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Category: Moz Bar

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  • Hi My UK based client is about to target the USA via a subfolder For reporting purposes do you (either Moz staff or Mozzers with experience or pref both) recommend setting up a new campaign or simply adding US engines and KW to existing campaign ? In regard to all other reporting options as well so not just keyword rankings All Best Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hi, Could anyone tell me if the on page grader has changed? I remember seeing 8 boxes at the top but now i'm only seeing 6... Before I remember seeing a H2-H4 and a Strong/B Box? Thanks

    | dmxsta

  • I have found for years that there is not necessarily any connection between the onpage given by Moz and the SEO ranking. "F" page can be #1 in Google for long periods of time, and "A" pages can be unranked. I do not see the consistency, so I am unsure how much time to spend optimizing as suggested. I know there are many factors in rankings, but I just wanted to point out that this lack of consistency makes me hesitate to make changes to well-ranking pages -- especially with algorithm changes happening all the time. It seems that everything is considered over-optimization of late, even if it is all natural language. It is hard to NOT use words or synonyms sometimes on pages, for example... Thank you for your great product. I just want to know how my time to spend on this matter or turn my attention to off-page factors where the inconsistency is hard to figure out.

    | gheh2013

  • Hi Moz Community, Since Moz changed to the new style of Crawl report, we've seen a jump in duplicate errors for our site. These duplicate errors do not exist and were not present on the Crawl reports before the report change and also we have not made any changes to the flagged pages on our site since then either. When you download the report data in csv it appears that the Moz report is mixing up data for two or more pages on the site. csv for 'Page1' data, it will show the meta description for 'Page2' and 'Page2' shows that for 'Page1', so this then gets flagged as duplicate, however looking at the actual Meta description assigned onsite, both Page 1 and Page 2 are completely unique. Has anyone else experienced this and Moz Team - are you looking into this? Thanks, V

    | WWTeam

  • I'm really upset, I have used it to work on a spreadsheet with thousands of words and today I decided to check and a keyword we rank #1 for showed as not in top 50.  This makes me very nervous.

    | Sika22

  • I am looking to adjust the metrics displayed in the dashboard Overview report and the other subsequent reports to display a monthly time frame instead of a weekly time frame. I see the pull down bar that looks like I should be able to adjust the time frame but only weekly is given as an option. I do not know if this is specific to my account, that is, I am running on a subscription that only allows for weekly metrics. Thank you, Jon

    | bcmull

  • I use this page all the time to grade my primary and secondary keywords and for four years now have consistently managed to achieve A-C grades for all. Today however, I noticed I am flagging F grades for 50% of the keywords. I do make a note of the initial grades for all pages (as the majority of the keywords I grade using the tool are NOT added/tracked in MOZ 'campaigns'). To make sure I wasn't going mad I went back and graded some keywords I had achieved A-C grades for just 6 days ago. The changes are as follows: keyword 1 initially graded an A - 6 days later is still an A keyword 2 initially graded C and is now graded as an F keyword 3 initially graded C and now an F keyword 4 initially a C grade and now an F keyword 5 initially a B grade and has remained a B. Out of interest I then went and added one of the keywords that is now graded an F (but last week was a C) into the 'Add and manage Page Grades' section and graded once again - it's now grading this as a C. I then removed this keyword from my tracked keywords and graded again using the 'On-Page Grader' tool and ... it's back down to an 'F'. Please could you shed some light on what's going on? I don't want to track each keyword I grade over time but I do want the parameters for grading to remain the same if I use the 'On-Page Grader' tool - what's changed? I haven't received any alerts about any changes to the tool so if anyone could shed some light on any changes I would appreciate it.

    | em_h_uk

  • Hi i wanna know how to made landing pads on MOZ i would like to try to see if I buy montly suscriptions or not, also emailing shipping tool. Thanks for your time. regards,
    Cesar M

    | Caexar

  • The crawling reports gives info about several meta data missing, what about the lack of a canonical tag?  This would be nice too... and images without alt tag (or empty).

    | KBC

  • Dear Moz, Another error, the following url loads an empty page Please review Thanks!

