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  • Hi Moz community, We have multiple pages from our own different sub-domains for same topics. These pages even rank in SERP for related keywords. Now we are planning to show only one of the pages in SERP. We cannot redirect unfortunately. We are planning to use rel canonical tags. But the page content is not same, only 20% is similar and 80% is different but the context is same. If we use rel canonicals, does Google accepts this? If not what should I do? Making header tags similar works? How Google responds if content is not matching? Just ignore or any negative score? Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • Hi Guys i have a client who is looking to be found in multiple English speaking countries I.e, .com and At first I advised they would need unique content for each to avoid duplication but then the client showed me this site this is setup via shopify on a multisite. All the sites have the same content and are all indexed. My question is can this be done in WordPress? Via something like WPML. And would it need to have seperte hosting and a seperate site or can this be done by something like IP redirect. Can someone advise if this is good practice or maybe suffer other ways? Thanks in advance.

    International SEO | | nezona

  • Hi, as google are displaying more and more weather forecasts within results, we'd like to explore whether there's a possibility of exposing our api to google to allow them to use us as one of the providers for the data. At the moment it appears they use, weather underground and maybe also accuweather (although I've not seen them mentioned for a while on there), but I'm not sure if this is some sort of commercial agreement, or whether it's simply that google have been given access to the api's from those providers in return for the link in the weather panel in the search results. Does anyone have any information about this sort of thing (I assume weather isn't unique in this respect), or know of any way to contact google and find out at all please? Thanks

    Local SEO | | PaulM01

  • They have a Shopify site. It's been running a year without getting really any listings. Anyone else had this problem? Should we just build them a new website? Or do shopify site have a poor record of listing highly.Thanks

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | BraveThinking

  • Hey Mozzers, I'm working for a client offering legal services in Spain for people from the UK. When I search 'legal services' in all the SERPs show sites from the US - mainly NY: There are lots of Spanish sites translated into English and showing sites in such as offer no value - it's a very weird SERP - any ideas why? Thanks Bush

    Keyword Research | | Bush_JSM

  • Hello, How do I figure out which supporting topics to talk about in my content ? Are the supporting topics the questions people have ? Do I find those in the keyword tool ? Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Hi Guys, Just wondering how would you go about influencing sitelinks example: Is there a way to remove or even change the positioning e.g. remove sale from the screenshot. Cheers.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | pladcarl9

  • I thought Google has gotten better at picking up unique content from javascript.  I'm not seeing it with our site.  We rate beauty and skincare products using our algorithms.  Here is an example of a product -- When you look at the cache page (text) from google none of the core ratings (badges like fragrance free, top free and so forth) are being picked up for ranking.  Any idea what we could do to have the rating incorporated in the indexation.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | akih

  • Hey Moz Community, I've been reading some articles that Facebook no longer likes if Business Pages run contests on their Pages. I was thinking about doing something super simple with a "Like, Comment, and Share" type of an entry. Does anyone know if this is still allowed - I can't seem to find a concrete answer. Even the guidelines for Facebook seem a bit vague. I could always take the contest offline and use a landing page on my website to generate traffic but that also doesn't help with my social following. Thoughts, insights all welcome. Thanks!

    Social Media | | MainstreamMktg

  • For location specific businesses there are many tactics to locally optimize your business letting them rank higher than large companies. Are there any tactics/strategies specifically for saas companies?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | alexadedmon

  • Does anyone have tips on how to work in an event system to avoid duplicate content in regards to recurring events? How do I best utilize on-page optimization?

    Technical SEO | | megan.helmer

  • When using Moz local the search is showing that I have no listing? I have a business page with 1400 followers and its been active for a long time with the same address and email to all my other listings. Why would this not be found? Is there something that I am missing?

    Moz Local | | Libra_Photographic

  • A client recently rolled out their UK business to the US. They decided to deploy with 2 WordPress installations: UK site - - robots.txt location: UK site -
    US site - - robots.txt location: UK site - We've had various issues with /us/ pages being indexed in Google UK, and /uk/ pages being indexed in Google US. They have the following hreflang tags across all pages: We changed the x-default page to .com 2 weeks ago (we've tried both /uk/ and /us/ previously). Search Console says there are no hreflang tags at all. Additionally, we have a robots.txt file on each site which has a link to the corresponding sitemap files, but when viewing the robots.txt tester on Search Console, each property shows the robots.txt file for only, even though when you actually navigate to this URL ( you’ll get redirected to either or depending on your location. Any suggestions how we can remove UK listings from Google US and vice versa?

