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  • Hi Moz community, Our business listing on Google show some unbelievable statistics. According to their insights, we have 21K "Listing on Maps" and 1K "Listing on Search". This is impossible. Have you ever faced this? How these are calculated? There is no way that our business will be searched 20 times more on maps than usual search. Please clarify. Thanks

    Local Listings | | vtmoz

  • Hello my name is Alexander muller and around 2 years ago i have build this website i love to use MOZ to analyze other sites, so i know that my page is better than some others but they still aut rank my website can someone give me an explanation for this ? and i also have a couple of other questions it would be great if someone can help me Is on-site optimisation really that important??? How often should I update my blog???

    On-Page Optimization | | alexmuller87

  • Hi, In the last couple months my client has dropped for several main keyword (not all but some). I suspect this has to do with algorithm updates in March. I am trying to better target the site for this keyword as I discovered it is only mentioned in the home page title on their site at this time. The homepage did not have a good H1 tag, so I added the keyword to that as well. It's in the menu and item page meta descriptions (ecommerce site) and I added it to the homepage meta description. I also suggested to the client that we place it and variants of it in various places throughout the site (where it makes sense). I have a couple questions: Is having an H1 tag at the bottom of the page a concern? It's there because there are various product banners and other information at the top and I didn't want to disrupt the flow of the site. It is above the footer of the page. Does there need to be text underneath? -Is there anything else I can do to improve my rankings for this keyword? I haven't really dealt with this before and any input is appreciated. I also suggested they should try to improve their site overall with more descriptive product descriptions and trying to get backlinks from vendors and relevant contacts.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | AliMac26

  • I have got a lot of weird links indexed from this page: When clicking the link it shows 404. Also, the spam score is huge. What do you guys suggest to do with this?
    Could it be done by somebody to get our rankings down or domain penalized? Best Regards
    Mike & Alex

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Miniorek

  • Hi - I am seeking an onsite search engine that is SEO friendly - which do you recommend? And has anyone tried - that specific search engine - if you have, is it well aligned/attuned to the SEO aspects of your site? Thanks as ever, Luke

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | McTaggart

  • The client wants to close the current e-commerce website and open a new one on a completely different engine without losing income. I have no idea how to approach this topic. Old site has over 100 000 pages, and in terms of SEO is quite great - we hit almost every important keyword in our niche but thanks to heavy modifications of source code site become unmaintainable. Content on new shop will be almost 1:1 with old page but: domain will be different (I can't explain to the client that this will damage our core brand). Beacuse of that I'm forcing idea of going with domain instead of beacuse our main brand is well known to our customers, not as much as old shop but still better than new shop brand. engine and design will be different we will lost almost 30 000 backlinks. budget: only IT. No content and seo tools budget. BONUS: client hired before me some "SEO magician" - now SEO audit score with tools like ahrefs etc. is around 6 - 12% for 100 000 pages on new shop. Great. Does anyone have idea how to approach such task with minimal losses?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | meliegree

  • I've done a bit of reading and I'm having difficulty grasping it. Can someone explain it to me in simple language? What I've gotten so far: Javascript can block search engine bots from fully rendering your website. If bots are unable to render your website, it may not be able to see important content and discount these content from their index. To know if bots could render your site, check the following: Google Search Console Fetch and Render Turn off Javascript on your browser and see if there are any site elements shown or did some disappear Use an online tool Technical SEO Fetch and Render Screaming Frog's Rendered Page GTMetrix results: if it has a Defer parsing of Javascript as a recommendation, that means there are elements being blocked from rendering (???) Using our own site as an example, I ran our site through all the tests listed above. Results: Google Search Console: Rendered only the header image and text. Anything below wasn't rendered. The resources googlebot couldn't reach include Google Ad Services, Facebook, Twitter, Our Call Tracker and Sumo. All "Low" or blank severity. Turn off Javascript: Shows only the logo and navigation menu. Anything below didn't render/appear. Technical SEO Fetch and Render: Our page rendered fully on Googlebot and Googlebot Mobile. Screaming Frog: The Rendered Page tab is blank. It says 'No Data'. GTMetrix Results: Defer parsing of JavaScript was recommended. From all these results and across all the tools I used, how do I know what needs fixing? Some tests didn't render our site fully while some did. With varying results, I'm not sure where to from here.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nhhernandez

  • Moz's crawler has notified me that the H1s for all the blog posts are missing but Mozbar says the page title is designated as the H1 for each post. In Wordpress, the code to the page title is not accessible in "text." I viewed page source and took a look through the code to find the H1 connected to the page title, but couldn't locate it. Usually, Wordpress themes automatically give the page title an H1 tag. Interested to hear any further insights on this topic...

