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  • Hi All, I have a query for which i am struggling to find out the answer. I unable to retrieve URL using "site:" query on Google SERP. However, when i enter the direct URL or with "info:" query then a snippet appears. I am not able to understand why google is not showing URL with "site:" query. Whether the page is indexed or not? Or it's soon going to be deindexed. Secondly, I would like to mention that this is a dynamic URL. The index file which we are using to generate this URL is not available to Google Bot. For instance, There are two different URL's. --- It's a parent page. --- This is the URL, generated at run time using browse index file. Google unable to crawl index file of browse page  as it is unable to run independently until some value will get passed in the parameter and is not indexed by Google. Earlier the dynamic URL's were indexed and was showing up in Google for "site:" query but now it is not showing up. Can anyone help me what is happening here? Please advise. Thanks

    Technical SEO | | SameerBhatia

  • Daily I am creating new root domain back links.. but my website root domains are not increased much.. I will use to check moz open explorer. Moz have any algorithmic for increasing root domains....Any body can answer my question? Please

    Link Building | | mzakaria

  • I'm checking the DA/PA of the top 10 urls on google for a keyword, but I only get the DA/PA results for 3 of the domains, I know the other domains in the list would have results, is this a limitation on the API or should I be able to get DA/PA for more than 3 domains at a time? would it help if I only check one at a time instead of a larger set? 5dpi0h.png

    API | | infernodia

  • Has anyone used HIBU as a source for inbound links? I'm really just getting my site started with serious link building. Google sees 94 links. MOZ sees way less than that, but MOZ sees WAY more on my competitors' sites. It appears that the sites which HIBU influences, owns, or has ties with, have decent DA stats. However, they make you sign up for an entire year with no guarantee of results. They say "we'll work real hard" to get things right. But with no trial period, and a mandatory layout of  around $500, that's not sitting well with me. I'm just wondering if anyone has used them and what you think of them?? Thanks, Billy

    Moz Pro | | NewSEOguy

  • I just experienced this and after lots of frustration was able to figure out how it happened and how to fix it (keep reading). **HOW: **So apparently Google did a deal with Constant Contact which owns that allows them to publish edits to ANY local business and they have used this to SPAM entire categories of local businesses by adding in a "Appointments" and/or "Menu" link to the Google My Business listing for search/maps and they have done it in such a way that it is extremely difficult to remove/fix. (NOTE: they are not listed in Google's list of 3rd parties which automatically add info to your listing.... **THE PROBLEM: You have a link to a menu or appointment page that you did not add and can not edit. **The options for setting a URL for "Menu" and/or "Appointment" (and a few others are tied to the Primary Category set on your GMB listing and are only available to certain categories. FIXING: You would think if you are a verified owner of your GMB listing, it would be simple - but Google/ have gone to great lengths to make it more difficult.... Step 1 - Make sure you are a verified owner of GMB listing Step 2 - Change your Primary category on the business to one of the categories which supports the link in question (no definitive list, but I know setting Primary to "Restaurant" will get you Menu and "Interior Designer" will get you an Appointment link) Step 3 - Save the new category Step 4 - Now you will have the option under your "URLs" section of GMB listing. Step 5 - Change the URL from the SPAMMY link to a relevant page you control and Save Step 6 - Change Primary Category back to what you want.

    Local Listings | | arowland

  • Two versions of the same page are being served at the moment. Certain pages on the site redirect to the https version whilst others don't. I am being flagged for duplicate content because of this. Is this a simple fix? As in just redirect all to the https version and set the preferred version in WMT?

    Technical SEO | | TAT100

  • I have a client who has asked for the development and optimisation of three websites for a business located at one address.  They offer specialised skin care, have a make-up artistry division and also a luxury portraiture/photographic service offered to clients.  I have suggested one website, based on all I have read in this community (Possum etc.). Their concern is that they will seem like a "master of none" and envision three sites interlinked.  Before I push back and categorically say that this is a poor idea, I wanted to gain some insight from those of you who may have dealt with this scenario before.  I need to explain how one domain can be structured to present all three these areas as distinct, given that the home page will speak to all three.  Any ideas regarding site structure and optimisation strategy would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!

