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Category: Reporting & Analytics

Discuss the best ways to report on performance and communicate results to stakeholders.

  • We append our urls with channel identifiers (?cid) to help us analyze where traffic is coming from. Recently, our appended urls with channel identifiers are showing up in the SERPs. How can we stop this from happening and prevent in the future? Has anyone had similar issues?

    | jmigdal

  • Hi, How to integrate GA opt out cookie using GTM? Thanks

    | Alick300

  • Hi guys, Google Search Console gives me an error on these pages: info: info: I see there's an UTM tracking in the URL from Google+. We do have an account there but I don't see how this might give an error. Is this hurting our ranking score? How can we solve this?

    | conversal

  • Hi there, A month ago we have installed the Universal Analytics tracking code on our website ( Since that time, direct traffic has risen unnaturally and organic traffic dropped unnaturally. I dived into this problem and I discovered there is a cookie loss on when visitors are switching from /cart to the first step checking out. The problem is that not all browsers cause these cookie issues, only Safari and IE older versions (9 and older) and some cases of Chrome. All iPads cause cookie issues (50% of all cases). iPhones cause not a single problem because we are using a separate mobile (m.) site which does not cause cookie problems. We don't have a mobile site for tablets yet, soon it will come. My biggest question is: how can I fix the Safari desktop cookie loss after switching domains from /cart to the first step of the chckout process? Olders versions of IE will slowly fade out and the iPad problem will be fixed when the mobile website is available for tablets. I hope someone can help me.
    Thanks in advance. Marcel

    | MarcelMoz

  • Hi Everyone, I'm sure many of you received the email from Google over the past few days with the subject line: [Action Required] Important updates on Google Analytics Data Retention and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). I hope I'm not alone in not knowing what exactly this whole notification was in regards to. I realize it's for Data but are we no longer able to pull stats from the past? If anyone has a "dumbed down" explanation for what this update entails, I would be very interested - I don't want to miss out on any important updates and info, but I'm just not grasping this content.  Below is the full email in its entirety for those who are interested as well: Dear Google Analytics Administrator,
    Over the past year we've shared how we are preparing to meet the requirements of the GDPR, the new data protection law coming into force on May 25, 2018. Today we are sharing more about important product changes that may impact your Google Analytics data, and other updates in preparation for the GDPR. This e-mail requires your attention and action even if your users are not based in the European Economic Area (EEA).
    Product Updates
    Today we introduced granular data retention controls that allow you to manage how long your user and event data is held on our servers. Starting May 25, 2018, user and event data will be retained according to these settings; Google Analytics will automatically delete user and event data that is older than the retention period you select. Note that these settings will not affect reports based on aggregated data.
    Action: Please review these data retention settings and modify as needed.
    Before May 25, we will also introduce a new user deletion tool that allows you to manage the deletion of all data associated with an individual user (e.g. site visitor) from your Google Analytics and/or Analytics 360 properties. This new automated tool will work based on any of the common identifiers sent to Analytics Client ID (i.e. standard Google Analytics first party cookie), User ID (if enabled), or App Instance ID (if using Google Analytics for Firebase). Details will be available on our Developers site shortly.
    As always, we remain committed to providing ways to safeguard your data. Google Analytics and Analytics 360 will continue to offer a number of other features and policies around data collection, use, and retention to assist you in safeguarding your data. For example, features for customizable cookie settings, privacy controls, data sharing settings, data deletion on account termination, and IP anonymization may prove useful as you evaluate the impact of the GDPR for your company’s unique situation and Analytics implementation.
    Contract And User Consent Related Updates
    Contract changes
    Google has been rolling out updates to our contractual terms for many products since last August, reflecting Google’s status as either data processor or data controller under the new law (see full classification of our Ads products). The new GDPR terms will supplement your current contract with Google and will come into force on May 25, 2018.
    In both Google Analytics and Analytics 360, Google operates as a processor of personal data that is handled in the service.
    • For Google Analytics clients based outside the EEA and all Analytics 360 customers, updated data processing terms are available for your review/acceptance in your accounts (Admin ➝ Account Settings).
    • For Google Analytics clients based in the EEA, updated data processing terms have already been included in your terms.
    • If you don’t contract with Google for your use of our measurement products, you should seek advice from the parties with whom you contract.
    Updated EU User Consent Policy
    Per our advertising features policy, both Google Analytics and Analytics 360 customers using advertising features must comply with Google’s EU User Consent Policy. Google's EU User Consent Policy is being updated to reflect new legal requirements of the GDPR. It sets out your responsibilities for making disclosures to, and obtaining consent from, end users of your sites and apps in the EEA.
    Action: Even if you are not based in the EEA, please consider together with your legal department or advisors, whether your business will be in scope of the GDPR when using Google Analytics and Analytics 360 and review/accept the updated data processing terms as well as define your path for compliance with the EU User Consent Policy.
    Find Out More
    You can refer to to learn more about Google’s data privacy policies and approach, as well as view our data processing terms.
    We will continue to share further information on our plans in the coming weeks and will update relevant developer and help center documentation where necessary.
    The Google Analytics Team