    Moz Pro | | Harjodh

  • As we all attempt to get backlinks for the sites we manage, I have to wonder if it's worth it at all to get a nofollow backlink.  Does Google give and positive credit for a link to a site if it is a nofollow link? Obviously, the follow links are worth pursuing.  I'm just trying to gain some perspective. Thanks,  Wick

    Link Building | | wcksmith1

  • Hello Moz Community! We have been on Moz Pro for awhile but as a small business we have not had time to dive into this great resource. We are at a point now where we want to get some answers. It could be just some direction or actual hiring a consultant to help us through this process. Attached is a screen shot of the New Insights email report we receive. Where do we start and how do we prioritize? sOooMfb

    Moz Pro | | JobBiz

  • Hi - I am about to analyse and then re-plan the structure of a website and think it would be best to do it graphically - in the form of a chart. Are there any tools you would recommend to visualise the structure of an existing website (perhaps something that can scan and then represent a websites) - or plan out a new/revised website? Thanks in advance, Luke

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | McTaggart

  • I've got a listing on Moz Local -  It finds most listings OK.  When looking for other listing services where it locates a matching listing, it cannot seem to find the Facebook page.  They have identical phone numbers as what we submitted (verified by Google) as well as the street address.  We keyed in the Facebook link in the details of the listing for Moz Local.  Moz Local only shows an option to create a page.  How do I get it to connect to the existing and very robust Facebook page?

    Moz Local | | wcksmith1

  • Helping a friend with some keyword research, their business is based in Wales. I am not a Welsh speaker, whats the best way to do Keyword Research?

    Local Website Optimization | | GrouchyKids

  • Hi there, I would like to know how to work on my blog to get more organic traffic. Thanks!!

    Content Development | | lucywrites

  • Hi Moz community, I appreciate the title is confusing, so let me explain. We use blogspot to host our blog. It's set up as a subdomain of our website. Let's call it: Our website, in this example, is ** ** We're migrating our website to a new domain: We'll be redirecting everything on the primary website, so our link profile won't be lost. However, as the blog is hosted on blogspot, we'll lose links pointed to the blog. The blog would remain - but our website would now be The question is, has anyone migrated/redirected a blogspot blog in this way, to retain links? Secondly, is there another way we can tell Google that this is blog should be treated as a subdomain of our website? I'm sure I'm missing out something stupid, so don't go easy on me! Thanks all.

    Web Design | | RobertChapman

  • In Google Search Console, when you request the (re) indexing of a fetched page, what's the average amount of time it takes to re-index and does it vary that much from site to site or are manual re-index request put in a queue and served on a first come - first serve basis despite the site characteristics like domain/page authority?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SEO1805

  • Hi Moz Community, A client of mine has launched a new website. The new website is well designed, mobile friendly, fast loading and offers a far better UX than the old site. It has similar content but 'less wordy'. The old website was tired, slow, not mobile responsive etc but still ranked well. The domain has marketing leading authority and link metrics. Since the launch, the rankings for virtually every word has plummeted. Even previously ranked #1 words have disappeared to page 3 or 4. New pages have different URLs (301s from the old urls are working fine) and still score the same 98% (using the Moz page optimiser tool). Is it usual to experience some short term pain, or are these rankings drop an indication that something else is missing? My theory is that the new URLs are being treated like new pages, and that those new pages don't have the engagement data which is used for ranking. Thus, despite having the same authority of the old pages, as far as user data is concerned, they are new pages and therefor, not ranking well - yet. That theory would make logical sense but I'm hoping some experts here can help. Any suggestions welcome. Here's a quick checklist of things I have already done: complete 301 redirect list
    New sitemap
    Submitted to console
    Created internal links from within their large blog
    Optimised all the new pages (img alts, H1s etc) Extra info: Platform changed from Wordpress to Expression engine
    Target pages now on level 3 not level 2 (extra subfolder used)
    Less words used (average word count per page from 400+ to 250) Thanks in advance 🙂

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | I.AM.Strategist

  • Hi Mozers, When optimizing videos and infographics does it helps to put the word "video" or "infographic" in the browser title and H1? Any guidance is much appreciated! Yael

    Image & Video Optimization | | yaelslater

  • I have started dropping on my rankings - due to lack of time after having a baby. I'm still managing to blog but I'm wondering if I update the content on my pages will that help? All my Meta tags and page descriptions were updated over a year ago - do I need to update these too? We were ranking in the top spots for a good few years, but we're slowly falling 😞 Please give me any advice to keep us from falling even further. I have claimed all my listings, and try to add new links once a month. I share my blog to all social sites and work hard to get Google reviews, we have 53 which is higher than any of our competitors. Any other ideas? Have I missed something that Google is looking for nowadays? Many thanks 🙂

    Algorithm Updates | | Lauren1689

  • Hi SEO pros, If I'm undertaking SEO for a company which has a single website (no location specific pages) and 2 office locations I'm curious on a couple of points: 1. Obviously setting up 2 locations in GMB is a must, but in terms of citation building is it just a case of needing to input 2 citations into every directory (one for each address) 2. Link building - assuming this doesn't change much from when you're ranking for one location? 3. Schema markup - Do i need to create 2 x local business schema and input both into the headers? 4. On-page SEO - trying to rank for 2 locations I'm assuming is much more difficult as you can't optimise both location keywords throughout the site - does anyone know a way around this?

