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Category: Moz Bar

Find insights and conversations specific to the Research Tools within Moz Pro.

  • Hi, first post on the Moz Q&A forum. The Keyword Difficulty tool reports "Bing Search Volume (Exact Match)" for Local and Global, but nowhere can I see what frequency these numbers are for. Does this mean daily, weekly or monthly? I cannot find that anywhere in the moz pro documentation Thanks in advance for your help with this. Peter

    | crackingmedia

  • Hi Moz forum, We're trying to print segmented keyword lists to PDF. Using the 'segmented lists' feature, we have created segmented lists for several different keyword groupings. We are looking to print each list individually as a PDF, but the feature seems to print ALL keywords from the entire campaign. How can we print segmented keyword lists to PDF? Thanks

    | BoomDialogue69

  • Under "Manage Keywords", I've previously added several keywords that have been tracking for a month. It's easy to remove labels, but how can I add them to existing keywords? I tried re-adding them with the new labels, but no dice. If I delete them, won't the ranking history be deleted as well?

    | AziyoConsulting

  • I am trying to make sense why on my site homepage, the internal followed links equals to 1. While I actually have more than 1 links on that site. I don't have any javascript rendered on that page. My site is Here's a screenshot: XucNSBk.png

    | herlamba

  • Hi, I am a new user at and looking for finding below information for a list of blogs. "#of RSS Subscribers", "Most Popular Post URL", "What is the most popular post about" for a list of blogs URLs? Please response Which tools I should use and how to use tools? -Muhammad

    | mmhossain458

  • When i redirect some of my page - it shows error. not redirecting and i made this 3-4 months before, no effect. All Errors under each category make me gone sick.

    | Esaky

  • I am looking at my campaign competitive link analysis and the content under the (followed backlinks, linking root domain, top pages, and anchor text) tabs is different than the information when I open up opensite explorer do you know why?is that normal?

    | aaseo123

  • My web site was crawled by MOZ before week, next crawling date is tomorrow. Because of some reason I am not able to take any action on last week MOZ report.I want to extend MOZ next crawling date, Can I ?

    | ankit.rahevar

  • We've recently started a trial of the Moz Pro service and are tracking a selection of keywords.  Our primary band / product name is 功夫英语(Kungfu English), so we've set a rule that any keywords containing those four Chinese characters (功夫英语) should be marked as a branded keyword.  However, in the "Non-Paid Keywords Sending Search Visits" section of our traffic report, we see a few variations on our brand name that are not being marked as branded keywords.  (See attached Images).  Based on our rules, shouldn't these variations also be marked as branded keywords without our needing to manually add them as such?    Or have I misunderstood the intent of this rule? For the English text, the brand rule about words containing "kungfuenglish" seems to have resulted in all of "", "", and kungfuenglish being labelled as branded keywords.  However, I'm not seeing the same sort of result with variations on the Chinese keyword, 功夫英语. KedTi1D.png z5bcUIt.png

    | PaulCoffey

  • I have a new site I have run a starter crawl on. The crawl came back saying some of the pages do indeed have meta descriptions. When I go to the same page and use the Moz Chrome toolbar it says they do not have meta descriptions. I also know they do not have meta descriptions. Are there any instances in which the Moz crawler would see them when they are not there?

    | SBXMedia

  • Esteemed Marketers of the Moz community, We'd like to track a domain that has a separate web presence for specific locations. In other words, the business has multiple locations in NJ and one in NYC. Any tips and tricks to track how we're doing in the rankings for both NJ and NY? Thanks Much, Paul

    | brainrainmedia

  • I've been checking open site explorer for months now.  It doesn't show any changes in the number of root domain links to any of my pages, even though webmaster tools shows a substantial increase in root domain links for each of these urls.  Open Site Explorer doesn't seem to be updating.  According to Moz, my site is regularly indexed by Moz.  But the numbers don't change.  I've tested this on a few other sites as well with the same results.  How do I get OSE to update the numbers for a particular website?

    | zagginc

  • Every site,every competitors site have been down.What type of data Moz used this time to update the index. If the variables are changed can I have the priority variables?

    | csfarnsworth

  • I have been waiting to see the updated authority metrics from But still it is showing old data. and showing "next index update: August 26, 2013"  as the date is 27th August today. Is there any delay in update?

    | Bala_K

  • Why is the dupe content info showing in errors and not warnings ? Since if dupe content can get your site penalised (as per Panda) or worse banned, surely it should be in that section of reports ? Cheers