    | Bio-RadAbs

  • Hi I'm trying to optimize my pages with the on page grader tool but it keeps returning an F grade when I know my page is very well optimized. It is like something is blocking the page crawl but I have double checked my robots.txt and can't think of anything else that is causing a problem. I am trying to do with the keyword hydroponics for starters but it is the same problem with all other page urls on my site and keywords I try to input. This is a new site made with cscart 4.0. I've graded pages on previous versions of this software with no problems. Can anyone help? Rob

    | hydrohobby

  • Hi, I created a custom report and scheduled it to be sent daily on my email, the problem is even though I set it to daily the next reporting is always weekly? My other daily reports are working fine except this one. Can anyone shed a light on this and why it's  happening. Thanks

    | en-gageinc

  • This came up in the answer to a question I gave here Wanted to post here to put it in as a suggestion on how to improve the Moz Crawl reports Currently, the report shows FALSE if there is no canonical link on a page and TRUE if there is.  IF you get a TRUE response, this shows up as a warning in your report. I currently use Canonical to Self on almost all my pages to help with some indexing issues.  I currently use the EXACT function in excel to create a formula to see if my canonical link matches the URL of the page (as this is what I want it to do).  I can then know that the canonical is implemented properly, or if I need to manually check pages to make sure the canonical that points to another page is correct. I would like to suggest that the Moz crawl tool does this.  It can show FALSE is the canonical is missing, TRUE if the canonical is present and SELF if the canonical points to the URL of the page it is on.  I think for the most part this would be much more actionable information.  I would even suggest that TRUE would need to be more of a high priority alert, and SELF can't do any damage, so I would leave that info in the CSV but not have that as a warning in the web interface. Thanks for listening!

    | CleverPhD

  • Hi, The Moz report is showing just over 21,500 duplicate page issues on our site. This is more or less every page we have. However when I look at the pages it says are duplicates they are totally different (it could for example report that a news page for 2009 is the same as a product page just added which has no relation when you read the content or view the page). What sort of thing could it be picking up as duplicate content? I assume it must be something in the HTML for the site rather than the actual page content as there is no cross over at all on the pages highlighted. The only issue I can currently identify is that the menu for the mobile version of the site has a huge number of internal links which I will cut down. If the tools purely look at HTML content this could be seen as duplicate but shouldn't it be clever enough to realise what is content and what is site structure? Thanks,

    | TW-Steve

  • I need the SERP data found in the Keyword Difficulty research tool each week for a search phrase. We are not tracking any specific URL - just really need the SERPS page 1 for the term weekly. Is there a way to have this report sent to use each week automatically? We have RSS feeds for the search but the end result is not visually appealing. If not this, does anyone know of any service that could provide this? Thanks

    | S2RSolutions

  • I received and downloaded my Crawl Test.  When I try to open it, my pc says "This app can't run on your PC.  To find a version for your PC, check with the software publisher".  I'm running Windows 8.  Can I view my Crawl Test with my PC?  Is there a work-around for this issue? Update  I can apparently open my Crawl Test and view it as an Excel Spreadsheet.  But when I download it and choose Save As, it saves it as a MS-DOS Application.  This is my very first Crawl Test and I am not sure if I am doing everything right.

    | jameskoby01

  • When I want to grade this page, I get the message that page is not accesible 😞

    | KBC

  • Hi Guys, We're wondering if anyone knows if there is a way to get moz analytics dashboard reports for timeframes other than just the last week? When we view the dashboard report, under the heading there is a 'timeframe' dropdown, however it only ever shows us the previous week as an option. Would be great if anyone knows if this is available now / soon? Cheers, Camille@Trilogy

    | Trilogy

  • Curious to know if anyone else noticed that Moz stopped showing most of the active community users It was nice to see who's who from visiting profiles and try to connect with them via email or see their websites, etc. There used to be pagination at the bottom. Why did they stop?

    | WhiteboardCreations

  • Hello when I added my website, I was asked to add competition website and brand name, where can I track this now?? Or If i cant track it, why was I asked to put it and how can it help? Sorry for asking, I use tablet at the moment and I just can't find it. Thank you, matt

    | Faild

  • How can I correct a 4xx error on my crawl report.  This page no longer exists.  What can I do?

    | henne

  • Often the chrome moz toolbar page analysis  doesn't load just says Please wait until the page finishes loading.

    | genkee

  • Hey guys, I've been exporting some pdfs for our rankings but the PDF is coming out quite blurry... not sure if there's anything that I can do from my end, but is this normal? Thanks in advance! Dave

    | davo23

  • I'm looking at our data -- we've been in PRO for about 18-months now -- and I don't see how to compare periods. Seems that the gains and losses are data compared in the same week (which is meaningless).
    Anyone? Thanks.

    | jmueller0823

  • I have many campaigns connected to our Google Analytics account (all websites in same GA account) but I keep getting the message "Our connection to your Google Analytics account was lost. Don't worry, you won't lose any data. Please reauthorize now.".  I go through the motions of "reauthorizing" and it tells me I'm successful.  Minutes later it gives me the same message.  I even keep my GA account logged in on the same computer, trying to avoid this.  As a result, I'm not getting my Analytics data in my campaign.  Help!

