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Category: Web Design

Talk through the latest in web design and development trends.

  • Hi mozers! Brand new to SEO and LOVING it! Having several key questions that I don't see answered yet, but I'll start with one we've been very curious about. Consider this guide we have for Forming a Delaware Corp. This is our overview page, giving you a breakdown of what this process involves.  We love this page, but (Question1:) does it lack better real "content" rather than lots of links to the guide process itself? Then, you can start to walk through the guide beginning with step one, where each step has crowd sourced answers to it. But as you see, the step pages are all very similar, except for the answers and step info. (Question 2) Would it be better to put all our answers into the one overview page and skip having separate pages for each step? We like the process and simplicity of seeing one step at a time, but then these pages don't seem to have enough unique content on them. Related, at what point (if any) is a page too big with too much content and considered bad for SEO?  We're recovering from a big hit from Google, and slowly recovering by nailing down various SEO mistakes. We DO have great, unique and valueable content - now we just need it to rank!

    | Mase

  • hi, i am about to reknew my sub with a sitemap host. they offer prices based on how many urls you have. does anyone know where i can count how many my site has and it be accurate? thanks

    | YNWA

  • In an effort to decease our page load time, we are looking at making a change so that all product images on any page past page 1 load with a place holder image.  When the user clicks to the next page, it then loads all of the images for that page. Right now, all of the product divs are loaded into a Javascript array and loaded in chunks to the page display div. Product-heavy pages significantly increase load time as the browser loads all of the images from the product HTML before the Javascript can rewrite the display div with page-specific product HTML. In order to get around this, we are looking at loading the product HTML with a small placeholder image and then substituting the appropriate product image URLs when each page is output to the display div. From a user experience, this change will be seamless and they won't be able to tell the difference, plus they will benefit from a potentially a short wait on loading the images for the page in question.  However, the source of the page will have all of the product images in a given category page all having the same image.  How much of a negative impact will this have on SEO?

    | airnwater

  • We want to implement breadcrumbs to improve the usability of our website - if we manually input breadcrumbs into the body of every page via our CMS are there any negative effects?

    | braunna

  • I am relatively new to the world of SEO and recently built a new site.  I have read as many books as I can to help increase my skill set rapidly, and have attempted to implement the best of what I have learned but I know many of you have been in this arena for a while and I would be extremely appreciative of any suggestions you can offer with regard to on page. Thanks in advance. - home page - city level - community level

    | Jdubin

  • Hi, first question here. In response to Paddy's wonderful article and Rand's related article from 09 I've found myself asking this question. "" or "" As I'm currently reviewing the structure for so many of our e com sites the article comes at a great time. I'm going for home/category/product so I can optimise for a category, as category based searches are quite high and competitive. Yes some products can appear in 2 categories but I'm combating it with 301's or image based links. What are your thoughts.

    | PASSLtd

  • I need to change my old Dreamweaver website  into a responsive website that can be viewed and used easily on mobile phones. Four years ago when the site was originally built it was one cottage on one basic website but it's grown into a small letting agency with several properties, so I think it's time to invest in a fully functional website. Looking at Google analytics around the fifth of the searches and now done on a mobile phone each month on this particular site, and obviously that's going to become a larger percentage in the future. Does anybody know of a particular company that can produce good quality responsive websites? Or alternatively used a particular responsive website template which was good. One of the guys that work for me is quite a good web designer if we got the right template. The old website is grown into quite a large beast with a blog so I think the idea would be to change the main pages with the properties on, just linking back to the old websites quite extensive blog / historical interest pages which I've built over the last few years. I need to keep the old blog webpages indexed because they have hundreds of back links coming with longtail keywords producing traffic. Have you gone through the process of changing your main business website for a resonsive redesign recently and how did you approach it?

    | whitbycottages

  • I'm seeing some odd results in my SEOMOZ results with a new site I just released that is using the ASP.NET 4.0 URL routing.  I am seeing thousands(!) of duplicate results, for instance, because the crawl has uncovered something like this: (so far, so good, though I wish it wouldn't show both) (what the heck -?) (WTF!?) (and on and on ad infinitum) I'm also seeing problems pop up in my sitemap because extensionless urls have an odd "eurl.axd/abunchofnumbersgohere" appended to the end of every address which is breaking links. sigh Buyer beware. I've found articles that discuss the "eurl.axd" issue here and there (this one seems very good), but nothing about the weird crawl issue I outlined above.  Any advice?

