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Category: Web Design

Talk through the latest in web design and development trends.

  • I am a complete novice, but I tend to learn quickly. My site is one year old, and I have very low traffic. I also rank poorly. I have recently learned a ton, and made some changes: 1. Put in meta no follow, no index tags on certain pages 2. Found and fixed some horrid content -- I had forgotten to finish certain pages (!) and they had been left up for months -- a good example is /California-homeschool.html basically said "Washington homeschool, blah, blah, blah" for about 8 months before I fixed it (!) 3. Added new content, changed the look and navigation of the site, added social media links and have been working to build those up (FB, Twitter, etc) 4. Started blogging regularly. Those are the main things I have done. I plan to continue to add content, tweak the navigation, and blog regularly. From what I can tell, link building should happen organically. My question is: Am I on the right track? Here is a link to my site: Am I missing anything -- there seems to be so much info out there. Because there is a time lag between making changes and seeing results, I just would love to know if I am on the right track, before I devote more time to this strategy. What I would like to do is be the #1 homeschool website (long term goal) and generate revenue (eventually) from affiliate marketing and creating my own curriculum and resources. Thank you!!!!!!

    | WendyKKelly

  • I just posted a question: An it already has 63 views and one response, but I think I may have phrased the question wrong. I would love a little feedback on my site - I have zero search traffic -- none. I find that odd. I am not sure if it "just takes time" and I need to be patient, or if I am doing something really obviously wrong. I have been really amazed by what I have read so far in this community, and have learned a ton. In my previous question, I listed all the things I am doing -- and I think I have the basics down pat. Should I not have at least 1 visitor per day? Any feedback would be appreciated. Thank you so much!!

    | WendyKKelly

  • We are looking to push our site content and blog content out to the masses... There are several sites and services that accept RSS feeds or submit RSS feeds to 50+ RSS sites. Have you seen an positive or negative impact of submitting feeds to these RSS directories? I am primarily looking at this for getting or content out and builing inbound links... Any thoughts or feedback would be appreciated... C

    | hireawizseo

  • Does anyone have a good list or know where I can find one to show me the best sites to create some organic back links to mine, preferably without paying for them? Thanks to those who help, Craig Fenton IT

    | craigyboy

  • I've known about avoiding the use of more than 1 H1 Heading Tags, however, with HTML5 is this going to change... at least that's how I understand it. According to HTML5 Specs, Each 'section' can have an H1 heading, which at least theoretically means certain web pages that have multiple "sectioning elements" can have more than 1 H1 heading... true?  False? What I'm looking for here is some insight into the ramifications HTML5 will have on the use of H1 tags. And would like to know how search engines currently handle this and are they anticipated to change as the HTML5 outline algorithm becomes widely supported? thanks in advance Kelly

    | KellysTutorials

  • We currently have 3 websites: We also own, and that URL currently redirects to We are considering a complete site redesign and a possible merge of the 3 sites. Assumptions: ** the 3 sites currently receive organic search traffic to varying degrees
       ** is almost identical to in terms of the site content
       ** Our target market is NOT the USA for English-language searches.  It is the UK. With a re-design, we see our options as follows: Merge the 3 sites and make the "main site" and then have subfolders as follows: /uk /fr /ch Keep the 3 sites as they are. We see Option 1 as the best in terms of saving time when updating the site, and saving money paid to the site developers (1 site vs 3 sites). We see Option 2 as the best in terms of ability of the site to rank, as well as confidence of searchers when seeing our site in the search results (in other words, a person searching in France would be more likely to buy and/or submit a form on our site if they saw  vs I guess we're looking for some suggestions/guidance here.  Are we missing any big issues?  Does anyone have experience with an issue such as this? Thank you in advance...

    | darkgreenguy

  • Hey Mozzers- Does anyone know of a good WordPress Plugin for displaying before and after images. This could be for a docs office, etc. Any feedback would be great! Thanks!

    | kpeacy

  • My website is what do you think? Where should I spend money to enhance SEO search results? I do have a limited budget but the company is growing quickly and I might have more funds to invest in a few months. Where should I spend money now (less than $500 per month) and where should I spend money in the future? I am afraid the person who coded my website wasn't well versed on SEO. There also might be coding errors. I'm trying to work through the errors myself via the repots from SEOmoz.

