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Category: Moz Bar

Find insights and conversations specific to the Research Tools within Moz Pro.

  • Hi There, I'v been exploring keywords in the Keyword Explorer search bar and changing the Google country via the dropdown (very useful). But now that I'm uploading lists via CSV, I can't figure out how to change the country - see screenshot attached. I think I've just wasted a bunch of monthly queries because the lists created via .csv are all for the wrong country! Any help would be much appreciated. Cheers Ben upload-keywords.jpg?dl=0

    | cmscss

  • Hello everyone. It's been several weeks since the problem persists, Here:
    There are rankings that are incorrect and some users that have the same ranking than other users. I've attached some pics. GR 25603b49292acd5d68f7dd6a43977f94 6d8fea557f6ed2de23466f6c7df850eb

    | Gaston Riera

  • Hello all, My MOZ weekly scan keeps coming back with indication for duplicate content on pages that don't have that much alike. I feel like I must be missing something. Is there any place I can plug in two urls so that it would tell me what the similarities are and figure out how to make it less of a duplicate content?
    and OR
    and Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

    | stage32

  • I set up a Moz Campaign to track my blog domain (made a separate one for our website) and added in keywords I've optimized our blog posts for. I've spent about 2 months optimizing pages and there's been no change in the numbers I see in the dashboard (specifically Search Visibility and Top National Keywords) and Rankings module. It all basically says either 0 or '--'. I think I've set this campaign up right because the website campaign has been changing and showing different results in the same amount of time. I'm going to ask the stupid question -- is this because I've set up the blog campaign wrong, my site is blocking Moz from accessing blog data or my SEO efforts simply aren't working? Please help. I need a sanity check here. Thank so much in advance!

    | Visier

  • I utilise the Moz bar quite rigourously as a content marketer but i'm having an annoying popup every second. Moz kept bugging me with a popup bar saying: "authentication required" asking me to input my username & password. Though filling it in correctly, it keeps bugging me every second. Sometimes even when I have disabled the toolbar it keeps poping up! How to resolve this?

    | iPrice_Marketing

  • Hi There, When i look into my site crawl i have thousands of duplicate content issues. Now they are essentially product pages which are in multiple categories - however we have added the canonical tag so im confused as to why all of these are appearing as if there is an error, does the MOZ bot not take canonicals into account? Kind Regards Gemma

    | acsilver

  • Hi, I am trying to use the MOZ page grader on this page -ón-eréctil-preguntas but it is saying Sorry, but that URL is inaccessible - any ideas? Thanks

    | Jason_Marsh123

  • Used Mozbar for a long time, and normally works fine. Suddenly finding that it is not providing any data. All of the fields are there, but it does not provide me with PA/DA, etc, and all social metrics are at 0. This is across all sites, not just on in particular. Have tried logging out and in, deactivating and activating, and reinstalling. Nothing has worked.

    | SearchPros

  • I have created a number of lists in the new Keyword Explorer tool, and finally had a chance to put them into my company documents. I noticed a drop in some keywords which I assumed (rightly so) was incorrect. For example, in my "list" I have the keyword mixed media. When I export the CSV it shows a volume range of 0-10. If I type just that keyword into the explorer I get a range of 4.3k-6.5k for mixed media, which is where I would expect it to be. ( This issue happened to about a dozen keywords at least in my list, and most of them are that major of a difference. Any idea what is going on here?

    | M_D_Golden_Peak

  • So, every time I press log in on the Mozbar, it takes me to the Moz home page which I'm already logged in to but there is no change on the status of the Mozbar? What should I do to remedy this? Thanks!

    | soapmed

  • Hi, We run MONTHLY Moz custom reports that compares rankings from the previous month, but some of the data just doesn't make sense. As an example, in the previous month’s report our ranking for “keyword X” was #3, when we look at the current month’s report our ranking for “keyword X” is still #3, but it shows that it’s gone up by 3 positions. This position change is not true if you compare to the previous month’s report! How can we know what dates we are comparing against? All the best, Lee.

