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  • Hi all, We have recently made major changes to our website and relaunched it. We have changed URLs of some pages. We have redirected old URLs to new before taking website live. When I check even after one week, still the same old and new pages also indexed at Google. I wonder why still old pages cache is there with Google. Please share your ideas on this. Thanks

    International SEO | | vtmoz

  • Is it best practice to post your news release on your website THEN submit to distribution services/news sources, or, wait until it gets out there then just put an announcement on your website with an excerpt, and then link to the PR on the most prominent news site?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Wizkids964

  • Hello Moz, I have a product category page and I have optimised 4 images around 1 keyword - is this bad practice? I worry Google will penalise me. Should I instead optimise them for other keywords? Cheers

    On-Page Optimization | | crocman

  • We have a client who would like to move their Wordpress blog into a different server from their main site's server for security reasons. However, the blog is almost 10 years old with good traffic and rankings and we'd rather not have them change the domain. The developer has come back with a URL "masking" rule in .htaccess that will display the contents of the blog placed in the new server under a subdomain but still show the blog's original URL. If we block the new subdomain from indexing to avoid duplicate content - are there any SEO implications for doing this? Will Google see it as a deceptive practice and tank the blog's rankings? Any advice is greatly appreciated.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | roundabout

  • Hello everyone, I am writing weekly articles for a website. At times, I am referring to data/statistics from other articles/studies. My question is - how do you include links/references to this material? For example, I notice that some articles cite their sources at the end/bottom. But - some include outbound links to the original source throughout the main content of the article- so that when you click on the link it takes you to the correct web page. So far, I am including a 'Sources' section at the end of my article that includes title, author, date. I am doing this to stop people clicking off my article to check out the link! Do I need a specific sources section if I cite my source as I go along? For example, 'In their 2017 study of life insurance, the Association of British Insurers found that 70% of Brits are without life insurance'. (made up statistic! Different web writers seem to do different things and it's a little confusing!! Sorry if this is rather long  -winded! Any help with this would be much appreciated. Thanks guys, Clare

    On-Page Optimization | | ClareO

  • I noticed today that Google is showing a different Title in searches for the homepage. It is showing a title which I believe was active as of late last year or early January. The new title is in the title tag, in Google cache and in MOZ crawls as well. Not sure why it would still be showing a different title in the search and wanted to see if anyone can explain the reason. Thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | campaigneast

  • I am looking to do a audit across a large number of websites that all run on the same platform. I'm not really sure where to start and what format to use for a deliverable. I suppose starting by checking for errors on the current schema and documenting them and then moving on to additional schema that could be added to the JSON+LD? My last structured data audit I just used a spreadsheet and it didn't come out as neat as I would have liked. Anyone who has some experience in this, your input would be much appreciated!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MJTrevens

  • We built our website on Wix, and Moz is saying that there is a 301 redirect chain issue: redirects to... redirects to... Is there a way to configure Wix to redirect http:// (with out the "www") straight to https://www?

    Moz Pro | | Makeshark

  • Hello, Few weeks ago, we have implemented a snippets strategy in order to increase our ranking for our blog posts. That was successful and our results were showing up in Google. But today, every single snippet has disappeared. We go back to a simple search result, without snippets for us or for our competitors. It seems that Google has delete rich snippet for specific keywords because for the generic keywords (for exemple "inbound marketing definition" in our case), there is still a snippet result. Do you know if Google has changed snippets parameters for keywords with low search volume ? Thank you !

    SERP Trends | | Laure-Nile

  • Hello! I was wondering how other SEOs handles their annual content. We do well with ranking for our industry keywords with the year in the content. We have annual changes to publish and talk about each year. What do you do with the previous years content? Leave it, 301 redirect it or just revamp the same content so it updates to the current year?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | LindsayE

  • Hi folks, I've just completed a straightforward olddomain -> newdomain migration. All the redirects were done on 7th Feb. I submitted the change of domain request on 7th Feb. All seemed fine - as can be seen in the attached. It's now 19th March and our pals at GSC are still saying that the domain migration is ongoing. I've never had this take so long before; 2-3 days tops. Their results are tanking as I can't geo target and more features in GSC are out of action as it's 'locked' due to this migration (I just get a screen as per the attached). Thoughts? Shall I risk withdrawing the request and starting anew? The old "turn it off and on again"? Thanks! hJXKC

