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Category: Moz Bar

Find insights and conversations specific to the Research Tools within Moz Pro.

  • My url says we are in Germany but we are actually in the US. We do not have offices Germany either. How can I fix my url so it says US?

    | heidiodonnell

  • I am wondering the importance of the Spam Score since it appears to bring backlinks into the equation. In Moz we do not currently have a Spam Score but our competitors do...please advise - thanks!

    | jennifer-garcia

  • Hi Mozers, I would like to buy these videos (MozCon Local 2018 video bundle) but I can't find the link. Can you give it to me, please? Thank you for your help. Kind regards, Jonathan

    | JonathanLeplang

  • So when I go to my client's website, and on the home page, I use the Moz toolbar. From there I then use the "Page Analysis." If you look at the "URL" line there is a Romanian flag next to the site name. Then I scroll down within the page analysis and the "Country" line says Romania. This is a WordPress site, and the company is based in Arizona. Can anyone explain to me if this is code that I can find and change or remove? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

    | Striventa

  • I am stumped and Moz is being terrible to work with. This site has about 40k pages 39,800 of them are item pages roughly. Moz is only finding about 2400 of my pages. So they are missing most but not all of my item pages. I do not know which item pages they are missing. The fact that they are finding about 2k but not the rest leads me to believe the crawler is struggling with pagination. The site is built on Magento 2 and uses the Amasty Layered Navigation extension. Does anyone have any ideas?

    | Tylerj

  • Crawled site a number of times using Crawl Test. Its reporting 404's from files that are actually present. What do you make of this? Justin

    | GrouchyKids

  • I enjoy using crawl test inside moz but I need to find a way to crawl all the pages on a site.  It would probably be in the neighborhood of 10,000 urls.  Does anyone know of a free tool and if not is there a paid tool that will do this?

    | bradwayland

  • Hello, I have used this crawl-test on 2 website 3 days ago, and it hasn't finished yet. I'm wondering if the crawler is on an infinite loop, or has crashed without sending back an error. I could re-launch the test, but if it's really still crawling, I don't want to loose any work in progress. Is there any way to check the status of a crawl?

    | Nobody1611614588033

  • On Keyword Explorer - I added several keywords back in May.  How after do you go back to re-analyze?  I thought it was updated..but many keywords show it was last analyzed last May?

    | WalkieTalkie

  • Hey there. I'm trying to export a .pdf to send to my client. When I click "export pdf", the page sits for a second then goes to a 404 page? I've never seen this before. Is anyone else getting this problem?

    | TaylorRHawkins

  • For a bunch of my pages, the MOZ Crawl Report says "Title Too Long". Yoast on my site tells me that the titles are the correct length. How can these two things be at odds with each other? Which one is right?

    | TeamViviRealEstate

  • I have a keyword/url combo with Moz Rank Tracker showing 3 spots above what a Google Incognito search showed.  I performed my Google Incognito search based on these suggestions: Is the Moz Rank Tracker tool off?

    | chiefmoz

  • Hi, I have been using Moz for 12 months and found some very useful features. My site’s score steadily increased from 18 to 26. But I seem to have now ‘hit a wall’ and my Moz ranking is static. My question is: Where on can I find what next steps I need to take to improve my Moz score? Thanks in advance. Matt

    | wonderdome

  • I have around three thousand pages in my website,how to find the list of pages which is ranking for zero keywords

    | srinivasan.n

  • The reasons for Spam Score:
    1 - No renewed content
    2 - weak external links
    3 - No internal links inside content
    4 - Social Media pages do not exist Is that right for getting Spam Score?

    | RoadMedia90

  • My google search console indicates that my SSL certificate is blocking Googlebot. I was wondering if the blocking of my SSL certificate to the GoogleBot is causing any issues. I I'm not sure if this was only blocked recently by Volusion (my host) as a means of accommodating my ssl certificate not being able to address the various url versions of my site, or is this just commonplace and not really harmful to my indexing. I  tested one of these "blocked" urls in the robots.txt tester and it showed that the Googlebot was allowed. Could it be just the SSL certificate at the bottom of the page is blocked? Thanks

    | mrkingsley

  • I was wondering what's the difference between campaign data and link explorer data, both in pro version of moz? What are the features we get by adding campaign that we don't get via link explorer?