    | Webpresence

  • Why does your on-page grader show zero occurrences for the word "spiral" on Spiral appears many, many times.

    | BCLLC

  • Our developers are moving away from utilising robots.txt files due to security risks, so e have been in the process of removing them from sites. However we, and our clients still want to run Moz crawl reports as they can highlight useful information. The two sites in question sit on the same server with the same settings (in fact running on the same Magento install). We do not have a robots.txt files present (they 404), and as per Chiaryn's response here this should work fine? However for we got: 902 : Network errors prevented crawler from contacting server for page. While for we got: 612 : Page banned by error response for robots.txt. These crawls were both run recently, and there was no robots.txt present. Not to mention, they are on the same setup/server etc as mentioned. Now, we have just tested this, by uploading a blank robots.txt file to see if it changed anything - but we get exactly the same errors. I have had a look, but can't find anything that really matches this on here - help would really be appreciated! Thanks!

    | I-COM

  • Hi, Looks like moz content is really gone 😞 Does anyone have an alternative that does sort of the same thing?

    | mikeymosh

  • Hello Is it possible to use the landing Page reports for sites in Norway .no? If we define a search engine in UK, maybe it will mess up all the other data we are collecting? Regards
    Mogens Stoltz Wennersten

    | moggiew

  • Hello, We recently ran a test on Rank Tracker and got a result indicating that the page in question was in position #17. We did a manual check on a Google USA SERP for the query, and found that we weren't in results where the tool had indicated. Does anyone have any ideas on what might be causing this discrepancy? Thanks!

    | Critical_Mass

  • I have been working diligently on these keywords. Not a lot of them but trying to get very specific. I have one that has traditionally been very high for our site and in one day it dropped from 2 to past 50+ when I reviewed the history I was unable to find any place to print or download the graph for the history or any place to print a report for our keyword rankings.

    | signcreator

  • Hi all, I'm having some issues getting my site graded + Kauai wedding photographer with On Page grader, where as when I enter another photographer example and getting results. Is there any reason this is going on that I can correct? Many thanks for any help all! -Jon

    | Jon_Gibb

  • Hi there, The keyword explorer tool has been malfunctioning for the last week. Moz barely seem to have any data (Search Volume) for any keywords I search for, particularly for suggested keywords. It's rather frustrating as I can't explore any keyword opportunities using the Moz keyword tool... I'm based in the UK BTW. Thanks I've attached a screenshot as an example. ZX3Kw3H.jpg

    | SEONOW123

  • Is anyone else experiencing troubles with Keyword Explorer?  We have several keyword lists and they keep getting frozen on "Gathering Metrics" for days, even if we had results for those particular keywords previously.  Just curious to know if this is a pervasive problem and if there's some kind of an easy fix.

    | hesaulsbury

  • Hi there, We have been working on for over 2 years now and the domain authority has not moved at all. Is this an issue with the .melbourne domain or is there a more underlining issue? Thanks for the help! Joel

    | JoelMolloy

  • Below are some images. Is anybody else having similar problems? VdbuVaA.png 8yamynB.png

    | Edward_Sturm

  • Hi - is anyone else getting a 502 bad gateway message when trying to access MozBar?

    | Tyler39

  • Hi everyone, I have a page named Im using Moz to do SEO for the page, but when I use On-page grader in MOZ, I got an error that the page cant be accessed. Additionally, I got an issue with page crawling. Google search still crawl my page normally. Please help. Thanks a lot.