    | TroyCarlson

  • Hi, I've created a Wordpress site for my client. I've produced 4 content pages and 1 home page but in my sitemap it only says I have 1 page indexed. Also SEOmoz only finds 1 page. I'm lost on what the problem could be. The domain name is Many thanks for any help. Alex

    | SeoSheikh

  • Our campaign overview shows well over 100 warnings that could be hurting our google ranking based on excessive links on pages. Each page listed, however, is simply due to listing the brands we carry, and linking to the products. Is there a way to do this without hurting our ranking? A better way than linking, perhaps? Thanks in advance!

    | guycochran

  • We are having a new website designed using WordPress and the Genesis framework.  We wanted to include header image sliders on a number of internal site pages, but our  designer says that sliders on more than just the home page will slow down the site significantly.  How much could they slow down the site, and what can be done to minimize their effect on site speed?

    | GordyH

  • Home page redesign advice, please.  We're a growing college textbook publishing company; a unique one in that we publish everything under an open license.  Our homepage has a solid page score (80), and since our product serves several different customers/audiences -- students, faculty, bookstores -- we're transitioning to a dynamic home page approach.  Returning instructors will be served a personalized faculty page, returning students a student oriented page featuring the books they've most recently accessed, and first time/anon visitors will receive a more neutral welcome page until we know more about them. Pros, cons with this change to a dynamic homepage? What should we be thinking about/concerned about from an SEO perspective? How do you address title tags? Will this approach dilute page authority? Thanks all!

    | JasonBilog

  • Hi, I have a site which has a Pr5 index page, however level 2 pages only have a PR rank of 3 is this a sign of poor internal linking structure or maybe this is the result of too many on page links? I would appreciate any ideas that you might have! Kyle

    | kyleNeedham

  • What happens with sites that have the complete list of products in the home page and in the "Products" section. Would like to know your opinion as web developers and users and like SEO professionals. I'm in duality like web developer, somehow my subconscience is telling me that is stupid to have it on both places... And the home page is getting nice results and comments from the users, so, would consider quitting the "Products" teaser view. But of course, eliminate the "Products" section is somehow... un natural.... And what happens with SEO, I read somewhere that it's not very good to have all the "rank" spread in so many links in the home page... I don't even understand it completely or neven sure they said rank or juice..., but it's something that is concerning me... We are talking about 20 products, that can grow. I'm looking to have a better SEO, but also the UX is very important, even more than SEO (I know good UX is better SEO). Thanks in advance to any contribution.

    | MilosMilcom

  • Hello.. I am wondering if you guys think launching a site like this is a good or a bad idea. All of the links on it go directly to the exact corresponding page on the ecommerce site. Do you think Google will penalize my site for launching sites (i have many other domains that i will be setting up similar to this) like this? Thanks...

    | Prime85

  • Hello fellow mozzers! I wanted to ask the community if anyone knows of any software that would create an infographic (not just a basic bars and pie charts) or does it have to be designed and coded manually? Thank you! Igor EDIT Forgot to mention, that I was asking about interactive infographics, not just a static image (that I can do in illustrator) Is HTML5 or CSS the way to go?

    | igor.pinchevskiy

  • According to MOZ Dashboard my site shows Duplicate Page Content and .What i can do for that .redirect to .then how can i do that using .htaccess file .

    | innofidelity

  • Hello fellow Mozzers! I was wondering if anyone knows if this would be legal to do? Can we use a part of a movie or a TV show lets say 10-15 seconds in our commercials for the website? We are selling a product that has been shown (non branded) in many movies and TV shows that characters have a  funny and hard time using and so do many millions of people. We want to create short 30 second video ads and post them on youtube and our site. The 30 second video would include a part of a movie or a TV show unedited of course. Tried to search the web but couldn't find any real answers, thought maybe some of you have some knowledge or input on this subject. Thank you in advance! Igor

    | igor.pinchevskiy

  • Page Redirection solution needs, there are 2 sites in the same folder and one page of old site is new site .there are many old page indexed i wanna redirect all old pages to relevant pages of new site using SEO friendly way .Any help really appropriate. Thank you

    | innofidelity

  • Hi folks, We're redesigning our website and looking for some advice on how changing our URL's would affected our rankings. If the page URLs are changing how can we carry out redirects to avoid losing any SEO rank? Thanks, Ross

    | Will_Craig

  • I have akismet installed on my Wordpress blog, and it does a great job of filtering the spam comments, but for some reason my site (and server) gets slammed by the amount of spam comments akismet blocks. If I check my spam folder there will be over 100 spam comments in an hour. (which in turn puts a load on my server.) Does anyone have any thoughts on how to put a stop to this? (Or at least slow it down?) I know I could use a captcha, but I really don't want to put any barriers on people commenting and I don't even like using those captcha's myself. Thoughts? By the way, does anyone know how spam like this works? This has been going on for sometime now. Are spammers just using automated software to do this?

