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Category: Local Listings

Examine the impact of maintaining consistent and accurate local listings on your local SEO strategy.

  • Hi, and THANK YOU! in advance for any input you give, its much appreciated. We've been doing research on this and also wanted to see if the community could provide any more input. We work with a plastic surgery clinic. The namesake of the surgery clinic is that of the first doctor: Practice Name: Gardner Plastic Surgery Plastic Surgeon 1: Dr. Gardner (we've worked with him since at least 2015) Plastic Surgeon 2: Dr. Baccaro (joined practice June 2018) Plastic Surgeon 3: Dr. Crespo (joining their practice starting Sept. 1 2020!) To summarize our issues to date: As we brought on our new surgeon Dr. Baccaro in 2018 we decided to ultimately claim his practitioner GMB listing, and to claim Dr. Gardner's (which had been unclaimed and we had to eliminate duplicates.) Before deciding to utilize the supplementary practitioner listings, we were managing/optimizing their main practice listing: Gardner Plastic Surgery. We continued to primarily/heavily optimize “Gardner Plastic Surgery” and mimicked the details for “Dr. Gardner” and “Dr. Baccaro” From Dec. 2018 - Jan. 2020 we would from time to time notice that "Dr. Paul Gardner's" individual listing was showing up in Local Pack instead of "Gardner Plastic Surgery" but it was not really a big issue, happened very occasionally. Around Dec. 2020 - Jan. 2020 we experienced some Google errors when trying to create Google Posts with videos--it resulted in a few very random and unexpected suspensions. We were posting appropriate content, it seemed that Google was struggling to process our video files from API and it would get stuck in a loop etc. All in all the suspensions happened, and we worked with Google many times to try to understand and stop that from happening. Fortunately that hasn't happened since (and we now don't post videos to Google posts because that was a bit too stressful. We still upload to main photo/video area) Since February 2020 to present we have consistently noticed "Dr. Paul Gardner" appearing in place of the well-optimized full of photos/videos/posts "Gardner Plastic Surgery." We thought algorithm updates etc./COVID were all factors as to why doctors may be more prescient than a clinic. There were times where we thought it was fixed for sure, only for it to continue to crop up. Specifically we were trying to rank for the search term "naples plastic surgeon" What We've Done So Far: I've done a LOT of research and understand a number of errors we were overlooking from Q&As like this (duplicate categories/phone numbers): And: So I understand we have some decisions to make on the best path forward. We’re guilty of just about all of the issues Miriam elaborates on. ** As we move forward there are a few elements at play:** They are adding a new surgeon to the practice in September, we’re excited! Making a clear decision before he arrives is important With the addition of the 3<sup>rd</sup> surgeon “Gardner Plastic Surgery” is actually changing the name of its business to “Naples Plastic Surgery” as its much more suiting to the growing scope of practice. ** To end:** Wow. I wrote a lot and really appreciate it if you stuck with me! Some thoughts I had that I wonder if anyone has insight on: Is the fact that “Gardner Plastic Surgery” is “Dr. Gardner’s” namesake a huge factor into why the individual doctor is popping up more often? He’s well known and his name and his business name have been around the internet for years longer than Dr. Baccaro etc. Do you think changing the name to “Naples Plastic Surgery” along with other needed updates could help address the issue? Could our string of unfortunate, though ultimately well-intentioned suspensions be part of what’s enabled “Dr. Paul Gardner” to prop up as well? Should we choose to heavily optimize all listings and see how diversifying categories etc. helps? Should we try to de-optimize and focus on practice profile for now as that’s our main listing? If you have any other recommendations, I’d love to hear them. I think working on optimizing and diversifying our listings would be useful. Thank you again.

