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Category: Moz Bar

Find insights and conversations specific to the Research Tools within Moz Pro.

  • Hi everyone. I have a question about the Keyword Ranking tool. I am currently tracking 93 keywords. My question is, does the ranking count just organic rankings or does it count if my company is spending money on a google ad? So for instance, if all paid ads were stopped on Google, the current keywords we rank for according to the MOZ tool shouldn't change, right? Thanks.

    | trumpfinc

  • Hi there, I have just used the On Page Grader on this page: -removed- and checked the grade for the following keywords together: wedding venues bath The On Page Grader has found 15 instances on the page for this keyword. When i view the page source and ctrl-f and search for ''wedding venues bath'', it only finds 8. Is there an issue with the On Page Grader atm?

    | jennie.evans

  • I found this in several of my clients Robots.txt "User-Agent: OmniExplorer_Bot Disallow: /" Right now I cannot grade any of them that are on a particular platform that has that written in. Would this block the keyword grader? Thanks!

    | OOMDODigital

  • Hey MozBar fans, we're thinking of focusing more on Chrome and moving away from Firefox. Our reasons: Maintaining two platforms increases development cost. Each new Firefox version released takes up to a month to be approved by the Mozilla store. There is not as much design flexibility in Firefox. But we would love your feedback before we make our final decision on this. Would you still use the MozBar as frequently if it was only available in Chrome? Thanks!

    | KeriMorgret

  • I know I being a bit daft here so bear with me.... I am using the rank tracker to track changes to keywords over time. The "track History button" is clicked to track these keywords. But when I download the CSV, the columns for last week, last month etc are empty. Only the latest column is populated.  I believe I set this up last month. Shoudn't those columns hold the tracked rankings from this time? What am I doing wrong?

    | AL123al

  • On the Rank Tracker tool page,, when I hit the Next 25 it works the first time but none of the others. Trying to run a report and since we have more than 50 keywords I have to manually click on them to be checked.

    | HopeIndu

  • Hi, I tried modifying the incorrect keyword assignments for my pages but there is no pencil icon. I also tried deleting the incorrect reports and redoing them but the incorrect OP reports are not deleted and the new reports are not saved when I refresh I tried following the instructions here but they didn't work. Thanks

    | xvpn902

  • Why has the number of pages crawled for our campaign plummeted in Moz Analytics – down to 729 from over 10k? Don't see any issues in Google Analytics with crawling our site.

    | EyeglassesGuy

  • With the keyword research on moz it reports on bing search volume - does anyone know if you should multiply this for google searches - ie if I'm looking at a keyword with 2500 bing searches what should I be considering google would be?

    | Wickedwildweb

  • Can anyone recommend a social analytics tool/service that integrates analytics data from Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn? I'm looking for one place to manage all the data from these individual analytics platforms. So the service would be one where the subscriber would need to provide their account credentials from each platform, and the data would be rolled up into a unified dashboard.Thanks!

    | Allie_Williams

  • Hello there, I am still pretty inexpert in using Moz and I was wondering if there is a way to retrieve reports from previous weeks. Many thanks Oscar

    | PremioOscar

  • Please can someone explain the following to me: On the Keyword Difficulty tool when I enter a keyword and choose on Google United Kingdom to see the search volume why does it automatically bring back the local and global search volume for Bing? Doesn't make sense. g4JJkug.jpg

    | EveronSEO

  • I would like to print a report for a client, that looks like the dashboard report, more visual. Is there a print to PDF for the general info, which the dashboard provides? moz-screen-shot.png

    | jlmarketing

  • I got a list of 800 domains that my company owns and I want to check every domain for it's SEO value. Some of these domains where never used, but I don't know which weren't used... Do you know a tool for this? Something where I can upload the list in excel?

    | Becki123

  • Why am I getting an Unspecified Error when adding my keywords? Screen_Shot_2013-10-21_at_1.10.03_PM.png

    | RandyMilanovic

  • Hello moz comunity, I tried to use the moz keyword difficulty service in the last 2 days and I get this error over and over again... see photo: Oops Gosh! It looks like something has gone a bit wrong. Don't worry though, we know and are fixing it. How Can I solve this? I need to check a lot of keywords for my websites. Any alternatives? Thank you !!!

    | Sebastyan22

  • Just ran MOZ against my site and about fell of my chair, over 1k pages being flagged as having duplicate content. That's about every page on the site. I downloaded the CSV file and things got even more confusing, The URL's under "URL" and " Duplicate Page Content" area exactly the same. Am I missing something? I would expect the URL under Duplicate Page Content to show a different URL, to the page with the exact same content. Any help would be appreciated, traffic is tanking and I need to get this figured out. Thanks,

    | Trigger13

  • Can someone help me on this. I am seeing duplicate page titles on the PRO Campaign Crawl tool on an ecommerce site for example MOZ is saying that these two pages have a duplicate page title: They are the the same product in two categories.  When I view the source of both pages the this link is the same in the meta: <link rel="<a class="attribute-value">canonical</a>" href="[](view-source:" /> So is there something else I need to have done to erradicate this or is it not an issue? Thanks in advance Tracy

