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Category: Moz Bar

Find insights and conversations specific to the Research Tools within Moz Pro.

  • Hey guys, I'm in the process of completing some keyword research using Keyword Explorer but every time I complete a search I'm told that explorer is unable to perform the search at this time and that I should refresh the page, or search with a new query. Is anyone else having this issue/had this problem in the past?

    | daniel-brooks

  • Hello, What is the difference between "based on the closely related topics" in the keyword tool and the content suggestions (also called related topics) for the page optimisation score ? Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • I'm feeling like I'm basing all my research time on tools that I cannot necessarily trust. Between Google keyword planner, Keywords everywhere chrome extension, and Moz keyword explorer, I'm getting wildly different results on 2 simple keywords related to colleges with baking & pastry arts degrees. "baking college", "baking colleges" So Keyword planner won't give me any search volume for those 2 words, I don't even see them in the results. Instead, it decides I really meant "baker college" which has 33,100 global searches. I tried telling it use only closely related terms, but it keeps giving me "baker college" and refuses to show me the terms I asked for. Stubbornly useless. Keywords everywhere says both of these keywords bring in 33,100 searches. It does not tell me those searches were for "baker college." Totally misleading. Moz keyword explorer says baking college as 0-10 volume, baking colleges has 101-200 volume. So at least it's not trying to give me "baker college" numbers. Perhaps I can trust this, but it's not convenient to upload hundreds of various keywords at a time to pull the volume numbers like I do with the other tools. With Keyword planner making assumptions and grouping unrelated terms together, and Keywords everywhere using those numbers without pointing out the assumptions, I feel like I can't trust anything without taking time to dig into the discrepancies, which is impossible with hundreds of keywords. Do you know of any good search volume tools that don't force or hide assumptions? Thanks.

    | JannetteP

  • I am unsure on how new issues are created when crawling the site from one crawl to the next.  I had assumed the number of issues would remain static if nothing was done from one crawl to the next. Can someone explain how new/additional issues are added from each crawl, even without updates being made? Thanks in advance, Christopher

    | debb

  • On the crawl report it has all these "Critical Crawler Issues". They all say "4xx Error", yet when i click on the link from the crawler report, it goes to a perfectly functioning page, not a 404 page or anything. If i click in it actually says it's a 403 error. It's all for pages generated by the IDX solution for our real estate website. Is Moz broken or am i missing something? Here are a couple examples: <dl class="crawl-page-details-list"> <dd class="crawl-page-details-list-emphasis"></dd> <dd class="crawl-page-details-list-emphasis"> <dl class="crawl-page-details-list"> <dd class="crawl-page-details-list-emphasis"></dd> </dl> </dd> </dl>

    | TeamViviRealEstate

  • I've checked various Ranking & Algorithm tracking tools (SEMrush, Mozcast etc.) and since 12th Jan 18 there has been a lot of 'turbulence' in terms predicted Google algorithm changes. This has been 'high' for the past 2 weeks. Question is, would you 'hang tight and ride the wave' or 'act fast'? Our actual rankings haven't really been affected positively or negatively - so I'm thinking I should just ride the wave to see what happens but keep a close eye on the rankings?

    | Jack_Jahan

  • what does "false" in the Mobile Friendly Column of the Ranking by Engine downloaded spreadsheet mean?

    | TawnyKay

  • I lost the GA account connection to my moz campaign account. I am re-connecting now but on the traffic settings, when I am about to disconnect, I get a warning that I will lose the historical data, what is the impact of loosing this data for the campaign? Thank you

    | RaquelSaiz

  • Hi, Trying to do grade for, keyword 'poi search'. The tool can't see keyword in h1, but It is there. Could you please check what is the problem? Thank you, Andrei.