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • There was supposed to be an update on August 26th. I see other posts asking with no Moz response. I am hoping if enough of us ask maybe someone at Moz will respond.

    | EcommerceSite

  • I am a new member of the MOZ community. I have been working with a retail website, specifically the SEO part for about 2 months now. While I have addressed most if not all on-page factors, I still do not understand why Google does not rank the site higher for certain keywords. The website is: Keywords: exercise saddle, jockey saddle, freejump stirrups At this point, I have done some analysis looking at competitive data from MOZ. The only thing that stands out so far is the lack of inbound links , i.e. backlinks. Anyone here can help me understand how best (and ethically) obtain links from sites that have a high Domain Authority? I have been sending emails to the webmasters of the various websites, but no word yet. Any help is much appreciated.

    | amitramani

  • In my campaign results, only 2 pages have been crawled, when there are many more.  Also, when I do the on-page evaluation for my homepage and the main keyword, I get a grade of F, with a ton of errors that my page actually does not have.  It's as if SEO moz is having trouble crawling through my site. Any ideas on this?

    | diplomajim

  • I take it this means that the page in question has been referenced via a different pages canonical tag but that the page in question itself does not have a self referencing canonical tag (and that it should do) cheers dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hi Moz has completed a crawl for a site i'm working on which also has a development area (hence with lots of dupe content) on a sub domain (and this dev area hasn't been hidden from crawlers via password, robots, gwt etc etc). Moz dupe content report is not showing any of these urls though even though my campaign setting is on 'root' domain so i would have thought report should be listing the subdomain urls as dupe content (because they are dupe content). Any ideas ? Cheers Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hi, Moz Keyword Ranking report shows different results then what i see on my desktop for some keywords. There wasn't much difference on most of them until now so ignored some of the differences but now i see huge differences. For instance, on my Google UK I see the keyword ranking 1 or 2 but Moz reports show 22 or higher than that . Search Engine is Google UK. Would you please advise if I am doing anything wrong here? Thank you,

    | Rubix

  • Hello everyone! I am fairly new to the MOZ tools but I'm finding some inconsistencies in the On-Page grader.. I have tested several pages (some of which I know have doos and bad SEO) and the results I keep getting are very volatile. For example, I have looked at testing for "Sports Website Design" - one minute it gave me a grade F, then then 2 minutes after I refresh the page and it gave me a grade A.. I am very confused and a bit worried that this tool may be a bit volatile... Anyone have any thoughts?

    | Social_Media_Mentors

  • Hi, I have a client who has seen a big dip in their errors, warnings and notices - pretty much consistently across all - then they popped right back up the next week. Is it possible it was a crawl error? What is the best approach to trouble shoot and find out why this happened? As far as they know, nothing major changed on their end. Thanks!

    | Becky_Converge

  • I am seeing our individual site pages (products and other) showing up in "Just Discovered" all with the same "Link Anchor" text of "World Globes on Sale at Ultimate Globes".  This is also the text associated with our site meta "itemprop name" tag that shows up on every page.  Not sure if this is a common result from "Just Discovered" links or if we are somehow improperly using the meta "itemprop name" tag and therefore every page is passing this same result instead of passing on the appropriate page title with the link. Would appreciate any input....  Thanks 🙂

    | smarkley

  • I noticed that Moz uses Webengage on their new Moz analytics. I can't help but love it but I'm wondering what are the main differences between qualaroo and webengage? Why did they choose webengage?

    | EcomLkwd

  • I am trying to modify Moz reports so that I can show the maps results but I cant figure out how. Is this a feature that is not offered or am I blind? Even when exporting full rankings to PDF they don't show up. The issue is that a lot of the SEO work we do has a positive effect on the maps rankings for a particular client. Meanwhile the organic rankings are somewhat stagnant for this client and unless I create it manually there isn't anything I can export from Moz that shows maps results inclusion. Any help would be appreciated, thank you. IGlgIYA.jpg

