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Category: Moz Bar

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  • Hey there, I have a blog running at  I need to add Google Analytics and I want to track the value of this subdomain as separate from the main URL. Can I do that? If I do a unique snippet in the header of the blog is that the right way to go?  The main site is on an antiquated CMS system and will be converted over the next few months to a full on WP site, does that change anything long-term? Thanks in advance for your help. Cheers, Lisa

    | LisaBOS

  • Hi, Is there any way that I could find out the traffic source list from a competitor's website within the moz tools? Or any other insight? Thanks

    | LauraHT

  • When generating a pdf from a Custom report we get 'oops there must have been an error...try again" - well we have been trying again and again. Can you provide a tad more diagnostics other than 'oops'?

    | 7thPowerInc

  • Hallo When I launch the crawl report I get csv file with this error : 804 : HTTPS (SSL) error encountered when requesting page.
    Error attempting to request page; see title for details. Website is

    | micvitale

  • As opposed to going through the process of inputting the urls and keywords every couple of weeks, is there a way of Moz to send the scores for those keywords and the domain to which the url belongs?

    | DigitalGuru

  • So I am getting this 804 Error but I have checked our Security Certificate and it looks to be just fine.  In fact we have another 156 days before renewal on it.  We did have some issues with this a couple months ago but it has been fixed.  Now, there is a 301 from http to https and I did not start the crawl on https so I am curious if that is the issue?  Just wanted to know if anybody else has seen this and if you were able to remedy it? Thanks,
    Chris Birkholm

    | DRSearchEngOpt

  • Hi there, I am getting the error "Sorry, but this URL is inaccessible" on the Moz On-Page Grader. I have tested with multiple URL's but any that link to my site give the error. I have noticed my site's URL's redirect to https so my question the on-page grader in-compatible with https? Cheers!

    | ToteIreland

  • Hello all! One of the biggest challenges we face here at Moz is keeping up with Google's ever-changing SERP features whilst maintaining minimal impact on customer data.  However sometimes this is inevitable for us to be able to stay relevant.  We are deploying a change today that will have an effect on rankings for some campaigns. As of today, we will now track tweets as verticals instead of organic ranking positions.  This will affect around 7% of SERPs. I have attached an image that shows how tweets look when integrated into the SERP.  In this example, prior to today, we would have measured as the second organic ranking position and as the third organic ranking position.  After today, we will measure as a Tweet SERP feature, and as the second organic ranking position.  The Tweet SERP feature will appear in our tools soon. We expect this to have a pretty low impact on a campaign's Search Visibility score (~ 0.1% on average) but we wanted to call this out as it will manifest as a page 1 ranking change for those keywords. Any feedback or questions please reply below! Or contact the help team! Thanks, Jon twitter-serp.png

    | jon.white

  • I've noticed that the Onpage Grader is not including my keyword in the URL when the keyword is in the domain. If I grade an inner page and the keyword is in the sub-directory, it finds it. Is this intentional? If so, why does the grader not include my keyword in the domain as Keyword in the URL?

    | Dino64

  • Hi everybody. I'm trying to use on -page grader for and get "Sorry, but that URL is inaccessible." Robots.txt are empty, another thread on MOZ was talking about DNS check - it's all good. So, I can't figure out why this is happening. Also I am trying the same for another website - the same story. Common thing is that they both are on Google App Engine. And at first i thought that was the problem. Bu then i checked this one : and it's working, even though this website is on GAE as well. None of these website have robots.txt or any differences in setup or settings. Any thoughts?

    | DmitriiK

  • I'am getting a lot of 404 errors (196 to be precise ) - but their pattern is weird.
    The page that the crawler is trying to find is (e.g):**/
    the linking page is** meaning it adds to the end of the link the root URL - / This happens in all 196 cases - trying to find a page from a refferer page Obviously this pages do not exist, and it's getting a 404. I've look into the pages themselves and digged into their code - It doesn't seem that the bad link is any where on the page. Did anyone came across this kind of issue? any one can point me to a solution ?