    | NoahsDad

  • Is wordpress a good platform to build websites with?  If so, what are some good resources to learn how to build custom websites using wordpress?

    | Lael

  • Hello, I am in a very weird position. I am managing a website(EMD) which a part of it dynamically creates pages. The former webmaster who create this system though that this would help with SEO but I dought! The thing is that now the site has about 1500 pages which must look duplicate but are they really duplicate? Each page has a unique URL but the content is pretty much the same: one image and a different title with 5-8 words. There is more: All these pages are not accessible by the users but only for the crawlers!!! This URL machine is a part of a php - made photo gallery which i never understood the sense of it! The site overall is not performing very well in SERP, especially after Penguin, but judging by the link profile, the Domain authority, construction (ok besides that crazy photo gallery) and content, it never reached the position it should have in the past. The majority of these mysterious pages - and mostly their images - are cached by Google and some of them are in top places to some SERP - the ones that match the small title on page - but  the numbers are poor, 10 - 15 clicks per month. Are these pages considered as duplicated, although they are cached, and is it safe for the site just to remove 1500 at once? The seomoz tools have pointed some of them as dups but the majority not! Can these pages impact the image of the whole site in search engines?( drop in Google and has disappeared from Yahoo and Bing!) Do I also have to tell Google about the removal? I have not seen anything like it before so any comment would be helpful! Thank you!

    | Tz_Seo

  • I've learned a lot through this site (and the community built around it) about everything SEO related. It's been extremely helpful in helping us help others to learn that all people (even those with a "disability") deserve respect and integrity. (Wow, that's a lot of helps!) So I wanted to give a quick thanks to everyone on this site who has helped, supported, and encouraged us. We really appreciate it. One thing I've been trying to do on my site is look at my categories and over all site structure. I've pruned a lot of things from the menu bar; pruned away and tightened up the categories, and even rearranged the navigation of the site. As you can see, I have several drop down categories up top. I wanted to see if I could get some feedback on how what I'm doing looks thus far, specifically as it relates to my categories / menus / navigation. Although any feedback you'd like to provide would be more than appreciated. One thing I'm curious about (and not sure how to tackle it) is regarding the top most item in the main menus. For instance you'll see I have a top level category called "Down Syndrome Resources" which takes them to all of the posts in that category. Under that, there is a drop down menus that gives them other categories, and even some pages that fall under the topic of Down syndrome resources. I'm not sure if people would know the top most item is a link, or just look at the ones below it. (If that makes sense.) (On a side note I have therapy as a category as well as parenting, the truth is those could all be sub-categories I guess since everything on my site pretty much could fall under "down syndrome resources." Maybe this is a huge FAIL I made when setting up my categories.) I'm also not sure if I should use some sub-categories as well. For instance I have a main category for Therapy. Under that I have posts about speech therapy, physical therapy, and occupational therapy. Right now they are all grouped into therapy. Do you think I should use sub-categories on those 3 terms, leave as is, or perhaps another option? Another question I have is regarding landing pages. It seems like I need to have  a landing page for my top "key words." For example therapy. Now if you visit my /therapy you get the category index page, not a "landing page." Same would go for the sub-categories if I were to create them. So I'm not sure if I should make a new post or page naming it something else (maybe "Down syndrome therapy" another named "Down-syndrome-physical-therapy" etc) or something else. (Although therapy isn't really the keyword I want to rank for, I'm thinking more along the lines of children therapy, pediatric therapy, therapy for children with Down syndrome, etc. So maybe I need to rename my categories? I was going for shorter names, so I very well may have done this incorrectly.) All of these questions are things I'm not to sure about, so I'd appreciate any feedback or advice you can give me. And since I'm learning, I could be doing things wrong that I don't even know to ask. So feel free to tell me what you see that's wrong, you won't hurt my feelings. I promise. 🙂 Thanks in advance.

    | NoahsDad

  • I've been reading that Google will sometimes change the home page title, and I have finally seen this in action. Search for  and on the second page you'll find  but the title says Academy Dog Training.  Which is not what's in the title tag for this page. Did Google change the title tag on us and if so why?  How can we get them to use our title?