    | CapitolShine

  • Hi all - wondering if you can help.... We have a social gaming startup with a few million users. Our first game is (currently just a landing page) - now we're just about to launch some more games. We'll have approx 6 titles by the end of the year (note most of our users are on'm a little unsure the best way to approach this from an SEO perspective. 1)  Should we direct everything to a games specific .com site like -> and if so, should we build out this site to attract more keywords2)  Direct everything to our Facebook app e.g. 3) Have 1 central site for our multiple titles, with each game having a subdomain e.g. ala / etc? What you recommend? Our goal is to have a managable 'off Facebook' strategy that attracts maximum organic traffic for keywords e.g. 'free football game' etc Thanks 🙂 H

    | HowardK

  • Where should reciprocal links be placed on our website?  Should we create a "Resources" page?  Should the page be "hidden" from the public?  I know there is a right answer out there!  Thank you for your help! Jay

    | theideapeople

  • I suppose this is an open-ended question, at least for now, because I'm getting differing opinions on whether Flash inhibits optimum SEO results. I don't know the answer but I've just started to do some research and it seems this would be a good discussion based on your experience. I look forward to your thoughts. Thank you.

    | karlseidel

  • We finally have a budget and want to dump our intuit/homestead site  Our budget is 5k-10k but could do more if needed.  I am slowly catching my competition with this homestead site that I built.  But I do realize it is time to step back, figure out what is best, and hire a pro to get the job done. I am green in the seo and web development arena so please go easy on me and please help to point me in the right direction.  Just went out on a limb a couple years ago playing with site software and built what we have today.  Didn't know anything about website sort of just happened.  I feel and know that solution is hindering what we could be doing due to the bloated nature of the site and inability to perform such task as 301 redirects etc.... I have been able to slowly attain first page seo rankings on keywords based of the artists we carry using this po-dunk homestead platform to build my site after a ton of work education thanks to seomoz and a lot of you.  But, have never asked for help and could really use some generosity of time in explaining a solution that would work best for our business. Do we just go with a wordpress site that is similar to our current setup and use their plugins?  Do we use a cms software solution like magneto or joomla?  We will only have 200-300 pieces at any given time. We are constantly selling and buying new pieces providing us content.  We are need of a site that can perform well in terms of seo.  I have heard of a lot of people talking about joomla, wordpress, and magneto. Would like to be able to have a product catalogue that ultimately sends whatever inventory we are uploading to our social sites and blogs so I don’t have to pump the product out to all of these sites.  We offer free custom framing with our pieces and it would be nice to have a program that could wrap the photos of the pieces with the different frames for our customers.  When I add a new piece I would like this software to have a predesigned product page that it plugs the information into.  I would like it to create the url extension based of the artists name, medium used, and piece name to create unique and individual urls.  I would like it to also create its own H tags throughout that product page according to the artist name description, and medium used.  I would like to be able to sink this up to google merchant and other sites to carry our product. Bottom line is we sell art.  We sell pieces by specific artists.   We are constantly buying and selling.  I need something powerful that keeps up with our content

    | forecastedinvestments

  • Hi, i am in the process of setting up a business directory site that will be used in a number of cities, though i am initially launching with only one city. My question is, what is the best URL structure to use for the site and should i start using this URL structure from day one? At the moment i am using as my primary website where it contains all listings for the the one initial launch city. Though to plan for the future i was considering this URL structure: so for example, if i launch in the city Sydney initially then all website traffic that goes to would simply be redirected (302 temp redirect?) to When i expand to other cities would simply be a "select your city" screen that then redirects to the city of choice (similar to page). How would doing a 302 redirect from to impact on SEO for the initial launch? Or should i just place this on the root domain since no other cities exist at the moment?

    | adamkirk

  • I'm starting a new business selling Whitby Jet and I want to buy the best domain name which will help me in the search engines, I want to use the keywords in the domain name because it think it will help when people link to the website, but and have both been taken. I could be wrong I think .com is generally thought of as the best and I don't really like the idea of .net or .org So maybe I might have to choose the third word which tends to make the doamin a little bit longer like Any suggestions would be greatly received.

