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Category: Moz Bar

Find insights and conversations specific to the Research Tools within Moz Pro.

  • Hi all, I have worked on my Crawl Issues and want to see how many still exist. Earlier I was using Manual Crawl Test. However, now I don't see this tool in Moz Account. Please suggest. Thanks

    | chandman

  • Would be nice to have these values included so that you can sort by Page Authority. 4uF6efx.png

    | WebReputationBuilders

  • Hi Guys, I'm wondering about the exact match bing data in the Moz KWD & SERP analysis tool. We're looking at the ranking difficulty for given terms in Google but getting exact match bing numbers. Is the tool estimating Google searches from the bing data (perhaps a simple formula assuming maybe 10% search totals for Bing, 60% for Google or whatever is closest these days) or is it just raw bing numbers that we then have to upsize in order to estimate search numbers in Google? Hope that makes some kind of sense! In other words - how are you guys using that Bing data when considering terms to target using this tool? Look forward to hearing your thoughts.

    | lovealbatross

  • As I recall the weekly Rank Report used green and red to indicate an increase or decrease in page rank.  Now, there isn't even a minus sign for a drop in page rank. If the current page rank is 10 and it dropped 5, all I see is 10 and 5.  How am I supposed to know at a glance that it dropped 5 without having to pull up the historical graph? Best,

    | ChristopherGlaeser

  • Hi I've created 3 new campaigns but results not showing as usual. I know the full results take up to 7 days but I usually see some basic info in a few minutes of creating the campaign. This problem happened a while ago and the campaign was never quite right in SEOMoz. Thanks for your help Steve

    | stevecounsell

  • Okay, sort of a meta question here... My company, a global test preparation company, is looking into new ways to deliver online course content (both pre-recorded and live streaming). Around the office we have looked at dozens of examples of companies that do video presenting or teaching, and then I realized that I watch a great example of high-quality online video every week: Whiteboard Fridays! They look and sound fantastic! Moz team, what are you willing to share re: the setup you use? I'm looking for specific direction about lighting, sound, and equipment. Anything you share would be VERY much appreciated. Thanks!
    Scott 3-methods-fueled-by-data-and-tools-to-earn-more-and-better-links-whiteboard-friday

    | ScottShrum

  • Hi I am using the "Keyword Difficulty" tool and selecting "Google US". But the report that gets generated shows "Bing Search Volume (Exact Match). Is there any way to get "Google Search Volume (Exact Match)" being shown in the report? Regards

    | rholt

  • Hello Mozers I have learnt from the forum about the competitive analysis tool and followed the link - only to find that it is for the US.  I'm in the UK and need to access this for - does anyone know of a UK equivalent? Could I also check with the forum to ask the question that got me into this in the first place.  It's probably a daft question.  For the Ranking report in Moz, do I just need to put the local city name in front of the keyword to get the local rank.  I have been doing this and assuming it's ok, and my local ranking does show up. Thanks Catherine

    | catherine-279388

  • Hi There I was just checking on opensiteexplorer and I noticed that it was missing a link from yahoo directory  sixth from the top. That's kinda big one to be missing, no?

    | dmccarthy

  • Hello, I have a problem with Rank Tracker. I am only ably to check 5 rankings today. It used to be 400 a day. Is ttis temporarily? I have a PRO account. Greetings, Rob

    | FindFactory

  • I've been trying to make the transition to Beta especially now that Pro has such serious problems with the style sheet.  The thing is, all of the campaigns I have added to the Pro side don't show up in the Beta side.  They'll show in Pro but that's all but unusable on my end and there's no Archive button visible on Beta. I tried adding a campaign again to Beta thinking it just isn't there, but it tells me it's already been added.  Well then were is it?  I just added them earlier today!  I can see them on Pro but nowhere on Beta, nor the other 3 I have added on Pro in the last 2 weeks.

    | seowhat

  • Hi Moz, My site is currently following the convention outlined here: Basically since pages are generated via Ajax we are setup to direct bots that replace the #! in a url with ?escaped_fragment to cached versions of the ajax generated content. For example, if the bot sees this url:!/California/Map-of-Carmel/73 it will replace it will instead access the page: In which case my server serves the cached html instead of the live page. This is all per Googles direction and is indexing fine. However the MOZ bot does not do this. It seems like a fairly straight-forward feature to support. Rather than ignoring the hash, you look to see if it is a #! and then try to spider the url replaced with ?escaped_fragment. Our server does the rest. If this is something MOZ plans on supporting in the future I would love to know. If there is other information that would be great. Also, pushstate is not practical for everyone due to limited browser support, etc. Thanks, Dustin Updates: I am editing my question because it won't let me respond to my own question. It says I need to sign up for MOZ analytics. I was signed up for Moz Analytics?! Now I am not? I responded to my invitation weeks ago? Anyway, you are misunderstanding how this process works. There is no site-map involved. The bot reads this URL on the page:!/California/Map-of-Carmel/73 And when it is ready to spider the page for content it, it spider's this URL instead: The server does the rest, it is simply telling Roger to recognize the #! format and replace it with ?escaped_fragment Though I obviously do not know how Roger is coded but it is a simple string replacement. Thanks.