    | CFSSEO

  • Hi SEOmoz Community! Looking for some suggestions on video sharing CMS platforms. I haven't messed around with video sharing for a few years now and seems like a lot of the previous ones I know about are pretty much dead like PHPmotion. If anyone has any good experiences whether paid or free open source platforms, I'd like to hear what are some good options? TIA!

    | William.Lau

  • Good Morning/Evening Mozzers, I arrive at work this morning with 5 emails from GWT for my separate domains reading, **"Googlebot can't access your site - **Over the last 24 hours, Googlebot encountered 39 errors while attempting to connect to your site. Your site's overall connection failure rate is 15.1%." I have passed this on to the Web Dev team to resolve ASAP. My Question, will server connectivity issues harm my rankings? Is there a danger if this continues that URL's could be de-indexed? Input would be greatly appreciated.

    | RobertChapman

  • Which do you recommend, or does it even matter? or ??

    | TinaGammon

  • Hi all, I am trying to figure out the best way to manage our international sites.  We have two locations, 1 in the UK and 1 in the USA.  I currently use GEOIP to identify the location of the browser and redirect them using a cookie to index.php?country=uk or index.php?country=usa.  Once the cookie is set I use a 301 redirect to send them to index.php, so that Google doesnt see each url as duplicate content, which Webmaster tools was complaining about. This has been working wonderfully for about a year.  It means I have a single php language include file and depending on the browser location I will display $ or £ and change the odd ise to ize, etc. Problem I am starting to notice is that we are starting to rank better and better in the USA search result.  I am guessing this is because the crawlers must be based out of the USA.  This is great, but my concern is that I am losing rank in the UK, which is currently where most of our business is done out of... So I have done my research and because I have a .net will go for a /uk/ or /us/ sub folder and create two separate webmaster tools site and set them up to target each geographic location.  Is this okay? HERE IS THE PROBLEM: I don't was to have to run two separate website with two separate sets of copy.  Also, I dont want to lose all the rank data on urls like: now becomes  On top of this I will have two pages, the one just mentioned and now adding, which I presume would be seen as duplicate copy? (Y/n) Can I use rel canonical to overcome this?  How can I don't this without actually running the two pages.  Could you actually have 1 site in the root folder and just use the same GEOIP techology to do a smart MOD REWRITE adding either UK or US to the url therefore being able to create two webmaster accounts targeting each geographic location? Any advise is most welcome.

    | Mediatomcat

  • Hello, I need some quick help and advice.  We're going through a website re-design, and we have a few H1 tags set on some of our inner pages.  The team is ok with these, however they want to change the H1 tag if the user gets to that page from a page within the site. Example: 
    When the referrer is our site (, the H1 tag = Go to Step 2 When the referrer is anything else, the H1 tag = Welcome to our site I'd like to keep the H1 tag as the SEO rich keyword text we agreed on (in this case "Welcome to Our Site"), however our developers don't think its directional enough and wants to change it based on the user path. I'm ok with the suggestion, however I want to make sure that if we choose the option with the referrer that this doesn't impact our SEO efforts. I'm assuming the referrer will changed based on how the bot gets to the page, but i'm not certain and was wondering if anyone had some thoughts on this.. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks...

    | uSell

  • Hello, We have run into a situtation where we had multiple pages setup for different keywords but didn't realize that we had a name server issue that has caused the pages to be down for the last month or so (2-3 weeks on the low side.) The rank finder was still working fine, but the offline page was never reported. We realized the situation recently and have since gotten the sites back online under the new nameservers. Most of these sites were ranking 1 and 2 spots in their keywords, and now are no where to be found in the Google Index. Should I do anything differently, or just put the sites back online and wait it out? I have seen in different places that it may only take 2 weeks to come back, but it's possible that Google has marked the sites as 'not quality' because of their downtime and it will be even harder to get them to rank again. Can anyone shed any light on this situation? Any information is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    | EQ-Richie

  • With the recent updates to the algorithm having to do with link networks and over optimization it has got me to thinking about the footer links we add to each site that we build and do web design for linking back to ours. I could certainly see how Google could make the assumption that these are all on the same server, pointing back to one main site, and penalize us for that. Should we no=follow these links? They may say something like, "Website Designed By: Company Name". They do provide a valuable source to some extent of traffic to the site from people interested in our designs. Any thoughts?

