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  • Hi, I have a wordpress website that has articles/news posts witch contain imagery. I've noticed that in the Media Library, when you upload an image to a blog post it generates a new permalink ...article-name/article-image-01.jpg I have Yoast SEO plugin and have the option to set a canonical URL for this image. Should I point it back to the actual article? Thanks for any helpers with this.

    Technical SEO | | Easigrass

  • Hi! I always get this notification on my pages 'Avoid Too Many Internal Links' when I run the Page Optimization Score. And this is the message I get how to fix it: Scale down the number of internal links on your page to fewer than 100, if possible. At a minimum, try to keep navigation and menu links to fewer than 100. On my website I got a desktop navigation menu and a mobile variant, so in the source this will show more internal links. If I hide those links with CSS for the view, is the problem then solved? So Does Google then see less internal links? Or does Google crawl everything? I'm curious how I can fix this double internal links issue with my navigation menu. 
    What are you guys ideas / experiences about this?

    Technical SEO | | Tomvl

  • There are 11k inbound external links on a client's website what have are "follow" links and apperently there is no anchor text for the link.

    Moz Bar | | Harley.Helmer

  • I have been doing SEO for about 3 years.  And at times, this whole thing seems to be a mystery---or maybe the Google mystery? I have a client in Mass that I have been working with for 3 years.  I think we are doing everything right  - 1200 words of content each month with relevant keywords -Google, Google Business, etc, etc, etc, We use Wordpress and everything is correct.  Charging them $1000 a month - and get a call from the client telling me that their competitor how has basically a "homemade website" ranks higher than her....consistantly! Another client in GA did SEO about 5 years ago and he quit.  He does absolutely nothing on his site - no optimization, no Google Reviews, no added pictures, no YouTube---and he remains in the top 1 to 3 position in the high ranking keywords.   I started working with another GA contractor about 3 years ago and doing the entire SEO package, but we can rank higher than him? WTH?  Can someone tell me the "Mystery"?

    SEO Learn Center | | WalkieTalkie

  • Google can be such a pain with managing listings - especially when you are an agency managing a client's listing! I am hoping someone can help with this... How do I permanently delete a “duplicate address?” In the Google My Business dashboard (classic view), under account summary – I click duplicate locations. From here, I can easily remove a duplicate location - that is not the issue. The issue is for duplicate addresses. For this, we only have the option to resolve address, which directs you to the business’ location details. Our options are then to: 1. Change the business NAP 2. Permanently close location 3. Remove the listing from your dashboard (removing it from dashboard doesn’t delete it from Google). We edited the business’ name, phone number, address and website – to try and make it a duplicate location, because if we are able to make it a duplicate location then we know we will have the option to **Remove Duplicate. **Nothing has changed though. We don't want to mark this as a permanently closed location because if somebody does come across the listing down the road it is going to be misleading. The business is not actually closed! Any insight would be very much appreciated. Thank you!

    Local Listings | | bcallegary

  • I'm trying to be mature and employ the Topic Cluster strategy to my content. In doing so I realized there are a few URL options. Some more difficult to execute than others. -Is it important to call out the Pillar Topic in your subtopic URL?
    -Does the Pillar Topic need to have its own landing page? (As opposed to just being part of the blog.) Here's an Example: My Pillar is: Inbound vs. Outbound
    My subtopic is: Marketing Platforms Here are the URL options I can think of... Option 1: Option 2: Option 3: Option 4 (Hardest): Are there some fundamental best practices for URL structure and Link Building as it pertains to Topic Clusters? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | dkellyagile

  • Hi everyone! I am just starting to practice SEO by assisting a friend with her local relationship therapy practice, and I'm not sure whether or not she needs a blog. Here's the content they currently have: A page for specific categories within relationship therapy (unmarried couples, marriage, divorce, pre-marital, etc) On each page, she describes what that type of therapy is, what clients can expect, and how she will help them during the process. My question is this: Does it make sense to start a blog, or, is it better to build out the main, static service pages with more content? I'm worried that if she does start a blog, that it could potentially take away from the authority of the main service pages. For example, let's say she writes a highly specific post titled "how to talk to your husband about marriage". Is it better to just incorporate aspects of this post on the main marriage page, or keep it as a blog post? I really appreciate any suggestions and I'm happy to answer any questions.

