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  • Hi, Any thoughts, data or insights as which is better in a top navigation... click to reveal the nav links or rollover to reveal the nav links? Regular content in an accordion (click to reveal) is evidently not best practice. Does that apply to navigation as well? Thanks! Best... Mike

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | 94501

  • I know local rankings are a complicated matter and I'm not looking for a single answer to this question, but I'm curious if any local SEOs have noticed similar issues to what I'm experiencing with trying to rank a multi-location-based business. Overall, the visibility trends for the business are up, but we keep popping into the top three spots (happened 2-3 times over the past year) for some general, particularly high-volume search terms only to fall back out and settle a week later into placements below the first page. This is particularly frustrating because the terms we're seeing this volatility for are the exact dream keywords we're hoping to rank the site for. Has anyone else experienced the same thing and had specific findings about what was at play? Is Google testing us and finding us unworthy? Any and all insights from pros with similar experiences would be helpful!

    Local SEO | | formandfunctionagency

  • Hi, all First question here so be gentle, please My question is around geo targeted dynamic content; at the moment we run a .com domain with, for example, an article about running headphones and then at the end - taking up about 40% of the content - is a review of some people can buy, with affiliate links. We have a site with the same page about running headphones and then 10 headphones for the UK market. Note: rel alternative is used on the pages to point to each other, therefore (hopefully) removing duplicate content issues. This design works well but it involves having to build links to two pages, in the case of this example. What we are thinking of doing is to just use the .com domain and having the product page of the page served dynamically, ie, people in the UK see UK products and people in US see US products. What are people's thoughts on this technique, please?  From my understanding, it wouldn't be any problem with Google for cloaking etc because a googlebot and a human from the same country will see the same content. The site is made in Wordpress and has <....html lang="en-US"> (for the .com) in the header. Would this cause problems for the page ranking in the UK etc? The ultimate goal of doing this would be to reduce link building efforts by halving the number of pages which links would have to be built for. I welcome any feedback. Many thanks

    Technical SEO | | TheMuffinMan

  • Hi all, We are looking at changing our current e-commerce store to a new platform and in doing so thinking of making some changes to how we list products in sub-categories. We have seen related questions asking about splitting a single product into multiple products to rank for different terms, but we are wondering about combining multiple products into a single product page? The examples we have seen have been about fashion items with variants of colour and size. However, the products we sell have variances that change the appearance, dimensions and technical specification, so we would like to ask the MOZ community if combining products with these variances would still be deemed good practice? We sell wood burning stoves and a good example of a product that we are considering combining is the Scan 85 stove, which is available in eight different configurations: 85-1, 85-2, 85-3 etc. Scan themselves refer to each version as a separate product and they are bought, stocked and sold as separate products. Wood burning stoves like this typically have a firebox in the centre and then design options that can change the top, side, base, door, colour and fuel. In this example, the firebox is the Scan 85 and the variation is the last number, each of which corresponds to a different design option changing both the appearance and dimensions (see attached image). We have them listed as eight different products on our current site, one for each version. Primarily because each option has its own name (albeit 1-digit difference) which when we created the pages we thought that more pages would present us with more ranking opportunity. However, we have since learnt that because these eight pages are all so similar and it is difficult to write unique content about each product (with the 85-1 and 85-2 the only difference between the models are the black trim on the 85-1 and the silver trim on 85-2). Especially as when talking about the firebox itself, how well the fire burns, how controllable it is etc, will be the same for all versions. Likewise, earning backlinks to eight separate pages is also very difficult. Exploring this lead, us to the question, when is a variant a variant and when is it a separate product? Are there hard and fast rules for what defines variants and products? Or does it simply vary from industry to industry product to product, and if so should we be looking at it from a UX or SEO POV, when making that decision? Our hope is that if we combine these eight products into a single high-quality page, it will present us with a greater ranking opportunity for that one page over eight individual pages. We also hope that in doing so will allow us to create a more intuitive UX on a single page with a unique description, more reviews focused on one page and an explanation of the options available, all of which should lead to more conversions. Finally, by creating a better UX and unique detailed description we hope that there is a higher chance of us earning product level backlinks then we do with eight lower quality pages. One of the issues in creating a single product page for all the variants is the sub-category/results pages, as we would be removing eight simple products and replacing them with one complex product. We have questions over how this would work from a filter/facet level whereby when you apply a filter there is an expectation that the image shown will match the criteria, so if we filter for stoves with a silver trim for example, there is an expectation to only see stoves that have a silver trim in the results. When you have separate product pages you have separate listings which makes this easier to only bring back the models matching the criteria. However, when you have a single page this is more complex as you will need a default image for non-filtered results and then the ability to assign an image to lots of different attributes so that the correct image is always shown that matches the criteria selected. All of which we have been assured is do-able but adds an extra level of complexity to the process from an admin side. The alternative to doing this would be to create eight simple/child products and link them to one configurable/parent product. We could them list the simple products into the results pages and have them all linking back to the main configurable product which could load with the options of the simple product that was selected. From an SEO POV this brings in some more work, redirecting each page to the parent, but ultimately this could provide a better UX and might be the better solution. Has anyone got any experience in doing either of these options before? Both options above with affect the number of products we have available, so does the number of products in a sub-category effect the ability for that category page to rank? We currently have around 500 products in our wood burning stoves category, with perhaps an additional 300 to add. If we go down the combining into a single product page route this will reduce the number of products by around a third. If we keep all the simple/child products, then this will stay around the same. So, have we missed something obvious? Is there a glaring issue that we have overlooked from an SEO point of view as well as from the customer experience? We would appreciate your thoughts on this. Thanks, Reece scan85-1.jpg

