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Category: Reporting & Analytics

Discuss the best ways to report on performance and communicate results to stakeholders.

  • What do you guys think? What's more accurate? GA queries data or Moz/SEMRush keyword data for rankings? Any thoughts appreciated.

    | znotes

  • Hi guys, We operate two long established and reasonably well ranking sites — our company website which was built on a keyword domain: (approx 15 years online) and our online store which was established several years later on a different domain: (approx 9 years online). (At the bottom of this post I've attached real world traffic and turnover figures that demonstrate the issue we're facing) The problem is... The above sites target very similar audiences and keywords and both rank fairly well but I know are likely competing against eachother We're a small company (8-10 employees) and we (or rather, I) don't have the time or resources to blog, build back links, manage opseo and all the social channels etc for both sites. I'm struggling to cope with one. The question is... Do we abandon the original company site ( in favour of pooling all our resource in to improving rankings for our online store ( All our social media presence relates to We don't have any social channels for Ironically, the only blog we have is established on — set up a couple of years ago in the hope to pull ourselves back up the rankings — but it hasn't been updated in over a year due to time restraints. Or do we attempt to keep both sites operational, despite a lack of resource? That would likely include a fairly sizeable overhaul of to bring it up to date with modern design standards, establishing social media channels for, creating a blog on, and regularly updating two blogs and two sets of social media channels with unique content. Sounds like a pretty huge job right!? Obviously, had we been setting up our business in 2017 and having read the many community posts on the subject of multiple websites, we wouldn't be splitting our time between two websites and would be focussing solely on building one highly ranking site. But unfortunately we're not in this position and we're in a quandary because we don't know whether or not we should let our original, highly ranking company site drop off the radar in favour of focussing on building traffic to our online store. This situation arose out of a decision to establish our online store on a different domain to our company website. Back in 2007 I rebuilt and spent a lot of time optimising it. The site blew up and we were ranking very well for all kinds of keywords related to market stalls In 2009 we opened our online store which sells all of the products advertised on and then some By using "buy now" buttons on which redirected to, our original site was driving a large amount of traffic and sales to At it's peak it was driving almost £6,000 GBP a month in sales. This has since dropped to around a third/quarter of this total. As the business grew we began to run short of time to maintain and it has inevitably slipped down the rankings This has also had a direct impact on the referral traffic and resulting sales on I've attached below the analytics which show the drop in referral traffic to and the drop off in sales. I have a feeling I know the answer to this debacle but I'm keen to hear the opinions of those that may have found themselves in this position before! UPDATE: I've just had a call with our Magento developer halfway through writing this post ... he has suggested we transfer all content from over to CMS pages on our Magento powered online store, and create 301 redirects. Apparently this will carry the weight of over to Does anyone have any thoughts on this? turnover.jpg

    | tinselworm

  • Hi everyone, In the last dashboard email received from my analytics account I clickked on the "opt-out" for a mistake. I want to receive again this schedulated weekly email. How can I resolve this problem? Nothing is on the web about this problem. It looks like my email  has been removed from the my analytics account database and for this reason I don't receive the schedulated email. Please help me! Thank you. Massimiliano

    | vanGoGh-creative

  • Hello, I have a client that I have been working on their primary site for the last year or so. In the last month they decided to have one of their internal employees setup a small shopify store. Now they are asking for the analytics tracking codes for it. My question for you is what would be the best way for me to set that up? variables: primary domain and shopify domain, google and bing analytics Have been looking at how cross domain tracking works (, and the instructions for setting up ecommerce in analytics for shopify ( But am still not 100% which route would be the best, any input would be greatly appreciated! thank you, Dustin

    | pastedtoast

  • Howdy, fellow mozzers. So, here is the situation: Let's say someone comes to the website through Organic Google Search, and first thing they see is the banner on the website, on a click of which it takes you to a promotional landing page. I have this banner being tracked with GA campaigns. Now, here are my questions: If that user makes a purchase, which source / medium it will be assigned to? Organic/google or website/banner? (as far as i understand it assigns it to website/banner) If that's the case, is there way to find out afterwords where the website/banner sessions came initially from? If there is no such way, how shall i setup the tracking to be able to see wherre the initial visit to the website came from, yet also track how many people clicked on the banner and made a purchase? Thanks 🙂

    | DmitriiK

  • A new client has the following domains: (on Shopify) (on Squarespace) It seems BOTH domains are using the same Google Analytics account ID. But they are essentially two different websites (as opposed to the blog being a subdomain or subfolder). I'm struggling to see what value this blog structure is adding to the ecommerce site. Should these be set up as cross-domain tracking?