    | Anazar_2001

  • Hi, I have a gwt site - I have tab control which emulates the menue. I am planning to put <a>links instead of text into tab labels to create internal links. I am thinking to add java script to onclick event of</a> <a>otherwise i will get to the new session of GWT site. What I want is to just change the tab but at the same time have a link for the crawler. Would my approach work? Will it be equivalent to non-follow link? Will it improve the ranking comparing to 'no link at all' case?</a> <a>Thanks, Andrei.</a>

    | Anazar_2001

  • Hello Experts, I have a brand new website. And I know I have to do lot of things and make changes for better SEO. With that in mind, I recently installed Mozbar. I was checking one of my posts the other day and noticed Page Title is appearing twice in Mozbar.Please see the screenshot below. Could you please guide me what could be causing this? FYI, I have installed Yoast SEO Plugin. Also, I can see "Alt Text" is picking lot many words which are from other images or posts...Is there any way to customize that as well? KhP9y

    | techierichard

  • Hi there, Is there a way to turn off the automated site crawl feature for an individual campaign? Thanks

    | SEONOW123

  • Hello, We're ditching our current keyword strategy and starting over. The reports have been running for about 3 months though. Will our ranking reports factor in those keywords that have been removed? We really only want to see where are campaign is from the new starting point. Or, do I just need to narrow the time frame on my reports. Any advice is appreciated! Thanks!

    | craig_mozbot

  • Hi everyone, A client of us has a quite new website with a lot of URLs. (Google Search Console indicates around 5300.) However, when I execute a site crawl with screaming frog, or a crawl test in MOZ, it only shows me one URL, the homepage. Does somebody have an idea why the other pages of the website are not showing up? Thanks,

    | WeAreDigital_BE

  • What's up with Mozbar? I cannot access extension download page from neither Chrome of Firefox (I get 404 error when I click on the download button).

    | ioteam

  • I have tried searching, multiple opinions and multiple things that supposedly work. What I have now, seems to work from an end user perspective, but Roger tells me otherwise: Redirect Chain issue....redirect, which redirects which redirects etc..... FIRST, we need to redirect all www to non www. SECOND, we need to redirect all to https. THIRD, we need to redirect the homepage to an inner page. (Got to love BOGUS DMCA complaints! :)?) So far we have: RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$ [OR]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$
    RewriteRule ^/?$ "" [R=301,L] Plus down the page there is the usual wordpress settings: <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c="">RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]</ifmodule> So, why does it seem to work for the end user, but Roger has his knickers in a knot saying, redirect, to redirect to redirect etc? Namaste and many thank you's in advance 🙂

    | Jes-Extender-Australia

  • I have two questions about the Organic CTR number from the Moz Keyword Explorer tool. I have read through the description here, but it is not very clear on what I need to know: Does it calculate the percent of searchers that are likely to click on ANY of links from page one of the traditional organic search results? Or does it calculate the percent of searchers that are likely to click on the NUMBER 1 position of the traditional organic search results? I suspect the answer will be that it calculates the percentage of clicks for any of the traditional organic search results from page one. Which leads me to question two... I'm trying to calculate the estimated search traffic from each keyword if there was a number 1 ranking. And if the Organic CTR shows the percentage of clicks going to any of the traditional organic search results I need to add a modifier to my formula which will calculate how many clicks the number 1 ranking receives. So I think the formula would will look something like this: Monthly website traffic from keyword = monthly search traffic * Organic CTR * Number 1 Position CTR. In this case, what would I use for the "Number 1 Position CTR" modifier?

    | elementpaints

  • I was trying to take keywords based on cities, but could not find an option to set the city based target. Please help!

    | S-A-Marketing

  • Whatever page/domain url I put in here, I get a message coming up saying ""Getting rankings counts failed" Why does his happen? I can't find anything in the Help about this.

    | mfrgolfgti

  • Hi, We have issues with the new searching for keywords by root domain functionality in keyword explorer. We are based in Australia and need rankings for, which is what we have set up within our MOZ campaign ranking reports. The explorer tool rankings are way off and not accurate for our site's actual rankings. Also, many of the top, high volume keywords that we are tracking and for which we rank on first page for are not even appearing when I do an explorer search using our root domain. Is the root domain functionality within keyword explorer providing results based on rather than Does this mean that if we are outside the US that we can't use the tool as it is not accurate? Cheers, Damien

    | Devenish

  • Hello everyone, I'm having hard time to understand something, while i'm doing a competitor analysis. I was looking at the report coming from the Keyword explorer tool, looking for one of my competitors subdomain. That's showing some keywords, but i found those keyword weird, regarding my market structure. I type a keyword i'm interested with on Google, and i found that that finally, this competitor is raking #1, but keyword explorer was not showing this particular keyword on the keyword. The SERP analysis coming from Moz is also good. Is someone already experience that issue ? Thanks