    Technical SEO | | fireproductsuk

  • Hello, I know that google index quickly but how often is the data pushed into their search results ? Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Hi Moz Comunity! Joined Moz just 2 weeks ago and slowly trying to get used to tools available in here! Great tools and info available on this site! My concern is that Site Crawl of Moz in my Campaign seems to have crawled only my homepage and no other sub-domains, is there any reason for this? FOr some reason it seems that Moz interacts only with my homepage? Even when I tried the Keyword Exlporer set on Keyword to see if any of my pages rank for any keywords, it seems only my homepage was ranking for a few keywords. It's possible my other sub-domains don't rank for any keywords yet but still, seems suspicious... I have added a link to Site Crawl that says it has crawled only 3 pages on my site, and all are my homepage... Thanks for any help! Jacob s!AlxV7sobbcgmhJB_fXcF4EPzbPSovA

    Getting Started | | Shotlife_Studio

  • I'm adding category pages for an online auction site and trying to determine if its worth marking up the products listed on the page. All of the individual product pages have product schema, but I have never seen them show up in rich snippets likely due to the absence of the price element and the unique nature of the items. Is there still value in adding the product schema even if the items won't show in rich snippets? Also, is it possible the product schema will help optimize for commerce related keywords such as [artist name] + for sale?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Haleyb35

  • Hi everybody, I can see the change Google brought in the SERP. Previously website homepages will be shown for primary keywords, now it's slowly and almost switched to showing most related internal pages in a website. You can check same for keyword "SEO", Most or all the results are internal pages. I can see this change for our primary keyword from last one month. So basically Google is trying to show a page explaining about the primary keywords rather than website, that's how "what is seo" pages are ranking than homepages. If there is no such pages existed or not well written, Google is just showing the website homepage. But I noticed that websites ranking with homepages are dropped compared to the websites with dedicated page about that primary keyword. Please share your thoughts. Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • In the last week domain authority for our site ( has increased from 21 to 31. We have been working on local SEO and making other improvements in the last month. I have noticed that our spam score is now 28. I believe it was much lower in the past. Should we be concerned about incurring a Google penaltyY How likely is this with a spam score of 28? What actions should we take? Also, we will be migrating the site to a new domain early this week. Can we use the domain migration as an opportunity to remove links from pammy domains? Will the removal of link from spammy domains increase or decrease our domain authority? Thanks, Alan

    Link Explorer | | Kingalan1

  • I have subscribed for 1 month free Moz trial account. It was free but to subscribe this account I need to put my credit card details. Suddenly at the end of this 1 month term period, Moz tried to cut 149 Dollar from my account without notifying me. But they could not because there were insufficient funds on my credit card. I haven't used any services and would like to remove my account from Moz service? Would appreciate your assistance.