    | dashesndots

  • I'm currently helping a friend with his website. One of the pages I am targeting for his business is: The main keyword this page is targeting will be "dentist cairnlea" (Cairnlea is a suburb near Melbourne, Australia) To perfect onsite optimization, I've used the Moz Onpage Grader. Generally, its straightforward, but I have encountered some issues... Appropriate Use of Rel Canonical The page does have the following tag: <link rel="<a class="attribute-value">canonical</a>" href="" />. I thought this would suffice. What exactly do I need to do to fix this critical problem? Appropriate Characters in the URL I don't understand this one. The URL has completely appropriate characters. Why does Moz Onpage Grader insist that URLs here need to be appropriated? No More Than One H1 Tag There appears to be only one H1 tag on this page. Is Moz just wrong on this one or perhaps a little delayed? There were 2 H1 tags before one was deleted and a recheck done with this problem remaining on Moz's onsite check. Any assistance here on these 3 points and just understanding the Moz Onpage grader would be appreciated!

    | Gavo

  • In the Moz report, what does the "number of domains linking to domain" indicate? I'm analyzing our competitors link profile and noticed some numbers as high as 2369232? Is there a form that explains the reports a little more in detail? Thanks,

    | WebRiverGroup

  • Hi I am getting some errors for duplicate content errors in my crawl report for some of our products we have canonical in the header for all three pages <link rel="canonical" href=" productname1.html"=""></link rel="canonical" href=">

    | phes

  • Hello, I am having real problems with Moz tools. I can log in to Moz analytics (crawl diagnostics) and analyse one site and I get 2 [internal] duplicate page errors Yet when I enter via (crawl diagnostics) I am finding over 100 duplicate page content warnings? Any idea why this is happening?

    | McTaggart

  • We are trying to understand our website traffic, specifically our blog, compared to our competitors. Can we use Moz to understand actual visitor metrics against competitive domains?

    | AppNeta

  • Hi I am getting some errors for duplicate content errors in my crawl report for some of our products we have canonical in the header for all three pages rel="canonical" href="" />

    | phes

  • My on page reports are really bad (F´s all over the place). When I go to a specific page to check why, it seems that Moz is not properly tracking some of the key metrics. For example for the following page ( and keyword "pisos palermo" it is tracking that the keyword is not in the title (which it is), the keyword is not in the URL (which clearly is), not in H1, again it is, etc. I guess this is what is affecting my ranking and thus preventing me from defining a strategy to improve my SEO. Any ideas much appreciated. Thanks

    | IguanaFix

  • "No More Than One H1 Tag" and "Appropriate Keyword Usage in H1 Tag" If you fulfill one condition, the other one is not completed. If you consider Article heading as H1 then Moz do not detect keyword in the heading.

    | MoeezLodhi

  • I want to use the keyword ranking tool, however I want to separate the keywords being tracked for each campaign (or client). I added two campaigns, but it seems the keyword tracker tool is not connected, or has no way of even filtering the list. I have multiple clients who may want to use this feature, but I can't use it if they are all lumped into one interface. Any ideas?

    | colewebdev

  • Hi all.  I am just using the Keyword Difficulty tool for the first time really, in the Research Tools section. Just finding my way around and was wondering why when i enter my keywords for analysis and select Google, UK as my search engine parameters i get BING local and global search volume rather than Google? Many thanks in advance, any help is appreciated 🙂

    | K-Taz

  • Hi all, I really hope someone can help, I'm new to Moz and think I've done something really silly. Last night I changed some settings in Magento for how it handles Category paths and Canonicals to those that most SEO people recommend. Everything looked fine and products that had 4 URL's all seemed now to have only one. I then tried the dropdown menu on iOS and it just didn't work (worked fine on PC). In a panic I changed the settings back, cleared cache etc... Now I try to grade a page in Moz and I'm scoring an F on every one, critical errors everywhere! Top of the list is that it's returning HTTP code 200. Has anyone heard of navigation that can be broken on only iOS or can anyone shed any light on how the canonical changes could have affected navigation? Thanks, any help or suggestions really welcome.

    | JM67

  • Can someone please explain whey I am getting this error for this link "" when I attempt to perform an on page SEO grading? The link is indexed and ranking very well but for some reason Moz says it can't find the page when it crawled my site. This has also happened when I attempt to grade other pages on my site. Thanks in advance!

    | AndreGant

  • This has been a source of frustration for me for a long time. I have asked many times and never found anything in the support documentation on how to add this. Is it something that is simply not offered? If so is it not outrageous to others that this simple feature is not present? What I want: I would like to be able to include Universal Results icons in my rank reports. Why? Well as is the case much of the time my clients Google profile is included in the maps results (thanks to our optimization services) but they are not on the first page. The client can't see the results of this type of SEO. It shows up when logged in but not in the exported reports. How easy would it be to include these? It seems like a no-brainer. If anyone knows where to add them or why they don't automatically include them please let me know. If this feature is not offered I call upon my fellow SEO's to demand this feature. If anyone knows of a way to contact the developers to recommend adding this feature I would also appreciate that information. Thank you Universal Result: Local
    You're in it!
    Position: before 1st natural result
    Contains: 7 results

    | TotalMarketExposure

  • It's been a few days now that I am having difficulties getting a Full Report on certain keywords in the "Keyword Difficulty" tool. It's been stuck on "pending..." for over 12 hours. I also noticed that some keywords are returning zero exact volume when I know 100% that it's returning 5K+ in GKP. Anyone else having the same issues?