    | MoxxiMarketing

  • Hi everyone and thank you in advance!I am a new startup carpet cleaning business and looking to adopt the franchise SAB model since we are 5 cleaners, first being the owner (myself) located at the first SAB location. The aim is to have the other 4 cleaners create their own SAB listings managed by themselves, each pointing to its own dedicated landing page under the same domain for brand consistency. We collectively aim to cover Hertfordshire county in he UK and rank high in a few hot spots.A few questions:1. Setup - is this the right model for multiple SABs?2. SAB proximity - two of the addresses are 10 miles away from each which I get, not a lot of distance, but I understand even if this close, one SAB can only hope to rank high in a different town 10 miles away despite mentioning the town in its service area. I've been told being so close not only it looks silly on the map but we risk massively reduced visibility in GMB. Is this the case?3. If Question 2 is a no go - is it worth considering a different setup such as perhaps each GMB with its own dedicated web domain and therefore each listing becomes a different entity to avoid clashing?4. NAP consistency - being SABs and therefore not displaying the address in GMB, should we display NAP on the landing page for optimum SEO?Many thanks

    | valrucar

  • We have been trying for over a year to get Google My Business listing verification on our facilities, which are separate from our company HQ. We have 31 facilities around the world that do not have business signs on them. We have tried sending postcards and are told that no one is receiving them. The folks who receive the mail are guards and it's tricky to ensure they field them. This has been an ongoing challenge as Google says that the alternate method requires a business sign located next to the building number, which we don't have. What do you recommend we do to get listed in GMB?

    | EvoqueDCS

  • Hey Experts, I have a website which is providing local business services to US clients. For this purpose, I have created the separate landing pages for each client. Now my question is that I have done citation for that particular landing page not for the root domain. Now the client has decided to stop working with us and I removed the business name and detail from that landing page but the landing page still exist on dummy business name. But citation of that business page still exists. Then how that business citation can affect that linked page? I mean it will affect the page ranking or Google trust or relevancy?

    | urhaiurg

  • Hiya! So we have an odd request and we wanted to see if want we want to do will add any SEO benefit. We operate a printing/design firm in Houston, Texas and have been thinking of adding a directory to our website. It would sit on our top level domain,  it would much be a like a yelp directory listing all the print, design, and bindery shops all across the USA.  We want to expand our footprint online and and to boost to our position in other cities. For example Yelp is always the top spot when you search for (CITY) + (PRINTING)/(DESIGN) the yelp directories pull up first. Now... i know why this is with their DA/UR off the charts. We have vendor that will provide all the info/data/images of all businesses in the USA something around 5K business so. The design will mesh with our current design and look seamless with the current design.The idea is that we would populate and optimize all the city pages for all those cities and provide content on each major city. So we can optimize with H tags, keywords and interlink all the other pages plus not to mention we have a great blog section and plan on interlink that throughout website.   The catch would be..... is that we would put our listing first,  on top of all those other local shops. Maybe we would do this for all of them but maybe a few of our target cities.  We would use our addresses and nothing would be faked. URL Structure Questions Would this confuse Google and cause some issues with our current SERPS?   We do very well in our home city and don't want to jeopardize all our hard work. Or real harm or benefit just seems to confusing people? Could we get penalized? Content would be unique (except listing information)

    | ListrBrands

  • Competitors use "Interior designer" as primary category in Google My Business, they rank well in Google Places, across the phrases we target. Currently we use the same category, but "Office refurbishment service" would seem to be more relevant to us. Should we move to "Office refurbishment service" as the Primary category in Google My Business? If we do move would we need to change our citations? And for other keywords should we be influenced and copy the categories used by our competitors?

    | GrouchyKids

  • Hello, How do I appear on the local listings for google in different categories or services that I offer? For instance, we're a physical therapy clinic by trade but we specialize in orthopedics, sports medicine, and lower back pain. Thus, how do I rank on google local for these types of services? Currently, we rank for physical therapy but we also miss out on a big part of our business by not ranking for these listings on local. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Cheers, Scott

    | scottgray0620

  • Hey! I just added products to my Google My Business page. The company I work for does experiential entertainment so you cant actually buy the products but you can buy tickets to them on the website so I added them as a product with a Learn More button. Is there a way for me to see how many people clicked "Learn More"??

    | danieldaher

  • Hey! Obviously things are crazy right now and in my company, we are having to temporarily close some locations. How is everything handling that with GMB? Obviously I will post but should I add special hours?

