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Category: Moz Bar

Find insights and conversations specific to the Research Tools within Moz Pro.

  • Want to automate the creation of client SEO reports. There used to be report options I thought. Moz just keeps saying coming soon.  But I saw moz posts saying there is a way to get to the old "pro reports".  How to get that?

    | TXIntimidator

  • Since the switch to the new interface, I can't find where the email reports are. I used to be able to select multiple metrics to build a custom report that would get sent to me each month, doesn't seem to be an option anymore. Where'd they go?

    | benmarshall

  • Hello Page grader has two different grades for page title that I want clarification on. There is "Broad Keyword Usage in Page Title" and "Exact Keyword Usage in Page Title". Googling around about and searching here I have found that "broad" seems to mean the keywords should be used throughout the page, rather than just in the title and header. Which makes sense as this is a kind of check to ensure the page IS about the keywords and not something unrelated. But what is meant by "broad" usage in the page title? This refers specifically to the page title and not the whole document. My best guess got me to this, given the keyword "Visit London Today"; "Come and visit London today" - exact match only "London - visit today" - broad match only "Visit London the city of dreams | visit London today" - matches both That could be complete nonsense, but basically is broad usage the use of keywords scattered in the page title? Thanks.

    | yolkcreative

  • I am just going through my first Crawl stats from the MOZ analytics Under the pages to optimise section I have pages that I have optimised for my best keyword with an A grade that are showing as an F grade and suggesting a different keyword? Where is this keyword coming from? I am assuming that my page has been analysed and a better keyword has been recommended? Can anyone advise? Thanks Roger

    | rnperki

  • Seems moz is testing webfonts? On Chrome its hard to read not to say horrible. On FF its a little better.Or is this just on my computer?

    | inlinear

  • We have recently deleted subdomains because they were causing duplicate page errors but now the Moz rank tracker is showing the subdomain key word results even instead of the exact url we entered. So for example wine cellar is showing up for a deleted subdomain ( instead of the entered exact url of ( Please advise. Thanks!

    | KristyFord

  • My on-page is not working....I do have 3 keywords in the 1º position of and the Moz is not reporting nothing....bug?

    | Popbox

  • Hi all, I'm trying out the On-page grader and i see "funny" output when it comes to cyrillic keywords. I can see 73 occurrences in the title, 108 in the meta description tag, 34 in the H1 tag, etc. etc... Of course, these are not correct and i've manually checked. I've tested a few other pages in Bulgarian, using Cyrillic kewords... same story 😞 Please, let me know if there's something i'm missing, as this is crucial for my work. Thanks in advance.

    | jose_ugs

  • My latest Moz report is showing a 404 for:”ht
    (and showing the link this way with the characters after the last / which are not part of the page URL) Google Webmaster Tools says we have no errors. I'm wondering why there is this descrepancy and I'm wondering how I can track down where this link is originating from on our site. I've tried downloading screamingfrog and deeptrawl to no avail (java issues). I've also tried a couple of services online and installed Broken Link Checker plugin with no luck finding it. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!

    | gfiedel

  • Simple question: once you've built up a big set of keywords within Moz, how do you export it back out to use in other places?

    | tcolling

  • Hi -- A crawl tells me I have 200 duplicate page titles. Unfortunately, it doesn't tell me what those pages are duplicating. What do I do with this information? How do I begin to respond?  Thanks

    | skipperdoodle

  • Hi I asked a question on 22nd Sep about Mozbar: "I have been exporting SERP results using the Mozbar, but I don't get PA and DA data even though this is shown in the SERP overlay. The data is shown in excel as being 'undefined'. Anyone else having this problem?" I was told that this was a known issue and a fix would be available within 2 weeks. Is there any update on when this update is likely? Thanks again for your assistance. Neil

    | mccormackmorrison

  • Hello - I recently received the Beta invite to Moz Analytics (very excited). I set up the campaign for our primary site and entered our Google Analytics profile - however, Moz does not seem to accept the profile when I click the "Save" button. All of our profiles are listed w/in the drop-down menu, but after selecting the profile we wish to link/connect to - nothing happens. So we're not receiving any stats w/in Moz from our GA acct. Please help. I'm really anxious to begin delving into Moz Analytics! Thanks

    | ryankish

  • I don't understand how moz keyword search tool works and how to interpret serp analysis. Is there any tutorial on how to use it?

