design or should we have a different mobile version and go ? I just read this article. It seems that the responsive design is OK, but the first comment kills that opinion and says that it is pretty hard to make it OK. 🙂 So I need more opinions? What is best for people and for SEO?

    | FCRMediaLietuva

  • I wanted to get the thoughts of people here about how to best structure an events listing page for SEO.  I have a list of events, all with dates, event titles, location name, city and zip.  What I do currently is listed below.  I also show a version for how I could revise it, but it would require me to duplicate the event date on the page.  Any ideas, suggestions or best practice examples you can point me to would be greatly appreciated. Current Structure <state>Events - H1 Tag
    Friday, December 5, 2014 - H2 Tag
    Event Title 1 - H3
    Location Name, City, State - P Tags Event Title 2 - H3
    Location Name, City, State - P Tags</state> I was wondering if I would see better results by doing the following instead. The benefits I see of this approach are the event titles are h2 instead of h3 tags and the con I see is duplicating the event dates <state>Events - H1 Tag</state>
    Event Title 1 - H2
    Friday, December 5, 2014
    Location Name, City, State - P Tags
    Event Title 2 - H2
    Friday, December 5, 2014
    Location Name, City, State - P Tags thanks, Anthony

    | abiondo

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