    | danieldaher

  • My map pack presence has fallen off the face of the earth over the last 24 hours. My location The Escape Game Chicago was top 3 yesterday for 'escape room chicago' and now they only show up when searching for the exact brand name. What's weirder is I still rank #1 organically for that keyword.I have looked through the account, nothing seems to be totally amiss. Google has not notified me of any issues or penalties. I have no clue what happened.Can anyone point me in the right direction or provide some insight as to how I can recover my ranking?

    | danieldaher

  • Google allows you to choose up to 20 locations as service areas, and you can choose based on cities, counties, or zip codes. I'm trying to determine if zip codes, cities, or counties are better to select for our GMB profiles. We are located in the US. I am thinking it's best to use all 20 areas allowed on a profile as long as they are relevant, generally giving Google all the info they will let you provide is best. I also am leaning toward using zip codes because it also includes the city when you choose by zip code. For example: Entered the zip code 21009 and the service area selection provided was: Abingdon, MD 21009, USA Entering the city/state returns a selection of Abingdon, MD, USA I also think it may have to do with how people search and find your business as well? Does anyone have experience with this? Best practices? My google searching has not turned up any reliable info.

    | WadeBayMgmt

  • I work for a large healthcare system in Utah. Google Maps is showing one of our non-urgent care clinics on searches for our branded urgent care locations ("InstaCare" is the branded term). From what I can tell, the only reason this is happening is because of a global footer on the clinic's website that links back to the urgent hub (see Imgur link for what I mean). Here's the clinic's site: Is there any way to get Google to stop doing this? Short of deleting the link in the global footer, of course. That's a no go. Thanks in advance! 5S4Jalw.png?1

    | Marty_at_IHC

  • I'm kind of a newbie to everything marketing. I run the marketing for a small law firm. When I google certain keywords, the law firm's GMB page doesn't show up in the local pack or rankings. What shows up instead are the individual GMB pages under the lawyers' names even though we don't do anything to maintain those pages. Their individual pages don't have content or nearly as many reviews. I maintain the firm's GMB page by posting content and that's also where the bulk of our reviews go. Why would pages that aren't maintained show up in the local pack while the page that I keep a close eye on doesn't show up?

    | elisa17591

  • Hi All Thanks in advance for any support. I've setup two "local" pages to target the next door town for one of my clients. One page targets "t shirt printing" and one page targets "embroidered workwear" However when I search for "embroidered workwear town in question" google connects the search to my t-shirt printing page and not the embroidered workwear page. Would it be possible to advise on what I need to do for the correct page to be linked to the search term? Here is  a link to the search term in question ** ** and the page that we would like to appear in the results, not our tshirt printing page Thanks in advance for any help

    | ruislip18

  • Hi there I am running an ECommerce site that supplies products globally! We have 2 administrative offices - the UK and Ireland. When setting Google my business, do you suggest setting 2 listings - one for the UK and one for Ireland? Both listings will link to the same E-Commerce homepage but with different phone numbers. Please give me advice=)

    | Insightful_Media

  • I'm in Australia targeting Australian traffic. I often see US domains in the Google SERPS and wonder if that indicates an opportunity for local (Australian) domains to rank?

    | Lazeh

  • Hi Guys, we uploaded images in our GMB dashboard but they are not appearing on the SERP results example: Any ideas on how to get them to show on search result page? See example:

    | brandonegroup

  • I run the SEO for a multi-location retail company. All of our locations, except one, show our cover photo from GMB in the map pack in the other city the logo shows up. Why would that happen and how can I change it? My competitors have much more attention-grabbing pics than a logo.

    | danieldaher

  • I manage a GMB account for an HVAC client and noticed in their knowledge graph it shows: "Products & Services:" I cannot find this anywhere on the backend on GMB. Has anyone experienced this and how did you fix/remove the link? Luckily, the link goes to the clients profile on SinglePlatform, but the info is outdated.