    | oorbo

  • Hi all, first post, be gentle... Just signed up for moz with the hope that it, and the learning will help me improve my web traffic. Have managed to get a bit of woe already with one of the sites we have added to the tool.  I cannot get the crawl test to do any actual crawling. Ive tried to add the domain three times now but the initial of a few pages (the auto one when you add a domain to pro) will not work for me. Instead of getting a list of problems with the site, i have a list of 18 pages where it says 'Error Code 902: Network Errors Prevented Crawler from Contacting Server'. Being a little puzzled by this, i checked the site problems. I asked several people in different locations (and countries) to have a go, and no problems for them either. I ran the same site through Raven Tool site auditor and got some results. it crawled a few thousand pages. I ran the site through screaming frog as google bot user agent, and again no issues. I just tried the fetch as Gbot in WMT and all was fine there. I'm very puzzled then as to why moz is having issues with the site but everyone is happy with it. I know the homepage takes 7 seconds to load - caching is off at the moment while we tweak the design - but all the other pages (according to SF) take average of 0.72 seconds to load. The site is a magento one so we have a lengthy robots.txt but that is not causing problems for any of the other services.  The robots txt is below. Google Image Crawler Setup User-agent: Googlebot-Image
    Disallow: Crawlers Setup User-agent: * Directories Disallow: /ajax/
    Disallow: /404/
    Disallow: /app/
    Disallow: /cgi-bin/
    Disallow: /downloader/
    Disallow: /errors/
    Disallow: /includes/
    #Disallow: /js/
    #Disallow: /lib/
    Disallow: /magento/
    #Disallow: /media/
    Disallow: /pkginfo/
    Disallow: /report/
    Disallow: /scripts/
    Disallow: /shell/
    Disallow: /skin/
    Disallow: /stats/
    Disallow: /var/
    Disallow: /catalog/product
    Disallow: /index.php/
    Disallow: /catalog/product_compare/
    Disallow: /catalog/category/view/
    Disallow: /catalog/product/view/
    Disallow: /catalogsearch/
    #Disallow: /checkout/
    Disallow: /control/
    Disallow: /contacts/
    Disallow: /customer/
    Disallow: /customize/
    Disallow: /newsletter/
    Disallow: /poll/
    Disallow: /review/
    Disallow: /sendfriend/
    Disallow: /tag/
    Disallow: /wishlist/
    Disallow: /catalog/product/gallery/ Files Disallow: /cron.php
    Disallow: /
    Disallow: /error_log
    Disallow: /install.php
    Disallow: /LICENSE.html
    Disallow: /LICENSE.txt
    Disallow: /LICENSE_AFL.txt
    Disallow: /STATUS.txt Paths (no clean URLs) #Disallow: /.js$
    #Disallow: /.css$
    Disallow: /.php$
    Disallow: /?SID= Pagnation Disallow: /?dir=
    Disallow: /&dir=
    Disallow: /?mode=
    Disallow: /&mode=
    Disallow: /?order=
    Disallow: /&order=
    Disallow: /?p=
    Disallow: /&p= If anyone has any suggestions then please i would welcome them, be it with the tool or my robots.  As a side note, im aware that we are blocking the individual product pages. Too many products on the site at the moment (250k plus) which manufacturer default descriptions so we have blocked them and are working on getting the category pages and guides listed. In time we will rewrite the most popular products and unblock them as we go Many thanks Carl

    | Arropa

  • I tried to crawl and I get this error: 612 : Page banned by error response for robots.txt. I have a robots.txt file and it does not appear to be blocking anything Also, Search Console is showing "allowed" in the robots.txt test... I've crawled many of our other sites that are similarly set up without issue. What could the problem be?

    | 1sixty8

  • Is it on purpose that you export data to the csv export that is different from what is displayed? This is the case when using 'entire subdomain in the request'. After grading the page, it displays the 'ranking url', but when I csv export it, I get the url for this entry that I entered in the URL field.

    | e-connect

  • I have optimized the following page for the norwegian word "Dusjkabinett": The On-Page grader gives the URL an F-grade. BUT as you can see it seems like the tool fails in giving a correct report. See attachment. Can anybody help me understand? pCyEYaWd3

    | moggiew

  • Hello Please help me to solve the problem. The on-page grader and Crawl Test are not working for website. Both said that they can't access the url. Yes, I've tried different variants like, One more thing - RogerBot was disallowed in robots.txt file. I deleted it from the file a week ago so maybe moz index haven't been renewed.