    | zsyed

  • Is any one experiencing delays in getting their "Advanced Inbound Links" reports ? Mine is running close to 24 hrs and still at 4K links out of 100K

    | Saijo.George

  • I am in the process of downloading a keyword ranking report for a specific campaign.  I organize the keywords by visit and when i download in PDF format (which is the format I need) it organizes back to alphatical order.  Please help!

    | accpar

  • How do I go about exporting the Subdomain MozTrust for the inbound links for a given website in opensiteexplorer. Thank you for your time, Jason Y.

    | leotor1

  • Does Anybody heard about this tool? ? Why MOZ cannot provide the same tool with all the inner and analytic data Rogers have? Did you see a penalty tool alike? For the recent two updates, I think that there is no real "penalty" per-se. Most of the sites I checked lost position on some keywords, and gained better position on other sets of keywords. If this statement is true - We need no tool at all 😉

    | Elchanan

  • Are there tools that can effectively analyze your content site wide and provide recommendations?

    | SpadaMan

  • Some time ago somebody from this site: created a weird link to our site which had on the end db. Later we have realized that the link was coming from every footer on each page. I believe that the back links from footer does not have realy value and even the more of them the less value. We have asked the guy to remove that links as I thought it might harm our site more then help. Now I I was very surprised to find this link in moz crawl error as second top page on our site in current index??? Can somebody explain how is this possible?? The most ridiculous thing is that when I click on that link it realy opens our site! How is that possible, what is it? This is the link: Thank you very much for any help with this

    | Rebeca1

  • What is the value in doing/knowing rank checks?

    | imlovinseo

  • We're currently tracking goals in GA, but would be interested to learn if that can be accomplished in Moz Analytics.

    | CGalownia

  • Hi I'm looking at a crawl diagnostic report, I can see I have many duplicate pages, the reason for this is that when a brand filter is applied to a page. IE - lets say this is the product listing page - and this is the same page but with a brand filter applied - and this is the same page but with a different brand filter applied I had intially appendeded the meta title, description and keywords with some extra content if a brand filter was applied, because the page on the whole does have different content. IE I would have a custom meta information, H1 tag and products on that page just for that specific brand.
    However I am wondering if these two pages are really just competing with each other as lots of the content will be the same. Should I scrap that approach and use either nofollow on the brand filter link, or simply use a canonical. Thanks, James

    | chameleondm

  • Moz crawl reported in issues: Rel Canonical: using rel=canonical suggests to search engines which url should be seen as canonical. But we have sorted out this a long time ago. Is there a way where can I verify if the moz crawl is wrong or if we really do not specify the canonical?

    | Rebeca1

  • Hi All 🙂 I've started a couple of campaigns in MOZ Analytics, one accepts keywords the other looks like it does but doesn't actually add them.. I'm pasting a group of keywords, about 30, all separated with comma's. Doing exactly the same to one account that congratulated me straight away and added them to the list below, yay! The other shows the spinning wheel for a few seconds and does nothing further, I've waited a good 24 hours and they keywords have not appeared. Any help appreciated! Thanks 🙂

    | spanda

  • Hi Guys We were recently having trouble with an excessive amount of duplicate page titles. So I asked our web company, at a reasonable expense, to fix the issue which they did. How ever I since note that the issue has returned (please see the attached graph. Could anyone explain to me why this might have happened? I t would be great to have some insight before i go back to them. Thanks again for your help Regards Pete Capture.jpg

