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  • After doing the link check on a domain, got 40 or so links. Clicked Request CSV The file that is downloaded contains no links. The column headings are there but no content Did this twice and got same blank file. OSE is showing the 40 links

    Link Explorer | | cbpayne

  • Hi, I have a site that has a categorized structure and products like this:
    etc. The category pages have a list of the products within that category.
    At the moment the category pages perform strongest SEO wise - ie these pages:
    /categoryB Sometimes I get down to only having 1 product in each categotry like this:
    /categoryA/product1 My Question:
    Q: In this case is it a good idea to direct / redirect all traffic to the single product page - ie /categoryA/product1 ? BTW these are my reasons for thinking this this might be worthwhile:
    • UX - User gets to the product page quicker with one less step
    • Merging 2 pages with similar content together might somehow combine/consilidate the SEO strength and perform better in SERP. thanks in advance

    Technical SEO | | DGAU

  • Situation: I have a dual domain site:
    Domain 1 - is SEO optimised with product pages and should of course be indexed.
    Domain 2 - is not SEO optimised and simply has checkout and payment gateway pages. I've discovered that Moz automatically crawls Domain 2 - the site and consequently picks up hundreds of errors.
    I have put an end to this by adding a robots.txt to stop rogerbot and dotbot (mozs crawlers) from crawling domain 2. This fixes my errors in Moz reports however after doing more research into 'Crawler Control' I figure this might be the best option. My Question: Instead of using robots.txt to stop moz from crawing all of Domain 2 should I use on each page of domain 2? I believe this would then allow moz and google to crawl Domain 2 but also tell them both not to index it.
    My understanding is that this would be best, and might even help my overall SEO by telling google not to give any SEO value to the Domain 2 pages?

    Getting Started | | DGAU

  • Hi, I have a non-profit organization that advocates for mental health education and treatment. We are considering creating regional chapters of the non-profit in specific countries - France, UK, Russia, etc. What's the best long-term foundation for global organic growth? Should we simply internationalize our content (.org/uk/)? Or create a custom site for each ccTLD (, etc.? Since it's an educational site, the content for each country would not be particularly unique, apart from: Language (regional English nuance for UK and AUS, or other languages altogether) Expert videos and potentially supporting articles (i.e., hosting videos and a supporting article for a UK Doctor versus a US Doctor) Offering some regional context when it comes to treatment options, or navigating school, work, etc. Any thoughts would be much appreciated! Thanks! Aaron

    Local Website Optimization | | RSR

  • I originally set up my domain as "" and then have my "" pointing to it. What I recently discovered is that even though the pages of my I set Yost SEO Title to be "JPShots Senior Pictures | Wedding Photographer" When you search "overland park photographer" the snippet tile is just "overland park photographer" which sounds super sketchy. I don't know if this is something to do with yost, or if my sneaky Domain isn't worth much, and I should simply use my regular domain as the primary. I know it works like a charm with yahoo, but I'm not sure how much the domain name factors google these days.

    Algorithm Updates | | JPRichardson

  • Hello! We are a retailer with brick and mortar stores in different cities. We have a website (, which includes a blog ( and a separate ecommerce site for each store in subfolders ( and NB: We do this for non-business reasons and have no choice. So, this is not like REI (for example) or other stores with lots of locations but one central ecommerce operation. Most experts seem to recommend a site structure that echoes REIs. IE: a home page principally devoted to ecommerce ( includes an Our Locations-type page ( which links to local store pages like ( I understand how this would help REI, since their homepage is devoted to ecommerce and they need a store locator page that doesn't compete with the shopping experience.  But since we can't send people to products directly from our home page, is there any reason for us not to put the store locator function right on the home page? That is, is there any reason in our case to prefer (A)  over (B) As i see it, the extra page (/our_locations/) could actually hurt, as it puts products one click further away from customers, and one link deeper for bots. On the other hand, it may make the multi-store structure clearer to bots (and maybe people) and help us in local search. Finally, would it make a difference if there were 10 stores vs 2? Thanks for any thoughts!

    Local Website Optimization | | RankAmateur...