    Local Website Optimization | | flashie

  • Hi, I just made one decision and now I'm bit worried, if I did right one. I hope that you can give me feedback and advice regarding it. I'm in hookah market, so I do not have any possibilities to buy adds, so SEO is really-really important to us. I know a lot of things what has to be done to perform better, but currently I have just few really important questions. In international market the main keyword is "hookah" and everything related to that. We are small company and our brand is not that well known and do not have high volume traffic on website. Hookah in front of that we tough will give better understanding to audience about what is the page. Which domain name is better for SEO and also branding purposes? Currently we were using the first one without keyword, no we switched to the second one (just about week ago). Regarding it, some really important questions: Would the longer version of domain helps us better rank with important keywords to us or not? When we will write good content, which domain is more likely shared? I'm bit afraid that first one and that we made a mistake changing the domain name.  When the 1st one, then how big difference does it potentially make? Thank you

    Branding | | Karel_K

  • We have a client with multiple locations, and Google Business listings for each location. We've also created AMP pages for each of those location landing pages, and they're ranking on page one of their main queries, just below the local pack. We're wondering if anyone has tried pointing a GMB website listing at an AMP page, or if there are considerations to keep in mind before testing it out. So far, we've discussed whether to use the AMP url ( or the Google viewer url (, and potential concerns for desktop users.

    Local Listings | | WompM

  • Hi there! With the rise of pillar posts, I have a question on the duplicate content issue it may present. If we are un-gating ebook/guides and using (at times) exact copy from our blog posts, will this harm our SEO efforts? This would go against the goal of our post and is mission-critical to understand before we implement pillar posts for our clients.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Olivia954

  • Hi everyone! Done a site audit recently and found that some articles in our Resource content (where we generally put useful industry news/posts) have multiple links in it (4 to 9 links in a single article). And these are usually internal links (within our domain), but there are few mixed with external domains. What we would like to know: What's the best practice in terms of regulating number of links (internal or external) in an article? Another case I noticed, some links in our articles appeared to be targeting same landing page, just different anchor texts used. Will this get us into trouble? Thanks in advanced for your help.

    Link Building | | ktrich

  • Recently, I noticed that one of the competitors I track within my Moz campaign received about 12 new inbound  links. As a result, there DA jumped about 10 points. I reviewed these new external links and was surprised to see that they are all " ..." with Link Anchor Text that is good for the industry we compete in. Can anyone tell me why these are being counted as "Inbound Links". It just doesn't seem right. Is this some sort of black hat seo tactic?

    Moz Pro | | itvisionsinc

  • Hi, I am working on one big eCommerce store which have more then 1000 Product. we just moved platform WP to Shopify getting noindex issue. when i check robots.txt i found below code which is very confusing for me. **I am not getting meaning of below tags.** Disallow: /collections/+ Disallow: /collections/%2B Disallow: /collections/%2b Disallow: /blogs/+ Disallow: /blogs/%2B Disallow: /blogs/%2b I can understand that my robots.txt disallows SEs to crawling and indexing my all product pages. ( collection/*+* ) Is this the query which is affecting the indexing product pages? Please explain me how this robots.txt work in shopify and once my page crawl and index by then what is use of Disallow: Thanks.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | HuptechWebseo

  • Hello, Can someone give me an example of primary and secondary related keyword for the keyword "Provence bike tour " ?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • hey there, I have website, Which is Doing best on google, But from last 2-3 times i am Getting error in Google Search Console, removed by request., here is screenshot My Question is i have Not Requested Google to Remove My Homepage URL, Then 1. Why I am Getting This warning again & again, ?? 2. Will this Harm My Sites Current traffic & Ranking Status ? 3.What Steps I need Take to stop This warning came again & again ??? Thnx in advance & please Help Out on this Query