    | MainstreamMktg

  • Hi there, Over the last few months our traffic has spiked due to irrelevant pdf documents sending us crap traffic, our bounce rate is sky high as well as other metrics.  I don't want to just filter out this traffic in GA rather try and stop our site from being attacked. Any advice on a way forward would be great. Thanks

    | ICMPmarketing

  • Bounce rate for one of my client's website has drastically reduced. Its below 5%. Have ensured that GA code is placed only once. Any help or tips in identifying the root cause is much appreciated. Shall be happy to share the URL if required.

    | seoninj

  • In Google's search console I see a discrepancy between click counts. At top I see this here and then beneath I see these kinds of numbers for click counts here. So the top click count says 252 and the bottom section appears to only shows less than 40. Probably a simple explanation here that I'm just not seeing.  Thanks!

    | a_toohill

  • We have just had 200+ visits on the 'Display' channel within 5 minutes - these referrals are from all over the world and this is very out the ordinary for our business - should we be concerned? 9cHllwW

    | RayflexGroup

  • We currently have a mess of filters and views in our Google Analytics instance. We have a chance to make a clean start. Wondering if creating a whole new property is a good idea? Or just some additional views? Any other pointers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    | jill.myers

  • A large number of sessions in my client's Google Analytics account appear to come from medium: organic and source:Indeed. Since I'm focused on SEO for this project, I'd prefer that Indeed be treated as referral traffic. Any ideas for fixing this issue? Also, and I'm sure the answer is no, is there a way to fix the past data in Google Analytics that has already reported Indeed as an organic medium?

    | Kevin_P

  • On my Google Analytics (I know this is not SEOMOZ) I have a lot of visits from mozilla compatible agent with 100% bounce rate. Does anybody know what this is?

    | essentialworld

  • Hi! A client of mine is having some trouble on his Google Analytics overview. When he checks the yearly report with number of visitors, new visitors, returning, ... he gets statistics that doesn't match mine. Also, he gets a notation from Google that no hits were fired, although the script is still there. On the other hand, I (logged in with another account) am seeing all statistics correctly. FYI: no filters were installed, nor segments, ... Why does the client see different and incorrect statistics? There should be a setting or something I'm overseeing. Hope you guys can help.

    | conversal

  • A website that I was working on did not have meta descriptions, had poorly optimized meta titles, and URL structure. I created optimized descriptions and titles for each page. I also updated the URL structure of select pages and created 301 redirects. Since I did this I noticed that my clicks, impressions, CTR, and position all decreased on Google Search Console (I just setup Search Console so I only have 1-week of data). Traffic on Google Analytics is about the same. Is this normal?

    | rx300

  • Hello,
    since August i am working on a customers website on WordPress who has a costume made theme, back in October  after updating some plugins we had a massive breakdown and the website went up and down and had technical issues for over a month and traffic was completely gone for a while, since we have dropped to about 40% of the monthly traffic the website was getting prior, i was waiting to see if the website will recover since we were getting some traffic and are ranking but that did not happen, is there a way to tell if there are any code issues or anything that can cause that drop? moz crawler only indicates normal meta description errors but nothing in the code, changing the theme would probably be best solution as a popular premade theme would give a definite answer but that is not possible.

    | SharonEKG

  • Hi! First question: I am wondering if it's possible to track two buttons with the same code in Google Tag Manager without changing the code? There are different page URL's.. Second one: My tags are displayed in Google Analytics as 'events'. When I put the events in 'goals', the number of times it fired differs from my events. Someone who can help me with this issue?