    | Bryan_Loconto

  • Hello! Curious on the community's thoughts on linking best practices for the following hypothetical scenario: I own a site called and want to rank for the term "landscapers houston". I have a link on the top title bar linking to with an interactive map with clickable links leading to different metro areas. What should be my link from that page to the Houston page? 1. 2. 3. 4. The main question is whether to include the parent page or not. i have 2 conflicting thoughts. 1. short URL's are better so dont include it 2. include it because that is the page that links out to it and it helps Google understand the site flow. Thanks, Ryan

    | RyanMeighan

  • I just experienced this and after lots of frustration was able to figure out how it happened and how to fix it (keep reading). **HOW: **So apparently Google did a deal with Constant Contact which owns that allows them to publish edits to ANY local business and they have used this to SPAM entire categories of local businesses by adding in a "Appointments" and/or "Menu" link to the Google My Business listing for search/maps and they have done it in such a way that it is extremely difficult to remove/fix. (NOTE: they are not listed in Google's list of 3rd parties which automatically add info to your listing.... **THE PROBLEM: You have a link to a menu or appointment page that you did not add and can not edit. **The options for setting a URL for "Menu" and/or "Appointment" (and a few others are tied to the Primary Category set on your GMB listing and are only available to certain categories. FIXING: You would think if you are a verified owner of your GMB listing, it would be simple - but Google/ have gone to great lengths to make it more difficult.... Step 1 - Make sure you are a verified owner of GMB listing Step 2 - Change your Primary category on the business to one of the categories which supports the link in question (no definitive list, but I know setting Primary to "Restaurant" will get you Menu and "Interior Designer" will get you an Appointment link) Step 3 - Save the new category Step 4 - Now you will have the option under your "URLs" section of GMB listing. Step 5 - Change the URL from the SPAMMY link to a relevant page you control and Save Step 6 - Change Primary Category back to what you want.

    | arowland

  • All, we're building a new version of our existing website using Wordpress and have both Yoast SEO Premium and Schema Pro installed.  Our site has 70, a medical practice, has 70 different locations. Each one of our locations has a page tile like the following: "Los Angeles | ABC Dental". The first part of the site title is the town we're located in followed by our site name. Using Schema Pro, we're not sure about what to place into the "Name" field.  You can see the direction from Schema Pro for local businesses here, By default Schema Pro has the name field set to Site Title.  However, using this on all 70 or our landing pages wouldn't provide the local aspect we want.  It would just say ABC Dental.  We changed this to use a new custom field where we could enter a more descriptive name. Using our page title example of "Los Angeles | ABC Dental", would we simply enter this into the name field of Schema Pro? If not, would we format this another way such as "ABC Dental Los Angeles" We could use some help in a strategy for Schema markup for multi-location businesses, in particular, the name field.  All other information such as address, phone number, etc seems rather straight forward. Thank you for the assistance

    | morciuoli

  • We have a client who sells chalet holidays on two different websites. There are 12 Chalets in total dotted around the alps. We want these locations to feature on Google My Business for both websites. However, it seems to only let us choose between having one website or the other. What's the best way to have both featuring all 12 chalets? Currently, we have them all listed individually in a grouped location under one website. Looking forward to hearing all your great geeky suggestions!

    | SolveWebMedia

  • I have listings that I need disconnected from my main Google My Business account. I can close, or remove which is similar as closing,  but the goal is not to close the listings, just to remove the association to my google account, and im not transferring the listing as well. Anyone know how to accomplish this? Goal is to clean up old listings that are exist but I dont manage Thanks for all the help

    | vmialik

  • Our company wanted to experiment on whether it truly is more beneficial to use Yext for citations rather than to do them ourselves. The thought process here, is that when we manually do the citations, some of our listings would increase in quality. The problem we have been running into, is that Yext has exclusive deals with nearly half of the sources we were previously listed under. Is there a way around this, or is Yext truly worth the cost?

    | rburnett

  • Hello, While searching on mobile I was testing keywords to see if my business listing would appear. I noticed for certain keywords it would trigger a competitors business to come up in the knowledge panel. I'm running adwords so my business typically always appears in the top ad panel but my business listing isn't recognized for particular keywords. Is there any reason why a competitors business listing would appear in the SERP over our business? It seems random.  Is there maybe something I could add on the google business listing?  Does anyone have any tips for this? Thanks!