    Local Website Optimization | | onitamara

  • Hi All, I was just wondering if anyone had come across this problem before - We are a recruitment agency so we have multiple of the same jobs at the same time, so we're looking into ways to differentiate and change it but we've got the same Duplicate Titles - has anyone faced this problem before? And if so what did they do? Thanks in advance!

    On-Page Optimization | | marketingmc

  • Hi there, Over the last few months our traffic has spiked due to irrelevant pdf documents sending us crap traffic, our bounce rate is sky high as well as other metrics.  I don't want to just filter out this traffic in GA rather try and stop our site from being attacked. Any advice on a way forward would be great. Thanks

    Reporting & Analytics | | ICMPmarketing

  • Hi everyone, I recently relaunched our website and everything went well. However, while checking site health, I found a new redirect chain issue (302 > 302 > 301 > 200) when the user requests the HTTP and non-www version of our URL. Here's what's happening: • 302 #1 -- 302 redirects to (the 5 characters in the appended "subfolder" are dynamic and change each time)
    • 302 #2 -- 302 redirects BACK to
    • 301 #1 -- 301 redirects to (as it should have done originally)
    • 200 -- resolves properly We're hosted on AWS, and one of my cloud architects investigated and reported GoDaddy was causing the two 302s. That's backed up online by posts like and I reached out to GoDaddy today, expecting them to say it wasn't a problem on their end, but they actually confirmed this was a known bug (as of September 2017) but there is no timeline for a fix. I asked the first rep I spoke with on the phone to send a summary, and here's what he provided in his own words: From the information gathered on my end and I was able to get from our advanced tech support team, the redirect issue is in a bug report and many examples have been logged with the help of customers, but no log will be made in this case due to the destination URL being met. Most issues being logged are site not resolving properly or resolving errors. I realize the redirect can cause SEO issues with the additional redirects occurring. Also no ETA has been logged for the issue being reported. I do feel for you since I now understand more the SEO issues it can cause. I myself will keep an eye out for the bug report and see if any progress is being made any info outside of this I will email you directly. Thanks. Issue being Experienced: Domains that are set to Go Daddy forwarding IPs may sometimes resolve to a url that has extra characters appended to the end of them. Example: forwards to However it should just forward to I think this answers what some Moz users may have been experiencing sporadically, especially this previous thread: My question: Given everything stated above and what we know about the impact of redirect chains on SEO, how severe should I rate this? I told my Director that I would recommend we move away from GoDaddy (something I don't want to do, but feel we _**have **_to do), but she viewed it as just another technical SEO issue and one that didn't necessarily need to be prioritized over others related to the relaunch. How would you respond in my shoes? On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the biggest), how big of a technical SEO is this? Would you make it a priority? At the very least, I thought the Moz community would benefit from the GoDaddy confirmation of this issue and knowing about the lack of an ETA on a fix. Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Andrew_In_Search_of_Answers

  • Hi everyone! A client of ours ('Company A') recently acquired another company ('Company B') - both brands carry weight within their industry.  Company A's brand name currently registers over 6,500 searches per month, while Company B's brand name draws about 2,500 searches per month.  While Company B is smaller, their search volume isn't insignificant.  The powers that be plan to discontinue Company B's site at an unspecified date in the future, but it's on the backburner. We'd obviously like to transfer as much of their current ranking as possible, but we also don't want to confuse users.  There's additional search volume for term variations such as 'Company B jobs' & 'Company B locations' that we'd like to capture for as long as there's still volume there.  Would a microsite with Company B's look & feel (to make it easier to house pages built to capture careers/locations searches) justify its inherent cost, or would it be just as valuable to build a series of landing pages on Company A's site?  (Obviously assuming that valid redirects would be in place once Company B's site is taken down.) Thanks in advance!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | wilcoxcm

  • Hi, I had two email addresses with Moz accounts, and I thought the free trial had been cancelled on the other ( I just got billed today. Can this charge be refunded for this account? Thank you for your help!