    | Hardley111

  • Hi there, I am not sure if I am missing on something but the moz crawls are rather confusing. After singing in I have received 11 emails with crawls and today I have received again new, When I go to check there to the dashboard it shows 26 pages with issues. When I scroll down I see the pages with issue. Then when I click on the first page listed, to view the issues it says this: Rel Canonical
    Using rel=canonical suggests to search engines which URL should be seen as canonical. For this site: but we have sorted out the canonical issues a long time ago. Is this a wrong information or is it really true that we do not specify the canonical for our site? Then the second page with issue is there listed and it says: Duplicate Page Title
    You should use unique titles for your different pages to ensure that they describe each page uniquely and don't compete with each other for keyword relevance. But it does not point out which page is duplicate with this one! I do not have any other page named the same way. It also says in Issues overview 26pages with issues, but it shows on the bottom only 5 under and when I click on view more it brings me to high priority issues where is 0. The most is freaking me out this report: When I click on links, there are listed on the bottom the pages with highest authority among which I found this  I have never created this kind of page! Funny enough when I click on it it really open that page! How this can be??? In issues overview it also shows on the bottom, right corner 11 page with duplicate content but when I click on it to review it it brings me to high priority issues windows where is not displayed anything Can somebody advice me regarding of this. I have sign up here to learn and sort out the problems with the site but so far I am only getting more confused here. Thank you very much for looking into this.

    | Rebeca1

  • While looking over my historical rankings for MozTrust I noticed a very large drop in my rankings (5 to 4) on July 2013 that never picked up again. What would cause this?

    | EcomLkwd

  • Hi! Moz crawl suddenly shows much less pages from what I really have and from what they used to show after completing the crawl. Should I be worried?  What could that be? Regards, Yossey

    | Joseph-Green-SEO

  • Hi I’ve recently downloaded my onpage analysis report for our site .  The column that is titled “Missing data description Tag” says false, which I’m assuming means the meta description is present. However in the column titled “meta _description tag” there is no meta description present (nor is any meta description in the backend of my site.  Could someone please explain why this would occur? I look forward to hearing from you Regards Pete

    | Hardley111

  • Hello, I don't know if I am being a bit daft but I don't seem to be able to find the area where I can request a one off crawl report anymore (rather than setting up a campaign). Can someone let me know where this is now? Thanks!

    | RikkiD22

  • For my page, Moz ranks the page as an "F" for the keyword "Minneapolis home buyers". All data in the report card is from months ago. using the "Grade my On-Page Optimization" button fails to show any updates - even after months. For example the title is actually "Minneapolis Homes For Sale| buying a Minneapolis home | Homebuyers" while Moz says it is ""Minneapolis Homes For Sale | Home Destination | Jenna Thuening" Moz says the description tag is "Realtor Jenna Theuning helping real estate buyers find Minnetonka homes for sale, owner of Home Destination. CDPE also helps with foreclosure and short sales buying." and "Minneapolis homes for sale, and Minneapolis listing, and Minneapolis upscale real estate, and Minneapolis lakeside properties provided by Home Destination"" when it is actually "Minneapolis homes for sale, and Minneapolis listing, Minneapolis home buyers, and Minneapolis lakeside properties provided by Home Destination." Additionally, my weekly ranking reports seems "stuck" and continues to show many "F" ranked keywords that have been updated for some time. Amy advice on how to see improvements?

    | jessential

  • Our web developer recently changed our preferred domain from "" to "" so when I check the authority of the "www." it is higher than the "" do you have any insight onto if we should just make our preferred URL "www." because that's how it was for years? Is there a way just to merge the two back together so it is not sort of having different information for the same site? Thank you!

    | thinkbiglearnsmart

  • MOZ Format has changed and I cannot find the reports section, please advise where I can locate this?

    | BPE123

  • Hey guys, Just looking around the new Moz-alytics (droooool) and it is superb, but are we able to export and build reports from it yet? Or is this something that will be in the final release? Apologies if this has already been asked. Regards! Joe Sturgess
    Twitter: @Sturge87

    | Sturge

  • Hi,
    We have been monitoring our clients website, the website has been created using Opencart and I believe has some kind of image cache running, which for some reason gets cleared regularly (Though we didn't create the site). Now our problem is the images are getting crawled and then being cleared from the cache, therefore causing 404 errors. Is there anyway to cure this issue? Regards Tom

    | YelloMedia

  • Hi, My company uses Piwik for analytics. Do you know if there is a way to make the new Moz Analytics work with Piwik? Or if Piwik support will be provided at some point? Thanks! P.S. : I know it would be easier to switch to Google Analytics, but for many reasons we can't 😞

    | Xilopix

  • Hi,friends. I have grade A on all pages  but system shows like no keyword in url, but it is there. for example i have Latvian keyword: bīstamo kravu pārvadājumi (with Latvian characters like Ū, Ā) I have url with exact keyword in it: So why moz dont see that keyword, it does not understand special characters?