    Local Listings | | Jack1166

  • Hi, I've a client who is planning to build out "courses" for their site. Their ultimate goal is to have videos (which will have transcriptions) but since the videos are not yet ready they want to launch with the content in PowerPoint format instead. Thing is, the pages they have now are really good content/in-depth. In short it seems videos are Phase 2, so their Phase 1 preference is to take all their courses content and put them in PowerPoint slides and add them to their web site. While I understand standalone files like PDFs and PPTs can be indexable, my recollection is that embedded slides are not (like SlideShare). Is that correct? My worry is that by taking this content and reformatting it into PowerPoints will hurt their site instead of helping. Any insight is appreciated!

    Technical SEO | | CR-SEO

  • When we first started out our website didn't have a blog and we started one on Blogger.  It has loads of great content on it but it was before the days when I understood SEO so it's 4 years old and has maybe 1000 views per blog article. Now I want to repurpose some of that great content and SEO optimise it and put it onto my new site.  How do I go about this from an SEO perspective.  I am aware of internal competition and will only be using the old blogs that are new topics to start off with so it doesn't negatively impact my rankings. Should I just delete the old blog and re-write it all on the new one or redirect the old blog articles to the new pages and rewrite them?  The blogger articles have no links to them and it's just content that I'd like to use. The old blog has almost no SEO value at all but I want to use a best practice approach to not cause any damage to my new blog or have google thinking I'm stealing someone else's content.

    Technical SEO | | Smileworks_Liverpool

  • We have a website, which is written in British English. There are no other versions of the site in different languages and the website only serves a UK audience. We have not set an hreflang tag up. Is this something we would still need to do and what would the benefits (if any) be?

    Local SEO | | HubMDP

  • Hi, all please tell me. If I disavow bad Backlinks of my website. If, I create Backlinks again, those websites. Did that again become count in my Backlinks?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | sourav6

  • Why google showing only 160 Char, instead of 320? Is there any official announcement from @Google? I have noticed form last week in Google SERP, Description is showing 160 again. Please help me with valuable information.

    Technical SEO | | HuptechWebseo

  • Hi there, I am starting to write a blog and I wanted to know how to write for SEO correctly? I have been reading a lot about this subject lately and I found very different opinions in terms of length and keyword use. Could you give me some advise about this? Thank you!!

    Content Development | | lucywrites

  • So I understand that I'm never going to get google review stars appearing on my homepage.  The only term I really want my homepage to rank for is the term 'dentist liverpool'.  This figures. But what I'm seeing from my google analytics is that I can rank pretty much any keyword really well (with stars and a great serp entry) except my homepage.  Which is languishing at position 3-5. Now I made some observations from the data and the only people who are landing on my homepage are branded searches.  So people who are searching for us. Why cannot I just make a page and optimise it for 'dentist Liverpool' and go for the number one spot?  That way all the branded people can end up on the homepage and everyone else looking for a dentist in Liverpool can land on my highly optimised 'dentist Liverpool' page? I think I might be missing something really obvious here and know i'd need to de-optimise the home page.  But I find it so easy to rank for all sorts of keywords but our homepage (because it has everything on it) is just not getting to position one.  It's not specific enough to that keyword. Also how awesome would it be to have the only serp entry with 250 google reviews and stars and sitelinks and all that cool stuff?

    Local SEO | | Smileworks_Liverpool

  • I saw something interesting this week. I am doing research and spec-ing out a content page we are creating and one of our competitors "office Depot" on their phone repair page create exact match keywords that lead to an anchor that took you to the header of that pages. They were ranking first for all of those keywords with little to no links Thier strategy is the more local long tail that includes "near me" Have you guys ever seen this
    this is the URL: They are ranking for these keywords ( Top 3 nationally ) iphone 6 repair near me iphone 7 repair near me I am assuming that this is both due to their PA and DA authority shifting the authority to itself, but it does not make sense how they are lacking in a lot of SEO low-hanging fruits like H1/H2 keyword saturation, URL, Title Tag within this content page....Anyone up for discussing this?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | uBreakiFix

  • Hey Guys, I'm fairly new to the world of SEO and have a ton of crawler issues with a friends website I'm doing some work on. After Moz did a site crawl I'm getting loads of errors (Total of 100+ for critical crawler, content and meta data). Most of these are due to broken social links on a subdomain - so my question is do I need to resolve all of the errors even if they are on a sub-domain? Will it affect the primary website? Thanks, Jack

