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Category: Moz Bar

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  • I make a site This site is about YouTube Video Effects. I want to know how to defind the most important keyword, such as: youtube, youtube video, youtube effects.

    | micheal9000

  • Moz crawler is crawling all pages like this: Last month it crawled 80,000 pages on a site with less than 100 pages. Is there a way to select only certain pages to be crawled? Right  now it is still crawling this site, since Monday morning and it's Tuesday mid-day.  Every Monday it is causing time-outs from high band width on our server. Just getting ready to delete this client from the account unless there is a solution someone can give us. Thanks.

    | adirondack

  • I'm constantly getting the 'Oops something went wrong!" notification when using fresh web explorer - I can usually get a handful of searches before this error pops up but when it does I find I can't search for anything for a couple of hours. This happens more frequently when I use "keyword". Any suggestions on how to resolve?

    | RayflexGroup

  • Howdy gang - as you probably saw, we launched our biggest new tool in Pro in many years today: If you're a Moz Pro subscriber, you've already got access. We went ahead and gave folks who were at $99/month before today 300 queries/month. If you're signing up new, $99/month doesn't have KW Explorer access, but the other levels - at $149/month and above, do (5,000+ queries/month). You can read the blog post here for lots of details, but if you have questions or product suggestions, please don't hesitate to ask!

    | randfish

  • We have moved our blog to Amazon Web Services, and our website is soon to follow. For better or worse, AWS uses SNI, which MOZ doesn't currently support. Here are some recent forum posts about it: This makes MOZ much, much less useful to me. MOZ staff, you have a timeline for when you'll implement support for SNI?

    | Atomic-Object

  • I noticed that most of the errors would not be occurring if Moz's tool followed the rules implemented in sites robots.txt. Has anyone else seen this problem and do you know if Moz will fix this?

    | jamestown

  • On a New Rankings & Insights email I got today, one of our sites showed over 50 404 errors totally 49% of the site. When viewing the details, every one of the errors shows the URL in the following structure: I'm not sure why this is happening, but the site and all of its pages are fine. We were having an SSL issue, but that is cleared up now. I just ran a crawl report and all checked out ok, but there were no result in the .csv file that concatenated the domain name to the end of the URL string. That doesn't seem like it would be the issue, but it's the only issue we were aware of with this site. This is the only site of ours that this is happening to. Does anyone have any thoughts on why this happened? Thank you.

    | Indikon

  • How can I get a list of all the pages on my site with their page authority?

    | joshuaboyes

  • Hi there, Our website is We have many other websites that we own as well. For some reason, our website has tens of thousands of Site Crawl Issues. We have tried looking into what's causing the problem, but can't figure it out. We do use Wordpress for our website. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! wFL8I

    | ThridHour

  • Hello, So we have a client that’s only interested in a handful of keywords. We would like track his rankings through a Moz Campaign but he currently uses Duck Duck Go to check them. Strictly from an accuracy perspective (and not necessarily added features like Mobile Rankings) is there any arguments we could use to convert them to Moz? If not we will let them know but any input would be appreciated. Looking forward to hearing from all of you! Thank you in advance for the help. Best,

    | Ben-R

  • In my Moz crawl report I get: Crawl Error
    Moz encountered an error on one or more pages on your site
    Error Code 804: HTTPS (SSL) Error Encountered The Moz Help Section only says: 804 HTTPS (SSL) error 804 errors result from a site with misconfigured SSL software. If Moz's crawlers cannot correctly interpret an SSL response for a home page, the crawl ends immediately. My site is publicly accessible on https - And I'm not seeing any issues with my certificate. Can anyone help me out? What steps can I take to troubleshoot this error? If SSL is misconfigured, how do I configure it properly?

    | digium

  • Has anyone else noticed a huge increase over the past couple weeks in crawl issues in their dashboards? Without being able to see historical data week over week, I can't tell what's been added. Is this some update with the tool? I'm not seeing any health issues with this feature on the Moz Health page, it just seems strange that I'm seeing this across all our accounts.

    | WWWSEO

  • I use Keyword Explorer a LOT for fleshing out new campaigns.  However, the results I get frequently contain queries with words that are in my negative keyword lists.  Today, I solve this with export and some Excel wizardry but keep thinking how convenient it would be if there was a way to provide a list upfront of negative keywords and get pre-scrubbed results.  Does this exist? If not, how can I escalate this as a feature request? 🙂

    | ngowdy

  • I have submitted an xml sitemap to Search Console back in December, and it's been approved, but the moz tool says there's no xml sitemap. Please help!!!