    Product Support | | edgarsb

  • Hi, I am currently adding new products to my website and was wondering, should I use our product description (which is keyword optimised) in the meta description for SEO purposes? Or would this be picked up by Google as duplicate content? Thanks in advance.

    Algorithm Updates | | markjoyce

  • Hi all, In classic newb style I have submitted my new site to several uk directory listings after seeing these listings used by competitors, both local and national. I chose ones with a low-spam score as shown on the Moz site explorer. Now my domain score has jumped up several places over a few days, as has my search position, but will these listings "hurt" in the future? I fully intend on chasing and gaining non-quick'n'easy links in the future for he record. Many thanks!

    Link Building | | UkPod

  • We implemented title tags and meta descriptions for one of our clients using a GTM and some JS / jQuery. It's been working well for months. Rankings started dropping and nothing had been changed. We tore our hair out. I finally noticed that Google doesn't show our titles/descripts in the SERPs anymore. So I double checked in the developer console that everything was working ok, and you can even see our title in the browser tab. Anyone else see this or have any ideas? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | bbarber57

  • We assigned separate numbers for each local listing (using Call Tracking Metrics).  However, recently our listings were suspended and when I read through terms of service it says the number has to match on the location page. We use dynamic numbers  - so of course that number doesn't show up.  Would it work to also add the local number to the page in addition to the dynamic number?  Or has anyone figured out a work around?

    Local Listings | | vjappleyard

  • Google Search Console says I have 141 Total Links. 2 months ago, I had 160 links. My average position went from 60.1 to 58.9.

    Link Building | | guerratheron01

  • Hello, wanted to poll the Moz community about a URL discussion my company is having. We plan to launch a new publicly-facing resource and want to leverage organic search as much as possible. For the domain, we’re considering these options: the corporate domain since it’s well established or the URL for the product, which is more descriptive of the content that will reside on the page, but doesn’t have much authority because almost all of the relevant content is behind a paywall. The product domain is appealing because we want to build brand recognition. Should we also look at a more specific domain for the topic that doesn’t leverage either branded domain? Any Moz tools you’d recommend to help research this decision? Thank you in advance for your thoughts!

    Moz Pro | | Gbtyne

  • I have a few questions related to home page URLs being indexed, canonicalization, and GA reporting... 1. I can view the home page by typing in , and There are no redirects and it's canonicalized to point to  -- how important is it to have redirects? I don't want unnecessary redirects or canonical tags, but I noticed the trailing slash can sometimes be typed in manually on other pages, sometimes not. 2. When I do a site search (, sometimes the HP shows up as "", never "" or "", and sometimes the HP doesn't show up period. This seems to change several times a day, sometimes within 15 minutes. I have no idea what is causing it and I don't know if it has anything to do with #1. In a perfect world, I would ask for the /index.htm to be dropped and redirected to .com/, and the canonical to point to .com/ 3. I've noticed in GA I see / , /index.htm, and a weird Google referral URL  (/index.htm?referrer= all showing up as top pages. I think the / and /index.htm is because I haven't setup a default URL in GA, but I'm not sure what would cause the referrer. I tracked back when the referrer URL started to show up in the top pages, and it was right around the time they moved over to https://, so I'm not sure what the best option is to remove that. I know this is a lot - I appreciate any insight anyone can provide.

