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Category: Moz Bar

Find insights and conversations specific to the Research Tools within Moz Pro.

  • So basically I have ran the Moz Crawl Test tool twice for this url "" and both times the report has listed 1 URL when there is obviously a lot more if you check the site. My question is, why is the Moz Crawl only reporting 1 URL when there are heaps? Is there a possibility it is being blocked and if so what would be blocking it? This website is using a CMS called Infusion and it is based off CMSMS (CMS Made Simple). Any answers would be greatly appreciated. Cheers

    | KBB_Digital

  • Hi I’ve  created a campaign for a new website we have launched. When I click on “campaign” its not giving me the “Back to the SEOmoz PRO app” that I get  I get when I click on the other Campaigns. Can anyone  tell me why this is. Regards Pete

    | Hardley111

  • hi, anyone know some good benchmarks? how many hours a certain keyword needs with what percentage? or how to really interpret the %? thanks, Walter

    | Walterman

  • Since 2-3days ago the tool rank tracker is not working... gif loading keeps running and I can't use the tool. The keywords I track are for Google ES (Spain)

    | mozismoz

  • How we can find duplicate content of our website? And how we can resolve duplicate content issue? If you have any tool for this then Please suggest me.

    | surabhi6

  • Hello, I've attempted to generate a PDF Report several times, however I consistently get stuck on the "PDF generation in progress" and nothing happens, even after over an hour of waiting. Please advise. Thank you,
    Maureen lG0XgxH

    | Summa_Education

  • Why just discover link not show of my website on open site explorer tool? when all links are shared by bitly then why links are not show?

    | surabhi6

  • Hi, I just generated a Keyword Difficulty and SERP Analysis Report and I find that many of the metrics have a green checkmark besides them. What does that indicate? Similarly, there are many metrics which appear in green. However rest are in grey. Also help what does that indicate? Refer the attached link to the screenshot of the report. I tried looking at a couple of places for the answer but in vain.. Thanks.. DQSlssU

    | Shalin.TJ

  • Unfortunately I can't give out the URL, but here's the deal... I have two URL's which have completely different content on them but are being crawled as duplicate content. Any Idea how that would happen? I'm not seeing any errors in WMT's. Has anyone seen this before? Is the duplicate content reporting based on a % of the page content matching as the same?

    | Swarm-SEO

  • I would like to perform a competitor rank analysis in . I have noticed that the results from the rank tracker for are different than the results in from a machine located in Greece with no Google account logged in. Could you inform me why such a behavior occurs?

    | thmavri

  • Hello all, I have gone through a lot of work to optimize the page size and load time for my site ( Here is the result: And my competitor (😞 According to that tool (and many others) my site is considerably faster than his. However, when I check in the MozBar, the result for mu site is less than 0, around 1 second but his is -1403106240.403 seconds. So how do I get to such a result? I did everything, optimization, cds, etc...

    | branimir.morfov

  • Hi, My manager has recently informed me that you can use Moz in order to find blogger by category and their page rank. Is this possible? The reason for this is because we are looking for blogger with a good page rank and who are relevant to our sector, which is days out, outdoor activities, zipwires, adventure etc. We then want to contact them to see if we can invite them to write about our Tree Top Adventure and zip trekking activities. Any help would be much appreciated.

    | GoApe_2014

  • We have over 1,330 pages that say we are "Missing Meta Description Tag" when I spot check all of them have meta descriptions? Can you please explain to me why Moz is picking up that we do not have meta descriptions when we do. Our website Please help. I would like a accurate measure of meta descriptions that are missing.

    | BeTheBoss

  • how long it takes DOMAIN/PAGE AUTHORITY to UPDATE?