    | HuptechWebseo

  • Hello, In the related topic feature now called content suggestions Are the words indicated words to include in my content or are they "topics" to talk about using words that would describe those words turning these words into concepts ? Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Hello! We have recently tracked a number of keywords into Moz's Keyword Explorer, but for a number of them the difficulty and priority scores are all -2. We don't rank currently for these so does anybody know what is causing the difficulty to be in negative figures? Thanks!

    | A_Q

  • Hi, I have found that on one site I am working on seems to have issues when i run it through the on page grader. The problem is that it is saying I am showing the main keyword 24 times in the body, but actually it is 12 times. Could there be a problem on the website that is showing something I cant see, or is this a known issue. Thanks

    | DaleZon

  • We have tried Keyword Explorer for several websites today using the domain, subdomain and exact page option. None of these are returning keyword results. Is the tool currently broken? As a test we tried, see screenshot: JbWsaLi.png

    | SeanTheWebGuy

  • I recently did a keyowrd difficulty lookup in Moz keyword explorer as usual and for the first time a saw several (out of 100s) of negative keyowrd scores (generally -2). Is this a bug, what does it mean?

    | FlagshipCons

  • I have connected my analytics account in moz. But it is not showing my traffic stats.

    | daniyal_ahmed

  • Update: Thank you all for your open and honest feedback about our planned retirement of Rank Tracker. Our product team has taken all of it to heart, discussed some alternatives, and has made the decision NOT to retire Rank Tracker at this time. Instead, we want to learn more from you about what makes this tool so useful for you and your business. From what we learn in this survey, we will take steps to design a better solution for you than simply shutting it down. Please take this Rank Tracker survey! ************************************************************************************************************************************** Hello! I am a product manager on the Moz Pro team, and I want to let you know about an upcoming change to Moz Pro. On June 8th, 2018, we are retiring Rank Tracker, one of our tools for tracking keyword rankings. Why? We want to make Moz Pro easier to navigate and use. Right now, Moz has two tools that allow you to track keyword rankings: Rank Tracker and Campaigns. We’ve talked to a lot of customers and overwhelming feedback has been that this is just plain confusing. We agree. Don’t worry! You can still use Moz Pro for all your rank tracking and keyword research. Campaigns is the primary tool you should be using to track your keyword rankings and Keyword Explorer is your go-to to discover and prioritize the best keywords to target. What do Rank Tracker users need to know? To keep a record of your tracked keyword history, you will need to export your tracked history to CSV. If you have opted-in to receive weekly ranking emails for your tracked keywords, you will no longer receive these email alerts after June 1st, 2018. What should I do now? If you are not using Rank Tracker then this change does not impact you one bit. If you use Rank Tracker for keyword tracking, you will need to add any keywords you would like to keep tracking to a Moz Pro campaign. You can create a new campaign or add keywords to an existing campaign by navigating to the Rankings tab and selecting Add & Manage Keywords. If you have any more questions or feedback, please leave it in the comments below. Thanks! Kiki

    | kikikuchin

  • On our domain we are a little confused on the Compare Link Profiles option,I'm wondering if you can helpWe changed our domain a few years back and have our old domain redirected to our new domain.On our new domain we have only internal links visible, if you look at our old domain, which goes to our new domain it has loads of internal links, even though there is no physical site on this domain as it redirects to our new one, Can you help me understand why no internal links are showing for the new domain and how to fix this.

    | karlh1974

  • From what I can see in Keyword Explorer you cannot enter a single keyword and uncover all search phrases that include this word. Or at least when I try to "Display keyword suggestions that" and select "only include keywords that contain all the query terms" and then enter a keyword. I cannot find a phrase in the list even when I can find it via a different search when if I type it directly.

    | GrouchyKids

  • Hello, Is it normal that I find keyword in bolded in the search results that don't appear in keyword explorer when I do the my keyword research ? Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • We had a new website go live at the end of April - I keep requesting crawl tests but I get this in the excel copy... URL                                      Title Tag     602 : Page redirects to a URL outside the scope of this campaign. I always list the website as https://... but the crawl always returns the http:// version. Not sure what I can do to make sure the website can be crawled?