    | SEO_Tap22

  • Hi guys, Can anybody shed some light, I'm running a crawl on a client's website but it's failing on the homepage and not crawling any other pages. It appears to be throwing an 804: HTTPS (SSL) error and then terminating the crawl. Now, the page in question was serving up mixed content up until about 4 days ago, but has since been fixed. I read that we should wait at least 48 hours before initiating another crawl to avoid hitting a cached version - which I did, but it still appears to be having issues. Is there anything specific I can do to get around this issue? I'm on a trial account and this feature is one I'm keen to test, so there is a bit of a time constraint. Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!

    | philipdanielhayton

  • I've been reviewing the technical audits for my campaign in Moz, and noticed I had a number of duplicate content issues that I'm not really sure how to address. When I click on the links of what the duplicates are, they are all different links that have different content/images. Based on what I was seeing other's wrote in the forum, this could be because the code base is really the same between these pages, and many of these were using query parameters (I'm assuming that is why the code is almost exactly the same across these pages), so example: is a duplicate of I was reading that I can use that URL Parameters area in google search console, but my search console says that the googlebot isn't experiencing issues, so I wasn't sure if that was the right move. I can't do the canonicals because these pages all have different content on them, and I know duplicate content is a big SEO issue, so I really wasn't sure what my next steps should be. Thanks for the help!

    | amaray403

  • Is anyone else experiencing problems with the display of the MOzcast widget? I am and the Moz support person I spoke with wasn't able to replicate the problem. See and It looks like a file is missing.

    | DonnaDuncan

  • I've had trouble adding keywords to Keyword Lists - specifically when I add a large list of keywords (400+), and only 50 or 75 keywords are analyzed. Is there a reason this happens?

    | brianglassman

  • Hi Moz I have recently switzed to SSL on, now Moz is not able to crawl anymore. When I look at the crawl report there is just one fault displayed: "403 : Received 403 (Forbidden) error response for page." How can i solve this issue asap? I was not aware that there would be any issues with moz when activating a SSL certificate on the site. The campaign with the problem is: Regards
    Jesper Nielsen

    | WebBoost

  • I noticed in my keyword ranking reports that the heading "Google en-US Mobile Friendly" indicates false for all tracked keywords... Is this information still helpful in the reports? _Cindy

    | cceebar

  • HI, I'm an SEO novice - company owner with no money so doing it all myself with help from my web designer using wordpress.  Ive just completed some seo and done the moz page scoring analysis for optimisation and gained 92% - however - there is one outstanding issue on canonical url tags - i.e. recommened fix = The canonical URL tag is intended to refer duplicate pages to a single canonical URL. To ensure the search engines properly parse the canonical source, your page should use only one version of this tag in the header. See Canonical URL Tag - the Most Important Advancement in SEO Practices Since Sitemaps Ive gone through the page code and can see I have 2 rel=canonical references - am I able to simply delete one - how do I do this if its been created by the yoast/wordpress plug-in? Many thanks in advance for any help!

    | M-J-Smith

  • The on page grader tool does not seem to be able to access Squarespace websites.  I've tried several website urls that  are all hosted on square space with the same result "Sorry, but that URL is inaccessible."  Is this a known incompatibility or a bug? examples: (a site I manage) (a site that a friend manages) (a site chosen at random from featured websites list)

    | kevindpeckham

  • On 5 pages on our site we've got an Error Code 803: Incomplete HTTP Response Received. We checked the network interface within the browser inspector, which did not return any errors, this would mean than there were no issues with retrieving resources from the server. In the console log there are no errors also. We also inspected the URL bar settings and can see each page is loaded under a secure connection with no errors. When using there was a "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently" issue. A little in the dark on what to do next. Any help would be amazing!

    | EdLongley

  • Hello, The current title of an article is of 30 characters. But in Moz it say "Title Element Too Long". The URL of the article is long. Please let me know why Moz is showing it as "Title Element Too Long"

    | ProcessSEO

  • Under site crawl, Moz is reporting weird email address URLs as 'Meta refresh' errors. The URLs are: and Once clicked, they redirect to our homepage. Anyone else ever had this? Is it anything to worry about? I don't think it is, but would be good to get some reassurance.

    | iHasco

  • In my crawl report I'm getting the error: 804 : HTTPS (SSL) error encountered when requesting page. How can I fix this? .