    | whitbycottages

  • I am really curious about a result I have never seen before. Our bounce rate went down a lot on a new site. So, what is good??? Recently, we took on a project with a company that offers a product they install for consumers and who had been in business for 15 plus years. The company is successful, has good customer base of those who have been made very happy, etc. It is not a repeat sale type of product, etc. One and done. Their site when we began talking was roughly a year old and was not well constructed but not terrible. Most of the issues were around I frames, use of older coding, poor SEO, etc. There was not really a way to "redesign" and we built a new site. This became a true collaboration in a B2B environment as the owner pushed us like crazy. Not the bad kind of push, the one that makes you say to your team, "Let's find a way!" The result, IMO, was a gorgeous site. But, as you know, those are a dime a dozen. But, to get to the point, when we took over the account they had a bounce rate of around 45%. I did not see this as either good or bad, but a fact and for this industry probably not bad at all. In all honesty, I was not looking at that as a first metric I wanted to move, but it was obviously at or near the top for all the reasons we know. So, this site is a local business, not an everyday product and gets about  2500 to 3000 uniques per month. If we compare to May of 2011/2012: 2011 2012 Total Visitors   1852         3,298 Uniques     1609   2,740 Pageviews       5,634       23,203 Pages/visit       3.04   7.04 Avg Duration     2.05  3.20 Yes, I am leaving off what we are getting, yes, I am leaving off the site. Please don't hate me. I am really wanting to see what others see with site changes and bounce rates first and will disclose. So, what's a great bounce rate? How do you know?

    | RobertFisher

  • Hello, Am new here, can you advise if its good idea to buy broad phrase keywords as domain name e.g Thank you

    | seoatbest

  • A client is looking to translate PDFs on their website into Japanese & Mandarin fonts. I found this resource: I'm not sure about the quality. This is a call for any international font designers/experts for input. Any suggestions or resources?

    | DanaLookadoo

  • How many sites is safe to house on one hosting provider? I use BlueHost and they advertise unlimited domains, but I'm not sure what the negative side effects might be from hosting too many on one hosting service. If it matter at all, I'm using WordPress to build my sites. Pros and Cons?

    | leafndrop

  • We have a client who wants a site structure like this - try to scroll down on the content and see how the url of the site changes. Would there be any problems on trying to SEO this type of structure?

    | paulct

  • We had a site from Feb-2011 to Nov-2011 at the domain The site was pure HTML/CSS and the daily unique visitors steadily increased over that time. So all was fine. We then moved the site to a CMS (Joomla)  on Dec. 6th.  From that day forward, the daily visitors went into the tank. Before the move, if you typed "" or "amco exterminating" into Google search, the site would be the first result (as you'd expect since those are the words that make up the actua domain).  But we tried this yesterday and the site did not come up at all.  NOT GOOD.  It would work in Yahoo or Bing, but not in Google.  So obviously, the problem with Google search directly affected the daily visitors. We just checked Webmaster tools yesterday (yes, this should have been done sooner, lesson learned) and it said "Site has severe health issues - Important page blocked by robots.txt".  It listed the "important" page URL and it was just a link to an image. Regardless, I wiped out the Joomla created robots.txt file and added a new one and made it just say... User-agent: *Allow: / About 14 hours later, after the new robots.txt file was recognized by Google, the "severe health" message went away.  However if I search in Google for "", it still doesn't show up and the client is concerned (as they should be). Do you think the search engines just need more time to refresh?  If so, once it refreshes, should the site show up first again right away? Or is it possible the robots.txt file had nothing to do with the issue?  If so, what other things could I check into that might cause Google search to not find a site even if you search for exact domain name? Please share any and all things I should look into as I need to get this site showing in Google search again (as it was before moving to the CMS). Thanks!

    | MarathonMS

  • I have a real estate website. On my sidebar I have about 16 links to pages on various neighborhoods. I templated my site using dream weaver so the same sidebar and links are on every page. I'm thinking of redesigning the sidebar and having one link that will take visitors to a page where all the neighborhood links will be and then from there visitors can choose whichever link to go to a specific neighborhood info page. I am doing this to clear space on my side bar for other content and links. What impact would this have on my home page? The website is if anyone wants to check it out and provide feedback.