    Technical SEO | | innovative.rohit

  • Hi Moz community, Our website has global audience, visitors and clients. Suddenly our website dropped in rankings for main keyword in US; which is our primary targeting country. Not sure why? This is been happening for last 2 months, we waited it to recover and now trying to fix if we can do anything about it. Is there anything wrong with back-links? What might be the factors contributing here for global website? Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • Hi Guys, When migrating to a new CMS which include new pages how should you determine the URL structure, specifically: So should we include www. or without it? Should the URL have a trailing slash? How would you determine the answer to these questions? Cheers.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | kayl87

  • Hey is it best practice to redirect all 404 pages. For example if the 404 pages had 0 traffic and no links why would you need to redirect that page? Isn't it best practice just to leave as a 404? Cheers.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | kayl87

  • Hi There, I have had conducted a few migrations recently and have a common issue which is this: HTTP (old site) -> HTTPS (old site) -> (HTTPS) (new site) Which causes a redirect chain. How should you prevent this before migration or fix it after migration? Cheers.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | kayl87

  • Hi Guys, Reviewing this E-commerce page - Based on this Google article: It mentions: Make sure that you or your content management system produces a paginated series (component pages) to go along with your infinite scroll. How would you check this, is there a tool to conduct this test? Cheers.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | kayl87

  • The image I’ve attached is a screenshot of what shows up on mobile when I do a branded search for one of my clients. We have a Youtube video on the homepage featuring Harry Connick Jr. The video is directly under the hero image on the homepage, and the thumbnail for the video is the image that Google is pulling into the SERP. I don’t want this image in the SERPs. I’ve marked up the logo with schema but that doesn’t seem to be helping. Is there any other schema markup I can use to remedy this? What else I can do to influence which image Google pulls? zVfvz

    Technical SEO | | tdastru

  • Hi there, I am attempting a crawl test and am getting "804 : HTTPS (SSL) error encountered when requesting page." with no further information to debug the issue. Site seems to be fine as far as SSL configuration goes. How can we get more debugging information? Thanks,

    Moz Bar | | RickEH

  • I need to sort my product keywords in the countries: (UK) (USA) (Global) etc. What does putting my keyword into brackets do - does it negatively affect my SEO?

    Keyword Research | | crocman

  • Is there any definitive answer to when page authority can change? I'm trying to see if it's a trackable metric but not sure since (I believe) it's something that takes time. Is there any article/reference that speaks to the fact that the page authority can take time to change? I do know that changes to the page, competitors pages and a multitude of factors go into the score, but I'm trying to see if there is a 'simple' answer for the timing of the scoring.

    Moz Pro | | AvexHomes

  • Hi, I have a question that maybe someone can give me some insight, as I haven't been able to get any kind of solution by Google My Business support so far for several months. Our brand "neakriti" is a news organization located in Greece. If you search the brand "neakriti", you get all the results as normal, but the "Knowledge Panel" on the right of the search appears empty. However, if you search the brand as "" on google search, it appears on the Knowledge Panel. I have been talking about this on the phone support of Google My Business for months now (more than a year), and I get responses like, "give it some more time and it will appear on neakriti results too". We are authority for the keyword "neakriti", and it is our site that appears first.  Our website is linked to the business profile too. I have claimed the business, I have filled all its information, with daily posts specifically for the knowledge panel and so on. Is there any suggestion as to why we are unable to show up with just the brand name on the knowledge panel, or suggestions for actions we can possibly take?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ioannisanif

  • Hi, Let's say I have a site located at, and also have subdirectories setup for different languages. For example: My Spanish version currently has the following hreflang tags and canonical tag implemented: My robots.txt file is blocking all of my language subdirectories. For example: User-agent:* Disallow: /es_ES/ Disallow: /fr_FR/ Disallow: /it_IT/ This setup doesn't seem right. I don't think I should be blocking the language-specific subdirectories via robots.txt What are your thoughts? Does my hreflang tag and canonical tag implementation look correct to you? Should I be doing this differently? I would greatly appreciate your feedback and/or suggestions.