    | Yesi.Ortega

  • In the keyword suggestions of Keyword Explorer, is there a way to switch from paginated results back to results loading on one page? I used to be able to scroll down and have additional results load when I reached the end of the page.

    | watchandlearn

  • We're looking for a simple way to export all crawl errors for our Moz campaigns. More than likely we could use the API, but was wondering if there was any functionality already built into Moz for exporting all crawl errors.

    | ReunionMarketing

  • I redesigned two websites last year and and didn't suffer any drop in rankings. About a month ago we redesigned again but this time merged the two sites into one, All was well and we were #1 ranked for "recording studio san diego" UNTIL today. (Suddenly we are off the front page at #12. We are still in the 3 pack from my view.) I'm trying to figure out what happened. We did 301 redirects. Could I have been penalized? I'm trying to work on my Google Business pages, there were too many, maybe that affected it? What's the best way to check if I'm penalized or otherwise figure out what happened?

    | amybethmegjo

  • Is it just me or is there a considerable lack of keyword Volume data for UK Google search terms on Moz? I have 53  keywords and not a single one has any keyword volume data - these are not obscure terms and include the following as examples... leather satchel, leather laptop bag, satchels, leather bag, leather backpack,  leather school satchel. Without this information aren't a lot of the services offered by Moz rather academic as it is impossible to know which terms are really worth targeting. What is the solution?  I could use US data and hope it is similar but this seems close to a deal breaker for UK subscribers.

    | MrFrisbee

  • I have 1 campaign (out of 9) that has it's ranking fluctuating wildly from week to week - and in the past 3 weeks, it's tanked, and the next week come back, and this week, tanked again (what I mean by that is Keyphrases ranking #1 dropping to +51 - I had over 20 keyphrases (both local and universal) that were ranked in the top 10 (many in the top 3) that are now at 18 or higher. I have not changed anything on the website in the last 3 weeks, but I've been working with Yoast SEO Pro to add in metadata, titles etc.  The content, managed by the marketing manager, is basically unchanged.  Help!!! This is the second time this has happened and our top competitor went from where we are now to #1 - We've been flipflopping week after week.  Not good. I have also been getting an increased # of 803 and 804 crawl errors. Jon with Moz added me to the next beta cohort, but I can't imagine that this has anything to do with Google ranking.  I have 2 campaigns experiencing a high number of 803-804 crawl errors but only this one with the dramatic ranking and visibility swings. is the domain for the campaign. I appreciate any insight.  Newish client - NOT good.

    | chill986

  • Our brand name also happens to be a common German word and when I ran FWE for the first time this week, I was surprised to see hundreds of returns for the German word rather than our brand name. Does this affect our SEO in anyway and if so, what can we do to mitigate this? Appreciate any insights! Thanks in advance.

    | karrabarron

  • My Website is and its domain authority not increased till the last 5 months and SEO possessed on it in regular interval and all the things going well . More than 150 domain pointing to the website but the website DA is being Decreased from 9.6 to 6. Why this is happend? What i have to do to improve my site performance and  dercrease the spam score. Please help me. .

    | seohomemarket21

  • My Site having page authority about 15 to 17 and i added many new pages in end of November. Everything is fine in December Moz Crawl update (Page Authority - Domain Authority) but in recent update my DA id drop 3 points and all my pages authority vanished drop to 1. Can anyone help me out to understand whats going on there!!!

    | signsny

  • MozBar has a new Version update: 3.1.189 in Google Chrome Web Store (updated on Jan 20, 2016). Has anyone observed any big changes / additions? Or, is it just a routine version update?

    | w1t

  • Hello! One of my sites is triggering the 'too few backlinks for large site' filter.  I am wondering how many backlinks I need so as not to trigger this. Many thanks for your help. Toby

    | T0BY

  • The site crawl is registering duplicate page content for our storefront site, but the pages aren't the same.  They're ascending pages within the same category (ex: Featured, Featured pg2, Featured pg3, and so on).  What can be done to fix these errors or prevent them in the future?

    | MGuid55

  • Hi!, I've looked through multiple topics on this but none quite seem to fit what's going on - hopefully someone can help! I get the error message 'Sorry, but that URL is inaccessible.' when I copy and paste a url from my site into the search e.g. However if I edit this to https the search completes fine. Since we redesigned our site approx 6 months ago, we've found most of our rankings have completely dropped off, and now I'm getting this error I'm wondering if it has something to do with how our site is structured? If I'm getting this error with Moz does that mean Google could be having issues too? Or is it all just a strange quirk? Thanks!