    | bronxpad

  • Hi, We were hit hard by Panda 3.4 on March 23rd 2012. Then Penguin came along and slapped us down a little farther on April 24th. White hat SEO for 13 years on the site. I have been trying to discover the reason we got hit so hard, to date 90% down. We ae wiped. I have a couple of keywords still #2 and #3 and we see up and down changes in Google webmaster tools, i.e. a keyword is supposedly up 50 points then another down 50.  All other 150 keywords that we used to rank on the first page for are not even showing up. I have a person that is about to do a full link analysis but since we never went after links I just never had the feeling that is where our problem is at, but definitely going to explore it. The reason for my post is that last night I spoke with an SEO person that has some pretty good credentials (9 years experience and works currently at large online marketing company with seo with clients like Honda) and he was nice enough to just take a quick look at the site. He said he saw nothing really wrong and did not think that we were hit for any of the normal issues people are listing, i.e. duplicate content, backlinks. His first impression was that we were knocked down because the site is "hard to index".  He said the site still uses tables and a lot of our Doc Statements were for HTML 4.01 from 1999. As we all know, there are 'many' experts in this industry. So I wanted a little feedback from the community. Our main site was built in Dreamweaver using tables. We do have a Wordpress blog that is very small and just now posting to add fresh content. (posts seem to rank pretty good, this is why I thought, you know he may be right) Would an older site be penalized like this for using tables? What would you do at this stage if you had a site that is not recovering?  I have now reached panic mode and have to do something, just not sure of the next step. I will be happy to post the URL if anyone wants to help with advice. Thanks,

    | Force7

  • Hi Can anyone answer this question confidently, I know Google is moving away from lots of links within the footer.  However we specialise in websites for the travel industry and having a link to all the areas at the footer can be quite handy.  Our websites complete this automatically. Here is an example where due to design of the site the links don't quite fit well, so we need to change anyway.  But before completing the work I wondered if there was a better way to do this. Many thanks Andy

    | iprosoftware

  • Hi Any recommendations on shopping carts? I’m looking for something pretty cheap, not over $150 a month. But I don't want to sacrifice quality to save on loose change. Any suggestions?

    | wayne1

  • While I am tweaking my current site with getting rid of my footer links, my site will not allow a drop down menu for my service area parent page. It will do a drop down menu for any other tab.  Could not find anything in a google search besides just link to parent for drop down... Any ideas?

    | greenjoe

  • I am trying to plug holes in my site and the one thing that is lacking is unique videos. I was wondering what is the best way to go about videos for seo purposes? Should I just post onto a youtube channel and then embed into my site or should I look to just place videos on my site with software or should I use any of the other venders out there like Vimeo? Not sure which is the best route. Any tips?

    | bronxpad

  • My ISP implemented product reviews. In doing so, each page has a possible parameter string of ?wr=1. I am not receiving duplicate page content and duplicate page title errors for all my product URLs. The report shows the base URL and the base URL?wr=1. My ISP says that the search engines won't have a problem with the parameters and a check of Google Webmaster Tools for my site says I don't have any errors and recommends against configuring URL parameters. How can I get SEOmoz to stop reporting these errors?

    | NiftySon

  • hi, at the moment i am concerned about my site speed for My hosting company is tmd hosting and my package is Intel Atom 330 1MB L2 Cache 1.6GH $159/mo $189/month500GBStorage4GBRAM10TBBandwidthi am looking at increasing this to**$219/mo** $289/month500GBStorage6GBRAM10TBBandwidthcan anyone let me know if this will make a difference to my site speed please

    | ClaireH-184886

  • I tried to post a question which was at least 15 words long and received an error saying the question was less than 5 characters QrXcp