    | conversal

  • Hello, My website's MOZ rankings dropped dramatically to DA 1 PA 1 MOZ rank 0 Backlinks 0. A problem seems that my backlinks are no longer recognised, as there are of course many backlinks active and not the 0 mentioned. Also, I recently experienced a big drop in Google SERP, only for my homepage (main keyword), not for subpages (longtail). I don't know what might be the cause for the SERP and MOZ drop. The only thing I can think of is that the past months I first changed from http://www.mydomain to http://my domain and later to https://mydomain However this was done properly and added in Google search console. Also Google SC does recognise my backlinks still (eventhough most are to the old redirected http://www.mydomain version). Can this be the cause, or do you have any suggestions what might be the cause, or what I can do to find out? Obviously I am interested in finding out the reason for the big SERP drop as this might have to do with the same cause for the big MOZ drop. Thanks! 🙂

    | Torilion

  • Hello, I have a quick question. I am setting up conversion tracking for my Facebook ads, so I am giving each ad set a tracking URL (UTM) in order to see which ads are converting etc. Is it possible to see on analytics how much I am spending on these ads or a cost per conversion? Or does the tracking merely track general analytics data such as bounce rate, exit rate, revenue generated etc? Kind Regards, James

    | SO_UK

  • To cut a long story short, our old web developers who built us a bespoke site decided that they could no longer offer us support so we decided to move our back end to the latest Magento 2 software and move over to https with a new company. The new setup has been live for 3 weeks, I have checked in webmaster tools and it says we have 4 pages indexed, if I type in site: we have 6560 pages indexed, our robots.txt  file looks like this:Sitemap: Sitemap: I use Website Auditor and Screaming Frog, Website Auditor returns a 302 for my domain and Screaming Frog returns a 403 which means I cannot scan any of these. If I check my domain using an https checking tool some  sites return an error but some return a 200.
    I have spoken to my new developer and he says everything is fine, in Webmaster tools I can see some redirects from his domain to mine when the site was in testing mode. I am concerned that something is not right as I always check my pages on a regular basis. Can anyone shed any light on this, is it right or am I right to be concerned. Thank you in advance

    | Palmbourne

  • Hi all, We have been having a problem for a while now where most transactions are attributed to referrals from our payment gateway Sagepay. The issue started a couple of months ago, when we finally upgraded our website to https:// for logged in users and transactions. Before, when we were using http://, transactions were attributed to the correct channel. Even weirder, we upgraded 4 websites and only 2 of them have the issue now, the other two continue to attribute transactions correctly. I added Sagepay to the referral exclusion list which made no difference. Over the weekend, we upgraded to the global site tag and it seems to have improved somewhat, but yesterday 50% of transactions were still attributed to referral/sagepay. I am also seeing an odd issue, where for half of the transactions, the revenue and transaction are attributed to one channel, but the products (quantity) are attributed to another. One of the channels is always referral/sagepay and the other is the channel that the transaction should be attributed to. Has anyone seen this issue before? I'd appreciate any tips that might help us fix this issue. Thanks in advance!

    | ViviCa1

  • When setting up a Funnel within Google Analytics, is it possible to use logical operators (e.g. OR, AND) in the first (required) step of the funnel? For example, suppose I want to track users who visit page1.html AND page2.html before proceeding to the destination goal. I've entered two pages separated by the OR operator, and neither the "Verify this Goal" nor "Save" produces an error message - is it safe to assume that this is working as I intend? Thanks in advance!

    | ahirai

  • Hi All, I am checking browser report since many years today I was checking browser report what I find "DESKTOP" is showing in Browser & OS section with lots of traffic. Screenshot attached Is it google analytic bug? Can anyone please help me? PeGK7

    | Arnold3

  • Hi All, I have implemented enhance ecommerce with tag manager now I am implementing Product List Position so I have query that if visitor do filter or do sorting via highest or lowest price at that time do we have to show List position too? If yes then how and if No then why?

    | Arnold3

  • Hi All, While implementing Product list position when user move to 2nd page then position again start from 1st position so how I will know in google analytic that 1st Position clicked from 1st page, 2nd page, 3rd page etc and same way how do i know if page is sorted with highest or lowest price? I am talking about given below position. dataLayer.push({ 'ecommerce':{ 'currencyCode':'EUR', // Local currency is optional. 'impressions':[ { 'name':'Triblend Android T-Shirt', // Name or ID is required. 'id':'12345', 'price':'15.25', 'brand':'Google', 'category':'Apparel', 'variant':'Gray', 'list':'Search Results', 'position':1 }, Regards, Mitesh

