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Category: Reporting & Analytics

Discuss the best ways to report on performance and communicate results to stakeholders.

  • In the past month, I've received referrals from, coming from both Ireland and Germany - it made me a bit suspicious as I haven't seen before and I can't find much online about it. I'm a little reluctant to click through to the website in case it is suspicious... Does anyone know anything about this and should I be concerned? Thanks!

    | RayflexGroup

  • I choose the overwrite option but it keeps adding the costs to the existing costs. When i select that radio button and click done, that option does not appear on the summary screen. That section next to Import Behavior is blank.

    | JGB555

  • For the purposes of this question our ecommerce site url is Our TLD is We have, following advice from Yslow, Pagespeed and others, moved our static content to a subdomain - We have Google Analytics and Enhance Ecommerce installed, fired from GTM. The cookieDomain setting in GTM is 'auto' At present cookies are being attached to our static resources. What changes do I need to make to to prevent this happening? Many thanks Julian

    | jdeb

  • Hi, How to implement event tracking after form validation using tag manager? Thanks

    | Alick300

  • I wanted to Fetch this page and got this error from Google - Temporarily unreachable.  I've never had this issue before?? I checked another page and it came back as 'Complete', so no problems there? Any ideas? Thank you in advance.

    | MissThumann

  • Hi guys, Might be a dumb question but I'm not seeing a solution at the moment. I have this UA code online to start measuring cross-domain for a couple of websites. When I do a test, a missing HTTP response message appears. Anyone notices any errors that could retrieve this message? This is my code (dummy): Thanks,

    | WeAreDigital_BE

  • Hi Guys, I want to track email opt-ins for multiple thank you pages. The setup is as follows: I have not yet built the thank you pages, so i was wondering what the URL should be to make it easy to track them in GA? I'm thinking: Then using regular expression in GA to track /thankyou-page/ Would this be a good way to go about it? Cheers. f6c7r0

    | spyaccounts11

  • Hello, Lately, I have been receiving a big amount of unexpected direct traffic from Boston. After analyzing with Analytivs, this is what I get (please, check attachment). Normally I would be blocking this traffic source straight away from my Google Analytics account, and also blocking this traffic from accesing my servers, but check out the analytic metrics: this traffic represents 12% of my total traffic right now!!! av. session duration is 4:53 !! bounce rate is 72% !!!! pages/session 1.44 !! Service provider is "Microsoft Corporation" who looks like one of the typical spammy service providers. My question is, is this a bot?? what do you think ? Thanks, Luis zUlVHIi


  • Hi, I'm working on SEO for a french website. We had an organic peak in March and then a huge decrease.
    Check the graphic. Any special reason for that? Thanks.

    | Tiedemann_Anselm

  • My company has hundreds of websites setup in Google Search Console but will soon be moving them all to secure domains. Is there an easy way to make the switch in GSC or do we have to change the address one by one?

    | MJTrevens

  • Something is wrong.  I have a website that according to Google Analytics gets zero relevant clicks, with most of the clicks it does get coming from Russia. Wordpress says it gets a hundred or so visitors a month, with most traffic going to the pages that I know rank. Sumo says the heat map got 76 clicks. How would you figure out what's really going on?

    | julie-getonthemap

  • We are in independent car dealer in a small(ish) town in Arkansas. No matter what we do, we can never seem to get past the second or third page on Google's ranks. We have a blog, we pay for SEO help from dealer vendors, we have consistent information on our site, etc. etc. . I'm at a loss. I don't know what else to do. Based on our Moz Site Crawl report, we have 185 pages that have duplicate content. However, these are pages that publish our auto check reports for inventory that potential customers request from our site. I guess these auto check reports expire because when I click on the link from the Moz report it says it can no longer be displayed and to contact the dealer (

    | RathAuto

  • I recently filtered query information by week and day. The impression and click totals were different depending on whether I looked at totals by a full weeks or by day. So for example, the impression and click totals when I choose a date range of  monday-sunday are different when I look at impressions and clicks that same week by day and then add up the click and impression numbers to get a weekly total. At first i was expecting a slight difference since I know the data is heavily sampled but the totals were very different. Any explanations for this? Thanks

    | znotes

  • Hi All, Is there any way to track apple pay conversion or paypal express conversion in Google Analytics? Thanks

    | Alick300

  • Recently, I saw "Local SEO" is mentioned as the organic source. Can someone please tell what is this and from where Google is fetching data for this source?