    Technical SEO | | DigMS

  • Howdy Moz friends, Today, the Moz team is making a new tool -- Link Explorer -- available in private beta for Moz Pro subscribers (including those taking a free trial). The tool is still a little ways out from public launch, but we wanted to get your feedback to help make it the best product it can be. What's Link Explorer? In essence, it's a replacement for Open Site Explorer (Moz's tool for link discovery, competitive analysis, and link building) that addresses many of its most pernicious challenges, such as: Daily updates - no longer will you need to wait a month or two to see a new DA score or the links you built last week. Link Explorer updates every 24 hours with all the new links we've discovered that day, and gives a new DA score each night. A MUCH bigger index - OSE has always been known for having quality links, but quantity has been an issue. No longer. The new tool's link index is more than 20 times larger than Open Site Explorer's, covering trillions of links across hundreds of billions of pages, while maintaining a focus on high quality domains and pages. Additional functionality - new graphs (like link growth over time), new charts (like gained+lost links), new filters and sorts, and some new kinds of data coming soon. Improved metrics - Domain Authority and Page Authority have both been upgraded to have better correlations with Google's rankings (and they now update every 24 hours) Insanely fast - page load times on the new tool are almost as fast as Google's results 🙂 Less time waiting means more time to dig into results Link Tracking Lists - check a box next to any links of interest and you can build lists in the tool  to track them over time, see whether/when they link, prioritize your outreach efforts, and (in the future) get aggregated data and alerts about those links There's much more to come, but we'd love for you to check out Link Explorer, find bugs, report things you love (and don't), and help us make it the best possible product for you and your teams. You can leave feedback here in this Q+A thread, email, or send feedback through the feedback form in Link Explorer.

    Link Explorer | | randfish

  • Often my Google Scholar alerts result in exactly what I think they will: scholarly articles published in academic journals. However, today I got this completely non-scholarly article and I have no idea why Google Scholar is indexing this site. I've read up on how to get indexed by Google Scholar, and this website doesn't seem to have the necessary requirements. I'm curious for anyone whose clients or industry need to get indexed by Google Scholar, what has worked for you?

    SERP Trends | | newwhy

  • Hi guys, I'm in need of a reliable keyword research tool for Amazon and Walmart. Is anyone able to recommend a good tool? Free or Paid is welcomed. I've found and MerchantWords but am struggling to find anything else to compare. I'd love to know your experience with these or any other tools you've used in the past. Thanks in advance 🙂

    Keyword Research | | daniel-brooks

  • Hi all, I stupidly removed the "http" url of my one website a few days back (it is one of three, the other two being the https), then re-added it around a day later and, while google console isn't reporting back any errors, Moz Crawl is going to town on this now for one critical "4xx" issues, canonicals and various other content issues that I addressed days previously...last Moz crawl performed an hour ago, url deleted and re-added two days ago. I have resubmitted a sitemap, will this smooth itself out or shall I go and make changes? Many thanks in advance.

    Moz Pro | | UkPod

  • Hi, I would like to know how bad is the long URLs that I have on my website. At the moment we have 543 long urls and I was wondering how big is the impact in my SEO. Thank you

    Link Building | | Blind_Foundation

  • Hello,
     i cant seem to figure out how to approach this matter. we have a website and a domain setup in one place and we wanted to setup a blog for that website on a different hosting, what do i have to do to link between the two to make it so when a user type domain com /blog he will get to our blog that is hosted on a different hosting plan? with the blog hosting plan we received a temporary domain that does not expire but i have been told that if i redirect to that temporary domain it wont work correctly also, if we do manage to go through that process will accessing the blog will the URL show domain com/blog or will still show the temporary given domain? is my only option is buying a new domain and just link between the two? Thanks!