    International SEO | | Avid_Demand

  • Hello, How do you answer questions (the famous user intent) in your content when moz keyword tool, google related searches or all the other tools on the market don't have any questions to propose ? For example take the keyword title tag, the questions are, the optimal length, title tag definition etc... But what about with the keyword Provence bike tours ? what are the questions people have ? It is an informational query but I can't find any questions for it with the different tools out there ? The only one that I find are "best base for a bike tour in Provence" or "one day bicycle tour in Provence" but this isn't what I offer or do and it will be very hard to integrate in my content other than I do a blog page that answer those questions... Is there a way to answer for example "biking in Provence" which is a keyword the keyword tool gives me ? Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Sorry, nit new to this side of SEO We recently discovered we have over 200 critical crawler issues on our site (mainly 4xx) We exported the CSV and it shows both a URL link and a referring URL. Both lead to a 'page not found' so I have two questions? What is the difference between a URL and a referring URL? What is the best practice/how do we fix this issue? Is it one for our web developer? Appreciate the help.

    Moz Pro | | ayrutd

  • We subscribe to MOZ local. We are listed on all major directories except for Acxiom. Will MOZ Local eventually distribute our information to Acxiom? We have subscribed for about a month. Is there a faster way to get listed on Axciom? Thanks, Alan

    Moz Local | | Kingalan1

  • Hi I am struggling trying to optimise product pages for a product area which doesn't have a lot of specific longtail product related searches. It's 'Lockers' I have more specific sub-category pages which drill down such as - Wire Mesh Lockers Charging Lockers Laptop Lockers Just to name a few, but to drill down more to product names doesn't offer much. Or, in some cases the products are so similar they focus on similar keywords, for example '2 tier metal lockers' applies to loads of different products. Do I do the best I can with product titles, then focus on sub-categories? Love to hear thoughts 🙂

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BeckyKey

  • Hi everyone, Just a quick question about using info/statistics from other sources in my articles. If I use a quote/piece of info from another online article do I just say where it's from and link to it? Is this acceptable or do you have to get permission? I find the whole permissions thing quite confusing! I know that outbound links are good for SEO so just wanted to check this. Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | ClareO

  • Pretty much the title. I am putting together a "game plan" for my CEO, where I would like to touch on the difference in CTR between SERP organic results and SERP PPC results. I've found a few blog posts that talks about PPC being responsible for 15% of all clicks, where 1-5 organic results are responsible for 68ish % and the rest being on 6-10 and page 2/3. However, I do not see any sources in these articles, which begs the question, where are these numbers taken from? Any suggestions? My own gut feeling (and SERP behaviour) tells me that these numbers might actually be super accurate, but since my business plan will most likely end up in the hands of our board of directors, I would very much like to back up my action points for growth, with actual sources. Thanks in advance.

    Paid Search Marketing | | Nikolaj-Landrock

  • Hi I wanted to get your thoughts on this keyword ranking. This page - is now ranking for heavy duty office chair 30 stone We don't mention 30 in the content anywhere, apart from the USPs at the top of the page - could this be it?! I don't know how to change this, or I guess Google is still figuring things out and maybe this will drop off? Love to get some thoughts on this! Becky

    Algorithm Updates | | BeckyKey

  • Hello, our website is If you open our page you will see its fast (for its size - we use AKAMAI and caching), but we have a large number of pictures on the main page - that inevitably cost loading time. I believe there could be a dramatic reduction in the time taken to load the pictures if we implemented a lazy load approach for the "below" the fold" content. Would a lazy load approach increase our SEO score on our main page? If yes, how should it be implemented in SEO terms? (I mean so that search engines are able to find the pictures that are not loaded beforehand).