    | salaunnathan

  • Hi guys, I have a massive list of keywords i want to optimise against a specific URL. I'm checking them manually with the MOZ on-page grader to determine if the keyword is optimised for the URL (Grade A score). I was wondering if there is a way to pull the scores automatically for each URL with the MOZ api? Or does anyone know of any tools which can automate this process? Cheers, Chris

    | jayoliverwright

  • We have tried to use the On Page Grader today and it is coming back with URL not accessible for all pages on our website. We previously used the On Page Grader on Friday 10th Nov for a couple of product pages with no issues. Since then, the only changes we have made on the websites is updating some downloadable documents. We have done this several times before and it has never affected Moz. We have not changed the page URLs, and therefore do not know why it is now not working. The pages are working fine on the website with no issues. A link to one of the pages is below. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    | PiMike

  • I'm new to MOZ and I like the Keyword Explorer a lot. I'm curious if there is any additional helpful information that I can look up in order to optimized SEO? What if I want to search for a keyword combination? Apple and Oranges but not Kiwi Thanks in advance, Elmar

    | ElmarW

  • Hi friends, earlier I used to use LDA tool of Moz but now I am unable to fetch that tool. is there any similar tool in the market to analyze the content. I have already used

    | DiveshSeo

  • Hello, We’re having two issues with our Moz tools and we’re not sure what’s causing them and whether they are related. The Moz Bar isn’t highlighting some of our internal links (including navigation links). The Top Pages Report in Open Site Explorer is only picking up the homepage and a couple error pages (none of the internal pages). The full Crawl Report is picking up everything though. Could a potential cause of both these issues be the Title attribute in some our links? – We use <a <="" span="">title="Example" href="link"></a> <a <="" span="">Or is this most likely from something else blocking the crawler from accessing our links/pages? Google Search Console does seem to be picking up the links in the navigation and everything is indexed/rendered correctly so we also didn’t know if this is something that could be issue. Any insight or help would be appreciated. Please let us know if there are any details we could provide that might help. Looking forward to hearing from all of you! Thank you in advance. Best,</a>

    | Ben-R

  • Basically I really like and would love to use the new root domain feature in the Keyword Explorer in my daily work. I usually deal with small to medium sized sites in Switzerland. Looking these up unfortunately it either gives me back nonsense (i.e. keywords that merely have nothing to do with the site; sites are very well keyword optimized) or no data ("There are no results for your search") at all. Is this going to change in the future (...honestly) or its simply due to the fact that MOZ focuses primarily on US & Canada and maybe huge sites in Europe? Thanks for your input. Cheers, Cesare

    | Cesare.Marchetti

  • Hi, In Moz - Can I bulk upload hundreds of keywords' spreadsheet to Moz in order to schedule a weekly email report tracking my rank? Please indicate the steps how. Many thanks. Katarina

    | Katarina-Borovska

  • We have a campaign set up that is tracking keywords with varying monthly volumes and the website is ranking for them. I have gone into the new Keyword Explorer Feature (looks great!) and I have tested it by putting in the root domain address mentioned above. My problem is that none of the keywords that I am tracking and ranking for are appearing in the "ranking keywords" report in Keyword Explorer. Does anybody know why this might be happening?

    | RedAntSolutions

  • The new Moz Keyword Explorer looks good but its search volume is US based and completely useless for non-US websites. This is from Rand's post: "while the tool can search any Google domain in any country, the volume numbers will always be for US-volume. In the future, we hope to add volume data for other geos as well." In the Keyword Difficulty tool, Moz shows Google search volume data, which is similar to what I see in the Google Keyword Planner and Google Search Console. For example, keyword X in the Australian search market has 6-7k searches in the Google Keyword Planner and 8k searches in Moz. The very same keyword has 118k-300k search volume in the new Keyword Explorer! Obviously this new search volume is not useful in the Australian market. I often used the Keyword Difficulty tool to identify new keyword opportunities but what can I do to complete the same tasks after they retire the tool?

    | Gyorgy.B

  • The Moz Bar displays a german flag un front of the URL in On-Page elements and lists Germany as the Country location in General attributes. Why is this, and how do i change it?