    | JoshGill27

  • Hi my name is Tina I am new here I hope you guys can help me out. I thought building my new site with Word Press was going to simplify things, however I have a ton of errors, and I am not sure what they are, or how to fix them. I am hoping someone could share with me a solution for these errors. I have 28 rel=canonical errors, I am not sure what this means, I understand it to mean my pages are similar, and this is to set a heirarchy between my pages. Please correct me if I am wrong. If I am correct would this be necessary to add if my main keyword was "widgets" and my home page was optimized for "widgets" and my next page was "blue widgets" and so on. While my pages are similar they are all optimized for different versions of my main keyword some using long tail keywords. Do you know of a plugin that can help solve this problem? Also does anyone have a plugin they recommend for G+ my G+ authorship verification is causing an error as well? I am using Head Space 2 I have used this seo plugin numerous times with great success it has been my favorite seo plugin. However, we have a portfolio that shows our clients websites, and on those pages Head Space will not let me enter a description tag.  What plug in do you guys recommend with more control over each page? Another interesting issue is on one of our pages I optimized it for our Canadian clients, and now every page has been listed in for the keywords it should have on We are listed on Google maps, verified  in Google places, and our address is on the site so they know we're from the USA however, the majority of our keywords are only listed in We're on page one for all of them, we are in the top three on most of them so that's not bad, but we want to be listed in as well. Any suggestions on this?

    | TinaGammon

  • Hi all, Sorry for the un-SEO-related question. I have had a few complaints that one of my websites is not fully compatible with 64-bit OS / browsers. I don't have access to a 64-bit machine, so this is a plea for someone to have a quick peek for me. The website (homepage works fine) - Search results page (also works fine) - Ad details page (broken!) - The above ad details page is apparently appearing as just a blank page - correct? Can anyone suggest a fix? (The software is off-the-shelf, and my suspicion is that the software is not compatible). Thanks very much in advance of any responses! Matt

    | Horizon

  • Hi, We are in the process of having a new website developed by a web agency. New domain, new business name etc... What is the best process to transfer from old domain to the new one? What happens to all my ranked URLs? What can re-directs do to help me? Will I loose all my link juice on highly ranked keyword domains? I ranked 1st for a brand now, wil lthis go? Any advice, help or hints would be great. Thanks Will

    | YNWA

  • Hi Mozzers Just after some opinions really. Basically a client wants a restaurant website developing and had already chosen a name for it as (example) "". They wanted to register it themselves but unfortunately before they had time to someone else did. Now they have come back to me and said about using the name (example) "". I know these names are supposedly for personal websites and not businesses but I assume that, by itself, shouldn't be an issue as there are many commercial sites that do use them. However as all the combinations have been taken I have suggested that they use a " as an alternative so just wanted to know which option you guys would go for out of: 1. 2. Although I avoid hyphens whenever I can in this instance 100% I would go for number 2 as it's only one hyphen and it's a business and looks more professional......having said that I would welcome any comments or opinions. Thanks in advance.

    | TrevorJones

  • A client is requesting bar codes for simple tracking of event attendees. Their need is to be able to verify at the door someone has registered and then have that data link to the registrant to show who did/did not attend, etc. We looked at QR code solutions (seems bar code makes more sense at this point) and now are at a point where we need input from any who have experience with either system and could potentially make a recommendation. A person would sign up for this once a year event (no charge, informational) on the site and be able to print off their registration ticket to bring to the event. If it could also be downloaded to iPhone/Android that would be a plus as well. When they come through the door the code is scanned and registrant is in. Simple. They currently keep a database of past attendees and only use it for general area the attendees are from and how many show over time, etc. Since we do not want to reinvent the wheel, we were hoping a mozzer might have insight. thanks, Robert

    | RobertFisher

  • We have a lot of content we want to add to our pages but want a lot of
    it to be in drop down accordion tabs. We will make sure that they are SEO friendly but I would just like to
    know if the weight Google gives to text on screen out of accordions is the same
    as behind accordion tabs.

    | BobAnderson

  • we have recently started using seomoz. how can i make descriptions more content rich?

    | WCGAdmin

  • From an SEO point of view, is it okay to have a sites focus to be Lead Generation? We will do a small amount of blogging and we'll also have longer form sales pages on the site... but the main focus would be lead generation pages that we'd target for the SERPs. TO ME... this seems fairly spammy. If we had 50-60 landing pages with only 100-300 words of copy on them. If this is "okay" then how much should we altar up these landing pages in terms of content? None of them will be direct copies... but I just want to make sure that we stay above a ratio that would be good for SEO. Then lastly... How many main terms can we expect to target with a landing page? Should we focus each landing page to a keyword, or can we target a few and still rank effectively?