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ioannisanif

  • Hello, The Story I am working on a news organization. Our website is the My question regards copied content with source references.  Sometimes a small portion of our content is based on some third article that is posted on some site (that is about 1% of our content).  We always put "source" reference if that is the case.  This is inevitable as "news" is something that sometimes has sources on other news sites, especially if there is something you cannot verify or don't have immediate sources, and therefore you need to state that "according to this source, something has happened". Here is one article of ours that has a source from another site: if you open the above article you will see we have a link to the equivalent article of the original source site Now here is my question. I have read in other MOZ forum articles that a "canonical" approach solves this issue... How can we be legit when it comes to duplicate content in the eyes of search engines?  Should we use some kind of canonical link to the source site?  Should the "canonical" be inside the link in some way?  Should it be on our  section?  Our site has AMP equivalent pages (if you add the /amp keyword at the end of the article URL).  Our AMP pages have canonical to our original article.  So if we have a "canonical" approach how would the AMP be effected as well? Also by applying a possible canonical solution to the source URL, does that "canonical" effect our article as not being shown in search results, thus passing all indexing to the canonical site? (I know that canonical indicates what URL is to be indexed). Additionally, does such a canonical indication make us legit in such a case in the eyes of search engines? (i.e. it eliminates any possible article duplication for original content in the eyes of search engines?). Or simply put, having a simple link to the original article (as we have it now) is enough for the search engines to understand that we have reference to original article URL? How would we approach this problem in our site based on its current structure?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ioannisanif

  • Hey Guys, There seems to be multiple tools on the market for unlinked brand mentions for link building e.g. Ahrefs, Moz, etc. Which one is your favourite? Cheers.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | kayl87

  • Can't seem to find any ASO type of communities to ask this question to and since the Moz community has been so helpful, I thought I'd try this out. I've been doing A/B Testing for featured graphics on the Google Play Store. There are segments of active devices and users and I've been keeping track daily for ~1.5 months. The data that I have written down displays that active devices shows a positive, however users show a negative. Google Play Console choose to display the scaled installs for active devices. When we do A/B Tests on Google Play Console, should we choose the winner based on the active devices or users?

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | imjonny123

  • Hi there SEO mozzers, I am dealing with a website that has duplicate meta descriptions (we know is bad).As a punishment, Google totally ignores the meta descriptions and picks content from the website and displays it in SERP. I already read the but I was wondering if there is more information/knowledge out there. Any tips are appreciated!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Europarl_SEO_Team

  • I'm specifically asking for drops happened in the last 2 months, because before that we had a normal trend. Some websites would go up in their PA rankings and some would drop. But seeing 80% of our clients drop like this is just weird. Just wanted to see if other market leaders are also having the same issue so I can stop attributing it something X-Filish! Our clients are all .EDUs if anyone was wondering. Also the maximum drop has been 4 points in a month.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | AP_Search

  • Hi Guys, So I'm currently mapping out a load of meta recommendations for a new client we're working with and i just wanted to get an idea about the do's and don'ts of adding product prices into page titles etc. I've looked around to see how people and other marketer feel about this and the response seems to be mixed. I've included prices in titles in the past and had mixed success - I was just wondering if it's something you do regularly or something that you prefer to avoid? I don't think there is any right or wrong answer here - just be good to see how people feel about it. Thanks! 🙂

    On-Page Optimization | | daniel-brooks

  • I'm working with a dental practice that has one location that they use to serve a service area radius of about 15-30 mins drive time, which encompasses several other small towns. I understand the value of having individual location pages for a multi-location business, but is creating a location page for a business with a single office considered best practice as well? The entire site will be optimized for the city name that the business' physical office is located in. I'm considering creating a single location landing page that I'd link to from the footer and about navigation of the site, which would be similar to the template Miriam Ellis laid out in this awesome post: In doing this, I'm hoping to create a place for office photos and driving directions from the nearby towns in order to name the different cities in the service area. However, I'm concerned about the location page competing with other pages on the site, which will be better optimized for conversions in my opinion. Does anyone have advice on best practice here?

    Local Listings | | formandfunctionagency

  • Hello, I'm located in the US and I'm looking for **good **SEO classes or courses.  Something that provides certification when completed, if possible.  This is something that my employer wants to do.  I know MOZ offers a lot of information here and has a course as well, but I'm looking for something that is in person.  I tend to learn better that way.  I see some things pop up when I search, but I believe most of it is just junk.  I am looking for something that would basically go from intermediate to advanced. Thank you!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | slecinc

  • Simple question - how much of an SEO impact does NOT having a physical address on your site make? I run a photography business based from home.  For security reasons I don't really want our home address easily available to the public. I have a Google Maps listing (actually seem to have two at the moment, but that's a different matter) and the full address is logged there but is not viewable publicly - just the surrounding area. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | robandsarahgillespie

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