    | muzzmoz

  • Does Google count it as an organic session in Google Analytics when a searcher clicks on the "get directions", "call" or even "website" from Google's Knowledge Graph. Are the articles that prove or disprove this question? Thanks!

    | SearchOpt

  • Hello, on one of our sites, we have filtered via the hostname. We have done this on other sites quite happily but on this particular new website, when we add in the hostname filter, we still get loads of direct and referral traffic which is junk - and the hostname of these junk referrals are the website's domain. So it seems that this filter is not working or the spam are now using the hostname? Not sure what is going on or how to solve this?

    | AL123al

  • So...I have a Knowledge Center and press room that pretty much use the same posts.   So...technically the content looks like its on several pages because the post shows up on the Category listing page. Do I add a Canonical tag to each individual that it is the only one that is counted? Also...I have a LONG disclaimer that goes at the bottom of most of the posts.   would this count as duplicate content?  Is there a way to markup a single paragraph to tell the spiders not to crawl it?

    | LindsayiHart

  • Hello guys, I'm facing a huge challenge setting my goals. Here is the situation. I'm having the same Universal Analytics code on my main domain with different languages,, etc and my subdomain. So a French user will go to, see a product that want's to buy and after the registration will see a thank you page on, and here comes the problem. My goal URLs are not "fired" with my filter. I have set up a filter (attached) to include traffic only for the desired profiles, but when this filter is on I can't see conversions. When the filter is off I can see conversions but for all languages. Any ideas how to set up the filter properly? Thank you! Filter.png

    | peternachevat

  • Hi All, Can anyone tell me how to track which filters selected in which category like in category I have 1) price ( then different - different price) 2) color ( then difference - difference colors) same for size, width, brand etc. Is it possible to track in detail via tag manager? Other than tag manager what are the best way to track filters? Please explain me technical guidance too. Thanks!

    | adamjack

  • Hello Moz Community, We're building out a health system (think a bunch of hospitals and clinics etc.) website on Drupal for the first time. is  our domain. Because we're using nodes instead of pages, our URL structure can pretty much be whatever we think makes sense. Our proposal is to drop /blog/ and related terms from the URL structure, because it doesn't really mean anything to the user. Instead, we'd use the service line "cancer" for example, followed by the name of the blog post or document. Example: Do you see any red flags (perhaps with SEO or Analytics for example) to what I'm proposing? domain name/service line/blog-post-name If so, do you have a URL structure you advise?

    | Patrick_at_Nebraska_Medicine

  • I need to share multiple custom reports and segments within my company. But I can only upload one link at a time. Avinash Kaushik's "Occam's Razor Awesomeness" contains multiple segments and reports (see the screenshot or this sharing link:,custom_report,advanced_segment&utm_campaign=gafe_gallery_integration#importing/a36125464w64131120p65827922/%3F_.objectId%3DVMoVbW3LQbyo87ymcFDxCQ%26_.selectedProfile%3D/). How is he able to do that? Does anyone know how to combine multiple reports into one gallery view?

    | pollito

  • I had seen a thread on this a while back but no solution posted. There was a link posted to someone else explaining the issue but I got a 404 when clicking.  Have a client that does mostly PPC and they are getting their conversion page showing up as landing page from paid many times. This is definitely not a sitelink, etc.  The only way you get to this page is if you filled out the form. There are a few other pages showing up as landing pages that don't make sense too. Can this be attributed to someone being "inactive" for 30 minutes and then coming back and performing an action on this page (leaving)? If so, does this double count the conversion if a page visit here is a conversion? Just trying to make sense of the landing page report showing so many instances of our conversion page. Thanks in advance!