    Technical SEO | | Jack1166

  • Hi Guys, I think this may be fairly straightforward but couldn't find an answer online. I wish to input Schema on a website and have generated the JSON-LD markups for a local business. 1. Do I just add this into the header and if so should it be at the start or end? 2. Do I just add to the homepage? 3. If I have multiple markups (Local Business, Website, etc.) do I put them all in one header Thanks! Jack

    Local Listings | | Jack1166

  • So, does performing dozens or hundreds of search queries a day dilute your search console data, or does google filter this out or how does this work exactly? When you do an icognito search and click on your site does this information get recorded in search console?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | jfishe1988

  • I used moz tool for 3 months. Before that my website never ranked. But now it started ranking.  Thanks to moz. My website is

    Getting Started | | designcafe

  • Hey everyone Despite doing the necessary checks, we have this problem that only a part of the sitemap is indexed.
    We don't understand why this indexation doesn't want to take place. The major problem is that only a part of the sitemap is indexed. For a client we have several projects on the website with several subpages, but only a few of these subpages are indexed. Each project has 5 to 6 subpages. They all should be indexed. Project: Mainly subelements of the page are indexed: Do you have any idea what is going wrong here?
    Thanks for your advice! Frederik
    Digital marketeer at Conversal

    Technical SEO | | conversal

  • Has the price for moz pro gone up considerably this year? I hadn't noticed or will it renew on the same price as previously?

    Product Support | | Libra_Photographic

  • One of our sites is littered in 404s and I have the lucky task of clearing them up. I'm using a mixture of 410s and 301s. Party central, I know. Wondered what ways people measure the success of clearing these 404s up on your site? Whether this is CTR or rankings... do you look at site benefits outside of your console errors coming down? Basically trying to understand how much this is worth doing and how to measure it's progress in real terms. Thanks!

    Algorithm Updates | | Fubra

  • Hi there! I have been hearing a lot about Rich Snippets lately but I don't really know how they work. Are they a very important factor to consider for SEO? I would love to know your thoughts about this. Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | lucywrites

  • Hi we are in the process of redesigning a web site and I’m looking to ensure each of the pages are correctly optimized. I’m concerned that some of the pages do not allow for text or content . From an optimization perspective is there a general rule around the amount of text a page should have and the amount/ration of keywords they should contain? Any advice would be much appreciated.

    Keyword Research | | aplnzjune18

  • Hi team! I was just wondering if there’s any plans for the forums to move to a more mobile friendly format? I love reading the latest questions and advice however I’m typically on the go. Cheers, Casey

    Feature Requests | | Casey_Bryan

  • I was checking this new tool which is really cool by the way and was wondering if I  can outrank big guys with just content. I have a Domain authority of 28 with a spam score of 28 % Can I outrank with amazing content a site that hase a domain authority of 50 and a spam score of 1 % ? Should I ask for all my bad links to be removed so that my spam score goes down or doesn't it matter anymore those days and what matters is good content, link just don't count anymore ? Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • In my attempt to decrease page load times, I ditched my custom fonts for google fonts. I figured out how to apply CSS mask-image to make this blazing fast loading google font have a chalk texture, which was an awesome improvement over the 3-5 second load times for those locally hosted web fonts. I've read that Google penalize a site for poor contrast ratios between the background and text, but do search engines go by CSS or do they somehow compare the actual rendered site as an image? Using CSS mask-image to give my text that chalk appearance does produce minor transparent patches in text. So have I saved 3 seconds on page load just to have search engines knock points off for funky text issues? All input welcome. The temporary site is here. Kevin

    Technical SEO | | kwoolf

  • Our website currently has a sidebar/widget area that appears on almost all pages throughout of entire site (350 page domain).  In that sidebar, we have some static links and some non-static links. Right now there are: 6 Related Post Links - Non-Static
    1 - Call To Action - Static to a landing page
    10 Calculators - Static - These calculators I think are very useful to our users (financial website). So in total 17 total sidebar links, 11 static links, and 6 which change based on the content of the page.  Do you think these static links from an SEO perspective can be hurting us? Is there some sort of best practice for sidebar links in regards to quantity as well as static vs non-static? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | DemiGR

  • Hello A website client won't rank dor branded keyword (site name) for several months, i optimize onpage seo, did some backlinks, the DA jump to 8 (from 1). Yesterday the website rank for branded keyword 5, than 4, tomorrow can't found it.

    Technical SEO | | Zidani

  • Alright, so let's say we've got an event coming up. The URL is On that page, you can access very small pages with small amounts of information, like, and These originally came up as having missing meta descriptions, and I was thinking a rel=canonical might be the best approach, but I'm not sure. What do you think? Is there a better approach? Should I have just added a meta description and moved on?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MWillner

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