    Technical SEO | | lauralou82

  • Hi all, I would like to investigate about our website back-links if something is wrong. If there are any paid or spammy back-links. How to proceed on this exercise? We have been using ahrefs and seems like it's quite enough. Is there any way we can pull out the fishy back-links? Do we have any helpful data from webmasters about this? Thanks

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | vtmoz

  • Hi Mozers, The site that I work on has two pages with very similar content but written with a different sophistication of language. One page is written in a simple, easy-to-understand voice and the second is written at a high level for researchers. My question is: does the Google algorithm really understand the difference in sophistication and then pivot results such that the more sophisticated page shows up for researchers and the simplistic page shows up for non-researchers (thereby eliminating or greatly reducing competition between these two pages)? Thank you!

    Keyword Research | | yaelslater

  • I started another thread around this question but don't think I was articulate enough. So, I have over 100 various landing pages that I use for targeted PPC. I don't really have any interest in these pages amassing their own SEO value; I simply use them for my PPC accounts. However, they all link back to my home page. Is this considered a link farm? And, if so, is the best option to simply add a nofollow attribute to all the links pointing to my home page? Would there be any reason to keep the links as follow? I don't think they're giving my site any SEO value but I'm concerned that they could be harming it instead. Any expert advice would be much appreciated.

    Paid Search Marketing | | jfishe1988

  • I am looking at adding the trademark and rights reserved symbols to some of my titles. I think this might help with click through rate. From what I have found, this shouldn't have an affect on SEO unless it makes the title too long. Is this correct? Stephen

    On-Page Optimization | | stephen.volker

  • Hi We have a number of blogs that compete with our homepage for some keywords/phrases. The URLs of the blogs contain the keywords/phrases. I would like to re-work the blogs so that they target different keywords that don't compete and are more relevant. Should I change the URLs as I think this is what is mainly causing the issue? If so, should I 301 old URL's to the homepage? For example, say we we're a site that specialised in selling plastic cups. Currently there is a blog with the URL that outranks the homepage for _plastic cups. _The blog isn't particularly relevant to plastic cups and the homepage should rank for this term. How should I let Google know that it is the homepage that is most relevant for this term? Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Buffalo_7

  • Hello, I am a physical therapist and own the company Back In Motion Physical Therapy. We specialize in orthopedic, sport, and spine injuries in Fort Myers, FL. My question is for your home page do you put the keywords of the surrounding city and cities such as Fort Myers, Cape Coral, etc? Secondly, should I have a keyword of physical therapist and physical therapy as well? Lastly, do I need to use those words on my home page for it to become relevant from google? Check out my site here:

    On-Page Optimization | | gray0620

  • I have read many answers regarding not having duplicated pages target different states (cities). Here is the problem. We have same content that will serve different pages in some provinces in Canada that we can't change allot intentionally. We don't want these pages compete within the same province. What would be the best approach not to get penalized and keep SERP? Initially we though about hreflang, but we can't really do it on the provice/state  attributes. Thanks in advance!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MSaffou2018

  • I am currently using about 50-100 domains for geotargeted landing pages for my PPC campaigns. All these pages basically have the same content, I believe are hosted on a single unique ip address and all have links back to my main url. I am not using these pages for SEO at all, as I know they will never achieve any significant SEO value. They are simply designed to generate a higher conversion rate for my PPC campaigns, because they are state and city domains. My question is, does google see this as a blog/link farm, and if so, what should I do about it? I don't want to lose any potential rankings they may be giving my site, if any at all, but if they are hurting my main urls SEO performance, then I want to know what I should do about it. any advice would be much appreciated!

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | jfishe1988

  • I'm working with an organization that is equal parts restaurant, hotel, and conference center. How should I place JSON-LD script on their website? I want to use @type specifications of restaurant, hotel, and meeting room because all those aspects of the organization function separately. What's the best way to go about this? Should I place three different scripts on the homepage or place each script on the individual pages dedicated to dining, lodging, conference center?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Campaignium

  • The only options I see in the tab is weekly and monthly. What if, for example, I wanted to compare stats over a 3 month period? Or compare stats from the same month last year? Is that possible? Or even the stats from the beginning of a campaign? Do you have to manually track them?