    | RayflexGroup

  • Like most of the folks here I'm a pretty big fan of the content that comes out through Whiteboard Fridays, and I try to apply the things I learn, but one of the WBF videos that I'm following along with does not do a stellar job of detailing execution using Moz KW Explorer. Now granted, this came out in 2016, but I still feel the core principle and strategy results in a higher quality piece of content and is still relevant to discovering and understanding searcher task completion requirements, and drafting content that fulfills those requirements. Towards the end Rand sort of mentions that you'll be able to do this with KW explorer, but I'm not really seeing the functionality. The steps I followed were to enter in the keyword in kw explorer, went to keyword suggestions, and selected "based on closely related topics" and ran it, but received no suggestions - came up blank. I then selected "based on broadly related topics" and the same thing happened. I tried this out with the keyword r22, keeping it very broad to start but that didn't seem to work. So what do you all do to perform this sort of research within Moz? Or do you even feel it's relevant in today's Rank Brain driven world?

    | brettmandoes

  • I have tried to run a number of crawl tests recently for our client's sites outside the US and they have been stuck in the queue for over a week. 3 of them completed, but then 5 are stuck. Anyone experience this? I haven't seen anything about crawl tests having issues right now.

    | rmcgrath81

  • Hi all, I am confused about the new Moz layout. Is there a way for me to export the list of keywords that I'm tracking to an Excel document. My client would like me to start tracking the avg. monthly searches and since I can't seem to find a way to do that in Moz, I need to export the list to an Excel doc and then drag and drop them into the Keyword Ad Planner. I've tried to 'download the csv' using the 'export csv' function, but when I do it's not pulling the data how I want it. I basically just want to create a copy of the existing keyword list, but when I try to do it here, it's pulling a bunch of historical data and stuff I really don't need. If anyone knows of an easier solution to achieve as much, I would love to hear it. Please let me know.

    | maxcarnage

  • I'vwe waited about three hours, with no change. Why does this happen — is it something I did? Will those metrics ever be gathered? Or do I need to re-do buildingthe list all over again? And how can I be sure it will be any dirfferent?

    | btreloar

  • Hey guys! I'm trying to optimize for a keyword that includes a mutated vowel (ä for example). In the URL I simply put it as ae (which most sites that I checked do). For whatever reason it says the keyword is not used on the site at all - which isn't true. Is this a known problem? Haven't found anything in the forums. Thanks for the help. Florian

    | floriannin

  • Hi Guys, I've been using Moz for quite a long time now for 2 of my shops. Now I am in the process of launching the second shop and I just don't understand how is it possible that a cms static page (About US) to be seen as a duplicate content with other 96 pages - including product pages and other totally different pages such as delivery information, category pages, returns and so on. Really MOZ?? Is it me or you?? Your help would be much appreciated! Thank you!

    | Sorin_T

  • I saw a big difference between DA scores on Moz Chrome app VS Website Tool. Which DA score is the correct one? I personally believe the scores on Moz's site is most accurate. Do you happen to have issues syncing the scored to your Chrome app? Chrome App VS. Moz Research Tool ( 92 / 88 Here's a screenshot of the difference: This was evident in other websites too:
    Priceza (😞 38 / 24
    Shopback (😞 43 / 41
    Cuponation (😞 27 / 25

    | iPrice_Marketing

  • Can I create a custom report that tracks specific URLs' performance?

    | lina_digital

  • So. its kind of weird. on my campaign keywords tracking I now have 4 keywords that my client site is being ranked for. (on Monday it was 2) however on Monday and now too. I cannot find my website when I try and search that keyword manually. i understand that Moz does not update and search every keyword every day but even after a few days now. also the rank tracker show different results for same keywords and these results too seems not accurate what am i missing?