    | Arnold3

  • Hi All, I have implemented Internal Promotion - for my ecommerce site on homepage banners. Along with this I did event tracking for Banner click. So any negative impact of bounce rate or other reports? Thanks

    | Arnold3

  • Hi All, I have query for given below screenshot-1. What is Not Set here? For column no. 2 only purchase and revenue showing other column blank why? I have properly implemented enhance ecommerce via tag manager. And my product list impression, clicks all working fine for all categories now I don't know from where I am getting Not set - Please check screenshot-2. So what is Not set here? Thanks! QcBGT OCrEp

    | Arnold3

  • Hey Everyone, I have a Google analytics question. I'm looking through a client's site and when I look at the next page path, I get the same URL as the next path. For example, on the homepage, the next page path I get is the homepage again? This happens for all URL's, is this an implementation error? Is there a way to fix this? Thanks!

    | EvansHunt

  • Hey All, I think it's inside of the Admin section of Google Analytics, right now I have a traffic source from the domain of that is being classified as Organic traffic when it should be classified as referring traffic, how can I tell Google Analytics that all traffic from this source should be classified as referral traffic and not organic traffic? Furthermore, after I make this change, will Google Analytics re-classify my past data so I can do a proper analysis? I can't remember how to do this and any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

    | EvansHunt

  • My GA has been working fine for years and is now suddenly attributing 100% of my goals/conversions to a "referral" source. In this case "". (see attached url) Our contact form is a zoho CRM form. When prospect fills it out online, it dumps them to a thank-you page and the conversion is counted. That all works just fine, but it is not attributing the conversion to Organic or PPC or Direct as it was a month or so ago. I'm not sure if this may be the cause, but I was cleaning up GA about a month ago, deleting some filters I didn't think I needed any more. Thank you for your help. 9CRUx

    | sanctuary242

  • To the Moz Community, Should we be considering the information that Google Search Console is telling us? It is showing a dramatic drop in our SEO and our pages are not being indexed, however it is showing differently in our Moz Analytics section. Any clarification will be greatly appreciated. Many thanks Dawn

    | DawnQ

  • I have moved One of my client website http to https. What Changes Required as per SEO like in webmaster or Analytics or any Other Thanks..

    | digitalseries

  • We are trying to find someone to join our company but are having a very difficult time. Does anyone have any suggestions about where to find someone like this?

    | ColoradoMarketingTeam

  • Hi All, I am using google optimize via tag manager. I have successfully implemented it and my experiment appeared in google analytic but google optimize chrome addon always give me add script not installed properly. How to solve solve error? Thanks!

    | amu123

  • Hi Everyone, I’m just looking to produce some quite detailed reports for our google analytic can someone suggest a format or templates for the best way to present this information. Also can someone suggest  what the best variables are to capture from a reporting perspective. We don’t sell on line so im just aliitle bit curious about what to include in  terms of conversions etc

    | aplnz2017

  • Hey gang, So this problem has been going on for months. None of our landing pages track, but all of our blog pages do. I've tried GA plugins, (we are on wordpress) and just now even put the code in the theme header script. Still to no avail. I just checked right now, and the blog pages have the global GA code, but now I noticed not even the home page has the code! Could it be something to do with my theme? I tried to pay a guy on upwork to fix but he couldn't fix it either. Thank you for you help!

    | Meier

  • My firm has a credit union client whose bounce rates skyrocketed after implementing an online banking portal. Logging in to the online banking portal takes you to a 3rd party site. Would arriving at the site and immediately logging in be considered a bounce? And if so, would a high bounce rate actually correlate with a warm reception to their online banking tool?

    | TheKatzMeow

  • Hello, I recently attended SMX East and the concept of 'session stitching' for AMP was brought up ( I reached out to my development team and they told me they could do it, but that we would need to agree to the new TOS changes and making users aware of then... Has anyone here done something like this? And if so how did you deal with the Google's Client ID AMP policy? Thank you all! -Margarita

    | MargaritaS

  • Hi All, For my ecoommerce site we constantly keep eye on real time analytic many time we see page views suddenly goes down for 1 min only then again started growing but visitors in "Right Now" section not affected. Network team, developer team, DBA team, seo team no one able to find bug from there end. Neither google shows any website down, server error or 404 etc in search console. So what is exactly happening when pageviews go down? Do really visitor affected If no then also why and if yes then also why? Please help. Thanks!

    | amu123

  • Moz only tracks general SERP feature changes for the last 30 days.