    | Kevin.Monks

  • Hi Mozzers, I'm trying to create a GTM variable for transaction value without tax. There is no datalayer field for this at the moment. e.g. I only have these fields in the datalayer: Revenue (€19.99) Tax (€3.47) Price (€19.99) No field with the price without tax. Is there a way to create a variable? Is it possible to work with a specific function? Or is it standard to implement an extra field in the datalayer? Many thanks,

    | WeAreDigital_BE

  • I was looking in one of my client's Google Analytics profiles, and noticed that they had two major drops in traffic before we started working with them—and they've never really recovered. The first, and most significant drop was around January 2015. And then the again, but not as drastic of a drop, was around September 2015. They are a heating and cooling company, but they are located out west so this shouldn't be a seasonality thing. Here is a link to what the BIG drop is traffic looks like in January 2015: To get a clearer picture, here are the numbers for the overall website traffic:
    September 1, 2015 - September 30, 2015: 30,923 sessions
    September 1, 2015 - September 30, 2016: 13,768 sessions Year over year traffic to the website dropped by 55%. Here is a link to what year over year looks like in Google Analytics: Like I said, we weren't working with them at the time so I don't know specifics about what might have caused this, but their numbers have never even come close to reaching what they used to be prior to the noticeable drop after September 2015. Does anyone have any insights into why this might be? Was there an algorithm change back then that could still be impacting them? Any ideas how to get them back to where they once were? Any input is greatly appreciated! Thanks.

    | BlueCorona

  • Hello, I have what should be a simple question here but there is a small nuisance I am trying to make sure I have configured correctly.  We have a product based website w/ no e-commerce because they sell through a dealer network.  All these product pages have "Where to Buy" links and the URL after you click where to buy always uses the query string ?r=XXX.  Example: I want to setup a goal in GA with a URL and configure head match on the "?r" but which of the following is exactly how it should be configured with the "Goal URL" ?r= ?r r= Does it matter, because I had it setup as "?r" and it was never registering any goals.  Do I need to leave off the "?" and just have it be r= Thanks in advance for the respones.

    | Bevelwise

  • Hello all! We're changing from http to https. In Google Analytics there is an option to change the default address so we keep our historical data. I can't find a similar option in Webmaster Tools though. Do you have to setup a new property or is there an option to change your current one? Thanks in advance!

    | thegrbteam

  • We've been working on a site for the past couple months and going to be launching in a couple weeks. How long does it take for Google to establish a "stabilized" ranking for the site and various pages?  The main homepage will have its targeted keywords and each product page will have its own targeted keywords.  We have about 100 total pages for the site. I know rankings may fluctuate initially but trying to get an idea of when the rankings are stabilized before we start working on the ongoing SEO like earning backlinks, changing on-page optimization, etc to be able to track changes in rankings over time.

    | vikasnwu

  • Hi Experts, I have done event tracking for my ecommerce site via tag manager. I have query on non interaction event should be True or false . Add to cart event Scroll Tracking Banner Clicks Discontinue product So in above all event I have to set false or true non interaction event? If possible give me reason why true or false. Like - as per me add to cart event non-interaction should be set to false. A visitor lands on a product detail page, clicks on the add to cart button and leaves the website. What how it will affect bounce rate here? Thanks!

    | dsouzac

  • Happy Holidays Moz family, We were recently reviewing our insights on an account and the keywords suggested were: 1. malibog pinoy sex story 2. desi bhabhi ki chudai 3. cennai mamies pundai mulai Clearly these are SPAM or something. We have run malware scans of the site, used Google Webmaster tools to identify incoming and outgoing links and don't see anything. I have also exported the entire site to Notepad++ and searched for these terms. Nothing. Any ideas or suggestions? Thank you in advance for any suggestions!  We're having some ranking issues with the same site so perhaps this is the root of the issue. The site has some great links.

    | Tosten

  • Hello, my company changed our domain 2 weeks ago and we are just starting to see traffic level back out, except for Organic. The site is on shopify so it made switching the domain pretty easy, as well as the 301 redirects (no url structure changes).  We've taken all the proper steps with google/bing webmaster tools as well as monitoring 404's and 301 testing and don't see any red flags. Does anyone roughly know how long it takes for 301's to re-index and domain authority to start building back up for our new domain?  Our old domain was about 13 years old and the new one was parked for quite awhile. p.s. I also noticed a lot of our traffic ending up as referral from our old url.  I was able to wipe the sessions from analytics which cut it down, but will this persist for the foreseeable future? Thanks!

