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  • So. its kind of weird. on my campaign keywords tracking I now have 4 keywords that my client site is being ranked for. (on Monday it was 2) however on Monday and now too. I cannot find my website when I try and search that keyword manually. i understand that Moz does not update and search every keyword every day but even after a few days now. also the rank tracker show different results for same keywords and these results too seems not accurate what am i missing?

    Moz Bar | | SharonEKG

  • Hello, When google is looking for topics does it combine all the H tags or does it look at H tag after H  tag For example let's imagine I have an H2 and under that H2 I have 5 H3. To find the topic(s) of my page does it look at each H3 separtly and says H3 number 1 has this topic, h3 number 2 has this topic and so on or does it take all the content within the 5 H3 to find the topic of the H2 ? Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • About 30% of product reviews that the clients of our ecommerce store submitted in the last 10 years are 3 words or less (we did not require any minimum length). Would you recommend to hide those very short review texts? Where to draw the limit?
    Numeric star rating would still go into our accumulated product rating. My only concern here is what impact it may have on google ranking. 
    To give some context, the site has for a long time some panda/phantom related issues where there are no obvious reasons that we could point to.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | lcourse

  • I've done a fair of research to try to find the answer to this, but different people seem to give very different opinions, and none of the info I could find is recent! I'm working with a company that produces a range of industrial products that fit into 6 main categories, within this categories, there are types of products and the products themselves. Prior to my involvement most of the content was added to the product pages and very little was added to the overall category page. The structure works like this: Electronic devices > type of device > products The 'type of device' category could be something like a switch, but within that category are 3/4 different switch types...leaving me with 11 or 12 primary keyword/phrases to aim for as each switch is searched for in more than one way. Should I try to rank for all of those terms using that one category page? Or should I change the structure to something like: Electronic devices > type of device > sub-category/specific variation of device > product This would mean creating a page for each variation to have a more accute focus for a small number of phrases..but it also means I've added another step between the home page and the products. Any advice is welcome! I'm worried I'm overthinking it!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Adam_SEO_Learning

  • Having taken a day-long course not long ago, I'm new to SEO and I'm struggling to decide which keywords to target. I work in a really niche area: we make booking engines that allow travel agencies to sell flights, hotels, cars and other travel services online. I know there are various tools on the web (and on Moz) which give you the average monthly searches and competition for each term but I still don't understand how to decide which ones to target. For example, the term 'travel systems' gets a high amount of search and the competition for it is high. However, Google brings back results about prams and buggies so I think I should avoid this one. Another is 'travel solutions' which gets a high amount of search and is low on competition. Google brings back results about travel agencies. This is more our area but our target audience is travel agencies so I'm not really sure I'd be attracting the right traffic? I'd be really grateful for any advice that you can give me.

    Keyword Research | | noortomlinson

  • My trial just expired and I had forgotten to cancel!!! Is it possible to get a refund. Moz is a good service but I don´t need it right now. Can you help me?

    Getting Started | | DanielIri

  • My Moz spam score is 7%, I think this is due to loads of spam links from a website which appeared in the last month. It is a paid inclusion site so not sure how my website got included with a link I have contacted them to be removed but not heard anything yet. The link is showing 768 times from different versions of the same site. Is there anything else I should do?

    Moz Bar | | henandstag

  • My client wants a multilingual site: English and Spanish but with a domain name in both languages: And Is it possible? To have 1 site with both domains pointing each one to its version? and how this affects SEO?

    Technical SEO | | Trazo

  • Bounce rate for one of my client's website has drastically reduced. Its below 5%. Have ensured that GA code is placed only once. Any help or tips in identifying the root cause is much appreciated. Shall be happy to share the URL if required.