    | eocreative

  • Hi, I am using the On-Page Grader to improve the SEO for certain keywords on certain pages. I have received the notification that the "Exact Keyword Used in Document Text at Least Once". Well from the looks of it I have already done this but I want to make sure that im checking the right thing. What does it mean when it says document text as I assumed it was text on the page but its not reading it as that. Any feedback would be appreciated

    | charlessimmons

  • Got an issue sending a Crawl Request to " "804 : HTTPS (SSL) error encountered when requesting page."  I have tried to recrawl several times now same issue keeps occurring. I cannot see an error when I access the site am I missing something, if so how can I diagnose the issue and sort the problem? I have reviewed the source and cannot use any http: resources.

    | GrouchyKids

  • Hi. I have a main site under the TLD and Moz sucessfully scans all URL's under that domain including for a subfolder on the domain.  However, I have also set up a campaign for the subdirectory as it is effectively a seperate site (let's say it's like an ecommerce site with a blog is a subfolder). Moz crawls the main campaign on the TLD including the subfolder correctly (I was previously told you cannot exclude a subfolder), but it does not scan any URL's beyond the top one in the subfolder campaign (I was told this setup was OK) Any ideas why the subfolder does not get crawled by Moz?

    | jsdw29

  • Hi, I have tried this url: on Moz onpage grader but it responds "Sorry, but that URL is inaccessible." I have checked my Robots.txt but it does not have any entry to block MOZ crawler. Please see: #User-Agent: *
    #Crawl-Delay: 30 #For robots.txt
    User-agent: BLEXBot
    Disallow: /
    User-agent: MJ12bot
    Disallow: /
    User-agent: TwengaBot
    Disallow: /
    User-agent: 008
    Disallow: /
    User-agent: WotBox
    Disallow: / Please advice what to do get rid from this error. Thanks,

    | HiteshP

  • I have a client that keeps coming up with 429 Too Many Request critical crawl errors. I re-directed some of them on the back end of WordPress, but additional keep coming in. The URL has a WP-Login and directs to back end login section. Is there a reason that would come up as an error, how can I prevent it from happening again, and how can I fix the remaining current errors outside of redirecting back to /? Thanks, Kalyn Lengieza

    | GrindstoneConsult

  • Anyone having issues with the Moz bar? Lately no matter how many times I log in, getting data is difficult as it keeps asking me to create an acct. or log in. Even logged into Moz and on Q&A it is asking me to log in. THanks

    | RobertFisher

  • I have a client who does patio furniture repair and restoration. When performing keyword research in Moz for terms like "patio furniture repair" I see that only 11-50 people in the entire US are searching for this term according to the Moz data. However, running an Adwords campaign currently and our top keyword is the phrase match for "patio furniture repair" which has generated over 100 clicks in just a couple of months in ONE county. Is there a better way to research more accurate results on search volume estimates? This makes organic SEO and keyword targeting hard! Thanks, Ricky

    | RickyShockley

  • I could use some help on how to fix this. I asked at the walkthrough but was told it was a Wordpress issue but so far I can't find anything to point me in the right direction. There are no errors in the files on server side and I have asked my hosting company too. I am hoping someone here may be able to shed some light on it. One of my websites it giving 404 errors on links that are formed as below and there are over 12.7K of them! Example: <mydomainurl>/<instagram username=""></instagram></mydomainurl> The link that relates to my website is valid and working, but I don't understand the rest. I am totally stumped on how to move forward with this. Any advice, suggestions, tips on how to fix these errors and stop these types of links getting generated. Thanks.

    | emercarr

  • If I analyse a domain with Moz Page Analysis tool, it says that the domain is hosted in the United States but if look up the same domain on, the hosting location is Italy?

    | Marketing_Today

  • Hi there, I was wondering if somebody is seeying the same problem. Since a couple of days i got a new keyword insights in my mail and i've seen some strange things for two accounts. The branded keywords are dropped lower then position 51. The thing is that i got an insight, i checked it in my private mode and the branded keywords are still there. Other keywords are still ranking, and there is no effect on my traffic. There is no connection between the sites. One has a couple of links and the other a lot. One has a very good page with nice optimalisation and the other has no text. So it couldn't be over-optimalisation and incoming links...
    Does anybody have the same problem? Greetings,

    | NielsVos

  • Ive recently put together a Keyword List of about 100 keywords on the Moz Keyword Explorer tool. One keyword, aerial filming, stood out as very low search volume of 51 - 100. I took the same 100 keywords and passed them through the Google Keyword Planner by Google AdWords. Aerial Filming has an average search volume of 1k - 10k according to the Keyword Planner. Even though Keyword Planner gives me a range of 1k - 10k, the lowest number is still 10 times higher than what the Moz Keyword Explorer was indicating. This drastic difference of volume was consistent across all 100 keywords. All of the Monthly Volume numbers were divided by 10. Why does Moz Keyword Tool display a search volume that is 10x less than what Google Keyword Planner is suggesting?