    | SchoolhouseElectric

  • Hi Mozzers, I'm having some troubles with implementing a GTM variable for one of my clients. I need to have a variable which takes out the quantity of products. Attached you can find a screen shot of the datalayer push. What's the path I need to setup in order to create a variable for the quantity? Many thanks!
    Sander Wa4HI

    | WeAreDigital_BE

  • Hi Mozzers, Just wanted to double check that when a website domain changes from to .com - do you add .com to the referral exclusion in GA? Do you also keep the version in the list too? I have updated the property settings to .com Thanks Anthony

    | Tone_Agency

  • Hi guys, I'm looking to use google analytics google sheets extension to pull data into a google sheet with metrics from other tools e.g. semrush, moz, etc. From my understanding with google analytics google sheet extension its designed to run reports and doesn't really allow you to add other metrics. Basically what i'm trying to do is this: Any suggestions/advice on how to do this would be great. Cheers.

    | jayoliverwright

  • Hello Guys, Google Analytic showing Bounce Rate More than 100% i.e. 2000%, 3000% etc for Many Pages. Can anyone let me know what is the issue? Thanks!

    | dsouzac

  • Yesterday my funnel visualisation tab in the updated GA interface was showing data flow. However today there is nothing showing in the graphical element despite showing some goal completion figures as a headline. Have they stopped doing up to the minute visualisation in favour of delayed results? Anyone else experiencing similar? Thanks in advance Tim

    | TimHolmes

  • Hello Experts, For Ecommerce site we do have navigation path like Main Category - Subcategory - Products. That means Men as Main Category and then subcategory Cloths, shoes, bags then product in each subcategory. After implementing enhance ecommerce I am getting this report - "Product Category (Enhanced E-commerce)" in Product Performance section. Now my query is my all products are linked with sub category i.e. cloths, shoes, bags etc so in Product Category (Enhanced E-commerce) I can see Revenue, transaction related to Cloths, shoes, bags etc but how to judge performance of Main categories like Men, Women, Children etc? Because google works with this method i think - name':, // Name or ID is required.
    'price': productObj.price,
    'brand': productObj.brand,
    'variant': productObj.variant,
    'position': productObj.position

    | dsouzac

  • Hi Moz! We are having some trouble passing along referral data to our linked websites. We are an advertising platform that counts on our clients seeing our traffic in analytics. We recently switched to HTTPS and implemented the meta referral <always>however, we are still experiencing issues with clients not seeing our referral traffic. Are there other ways to make a full-proof fix so they will always see us as a referral? I know the referral tag should help but it isn't supported by all browsers. </always> Also, would there be an issue if we have our site (https) linked to their http site that redirects to https? Even with the referral tag, we are seeing issues. I feel so lucky that our actual transition to https went fine but now with all this referral traffic on clients analytics, I am concerned we are losing the credit we should get for the traffic to their site. Thanks Moz Community!

    | GoAbroadKP

  • Hello Expert, I am doing lots of tracking for my ecommerce site but I am not sure reason for increase in bounce rate as my traffic also increase but I want to make sure that my tracking not affecting my bounce rate. I do tracking via page views, events, custom html, etc so for all the applicable tags Non-Interaction Hit - I set "True" so I am right here? Thanks!

    | dsouzac

  • Hello Expert, For my ecommerce site I am tracking "Retrieve My Basket" button as event tracking. Now I want to know after retrieving basket did my customer reached to thank you page? So how should I track such goal? Thanks!

    | dsouzac

  • Hello All, How to do Google Multivariate Testing via Google Tag Manager with Universal Analytic? Thanks!

    | dsouzac

  • HI, How to activate free for my ecommerce site? I am already using google analytic and google tag manager? So this is best tool for doing A/B testing? It is free for 30 days only? Thanks

    | dsouzac

  • Hello All, I am doing A/B testing via google analytic experiment now my query is for my ecommerce site homepage i am trying to add newsletter in 3 different way so it will be variation A, Variation B and Variation C. So my query is what should be then original page? Currently there is no newsletter form on homepage. Do I consider original page as Variation A? i.e. as original page? Then google will decide winner between original page i.e. variation A and Variation B & C Thanks!