    | mediadispaysolutions

  • Will the videos for the 2013 Moz Con be available for purchase in a bundle like they were in 2012? If so when and how much? I would like to purchase. Thanks!

    | larahill

  • Hey, I know this question has been asked before, however, Moz staff answered with 1-2 months for the conference videos  to be released to the attendees. It's been over 2 months now, and I'm just wondering when they are going to be released.

    | goodhost

  • When I go to search overview I can see my on page optimization grades, but when I try to use the on page grade optimizer for different keywords and url's I get the error. "The URL you entered does not appear to be returning a page successfully. Please make sure that you've entered the URL of valid, working page." However, I know it is a valid url and I get the error even if I use the same url and same keyword I can see the grade for from the search overview. Also, if I try to regrade the page nothing happens and where my previous grade and analysis was located I now have nothing. Any information about why this is happening? Thanks for the help.

    | ZeroWing

  • Hi, I have already searched the forum for this but the previous responses were a while ago. I used to think that there was a way of creating a SEO report  using the information from Moz? But I can't seem to find that option now? Is there a way to create a report?

    | AL123al

  • Loving the new Moz Analytics...very shiny.  Just wondering if it will have reporting tied to it at some point? Thanks..Jeannie x.

    | Jeannie.

  • Hi, I'm trying to figure out what the significance of the colors are in the Keyword Difficulty tool. When I do a search some of the boxes are light green, some dark green and some of them have ticks - any ideas? Thanks, Matt

    | MattNW

  • Is there a place here on Moz where goals and conversions can be set up or viewed? If the latter, does Moz just take the data from Analytics? Any information on this would be appreciated. Thanks,

    | xvpn902

  • Hi I just ran a campaign, and I got a duplicate content warning for some of my pages. When I go into the diagnostic report, I am unable to find the page detected by google as 'duplicate' to the main page. Unless I know which 2 pages are being detected as duplicate, it'll be really difficult to actually solve the problem. Would be great to have any kind of help here. Thanks in advance!

    | rjchugh

  • Hi,
    I'm looking at a crawl test report, and I'm seeing that most of the pages have the sitemamp.gz file listed as the referrer.  As I recall in my other reports the referrer is usually the root domain - unless of course there's a redirect. Does having sitemap.gz as the referrer indicate a problem? If so, what problem does it indicate? Thanks!

    | Titan552

  • My rank tracker reports are odd. The 'Changes From Last Week' don't align with the numbers in the other reports I have been getting. For instance, it will say +3 for a particular search term and show the Latest Ranking to be the same as it has been for a couple of weeks. There has been no +3 to the ranking according to the reports. Has anyone else experienced this? Thanks!

    | gfiedel

  • I can't find the duplicate content report. Can someone help?

    | ryanforrest

  • We recently moved our old website to a new CMS and structure. there have been some configuration errors and I needed to make some changes with things like canonical url's etc. However I need to check if these changes have made a difference and requested a new crawl through the crawl test page. I was emailed each time that a new crawl had been done but my reporting and dashboards still only show data from the last scheduled crawl. Regards Chris

    | LRQA-Marketing

  • My weekly ranking report shows massive loss of SERP's on Bing. For most keywords I was no longer in the top 50 which where first top 5. But when I checked it out for myself, I'm still ranked top 5 for these keywords. I then used the Moz Rank Tracker and there it also says I'm still ranking top 5 for these keywords. What should I believe now?

    | wellnesswooz

  • I get the following message every time I check the Moz Analytics dashboard on any of the sites I manage. It seems like a bug in the system. Does anyone know how to fix it? "We lost connection with your Google Analytics account. Don't worry — you won't lose any data. Please reauthorize now."

    | cbizzle

  • We are wanting to find past reports so we can show how things have gone since we started working on a specific campaign.  We get emailed the reports and just wondered if there was a way to find them within any campaign.

    | slapshotstudio

  • Hi Have you changed criteria for onpage grader recently since i see a page a havn't touched/changed has dropped from an A to B ? Cheers Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hi there, I am trying to use MOZ Analytics but it keeps saying our Google Analytics has lost connection, if I then reconnect it says it is successful and then when I go to a new page it says it has no connection again. Has anyone experienced this? Does anyone have a fix? Thanks Peter

    | mccormackmorrison

  • Hi There - I'm using MOZ's keyword difficulty and analysis tool to understand the difficulty of a given set of keywords. To my surprise- I appear number 1 on Google, for a keyword with a difficulty of 36% On the other hand, for few other with difficulty in range 16% - 25%, I appear on the second or third page. In regards to page optimization, and back links i'm far better off on these ones than the other one (with 36%). Any reason why that would be the case ? PS: I've already analyzed the possibility of DA or PA, but it doesn't make sense. As the latter ones always scores better. Thanks, K

    | kirube

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