    | jeremyskillings

  • Hi I have a bigcommerce ecommerce store, with a Wordpress blog on a subdomain. The store and blog have been active for four years, the blog is regularly updated with original content, has many links to the store, is promoted regularly via my brand's social media channels and mailing list, and has the simplest SEO basics covered via a Yoast SEO plugin. But the store sees very little, if any, SEO benefit from the blog. My question is: based on this information, and the details below, is there an issue with the connection between the blog and main site in SEO terms? And if there is, how can I start fixing it? Further info: 1 In my Moz dashboard for the store site, the blog does not show at all as providing any inbound links or linking domains 2 Google Analytics also shows zero referral traffic to the store site from the blog since April 2015 3 Moz crawl issues is flagging ‘duplicate page content issues’ for pretty much every page of the blog, and the analysis provided suggests this may be related to tags but I have only basic SEO knowledge and am fast getting out of my depth here. 4 I have today altered the settings within the Yoast plugin on the blog to ‘noindex’ for Tags, Meta Robots, based on advice I have found in this section but am already well over my head and unsure even this is correct. An agency have been running SEO for the store since 2012 but since uncovering how little they have done in this time for the money paid, I am now taking matters back into my own hands. However I am on a very steep learning curve and this one is beyond me right now - please does anyone have any suggestions where I can start looking to uncover the root issue? Any guidance or advice would be greatly appreciated Thanks very much and hope to hear from someone!

    | Warren_33

  • Aloha everyone! I've asked questions to the Moz community before and have always been happy to see how responsive and helpful the community is as a SEO learning new comer! Many thanks in advance for any ideas or insights to solving this problem. So here is my question, I own a wedding photography business here on Kauai and am looking to rank for a few things, Kauai wedding photographer, Kauai Wedding videographer, and Kauai family photographer. That aside I've been pouring more time into getting back links from people I've shot with here on Kauai (local business's websites etc) and have had links dropped in on their sites to, in theory, bump my rankings up from back linking my website. Here's my website Here's a few sites but are not showing up as backlinks/pushing my site higher on SEO results (screen shot as well) (bottom of page footer linking to and another site here with the same thing, footer link pointing to my website. Both sites have been indexed and the shave ice one gets a good amount of traffic, does anyone know why this isn't showing as a back link or if its passing on any link juice my way? Should I do something diffrent here? Let me know what you guys think! Aloha from Kauai, Jon Gibb qsDOM

    | Trey3

  • Hello All, Currently my Multilingual site is showing in referral traffic is it because I have not added hreflang tag on site? If yes and if I add the hreflang tag on all sites when where it will show in google analytic traffic from international sites? And what type of configuration required in analytic? Thanks!

    | pragnesh9639

  • Hi All, For my Ecommerce site I have done lots of tracking total  I do have total 45 event tracking but many times one event,  track many pages. So if visitors click on url or button then do my site speed affect because of these trackings? Thanks!

    | pragnesh9639

  • Hello All, In google analytic for google /cpc it is showing url with 404 which even not exists in my database that also more than 300 per day. How can it is possible? it is showing /black-friday-offers but I don't have such page. Thanks!

    | pragnesh9639

  • Hi All, I have created event via google tag manager for my ecommerce site. That events are button clicks. Now I want to know after clicking that event does that customer reached to Thank You Page or not? How can I do that? which type of goal I have to create? Thanks!

    | pragnesh9639

  • For my site I placed Black Friday offer.Now I have highlighted one product at homepage banner and tracking that with event. I am sharing with you actual figures of 1 day from Google analytic. Your proper response on this query will really really really helpful to me for understanding google analytic deeply and properly. So pls give your precious time for answering me, I will be thankful to you from bottom of my heart. I am checking event report from behavior, following is report for by that product event - Sessions - 30
    Unique Events - 30
    Total Events - 34
    Ecommerce Conversion Rate - 3.33% I am checking now report from All pages via Behaviour section - Page views - 97, Unique Page Views - 62, Entrances - 7, Bounce Rate - 57.14%, %Exit - 17.53% Now I create customize report for the same by adding
    session -7
    Ecommerce conversion rate - 0
    unique events -4 MY query - when I added session in customized report then it is different from Event session why (7 and 30) ? same way Ecommerce conversion rate in customized report showing 0% why ( 0% and 3.33% ) ? same way unique events 4 and 30 ? do you suggest what is the best way to analysis such page or what will be best customize report for such analysis? Thanks

    | pragnesh9639

  • Quick question on Referral exclusions. We have a client that just rebuilt their Magento website, referral data from Paypal was never an issue, the site properly attributed to source. New web devs finished the site and all purchases through Google Analytics from PayPal Is now showing as referral traffic.  Doing research on the issue the suggestion was to create a referral exclusion in GA from PayPal. My question on that, will the ecommerce  value default to the previous referral or will it delete the e-commerce value completely from what is gathered?