    | Dsv

  • Can Google see that the following are in  fact the same business at the same address? Address Site Footer:
    Blue Widgets Ltd
    Hope Springs, Another Street, Stow on the Wold, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire POSTCODE Address Google Maps:
    Blue Widgets Ltd
    Hope Springs, Stow on the Wold POSTCODE I know that some directories work by you selecting a postcode/zip and selecting your address line.  So no way to add (or remove) any extra address lines that you may want to.  So am guessing it cannot always matter but some portions of the address must be of real importance (Business Name / First Line Address / ZIP or POSTCODE)?

    | GrouchyKids

  • We have a company information database where we also list companies located in a specific building/property. We plan to add more information to these pages basically to create a Property/building database. From an SEO standpoint, what is the best URL structure? Please note we will have information on millions of properties, across the US. Currently this is an example of what we are displaying,-New-York,-NY,-10006/6959468 When we change this, we plan to also migrate to https. For the above page, we are considering changing it to something like the following: 1 -,-New-York,-NY,-10006/6959468 2 Most users will search for these pages by address. What do you recommend we change our URLs to in order to get maximum SEO lift? Thank you,

    | akin67

  • Hi Guys, We have a medical centre which has different services like medical, dental, pathology, mental health and 3-4 other services. They are all at the same address within the medical centre. Currently, we have a GMB listing just for the medical centre. But we're looking to create separate GMB listings for each service. I was wondering if anyone has done this before and can speak from experience of the pros and cons of doing this? It seems we will have a lot more GMB listings to manage, but we should benefit more from relevant GMB searchers and this will improve our visibility. Cheers, Mark

    | brandonegroup

  • Hello Guys, I have a question about GMB best practice for a physical location, it actually applies to two sites I have. 1. A predominantly online fitness site but with two 'clinic' locations, which are rooms i hire and cannot claim the location. 2. An in-person fitness service, with no physical location, other than my actual home, and 10-20 location pages that have in the past (pre-GMB) ranked quite well. My question really is, what is best practice here, how to you deal with multiple locations when you cannot actually verify you own them, because they are just areas you work in, run classes or meet clients etc? Thank You!

    | scott_laidler

  • Hi there, I was referred to this community by Moz staff, as I was just wondering if all of the suggested listings in the online presence checker are relevant if you are based in the Uk?  Many of them seem to be very much set up for companies based in the states and companies like Foursquare seem almost impossible to list on successfully, with no way to actually contact them. What I have ascertained is that the incorrect information that is revealed by the online checker is not necessarily incorrect it is just the order that Google lists the information over here is different. Lastly I just wondered if there are any drawbacks to using Brightlocal as a citation service, over and above other similar companies? They seem by far the most economical option... Thanks in advance. 🙂

    | Frog-Marketing

  • Hello, I just found that one of my companies (iFix Appliances) doesn't show on the right in search results when I search for it. I found it accidentally, I just wanted to check if it shows Request a Quote button as recently I enabled messaging on GMB. Yet it's not there at all. Could you please help me figure out what happened and why it's not there? Is something wrong with its GMB listing? I have two locations so I created 2 GMB listings for one company. Is this something that might have caused the issue?

    | VELV

  • Hi friends, I'm trying to work out what would the practice be for a business who is operating in different categories in terms of displaying those categories in Google My Business account. We have a client who is supplying both catering and cleaning products (both categories are core). In this case, listing those two categories in GMB would be alright or should I expect a negative impact on results related to both categories as we have chosen multiple categories? Any advice would be appreciated greatly!

    | bbop33

  • I have a client (flat roofing) with two registered businesses both of which are based from the same address, upon trying to create a new GMB account for the second business, it was immediately suspended by Google. So somewhat unsurprisingly one address one business, but is there a way around this?

    | Donsimong

  • I'm working with the City of Lakewood, WA, on an image campaign that overlaps a bit with some SEO goals. If you Google "Lakewood, WA", in the knowledge panel to the right of the search results is an image of building on fire. I'm not sure where this image comes from or why it has been selected as the image to represent the City of Lakewood but its been there for a while. If this was a small business, I would simply claim their Google My Business page and feed some good images into it. Problem solved. But Google doesn't offer an option to "Claim this City". LOL. Can you create a GMB page for a municipality? Does anyone know the right thing to do here to make this picture go away and give the city more control over its own image?