    Product Support | | thenumberfour

  • | |
    |   | <noscript></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="line-number"> </td> <td class="line-content"><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=errorPages/content-blocked.jsp?reason=js"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="line-number"> </td> <td class="line-content"><span class="html-tag"></noscript> | and Please tell me effect on seo or not

    Web Design | | ahtisham2018

  • Background: Let's say there's a European company, they have some presence in the US already for a lot of product brands in a certain space (let's say they make widgets). ABC Co gets 1,600 searches a month and all of that volume centers around the widgets they are known for. ABC Co purchases a company that makes gears, let's call it Gears Inc ( Gears Inc. was known for making gears in Europe, but their brand is not known in the US (search volume 0). Ideally, I would keep the Gears Inc. brand and build up the presence in the US, separating it from ABC Co. ABC Co wants to maintain their brand and eliminate Gears Inc. But we've received permission to keep the Gears brand for bringing that product to the US ... we will have an uphill battle building up the brand recognition, but at least it won't get lost in what ABC Co is already known for in the US. (ie: we don't want calls for widgets). Domain Situation: ABC Co. has redirected (DA 1) to a subdomain: {gearmakers} (DA 66) ... they have agreed to place a landing page under that 301 that links to the regional domains (theirs in the EU and ours in the US/North America). They are unwilling to let us use or purchase OR 301 directly to our domain. What we're trying to do: build Gears Inc. as a recognizable brand when someone searches "gears inc", this domain would rank first create a simple "brand domain" that a less-tech-savvy users could easily navigate to needs to have recognition in US, Canada and Mexico
    I don't know if this helps or provides anything more? The question is what do we use as our domain name? Any feedback is appreciated!

    International SEO | | mkretsinger

  • Hey Moz community, To fill you in, we have a situation where we are able to purchase a domain name that has some longevity behind it, has some great inbound links coming to it, and until recently was ranking incredibly well for all of the relevant keywords nationwide. The issue is, the seller took their website down about a month ago and now, since the domain has been sitting there going to no mans lands for that period of time, it has fallen off the map for all of those important keyword rankings. I'm looking for guidance on the following: 1. If we still move forward with purchasing the domain name, do you believe we could recover those rankings quickly? Or are we better off building from scratch with a new domain. 2. Because of the back links alone, I still feel there is some value in this domain name. The issue is, if we buy it, what do we do with it when we have it? Make that our primary domain name going forward? direct the domain name to a landing page/site that ultimately leads website visitors down a path to get to our website? Something else? Any insight / thoughts / suggestions would be greatly appreciated. DH.

    Moz Pro | | higherimages

  • We're getting an error saying Moz is getting an errors crawling our client's site, but when I've put this though Google Search Console I'm not seeing any issues - any suggestions?

    Product Support | | Ramarketingrob

  • Hi all, I look after a website which sells a range of products. Each of these products has different applications, so each product has a different product page. For eg. Product one for x application Product one for y application Product one for z application Each variation page has its own URL as if it is a page of its own. The text on each of the pages is slightly different depending on the application, but generally very similar. If I were to have a generic page for product one, and add canonical tags to all the variation pages pointing to this generic page, would that solve the duplicate content issue? Thanks in advance, Ethan

    Technical SEO | | Analoxltd

  • Hi folks, i have a client who is based in italy and they set up a site that sells travel experiences in the sout of Italy (the site currently sit on a server in Italy). The site has been set up as gTLDs: They only want to target the US and the UK market to promote their travel experiences and the site has only the english version (the site does not currently offer an italian version). If they decide to go for the gTLDs and not actually change to a ccTLDs (which would be ideal from my point of view) how are the steps to be taken to set this up correctly on GSC? They currently only have one property registered on GSC: therefore i guess the next steps are: Add new property - and and set up geo targeting for UK Existing property - set up geo targeting for US In case the client does not have the budget to optimise the content for american and british languages, would still make sense to have 2 separate property in GSC ( for US market and for UK market)? Few considerations: Add canonical tag to avoid duplicate content across the two versions of the site (in the event there is no budget to optimise the content for US and UK market)? Thank you all in advance for looking into this David

    International SEO | | Davide1984

  • Hi all, My rankings have not updated from last week - latest date is still showing as 1st April. Has anyone elses not updated? Thanks, Jack

    Product Support | | Jack_Jahan

  • How to fix Category Duplicate titles and descriptions issues? Most common problem in Wordpress. Example -