    | TotalMarketExposure

  • Hello, 2 days ago I found there are about 1200 of 403 errors by Google WMT when I tried to fetch my domain - Please see attached HTTP/1.1 403 Access Forbidden Cache-Control: private Content-Type: text/html ETag: "" Server: Set-Cookie: ASPSESSIONIDSSBARTSD=BEHMJHJBKJOEJEALECNNIPFH; path=/; HttpOnly X-Powered-By: Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 13:54:10 GMT Content-Length: 1233 <title>403 - Forbidden: Access is denied.</title> Server Error <fieldset> 403 - Forbidden: Access is denied. You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied. </fieldset> I ran a complete report using MOZ but I was shocked not see any 4xx , 5xx errors.  Google: 246 of 404 errors No Google, Yahoo or Bing blocking HTTP status code: ALL 200 301 redirect: none?  I have done about 2500 over 4 years. The website is losing indexed pages.  I'm not sure what's going and which numbers to trust. Please help.  Thank you. Adam

    | homs83

  • I can't get the keyword difficulty tool to work in AU at the moment. Can you get AU KWs to work? Any tips on us getting it to work? We've: deleted KWs and started over. logged out & logged back in. tried from multiple computers. waited hours. US search works fine for us - AU not at all.  Thanks!

    | WME

  • This is the only time I have seen this but the rank checker shows a keyword ranking #2 but the keyword difficulty tool does show the url ranking anywhere on the first page. I have some ideas as to why this may be happening but I am wondering if anyone actually knows?? Keyword: motion capture url:

    | JBeaton

  • Hi, I am hoping for some help concerning (from other SEO's Agencies, Consultants, etc.) what would you have found to be the best tool to present to your clients that you are doing the work the client paid for? I have a number of clients to perform various SEO services for them and so I have chosen as my TPA to show a good visual presentation of what I have done and how the site is trending, since coming on board. I have been using or for a while now and I have always found it a fantastic product. However, I did wish that I could generate reports for each client and it would be automatically emailed to the contact person I have been working with. But, my big dilemma is what TPA should I use in conjunction with - or - when it pertains to Link Building Management. Once again, I have used both, but I have found a tool with a lot more features and I can present information about what links I have generated to each client. is not as useful when it comes to this. So, I have been presenting the clients that I have with information for (KPI's - Organic Search, Traffic and New Visitors etc as a measurement of my Link Building efforts) but they want to have more detailed information about each link that I have gotten for them. Does anyone have a suggestion to best approach this problem? I hope I expressed my problem clearly enough for good feedback. Thanks, Brook Shipley

    | Linker75

  • I am trying to find a good how-to on how to read and analyze each column of the SEO MOZ crawl report, specifically, the excel sheet it allows you to export. What I'm really trying to get to the bottom of is what the "Yes" indiciates under rel-cononical.  If it says "yes," does this mean that the link in question has been canonoicalized?

    | armcwill

  • I started using the keyword difficulty tool, I can see the keyword difficulty but how can I see the search volume of each keyword?

    | amielsosa

  • Hi, I really like Moz toolbar but it's totally make my browser (Firefox 26) slower (open new tab, new site, close / open the browser, etc.) What can I do to make it works faster With Moz toolbar? Thanks

    | JonsonSwartz

  • Has anyone else noticed that you can't move the courser or copy and paste in the comments on an ipad without continually having to click out of the box and back in again.

    | mark_baird

  • Some times Moz marks my questions as 'answered" when they are not. I know that if I mark something as a "good answer" or select "answered" (obviously) it will change, but occasionally (like the last question I asked) it gets changed and I'm not sure how to change it back to "unanswered." Anyone know if that's possible? Thanks, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • I'm looking for a complete list of errors and bugs that need to be fixed within a website. I used to use the MAIN tool (at least it seemed it was the most popular) but now that its just I can't seem to find that great report. It had data such as: 1. List of pages with Title Tags too long 2. List of pages with Description Tags too long 3. List of RED errors and YELLOW warnings, BLUE somethings... etc... Ring a bell? I LOVED this report, where can I find this data? Thanks! Derek

    | DerekM4242

  • I have 2,871 keywords that I need to check Google rank for on 4 separate domains.  Does anyone know of any FREE tools or plugins available that will allow for this volume that wont get my IP banned by Google? Even the Moz Rank Checker only allows to enter 1 keyword at a time for up to 200 per day.  Who would seriously enter in 200 keywords, one by one all day, every day?