    Technical SEO | | tonyatfat

  • Hi Community! For starters, from my question, you can probably determine that I am either a novice, or very low intermediate SEO person. We all know, links are king with our friends at Google. I am a recently-retired IT person with a very small freelance IT company (just me), and I'd like to generate more leads/business. I'd be thrilled with one or two small jobs per week to supplement my pension. I've used the MOZ tools only to determine the majority of my competitors have like a thousand links, whereas Google reports me as having 97 links. My on-page grades are all upper 90s and a couple are at 100%. I am not targeting really competitive keywords, so that's not my problem. My problem is my DA, which is sitting at a mere 20...pause to laugh!  I don't want to pay thru the nose for high DA links for the obvious reasons. I submitted my URLs to as many directories as I could find. Would anyone have a decent list of sites where I could submit my URL to get some more links? Thanks guys and Gals! Willy

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | NewSEOguy

  • Hi. I have an e-commerce project and they have canonical code in each and every page for it's own URL. (Canonical on Original Page No duplicate page) The url of my wesite is like this: ""
    and the site is having canonical code like this: " This is occurring in each and every products as well as every pages of my website. Now, my question is that "is it harmful for the SEO?" Or "should I remove this tags from all pages?" Is that any benefit for using the canonical tag for the same URL (Original URL)?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | HuptechWebseo

  • Long story but now i have a few links from my site 301 redirecting to youtube videos or eCommerce stores. They carry a considerable amount of traffic that i benefit from so i can't take them down, and that traffic is people from other websites, so basically i have backlinks from places that i don't own, to my redirect urls (Ex. My problem is that google is indexing them and doesn't let them go, i have tried blocking that url from robots.txt but google is still indexing it uncrawled, i have also tried allowing google to crawl it and adding noindex from robots.txt, i have tried removing it from GWT but it pops back again after a few days. Any ideas? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | cuarto715

  • I have a website which currently has a bad URL structure. I would like to change it. Proposed URL Structure: Is it a good URL structure? I have seen some other website uses their product name right after their root domain. I have also seen another structure which changes like below: Which is Good URL structure for SEO & users?

    Web Design | | BBT-Digital

  • I've been sitting on this for a while due to The Busies. So if this is nothing new, feel free to lash me several times with a somewhat moist noodle. And in that event, I promise not to make it weird. 😉 I use the Rewards application, from Google. Long story short, you fill in some demographic information and you receive Google Play credit when you complete surveys. It's a nice way to get a book, app, or music for little effort. But after giving a friend of mine a ride to a local hotel, I've received multiple survey requests that relate to that hotel brand. And it asks me to drop a local review, for extra Google Play credit. How is that ethical? Their own docs clearly state there is no way to pay for better local ranking, but they also admit reviews can improve local ranking. So isn't soliciting reviews, for any sort of compensation, at least a bit unethical? What are your thoughts? Attached are screenshots of the solicitation and GMB documentation. w4hEe

    Reviews and Ratings | | Travis_Bailey

  • Hello Moz Quick question. Can I copy and paste a paragraph of text (100 words) from my main category page into my products without hurting SEO of the category page? The content on my category page is so good I don't want to take chances as this is what I will be ranking for. Thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | crocman

  • It's a well known fact that too much thin content can hurt your SEO, but what about when you disallow google to crawl some places and it indexes some of them anyways (No title, no description, just the link) I am building a shopify store and it's imposible to change the robots.txt using shopify, and they disallow for example, the cart. Disallow: /cart But all my pages are linking there, so google has the uncrawled cart in it's index, along with many other uncrawled urls, can this hurt my SEO or trying to remove that from their index is just a waste of time? -I can't change anything from the robots.txt -I could try to nofollow those internal links What do you think?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | cuarto715