    | oneactlife

  • I'm curious if the new moz analytics will have the feature (filter) to exclude known errors from the crwal diagnostics. For example, the attached screenshot shows the URL as 404 Error, but it works fine: To maintain a better overview which errors can't be solved (so I just would like to mark them as "don't take this URL into account...") I will not try to fix them again next time. On the other hand I have hundreds of errors generated by forums or by the cms that I can not resolve on my own. Also these kind of crawl errors I would like to filter away and categorize like "errors to see later with a specialist". Will this come with the new moz analytics? Anyway is there a list that shows which new features will still be implemented? knPGBZA.png?1

    | inlinear

  • I might be responding too soon on this... but has anyone been able to use the Moz rank tracker or any other web-based rank-tracking tool that uses the Google API since about noon today (NYC TIME)??

    | EGOL

  • It looks like Google is going to encrypt all user searches, rendering entire sections of SEO tools useless like portions of Moz. What's Moz's reaction to something like this?

    | BlueLinkERP

  • Hey guys The Moz Analytics is great however I don't seem to be able to download the data into a PDF.  I used to be able to do this but it won't let me anymore.  Its vital we can do this so we can send to our clients anybody got any ideas? Am I being blind or has this been omitted??

    | tempowebdesign

  • Hello guys, I have some concerns or misunderstanding. If I am about to look for [software development] using Google first, it shows that the Exact match for the keyword is 16,574, then I choose Bing and I had the same number 16,574. Yahoo is the showing the same figure. Do I miss something in here or this tool doesn't work? odd_zps2388b5a9.png

    | Askalexis

  • Hi, I am new to Moz. I using the open site explorer to find backlinks for a website's blog. The website itself is huge. I want to find all the backlinks to all the posts/pages within the blog subdirectory only. Not the regular website. I ran a few reports, but it is giving me links to that page, not all the sub pages.Fi

    | DarrenD

  • Hi All Would anybody be able to shed light on how to interpret the key word difficulty tool ratings / rankings: E.g. What is considered easy v hard?  How long does it take to rank for a word that has a score of 60% v 40% etc? Kind Thanks....

    | jchapman5

  • We are currently tracking the rankings of a US-based client (we are UK-based) and it appears we are seeing some considerable differences in positions. To check ranks we often use Fat Rank which can be set to a US-based search and a manual search on However, our American client is receiving different results (actually higher positions than we have recorded!) and is claiming to have used both a manual check on and the following tool. Would anybody be able to tell me how accurate this tool is regarding US-based positions?
    We’ve since made use of the tool too and it adheres to the rankings that the US-based client is claiming – rather than our checks using Fat Rank and

    | Webrevolve

  • I've recently made a load of changes to improve the on page ranking report grades for my site. I was givena C grade for this page: based on two key phrases Wedding Tipi and Wedding Teepeee. I've made all the changes as advised (excluding H1 tag) by the report but when I rereun the report it's picking up old page data and showing the same problems. Is there some kind of cache thing I'm missing here? The confusing thing is I made the same series of changes for this page: for Luxury marquee and luxury marquee hire and the results are fine...I've got an A grade. Examples are things like ALT image attirbutes which don't seem to show up on the first page but are fine on the second page.
    The site is a Word press site and I'm using the "All in one SEO pack" plugin. Can anyone advise?

    | EdoubleD

  • Hi Whilst i've set up reporting for on-page grader when it comes through on report it just shows any changes in grade and rank, what i also want to look at is changes in the detail/components of current report compared to previous reports, is this possible historically (over the previous reporting periods) ? There doesn't seem to be any kind of archive that i can find to previously carried out on-page grade report ? Cheers Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • I have 2 campaigns and when I go to but they don't show up on and the dropdown selector does not work in there 😞 HVjQ7eI.png

    | Saijo.George

  • Is anyone else having trouble getting results from the Keyword Difficulty Tool today? I submitted 20 keywords for basic analysis, and it has been pending for almost an hour. I restarted my machine, logged in and out - no change. I pulled a few hundred keywords successfully yesterday. Does anyone know if there is a limit to keywords pulled within a 24-hour timeframe? Thanks!

    | Allie_Williams

  • My reports dates are showing a very strange format (month/day/year) how do we fix to correct format (day/month/year) ? 😉

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hi As of today my overview pages are devoid of formatting and just text and basic display, anyone else getting this ? Cheers Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Our Google Analytics account reports a significant number of visits and transactions as referrals from That is nice and we appreciate this but where is the traffic generated from ? (my first MOZ question)

    | silverpewter

  • We have just seen a big jump in domain rank (35 - 40) since the last update, this is also the case with the other sites we are tracking through Campaign Manager. Can anyone give me an idea what has caused this?