    | Targeras

  • Was trying to crawl a page and the moz on page grader tells that URL is not accessible. The URL is accessible thorugh my mobile and desktop. Any idea what is the issue ? The URL is IGrzzVe

    | ozil

  • hi to all. I have a big problem with the crawler of moz on this website: On july with the old version i have no problem and the crawler give me a csv report with all the url but after we changed the new magento theme and restyled the old version, each time i use the crawler, i receive a csv file with this error: "error 406" Can you help me to understan wich is the problem? I already have disabled .htacces and robots.txt but nothing. Website is working well, i have used also screaming frog as well.

    | ArchieDonnithorne

  • I'm finding out that Moz only tracks exact match results for key terms. Does anyone know of a good tool for tracking broad search terms? So for example: keyword1 keyword2 keyword3 as opposed to "keyword1 keyword2 keyword3"? Any help is appreciated!
    Thanks! -David

    | controlyours

  • Anyone know why DA hasn't been refreshing? Last one was in August, then it said the next update would be 6th September, then 8th October, 15th October, but nothing, and now 17th November. Nothing too important, just curiousThanks,

    | jamesbox

  • Why does the on page grader not update it's grades based on the other factors, other then the title tag.  i.e. I can have the keyword 'burger' in H1 tags, the URL, ALT attributes, in the body text a couple times and in the meta section of the site and receive an F grade from the on page grader, but as soon as I add the word 'burger' to the title I receive an A grade.  Is there a reason why the only factor that has that influence is the title tag, and why is it that a keyword for a page cant get say a B or C grade if it has the other factors covered (i.e. they have a tick next to them) but not the title tag? Cheers Again

    | sharpleaddesign

  • Hi There I am going through the process of using the on page grader and optimising lots of pages, it seems that the difference between getting an F and A grade is simply the title having those keywords however there are keywords that I want to grade well for without stuffing the Title tag with loads of different keywords. Would you say the on page grader is reliable given this and if not could it be optimised to consider the other factors rather then just displaying a tick to say these factors have been considered and achieved.

    | sharpleaddesign

  • I've just tried to add the Moz temperature widget to my site (https) and it is getting blocked by Google Chrome for an incorrectly configured SSL certificate (apparently!) The widget embeds this page - Which comes up with a security issue when visited in Chrome Do I need to wait for Moz to fix? Kind Regards Liam

    | ZaddleMarketing

  • I did a crawl test and it shows that there are 2215 external links on my home page here: An "External Link" is defined here: "Number of links on a page that point to a page that is not on the same domain as that page." There are NOT 2215 external links on that page. There are only a handful at any given time. Why is the crawl test reporting thousands over that?

    | playshakespeare

  • Hi All, I have had some free time lately and have wanted to try and figure out how Moz calculates page authority and what I can do to increase page authority. For instance, I have a real estate site (As some of you may know already) and of course there are places like who have amazing Domain Authority and even page authority for a certain address. So this is just some random address to where most of the local sites I compete with have a PA of 1. Is there a way to get that PA up? Would it be sharing it on Social Media, or writing a blog post about it (which I of course would not want do do with every listing (hundreds) but was curious how Zillow could have such a high page rank on a property that maybe came up a day or two ago. Examples: zillow:                 my site: Thanks for any guidance!

    | Veebs

  • I ran a keyword difficulty search for 4 search engines: Switzerland in Italian, Switzerland in English, Switzerland in French and Switzerland in German. Now the results are in but it shows "" for all of them so I can't tell which result is for which language. How can I check that? I ran the basic not full SERP.

    | WagMoreBarkLess

  • Hi! I want to crawl this website : I tried a got back the crawl just for that one url (not for all the pages of the website). This single line cvs says that the status of the is 200, but in fact it is a redirect 301 to where the live home page is (actually the Moz bar sees the 301, not the 200 as the single-lined crawl does). How can I proceed in this case (a 301 redirect being installed on the subdomain url) to still be able to have a full-fledged juicy cvs with all the broken links, duplicate content, etc. Thank you for your help! Pascal Hämmerli

    | Ethos_Digital

  • One of the pages I'm trying to optimise is achieving an 'A' grade, however all the ticks are black not green as I've seen on other page grade. Why is this? Help much appreciated. Thanks

    | seoman10

  • I'm hoping to find what percentages change the levels for the difficulty score meter in the keyword difficulty tool. For example, when does a blue -- non-competitive -- move into the green level, and so forth. Also, I can't find the description (names?) of all the levels (highly competitive, non-competitive, etc). Thanks for your help.