  • Hi Guys, I am very new hear. I just joined. I have a few websites that I need to manage. I am looking for a software that will allow me to manually add the links that I have been able to acquire. It would also be a bonus if it could search for the links to my site and to see if its still active. Because I have a freelancer working a few hours a week on link building and I need to keep track of the links. I am looking for something simple and good. Any suggestions? By the way, I used Raven Tools many years ago, and it had this feature. But since joining Moz, I don't want to be paying for 2 subscriptions. And I don't know if Raven still has this feature. Your suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you. Ryan

    Link Building | | RyanNewman

  • Hi Guys, Looking to potentially create youtube videos and rank them on Google Australia for keywords around cosmetic brands. For example ASAP or Napoleon Perdis If you look at the top 10 SERP results example: for ASAP. There are no videos ranking which I think is strange or a very good opportunity. How would you determine if Google would rank a video on SERP results if there is none already? Cheers.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | kayl87

  • Why don't the vast majority of sites using Drupal list keywords in the head section? Is there another convention used in Drupal that serves the same purpose for SEO? I noticed most of the Drupal info pages about keywords seem to drop off around 2010

    Technical SEO | | fxarechiga

  • Happy Friday and St. Patrick's Day Eve, Moz Community! As I got on here to ask this question, I saw my previous questions and remembered how awesome this community is.  I also can't wait until Mozcon, but I digress. Anyway.  We are a travel agency.  One of my websites is to support the Destination Wedding part of our business.  Each of the weddings gets their own page where we list information about the event as well as a guest list of who all has booked to attend the wedding.  After the wedding, the page is automatically unpublished.  This leads to a TON of 404s on all of the past wedding pages.  Also, even the current pages I don't feel add a lot of SEO value to the site. So.  What is the wisdom on how I should handle these pages.  I'm assuming I should no index them?  Also, does anyone have a compelling reason I should keep the pages active for some reason?  Just move them to a different section or something? (I'm really thinking not on this...but I'm open to discussion.) Thank you times one million in advance.

    On-Page Optimization | | cathibanks

  • We have about 100 redirect chains and were not sure of the impact they are having on our SEO. One SEO expert wants to charge around $800 to clean these up for us. Any thoughts on how serious of an issue this is and how important it is to address?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | roundtable1

  • Can you help me dive down into my website guts to find out why the MOZ crawl is returning URLs with variable results? And saying this is missing a description when it's not really a page? Example: I've asked MOZ but it's a web development issue so they can't help me with it. Has anyone had an issue with this on their website?  Thank you!

    Moz Pro | | lewisdesign

  • I work at an agency, we have a client that has 20 locations (all different websites and google business listings). We are trying to pick the best and easiest package for each location. We are trying to improve their SEO and ranking and their Google My Business pages. Can you explain the packages that you have to offer and which package you think would be the best fit.

    Local Listings | | groovehive

  • I am working on an automotive retailer site that displays local car inventory in nearby dealerships based on location. Within the site, a zip code is required to search, and the car inventory is displayed in a typical product list that can be filtered and sorted by the searcher to fit the searchers needs. We would like to structure these product inventory list pages that are based on location to give the best chance at ranking, if not now, further down the road when we have built up more authority to compete with the big dogs in SERP like,, etc. These higher authority sites are able to rank their location based car inventory pages on the first page consistently across all makes and models. For example, searching the term "new nissan rogue" in the Los Angeles, CA area returns a few location based inventory pages on page 1. The sites in the industry that are able to rank their inventory pages will display a relatively clean looking URL with no redirect that still displays the local inventory like this in the SERP:
    but almost always use a rel=canonical tag within the page to a page with a location parameter attached to the end of the URL like this one:"/>
    I'm having a hard time figuring out why sites like this example have their URLs and pages structured this way. What would be the best practice for structuring the URL and rel=canonical tags to be able to rank for and display location based inventory pages for cars near the searcher?

    Local Website Optimization | | tdastru

  • Hello moz webmasters, PLZ tell me How Can I Rank My Website Quickly and get traffic 20k per months. if you have backlinks lists of edu and gov sites plz donate me. check my site [Link removed by a forum moderator.]