  • Hey gang, Russ Jones from Moz has been doing a ton of heavy lifting work to try to get around the new problem posed by Google AdWords recent change to merged-keyword volume data. But, we're fighting back against this obfuscation in Keyword Explorer. I'm sharing two emails (slightly edited) from Russ about what we're doing here: Introduction to the Problem: Google Adwords Keyword Planner is the primary source for keyword search volume (how often a keyword is searched monthly on Google) for much of the search marketing industry. While Google has grouped together highly-similar terms for a while (especially misspellings), in June of 2016 they dramatically increased this keyword-grouping. This means similar phrases like "keyword rank", "keyword ranking" and "keyword rankings" would all be reported as having the same, combined search volume, rather than their individual search volumes. If you were to take Google's numbers at face value, you might think there are 3,000 searches per month for these 3 terms, when in reality there is only 1,000, divided amongst the 3 terms. How we are addressing it: Moz's Keyword Explorer uses a blend of data sources, not just Keyword Planner, to build our volume metrics. This gives us a distinct advantage in that we can adjust the volume of words that deviate dramatically in one data set verses another. Take for example the phrases "keyword rank", "keyword ranking", and "keyword rankings". While Google Keyword Planner might report all of these as having 1,000 searches per month, Moz Keyword Explorer can detect that these numbers are significantly higher than what our models would predict given our other data sets. We can then adjust the volume accordingly. Moreover, given our huge keyword data set, we can also identify grouped phrases (like these 3) and divide the volume proportionally to what we see in our other data sets. Thus, we address the grouping problem from multiple directions. Here's email #2 from Russ, detailing more of how we're attacking this: I have been working pretty much non-stop on this keyword volume disambiguation problem (finding the real search volume of individual keywords when Google clumps several together). I think I have settled on a pretty good solution and am working on getting it all in. For example... Google Keyword Volume for the phrases "briefcase for women" and "briefcases for women" are both at 3600 because they have been lumped together. My disambiguation script says the singular (briefcase for women) should be 2731 and the plural should be 869. Google Trends roughly agrees with this, showing that the singular is searched more than 2x the plural: Basically, Keyword Explorer should already be providing some more accurate/segmented numbers than AdWords, and in the future, we'll get even better thanks to our clickstream data and our evolving models. Any questions, let us know!

    | randfish

  • So I have having issues with the Crawl Test being able to crawl my site accurately due to what the tool is saying is a "SSL Certificate Error" (804 : HTTPS (SSL) error encountered when requesting page.) Only thing is that I have no warnings about this SSL issue in Search Console and when I check the SSL on it comes back just fine. Anybody know why this might be happening or have encountered this issue before?

    | DRSearchEngOpt

  • can anyone please let me know why this has happened on my site. I have just done a crawl test and it comes back with the following <colgroup><col width="576"></colgroup>
    | |

    | in2townpublicrelations

  • Hello, I am getting a 902 error when attempting to crawl one of my websites that was recently upgraded to a modern platform to be mobile friendly, https, etc. After doing some research it appears this is related to the page size. On Moz's 902 error description it states: "Pages larger than 2MB will not be crawled. For best practices, keep your page sizes to be 75k or less." It appears all pages on my site are over 2MB because Rogbot is no longer doing any crawling and not reporting issues besides the 902. This is terrible for us because we purchased MOZ to track and crawl this site specifically. There are many articles which show the average page size on the web is well over 2MB now: Due to that I would imagine other users have come up against this as well and I'm wondering how they handled it. I hope Moz is planning to increase the size limit on Rogbot as it seems we are on a course towards sites becoming larger and larger. Any insight or help is much appreciated!

    | Paul_FL

  • Hi all I have been testing my site with the Moz on page grader recently and every page seems to come up with the same issues. The keyword doesn't seem to be in the title tag or the title tag isn't there. Could anyone tell me why this is? This is an example of a page it is happening on I used several versions of the Keyword including free horse Racing tips Horse racing tips and it seemed none of these were picked up.

    | gillies8888

  • Hi, I'm using the Moz Bar add-on in Firefox.. but it's suddenly truncated meaning that I can only see half of the toolbar, and I'm unable to use it's features. Screenshot here; Does anyone know how to fix this? I've tried removing and re-adding Moz Bar, and installed a new version fo Firefox. Thanks in advance, Lee.

    | Webpresence

  • An external SEO/PPC agency did an audit of our site a little while back and said that over 10% of our pages were missing an H1 tag. I am trying to find a way to gather a full list of these in order for our web company to fix. I downloaded the Crawl Test report thinking it would include info on tags in there but it doesn't seem to. Is there a different tool I can use that will get me this information?