    | TheKatzMeow

  • Hi we have a Roofing business that has an office "corporate headquarters" in Lincoln Nebraska-  We have also setup service areas or "address locations" in other states and cities we service. The remote addresses we have are through the UPS store locations giving us an address in the areas- Knowing that Google GMB wants us to list these as service locations and not physical addresses- they have told me directly we are setup okay with separate GMB pages for each location- they say we just need to "hide" the addresses in GMB. Question: If we "hide" the local address on "all" of the local listings how will this affect the local SEO? It seems like not having a physical office will hurt the local presence- or moreso- having an actual office will help it?   Can anyone give input and opinion of setting up "Service Areas" vs "Locations" as it relates to SEO and SERP placement? Many thanks in advance.

    | murraycustomhomescom

  • Hi, I have been reading a lot of moz posts and the forums and gathered a lot relevant information, but I want to check if I have grasped the best practice. I have a company in the UK with an extremely basic 2 page website which is basically just a contact details website. The domain name is the company name which is long contains 2 words seperated by a hyphen and one of the words is hard to spell, it is a .CO.UK. The domain only appear in google search results under a company name search, not via any relevant keyword. The company has recently undergone a change and now competes in a very niche market, with only a handful of UK competitors. I have created a new website which targets this niche market, with much improved content, the site has not gone live yet. My question is should I move the domain? I have bough 2 new .CO.UK domains which are EMD and are in my opinion the target keywords, much shorter then the existing domain, contains no hypens and easier to remember. I know google is not supposed to be as weighted to EMD as previously. We don't expect much traffic, but should we stick with our existing domain (company name) or move to the EMDs and use 301 redirects? Any help appreciated, I'm happy to share URLs, not sure if this is normal practice or frowned upon?

    | charliedev

  • Hi guys, I was wondering if responding to negative yelp reviews would in turn boost yelps seo ranking for my business name. I'm trying to direct attention away from yelp being that we've had little success having real clients get through the review filter. We unfortunately have nasty competition that seems to be leaving fake negative reviews incessantly.

    | Dsv

  • Hi! I have a client whose company name is very similar to one if their company divisions. This division has multiple locations but its main location is in the same city as the parent company. The problem is that when you search for the division, the parent company shows up. The parent company has a physical address, but most users searching need to be going to the division address which takes customers. They are having problems with customers coming to the parent company address instead. I have made the Google My Business parent company page to show service areas instead of their business address. Yet, their listing still comes up first when searching for the division location. This is because of part of the parent company name is in the division name. My client wants users to be able to find the division more so than the parent company. Anyone had this issue before? Any tips would be great!

    | agrier

  • My ranking tool didn't show this but GoogleMyBusiness Insights did show traffic has dropped between those dates. Please see screenshot below. URL: Has this been caused by local algorithm update? Please help!

    | jasondumana

  • One of my websites does not display sitelinks when using a branded search on mobile. Desktop , it is fine. Moz tells me I have no crawl issues. What could be reason for sitelinks not showing on mobile? Any thoughts?

    | Web_Prosper_SEO

  • We've been trying to use the GMB Q&A feature as a lot of customers seem to be engaging with the listing/asking relevant questions. However, sometimes we answer a question directly from the business listing account but it does not appear (no error message is shown when posting either). When we go to re-post the answer, the text is sometimes still visible in the answer box field. Any ideas what might be causing the issue?

    | Wagada

  • My company works in two directions: printing and website design / development. I have one website for both printing and website development but it doesn’t have “printing” in domain name ( I would like to rank higher for printing related keywords. Do you think I should have two separate websites, one for printing (, another for website design /development ( If yes, am I going to get into NAP’s issue because my company has only one location? I can get the second phone number to improve local search visibility. Thank you very much in advance for your time!