    | dsinger

  • HI- I am trying to grade some specific pages for keywords with the on page grader but it keeps telling me "Sorry, but that URL is inaccessible. " I can reach them via the browser and they are not https. Any thoughts? Here is a sample: Any help is appreciated. Ken

    | CandymanKen

  • Hi I would like to know Moz rankings can report canadian ranking or does it just focuses on US market search engines only? If it does also focuses on the canadian market, how do you set it up? Thanks

    | Ideas-Money-Art

  • Hello everyone.  New to the community and loving it already.  Question, I am receiving an error of 6 pages with duplicate content and page titles.  A majority of these are tag pages.  Should I be worried about these?  IN the column listed duplicate urls it is listing 0 ( screen shot:  Are these tags a problem?  Will SEO be hurt because of this?  What are TAG pages? Actually pages, categories, should I eliminate these?

    | Jasonalanmagic

  • Every time I click the export button on the upper right portion of the page, it says "preparing to export", but either nothing is exported or a blank document is downloaded.  I was specifically working with the Fresh Web Explorer but have noticed this on all pages.  Is anyone getting this export function to work?

    | Manseo

  • Hi everybody, It seems the Moz toolbar isn't working properly for two days (Amsterdam Time zone GWMT +1) - we are located in the Netherlands. My colleague and me are have the same experience. Nothing is displayed anymore (no PA, mR, DA or Links) the sections with the pencil (follow and no follow) is working. Working in firefox 26.0.Does anybody has the same issue? Moz is this a global / local problem?

    | lveembergen

  • The keyword "auto immune disorder" has an avg monthly (local/US) search of 880 in Google KW Planner with "low" competition In Moz, the same keyword has an avg monthly (local/US) search of 5 with a KW difficulty of 71%. I realize that the competition in Google KWP is based on ads, but is there a discrepancy when the search volume is so different in Google vs. Moz/Bing? Based on the above data, it seems like it would make sense to do a Google Adword (high search volume, low competition) instead of trying to rank I on the right track here? Thanks!

    | lulu71

  • Hi, I'm just trailing this service, and I have a couple of questions that I hope someone can help with. 1.  I am getting a high priority error regarding a page not being able to be crawled - a 4XX error. Problem is, there is no such page in existence. The URL is my site/comments/feed  It's driving me crazy. 2.  I'm also getting errors based on missing meta tags in blog posts. I am adding tags at the time of posting, so I am unsure why these errors are showing up. Actually, I didn't add tags to all posts - but there are errors on ALL posts, even those I added tags to. Any help would be wonderful. Thanks!!! Hugh

    | hughanderson

  • I love Moz and the community and all the tools here. I admit I haven't rolled around in all the new things rolled out a few months ago. I thought there were more changes on the way but I wasn't sure if those already happened and I missed them or if I need to be patient? Affiliate program, client reporting? Thanks for any response. Have a great weekend! Matthew

    | Mrupp44

  • I loved that tool as it provided me with all of my URLs and it was easy to catch all errors at once. I had it booked marked but now I am just going to the regular tools page.

    | KJ-Rodgers

  • I am just getting back to Moz following an update.  Before became there used to be a tool that did some onpage analysis that I can't seem to find anymore (searched all day). It did things like: Duplicate Title Duplicate content Broken links etc... Would someone please be so kind as to provide me the link to this tool? Or if it is no longer available, a 3rd party tool? Kind regards, Kurt

    | Kurtyj

  • I understand directories are of less value these days. However, as a portion of your link profile are you finding benefit from directories discovered through the Link Assistant? This is all under the assumption you also have great a great value prop and content etc. Thank you!

    | Element-360

  • Under the Keyword Difficulty tool among the information provided to you when you complete a search is a local and global search volume. Above those numbers it says "Bing Search Volume (Exact Match)" is there any way to change this from Bing to Google? Or do I not understand what exact information they are giving me here?

    | jimmitoro

  • Anyone know if there are plans to add more complete Inbound Marketing Data (ie conversion tracking) to Moz Analytics? The kind of stuff you find in the excel report demonstrated in the recent Moz Blog post by Aaron Friedman

    | RickyShockley

  • Hi I asked a question on 22nd Sep and 16th October about Mozbar: "I have been exporting SERP results using the Mozbar, but I don't get PA and DA data even though this is shown in the SERP overlay. The data is shown in excel as being 'undefined'. Anyone else having this problem?" I was told that this was a known issue and a fix would be available within weeks. Is there any update on when this update is likely? Thanks again for your assistance. Neil

    | mccormackmorrison

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