    | dsouzac

  • Hi there, My client has a site and a booking engine, They are currently tracking the main site and the booking subdomain as two separate properties in the same GA account. The issue is we can't see where users are originating on the subdomain property; it's all being counted as referral. My understanding is we need to set up subdomain tracking using Google Tag Manager in order for GA to pass the user data between the two subdomains. This is fine, except for this one line I am reading on Google's guide to cross-domain tracking: Subdomains If you have updated your tracking code to analytics.js, then no additional configuration is required to track subdomains. You can use cross domain tracking to collect data from a primary domain, like, and a subdomain, like, in a single Analytics account property. That last line makes it sound like we should be using cross-domain tracking for this purpose. Are we correct in setting up subdomain tracking and NOT cross-domain tracking to be able to track users across subdomains on the same domain?

    | FPD_NYC

  • Hi there, I am currently looking at one of my campaigns and have noticed that since i last checked on the 31st Jan there have been no change in analytics despite me having done work on the campaign itself. I saw in the external links section that it said "38 down since last index" and I was just wondering how often the index takes place. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated! Many thanks.

    | VoodooCreativeLtd

  • Hi All, For my ecommerce site for mobile site category page I have redesign the page in 2 different ways so one original page and 2 new designs. Now I want to do A/B testing with google experiment. I want to measure performance of page via pageviews, bounce rate, exit rate, conversion rate, add to basket etc. Now in objective for this experiment I can select anyone thing either Pageviews, or bounces or transaction or goal. So my query is 1) I cannot select all objective together? 2) or for same page I have to create too many experiments by selecting each objective? 3) exit rate or add to basket objective is not in experiment list so? Thanks!

    | dsouzac

  • Hi There, I have a client with EKM powershop. I am trying to figure out a way to either setup goal tracking (however I don't know what the final destination page is) or event tracking. I know I can do the ecommerce tag thing, but I am always worried about breaking the tracking code. Any ideas?

    | nezona

  • Currently, the way our site is set up, our clients generally visit our homepage and then login through a separate page that is a subdomain, or they can read our blog/support articles that are also on separate subdomains. From my understanding, this can be counted as a bounce, and I know this sorta of site structure isn't ideal, but with our current dev resources and dependencies, fixing this isn't going to happen overnight. Regardless, what would be the easiest way to implement this fix witihn the Google Analytics code? EX: If someone visits our site at, and then wants to login at, I don't want to count that as a bounce. Any insight is appreciated! Thanks

    | KathleenDC

  • I run 3 PPC ads in Chinese language on Baidu, of which one landing page consistently ranks around 5th amongst 80+ other English website pages. So, when our site was recently developed for Chinese language, I redirected the ads to the relevant Chinese website pages for a month to see which would attract more visitors (Chinese landing pages vs Chinese website). I haven't fully analysed the results yet, but what other metrics should I consider than just the volume of visitors? Landing page球阀 (in English) Website page产品 (in English)

    | SteveMauldin

  • Hey! I would really appreciate if someone could help me on this 🙂 I have a website with separate mobile and desktop versions, on GSC I see a huge drop in the number of clicks on the mobile website and an increase in the number of clicks on the desktop website, however this isn't reflected at all in GA. GA shows that mobile traffic hasn't increased for any version of the website and the webpages losing traffic according to GSC are flat/growing on GA (even if I look at traffic coming from organic only). Has anyone experienced something similar or has any possible explanation? Thanks!

    | Anna_9

  • Hey 🙂 Does anyone know if there's a way of measuring traffic coming through serp features? I know that you can get some info on SEMrush but not traffic coming from those specific results like stories and instant answers. Thanks!

    | Anna_9

  • Starting on Friday 1/20, we noticed a huge, unnatural spike in Direct Load traffic. While researching where it was coming from, the big flags were huge spikes in countries that normally only have <5 sessions a month like Russia, Singapore, Brazil, etc., each sending 1400 a week, with >99% bounce rate and <0:00:05 average session duration. While looking into networks, we saw an influx in Networks that had never sent traffic before, each with >1300 sessions a week, 100% bounce rate, and 0:00:00 session duration. The list of these Networks are: astute hosting usa incorporated
    nephoscale inc.
    network transit holdings llc
    coreix ltd
    2ezhost llp
    nforce entertainment b.v.
    mir telematiki ltd
    servers australia pty ltd wholesale services provider for abuse
    dimenoc servicos de informatica ltda
    c0715718213 I have seen a lot of guides of filtering out Referral traffic, but these are all coming in as Direct Load and are skewing our Direct Load results. Any idea how to filter or remove this traffic from Google Analytics?