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | varunrupal

  • It feels good to be BACK. I miss Moz. I left for a long time but happy to be back! 🙂 My client is a local HVAC company. They sell Lennox system. Lennox provides a tool that we hooked up to that allows visitors to their site to 'see' 120+ different kind of air quality, furnace and AC units. They problem is (I think its a problem) is Google and other crawl tools are seeing these 100+ pages that are not unique, helpful or related to my client. There is a little bit of cookie cutter text and images and specs and that's it. Are these pages potentially hurting my client? I can't imagine they are helping. Best way to deal with these? Thank you! Thank you! Matthew

    Technical SEO | | Localseo4144

  • I want to restructure our franchise Yelp accounts, I am looking for an easier way to deploy Yelp accounts that are structured at a brand level where I can add franchisees as managers but still be able to look at Yelp at a brand account short of advertising of course. We have over 380 locations each with their own accounts and ad goals. Is this possible? Does it have a method like Google My Business or Bing Places? It's not a priority for us since we first claim and optimize this for all of our franchisees, Just looking for an easier way to help your franchisees with deployments, scale and also helping us keep a consistent brand standard. Cheers, JonGeek

    Local Listings | | uBreakiFix

  • Hello Moz, I need urgent help. I remove a tonne of product pages and put everything into one product page to deal with duplicate content. I thought this was a good thing to do until I got an email from Google saying: "Googlebot identified a significant increase in the number of URLs on ****.com that return a 404 (not found) error. " I checked it out and found the problem: 4 Soft 404's
    41 Not Found's What do I need to do to fix this? Is it a problem or should I just ignore? I removed all the pages on WordPress but I need to do it somehow manually through Google? I have worked so hard on my SERP's that this will destroy me if I'm penalised. Please can someone advise?

    Technical SEO | | crocman

  • Hello, I have used this crawl-test on 2 website 3 days ago, and it hasn't finished yet. I'm wondering if the crawler is on an infinite loop, or has crashed without sending back an error. I could re-launch the test, but if it's really still crawling, I don't want to loose any work in progress. Is there any way to check the status of a crawl?

    Moz Bar | | Nobody1611614588033

  • If there are enough reviews on a product page to warrant page 2, 3 etc, BazaarVoice appends the below snippets to each new page of reviews, which are then also indexed, despite BazaarVoice SEO settings that automate a canonical tag (seemingly since the differing reviews on each page are not similar enough to honor the canonical). <cite class="iUh30">?bvstate=pg:2/ct:r</cite> <cite class="iUh30">?bvstate=pg:3/ct:r</cite> It seems has found a way to hack the BV code to create a dedicated page to view all reviews: While blocks it in the Robots file (defeats SEO value) - Noindex: */catalog/products/bvroute=Review Noindex: */catalog/products/bvtab Tons of brands apparently have the issue, and you can see more examples if you search "inurl:bvstate=pg" Anyone aware of a solution to this?

    Reviews and Ratings | | Eroc

  • Our company originally started in one city, now it is in multiple and the city we started in is actually now less important to our business than some of the new cities. We've of course have Google Places for Business listings for all our cities and are listed in the other prominent directories for each City (Bing Places, Manta, Superpages, etc etc) We have created once city page for each city in our domain.  All this has improved our Local SERPs for those cities but they pale in comparison to our dominance in the city we started out in.  We did have the first city in our home page title, we took that out. The obvious problem is from an SEO standpoint your home page is your "strongest" page but how do you make your home page rank top for multiple location intent searches:  "{city} {target keyword}"  ? The 3-pack is KEY.  For example, for one city we make it into the local 3-pack but we are not in the organic SERPs on page 1 outside of the 3-pack. As far as I can tell the major factor in 3-pack ranking is of course proximity of business to the user's location or user's location intent.  I would say followed by the natural ranking factors (or at least a large subset of them) that Google uses for its normal organic rankings, followed by Google Places reviews.  You would think the Google places reviews really make a difference, but not as much as you think. So how do you dominate local searches in different cities when competing against local-only companies?  My only guess is you need to create as much content as possible.  You don't want to make micro sites I think as you lose all the link juice going to your main site.  But how much content can one make that isn't duplicative.  You can describe the same products and services over and over for each city but that's not useful nor wise.  I guess you could do some re-writing.  But other than a different address, phone, and staff members, if your service is identical for each city it doesn't leave a lot of room for useful content creation to improve local search SERPS. I guess this begs the overall question, can a multi-city company ever dominate local SERPS when the search has a location intent (city name in the search) it there is even just a couple competing local companies doing some SEO work. it seems it is an extreme uphill battle if not next to impossible. (Never say never.)