    Reporting & Analytics | | seoninj

  • Hey! i was wondering, should i force all traffic to https address? i know that overall a better secured website will rank better since it earns more trust from users which means less bounce rate and the list of benefits is endless..
    but should i FORCE ALL traffic to a https? or maybe only force a http to https? or not at all?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SharonEKG

  • Hello all, I must put URLs in my language Greek, Greeklish or in English? And at the end of url it is good to put -> .html? For exampe ? What is the best way to get great ranking? I am a new digital marketing manager and its my first time who works with a programmer who doesn't know. I need to know as soon as possible, because they want to be "on air" tomorrow! Thank you very much for your help! Regards, Marios

    Technical SEO | | marioskal

  • Our business is heavily dependent on SEO traffic from long tail search. We have over 400,000 pieces of content, all of which we found scraped and published by another site based out of Hong Kong (we're in the US). Google has a process for DMCA takedown, but doing so would be beyond tedious for such a large set of urls. The scraped content is outranking us in many searches and we've noticed a drastic decrease in organic traffic, likely from a duplicate content penalty. Has anyone dealt with an issue like this? I can't seem to find much help online.

    Technical SEO | | Kibin

  • Hello, The company I am working for is launching a new ecommerce website (just a handful of products).
    In the first phase, the website will be English only, but it will be possible to order internationally (20 countries).
    In a second phase, new languages and countries will be added. I am wondering what is the best URL structure for launch: Start with a structure similar to (later on we will add other languages than english) Start with a structure similar to
    3) Start with a structure similar to (at the beginning it will be all What do you think? Cheers

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Lvet

  • With the larger subscriptions, I want to be able to have my clients login to their campaign without having access to everyone else on my account. Is this possible?

    Feature Requests | | Libra_Photographic

  • Is anyone else having an issue Keyword Explorer? I'm added keywords to lists but there are a couple of problems: The metrics are taking a long time to come through. I.e: at least 10-15 minutes When I try to export my keyword list a completely different keyword export appears When I try to refresh the explorer, my keywords are removed from the list and replaced some keywords/phrases that are completely unrelated Any insight would be appreciated 🙂

    Moz Bar | | daniel-brooks

  • I'm trying to find a comprehensive list of CTRs by search enginge position. The most exhaustive list I've found is this one: - which shows CTRs by industry for the positions 1-21. I'm interested in seeing the rates for lower positions as well - does anyone in the community know any (preferably recent) resources for this? Thank you.

    Algorithm Updates | | PrebenKaas

  • From analyzing my competitor‘s websites I can see that I have way fewer external and internal followed links. The number of followed links my competitors are getting each week increases by around 300. Where do these links come from? How can I increase my followed links ?

    Link Building | | wonderdome

  • This would be a very useful feature, and other sites are doing this, including Ahrefs.

    Feature Requests | | rabbit519

  • Hi Everyone, Someone has generated more than 22k spam backlinks (on bad keywords) for my domain.Will it hurt on my website (SEO Ranking)? Because it is already in the top ranking. How could I remove all the spammy backlinks? How could I know particular competitior who have done this?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | HuptechWebseo

  • We did a new site launch on Feb 7th this year - It changed from Magento 1 to Magento 2.  We had some launch issues around SEO but now we've solved most every crawler issue in Moz reporting - according to Moz we're in better shape on-site than ever. But our organic search is just dropping daily - we expected a drop after launch then back to normal, but over 2 months on something just isn't right. A good example, on Google UK for keyword 'home automation' we've always been about position 10, but now we're out the top 50... Forget about off site for now - what's wrong with our site itself to have caused this? Can anyone help with insights please as this is killing our sales

    On-Page Optimization | | dbsmtec

  • I have been doing some reading on directory link anchor text and it appears the best practice for 2018 and beyond would be to build your brand. For Example Sue's Shoes and her website is Directory Anchor Text As Follows
    Sue's Shoes Now my question would be if you had a competitor site who was top position on google and ALL anchor text for all directories at leat 90% was Buy Shoes Here I do not understand how they are following best practices? What do you recommend to be safe.

    Moz Pro | | brandon.grass

  • Please help! Ive been trying to rank this page It appeared on age 2 for a day and disappeared again. It's like it's being algorithmically kicked out. Can anyone see why?