    | IT-dmd

  • currently using seo quake and moz tool bar but wondered if there is a better suggestion that will look at pages that are only accessible on the internal network on development server.   Very restricted in what can be installed

    | Dan-Moz

  • Hello, I have a website whose spam analysis is showing a score is a 6 but when I look at the my links, I only have one link that is showing up as a 5. I look at all the subdomains and root domain and I am just curious if I should be worried or that this is quite common. Thoughts? Thanks,

    | ErrickG

  • Under On-Page Elements in the Moz bar there is a Tag/ Location called Bold/ Strong. What does that mean?

    | TiffanyatElite

  • Does anyone know how deep the crawl diagnostics will crawl when searching for dup content? Will it crawl the entire site, or will it only crawl "x" amount of pages? Thanks!

    | tdawson09

  • Hello, I've tried a crawl for the site and it's only returned 1 link in the report which is the homepage. Do you know what the issue could be? Thanks, Nina

    | Global_Blue

  • thanks - i just don't see them like i once did - can someone point me that direction - I need to do a cram session with Rand-man before jumping back into the SEO fray... BD

    | creativeguy

  • I normally use Mozbar in Firefox (latest version 40.0.3) on Windows 7 64-bit. I've never had any problems with it before but just at the start of September I started getting multiple crash events in Firefox - it would crash, restart, instantly crash and so on. I worked through all plugins and turned them off one by one. Nothing worked - if the Mozbar was active Firefox crashed. I then switched to Chrome and installed Mozbar (and nothing else). The same thing started to happen - Chrome now crashes all the time. I've also do a complete virus scan with up to date software and nothing was found. This is seriously starting to do my head in as I can't work without Mozbar but it's just constantly crashing. Any ideas? Suggestions?

    | JCN-SBWD

  • Hello Guys, The Keyword Difficulty is not working for AU. Can you please get AU KWs to work? We've: deleted KWs and started over. logged out & logged back in. tried from multiple computers. waited hours. Thanks,

    | WME

  • Hi, Unfortunately, Moz doesn't offer any feature to generate 1 report with the multiple keywords I have across different campaigns. Since I am running around 10-11 campaigns, it's quite time consuming to create the reports manually. Could you please suggest any good tool/service that can generate a report for multiple keywords across different campaigns ?

    | ebsbarschools

  • I suddenly have 4xx errors in my crawl diagnostics because pages with “/%3C/div” added to the end of the URL that are linked from the normal page can't be found. I didn't create the pages, and they don't exist, but Moz thinks that they do. I went back through to see if any changes in WordPress, theme or plugins versions might be the cause, but this is the only site that I have this issue, so I don't think that is it. Does anyone have an idea what causes this?

    | samuelldrew

  • Hello there, I'm using Moz for a while and I'm very pleased with the tool and community. But for the first time I encountered a problem. We are trying to run a crawler for a client's website but only one page (only the homepage) was crawled. We tried to do a test on a more detailed level (maybe there is something wrong with the homepage). My campaign test's crawl came back for the Producten folder (level deeper than homepage), and it was also only a 1 page crawl with a 200 status. I did look at the robots.txt file now, and it is very restrictive, but there is nothing that I can clearly see that would explain why the crawl isn't working. Hopefully someone can point us at the right direction. Thanks in advance, Jeremy


  • I've been using the On-Page Grader tool for a while now, and have always had great success using it to better optimize my pages. But just recently I've noticed that it's not detecting any changes I make to any of my pages.
    For example: One of my pages was coming up with Exact Keyword is Used in Page Title. So I changed it and uploaded it to the site and then clicked the re-grade page button. The only problem is that it's not seeing any of the changes that I made.

