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Have an SEO question? Search our Q&A forum for an answer; if not found, use your Moz Pro subscription to ask our incredible community of SEOs for help!

  • When inserting a link with a ''no follow'' rule, ''no opener'' keeps popping in. Can I ask if this will cancel the initial rule as I am not sure what no opener entitles?

    Technical SEO | | ElizaMaria

  • We have a website that is ranking okay but we can't seem to get past #6 or #7 for a specific national keyword, "self storage software". We are working on a more effective back-linking strategy right now, but we really are having a hard time identifying steps to take besides that. If anyone can help me out and give me some suggestions I would be very appreciative. Maybe even seeing a competitive analysis from someone else would help catch something that I am not seeing. Website is Thanks in advance.

    Technical SEO | | kenturley

  • We are getting Moz errors for duplicate content because tag pages share the same blog posts. Is there any way to fix this? Are these errors bad for SEO, or can I simply disregard these and ignore them? We are also getting Moz errors for missing descriptions on tag pages. I am unsure how to fix these errors, as we do not actually have pages for these on our WordPress site where we are able to put in a description. I have heard that having tags can be good for SEO? (We don't mind having several links that show up when searching for us on google...) As far as the SEO goes, I am not sure what to do. Does anyone know the best strategy?

    On-Page Optimization | | Christinaa

  • I have tried to run a number of crawl tests recently for our client's sites outside the US and they have been stuck in the queue for over a week. 3 of them completed, but then 5 are stuck. Anyone experience this? I haven't seen anything about crawl tests having issues right now.

    Moz Bar | | rmcgrath81

  • Hi, I'm wondering which are the best Keyword research tools that provide specific volumes and suggestions re: Voice Search - including on question type searches? Any suggestions would be brilliant - thanks in advance, Luke

    Moz Pro | | McTaggart

  • Hi guys, I would like to clarify something about hreflang markups and most importantly, x-default. Sample URLs: (Australia) (United States) (United Kingdom) Sample Markups: Questions:
    1. Can I use my AU page as x default? I noticed that some x default are US. Note that my biggest market is AU though.
    2. If I indeed use AU page as x default, and the user is searching from China, does it mean that Google will return my AU page?
    3. Can you spot any issues with these markups I made? Anything that I need to correct. Keen to hear from you! Cheers,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | geekyseotools

  • Hello MOZ I really need some help here and would love your advice! I have access to a fantastic PBN through my sister's work colleague who is an experienced marketing director. The PBN is relative to my industry and are all DA 50+ My sister is a copywriter and is putting content together around 500-600 words long. My questions are: How many backlinks should she include in each guest blog post? Are 2 too many? Should the anchor text keywords be exact to the products I am selling? Tips/Advice going forward with the project? Thank you!

    Content Development | | Luca_D

  • Hi all, Just a question re: Titles. Does adding terms like "buy online" to the title for ecommerce websites change the way Google ranks you? For example: Blue Flowers | Flower Palace Buy Blue Flowers Online | Flower Palace Would the second title appear higher for people in the buying phase of the sales funnel, and lower for people in the research phase of the buying funnel? Or will it not matter?

    On-Page Optimization | | Onlineorders

  • My URL is: We have set up a CDN on our own domain: We have a main xml sitemap: and is one the sub sitemaps with images listed within. The image sitemap uses the CDN URLs. We verified the CDN subdomain in GWT. The robots.txt does not restrict any of the photos: Yet, GWT still reports none of our images on the CDN are indexed. I ve followed all the steps and still none of the images are being indexed. My problem seems similar to this ticket but however different because we don't have a separate image sitemap but instead have listed image urls within the sitemaps itself. Can anyone help please? I will promptly respond to any queries. Thanks

    Technical SEO | | TNZ

  • Hi Mozers, We have a page that's ranking #1 for several very high volume queries but the bounce rate is 90%. It's puzzling that the page is ranking so well even though the bounce rate is exceedingly high. The algorithm takes user engagement metrics into account so you would think that it those metrics would push the page down. Having said that, the page does have lots of backlinks. So maybe it's ranking despite the fact that people are clicking out? Does anyone have an idea? Thanks, Yael

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | yaelslater

  • Hey guys! I'm trying to optimize for a keyword that includes a mutated vowel (ä for example). In the URL I simply put it as ae (which most sites that I checked do). For whatever reason it says the keyword is not used on the site at all - which isn't true. Is this a known problem? Haven't found anything in the forums. Thanks for the help. Florian

    Moz Bar | | floriannin

  • Hello guys I have my own blog called Hero-t3ch ,How can I get more traffic ??