    | tourtravel

  • The on-page grader is not counting/picking up the keyword in the meta description. We have double checked the meta description and re-uploaded the page, and checked the source code on-line. The keyword is there in meta description, but not showing up in on-page-grader. keyword buy first trust deeds

    | Manifestation

  • I noticed some bugs for CSV export in moz bar It does not split well the FB results due to "," Decimals in DA and PA only brings regional problems when you use excel

    | T2Omedia32

  • Hi, I want to change the search profiles in the new mozbar, but clicking the + Add new profile does nothing. Is this a browser issue? I'm using chrome Version 35.0.1916.114 m Any light on this would be great because there's no point in me checking US results because my site is only geared towards UK customers, being a mortgage broker we can't target other countries except to cater for expats. Thanks, Amelia xx

    | CommT

  • I check every single box and they don't delete. This is driving me nuts. Please can you delete them for me because I am not impressed with this AT ALL. In fact I am getting so cross I am in danger of screaming hysterically which might get me the sack and it would be all your fault. That was slightly tongue in cheek, but please can you fix it please. please.

    | CommT

  • Hi everyone, I've just been checking my MOZ authority scores, and the page authority of my home page, is 53 (mozRank of 6.16) which seems pretty good to me.  However, the domain authority is only showing as 45.  Is this typical?  There is such a big difference between these two scores - what does that suggest?  Is there anything obvious that I can do to bring the domain authority up to the level of authority that the homepage commands? Similarly, the UK version of my site has a homepage authority of 41, but the domain authority is only 30.  Looking at numerous other websites, quite often the homepage and domain authority scores are very similar, or the domain authority is slightly higher, so it does look as if this is unusual. Any comments would be greatly appreciated, Many thanks Mike

    | mjk26

  • Does Moz have a keyword research and suggestion tool? We find articles on google keyword planner, etc. but what about Moz?

    | Manifestation

  • Hi Moz, I know you guys changed your interface awhile back but I have a question about the new reports. On the old interface, I used to use a report that would automatically run when I created a new account letting me know where the dup titles and meta descriptions were on an entire site. Where can I find this report on the new interface? Thanks Carla

    | Carla_Dawson

  • Hi everyone, I've got some domains with extension** .solutions** however, these extensions are not yet accepted by some of the very useful, and now dearly missed tools on this site. One of those tools is the Rank Checker: error message TDanTx1.png

    | SSsseeeooOO

  • I have a site which is in a non production status. Crawlers are blocked vis robot txt. User-agent: *
    how can I allow your crawler to get in and prevent other crawlers from indexing the site? Thanks memok

    | Emanuele_Ricci

  • Hi I have been submitting MA crawl reports to clients developers post going live with a new site migration and instructing them to set up 301's for any 404's still reporting which they have now done (despite instructing them not to go live until all old url's mapped & 301'd to new replacement page, or HP if no replacement). 1) When i look in GWT crawl errors there has been a spike since going live with 660 'page not founds' being reported compared to x11 404's in MA. Could there be a 'lag' in GWT reporting and actually they have already been dealt with just not updated by GWT in this report and the MA report is more accurate ? Should i wait and see/or mark as fixed and see if return tomorrow, or tell dev to immediately investigate ? I have checked some samples links and they are going to 404 type pages so presume they are still broken and urgent issue dev must fix immediately ? 2) How long does it take aprox for the page authority to be transferred via a 301 redirect to a new page since i see some category pages that had good PA and have been 301'd to new category urls, are now showing a PA of just 1 !! Cheers Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • it is throwing there is some problem in domain when i try testing the crawl test for my domains

    | IBEE-Hosting

  • Hello Again, It's a real shame that I seem to come to this forum to only complain about your product again and again. I remember a time when I used to really respect this company, but your tool is absolutely abysmal. Anyway, my latest issue (to add to the pile) is that campaigns that have been in my account for almost 2 months STILL do have options for me to make monthly reports on. What's wrong now? Edit: I just checked the date I added these profiles, it was around the end of last month, so one and a half months ago.