    | homedepot

  • Hi There, I can't believe we are the first SEO Web Development company with the issue of dynamic IP addresses, for technical reasons our ISP keeps changing our IP addresses to different random IP addresses (no patterns, ranges, or reasoning to the specific changes) and we obviously need to exclude our own visits to google analytics - but I can't seem to find any simple way to do this in Google Analytics - can you help me find a simple solution for this? I did find two chrome extensions(I'll give you the links to those at the end) that I will look into if you cant help me find a simpler solution 🙂 Thanks so much!!

    | Ruchy

  • I have one simple question about expired domain redirection strategy. I am 100% sure that one of my competitors are using this strategy to rank the website. Is there any tool or method to find out how many domains competitor has redirected to his/her website? Your answer is highly appreciated. Thanks

    | gfdd420

  • Hi, Is there any way (Analytics & other tools) how I can see where organic conversions come from? What search queries were used or at least what landing pages converted? Ideally, I would like exact search queries. I know I have list of these in GSC but not conversions. Analytics doesn't provide these so I cannot link them with conversions. Is there any realiable tool that is safe and won't use our data as benchmark or won't offer any form of transparency that will be useful for our competitors. Thanks. Katarina

    | Katarina-Borovska

  • My client had a large spike in their bounce rate at the end of June, 2017.  After spending far too long looking around Google Analytics I discovered that the bounce rate increased 5x when version 59.0.3071.104 of Google Chrome appeared on the scene.  Version 59.0.3071.102 and older had a bounce rate of about 13%.  Version 59.0.3071.104 increased to 65%.  Each subsequent version is about the same.FireFox, Safari and the rest are showing no significant changes.Any idea what is happening here?Many thanks.

    | climber17

  • Hi All, In google analytic In Site Speed -> Page Timings we have two columns a) Page Views & b) Avg Load Time (sec) compared to site average. Now in "b" column I am able to below % one in green and another in brown so what does it mean? Can anyone please explain me? Image attached Thanks! bNbBA

    | amu123

  • I'm looking at our monthly traffic report and noticed that impressions were down in October compared to September but Clicks and CTR increased. I'm thinking it's because certain keyword increased in rank thus increase chances of a click through? Anyone else have any idea? Thank you in advance. Here is the data below: September:
    Total clicks: 5071
    Total impressions: 83429
    Avg. CTR: 6.08%
    Avg. Position: 28.4 October:
    Total clicks: 5695
    Total impressions: 79366
    Avg. CTR: 7.18%
    Avg. Position: 28.9

    | davidwang

  • I am trying to resolve a referral data issue. Our client noticed that their referrals from one of their sites to another had dropped to almost nothing from being their top referrer. The referring site SiteA which is an HTTPs site, held a link to SiteB, which is also an HTTPs site, so there should be no loss, however the link to SiteB on SiteA had the HTTP protocol. When we changed the link to the HTTPs protocol, the referrals started flowing in. Is this typical? If the 301 redirect is properly in place for SiteB, why would we lose the referral data?

    | Velir

  • Trying to track clicks for individual slides on a homepage slider. I cannot enter UTM codes on the slide links, just choose from a dropdown containing pages on my site (WordPress). So, I set-up 301 re-directs for all the slides. /slide1-redirect
    /slide-2-redirect etc.. Will these redirect pages show up in GA? I cannot see them. I'm trying to create a Dashboard for Homepage slider clicks. John

    | jbernier

  • Hi All, In google analytic when I create custom report for my ecommerce site then figures go mad. I really not able to judge peformance of device, browser and it's version, conversion, ecommerce conversion rate etc. same way if I add secondary dimension in report then also figures are not accurate. Again when I create different segment like desktop, mobile, tablet then in tablet segment mobile devices comes and in mobile device tablet appear why segment also not accurate? Is it because I am using free version? Also do we have alternative of google analytic which give same report like google analytic either device, browser, os, segment, enhance ecommerce etc? Thanks!

    | dhisman

  • I'm a beginner with Google Analytics, what is a good place to start? Would love to know some simple ways to set up Google Analytics to keep SEO in check. What are some of your suggestions? How would you go about using GA to do this? and what are the alternatives? Thanks!

    | Eric_S

  • Does anyone know if there is a really easy way to track a button in Google Analytics yourself? It seems that most button click goal setups involve some use of tricky code and I'm wondering if there is a much easier way to do this that will allow us to simply setup and track certain button clicks as goal conversions in Analytics. Your help here is much appreciated!

    | Gavo

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