    Local Website Optimization | | Searchout

  • I'll make this quick and simple.  Let's say you have a business located in several cities.  You've built individual pages for each city (linked to from a master list of your locations). For SEO purposes is it better to have the URL be a subfolder, or a parameter off of the home page URL:  which is essentially or  which is essentially

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Searchout

  • ** This question is about QS of Broad Match and how it pertains to THE AUCTION ONLY.  Not looking for opinions on campaign/ad group structure/strategies. For an Adwords account where all the ad groups are using modified broad match keywords I see that some keywords are assigned quality score.  Obviously a broad match keyword can be triggered by a very wide variety of actual keyword searches.  So I assume/guess that Adwords assigns a quality score for every single keyword entered that matches with that broad match and then makes the quality score for the broad match an average of the actual search term used quality score weighted by the volume of searches for that search term? Or am I wrong and the quality score for a broad match is the exact match quality score for that term (I doubt that since broad match the words can be in any order.) So for example, let's same I have this broad match score: +auto +insurance This is going to match with: auto insurance companies, auto insurance prices, luxury auto insurance, auto insurance brokers, and on and on and on. Let's say my landing page happens to have a lot of content about ratings for auto insurance brokers.  If the CTR for that terms is high, when it's matching my modified broad match, does that mean Adwords assigns a higher quality score, internally, to the search term "auto insurance broker" so if that term is entered, for the purpose of the auction, Adwords doesn't use the quality score of the broad match but the quality score it has calculated for that specific search term -- I just can't see what it is because I don't have that term as an exact match term on my account. Or, does it use the broad match quality score no matter what search term is used that matched the broad match?  I would be highly surprised if that was true.  If this were true, then you would want to break out the important terms into their own exact match keywords.  In many cases, the more efficient strategy for an account is to have fairly narrow modified broad match terms coupled with a very large negative keyword list. The question is mainly, is there any advantage from the perspective of competing in the auction to have the term be an exact match versus matching a modified broad match keyword?  If QS is stored for the actual search term, then I would assume the answer is NO.  I know it would provide more granular reporting and the ability to more fine tune landing pages etc etc etc but I'm just talking purely from the perspective of the auction.

    Paid Search Marketing | | Searchout

  • Looking into allowing comments on a business blog:  Which is the best software to use to allow readers to leave a comment? (Use wordpress) One that will help eliminate spam. Are there some that allow you to sign in without social accounts (Facebook etc) and are there some that allow you to sign in with social accounts? Thanks

    Content Development | | Kdruckenbrod

  • Hi all I have been tasked with trying to improve my companies SEO rankings and have used Moz to help me in this task. I do have a question I cant seem to find the answer to though. The issue is with content duplication, as our site has many possible languages and not every translation is available we experience a lot of duplicate content. When a page title or description or content has a missing translation, what is the best SEO action to take, if they are defaulted to English this adds to the duplicate content issue, if it is left blank this means our content is not ranked very highly due to word count etc so with this in mind what would the best practise to take on pages without translations? Thanks in advance 🙂

    Moz Pro | | speedybooker

  • Hello I have a web site with a menu structure with three levels Top Level (Single Item) > First Level (Single Item) > Second Level (Multiple Items) The first level pages do not rank well. The top level and second level pages rank well. Search Console acknowledges 600 internal links to the top level. 600 to the second level. But only 100 to the first level. This is true across 6 top level items. It is not to do with page level links. It just isn't acknowledging all the links to the first level. Does anyone know why this might be? Thanks for any assistance you can give me.

    Web Design | | Andrew-SEO

  • Hi Guys, I've been using Moz for quite a long time now for 2 of my shops. Now I am in the process of launching the second shop and I just don't understand how is it possible that a cms static page (About US) to be seen as a duplicate content with other 96 pages - including product pages and other totally different pages such as delivery information, category pages, returns and so on. Really MOZ?? Is it me or you?? Your help would be much appreciated! Thank you!