  • Hello In our site we are planning to add a metered paywall, a kind of soft paywall, in which users can see X pages on the site with no restriction, and then on the next page (X+1) they are blocked and need to register. How will this affect SEO? Should we cancel the block on search engine spiders? If the block is just JS popping up a full-screen popup, but the actual content is loaded, is that ok? or another method should be utilized? Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | idosmaccount

  • Let's say you consider re-branding and purchased a new domain, however, during past 3-5 years your page has got some content, CF, TF which appears to be quite good and not easy to build within a few mths. GWT says if you do 301 redirect from the old domain then you should transfer 100% juice from the old domain as well as the juice from old external links to old domain to the new one I did some Tech Seo improvements and while ago and my experience is GWT says one but life shows slightly opposite. This is a big thing with no Emergency exit so I have got some concerns. What is your experience with that? Have you done any transfers if so what was the result? Thanks in advance for your feedback

    Technical SEO | | Miniorek

  • Hi Everyone, My client writes articles for a very prominent news source in the area where I live. Attached to each article there is her bio, but she never asked the news source to link to her website. So far, she has written more than 100 articles. What would happen if the news source suddenly links 100 times to her site? Would this be considered spammy from google or unnatural link building? Thank you very much for your answers. Arben

    Link Building | | Arben_K

  • So i'm a professional photographer, so my gallery is pretty important, probably more imprtant than the copy supporting it. Right now I have a gallery with supplementary info pushed below. I'm wondering if it would be better to remove the text from the bottom and put it to the top of it's own page, and leave the gallery page as just images, or keep it mixed with both. You can see my site directly HERE if you would like to see what i'm talking about exactly- the lightbox is broken, its a work in progress.

    Image & Video Optimization | | JPRichardson

  • Hi there - we have noticed today a big shift today around for some clients major search terms. Some minor - some considerable! The search results have been mainly aimed at local search phrases i.e around cities etc.. Has any one else noticed a major shift is search results today or aware of any Google algorithm updates?

    Local SEO | | Globalgraphics

  • **Above how much percentage of spam score should I avoid getting backlinks. **

    Link Building | | ShashankDubey1

  • As we all know, Google redirected the user based on location automatically.
    e.g., connect to from Korea, google automatically redirected to
    However, for sometimes I noticed that if I connect to, it doesn't redirect to local google anymore. I tested by using VPN, and seems like Google no longer do location redirection. Does anyone have any idea about this?

    Image & Video Optimization | | Moojin

  • Performing a website redesign and with that we are going to be deindexing a lot of pages and make big changes to the site architecture. With all of these big changes happening with the redesign, should we include the change to https during the redesign or about 4-6 months after? If we do it after we will have time to diagnose any shortcomings of the redesign. Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Trent.Warner

  • I have a REACT site MOZ seems to only index the homepage but not all the internally linked pages, even the sitemap.xml is there. The reason I say that is the crawl result only shows the http and https version of the homepage, no other pages mentioned. I also noticed MOZ crawl results point out my content is very thin (<50 words). As a matter of fact, it has a lot more words if the JS runs correctly. Do we know if MOZ crawls REACT or JS based sites correctly?

    Link Explorer | | NetTheory-Analysts

  • Hello, Our website sells software that we have developed, but there are piracy websites that offer a crack/keygen to our software and are linking to our site. From an SEO perspective, are those sites hurtful to us if their spam score is below 30 and their DA is not 1? We'd like to understand if there is any action we need to take from an SEO point or if our site's SEO is not affected by it. Thank you!

    Link Building | | marynau

  • Hello, We have other sites linking to our site through images in sitewide footers, resulting in a link from every page of each site. Those sites are not owned by us and they decided to link to us on their own. They usually link to us as their "sponsor" or "partner", sponsor as in sponsor of some event and partner as in we sometimes work together on joint initiatives. I've searched Moz forum and other articles, but haven't been able to find an answer to this question. We'd like to make sure Google doesn't consider it to be spammy and we don't get any sort of penalty. Should we ask them not to link to us through those images in a sitewide footer or ask them to simply add "nofollow"? We don't want to remove those links if they are not considered to be harmful and removing them will hurt our DA/PA.

    Link Building | | marynau

  • We have a basic printing website that offers business cards. Each type of business card has a few product images. Should we use structured data for all the images, or just the main image? What is your opinion about this? Thanks in advance.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Choice

  • Hey friends, I'm looking for a little keyword research direction here, specifically for keywords and phrases with low search volume. I'm just going to give a recent example: I just finished a piece of content on customer experience. I began the process with some keyword research. Based on Moz's keyword explorer, "customer experience" has a monthly volume of 2.9k-4.3k. Sweet. So I move onto related queries and longer tail phrases to narrow my content approach. But just about any relevant phrase shows either a volume of 0-10 or 11-50 and very similar difficulty metrics, making it tough to choose a direction. So "what is customer experience" shows a monthly volume of 0-10. SEM Rush reports ~350 searches a month. I understand SEM Rush uses broader match, but I guess what I'm asking is: how do I perform keyword research with such minuscule volumes and such little data to differentiate? I've looked at Russ Jones' answer to a similar question here on how Keyword Explorer works: ... but I still don't have a ton of clarity. Any advice would be awesome!