    | TotalMarketExposure

  • I have an 'under development' site hosted, (which is an exact replica of live site as working on to add new functionalities & modules) - but its password protected, excluded from robots.txt (Disallow) & also marked noindex on all pages in the index - so that Googlebot & other Search Engines can not crawl the site At present the development work is almost 95% completed., Now - feel like to crawl the site through SEOMOZ Roger Bot - to know the errors and all indexed urls by Rogerbot. What's the best way to get Moz Bot crawl the site - but simultaneously continue it blocking its access to Search Engines I have gone through -, it says a) Save it in a password-protected directory. Googlebot and other spiders won't be able to access the content-  But this way Moz will also not be able to crawl the site b) Use a robots.txt to control access to files and directories on your server - However it also says - It's important to note that even if you use a robots.txt file to block spiders from crawling content on your site, Google could discover it in other ways and add it to our index. c) Use a noindex meta tag to prevent content from appearing in our search results - It also says that a link to the page can still appear in their search results. Because we have to crawl your page in order to see the noindex tag, there's a small chance that Googlebot won't see and respect the noindex meta tag Password Protected thus seems the best way to continue blocking. However, continuing with it will also block Moz bot to crawl the site. Any suggestions Thanks

    | Modi

  • If I'm not mistaken, Moz will crawl my site once a week and let me know of any errors, notices etc.. But can I ask them to crawl once I have updated all the errors? or do I have to wait for them to do this automatically?

    | david.smith.segarra

  • we have  Rel Canonical tags set up on a few pages. When viewing the page source, the tags are correct. However, Moz Crawl results show the opposite. for example the page source, correctly shows, URL  X with a Rel canonical Tag of URL Y
    but..  Moz crawl is showing URL Y with a Rel Canonical Tag of URL X ..any thoughts why this would happen? which should i trust more?

    | S.S.N

  • In, it says: "Last Mozscape index update: July 11, 2013. Next Mozscape index update: August 26, 2013" There was supposed to be an update yesterday (Aug. 8).

    | sbrault74

  • I can check for my titles and descriptions in the source.  They are there, always have been.  what in the hell?

    | LifeisRosie

  • I’m trying to make calls to the Link Metrics API (via the Linkscape gem); queries that set sorting to :page_authority work, but queries that set it to :domain_authority return Unrecognized API method: 'links/page_to_domain.domain_authority' Unrecognized API method: 'links/page_to_page.domain_authority' Meanwhile, Open Site Explorer happily sorts by domain authority. How should I query the Link Metrics API to get results sorted by domain authority?

    | ginzametrics

  • Need some help understanding this report... I have 17 notices for Rel Can on my campaign. Then, it lists all the links. But what is this report actually telling me? Is it telling me that Rel Can's are listed on these pages? The are all blog posts...our blog was redirected when the site was recently rebuilt. I just need to understand what the report is really telling me to do/not do. Or is it ok to ignore this "notice"?

    | cschwartzel

  • I know the Google index is obviously a lot larger than the MOZ index...but.... I have 8,000 links from according to Webmaster tools, and just one link according to OSE I have 600 links from an online dictionary according to Webmaster tools, not one is mentioned in my OSE report. I'd go so far as to say most of my top 10 linking domains according to Webmaster Tools, don't even have a single mention in my OSE report. We've been hit hard by Penguin 2.0 and I want to look at our link seems OSE may be great for looking at my competitors link profiles,  but for my own site it seems to be, well, not very accurate at all! So from a trying to do undo the damage caused by Penguin 2.0 point of view, should I just use webmaster tools and forget about OSE? Thanks!

    | MarbellaSurferDude

  • Hello, I've just had a new website crawled by the Moz bot.  It's come back with thousands of errors saying things like: Duplicate content Overly dynamic URLs Duplicate Page Titles The duplicate content & URLs it's found are all blocked in the robots.txt so why am I seeing these errors?
    Here's an example of some of the robots.txt that blocks things like dynamic URLs and directories (which Moz bot ignored): Disallow: /?mode=
    Disallow: /?limit=
    Disallow: /?dir=
    Disallow: /?p=*&
    Disallow: /?SID=
    Disallow: /reviews/
    Disallow: /home/ Many thanks for any info on this issue.

    | Vitalized

  • My hardwood flooring client just added carpet, luxury vinyl, ceramic tile, area rugs, design, and ceramic tile to his lineup - joy, joy. He really thought the months and months of working together and creating a bunch of solid, original content and promoting it and building links and seeing great results for Hardwood Flooring means he would instantly rank well for ALL flooring. I digress, sorry. I am trying to understand the on page reports a little better. When I grade the new carpet page on his site for the keyword 'carpet' it comes back with an A - when I grade it for 'Carpet, city name' it comes back with an F. Which should I be targeting for best results? 95% of my clients are concerned about local results and not getting business other than within 20-30 miles of their office. Any guidance in understanding on how BEST to utilize the on page reporting would be greatly appreciated! (I did watch the video and check out the guide) Thank you in advance for your time! Matthew

    | Mrupp44

  • Moz had a tool I used that would crawl my site and send me a report of all pages, all errors, 301s 404s 505s, and a whole plethora of stuff. I used it to fix pesky errors quite a bit. Does this still exist? Was it replaced or am I just not finding it in the new design?