    Local SEO | | mohamednabil

  • Hi Guys, We have a e-commerce store on generic top-level domain which has 1000s of products in US. We are looking to expand to aus, uk and canda using subfolders. We are going to implement hreflang tags. I was told by our SEO agency we need to make all the content between each page unique. This should be fine for cateogry/product listing pages. But they said we need to make content unique on product pages. If we have 1000 products, thats 4000 pages, which is a big job in terms of creating content. Is this necessary? What is the correct way to approach this, won't the hreflang tag be sufficent to prevent any duplicate content issues with product pages? Cheers.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | geekyseotools

  • Hey Guys, We have a (gTLD) site, the primary market in Australia. We want to expand to US and UK. For the homepage, we are looking to create 3 new subfolders which are: Then if someone visits the redirect based on their ip address to to the correct location. We are also looking to setup hreflang tags between the 3 sub-folders and set geo-location targeting in google search console at sub-folder level. Just wondering if this setup sounds ok for international SEO? Cheers.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | pladcarl9

  • Hello Community, I'm running a .com website with India targetted audience on Webmastertools from 2 years. Now I want to start a separate zone for US. .us domain is not available for my domain right now. So what is your suggestion for best results: 1. domain/us (Subdirectory) 2. us.domain (Subdomain) 3. new domain (separate website) I think Subdomain can work great if I will pass place a header link sitewide. Or that can reduce authority as mentioned on few blogs? Let me know your thoughts

    On-Page Optimization | | sah90

  • Hello Moz community I am looking at a couple of websites to guest post on and it feels almost too easy. I am concerned these sites may be part of a PBN. Their spam scores are quite low however (6% - 11%). Is the new Spam Score on Link Explorer (not Open Site Explorer) a reliable tool to vet PBNs? I asked a member of the Moz team but they didn't know. Perhaps another will. Here is the website Thank you in advance for your opinions.

    Moz Pro | | Avid-Panda

  • On the keyword Piedmont bike tours. How can this website (we are going to call it number 1) Be above this website (we are going to call it number 2) I know number 1 is a big company but a few weeks back it was behind. Could someone let me why the number 1 is above number 2. Doesn't number 2 answer the people's questions ? what could be missing ? Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Hi there, A site i'm working on atm has a thousand "not found" errors on google console (of course, I'm sure there are thousands more it's not showing us!). The issue is a lot of them seem to come from a URL change. Damage has been done, the URLs have been changed and I can't stop that... but as you can imagine, i'm keen to fix as many as humanly possible. I don't want to go mad with 301s - but for external links in, this seems like the best solution? On the other hand, Google is reading internal links that simply aren't there anymore. Is it better to hunt down the new page and 301-it anyway? OR should I 410 and grit my teeth while google crawls and recrawls it, warning me that this page really doesn't exist? Essentially I guess I'm asking, how many 301s are too many and will affect our DA? And what's the best solution for dealing with mass 404 errors - many of which aren't attached or linked to from any other pages anymore? Thanks for any insights 🙂

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Fubra

  • We have just had 200+ visits on the 'Display' channel within 5 minutes - these referrals are from all over the world and this is very out the ordinary for our business - should we be concerned? 9cHllwW

    Reporting & Analytics | | RayflexGroup

  • Hello - can anyone provide some guidance on how to remove a 'Located in' field from a GMB listing?  This has appeared in a client's GMB listing - but the other location is separate and so it is not applicable.  I have worked out how to add a 'Located in' feature - but not remove it.  Appreciate any help.

    Local Listings | | P.Myers

  • Hey guys, I would love to hear your thoughts on how you think SEO will change in the 2020's. The 2010's saw some pretty cool stuff like Panda, Penguin, penalties for non-mobile-friendly, non-secure and slow loading sites. What will be more or less important for SEO's in the 2020's than today? How will machine learning and AI change SEO?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | GreenHatWeb