    | fictionarts

  • So I'm getting this errorOur crawler was not able to access the robots.txt file on your site. This often occurs because of a server error from the robots.txt. Although this may have been caused by a temporary outage, we recommend making sure your robots.txt file is accessible and that your network and server are working correctly. Typically errors like this should be investigated and fixed by the site webmaster., Moz is saying I have 0 Crawler issues. Have I hit an edge case? What can I do to rectify this situation? I'm looking at my robots.txt file here: however, I don't see anything that woudl specifically get in the way.I'm trying to build a helpful resource from this domain, and getting zero organic traffic, and I have a sinking suspicion this might be the main culprit.I appreciate your help!Thanks! 🙂

    | will_l

  • I have keywords that were added without a label that I would now like to associate with an existing label. I don't want to lose my tracking data by deleting them and re-adding. Is there a way to easily label them with an existing label?

    | AppliedMarketingScience

  • I created a campaign on June 13th, 2017 and It's been about a month & two weeks and I'm still only seeing 'weekly' in my dashboard. I have tried searching how long it takes to be able to view monthly but I haven't found much information. Any help is appreciated! sXEAC8k.png

    | mkretsinger

  • Just checked a website for Domain Authority using Moz' tool, however it returned 1 for DA, which should be unlikely. I have been trying to find the problem and found "Disallow: /xmlrpc.php" in robots.txt. Could this affect Moz' tools ability to get the required data?

    | Foli

  • I am trying to disallow our media repository (hosted elsewhere, but appears as a directory on our site) from being crawled by robots but it is not a subdirectory of the site, it's a prefix. So I need to disallow: Not: What would I need to put in my robots.txt and/or the other host's robots.txt to make this happen? Thanks!

    | Simon-Plan

  • Hi I have a site that only has 5k pages but Moz has crawled 50K pages on the site when I initiated the site crawl. I don't exactly know why Moz is reporting me back so many pages but I was wondering why this is and if any of you out in the Moz community know anything about this. Thanks

    | drewstorys

  • On June 8th we ran a Moz Crawl on our site. We found 144 pages that were flagged with duplicate content.
    Again on June 13th we ran another moz crawl on our site and found 137 pages that were flagged with duplicate content. Then one final scan on June 22nd with 161 pages of duplicate content. After comparing the 3 different scans I see that, without making any changes, pages that were not flagged as duplicate content are now being flagged as duplicate content. While at the same time, pages that were originally flagged as duplicate content are now no longer showing up with duplicate content. I could understand if we made some changes to these pages but no changes were made. For example: On the 8th this page was flagged as duplicate content -
    On the 13th and 22nd it was not flagged as duplicate content but no changes were made to that page. For reference it was flagged as duplicate content with the following page: This page was also Not changed or altered between between these dates. In addition, when Moz scans our site through our campaign every Friday the results do not match what we see when we do a manual scan. Moz's weekly scan only reveals 14 pages with duplicate content as opposed to the numbers you see above. Why such inconsistencies in the Moz Scans?

    | StickyLife

  • Not sure about you all, but I’m loving the new Moz Site Crawler.  However, I was noticing that it is identifying a huge amount of pages as duplicate content. There are about 30,000 pages in this website, with that said we’ve had to make many templates to make the site scalable.  Additionally a url rule was lost which caused a significant amount of duplicate pages to be created.  I am working through using the moz crawl tool to identify duplicate pages but noticing many pages under “Affected Pages,” are actually unique content pages with initial content that is duplicate. I read that Moz flags any pages with 90% or more content overlapping content or code.  My theory for this is that some templates that are too similar, to the point that Moz reads them as duplicative.  Has this happened for anyone else? In addition, if Moz is flagging these similar pages as duplicate content, do we surmise that Google bots are having the same issue? We have seen issues with rankings as it pertains to the actual duplicate pages but hadn't experienced issues across the unique pages, they are hyperlocal pages so we are able to see rankings quite easily.

    | HZseo

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