    Moz Bar | | Sorin_T

  • Hi all, Our website is all about our software product. Generally our website pages are filled with 3 to 6 screenshots of our product features. As Google recently shifting to mobile index and pageload speed is going to be priority, we decided to compress the images on our pages and show the same images of large size in new window when someone clicks on a image. I wonder if this helps or has any disadvantages? Users may click on these clickable images while browsing the pages and may shift to new window to view the image. Will this have any negative impact on bounce rate? Please share your thoughts. Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • Basically, the homepage organization schema has called out the logo, but it lives on the amazon server. We're having issues with Google rendering the correct logo on the knowledge graph. The URL for the amazon asset looks something like this: <brandname><logo>.png</logo></brandname> Calling that out on the organization structured data for the logo is okay right?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | imjonny123

  • After a long period, near about 6 years I want to know what kind of Web Directories still active?  Is that kind of Directory links help SERP for gaining Ranks?

    Link Building | | nopain810

  • My company has been rolling out personalization at the page level across our site using behavior paths embedding content from cross pathed pages as well as customer journey mapping. The dynamically generated content doesn’t change the URLs. In the SERPs I’m seeing that our title tags and meta descriptions also seem to be dynamically generated even though we have these elements crafted. The way our elements are crafted: Title tag: descriptive Keyword rich phrase | Brand Meta description: Keyword rich, grammatically correct description tied to title tag and page content for consistency. I search a specific URL: Title tag display: Keyword rich phrase | Brand – Brand Meta description display: Random content pulled from the page I search a phrase that includes Brand + keywords in the URL: Title tag display: Title tag we crafted Meta description display: Meta description we crafted I search a phrase that includes Brand + keywords in the title tag: Title tag display: Title tag we crafted Meta description display: Random content pulled from the page Does Google crawl the page and digest the title tag and meta description we crafted? Or is Google going to ding us for having the brand twice, exceeding the length of the title tag, etc.? I have been searching the interwebs, forums and the cosmos, but the only information I’m finding is related to the fact that URLs are changing and how that would impact SEO. That’s not the case for us. Thoughts on how all this is impacting our SEO efforts?

    Algorithm Updates | | NStarJM

  • Hello, I noticed a gradual rankings drop for 3 important keywords over the last month, with a pretty big plummet the last two weeks. Overall in the last month+ we dropped from position 9 to 41.I noticed this when I dug further after noticing traffic dropping since February (not a drastic traffic drop). I should note that the keywords took people to my client's homepage. Their branded keywords have no suffered and I looked at a couple others that haven't either. Now, there is a link in the site footer (we have site wide header and footer) that takes you to a static page that contains links for the 2 digital flipbook catalogs the customer has (one for US and one for Canada). My concern is that at the end of January I had a developer implement a noindex/nofollow meta robot & robots.txt disallow specifically on the HTML pages/URL of the Canadian catalog ONLY. It specifically pointed to that flipbook URL. This catalog is nearly identical to the US catalog and I thought I'd be eliminating duplicate content and helping with crawl budget. After looking further into it last week (reading up about internal nofollows not necessarily being detrimental, but not recommended) and noticing the drop in search visibility traffic (starting gradually in March), I had the disallow/nofollow removed. This was last week, and over this last week the traffic took an even bigger drop (not amazingly drastic but enough to be concerned) and I noticed the keywords that we did ok for dropped even more this last week (down to 41). I'm concerned this has to do with the change I made at the end of January and reversed back. I should note  that I don't think these catalogs or the static page that links to them brought any traffic. The keywords I am concerned about fell on our homepage (where the link to the static page that contains the links to both catalogs is in the sitewide footer) The catalogs are a couple hundred pages. I honestly don't see how this could do it, unless it has something to do with the footer being sitewide? There have been site upgrades/dev changes over the last couple months too (although I am not sure if that affected other clients who received the same upgrade), so this is hard to pinpoint. Sorry this is so long but I'd appreciate someone offering some insight to help ease my mind a bit!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | AliMac26

  • Hi I have an Ecommerce site, with a lot of similar products - for example leather office chairs - 80 products all very similar.. We worked to optimise product pages for longer tail phrases such as black executive leather office chair, but we now have different product pages trying to rank for these longer tail phrases as well. Now I'm trying to decide whether to focus on some priority product pages - adding lots of useful content/videos etc to try & boost the ones we want to rank for the long tail. OR whether to focus on the category page, and getting this to rank for all keyword variations... I'm a it stuck - any advice is welcome!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BeckyKey