    | BCutrer

  • Hello Moz community, I have an Analytics question. Is there a way (using the social media APIs or otherwise) to track performance of individual social media posts to generate monthly reports? We list lawyers on our directories for people to find.  We also share the lawyer's information on our social media posts. I'd like to be able to generate a monthly report letting the lawyers know what we've done for them on social media pages. I'm thinking....we can identify a social media post by the URL inside the text of the post (IF URL_Inside_Page =Lawyer-Profile-Page_URL Then). I'd like to see numbers like: Facebook post clicks (combined) Facebook post likes (combined) Facebook post views (combined) Twitter post views (combined) Twitter post clicks (combined) Thank you

    | Heydarian

  • Hi All, Like google tag manager is there any tool or software or service available who can track my visitors each actions, events, clicks, after click what they do? But at same time like google tag manager it not slow down my site speed? I can say I am looking for tool which can main track different - different click on my pages. Any other suggestion pls share. Thanks!

    | pragnesh9639

  • Hi All, First I select My Industry Vertical - ABCD then I select Region - US ( all region) then size by daily session - 10000-99999 finally reports appears "Blank" but when I decrease daily session from 10000-99999 to 1000-4999 or less then report is perfect. So what does it mean? My Avg daily session is 70k to 80k. So how to analysis benchmarking in this case? Thanks!

    | pragnesh9639

  • Hi Moz Community, I wanted to know how reliable the average position data is for queries in Google Analytics search console report. I know this report is fairly new this year and the numbers are calculated a bit differently than they were in the old search engine optimization report. I want to know what the biggest differences are between this search console report vs. the old SEO report in GA. I'm also pretty confused about how GA reports on the average position. Obviously it's an average position of whatever date range your choose. But for instance, if your site shows multiples landing pages for one search query will it roll that into the average or just take the landing page that ranks higher? Does the position average take into account video or photo serp results and is this the average across mobile, desktop and tablet? This number has always been a guess since it's sampled data but I want to know how accurate it is. I read this article in 2014 (linked below) but I'm not sure if it all still applies now that that data might be presented differently. Any answers or discussions would be great here. Thanks

    | znotes

  • Hello All, I have attached the avg load time screenshot for my ecommerce site for 1 month. Screenshot is for Mobile site. If you check the graph then only one day graph gone very high. Now again I have attached that particular day graph too. My query is why graph gone high 1) Is it my site not performed well on particular one day on particular device for single visitor? because for desktop and tablet graph showing normal 2) so here if site restart or down then it can be a problem for desktop, tablet too right? Can anyone give me any clue? Z4hX1 IanuP

    | pragnesh9639

  • Hey everyone, Thanks in advance for any insight on this. I've been researching it quite a bit on Google and haven't found anything yet. In Analytics, under our pages report, we're getting a lot of pages that look like this: or Any thoughts on how to fix this? These pages don't exist...I'm at such a loss.

    | SuperShuttle

  • Not long ago, I had a couple of peers asking why I was using sessions to evaluate page performance. They said it wasn't a good metric for evaluating a single page because it only looked at how many site visitors began their journey through you site form that page. They were trying to convert me over to pageviews, which they said was a superior metric because it show you every time that page had been loaded and therefore provided better insight. Moz uses sessions on their landing page report. Is this because it's an SEO tool, so all they are concerned with is how individual URLs attract site traffic? Signed, Confused in California

    | PGD2011

  • The site analytics have been set up for over a year and suddenly last month there was a huge spike in referral traffic (1100+ sessions). Upon further investigation, the majority of it was coming directly from internally, either as or and the landing pages from the referrals are all /search.html?query=* This was never an issue before so I'm trying to understand what could have changed. I'm following up with the client to find out if their dev team may have changed anything related to their search engine but I'm wondering if there may be another explanation. A few notes: previously / were not in the Referral Exclusion list. I've added them now but this was never an issue before. Thanks in advance!

    | SEMnMs

  • Hi Mozzers, Just reading up on Google Analytic's Terms of Service and wondering if collecting post codes / zip codes (from a website's 'Find my nearest...' tool) adhere's to the following: "You will not (and will not allow any third party to) use the Service to track, collect or upload any data that personally identifies an individual (such as a name, email address or billing information), or other data which can be reasonably linked to such information by Google." What do you think?

    | A_Q

  • Hi, Need help on how to exclude traffic for a specific mobile device in Google Analytics view. I have been searching and the only information available is excluding IP address of internal traffic. Is there any way to exclude traffic through a mobile MAC address?