    | fraserhannah

  • Hi Ive just set up a monthly report for a client but is scheduled to arrive BY the day they need it which is a bit close hence ideally would like to bring it forward by a few days, is this possible ? Cheers Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hi guys the feedback form my campaign suggests I have to much duplicate page content. I’ve had a look at the CSV file but it doesn’t seem to be abundantly clear as to which pages on my site have the duplicate content. Can anyone tell which columns I need to refer to on the sheet, to ascertain this information. Also if the content is only slightly different, will Google still consider it to be duplicate? I look forward to hearing from you

    | Hardley111

  • if so how do we enable this - we've an average size site with a few hundred products but they appear in multiple categories, canonical url points to it's primary category (but a new page exists for each section... so for /cat-a/abc there will be another page cat-b/abc and again but the canonical points to cat-a always for that product) basically I see this kind of duplication error / notice as a false positive... help me

    | SEOAndy

  • Hi, I understand what this means (or at least I think I do!), but I can't find where the problem lies. The keyword is "fire warden training" and the url is If anyone could lend a helping hand, I'd appreciate it.

    | Gordon_Hall

  • I am trying to create trend reports for certain keywords that we track in Moz- The problem is that all of the historical data is only available as PDF! Is there a way to get historical reports in csv? Please help! Thanks!

    | SheilaK

  • Hi Guys, I am trying to work out how to add my logo to a custom report? Can someone explain the process to me? Thanks!

    | StoryScout

  • HI Guys, Im just going through the data from our campaign I and I see we have the following. ** Too Many On-Page Links 10 000** Duplicate Page Title 8700 Duplicate Page Content 8000 Missing Meta Description Tag 1800 In terms of remedying, what do I need to prioritise? For instance does google penalise  you more for duplicate URLs  or more for too many links on page links? I look forward to hearing from you

    | Hardley111

  • Where is the SEOmoz Term Extractor tool, I am not seeing it under Research and Tools

    | dgodbold

  • As you can see in the attached image, Moz is showing a warning for each dynamic URL despite a rel=canonical tag. Is this by design? If so, it is frustrating seeing as it is really just the one page with many links . . . 9h5oDmr.png

    | BlueLinkERP

  • I'm trying to analyze some keywords, and I've selected 'Google' and 'United States' - but when the ranking comes back, it is showing up as the rankings for Bing.  Any idea why this continues to happen? Thanks!

    | Marketing-Maven

  • Is it just me or is the MozRank in the current index totally screwed up? I'm seeing sites with DA lower than 40 with MozRanks above 6 and sometimes 7 constantly.

    | vbridges

  • I'm working on a site with a very low domain authority to start and in viewing our historical MozRank comparison to competitors I see that we had a MozRank between 2 and 3 two months ago, but now have a MozRank of 0. What could have triggered this dropoff? It's clear we need to boost domain authority, but we have never had any so we're no worse in that department now than we were two months ago. Any insight here would be useful. Thanks! W2A1u2D.png

    | bshanahan

  • I just started working with the on-page grader and of couse am particularly interested in fixing my pages with not so stellar grades. Can someone tell me how SEO Moz decides what keyword to grade a page for? I receive a report each week that tells me how many pages I have with A's, B's etc. But what tells Moz to grade a page for a particular keyword? Is it the first keyword listed in the meta description?

    | AliciaMarie

  • OK I have a pro account but cannot see the Term Extractor tool. Has this been renamed or changed. I want to find the keywords of my competitors how do I do this. Is there a way to find out the google adwords of my competitors?

    | dgodbold

  • Howdy Moz friends, In opensiteexplorer It shows my linking root domains as 45. I have been adding several new links over the past few months from various websites but my linking root domain still remains the same. In the "just discovered" tool it has been showing my links but not in the linking root domain section. Can anyone tell me what I'm missing? Thanks

    | brandon07

  • Hello peeps! I've been invited into the beta and already have feedback to give. The only problem is the feedback button isn't there. Hopefully pasting the screenshot here should do the trick in sharing my findings. Looks like I can't pick a search engine. 🙂 Well pasting the image didn't work. I'm not comfortable uploading it to an image host. Anyways, please let me know where I send the feedback and I'll send the picture there. Thanks, Melanie

    | AlexR_SEO

  • Hi guys, how can I access the on-demand Top Pages Reports? Thanks!

    | adrenalinmedia

  • Hi there, like said the title, i can't find information of, how i can re analyze my domain or subdomain in one campaign?
    I've done this, what i did was to remove the campaign and recreate it again. Regards.

    | sQsmaX

  • hi everyone, I've just done a moz crawl on my new site and am getting as few 404 errors on certain urls after analyzing the link its the 197 which is a href="#197", this is controlled by javascript to show hide additional data Is there anyway to stop these links being crawled or fixing the 404 as there is no /197 it is just a link to hidden content

    | Wilson_Field

  • I just signed up for Moz Pro but the keyword research seems to only let you try one keyword phrase at a time.  Is there a way for it to give related keywords along with their difficulty % info, etc. It is far too slow and inconvenient doing one at a time.

    | SavingSpotlight

  • I managed to get first place on google by keyword: kravu pārvadājumi in (it is in first place all this week) But in moz reports it shows just second position? I added so far about 100 keywords to monitor so if it shows incorrect this one how can i trust to other keyword results. Report says it updated on 3. september and it already was in first place. I really need to monitor keywords but if it does not show actual positions it is useless.

    | vervo

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