    Link Explorer | | trypm

  • Hi all, Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you are interested in helping out, feel free to direct message me for more information. Earlier this week I received a call from a very pleasant women named Martha. Her son owns a small site dedicated to his work as a pianist (can see the site here). They are having issues gaining traction in Google, they are not tech/search savvy and are looking for SEO help. They really do not have much to spend so partnering with an agency or hiring an SEO is not really an option. The part that is eating me up is the fact that Martha recently lost her husband and that left both of them in a very tough spot emotionally and financially. They are trying to build up visibility for the site with the hopes of finding more work for her son to help support them. Frankly, the site needs a good amount of work. It is a small one-page squarespace website. New pages need to be created, the site needs to be optimized and backlinks need to be acquired. If anyone is willing or able to help, please let me know. I am trying to help them where I can (guidance for how to optimize, they provided me the squarespace login so I may start going in and making changes for them) but unfortunately I do not have the time to give this project the attention that it deserves. Even if it is something as small as throwing a link their way, it would be very much appreciated. It doesn't have to be SEO specific either, if you can help them on social I'm sure that would be appreciated as well. Again, I appreciate you taking the time to read this. If you are interested in helping or just learning more, feel free to message me. Thank you!

    Branding | | Joe_Stoffel

  • Need to add intentions to a large volume of KWs.
    Approaches found so far:
    1. Manually e.g. Mechanical Turk
    2. Excel/VBA automation. Requires manual work - for instance, deciding on rules.
    3. NLP, Machine Leearning, Text Classification, followed by Power BI or similar for visualization. Easily a few thousand dollars to build in 4-6 weeks.
    4. Some agencies offer it as part of their services. 5. But is there a platform/tool that offers this?
    Called only Semrush and they didn't know any platform/tool but may offer it in the future.
    6. ....... What options am I missing? Thanks. Richard.

    Other SEO Tools | | RichardRoch

  • We migrated our domain on April 4th. Our domain authority has dropped from 22 to 8. Traffic is down from 90 visits a day to 10. Search console has indexed about 120 out of 600 pages. I have been told it may take several months to recovers some element of domain authority. My SEO consultant has planned on implementing the following changes immediately: 1. Change in URL structure
    2. Build internal links (my site has very few). 
    3. Optimize URLs for specific keywords 
    4. Keyword optimization of URLs using Yoast.
    5. Modify Schema Do we risk confusing Google further by making these changes until are domain authority and traffic has recovered? Is it safe to proceed with some "softer" changes such building internal links and keyword optimizing text whicl avoiding more disruptive changes such as re-writing URLs? Are we better off focusing on off site ranking factors such as link building and local SEO until domain authority recovers? How about only adding new content to the site such as blog posts and listings? To complicate matters the site is old and dated and we are working on a new UX design. So perhaps it would be better to launch the new UX at the exact same time as the onsite SEO optimization occurs. This could be less work and less disruptive. At the same time I would very much like to enjoy benefits of optimizing SEO now. Any thoughts????? Also, my domain migration has killed traffic. It is very concerning!! Is a 90% drop in traffic normal in the first ten days!? Thanks everyone!!!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Kingalan1

  • Keyword example "Best Chocolate Donuts" Could your keywords be written as "If you are always looking for the best quality ingredients, and you are a chocolate lover, you will love our donuts" Does that satisfy the keyword requirement or does it have to be exactly " We have the best chocolate donuts Chicago has to offer"

    Moz Pro | | JLehto82

  • I have a question for local sites, where you think is the best place to add the schema code in a local site (only 1 location), in the homepage, header, footer or something else? tnx a lot.

    Local Listings | | moonalev

  • Hi, I've a website with 6 pages identified as 'duplicate content' because they are very similar. This pages looks similar because are the same but it show some pictures, a few, about the product category that's why every page look alike each to each other but they are not 'exactly' the same. So, it's any way to indicate to Google that the content is not duplicated? I guess it's been marked as duplicate because the code is 90% or more the same on 6 pages. I've been reviewing the 'canonical' method but I think is not appropriated here as the content is not the same. Any advice (that is not add more content)?