  • Hey Moz Community, Link Explorer is now open to the public! Everyone can access it via a subscription or a free Moz ‘Community’ account. As you may know by now, the brand-new Link Explorer tool is primed to replace Open Site Explorer as Moz’s link building and analysis tool. The Link Explorer project is the result of an incredible amount of perseverance and hard work by the team, and we’re proud to be able to finally share it with you — we know it’s going to revolutionize how you approach link building and make your job easier. You can read more about the tool here in Sarah Bird’s announcement post. Because Link Explorer improves on almost every aspect of Open Site Explorer, the metrics have improved, too. That means you’re likely going to see some Domain Authority and Page Authority discrepancies between OSE’s index and Link Explorer’s index. We definitely suggest you use the new DA/PA from Link Explorer, as they’re more accurate and refresh daily rather than monthly, as was the case with OSE’s index. However, we also realize that many of you use these metrics to report to your clients and colleagues, and a sudden change or fluctuation could potentially make your job harder. Which DA is the real DA? The new DA is based on a much larger index that has many improvements, several of which are designed to make the index more like Google’s than ever before. You should consider moving towards the new DA (and the old DA won’t be updated after April 26th 2018, so the sooner the better). While there will be fluctuations as we improve the model and add features to the index, we expect it to remain largely stable and to be a far more accurate picture of a site’s authority according to how it’s seen by Google. Why is Link Explorer’s DA/PA considered better than OSE’s, and which should I trust? The larger link index with improved crawl selection allows us to produce a stronger model that includes a much larger proportion of the web. That being said, DA and PA should always be considered in the context of your competitors. A drop in PA or DA relative to the old OSE is of little concern if your competitors saw similar movement. Is Domain Authority/Page Authority an absolute score or a relative one? Both DA and PA are relative to the Internet as a whole. If Facebook acquired a billion new links, everyone’s PA and DA would drop relative to Facebook. Because of this, it’s always best to look at PA and DA in comparison to your competitors. What does a drop/raise in DA mean in Link Explorer vs OSE? How can I explain this to my clients when I’m reporting it? DA and PA should always be considered in the context of your competitors. A drop or raise in PA or DA relative to the old OSE is of little concern if your competitors saw similar movement. Reporting that your site has moved from a DA of 45 to a DA of 42 doesn’t tell the whole story, but reporting that your site has a DA of 42 while your main competitor moved from a 43 to a 37 shows that, relative to the sites you’re competing against in the SERPs, your site has significantly more authority and ranking power. What’s happening to MozTrust and MozRank and why, and what should I replace those with? The improvements to our DA/PA and Spam Score metrics now now account for more important nuances in helping you determine one site’s ability to rank higher than another. Because they no longer correlate with Google’s ranking model as well as they used to, MozRank and MozTrust are being deprecated for better metrics. Users should rely on Page Authority, Domain Authority, and Spam Score to determine the importance and quality of pages, domains, and links. I have historical data I use to help my clients benchmark their progress. What do I do now that DA is calculated differently? You should annotate any KPI changes referencing the change in DA and PA. However, most importantly, you should compare those changes to your competitors, as this will best show how strong your site’s authority is relative to the sites you’re competing against in the SERPs. We take updating our metrics very seriously, and our last major update to the model was 7 years ago. Users of Domain Authority and Page Authority can expect us to continue to produce steady, reliable metrics for the long haul, and only make changes to these metrics when we believe the benefits dramatically outweigh the stability of the metric. Do you have any questions about the new metrics? Anticipating a tough time reporting changes to clients or bosses? Metrics, features or functionality missing that you would want to see? Let us know in the thread, and we’ll work to find a good answer for you. Hope you enjoy the new Link Explorer product and the amazing new link index powering it. We are very excited to provide this valuable data to our community and customers.

    Link Explorer | | IanWatson

  • I'vwe waited about three hours, with no change. Why does this happen — is it something I did? Will those metrics ever be gathered? Or do I need to re-do buildingthe list all over again? And how can I be sure it will be any dirfferent?

    Moz Bar | | btreloar

  • Update: Thank you all for your open and honest feedback about our planned retirement of Rank Tracker. Our product team has taken all of it to heart, discussed some alternatives, and has made the decision NOT to retire Rank Tracker at this time. Instead, we want to learn more from you about what makes this tool so useful for you and your business. From what we learn in this survey, we will take steps to design a better solution for you than simply shutting it down. Please take this Rank Tracker survey! ************************************************************************************************************************************** Hello! I am a product manager on the Moz Pro team, and I want to let you know about an upcoming change to Moz Pro. On June 8th, 2018, we are retiring Rank Tracker, one of our tools for tracking keyword rankings. Why? We want to make Moz Pro easier to navigate and use. Right now, Moz has two tools that allow you to track keyword rankings: Rank Tracker and Campaigns. We’ve talked to a lot of customers and overwhelming feedback has been that this is just plain confusing. We agree. Don’t worry! You can still use Moz Pro for all your rank tracking and keyword research. Campaigns is the primary tool you should be using to track your keyword rankings and Keyword Explorer is your go-to to discover and prioritize the best keywords to target. What do Rank Tracker users need to know? To keep a record of your tracked keyword history, you will need to export your tracked history to CSV. If you have opted-in to receive weekly ranking emails for your tracked keywords, you will no longer receive these email alerts after June 1st, 2018. What should I do now? If you are not using Rank Tracker then this change does not impact you one bit. If you use Rank Tracker for keyword tracking, you will need to add any keywords you would like to keep tracking to a Moz Pro campaign. You can create a new campaign or add keywords to an existing campaign by navigating to the Rankings tab and selecting Add & Manage Keywords. If you have any more questions or feedback, please leave it in the comments below. Thanks! Kiki