    | ServiceMichael

  • Hi There I am just three weeks into my SEO career and I bumped into this issue with one of our clients. I found a massive cloaking hack. In google search console I was shown 404 errors for many links and that is what everyone can see, however, when I crawled the site as a google bot I got 200ok messages and was shown a full page of essays, videos, links etc.. This obviously caused a significant drop in the website's ranking. This looks to be a professional and well hidden hack. I googled many different tools to check for cloaking all of then said no error, here are some of the tools I checked for hacking: seo tools, bruce clay, webconfs, web tool hub, small SEO tools, and many more and none of them found the problem. The issue only came up when I manually searched the site as a google bot. What can I do in this situation? I am stumped. Whats with all these tools? What should I do as a next step? Thanx for  your advice, Ruchy

    | Ruchy

  • I have two live websites, which have both been live for over 10 years, so we have plenty of backlinks to & Domain 1 and all urls is being merged into So 301 redirects will be setup for every page of the to > In Google analytics for we want to be able to see which visits we have received as a result of a redirect from It is possible to see these visits that come in via organic, referrals and social etc, as those will come to us with the referral as However, with direct traffic, i.e. if someone types into their search bar, these visits will be assigned as direct and we are not able to tell in GA if those users have typed in, or to get to our webpage. There are some suggestions in forums of adding utm_source tracking to all redirects (and add canonicals to those urls pointing to the non utm_source version), but my concern is that Google is going to have to go through one extra step to reach the page on the redirected domain. So without the utm source code Google will follow this route to With the utm source code Google will follow this route to then see's canonical, so moves to So essentially I am giving Google one extra step to follow before it gets to the equivalent page on the new site. Is this an issue, and/or are there any other ways to track this redirection without adding extra parameters to the url?

    | Sayers

  • Hi Mozzers, I was just looking at the dwell time tip from Mike Arnesen and have some difficulties understanding it. This is the formula: (Words on page)/15*1000 Why is he using 15? Where does the number stand for? What is it that I'm actually calculating now? Thanks!

    | WeAreDigital_BE

  • Hello Expert, For my ecommerce site I want to track filter url's like price range, size, width, color etc and fully filter url should display in google analytic. I have implemented filter tracking at staging server and it works perfectly but on LIVE site it not show me full filter url. Do you guys think any parameter which i have configured in search console affect this? Note - I have configured in this way - My filter url's are given below. And in search console I have configure two parameters. 1) effect - Sort, Crawl - No urls 2) FT - effect- ( - ) , crawl - Let google bot decide. But as per me this parameter is for crawling should not affect tracking right? In robot file nothing is block. In analytic it showing me url till only where as in staging it shows me full filter url. Thanks!

    | adamjack

  • I'm looking at Google Search Console data in Google Analytics, specifically Average Position as given in the Landing Page report, and the same metric broken out by mobile and desktop in the Devices report. In the Landing Page report, I see an aggregated average position that's much higher/worse than an actual average of what is reported for mobile, desktop and tablet traffic under the Device reporting. For example: Mobile: 5 Desktop: 5 Tablet: 5 So the average still should be roughly 5, right? Why would the Landing Page then show an aggregate Average Position of 8? I wouldn't expect to see a precisely same average given that different device types have different proportions that could render differently when the buckets are combined, but this is a huge swing. In fact, the aggregate Average Position as given in the top level Devices report is closer to 5 than to the 8 shown in the Landing Pages report. (These aren't actual numbers, but are illustrative of what I'm seeing, by the way.) Unless I'm missing some vital difference in the way that Average Position is reporting for the Landing Page report versus the Device reports, it doesn't seem like this should be possible. What am I missing?

    | BradsDeals

  • Hi, Asking this on behalf of a client:"I know Google recommends setting up a separate GA property for AMP which they note in a few places:
    From what we can tell this is because the tracking for AMP will measure things differently than the current analytics.js library. I also think it's related to the GA cookie and how it's set differently for AMP pages.But won't this cause drop-off in user journey information? For example, if a user views an AMP blog article but then clicks to our site from a link within the article. I think we would then track this as two separate users and the pages/visit would be off. I found this article which explains a tech way to connect AMP to the same website GA property but it seems a little too much of a work-around: Do you think we should just do what Google recommends and set up AMP as a separate property in GA?" --> Does anyone know if there could be any issues with this workaround?Thanks,

    | MediaCause

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