    Local Listings | | Andrew-SEO

  • Hi there, Does anyone have any experience submitting a completely new sitemap structure - including URLs - to google console? We've changed our sitemap plug in, so rather than /sitemap-index.xml, our main sitemap home is /sitemap.xml (as an example). Is it better to 410 the old ones or 301 redirect them to the new sitemaps? If 301, what do we do about sitemaps that don't completely correlate - what was divided into item1.xml, item2.xml is now by date so items-from-2015.xml, items-from-2016.xml and so on. On a related note, am I right in thinking that there's no longer a "delete/ remove sitemap" option on console? In which case, what happens to the old ones which will now 404? Thanks anyone for any insight you may have 🙂

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Fubra

  • I get the following warning about our domain name in Link Explorer Moz tool You entered the URL which redirects to Click here to analyze instead. Please advice me. How I can fix it.

    Link Explorer | | jeffreyjohnson

  • Hey, so I have been wondering for some time now as some pages will get indexed and others won't appear at all. That makes me think that I am either creating to similar content or it is becoming too spammy. Take these two pages I created for example. The body content is very similar but h tags, meta tags and title are different. So my questions is; would pages not be displaying due possibly being too similar and spammy or duplicate? I have linked two pages that are very similar below and would love to hear any thoughts about it. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    Content Development | | Niclasfa

  • We currently have a mess of filters and views in our Google Analytics instance. We have a chance to make a clean start. Wondering if creating a whole new property is a good idea? Or just some additional views? Any other pointers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    Reporting & Analytics | | jill.myers

  • Hello, We have used for a few years in the past. Service was reasonable and they did what they were supposed to do. However, due to their price and requirement for a full-year payment upfront we stopped using their review collection service. Is someone using They are included in Google Review Partners, which seems to be very encouraging: Also, they have a decent price for their intermediary package (about $ 89/month) and don't require a yearly contract like Trustpilot and some others. Any experiences you could share about will be appreciated. Luciano, The Translation Company Group

    Reviews and Ratings | | the-global-communicator

  • Hi Moz Community, Are Bing/Yahoo crawlers different from Google’s crawler in terms of how they process client side JavaScript and especially content/data loaded by client side JavaScript? Thanks,

    Technical SEO | | znotes

  • Hi Moz Community, I have a question about personalization of content, can we serve personalized content without being penalized for serving different content to robots vs. users? If content starts in the same initial state for all users, including crawlers, is it safe to assume there should be no impact on SEO because personalization will not happen for anyone until there is some interaction? Thanks,

    Technical SEO | | znotes

  • Hi Moz Community, Is there a proper way to do SPA (client side rendered) and PWA without having a negative impact on SEO? Our dev team is currently trying to covert most of our pages to Angular single page application client side rendered. I told them we should use a prerendering service for users that have JS disabled or use server side rendering instead since this would ensure that most web crawlers would be able to render and index all the content on our pages even with all the heavy JS use. Is there an even better way to do this or some best practices? In terms of the PWA that they want to add along with changing the pages to SPA, I told them this is pretty much separate from SPA's because they are not dependent. Adding a manifest and service worker to our site would just be an enhancement. Also, if we do complete PWA with JS for populating content/data within the shell, meaning not just the header and footer, making the body a template with dynamic JS as well would that effect our SEO in any way, any best practices here as well? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | znotes

  • As the title said, I don't think my homepage is being indexed. When I use "site:" search operator it's not there, but it's still ranking for other various keywords. Also the pages of my site I would expect to see with the "site:" search operator aren't there either. Site for reference: Any ideas what could be causing this? I don't have any errors or penalties in Search Console. Thanks.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Three29

  • I have several backlinks with high spam scores. The anchor text as listed is either just a period, or it says there is no anchor text. These links don't generate traffic and there is no way for me to contact the website owner. Is this a case for the Search Console Disavow Tool?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Harley.Helmer

  • Hi, On my website I have a table with a list of products, on every row I have a different product and a different property on each column. The table is made with css so the html code is clean. The problem is (I guess) that google doesn't 'understand' what its inside on the table. So if I do a google search that page appears on the page 87, there is any way to improve my SEO without changing the table? Or to improve my SEO I must change the format of my content? In resume, I want to improve the SEO page of a page that contains information organized inside a table. I don't know if there is a specific answer to this question. Any help is welcome. Regards

    Web Design | | jcobo

  • Hi! I'm working on a client site at the moment and I've discovered a couple of pages that are 404ing but producing a 200 OK response. However, I have checked these URLs again and some are now producing a 404 Error response. No changes have been made (that I'm aware of) so it appears that the URLs are returning both 200 OK and 404 Error responses intermittently. Any ideas what could cause this and the best solution? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | daniel-brooks