    | Paul_Tovey

  • Moz Toolbar not working in either Chrome or Firefox. I've updated both browsers, uninstalled and reinstalled the toolbar, just get nothing (see image link).
    Anyone else having this? What's the fix? IH9uyNP

    | Jeepster

  • Hi, Can anyone help me with this. I am trying to make some efforts to populate knowledge graph on Google with business name. I have already linked my website with Google Plus local business account. But still knowledge graph is not populating on Google. While i have some of the competitors list which they are showing up with knowledge graph with business name search query. I also try to compare competitors Google plus page with our page and found that there are some competitors websites showing up with knowledge graph without any posting on Google plus and they are also not active on Google plus. We are quite active and postings regular on Google plus page. But still we are not showing up with Knowledge graph. Kindly help me on this and tell me what exactly to do and how to do??

    | acelerartech

  • Hi, When I view my home page ( with the Moz toolbar, I see a good PA and a good amount of links from root domains. As I go down the site, it seems to get worse. The category pages ( have a little but not much and then from this point onwards, it's nothing. The product page ( is reporting to have no root domain links but I am not sure why. Interestingly, when I click through to a review page ( it does have some juice. Would anyone be able help on why this is happening and what I need to be looking at in order to resolve it please? EDIT: I've been looking at the hyperlinks and notice something odd. If I review the score with the first link below, it gives a score of 1, but the second gives a PA of 13 with one root domain linked. 1: 2: Please note the "%7E" instead of the "~" in the URL. The browser appears to show the ~ character no matter what but the rank of the page changes. I don't understand what the Moz toolbar is doing with this. Note: This behaviour only happens in Mozilla Firefox, in chrome both the rankings are zero for each URL. Many Thanks.

    | nawgie

  • Hello, Does the Crawl Test having some issues at the moment. It seems so slow. I submitted a website to crawl test 3-4 days ago and still its in progress. This usually only takes 24hrs max. THanks.

    | lueka

  • Just joined MozPro and pretty amazed at all of the info and tools it contains. However I was playing around with the rank tracker and just to test it I put in a keyword and a URL I can clearly see that is ranking #2 for the keyword. Went I ran it through it said that domain wasn't ranked in the top 50. Tried it again and made sure to put in "http://www." and then it said it was #50. I can clearly see it is #2 for the keyword. Wondering if I am doing something wrong?

    | digimarketmn

  • I must have missed it. How long does it take Moz Local to do its thing once the service has been paid?

    | RelativeHealing

  • Dear Moz I've received your email about Moz Local. A fantastic tool but it does not allow you to download a template. Clicking 'Download this template' simply reloads the page. I am testing it under incognito mode of Chrome with no add-ons Thank you!

    | Bio-RadAbs

  • Hello, I am new to Moz and I have received 2 crawl reports.  The first one was ok. I made a few changes to my site plugins, and my next crawl report came up with 41 4XX errors. Basically, a lot of my posts.   I went back to my plugins and saw the following plugins: 404 redirect plugin & Utlimate Tiny MCE I reactivated both.  I am presuming that these must have caused the issues or maybe my site was hacked. I re ran a crawl this morning, but I don't know what the different headings mean or how to understand the report. Can anyone advise? My site is new and just started to go up the quite disappointed with this set back. regards Chriss

    | chrisspell

  • Is there a quick way to bulk upload a bunch of keywords to Rank Tracker without having to add one at a time? Also, once I get them in there, will they be there each day? Thanks!

    | Ibro

  • When researching on the Keyword Difficulty tool i have a question of the meaning of local and global. is local my area, city, zip code or what? and global is meaning of state or whole US?