    | Khadija_K

  • Hi Mozzers, Has anybody ever experienced event tracking significantly impacting session data? Here's a summary of what I'm finding: When I measure sessions to a particular hostname (a subdomain) in my Google Analytics report, sessions dropped by over 100% when I removed some event tracking on that subdomain (an event was triggered when a user clicked on a particular button). When I reinstate that event tracking, sessions go back up to around where they used to be. Can anybody understand why this might be happening? Thanks!

    | A_Q

  • Hi. My website,, has been steadily losing viewers since April. In recent weeks, though, the drop has been much more significant — scarily so. Almost all our traffic comes from Google, organically. In the last 30 days I've lost 135k page views. I'm not sure if we just have content that is getting old, if Google changed something in the algorithm, if we are being penalized, if AMP pages are having a negative effect, etc. I would love to find a great consultant to help us figure this out and get back on the right track. We seem to be losing traffic despite our best efforts at this point. Thanks, Chris

    | dailytekk

  • Hi Mozzers! So we're finally ready to move from http to https.  Penguin is finally showing us some love due to the recent algorithm updates.  I just added the https to Google search console and before 301 redirecting the whole site to a secure i upload the same disavow file to the https version? Moreover, is it best to have both the http and https versions on Google Search console?  Or should I add the disavow file to the https version and delete the http version in a month? And what about Bing? Help.

    | Shawn124

  • Hi all, I have a bit of a conundrum for you all pertaining to a tracking link issue I have run into on a clients site. They currently have over duplicate content. Currently, they have over 15,000 pages being crawled (using Screaming Frog) but only 7,000+ are legitimate pages in the sense of they are not duplicates of themselves. The client is using Omniture instead of Google Analytics and using an advanced tracking system on their site for internal and external links (ictids and ectids) in the URL parameters. This is creating thousands of duplicated pages being crawled by Google (as seen on their Search Console and on Screaming Frog). They also are in the middle of moving over from http to https and have thousands of pages currently set up for both, again, creating a duplicate content issue. What I have suggested for the tracking links is setting up a URL parameter in Search Console for these tracking links. I've also suggested they canonical all tracking links to point to the clean page so the pages that have already been indexed point to the correct clean url. Does this seam like the appropriate strategy? Additionally, I've told them before they submit a new sitemap to Google, they need to switch their website over to https to avoid worsening their duplicate content issue. They have not submitted a sitemap to Google Search Console since March 2015. Thank you for any help you can offer!

    | Rydch41

  • Hi We had a new site design at the end of April and at the same time changed to https. Over the last 6 months, according to our analytics account the traffic has dramatically dropped especially from mobile. We were at 3607 new visitors from mobile in April and now 32! in September. Technically (other than page speed and some meta issues that I'm aware of) there doesn't initially appear to be anything wrong. I have just been into search console and notice that the old http site still has the GA code on it, could it be that this is why the data is showing such a massive drop? Should we have taken that off when we migrated the site? The same analytics account is also on the new site. Thanks in advance Janine

    | Janine1

  • Happy Monday everyone! We recently received a unique lead on our site and I was wondering if there was anyway to pinpoint the exact behavior flow and/or specific referral source they came from on Google Analytics. I know you can view the general behavior flow for all or segmented users based on what pages they viewed, but I wanted to see if I can track by unique sessions to see where this person exactly found us. Any insight is appreciated! Thanks

    | KathleenDC

  • Hi All, In Google Search Console -> In Search Analytics. I can see Clicks, Impressions, CTR and Position. I want to know all these 4 - Clicks, Impressions, CTR and Position gives information related to google organic only? or combine or google organic and google adwords? Thanks!

    | wright335

  • Has anyone noticed certain drops in keyword rankings on/around 29 September? Has this to do with the Penguin 4.0 update? I read that this hasn't come "bug-free". Will this be adjusted the upcoming weeks? Or is this drop content-based based on the new algorithms and the content needs to be adjusted/updated?