  • I know this is some cutting edge technology, but I think that this will be a very important topic in the coming months, as html5/css3 becomses more and more the standard, or at least standardized, I think the topic of this in relation to SEO will also arise much more. My question is simple, is it better to code a responsive site, or a completely mobile site for a small company with no special needs (mobile ordering, ecommerce, etc...) I obviously know the visuall differences, and, personally, I think respomsive websites look better. From an seo perspective, my big thing is for the resizing, for example, with WordPress, when you reach the tablet size you can set the sidebar to basically display:none, can that impact your website? I would really appreciate any feedback

    | ZacharyRussell

  • Is infinite scrolling bad for SEO? Is there a way to implement infinite scrolling without hurting a site's SEO?

    | BostonWright

  • Our website is running on a 2004 Microsoft Access DB and it’s time to ditch it… We have a new site created using .php with a sql DB. How can we maintain the back links and general goodwill created over time? Example… how do we redirect something like to  <--- (new address will look like this) thanks

    | Prime85

  • Our company's competitor has just ranked higher on google SERP.  I need pointers on getting back to #2.  We are currently #3 (, while Wikipedia is #1 When googling "Spring break".  Any suggestions?  We are a reputable student travel company.  WE have a ton of content and am not sure why we just fell behind in rankings.  Any suggestions or insight would be much appreciated!

    | Vacations

  • Please help me to solve a problem with duplicate content errors.
    I received report today that 53 pages (all my pages) are market as duplicate
    content. Yes, they are all about Oasis of the Seas but about different aspects
    of it. Question is: how I can handle this error in report? Thank you!

    | NadiaFL

  • Hi, I was wondering what people would recommend for website monitoring (IE is my website working as it should!). I need something that will:
    1/. Allow multiple page monitoring not just homepage
    2/. Do header status checking
    3/. Do page content checking (ie if the page changes massively, or include the word "error") then we have an issue!
    4/. Multiple alert possibilities. We currently use and it is a good service that does all the above, however it just seems so overly complex that its hard to understand what is going on, and its complex functionality and features are really a negative in our case. Thanks

    | James77

  • What is the best way to get SEO benefits from video? Which service is best? YouTube, Vimeo or any other? Or is best just to upload direct to my own site? But then how would I handle mobile devices i.e. iPad and iPhone? How does one go about marketing a video? Thanks

    | bronxpad

  • Based on bits and pieces of information I've read on SEOmoz, am I correct to state that:
    "Keyword-rich footer links effect pages negatively in terms of the keyword referenced in the anchor text?" This means footer links in Thanks in advance fellow Mozzers!

    | Partouter

  • We are selling furnace filter and we might move our existing store host by BigCommerce to Americommerce or Corecommerce. Before moving the store, I have a questions about our online store structure. We are selling 3 different furnace filters, GOLD, SILVER and BRONZE Series. Each furnace filter come in about 50 different sizes, for a total of about 150 different products. The way our store is setup now, it is 150 different product, 150 different URL, 150 different page name... The way it is setup now, might look like duplicate content. All the product page are the same, all the pictures are the same, the only thing that change, is the furnace filter size in the product description. Look at those pages for example: Would it be better to only have 3 products and 50 variables or size options? What would be the best structure in a SEO point of view? One thing we have to keep in mind, when searching for a furnace filter, shooper will use keywords like: 16x25x4 furnace filter filter 20x20x1 air furnace filter 10x20x1 furnace filter 24x24x4 canada furnace filter Most of the Google search will included the filter size_._ How does Google handle product variant or options_?_ If I have 3 products, I will have only 3 URL and 3 different page name. I know for the shoppers, 3 products with sizes options might provide a better experience, but what about Google ranking the products? What is opinion the best online store structure in our case? Thank you for your help, preciouse time and support. BigBlaze

    | BigBlaze205

  • Just wondering whether anybody has experience with this? If Googlebot is able to analyse Facebook activity that is (I'm not entirely sure whether it is...)

    | McTaggart

  • Hi all, We are going to launch a new site design for our current e-commerce site. I have taken this opportunity to change some categories due to keyword research and all old categories will be 301ed to best fitting new category. So I have 2 questions about moving stuff over; 1. I read that leaving the old xml site map running for the first week, would help, because this would give crawlers the chance to run through the site and follow the 301s, which would help pass the juice. How true does this sound? 2. I was thinking of re-writing all category and sub category titles, meta descriptions and on page content. The positive of this is loads of fresh content - but doing this all at the same time with the new site launch might see some major dropping in search ranking. I've identified our top traffic keyword terms/pages, would it be more wise to leave these pages, and change the others, or would the total new fresh burst have a better impact? Cheers

    | ToxicFox

  • What are the Pro's and Con's of using Java Script and PHP in a site when factoring in SEO?