    | lifeseo

  • I'm looking for a new hosting provider and have been told to find one that specializes in Wordpress hosting because of higher page speed load times, etc.. Can anyone recommend a couple of Wordpress Hosting providers

    | webestate

  • this Is where the ad is first created it is the fresh content. It is then copied word for word to the following Would it be best to push buypropertyanywhere as the main site and left the others drop or to develop buypropertyanywhere with each country as a mini site within it  and use the existing urls for example and  301s to direct back to the mini site ie Thanks in advance

    | Feily

  • Hi, The number of errors on my site recently jumped up by 450.  Most of them are duplicate page content and title errors. I am confused as to how the site suddenly got so many errors.  I recently added a new sitemap extension to the site as I was told by my developers that it was hacked a couple of months ago. Please could someone help resolve these errors?

    | Saunders1865

  • Hi , I have a page with many news storeys on it. Google craws the page but it picks up a more general url even though  I've embedded the  direct URL within anchor tags around the headline . The snippet below got  linked by Google to Any idea how i can get Google to pick-up would be very welcome Peter Quinn: Family made scapegoats of financial crisis News Peter Quinn: Family made scapegoats of financial crisis THE Quinn family have been made scapegoats of the financial crisis surrounding the former Anglo Irish Bank, tycoon Sean Quinn's brother Peter claimed yesterday.Peter Quinn, a former president of the GAA, said hi read more»

    | Liammcmullen

  • I need to built a multi language site (to built a Pilates, Yoga site) and I will use a site builder. After posting questions on I came to the fact I should continue my research because there are not SEO friendly. Do you have a suggestions? Limited to html knowledge, using a website builder is my only option. Here are some of the features I need: Multilanguage Web Site Mobile version SEO Friendly Nice Template Selections( this is important) HTML customization Twitter, Facebook, Blog... I'm not looking at free website builder, when you want good features, there is a price to paid. Thank you for your help and suggestions, BigBlaze

    | BigBlaze205

  • We are going through a transition from SiteFinity (C# .net windows environment) to WordPress (PHP Linux environment). We currently have custom forms that make calls to webservices and also store data into SQL Server tables.  Not sure how to do this in PHP and could use some help.  We are located in Irvine, CA.  We would prefer someone onsite, but can also work with someone remote if we must.  Time is of the essence. Thanks.

    | balboafinance

  • I keep hearing about how great Thesis is for SEO. But when I look at the code, it doesn't look like anything special to me -- they followed the basics (proper title, header usage, etc.), pages load quickly, and they packaged things like title and meta control with the theme itself, but none of those things seem particularly special to me. Plenty of SEO plugins give you the same control over title & meta (and the best ones go beyond what Thesis offers) and it's easy to make sure the code is clean. What am I missing?

    | EricOliver

  • Hello... I am going to be creating two new websites shortly that will need to be built with SEO in mind. These will not be e-commerce sites, but instead will be informational with a couple pages of content on each. One will be used to get people to input their contact info and that info will be sent to our call center where we will call them back from. The other site will be heavily used for graphics, but still needs to have room for content (seo purposes)... Can you guys please recommend what platform i should have these sites written on (and please remember I need to do this on whatever is the most SEO-Friendly)... Thanks

    | Prime85

  • A few weeks back I posted a question regarding a client's website and the very high Bounce Rate. We were looking at about 70 to 80% BR. The site was rough, and so I asked for some feedback that can be seen here: Since that time we've changed the WP Theme and the client would like specific feedback from the SEO experts. The BR has dropped by roughly 53% over the past month since we changed things, as traffic has risen by roughly 20%. We have lost some rankings for our targeted keywords, even as nothing has greatly changed on the site other than the theme. But even as we've lost some rankings for targeted keywords, we've gained for others and increased traffic dramatically. So, what do you think of the new site? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

    | Linwright

  • We are starting a new used car site in latam, and we are in the process of developing the brand, part of the team would like to have the "auto" (spanish for car" in the name and some no. The question is, form a SEO point of view, how strong signal is to have the string auto as part as the URL, and can you have a complete unrelated url and have several URLs with the auto string on it pointing in a 301 way to the non unrelated brand name as a way around? (sorry about my english, I hope you can understand the question) PS, yes, there are a lot of queries involving auto in our target market.

    | Bligoo

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