    | Mikrocentrum

  • Hi, I analysed our conversion data in the model comparison tool. However, there seem to be o lot of data missing - overall conversion value and conversion value for every channel is much lower than shown in the regular acquisition report. Does anybody else experience the same problem? Thanks. Veronika

    | healthpostnz

  • Hi There, We have a test server that lives on a subdomain which we'd like to filter out in Google Analytics. We're using the hostname filter but are having trouble understanding the regex needed, we're using this as the filter pattern: Will that work? The profile is new so we can't test the pattern. Any pointers in the right direction would be much appreciated. Cheers Ben

    | cmscss

  • Hello, I was running universal GA via a GA Drupal module. We setup Google Tag Manager and setup a GA tag to run through GTM. When we pushed the GTM container live our Real Time was at around 1900 and when we turned off the Drupal module the Real Time was reporting around 1100. After 24 hours the sessions for that day were about 100k lower than what they usually are. Any ideas Why the larger discrepancy? Any places that are obvious to look? *I didn't setup the original Drupal GA module, nor do I know who did. Thanks

    | JJLWeber

  • Hello Experts, Can anyone tell me for my eCommerce site how to configure images tracking in google analytic? And where can I see the image traffic in google analytic? Not sure I am asking correct question but confuse about image traffic. Thanks! Wrights!

    | wright335

  • Hi Mozzers, I have a website with approx 110,000 pages. According to search console, Google will usually crawl, on average, anywhere between 500 - 1500 pages per day. However, lately the crawl rate seems to have increased rather drastically: 9/5/16 - 923
    9/6/16 - 946
    9/7/16 - 848
    9/8/16 - 11072
    9/9/16 - 50923
    9/10/16 - 60389
    9/11/16 - 17170
    9/12/16 - 79809 I was wondering if anyone could offer any insight into why may be happening and if I should be concerned?
    Thanks in advance for all advice.

    | Silkstream

  • Hi Mozzers, I have a website with approx 110,000 pages. According to search console, Google will usually crawl, on average, anywhere between 500 - 1500 pages per day. However, lately the crawl rate seems to have increased rather drastically: 9/5/16 - 923
    9/6/16 - 946
    9/7/16 - 848
    9/8/16 - 11072
    9/9/16 - 50923
    9/10/16 - 60389
    9/11/16 - 17170
    9/12/16 - 79809 I was wondering if anyone could offer any insight into why may be happening and if I should be concerned?
    Thanks in advance for all advice.

    | Silkstream

  • Hi all, Is anyone running two GA codes on one website successfully?  My organisation own a number of websites so we used to have one global GA code on all our sites to track global stats, and then we would also have site unique GA on each property to just track that one property.  This worked fine, but of late we seem to be getting no data from the globally based code. Obviously, with the site-specific codes we can enter the name for that domain in GA but for the overall code, it is called '' I'm wondering if Google has now tied the GA domain to the code or if we are doing something wrong. All the codes are the same as they always were but have stopped working. As a stop gap, we have swapped to using Piwik as the code. However, we are then comparing the stats in two different analytics programs so will get a different result. Also, it would be nice to be able to add the to tools such as this to generate weekly reports. Anyone else having GA woe like this? Thanks. Carl

    | WonkyDog

  • I don't have this issue with other wordpress websites, only this one website, and I don't know what's causing the issue: Google Analytics is adding an "index.htm" to every single page on the website.  So it is tracking the pages, I see no errors - is it tracking the right page? When I click on the page link in a report, I naturally go to a "404 page not found" since the website address isn't "" - but instead the actual address would be:
    "". I have navigated to View Settings in GA to insure "default page" is empty. Although adding anything else to this field does not effect the page url in analytics reports either. Could it be htaccess file - or a plugin effecting the htaccess file?_Cindy

    | cceebar

  • I have added all the website versions into Google web master tools and I have no crawl errors.  When I click on Search traffic these pages are blank - search analytics, & Mobile usability. And When I fetch as Google the status is constantly saying me 'temporarily unreachable' - any help would be greatly appreciated.

    | HLAS

  • It has come to my attention with one of my clients (WordPress website) that for some time they have within their Landing Page report (of GA - Google Analytics) URLs that should all be pointing to the one page, example:, also has a listing in GA as Is this some kind of indication of a subdirectory issue? Has anyone had experience with this in such wordpress plugins as Yoast SEO, or other SEO plugin? My thoughts here are to simply redirect any of these non-existent files with a redirect in .htaccess - but what I'm using isn't working. I will insert the redirect here - - and any help would be greatly appreciated. RewriteEngine onRewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^./index.html?
    RewriteRule ^(.)index.html?$$1 [R=301,L] and this rewrite doesn't work: RewriteEngine on
    RewriteRule ^(.+).htm$$1.php [R,NC] _Cindy

    | cceebar

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