    | VELV

  • I have a client who runs a dental office on the outskirts of Racine, WI. His address specifically shows up as being in Racine, however, his GMB profile has always showed with the category of "Dentist in Mount Pleasant, WI" displaying below the photos. (Mount Pleasant is the next town over and his office straddles the line between the two towns in Google's overlay map of the town.) Obviously this is frustrating and I'm concerned that his location is hurting his ability to rank in the larger, more populous town of Racine. Have any other SEOs ever encountered this? And if so, how have you approached the issue? Location pages? Mentions of the location more often on the pages? tsLvH2B

    | formandfunctionagency

  • Hi Moz Community We are in a unique position. We just launched a new site for a client. The site was doing fine before but it wasn't very user friendly. We created a site with almost identical architecture and content as the last one, just new design and layout. Within 5 days, the site dropped off of LOCAL search almost completely, it now ranks on the 9th page in Austin Texas. (reliantplumbingdotcom). Every other location (Dallas, LA, Philadelphia, Houston) all show the site on the first page for relevant keywords (Austin Plumbers, Austin Plumber) I have no idea what to think about this and don't know if we're being penalized somehow (checked GSC and no manual penalty) I have never experienced a site being blacklisted locally but well ranked everywhere else. Thoughts?

    | GrueBleenAgency

  • Hey All, I am not sure this is possible but here goes... I've a phone number pulled in from "Google My Business" for the company I work for Caravan Guard Insurance. We have different numbers for specific functions e.g. claims, renewals, quotes. Currently If I type in "caravan guard claims number" into Google Search it shows our general tel number which is clearly pulled in from GMB and the Knowledge Panel. Can this be influenced or have multiple options? For example If I were to search "caravan guard number" it would continue to show our default customer number like present, but if I were to search for "caravan guard claims number" it shows our claims number. Not sure it is possible, but thought I would ask. Cheers all Tim Z6iaU9a

    | TimHolmes

  • This may be a beginner level question, but I am concerned about spending money on citations in case I have to move offices at any point in the next 6 to 12 months. Would I have to update my address on all the citations? If so, is there an easy way to do this cost effectively? Or do I leave the old address as it is and create new citations with the new address? What is better or cheaper to do? What is better for SEO? Thank you.

    | RyanUK

  • I have a chiropractor client with three locations. Because the Chiropractor category is very competitive, whomever originally set-up their GMB pages elected to use the category "Pain Control Clinic" for two locations, and "Medical Center" for the third location. They rank badly for these categories. Their website does not contain many signals for pain control or medical center; it is very much chiropractor focused. Is this something Google takes into consideration when deciding how to rank GMB pages?

    | Marce521

  • Business Split into 2 Businesses - Residential and Commercial Site - 2 different URLs and both have the same address! Can we create 2 separate Google My Business Accounts?

    | 9thCO

  • Hi to everyone!
    Our business is ranking very well on Google in our niche (diving zanzibar).
    We constantly work on SEO and use MozPro to follow our ranking. Our problem is on LOCAL SEARCH and GOOGLE MAPS.
    Our GMB is optimized, updated, has many photos and the most review in our niche.
    We use to rank in the first 3 results for most search terms (for example: diving zanzibar, zanzibar diving).
    Since October 2017 our ranking dropped to the bottom of the GMB results and never recovered. We suspect that our business is being filtered or panelised for 3 reasons:
    1. When registering on GMB years ago, we entered our site title as our business name (Diving Zanzibar - Spanish Dancer Divers - PADI 5 Star). In September 2017 after reading the guidelines, we changed the business name to the real name (Spanish Dancer Divers)
    2. We are located in Zanzibar (Africa) where physical addresses do not exist. Not Knowing which address is best to enter on GMB we kept trying different options ("Nungwi Beach, Nungwi, Zanzibar", "Nungwi, Zanzibar", Nungwi Beach, Zanzibar, Tanzania, etc..) A week ago, in order to check why we are being filtered, we have changed the address again. The result was an immediate drop of 3 more places.
    3. A year ago, we have been receiving many ratings and photos that belong to a restaurant next to us. Google support was useless so we decided to move our map locating a mile into the ocean to prevent getting those ratings and photos. Since then, we have move our location on map back to our real location. Is there a way to know what we are being filtered for? how long will that last? is there a way to fix that?
    Business name: Spanish Dancer Divers
    Search term: diving zanzibar, zanzibar diving, tauchen sansibar, plongee zanzibar and many others
    Website: Thanks ahead for your help.

    | SpanishDancer

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