    Technical SEO | | jcobo

  • I'm launching a website that will give daily updates. The /daily/ category needs to be kept clear for the current day updates only, so each day I will be archiving the previous days updates to another folder, for example: /archive/. Each morning, when I archive the previous days post... the system will 301 the current url from /daily/ to /archive/ and the sitemap will be updated to reflect the change. What I am concerned about is my site will be packed with 301's and the information is more important on the day so I would expect the majority of backlinks + social shares will be to the /daily/ category url and visitors will be 301'd to the new url. How would this affect my SEO and is there a cleaner way to do this so?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | AjazMozPro

  • Hi Everyone, I'm sure many of you received the email from Google over the past few days with the subject line: [Action Required] Important updates on Google Analytics Data Retention and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). I hope I'm not alone in not knowing what exactly this whole notification was in regards to. I realize it's for Data but are we no longer able to pull stats from the past? If anyone has a "dumbed down" explanation for what this update entails, I would be very interested - I don't want to miss out on any important updates and info, but I'm just not grasping this content.  Below is the full email in its entirety for those who are interested as well: Dear Google Analytics Administrator,
    Over the past year we've shared how we are preparing to meet the requirements of the GDPR, the new data protection law coming into force on May 25, 2018. Today we are sharing more about important product changes that may impact your Google Analytics data, and other updates in preparation for the GDPR. This e-mail requires your attention and action even if your users are not based in the European Economic Area (EEA).
    Product Updates
    Today we introduced granular data retention controls that allow you to manage how long your user and event data is held on our servers. Starting May 25, 2018, user and event data will be retained according to these settings; Google Analytics will automatically delete user and event data that is older than the retention period you select. Note that these settings will not affect reports based on aggregated data.
    Action: Please review these data retention settings and modify as needed.
    Before May 25, we will also introduce a new user deletion tool that allows you to manage the deletion of all data associated with an individual user (e.g. site visitor) from your Google Analytics and/or Analytics 360 properties. This new automated tool will work based on any of the common identifiers sent to Analytics Client ID (i.e. standard Google Analytics first party cookie), User ID (if enabled), or App Instance ID (if using Google Analytics for Firebase). Details will be available on our Developers site shortly.
    As always, we remain committed to providing ways to safeguard your data. Google Analytics and Analytics 360 will continue to offer a number of other features and policies around data collection, use, and retention to assist you in safeguarding your data. For example, features for customizable cookie settings, privacy controls, data sharing settings, data deletion on account termination, and IP anonymization may prove useful as you evaluate the impact of the GDPR for your company’s unique situation and Analytics implementation.
    Contract And User Consent Related Updates
    Contract changes
    Google has been rolling out updates to our contractual terms for many products since last August, reflecting Google’s status as either data processor or data controller under the new law (see full classification of our Ads products). The new GDPR terms will supplement your current contract with Google and will come into force on May 25, 2018.
    In both Google Analytics and Analytics 360, Google operates as a processor of personal data that is handled in the service.
    • For Google Analytics clients based outside the EEA and all Analytics 360 customers, updated data processing terms are available for your review/acceptance in your accounts (Admin ➝ Account Settings).
    • For Google Analytics clients based in the EEA, updated data processing terms have already been included in your terms.
    • If you don’t contract with Google for your use of our measurement products, you should seek advice from the parties with whom you contract.
    Updated EU User Consent Policy
    Per our advertising features policy, both Google Analytics and Analytics 360 customers using advertising features must comply with Google’s EU User Consent Policy. Google's EU User Consent Policy is being updated to reflect new legal requirements of the GDPR. It sets out your responsibilities for making disclosures to, and obtaining consent from, end users of your sites and apps in the EEA.
    Action: Even if you are not based in the EEA, please consider together with your legal department or advisors, whether your business will be in scope of the GDPR when using Google Analytics and Analytics 360 and review/accept the updated data processing terms as well as define your path for compliance with the EU User Consent Policy.
    Find Out More
    You can refer to to learn more about Google’s data privacy policies and approach, as well as view our data processing terms.
    We will continue to share further information on our plans in the coming weeks and will update relevant developer and help center documentation where necessary.
    The Google Analytics Team