    | JennaOrbus

  • Hi. Moz is showing 18 mentions of the keyword 'street furniture' on this landing page But I can only count 6 in total in the body copy and 13 if you include navigation links. This is the same on other pages too for that keyword. Does anyone know where it's counting these extra keywords from? I don't want to fall foul of keyword stuffing but as far as I can see we're not! Could Moz be miscalculating? Any help appreciated! Thanks Joe

    | iweb_agency

  • For example, would a saved search for "racor fuel filter" capture mentions of "Racor fuel filter"? I'm really hoping I don't have to duplicate the keywords with the alternative capitalisations!! Many thanks Steve

    | swbaxter

  • Does anyone know Moz's IP address for the above tool so I can give it access to a staging area of our site?

    | Jennie05

  • I am trying to use the crawl report to generate the Screaming Frog report shown below. I want to use it to calculate the internal page rank as Paul Shapiro outlined in this article. Google is not seeing my site the way I want them to and I want to work on the site heirarchy and structure. I am not seeing where: Type, Anchor, and Alt are listed in the crawl report - is it called something else? Is there another report I can run for the whole site to generate the data above? Does the Moz PA already calculate the internal PR of pages? Any additional resources or people that could help me with this? Thanks, SAM

    | SammyT

  • Looking at some low volume keywords, I get lots of "Gathering Metrics". These don't seem to be updating with metrics. How long does this typically take, should I set and come back in a couple of hours, overnight? Should I leave the screen open, or will this stop it working? Justin

    | GrouchyKids

  • Hello, I have a contact form which generates thousands of duplicate crawl errors. I'm going to use  to block Google indexing these pages. Will this also block MOZ from crawling these pages and displaying the error? Thanks!

    | Seaward-Group

  • I just did a crawl for one my clients to validate any error in the structure. Next thing I know is that the website have multiple variation of the same url with query like ?order=asc and ?view=list at the end of it. I am wondering why these url variations appears in the crawl I just did since bots aren't suppose to go further thant the ? normally. Just to show you a couple of url's of my crawl test. <colgroup><col width="484"></colgroup>
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    | | Thank you Guys

    | alexrbrg

  • I am not getting docked for these specific errors, but I am getting docked for 1 page has a WWW resolve issue and 1 wrong URL in the sitemap... (SEM Rush) but when I use moz, it's not showing any issues. So I have these things set up so far: In .htaccess i have a command that removes the www. 301 redirect from www version to the non www (homepage) canonical on index.html pointing to non www version, I also set up a canonical tag for each page on the site search console with non www, www, https www, https non www all set to non www preference. Also, when I fetch the www version in google search console it says it's being 301 redirected to non www version which is basically what I want.Is there anything that i'm missing? These errors on SEM Rush are giving me anxiety lol.

    | donnieath

  • Hi all, Some questions for Moz Pro Campaigns Setup Q1
    As part of Moz Pro, we've created a campaign to track a set number of keywords and it seems that 2-3 of the keywords have been entered as a misspelling so I wanted to know how I can edit them to be corrected? Under "Add & Manage Keyword" I do see the keywords however do I need to click on "Show More" in order to scroll over to the keywords I need to edit / correct? Q2Eager to know if duplicated keywords are omitted when they are entered into the campaign. So if someone had entered in "abc123" twice in the list of 600 keywords will the 2nd instance of abc123 be removed when the keyword list is submitted into Moz? Cheers,

    | SP1

  • My "Tracked Keywords" total under "Add & Manage Keywords" does not match the total for "Keywords Showing" on the main "Rankings" tab. Why is there a difference? For example, I have 453 tracked keywords attached to my campaign, but under the "Tracked Keywords Overview," there are only 254 listed. I'm sure there's a simple explanation but I can't find it anywhere!

    | MSoleski

  • I'm putting the url and getting the "oops! our crawlers were unable to access the site. Since this site is a potential client, which shows up online, I can't get access to fix the code, plus while I can write a little html I don't feel comfortable working with hard, live code on someonelse's site. Anyone have a simple solution?

    | alisacromer

  • Hi There, I'v been exploring keywords in the Keyword Explorer search bar and changing the Google country via the dropdown (very useful). But now that I'm uploading lists via CSV, I can't figure out how to change the country - see screenshot attached. I think I've just wasted a bunch of monthly queries because the lists created via .csv are all for the wrong country! Any help would be much appreciated. Cheers Ben upload-keywords.jpg?dl=0

    | cmscss

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