    | Liva

  • Its been a couple days now, and a bunch of the useful open site explorer features are still down... Is this something that you are working, were the features taken down or is it just being neglected?  Prior to posting this, I tested on multiple browsers... Windows 7,8 & a Mac Specifically, the criteria below prompts "oops something went wrong" Inbound Links Tab : Drop downs for, "Show Links", "From Pages", "To This Page" Top Pages Tab : Broken Please Advise

    | Southbay_Carnivorous_Plants

  • This is what we are thinking: Get all URL of the using XENU software. Search  those URL on google (site; url ) to find out if they are crawled by google, do the same on bing (as currently google shows 4k URL and bing 11k ) Use opensiteexplorer (301 redirect ) and using (internal external) to get the desired result. Is this the right approach? If not, what is the best way to find the correct result? All suggestions are welcome.


  • I received an email suggesting you upgrade to Moz Analytics, however to do the procedure my existing campaign stopped appearing and I can not access it, how should I proceed?I need back to Pro?

    | IBacana

  • Best community, The Crawl Diagnostics Report of Moz gave our website a lot of 408 errors like below: <dl> <dt>Title</dt> <dd>408 : Error</dd> <dt>Meta Description</dt> <dd>408 Request Time-out</dd> <dt>Meta Robots</dt> <dd>Not present/empty</dd> <dt>Meta Refresh</dt> <dd>Not present/empty</dd> <dd>-----------------------------------------------------------------------</dd> <dd>The report has diagnosed a lot of these (around 320), even though we cannot reproduce the error (we cannot seem to find it ourself). </dd> <dd>2 questions relating to this: </dd> <dd>* Can you (the people of Moz) reproduce the errors manually? </dd> <dd>* Is it possible that it is a bug in the spider of Moz itself (too many spiders crawling at the same time)?</dd> </dl>

    | arjen.koedam

  • Okay so I was invited to moz analytics. When I received the email I was stoked to get to use the new beta software. My campaigns transferred over ,but when I began to look at the data, it said updating check back in 24 hours or something along those lines. I thought okay that is fine, but to my suprise it has been around four days since then and it still says it is updating. It also shows weekly stats of visits but the number there is definitely wrong. It said I only had around 2,100 but I get more than that daily. Anyone in support that can help? I'm confused on what I can do to fix this issue. I understand it is just a beta ,but other people, from what I have seen, haven't had a similar issue. If anyone can point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it!

    | ithvac

  • Hi There, Does anyone know when the UK version of Get Listed is returning. It got removed a while ago and not been seen of since. Im just trying to learn more about local SEO so thought it would help! In the meantime if anyone has any recommendations on good learning material then please let me know. Antony

    | Ant71

  • Hi Guys, I'm going through  my campaign report and i seem to have an excessive amount of missing Meta descriptions. How ever when i check the backend the descriptions seem to be present Can any one explain to me why this is occurring?

    | Hardley111

  • So just curious, but on my domain, the Page Authority is 59 and the root domain authority 52. That seems odd as it is the same page. Explanation?

    | Thos003

  • Hi mozzers, We have switched our website from http to https. But OpenSiteExplorer seems to support only http websites. Tell me if I am wrong.

    | Fancydad

  • Just got the access to this, but my campaigns don't seem to be showing.  Anyone know why this might be?

    | Jonathan1979

  • Hello, I have verified my business websites on both of my pinterest accounts for the following websites Http:// and Http:// The backlinks for prickett shows up in OSE, but not for ChicFamily. I am curious as to why that is? Thanks in advance for your help

    | Prickett

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