    Keyword Research | | brooksmanley

  • I would like to still be able to view my historical data once I cancel. Will I still have access to it? Thanks.

    Product Support | | StudioX

  • I've seen this done during a software demo and saw it as the only value add for that tool but it's not worth the price of the whole tool for that one feature. The tool I saw showed you all the keywords you currently ranked for (within the top 200 positions), the position you were at, the number of users that term drove to your site and the total search volume for the keyword. SUPER useful info to have.

    Technical SEO | | BrianPiper

  • Like most of the folks here I'm a pretty big fan of the content that comes out through Whiteboard Fridays, and I try to apply the things I learn, but one of the WBF videos that I'm following along with does not do a stellar job of detailing execution using Moz KW Explorer. Now granted, this came out in 2016, but I still feel the core principle and strategy results in a higher quality piece of content and is still relevant to discovering and understanding searcher task completion requirements, and drafting content that fulfills those requirements. Towards the end Rand sort of mentions that you'll be able to do this with KW explorer, but I'm not really seeing the functionality. The steps I followed were to enter in the keyword in kw explorer, went to keyword suggestions, and selected "based on closely related topics" and ran it, but received no suggestions - came up blank. I then selected "based on broadly related topics" and the same thing happened. I tried this out with the keyword r22, keeping it very broad to start but that didn't seem to work. So what do you all do to perform this sort of research within Moz? Or do you even feel it's relevant in today's Rank Brain driven world?

    Moz Bar | | brettmandoes

  • Hi ! I have an english website targeting Asia market. Whats the proper way to implement the geo target /hreflang code that will target the entire ASIA region? I saw some suggestions to do this way (below sample) .. However, we know ASIA has a lot of countries. Is this the best practice for SEO? If this is, then do I really need to list down all the countries under Asia? Is there a better way to do this? KOREA   --  :    
    CHINA  ---: etc... I would appreciate your comments and ideas. Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | jasmin.calunsag

  • As someone who manages GMB for 50 plus local US clients, I absolutely loved this article and found it somewhat useful. Most of the gurus are saying link building is the key, but I wish at least one of them would mention where do we find these links.  Is there a reliable source for this ( based on personal experience only please ) ?  A one stop shop for any local business to do quality links ? I feel like to be truly useful to a local business this piece of the puzzle is missing and I would truly appreciate anyone's help.

    Local Listings | | OlegLevitas

  • Hi Mozzers: We have a client who regularly pays to have high-quality content produced for their company blog. When I say 'high quality' I mean 1000 - 2000 word posts written to a technical audience by a lawyer. We recently found out that, prior to the content going on their blog, they're shipping it off to two syndication sites, both of which slap rel=canonical on them. By the time the content makes it to the blog, it has probably appeared in two other places. What are some thoughts about how 'awful' a practice this is? Of course, I'm arguing to them that the ranking of the content on their blog is bound to be suffering and that, at least, they should post to their own site first and, if at all, only post to other sites several weeks out. Does anyone have deeper thinking about this?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Daaveey

  • When creating a privacy policy page- much of what needs to be added is legal information.  This means privacy policy pages may be very similar to others' privacy pages in my niche. Are they all pretty much generic?   We have a few different companies and I'm thinking we can have one created and then modify them per company? Is this correct? Mary

    Content Development | | MaryNix

  • I advise a regional company on their online marketing efforts. They provide a service across a very large area, and they only have one corporate office. Their product is purchased online, and there is no face-to-face interaction with customers.  Customers do not conduct business at their corporate office. Yelp says they are primarily intended for the review of local businesses and their guidelines for adding a business state that they are "l__ess interested in showing online-only, business-to-business (b2b), and direct-seller businesses" and that "if a business page you add is not eligible to be listed on Yelp, it will not be part of our directory".  Our business doesn't meet this criteria.  So my question is how I would go about requesting that our Yelp remove our listing due to ineligibility? I found an article on Whitespark that discusses this topic and they show some clear examples of online-only businesses that had their Yelp listings removed.  Unfortunately, that article doesn't offer an insight on how to go about the process of requesting/triggering removal. Does anyone have experience on how to go about this?  Any advice is greatly appreciated.