    Web Design | | SharonEKG

  • Hello Moz Fam! I work in the insurance industry and we serve all 50 states. We have a state page for each state where the content is thin(ish). We're slowly revamping each page and hitting every talking point for that specific state. I've used multiple tools to come up with a content template and link building template for each page as well. I spent 5 months last year proof reading all these pages. So the content is good, just not SEO good. I didn't have the team or resources to really optimize them all yet, now I do. My question is...  what should I do with the old content? I was thinking of publishing it to other platforms that we have a contributor account on and linking back to each state page with it. Of course, I would wait a few days for the search engines to index the new content so it wouldn't be duplicated on these platforms. Good or bad idea?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | LindsayE

  • Hello, Is google using the cached version of the live version for ranking a website (if those are different) Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Hi, I have a recurring issue that I can't find a reason for. I have a website that has over 7k backlinks that I monitor quite closely.  Each month there are additional links on third party forums that have no relevance to the site or subject matter that are as a result toxic. Our clients site is a training site yet these links are appearing on third party sites like and have anchor text with "UGG boots for sale" to pages on our url listed as /mensuggboots.html that obviously don't exist. Each month, I try to contact the site owners and then I add them to Google using the disavow tool.  Two months later they are gone and then are replaced with new backlinks on a number of different forum websites.  Quite random but always relating to UGG boots. There are at least 100 extra links each month.  Can anyone suggest why this is happening?  Has anyone seen this kind of activity before?  Is it possibly black hat SEO being performed by a competitor?  I just don't understand why our URL is listed.  To be fair, there are other websites linked to using the same terms that aren't ours and are also of a different theme so I don't understand what the "spammer" is trying to achieve. Any help would be appreciated.
    KInd Regards

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | rufo

  • Im looking to relaunch a current website, that will undergo a complete makeover. Can you you tell me what factors I need to consider in doing this, particularly with regards to maintaining seo and migrating the current site in general

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | aplnzmarch18

  • Hi Moz Community, I am starting a link building campaign for one of my customers and I'm wondering if Google is able to pass link equity between javascript links. When I'm looking at my crawl report with Screaming Frog, I can see the number of links each page has so I can conclude that Google is able to see all the links. I've read that if my CSS & JS files are available for Google crawlers, ultimately, Google can crawl those URLs, but what about passing link equity? Before I start the link building campaign, Do you have any recommendations, case studies? Is it possible to include natural href links that pass link equity in a website that is entirely made with AngularJS? Thanks for all your inputs!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | alexrbrg

  • Hello Moz Community, Our team is looking to update a few videos in our Youtube channel but are concerned that doing so will reset the current amount of views to 0 once the change has been made. Would anyone happen to know if this happens or if the views remain the same? Also, how do the updates to the videos affect rank and visibility? Thank you all for your help.

    Image & Video Optimization | | PowerhouseMarketing

  • Hi, please bear with me as I'm pretty new to all this! I've my base URL but obviously want to add keywords to it for seo purposes. Should I redirect from the base URL to the URL with the keywords appended? So my landing page goes from say to If I do that, should I replicate all the meta data (descriptions etc) on the original landing page? Or does it not matter? Thanks, Nick

    On-Page Optimization | | nickwoodward

  • My client's website was built on Wix and despite having substantial content on web pages, Moz is claiming that there is very little-to-no content: Sufficient Characters/Words in Content. Does anyone know how to fix this issue? I've run a word count tool and it gives the same results. Website:

    Technical SEO | | Perfect-Pixel

  • Hi Im wondering whether I should optimise my site with Organic search terms that drive traffic to the site or the paid terms i use in Google search ads?

    Keyword Research | | aplnzmarch18

  • Which option is better for SEO purposes: 1. Author article for trade journal in return for link back to my home page. 2. Post article on my site and solicit links from multiple sites. Assume links all have moderate authority.