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | tushartosi

  • Hi, Imagine my main topic is "Bike tours in Holland. Let's imagine that I have decided to write about these 2 topics " Amsterdam " and "Gouda". To talk about those topics should I use the keywords that moz keyword tool gives me for the keyword "Bike tours in Holland" such as "trail, cycle routes, bike paths" and write something like "Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands is the perfect place to hit the road with your trail bike. There are miles of bike paths to cycle one etc... Or can I write something like Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands features some of the best museums in Europe. The Van Gogh museum, the Anne Franck house and the Rijksmuseum. Or is this second sentence  talking about the museums wrong because it isn't talking about biking. Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • One of my clients supplies their product to a number of retail stores. Most of the stores do not currently link back to his website. He is hoping that they might be more motivated to link back if they had a template that made it easy to copy and paste the link back code into their website. Does it make sense to make a password protected page with different link back styles. Some plain text, some different size company logos (so they have different options)? Similar to what Yelp does with their badges.

    Link Building | | rx300

  • I want to lean out my title tags and will most likely be doing an A/B test. They currently have the "Near Me" modifier in there, which I believe Google can distinguish local SEO without it. Thoughts?

    On-Page Optimization | | imjonny123

  • Hello Mozzers - I have come across the two directives above in a robots.txt file of a website - the web dev isn't sure what they meant although he implemented robots.txt - I think just legacy stuff that nobody has analysed for years - I vaguely recall sr means search request but can't remember. If any of you know what these directives do, then please let me know.

    Web Design | | McTaggart

  • I have a client with a local divorce law business.  He's ranking really well, and I don't want to do anything to jeopardize that rank.  His site does not have SSL.  I feel like it would be good to get rid of the "not-secure" message from Chrome, but not important enough to risk ranks.  Would love to get thoughts from this forum on this. Thanks!

    Local Listings | | aj613

  • Brief History: Our company made change to a new domain. Both domains had an SSL configured on it in which the old domain SSL was controlled and created by Shopify which gave us limited control. Because we couldn't redirect the old https://  to the new https:// So basically we duplicated our new HTML website and put canonical ref on all duplicate pages to the final domain to help get search to navigate to the newer domain. Question: In the near future I would like to take down the old domain and do a 301 domain forwarding. What is the correct course of action to complete this? Our old domain was indexed and SERP results were tied to it's https:// url's.

    Technical SEO | | bnewt

  • I forgot to cancel and my account just got debited with $149. I don't want to use moz at this time. Can you please refund  the money. My user name is

    Moz Local | | bratu69

  • Anyone tried to decipher the factor in the default sorting order on Yelp?  I've not done any formal testing but from experience my gut feel is as follows (chime in with your own opinion based on your own observations). On searches - #1 factor is of course keyword(s) appear in category business is in or business name
    After that, or for just browsing categories 30% proximity of business location to location entered in address field
    20% number of reviews and average rating
    20% if they are paying Yelp for any services - the is unfair but I'm pretty sure it's a factor (call to action button, advertising, etc)
    15% Business Profile is filled out 
    15% keyword (if using search) appears in specialties section (which interestingly Yelp started charging to display!) This is a TOTAL GUESS.  I'm wondering if these factors may effect it: Quantity photos and/or keyword matches photo captions How long business has been listed on Yelp How long ago business was started Whether a street address is entered or not (a factor of Google Local Results I think)

    Local Listings | | Wizkids964

  • Can MOZ keyword explorer output sentences instead keywords? We need to optimize our website for the Knowledge Graph (OG). There was an old tool that does it, but I can't remember its name.

    Link Explorer | | Elchanan

  • Does anybody know why this might happen? When we made the new site, we just changed the skins. The source code was the same, the content was the same. Even when I search their brand name and their city, their URL won't show up. When I search their URL into Google, it won't even pull up their homepage: it only pulls up /contact-us and some other subpages. Any tips on what I should be looking out for?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | TaylorRHawkins

  • The company doesn't have physical locations but offers services in multiple cities and states across the US. We want to develop a better hyperlocal SEO strategy and implement schema but the only address information available is zip codes, names of cities and state. Can we omit the actual street address in the formatting but add multiple zipcodes?