    Reviews and Ratings | | UMoveFree

  • Hi, Have u any idea how to improve my website DA fast? thanks

    Moz Pro | | MOUSE_UX

  • Hi All, I know I can go to, etc. but is there a place here that I can look for a web dev that can help with my tasks? I have a good bit of work to offer them and my current web dev who has been a great asset has suffered from health problems and it has affected his output, so I'm sad to say I need to look for someone that can help me get caught back up. If anyone has any suggestions on someone that is a knowledgeable web developer that has access to their own graphic designer (or can do graphic design themselves as well) please let me know. I am not opposed at all to hire a separate graphic designer to send work over to the web developer. SOMEONE WITH SEO EXPERIENCE WOULD BE VERY HELPFUL AS WELL AS MY CURRENT WEB DEVELOPER HAD IT AS WELL. The current projects going on are: Changing the header graphics on the home page to meet compliance. Constantly adding and editing my websites with small tweaks almost daily. Creating PDF's with content we give and uploading them as well as images to the sites. Keeping in mind that editing the site can affect responsiveness and we have to make sure our logo is a certain size compared to other metrics, etc. Creating web banners, tile ads, etc. Creating facebook main photo for biz page. I will be happy to share any info via PM or if anyone can point me in the right direction in finding someone that would be awesome! Thanks!

    Web Design | | Veebs

  • After doing a site crawl using the moz tool, I have found two home and Both URLS have the exact same metrics and I have set a preferred domain name in google, will this hurt seo? Should I claim the as well as and in the search console? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | Tom3_15

  • Hello, I wanted to try your services in the 30 days trail period, but I got instantly charged!? I haven't used any of you services yet, so can I get my money back? Thank you! PS. Can you explain the attached picture to me? Why there is written "Today's charge : $0.00", but you do charge $179.00 in the next second?? qJ9XHvw

    Product Support | | polarica

  • Hi, I’m looking  to add Schema markup to my company pages’s webinar page (recording past webinars) and data sheets, infographics, product videos, eBooks/white papers. For eBooks, I am primarily referring to a landing page with a gate to download a PDF document. I’m trying to determine the best markup type: For Webinars, I’ve seen suggestions to use “Event” type but that seems appropriate for future events, not something like a recorded webinar, which is not time-sensitive, unlike a live event. However, I see a StackOverflow forum to use for recorded webinars. For eBooks and White Papers, I see a few potential schema types: (or and then book format type of Ebook)

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | WhiteHat1

  • I have looked at lots of different plugins and wanted a recommendation for an easy way for patients of ours to upload pictures of them out partying and having fun and looking beautiful so future users can see the final results instead of sometimes gory or difficult to understand before and after images. I'd like to give them the opportunity to write captions (like facebook or insta posts and would offer them incentives to do so. I don't want it to be too complicated for them or have too many steps or barriers but I do want it to look nice and slick and modern. Also do you think this would have a positive impact on SEO? I was also thinking of a Q&A app where dentists could get Q&A emails and respond - i've been doing AMA sessions and they've been really successful and I would like to bring it into out site and make it native. Thanks in advance 🙂

    Technical SEO | | Smileworks_Liverpool

  • I would like to use MOZ to identify a competitors broken links. Does MOZ have such a tool? Where is it? My SEO consultant suggests that we have bloggers write contend and then link it to our site. I am concerned about the quality of the links that will be generated. He is confident that they will be of high quality and the process will be relatively quick and easy. My concern is future spam penalty or low quality links. Another consultant suggested replacing a competitors broken links. How effective is this? Is it more labor intensive than other link building techniques? Thanks,
    Alan Rosinsky

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Kingalan1

  • I saw many website link which sell social media followers like instagram, facebook followers and likes. I was thinking to increase my social followers/signals for SEO purpose. That's why I want to ask, how these websites followers will affect in SEO?

    Social Media | | akrib

  • A number of sites that link to mine have high spam score. I went to Google console to disavow them but they don't appear in the console. How can I get rid of these? Thanks.

    Link Building | | wonderdome

  • I want to know the Matrices of this site " Clash of lights ". Its a new domain how can i find its matrices like DA PA etc in Moz. Please guide me through it.