    | bronxpad

  • Hi guys, I have a list of things to do on this website that is longer than my arm but thought I would gather a few more thoughts on the site before moving on further with it. The site is here. It went live a couple of days ago for live testing. I have a news section coming very soon at - it is in live testing now. One glaring issue for me is that some of the products simply aren't "buyable". What I mean by that is that the options are too vague and too vast - as an outsider I wouldnt have a clue what I was buying! Other issues: The banner at the bottom of the HP is a test - its design will be changing. The sitemap has some issues and will be addressed. There is no area yet to "log-in". However, critique for me pretty please! 🙂

    | MattJanaway

  • Hi,
       I am working on merging a number of my niche websites into a larger site (301 redirects, phased in over a few months).  My question/concern is whether google will penalize the main site when it sees that the homepage has almost no links to it, and that about 10-15 sub-pages have a lot of links back to it. Does anybody have experience with this kind of scenario?  Will it create  a problem? Theoretically I could spend a year or so building up links to the new main page - building the brand - before doing the 301's.  The smaller pages still bring in clients, but it is getting hard to maintain that many micro sites. Thanks in advance for any help.

    | rayvensoft

  • I know PR isn't a top ranking factor anymore, so "PR sculpting" isn't something to focus on. But isn't it still true that having more links that you need on any given page is worse than having fewer, in terms of that page's authority? I'm managing a site that has a lot of navigational links in the footer, which are duplicative because they're almost all included in the top nav bar, and several are triplicated in the sidebar as well. I wanted to remove 85% of these duplicative links from the footer, thinking they diluted the page authority and that most users probably won't scroll there anyway when we launch the site. The site owner is pushing back, though, not wanting to remove so many links because he believes they might be useful to some users. We can test our respective user-behavior theories after launching, but right now I have two questions: Will having a sizable number of duplicative links in the footer dilute the page's authority? and 2) Are there any other ways to reduce this dilution, aside from simply removing the links? (I know nofollow is not the answer, but possibly using iframes or Java or something like that?)

    | KyleJB

  • I paid somebody to build my website using Dreamweaver, and at one point I didn't know how to use the template which automatically updates every page in the menu section so I stupidly broke the template on every new page when I made the websites blog and put the pages into a subfolder. I realised this was a silly thing to do and now and I now know how to use the template correctly I've copied every single page over from the subfolder and put it into the main template. Now I can update the template menu and every page changes automatically. The only problem is I've now got two versions of every page of my blog on the website. For some reason when I do a sitemap it comes up with a links to the old blog pages I, don't know why when I've removed the links from the blog page?  and also the new copies also. I have basically got a copys of all blog pages. Do you think it will be a good idea to delete old indexed  blog pages off the server so that when Google spiders the site it will pick up only the new links to the copy pages?

    | whitbycottages

  • Does anyone know of a plugin/theme/template that would allow me to create a site with the following features: 1 section of content that is public 1 section of content that is only for registered members and that is hidden until you log in. A registration page A sign up form

    | MassivePrime

  • I have a static html site which I cannot update myself. What solutions/ programs would you recommend for gaining the ability to update it myself? I'm reluctant to switch to WordPress because the sites that use any CMS that are hosted by my web hosting company get routinely hacked. Thank you!

    | translate

  • Our web services provided suggested that Google doesn't like in-text links that open the link in a new tab. Can anyone verify this? We often link to outside credible resources for our audience, though it seems smarter to open in a new tab rather than risk that the person will not navigate back to our site after finding us. Thank you in advance!

    | jhamlin

  • Hi - We created a custom 404 page based on SEOMoz recommendations.  But.... the page seems to be receiving traffic via organic search.  Does it make more sense to set this page as "noindex" by its metatag?

    | sftravel

  • Which web hosting company is the best to use for SEO purposes? Also which company has the best cost and value?

    | bronxpad

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