    Moz Bar | | kikikuchin

  • Hey guys, I'm baffled by checking my Ahrefs ratings lately. It looks like our rating just went up considerably... from over 1 million to now around 500k. One of my main competitors, however, has a much lower Ahrefs rank (over 3 million) but he does a considerable more amount of traffic than we do... how is this? My domain rating is higher than his by a lot. Very curious how this works.

    Competitive Research | | jfishe1988

  • Unfortunately, we have maxed out our capacity for our GTM container because we are using the same container for many websites. We need the ability to add new tags though without deleting old ones. As a temporary patch, we are creating a second container to push to all sites so we can run both containers simultaneously. Our biggest concern with this is slowing down page load speed because of having all tags from both containers firing on pages. What are the issues with having multiple containers on our sites? What would be the best way to do this long term?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MJTrevens

  • Hi Everyone, What is the best practice for authorship in 2018 and going forward? I am moving my entire blog over to a new wordpress theme so it's easier to read and navigate in an attempt to make it look better on the mobile and give better UX / CRO and implicit user feedback signals to google. On the old blog I would say who the author is in the URL, H1 and in the content.  This includes an image of the author with an image alt with their name, qualifications and blurb. I've now set up each author as a 'user' for the new blog and their image and name comes up because I've marked those blogs as authored by that particular user in Wordpress. What should I do as far as the SEO elements are concerned? I have read Eric Enge's blog about authorship being dead here and also that authorship should be marked up in schema correctly - which I've done.  Also I've read around how it provides indirect signals even though it's no longer a direct ranking factor. Should I tell wordpress to ignore the authorship SEO element by unticking the boxes relating to publishing authorship or let wordpress just do it's thing?  Should I keep the images and alt tags and H1 in there or take them out and let the wordpress system take over the authorship SEO elements? It's going to look funny to have author (in wordpress theme) and then author details again just below? So what is the best practice for authorship in 2018 and going forward? Am I making too big a deal of it and can just let wordpress sort it out.  Something it seems to do very well? Thanks in advance, Ed.

    Local Website Optimization | | Smileworks_Liverpool

  • Hello to all, Αs you know the Greek language is very special, wonderful but so difficult at the same time...! The same difficulty i face when im trying to use the adwords keyword planner tool, to choose the wright words for a new menu category when i built new SEO for a new site. I encounter a major problem with keywords who have the same meaning and some people use the right spelling and others use wrong spelling! I give you an example with word "κάρτα μνήμης"  who means in english "sd card". In Greek language we have tones and we can wrote the word "κάρτα μνήμης" without a tones -> "καρτα μνημης" and without wright spelling and without tones at the same time -> "καρτα μνημησ". Keyword planner give me another results for each word whatever it has the same meaning! ex. (καρτα μνημης = 0 clicks, κάρτα μνήμησ = 210 clicks and καρτα μνημησ = 2400 clicks!!!) If i put the menu keywords with Hypercase you think that i am ok? I wonder if  i use the wright spelling and orthography and i put them with Lowercase if I have a problem and didn't  take the full of clicks of all keywords with the same meaning! I prefer for better design Lowercase's but if i have a problem with Seo i will change it! Thanks, Kalogeropoulos Marios

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | marioskal

  • Hello Our Business is Verified Business Listing in google, as of Everything ok, But there are around 6-7 other company Who Registered Our website as there website, so my question is How should we make them spam & make Our website verified With Our main Location only, How to make Our business Listing Secure, please Guide as, to help Resolve this issue, Thnx in advance