    Link Explorer | | Muhammadahamd

  • Hi Everyone, I am currently using Moz's page optimization format to improve our website's SEO. This is the format, these are all of the areas that we need to improve for each of our website's pages, according to Moz. include 3 keywords max: <url></url> <page title="">2 keywords max <title>Primary Keyword - Secondary Keyword - Brand</title></page> 2 keywords max: keywords in my headers 2 keywords max: keywords in my headers ![keyword](image file) <focus keyword="">1 with YOAST</focus> We are currently using the free version of YOAST for our SEO. My question to you is this, will our pages still have good SEO if we use appropriate keywords (high monthly volume, below 40 difficulty ranking, High Organic CTR,) and put them in the format above? Or since the free version of YOAST only let's us optimize 1 keyword, will we still rank for the other two/three that we put in our meta and page titles/h1s, h2s, urls, and overall paragraph text? Please also let us know what we can do to improve our SEO! Thanks so much, Emma

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | emmamathandmovement

  • Hi, As the title states, I forgot to cancel our subscription before the trial expired and was charged USD 159.00. The product isn't a good fit for us at the moment. Will look at in the future again. Thanks J

    Product Support | | jandigitalstudios_seo

  • I'm having an issue correctly formatting a medical specialty for a gastroenterologist. The Google structured data tool is giving me the error of "The property specialty is not recognized by Google for an object of type _Physician". _ Any suggestions on how to correctly update the schema code for a physician's specialty? Thanks, Keith LsPc55X iHUW88a

    Local Website Optimization | | Keith_Kaiser

  • I am looking at the Page Optimization on a post. Under content suggestions to help you rank higher - Are they recommending that I use the recommend anchor text and use one of the top ranking websites to link to those?

    Moz Bar | | RoniFaida

  • Hi, I know about people using expired domains to drive juice to their primary site but what about people using AN expired domain as their primary site (totally changing that site into a trashy affiliate-marketing vehicle)? The site I'm looking at is  It has, according to Semrush, almost 38K links.  It used to be a legit 17-year-old firearms hobby site, and this is what it originally looked like: Here is its last page before it closed and the domain purchased by the affiliate marketer: It closed around February of 2017, and some affiliate marketer bought it and all its backlinks.  However, all those backlinks, which were previously to various articles, are now directed back to those articles (which don't exist anymore) but the homepage, including Wikipedia links.  Here's an example: At the bottom, in the 7th Reference, there's a link to an article called " "Learning About Shooting . . ." but if you click on the original link, it just goes to homepage.  Again, the site's totally different.   And there are just thousands of such backlinks to former articles that don't exist anymore but are redirected to this schlocky site's homepage (and it's passing its juice through too). My question is this:  this cannot be kosher with Google backlinking policies, right?  Is this prevalent on the internet?  Why hasn't been found out and its rankings penalized yet?  And how do I report him?   I see tons of other sites using this basic strategy too on search results with various hunting keywords.  (Disclosure:  I do own a hunting/firearms blog, but I don't do any backlinking at all.) Any help would be sincerely appreciated.

    Affiliate Marketing | | HandyWoman

  • My site has been targeted by a spam farm with hundreds of different domains, all linking to images on our CDN with similar variations of anchor text, eg: get free high quality hd wallpapers wedding cake makers
    get free high quality hd wallpapers hairstyle makeover
    get free high quality hd wallpapers living room cafe
    etc Is it possible within Moz Pro to filter all incoming links with anchor text including "free high quality hd wallpapers" so that I can disavow all of the domains en masse? So far I've only been able to display/download the list of links exactly matching the full anchor text which is very time-consuming with 100+ variations. Regards,

    Link Explorer | | James_NZ

  • I have a few questions regarding keywords that we are wanting to optimize on our site. This may be a bit basic so if this had already been answered elsewhere let me know. Question 1: How many time can I refer to the one word on different pages on the site ? Is there any rules around this? In  theory  the keywords we are looking to include will be relevant to these pages. **Question 2: ** Should I use different variation of the key word or is the one variant fine? Question 3: Looking at the search terms people use from google analytics to get to our site, there is a lot of people using the phrase “sliding windows New Zealand.  Should I write this on the page exactly as “sliding doors New Zealand “ or is “sliding doors” fine? Its just that the former phrase doesn't really work with our communication. I look forward to your advice!

    Keyword Research | | aplnzjune18

  • Earlier having a Keyword in was one of the important ranking factor or at least every SEO guru use to suggest this. But, of late, we are noticing that Google is not giving much weightage to it. What are your thoughts on this?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SameerBhatia

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