    | digitalforerunners

  • Hi Ive instructed clients to password protect dev areas so dont get crawled and indexed but how do we set up Moz crawl software so we can crawl theses sites for final check of any issues before going live ? Is there an option i havnt seen to add logins/passwords for crawl software to access ? cheers dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hi Ive provided my clients developers with the pdf reports of crawl errors but these seem to miss some urls I see there are lots of csv file download/email options Will the email csv button send a report of everything listing all urls that are missing from the pdfs ? if not will the more specific csv reports Would be good if i can press 1 button and get all issues listed with all urls It does look like this happens but i just want confirmed best way asap since need to provide reports urgently, any guidance much appreciated ? All Best Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hi everyone, This is not meant to be snarky at all, so I just want to preface my question with that. So, since the new re-branded Moz rolled out last year, I'm sure many of you have noticed that if you ask a question and it is answered by a Moz associate, your question is marked as "answered." I'm sorry, but I don't like this. Here's why, I'm the one who asked the question. I should be the one who determines if the answer was adequate for me, or if it didn't sufficiently answer my question. This is particularly true when my question doesn't have to do with a customer service issue or a Moz tool question. If I ask a question about SEO, Content, CRO, marketing or any other subject, I feel like it should be me and only me who determines whether or not I feel like my question is answered. In addition to this, Moz is actually depriving themselves of useful UGC by shutting down questions in this way. How? Because when the rest of us who frequent the Q & A see a question that's already been marked as "answered" we tend not to open it, read it and respond, because we think that person has already gotten what they needed....when in fact, it could be that a Moz associate has jumped in and marked their question as answered when it really wasn't. Consequently, we all miss out. I propose/move that Moz associates can only mark questions as "answered" when they pertain directly to Q & A about Moz tools, service and support. All other questions must be marked as "answered" only by the asker or closed as "answered" after they have been dormant for 6 months or more. Can I get a second (motion) ?

    | danatanseo

  • Hi does the MOZ Crawl Test Tool - SEO Web Crawler work on mobile sites?

    | HelloAlba

  • Hello, Can anybody tell me what is "meta refresh"?? I found this word in SEOmoz crawl test report sent to me by moz. For every URL there is meta refresh tab saying "No". Is this good thing for bad for website?? your knowledge on this subject would help me tremendously. Thanks

    | acelerar

  • Hi there, Is there any way of accessing reports for a certain campaign that are a year old? To my knowledge the reports had not been generated, and if they were, they have not been saved in the custom reports section. 
    Is there anyway of generating a report from months ago? Thanks a million!

    | WebhouseISP

  • Half the reason I signed up for moz is because of the Competitive Link Finder. Every time I enter in the info and hit the go button in a split second I get this message "No common links found between sites, try adding more competitors" I've entered in several different searches for different industries and get the same message. I've tried it on several browsers and on a mac and pc. If anyone has an idea about what might be causing this please let me know.

    | DunckleyDesign

  • Is there a way to translate the reports or to export them in a editable format?

    | RicardoLG

  • In answering questions about the speed of MOZ Local, I've seen this a few times: "The time it takes our partners to update the listing really depends on whether or not they have an API. If they do have an API, the listing will be updated pretty much immediately." Can someone provide a list of which Partners have an API, and which do not?

    | irapasternack

  • When using the on-page grader the results show the below for a page with a specific keyword in the body only 5 times : We found this keyword used 1100 times. Any Idea why this would be showing such a high number? The keywords are in Thai language but there is a space before and after the keyword. Thanks.

    | brettjohn67

  • Hi, I am a SEOmoz user. Can anybody guide me how to fix 4XX errors as i got reported by "Crawl Diagnostics Summary". There are many referring URLs reporting same error. Please guide me what to do and how to fix it?? Thanks

    | acelerar

  • Is anyone else having trouble connecting their MOZ Pro account to Google Analytics?

    | PhiladelphiaWebsiteSolutions

  • I used to use the Page Grader tools to support the old philosophy of one page - one keyword. With more focus now being given to a portfolio of keywords around a topic area - what would be a good approach to using the page grader tool? Obviously getting A's and B's is impossible for multiple keywords. The only way i've seen suggested in moz tools to help with keyword portfolios is to use labels in the ranking measurement and then find averages of the results. Are there other strategies that I can try?

    | AISFM

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