    Link Building | | Lysarden

  • Hello, We've been following the best practices outlined in this Moz article for title tags for a long time, however I have a question about the spelling of the brand name when the brand name is composed of keywords. For example, let's say your company is called FitnessGearUSA and your website url is How would you spell the brand name in the title tag? In a single word 'FitnessGearUSA' or in 3 words 'Fitness Gear USA'. We've been using the first approach for a long time, but I am starting to think that the second approach would be better, especially when the customer might include a single keyword that's part of the brane name in his search For example, a product page title tag would then look like this:
    Model ABC Weight Lifting Bar | Fitness Gear USA I am inclined to think that this page would rank better for a search like:
    "Model ABC Lifting Bar USA" Thoughts?

    Technical SEO | | yacpro13

  • Hi! I have two pages with unique content on each. However, they have virtually the same URL--except one is a www and the other is a www2. As far as I know, both pages were meant to gain organic traction. How should this situation be handled for SEO purposes? Thanks for any help! ---Ivey

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Nichiha

  • Hi, I've started working with a client that provides VIP packages for various sporting events. They have a number of landing pages for these specific events that happen every year. What's the best way to go about maintaining traffic and optimising these pages going forward? I looked to see how some of their competitors are handling this and they seem to create a new landing page for the following year and simply add a '301 Permanent Redirect' to the old (expired event) so it points to the next one. Is this the best approach or is there a better way to handle this? Alternatively, would it be OK to simply change the dates on the existing page to the following years dates (when available) or simply add a 'Dates TBC' with some basic information. Help/advice would be appreciated 🙂

    On-Page Optimization | | daniel-brooks

  • The hours offered for the Moz training are not in our business hours, they're inconvenient.

    Getting Started | | RepositPower

  • Hello, I am wondering which would be more important to have on a website a customer review page or a careers page? And as far an SEO advantage which is more important and why?

    On-Page Optimization | | Nicks123

  • Hi all, SEO newb here (or possibly rookie!). I'm a health professional and run a small, new specialised healthcare business targeting a local area (15 miles max). My product as such is the service I provide. There is a grand total of one employee, that of course being me! My SEO goal is phonecalls made and subsequent bookings as opposed to sales. Prior to joining here, I just looked at websites that provide a similar service and blindly assumed that a "We" approach to writing content was the accepted norm for presumed professional appearance. On reflection however, not only are most of these employing a team, most are in areas much more metropolitan than I operate in  (I operate in a medium sized town where almost everyone knows everyone else by about 1 degree). In addition, I have run into a few difficulties with this however when writing content/incorporating keywords. Now I am about to re-write my "About Me" section I'm having a real challenge using the aforementioned context while sounding personable and like-able. Does anyone have any advice or experience re the correct context to use, in regards to the difference in CTR's and bounce rates etc in a small one-man enterprise that offers specialised services to the local area? Many thanks!

    Local SEO | | UkPod

  • I'm seeing, for several different locations, single businesses suddenly coming up for searches on local services, where there used to be 3-Pack results.  Now it's like a knowledge panel result on the right. Anyone else seeing this?  Any ideas as to what's going on... and if there's anything that can be done to revert it? (influence the type of local result). Thanks!

    Local Listings | | WP-Pro

  • I've just started working on a website that has generated lots (100s) of broken internal links. Essentially specific pages have been removed over time and nobody has been keeping an eye on what internal links might have been affected. Most of these are internal links that are embedded in content which hasn't been updated following the page's deletion. What's my best way to approach fixing these broken links? My plan is currently to redirect where appropriate (from a specific service page that doesn't exist to the overall service category maybe?) but there are lots of pages that don't have a similar or equivalent page. I presume I'll need to go through the content removing the links or replacing them where possible. My example is a specific staff member who no longer works there and is linked to from a category page, should i be redirecting from the old staff member and updating the anchor text, or just straight up replacing the whole thing to link to the right person? In most cases, these pages don't rank and I can't think of many that have any external websites linking to them. I'm over thinking all of this? Please help! 🙂

    Technical SEO | | Adam_SEO_Learning

  • is there a way to have the google map listings show on my report as a ranked keyword. one of my competitors show their rankings in the organic as well as whether they are listed in the map section.

    Moz Bar | | dhanson24

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