    | KJ-Rodgers

  • Hi All, I have noticed that Open Site Explorer does not appear to be totally accurate in the linking root domains it shows for a given site. For instance, I have a site that I know for a fact is listed on dmoz (and has been for far longer than last Mozscape update), which should show up near the top of the stack. What gives? Do you think that this is also affecting my projected DA, PA, etc? Thoughts and theories welcome.

    | G2W

  • I'm working on a site where the mozbar is showing 0 links for every page in the main nav menu but home.  A crawl of the site isn't showing any issues with blocked or nofollowed meta robots.  Is this simply a bug in mozbar?  What else could be causing this?  If this is a problem with on page seo what is the solution?

    | Kairos_Internet_Marketing

  • Hey Moz fam! I'm not sure if anyone has come across something or has tried to figure this out but I was trying to gather some overall statistics to see how our campaigns have performed. I.e. for our own marketing purposes to say "our clients have seen a 50% increase in rankings over the past 3 months". I wasn't sure if you could gather overall information like that? Any ideas? or any other ways you have found out data like this? Thanks so much! Any responses are much appreciated!!

    | iBecC

  • Meaning, is there a way I could look at the Page Authority for 50 pages all in one place?  Or do I need to use the MozBar and go page by page? Just looking to save some time.  Thanks.

    | JoshKimber

  • Two things. First, I could not find exactly where to report an issue or provide feedback about the website. I don't need to contact about Moz Analytics or any other products. I just want to provide feedback about the Moz Blog. I think it would be nice to be able to report an issue or provide feedback to "Roger" and have that item sent to the appropriate department for review. A lot of websites tend to use "" for this, but anything would work. My suggestion is to offer a feedback form on the Contact Moz page. Second, the issue I wanted to report has to do with blog comments. I left a comment early this morning and, with me being on Central Time and the timestamp for comments using Seattle local time, I was surprised to see that my comment had been posted "2 hours ago" immediately after I clicked "Submit." I presume this text is dynamic and that, in Seattle, you see "seconds ago" or something but, being in Wisconsin, I see "2 hours ago." This is confusing mainly because I have no idea how long ago other comments may have been posted. P.S. There isn't a question category for the Moz Blogs so I am choosing Moz - Other Research Tools. I view the blogs as a Product Moz provides so maybe adding "Moz - Blogs" to the Moz Product Help list of categories would be appropriate.

    | GeorgeAndrews

  • Hi, I keep getting 404's appear in the Crawl Diagnostic error warnings. How do I find out which pages are linking to these 404 pages? How is MOZ finding them? thanks Ben

    | bjs2010

  • I have a pro membership, and am looking to get inbound link data on multiple urls. Is there a way to submit multiple urls at once?

    | cmcilwain

  • hi, i have waited for over 2 weeks now and the crawler only got 8 pages, and is not getting all the open cart pages and products. any idea of what can be wrong? im using joomla 2.5.11 and mijoshop 2.0.5 (which uses opencart thanks

    | marlvass1

  • Hi Folks, I have 300 keywords in the moz rankings tool but I would say over 90% of them simply show a 'WED' icon instead of the icon. It has been like this for nearly 3 weeks now. Any ideas why this is? Cheers Gaz

    | PurpleGriffon

  • Hi, I'm finding path of moz crawler report. Please tell me where I can find this tool?. Thanks

    | KLLC

  • Love the new design of!  And the mentions tool is terrific.  However, I use the Crawl test a ton and cannot find where to access it now.

    | jessential

  • Hi Ignorant question, but is it possible to use Screaming Frog or the Moz crawler or any other reputable crawler for a site still in development i.e. it is yet to be indexed? If so, could someone provide some quick instructions on how this can be done. Thanks in advance for any support. Neil

    | mccormackmorrison

  • We have used SEObook’s Rank Checker Firefox Plug-in when running one off rank reports. Do you have any suggestions for a replacement (either free or paid) that would not run on our own IP? Some hosted type solution. Again this is for one off rank reports for sets of key phrases. NOT ongoing week to week or day to day rank tracking.

    | bozzie311

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