    | CMinc

  • I am trying to build a landing page for the search term "web design london" and I have included this search term as well as some variations such as "web design in london", "web design based in london" as the content doesn't really read well if I don't put in a connector word (I can't remember what the term for the use of "in" etc is). However I am using the Moz On-Page Grader to make sure I'm dotting every i and crossing every t, but it doesn't seem to pick up on the search term when "in" or "based" is used. Now is this a limitation of the On-Page Grader or should I expect Google and other search engines to not pick up on the search term when it contains these sorts of words?

    | mickburkesnr

  • I notice there is a new section to the top left of the search page referring to videos.  What's this?  Is it to research our own video performance?  If so, how do I use it?

    | NisbetsUK

  • Hello fellow MOZ'ers! Like many of you, I've been reviewing the Search Engine Ranking Factors 2015 Expert Survey and Correlation Data. My SEO Specialist position requires me to create positive SEO results for our clients' organic search ranking campaigns. As I understand it, "Relative CTR is a valuable number that can show users how their ads are stacking up compared to their competitors ads appearing on the exact same websites." My question is...Does relative CTR affect organic SEO efforts (positive or negative) in anyway? The campaigns I'm working on do not include AdWords efforts. Is this a factor I should ignore/look over? Or is there something I can do "organically" to influence this ranking factor in a positive way? Thanks!

    | SproutDigital

  • I am asking this because I have a couple of site audit tools that I use to crawl a site I work on every week and they are showing duplicate content issues (which I know there is a lot on this site) but some of what is flagged as duplicate content makes no sense. For example, the following URL's were grouped together as duplicate content: | | | | | | How are these pages duplicate content? I am confused on what site audit tools are considering duplicate content. Just FYI, this is data from Moz crawl diagnostics but SEMrush site auditor is giving me the same type of data. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Ryan

    | RyanRhodes

  • Hello, I recently upgraded Firefox and the Mozbar SERP overlay stopped working. I rely on that data so need to get it working. Are others experiencing this issue?

    | IrvCo_Interactive

  • Hi, I am trying to grade some pages and keywords using the "On-page grader" tool but for each URL that I try, the tool returns me a "Sorry, but that URL is inaccessible". The thing is that I have already used previously and without any problem some of these URLs. In fact, I have just realized that, while the same URL (for example: works in the "On-page optimization tool", it doesn't in the "On-page grader" right now. I have looked if someone could have experienced the same issue and I have found some other threads talking about it... so I have checked with my hosting provider that there is no firewall or any other thing causing this problem but they can't find anything. How do you make the call to the server? What could be happening? Thanks in advance, Juan

    | lcdla

  • When I run an advanced SERP report or even the basic keyword difficultly report it gives me competitor On-page grades. I can look directly at their code, but I'm wondering if there is a way to easily see and export a .csv or excel file of the on-page ranking factors for the top 1-10 results comparing them to a page on my site? Seems like that would be really helpful and much quicker than looking at source code to understand what on-page factors are contributing to their success. Is there any way to do this in Moz or a free tool elsewhere you would suggest?

    | K-WINTER

  • Hi Moz, I have submitted our website for a crawl test. Usually it would only take a few hours to do the crawl. However this time, it takes quite long time and the result still shows in progress 😞 This is a small website which only contains less than 10 pages. Just wondering if this is our website setting issue or it is a technical issue at your end? Many thanks in advance. sFjAERG.png

    | russellbrown

  • I have a question regarding how a page's authority can be low but the domain authority be high. I'm using the SERP report in moz to compare competing pages. The page I'm working on is an ecommerce category page. Moz says it has very low page authority, has been indexed for a little over a year, it's domain authority is a moderate 50, and has no root domains linking to it. It is more relevant than the other pages (has more products for sale that fit the keyword searched for), has a decent amount of copy on the page, but ranks around #10 in the search results. The competing pages are also ecommerce category pages. The 9 ranking higher have domain authority varying from 30-75, and 1 or 2 root domain links to them. Their number of products that match the keyword searched are all over the board, some have many matches, some have only 6 or 8 results. Some have a moderate amount of text on the page, some have very little text on the page. Yet they have page authority in the 30s-40s. What goes into page authority that I'm missing which would make these other pages have so much more authority when they are just slightly better in the other metrics listed above? What am I missing here?

    | K-WINTER

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