    Local Listings | | falguni-iepl

  • I saw a big difference between DA scores on Moz Chrome app VS Website Tool. Which DA score is the correct one? I personally believe the scores on Moz's site is most accurate. Do you happen to have issues syncing the scored to your Chrome app? Chrome App VS. Moz Research Tool ( 92 / 88 Here's a screenshot of the difference: This was evident in other websites too:
    Priceza (😞 38 / 24
    Shopback (😞 43 / 41
    Cuponation (😞 27 / 25

    Moz Bar | | iPrice_Marketing

  • Hi all, I'd like to know your thoughts on keyword planning and site architecture. I thought it was best practice to structure your website so specific pages target certain keywords. The titles, meta desc. and content on these pages should be unique to that page. I've had good success ranking pages this way. But! How come so often you'll see a website that has no keyword planning ranking so well? Let's take the example: "Bamboo Sheets". A top ranking website in my country sells all kinds of bamboo bedding, including sheets, towels, pillow cases, etc. They have "Bamboo Sheets" in the title & meta description for the main category page ( - which is where it should be. But then I see it again on the homepage title & meta ( and other pages of the website. So why aren't they cannibalizing their own pages? And why do they blog about Bamboo Sheets and not cannibalize the keyword from there? Is landing page optimization just a myth? It seems entire websites built around a keyword rank just as well, and in most cases, much better than sites with keyword specific landing pages. If you only sell one product this isn't a problem, but for websites that offer multiple products or services, it's incredibly frustrating when trying to compete. It's like Google still gives a lot of authority to keyword rich domain names and business names. Thoughts?

    Keyword Research | | Onlineorders

  • Gajanand angela dayHi,
    I have a question from SEO experts and web developers.
    I want to setup a job website for 5 countries. for each country i will provide daily jobs listing on the basis of
    1. jobs by categories - for example : accounting jobs. IT jobs, Sales jobs
    2. jobs by city - for example : jobs in boston, jobs in chicago
    3. jobs by companies for example : jobs in facebook, jobs in emirates case :
    a company name " emirates " located in "boston" having vacancy of "accounting job " having position of full time this case job will be present in following categories . 1. accounting jobs in boston
    2. jobs in boston
    3. jobs in emirates and open any above option there will be filter box on left side showing
    position i.e full time
    salary i.e 1000-1500
    location i.e boston,chicago Q.1
    i want to know when user search on google these terms "accounting jobs in boston " or "jobs in boston" or "jobs in emirates" same job will display which url structure is recommended in for each search term? Q.2 how we can do on page SEO for these terms because jobs listing will be changing daily because of new jobs addition and content is changing not Q.3 should i create website on separate domains for each country or same domain but with different folders in it or com/uk for UK and .ae OR .com/uae for UAE Note : i will also attach blog on it and each blog will focus on specific country knowledge for example for USA , how to find jobs in new york and for UAE how to find jobs in Dubai etc . Thanks in Advance

    Technical SEO | | Shahjahaaan

  • What do you suppose would be the SEO link value of underwriter or business supporter links on the websites of public radio stations?  For example: On one hand it is a very reputable domain, but the page has like 400 links on there.

    Link Building | | RandyHT

  • Switched from and HTTPS to HTTP. My home page is facing a redirect issue from the http to https. Should I no index the HTTP or find the redirect and delete it? Thank you

    Technical SEO | | LandmarkRecovery2017

  • If I were to spin up a new site what do people recommend as the best template, services, etc. Do you have an example of the perfect structure, I want to point my team to an example page and say - This is perfect, do this but for our product (structure, content amount, etc) Thank you,

    On-Page Optimization | | Jamesmcd03

  • Hi, I have an issue with Google indexing the US version of our website rather than the UK version on I have added hreflang tags to both sites ( and, have updated and submitted an XML sitemap for each website and checked that the country targeting in search console is set-up correctly but Google are still indexing the wrong website.  I would be grateful for any assistance with this issue. Many thanks Eddie

    Technical SEO | | mypetgiftbox

  • Is the rel=nofollow tag on this article a true NoFollow for the whole article (and all the external links to other sites in the article), or is it just for a specific part of the page? Here is the article: The reason I ask is that I'm confused about the code since it has "" as a portion of the URL. Your help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | dklarse

  • I have been working on a project, this is a local business. Recently we migrate the site, to a new domain name I use Moz Local and Moz Pro to track the site Performance. Obviously when we updated the domain name the local score when from 89 to 60. So my question How many time takes to Moz Local to update the info for the main partners? If I claim a listing on a third party website, and import that listing, how many time is going to take to update? I mean there's a lot of local directories out there, and I want to build business profiles with links pointing to my site. What happens to the Mian Partners, Example I have control over the Bing Places Account. What do I need to do, 1 update the info manually or Moz local will synchronize the info Thanks for your help