  • We moved our domain is on April 4th. It was migrated to Google Search Console continues to show  about 420of URLs indexed for the old "NYC" domain. This number has not dropped on Search Console. Don't understand why Google has not de-indexed the old site. 
    For the new "Metro" domain only 114 pages are being shown as valid. Our search volume has dropped from about 85 visits a day to 12 per day. 390 URLs appear as "crawled- currently not indexed". Please note that the migrated content is identical. Nothing at all changed. All re-directs were implemented properly. Also, at the time of the migration we filed a disavow for about 200 spammy links. This disavow file was entered for the old domain and the new one as well. Any ideas as to how to trouble shoot this would be much appreciated!!! This has not been very good for business.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Kingalan1

  • Just spent 2.5 hours on the phone with Google.  I created dozens of GMB pages for clients using my email address.  Now I am discovering that this is not the right way of doing this.  Each business owner should create a GMB account with her own email address.  Then I can be added as a manager of that GMB account. Question:
    Now that I have dozens of GMB accounts under my email account, is it worth it to create a new email address for each client and associate it with the new email address? I think the best thing would be to have each client do it herself, but I'm not sure it's worth the headache of walking each one through it.  What do you think?

    Reviews and Ratings | | aj613

  • We’re an ecommerce company with a blog of 150+ posts. The blog brings in very low traffic and we were never that consistent in publishing great and frequent content. We now know our organic traffic comes from other pages that are doing great. So our question.. Should we: 1. Stop linking to the blog internally and just leave the it up as is. No harm here we guess, but these posts are not as relevant now and we feel their high bounce rate and low ranking is affecting our overall performance.
    2. Take it down and 410 the pages. Will that many 410s eventually hurt us?
    3. Take it down and 301 to home page of the company. Will permanently redirecting that many pages to our home page hurt us? Appreciate any input.

    Link Building | | boxador

  • Hi Moz Community! If the nav architecture URL is long, like this: can I and should I shorten that new destination URL to make it easy for Google to see that the page topic is really the owl, like this: Thank you! Jane

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | CalamityJane77

  • A disgruntled web developer registered my domain with a dozen spammer sites, so my score plummeted. Is there a way to get these removed?

    Link Building | | generuble

  • I'll start with the story, but the main question is at the bottom. Feel free to scroll down :-). I've got good news and bad news regarding a client of mine. It's a service area business that only serves one metropolitan area. We've got a great blog with really valuable content that truly helps people while firmly establishing my client's industry expertise. As a result, local traffic has spiked and the company generates more leads. So that's the good news. The bad (bad-ish?) news is that the client also gets tons of traffic from outside the service area. Not only that, people are calling them all the time who either live in a different state and don't realize that the company isn't local to them or are located out of state but are calling for free advice. On one hand, the client gets a kick out of it and thinks it's funny. On the other hand, it's annoying and they're having to train all their intake people to ask for callers' locations before they chat with them. Some things we're doing to combat this problem: 1. The title tag on our home page specifies the metro area where we're active. 2. Our blog articles frequently include lines like, "Here in [name of our city], we usually take this approach." 3. There are references to our location all over the site. 4. We've got an actual location page with our address; for that matter, the address is listed in the footer on every page. 5. The listed phone number does not begin with 800; rather, it uses the local area code. 6. All of our local business listings, including our Google My Business listing, is up to date. 7. We recently published a "Cities We Serve" area of the site with highly customized/individualized local landing pages for 12 actual municipalities in our metro region. This will take some time to cook, but hopefully that will help. "Cities We Serve" is not a primary navigation item, but the local landing pages are situated as such: "About Us > Cities We Serve > [individual city page]" **Anyway, here's my main question: **In light of all this, is there any other way to somehow shield my client from all this irrelevant traffic and protect them from time-wasting phone calls?

    Local Website Optimization | | Greenery

  • when building links is it better to link to the main domain ( or www.aabbcccarpetcleaning/carpet-rug-cleaning

    Link Building | | dhanson24

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