    | SharonEKG

  • Is anyone else having an issue Keyword Explorer? I'm added keywords to lists but there are a couple of problems: The metrics are taking a long time to come through. I.e: at least 10-15 minutes When I try to export my keyword list a completely different keyword export appears When I try to refresh the explorer, my keywords are removed from the list and replaced some keywords/phrases that are completely unrelated Any insight would be appreciated 🙂

    | daniel-brooks

  • is there a way to have the google map listings show on my report as a ranked keyword. one of my competitors show their rankings in the organic as well as whether they are listed in the map section.

    | dhanson24

  • We have completed a a domain migration. I am ready to archive the existing campaign but would like to migrate the settings (keywords, etcetera) to the new campaign for the new domain. All settings to remain the same except for the domain name. Can this be done in a simple manner. I am not technical so I hope it is really easy. Thanks,

    | Kingalan1

  • There are 11k inbound external links on a client's website what have are "follow" links and apperently there is no anchor text for the link.

    | Harley.Helmer

  • All the columns/heading merged into column A. Anyone else noticed this over the past few days?

    | Moving-Web-SEO-Auckland

  • Hi there, I am attempting a crawl test and am getting "804 : HTTPS (SSL) error encountered when requesting page." with no further information to debug the issue. Site seems to be fine as far as SSL configuration goes. How can we get more debugging information? Thanks,

    | RickEH

  • Hey guys, since google site search is going away we are looking for an alternative. I saw that you guys are using a pretty nice looking site search solution. Can you tell me what it is?

    | snapstream

  • Hello, I'm doing keyword research for I'm trying to use Moz's Keyword Explorer to do keyword research for them, but it's tough. They have no real direct competitors. I typed in a lot of related keywords in KE but couldn't find anything real high traffic. So far I have just gave them a list that I extracted from a bunch of KE results, but they rank for most of them already and there wasn't a lot of insight from my list. What do you suggest? Thanks

    | BobGW

  • Hi, We are trying to get a report for our clients for February but when we choose the dates 1st Feb-28th Feb, the actual PDF report has the incorrect dates on them (most say 6th Feb-22nd Feb). Is there any way to fix this because otherwise that will give our clients wrong information and in the long run it might be a decisive element for us to use a different keywords SEO tool. Many thanks, Leanne

    | LeanneDouglass

  • hi please advice. please see the link to my spam report. some information is wrong. like no email address or social profile link found I have already had links on that page and email and address and is in place. please help thanks.

    | grbassi

  • When I look up crawl errors for a page, I'm always told the page suffers from redirect chaining. However, when I do a redirect check (in this case, using the Redirect Path Chrome extension), it indicates that my page does not use a redirect. Why would Moz detect redirects, while no other redirect checker resource does? For example, this URL gets Moz's redirect chain warning: But there is no redirect associated with this URL.

    | jrichter

  • Hi Experts, I have done everything to come over the following metrics flagged as spam on my website by Moz, few months ago. But, Moz has not updated the spam score yet. ✓Low MozTrust or MozRank Score - improved from 2 to 4.5
    ✓Large Site with Few Links - My website have more than 6K backlinks
    ✓Small Proportion of Branded Links - My website have a good amount of branded backlinks
    ✓Thin Content - Every webpage on website has more than 500 words content
    ✓External Links in Navigation - There is no external link in navigation other than social media links
    ✓No Contact Info - The proper address has alreay been placed on website footer
    ✓Low Number of Pages Found - I am wondering if there are any standard score or number of links to reach to remove these flag?
    Also, please suggest some ways that will help me improve moz spam score at faster rate. Thanks for your help in advance!"

    | jamesh.rich01

  • For the past few mounts my weekly site crawl has been inconsistent. One week works fine, it crawls all of my 500 or so pages. The following week it only crawls 1 page ( and nothing else. A few weekly scan go by and the crawl is back up the the 500 or so pages.I went ahead and created several campaigns with  duplicate settings and crawled the site. Most times but not all the new campaign's crawl works fine crawling all pages. But within a week or two the weekly crawl will fail again. (crawling 1 page). Currently i have four campaign's all with the same settings running weekly crawls.  2 campaign's crawled the 500 pages and two crawled only the single page. Any help will be greatly appreciated

    | dmaude

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