    Moz Local | | Roman-Delcarmen

  • I've got a client that has a higher domain authority than top ranking sites, is pretty well optimized from a content perspective, has good local reviews but still isn't ranking well at all... often not at all in local results. We don't show in map pack or even regular organic listings in a pretty small city. They are a local sign shop- so they make business signs/church signs etc. Have you seen anything negatively impacting local rankings that is worth digging into as possible cause? A few historical insights: They had some spammy backlinks (we think a competitor was being shady) that I've sent disavow files into Google for They had a previous SEO person create 100's of orphan pages for every possible city + offering combination you can think of- I've cleaned those up via 301 redirects Should I just keep waiting, doing content optimization or am I missing something else?

    Local Listings | | karmadigital

  • This question is regarding this Whiteboard Friday from October 2017 ( Sorry that I am a little late to the party, but I wanted to see if someone could help out. So, in theory, if header links matter less than in-content links, and links lower on the page have their anchor text value stripped from them, is there any point of linking to an asset in the content that is also in the header other than for user experience (which I understand should be paramount)? Just want to be clear.Also, if in-content links are better than header links, than hypothetically an industry would want to find ways to organically link to landing pages rather than including that landing page in the header, no?  Again, this is just for a Google link equity perspective, not a user experience perspective, just trying to wrap my head around the lesson. links-headers-footers-navigation-impact-seo

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | 3VE

  • I have multiple grey listings,but i believe I have already registered for them. I want to raise my Moz score.

    Moz Local | | Robcanada

  • Hi I need a tool or some kind of service like attracta for backlinks. I need backlinks from high page rank directories blogs etc. Please help me out from where I can purchase backlinks?

    Link Building | | nitinkumar9258

  • Hi There,Got a few question regarding SEO for Photogalleries. - What are the best practices in terms of SEO whenever we have a gallery of pictures and each picture has a different URL? Currently, we are using a unique metadescription that is on the first page of the gallery, then for the remaining ones, we are using the captions of the pictures as metadescriptions.Is the the good way to go? Is it better to have short metadescriptions (being the captions of our pictures) or duplicate metadescriptions (the same one across the pictures)?- is there any other recommendations used by other websites?Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seaounousa

  • I have a potential client who doesn't seem to be using wildcard SSLs in a multi-site scenario (over 40 sites) - what I'm wondering is the scope of Google's inspection of a site's SSL in this case: (good to go) (certificate error) Will Googlebot/Google possibly consider the entire TLD insecure? Could the secured, www-version of the site end up with the "Site is not secure" message in the SERPs as well? Could this invisibly affect the client's rankings? PS:  Yes, I know that the right thing to do is go wildcard, but I need an answer to this before recommending a large purchase to them.

    Web Design | | scottclark

  • I love HubSpot and have been a partner for years.  I get great marketing material from SharpSpring, and I have an inkling that their software is really good, but their sales team seems unbelievably awful.  Can anyone speak to this and say the software is worth the money, works well and has decent support?

    Industry News | | aj613

  • Can I create a custom report that tracks specific URLs' performance?

    Moz Bar | | lina_digital

  • We've recently taken over this account and are baffled how the previous SEO company has been attaining rankings. Why in the world is this spammy tactic still working in this day and age? This is one of many landing pages on the website consisting of an iframe of the home page and a hidden article. The page had a ton of spammy incoming links with spammy anchor text from horribly spammy blog posts.

    On-Page Optimization | | VertigoMG

  • Since Google decreased the "Fetch As Google" limit to ten pages per day, we've been a bit stuck. We're publishing 20-30 content pages per day, targeting a huge range of search queries. Circa 40% of our traffic comes to us through these pages. Since we're now heavily restricted on submitting these to Google, who's got other ideas to get the pages picked up quickly? I'm slightly concerned because although the pages link outwards to other areas of the website, no other areas of the site link to these pages. They're purely top-of-the-funnel. We can't be the only people with this concern. How would you address it?

    Industry News | | MSGroup

  • A client had a website redesign and over 400 pictures (she's a photographer) were lost. The URL's (ending in .png) are hanging out there and according to the site scan, they have a matching current URL. Since the pictures are gone can the URL be deleted?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | fcromwell

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