    Local Website Optimization | | hristina-m

  • I noticed earlier this week that this page - was being indexed instead of this page - for its various keywords We have rel=canonical tags correctly set up and all internal links to these pages with query strings are nofollow, so why is this page being indexed? Any help would be appreciated 🙂

    Technical SEO | | iHasco

  • We use Keyword Planner to get a rough idea if a keyword has search volumes and worth tracking. But recently, it's showing zeroes (all locations) for very broad search terms such as "corn seed" "sorghum seed" "canola seed" and all variations of these three with "seed" in the phrase. We checked trends and there are searches for it. Has keyword planner gone bonkers? There were search volumes for corn, canola and sorghum variations, just not words with "seed", which is very odd. "corn grain" has 9,900 searches and "canola plant" has 5,400 searches, for example. "canola seed" has 201-500 searches on Moz, so keyword planner, I think really filtered out seed words. Is there another tool where we could just copy/paste or import a list and it'll show us the search volumes? I uploaded words on Moz, but we can only get search vol ranges and mostly don't have data yet for Australian searches. Does SEMRush have this capability too? I couldn't seem to find where to upload a list. If Google just filtered out these words, is there a way to get around it?

    Keyword Research | | nhhernandez

  • Should I track the same keywords for multiple cities that are right next to each other (there's about 10 cities in a 30 mile radius that the business services)? Or if the website ranks for a keyword in one city, will it automatically rank the same way in the city right next to it?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | pbrennan

  • I'm working on some htaccess redirects for a few stray pages and have come across a few different varieties of 301s that are confusing me a bit....Most sources suggest: Redirect 301 /pageA.html or using some combination of: RewriteRule + RewriteCond + RegEx I've also found examples of: RedirectPermanent /pageA.html I'm confused because our current htaccess file has quite a few (working) redirects that look like this: Redirect permanent /pageA.html This syntax seems to work, but I'm yet to find another Redirect permanent in the wild, only examples of Redirect 301 or RedirectPermanent Is there any difference between these? Would I benefit at all from replacing Redirect permanent with Redirect 301?

    Technical SEO | | SamKlep

  • Hi! A client of mine is having some trouble on his Google Analytics overview. When he checks the yearly report with number of visitors, new visitors, returning, ... he gets statistics that doesn't match mine. Also, he gets a notation from Google that no hits were fired, although the script is still there. On the other hand, I (logged in with another account) am seeing all statistics correctly. FYI: no filters were installed, nor segments, ... Why does the client see different and incorrect statistics? There should be a setting or something I'm overseeing. Hope you guys can help.

    Reporting & Analytics | | conversal

  • I just do competitor Analysis, one of my competitor follow technique like Use Meta Title as H1 tag on each page Use Meta Description on Content section ( Same as meta description ). Please suggest me is this technique work or have any benefits of this kind of thing in ranking or visibility.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | HuptechWebseo

  • A client has a single page app website that shows when you visit . I don't think this is a redirect; I think it's a URL rewrite. My questions: Is this setup common with single page apps? What are the SEO benefits or drawbacks of having a domain's homepage load, rewrite, or redirect to a subfolder?

    Technical SEO | | Kevin_P

  • My guess is you want to do the  {title} | {company name} format as I would suspect Google gives slightly more weight to the words at the beginning of the title?   (This is assuming your company name isn't a generic word or you are specifically trying to rank your home page for your company name when it isn't ranking well already) But what about cases where you have like 5 or 6 keywords that are really important and used in the title gives you like 50 characters and your company name pushed it up to like 65 increasing the chance Google will use some other source to list the name of your home page in the search results? Obviously one can experiment, but wondering what the general consensus is - long keyword title, or longer title with company name?  The company name can be included in the meta description and the domain name of the url displayed also gives the indication to the company.  But maybe the algo "respects" long itles that have company name more than ones without as then it looks more like a keyword stuffing title?  So many factors to consider.  Yes - on page SEO isn't just about the title, but for this thread I'm just talking home page title.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Wizkids964

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