  • I can not understand which is the best way to target similar keywords. Do the best way is create landingpage for each long tail keyword landing page or better one but with all included keywords? On the siste i have landingpages: 1. Metal doors 1.2. Steel doors for private houses 1.3. Durvis 1.4 Metal doors for technical rooms and so on. In Latvian language it sounds ok. Some time ago for other sites it worked good but now it just does not work. I see google meses these results up and seo performance is bad. Can you suggest correct structure? Thanks  metāla durvis dzīvoklim un mājai m24 metāla durvis sos serviss durvju atvēršana

    Technical SEO | | Felter

  • I'm working on a site that currently handles pagination like this cars-page?p=1 cars-page?p=2 In webmaster tools I can then tell ?p= designates pagination However I have a plugin I want to add to fix other seo issues, among those it adds rel="prev" rel="next" and it modifies the pagination to this cars-page-1.html cars-page2.html Notice I lost the parameter here and now  each page is a different page url, pagination is no longer a parameter. I will not longer be able to specify the pagination parameter in webmaster tools. Would this confuse google as the pagination is no longer a parameter and there will now be multiple urls instead of one page with parameters? My gut says this would be bad, as I haven't seen this approach often on ecommerce site, but I wanted to see what the community thought?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | K-WINTER

  • We have several different listings & brands on our site and the logo that is being pulled is one of our listings. We have identified the logo through organization structured data as well as provided the "feedback" section with the correct link multiple times. Does anyone know how we can get this resolved?

    Branding | | imjonny123

  • Does anyone know how organic local site links work? The examples I'm looking at are from Yelp and Angie'sList. When you run a brand search, some sitelinks reference my current location and takes me to a regional landing page. My company has landing pages for major cities across the U.S. but they never get picked up as a sitelink like this. I don't see local links anywhere on the AngiesList or Yelp homepages so I don't know how Google knows to prioritize these pages. We are also a national review site, so we have no interest in showing up in the local pack, etc.  Any thoughts would be super helpful! Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | healthgrades

  • I just did s search for Hayley Kiyoko, and Google asked me which song is my favourite from her new album. Is this a new thing? I've never asked Google a question before and had it ask me something back, other than "did you mean... (the correct spelling for what I was looking for)?" u6qYnwq.png

    Algorithm Updates | | 4RS_John

  • Is Shopify good for SEO? Such as indexing or ranking? Some factors: - URL is too big Some default URL structure cannot change - /product/ ,  /collections/,  /pages/ which makes the whole url so big Need expert's suggestions.

    Algorithm Updates | | BBT-Digital

  • I'm implementing, (JSON-LD), on an eCommerce site. Each product has a few different variations, and these variations can change the price, (think T-shirts, but blue & white cost $5, red is $5.50, and yellow is $6). In my markup, (using JSON-LD), in each Product's Offer, I could either have a single Offer with a price range, (minPricd: $5, maxPrice $6), or I could add a separate Offer for each variation, each with its own, correct, price set. Is one of these better than the other? Why? I've been looking at the WooCommerce code and they seem to do the single offer with a price range, but that could be because it's more flexible for a system that's used by millions of people.

    Technical SEO | | 4RS_John

  • Do I understand it correctly ? Let's say my keyword is Piedmont bike tours. From what I understand I need to use synonyms of Piedmont bike tours that people would use to find my website such as bike trip in Piedmont or cycling vacation in Piedmont and then closely related phrases in my content which are not necessarily synonyms but that semantically related, correct ? Do I need to do that for every topic that I decide to talk about on my webpage. For example let's say another topic I have decided to talk about on my page about Piedmont bike tour is Barolo. Do I need to do the same process for Barolo ? Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • When searching "Cambridge Savings Bank" which is the specific name of a bank in Bing the search results return with them as Number one with the correct URL. The issue is Bing has titled the search result "East Cambridge Savings Bank" (which is another entity all together) and still has the correct URL. So basically Bing is putting another corporation's name on our website. This issue only is in Bing. Any idea how to correct this? 2.png 1.png

    Technical SEO | | BOD2008

  • Our review stars from Rich Snippets are not showing up in Google for Novus products. I believe these are structured correctly or at least there are no errors. We have tried to troubleshoot on our own and asked multiple SEO'er's and partners, but have not had success.  Turning to MOZ! They were there in September/October timeframe but dropped off in October to January timeframe. example URL: (It seems to be off all products); This started in October to January time frame so was before the latest algo update.

    Reviews and Ratings | | revelkayla

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