    | Lepra

  • At times it's unbelievably slow and other times it doesn't show any link data. It's not just on my computer, it's on other office computers too. I'm using Google Chrome and have tried removing the mozbar and reinstalling from the chrome bar.

    | iresources

  • Hi, I have a Moz Pro account. Is there any way to automatically find images without ALT tag, and also noindex/nofollow pages? Cheers,

    | viatrading1

  • How to direct http:// to https:// to get rid of 404 errors in google webmaster search console (http:// crawl errors)

    | O.D.

  • The following url has (100 score for keyword 'GU10 LED')
    has different on page opmisation score results to (73 score for keyword 'GU10 LED') Anyone know if we've set something up wrong?
    Also, is this even something to worry about, does google treat them differently? We're using the Page Optimisation Tool in Moz Pro ** UPDATE ** It's worth mentioning we are using emberjs, so the website is a single page application.
    We use prerender to render the pages for google.

    | TrueluxGroup

  • I think Keyword Explorer was only providing search volume data for the US (whereas difficulty and opportunity were available at a country level) but recently I've started to see differences between the US volume data and the UK (see examples attached). Does this mean Keyword Explorer is now providing accurate volume data for the UK and other countries? DEIKsVJ 5kels

    | A_Q

  • Hello, I just see there is some problem in seo moz even pro membership. I can not see Moz Trust to check trust ratio.How I can do it if it is blank. I also do not find a Single Question example for Example Trust Link profile I see there is a similar post by majestic but not in Seo moz. I would like to know similar details like majestic showing the example good site or bad site.Example reference below. So I see similar example post that is atleast help me to understand the depth of quality link profile and bad link profile point of view from seo moz. Thanks

    | rarcntv

  • am using moz panel in there is an option on page grader where i use  my portal name and keyword is flight ticket booking but getting error Sorry, but that URL is inaccessible. how i can fix this ??

    | tejaschudasama

  • Is there a way to view "all countries" in Keyword Explorer? I like being able to segment by country, when I need to, but I don't like having to pull multiple reports to get a combined view. It's more work and it eats up the number of queries I'm allowed to make per month.

    | vcj

  • My site is hosted in Reston, VA yet the MozBar shows the Canadian flag next to the URL. Does anyone know why this is happening? Screen-Shot-2016-06-16-at-9.29.07-AM.png

    | sbapts

  • I have 19 pages that are all 301 redirected to the same page. Moz is detected these 19 pages a duplication's of each other. Does anyone know how to solve this issue?

    | Worship_Digital

  • is there a place to add new competitor in exiting campaign?

    | EkMoz2016

  • Trying to upload multiple keywords at a time with their different Tags. But here i can upload the keyword one by one also i am not able to associate tags with the keyword.

    | _nitman

  • Don't know if anyone else has this issue every time I get a forum response email and I try to open it it seizes up Outlook 365. It totally crashes, all I can do is to kill the process and restart Outlook!!

    | seoman10

  • Hi, Ran  a report for report, and it showing 34780 external links. What does this mean Thanks Jeff

    | jefffox

  • I just figured out that the MOZ On-Page-Grader can’t render soft hyphen in H1. As an example, if I have an H1 word like “some­time” the On Page Grader don’t find it as a keyword “sometime” in the H1. So my question, is it just a limitation on MOZ or a rule for On Page SEO to avoid soft hyphens in H1? Siggi

    | Siggi13

  • I am a Moz Pro subscriber and I really love the new Keyword Explorer tool. One question I have that I couldn't find a clear answer was regarding the number of monthly keyword queries. Do they reset each month? I hope they do.

    | joemaclean

  • One of my squarespace sites has suddenly thrown up a number of 403 access denied errors for a range of pages on the site, according to the Moz weekly report. There is no access issues for these pages and nothing has been changes wrt url, etc..... so why the errors (which I am not seeing through SEM rush for example)? Thx, Phil

    | bugdoctor

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