    Reporting & Analytics | | MainstreamMktg

  • Hello, We used to have two shops selling our products, a small shop with a small selection of only our best quality products (domain, and a big shop with everything ( It used to make sense (without going into full detail), but it's not relevant anymore, and so we decided to stop maintaining the small shop, because it was time consuming and not worth it. There is some really good links pointing to, and the content is original (the product descriptions are different between both shops). So far, we just switch the "add to cart" button on the small shop into a link to the same product on the big shop, and did links from the small shop to the big shop also on categories pages. So the question is: in your opinion, is it better to do that, keep the small shop and content alive and build links to our big shop, or do 301 redirections and shut down completely the small shop ? Thanks for your opinion!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Colage

  • Hi Moz community, I'm trying to get some helpful answers on this. We are planning to employ clickable images on our website pages which opens in new tab if users click on them. This is to make sure that they can see the large screenshots of our product. I wonder will this increase the bounce rate and drop the rankings. Please share your experience and guidance on this. Thanks

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | vtmoz

  • Hi Mozzers, I'm working on a large website redesign / redevelopment project. New sections of the website will be phased in over the next 12 months. The plan is to launch all new content on a subdomain ( while the old site remains on There will be no duplicate content across the www and www2 sites, as old content will be removed on www as it is replaced with new content on www2. 301 redirects will also be setup from old content on www to new content on www2. Once the new site on www2 is complete, everything will be moved to www, with a robust 301 redirect setup in place. Is this approach logical, and can you see any SEO implication for managing the migration in this way? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | RWesley

  • Hi, I'm using the Moz keyword explorer to know which keywords Google is ranking my website. It says my website is ranked just for 7 words which I find very estrange... Any idea? If I use the google AdWords keyword explorer I get a lot more of keywords for my site. Which one should I trust to improve my seo? Thanks, Regards

    Feature Requests | | jcobo

  • A rel="canonical" is being added to every page and post on my Wordpress site - not tag results, not category results.  Not a major problem, right?  Except that I don't know where it's coming from. I've tried tracking it down - change the theme back to a default one, turn off all the plugins - it's still there.  Is it coming from .htaccess perhaps? The only issue it is causing is that it has causes me to have to turn off the canonical option in Platinum SEO  as that was resulting in two identical rel=canon on each page. It doesn't seem to be causing problem but I'd like to get a better understanding of what it going on.

    On-Page Optimization | | robandsarahgillespie

  • 1. Should we add organization schema on all pages of the website OR just homepage? 2. What is the best practice for catalog page schema as every website is following a different pattern?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Rajesh.Prajapati

  • Hello, A little over a month ago we switched our domain from A to B. The original was .com and the new one is at a .tech for good measure. We have meticulously done 301 redirects page by page but there has been a massive drop in traffic and I checked here to see that we've gone from a 30 domain authority to a 9. The company is a few months over 1 year old, but we're really looking at traffic accumulated in just about 8 months for the old domain. Is there any way to recover some of the old juice in this one other than the re-directs? Our number of backlinks have also severely dropped despite re-directs.

    Technical SEO | | SteveSaf

  • Hi Moz community, Our tech team has recently decided to try switching our product pages to be JavaScript dependent, this includes links, product descriptions and things like breadcrumbs in JS. Given my concerns, they will create a proof of concept with a few product pages in a QA environment so I can test the SEO implications of these changes. They are planning to use Angular 5 client side rendering without any prerendering. I suggested universal but they said the lift was too great, so we're testing to see if this works. I've read a lot of the articles in this guide to all things SEO and JS and am fairly confident in understanding when a site uses JS and how to troubleshoot to make sure everything is getting crawled and indexed. However, I am not sure I'll be able to test the QA pages since they aren't indexable and lives behind a login. I will be able to crawl the page using Screaming Frog but that's generally regarded as what a crawler should be able to crawl and not really what Googlebot will actually be able to crawl and index. Any thoughts on this, is this concern valid? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | znotes

  • Hi Moz folks! We are redesigning a website of 30,000+ pages. We are pulling together a spreadsheet for 301 redirects. So basically this: Will direct to here, this is the nav architecture: My question is, can I and should I truncate that new destination URL to make it easy for Google to see that the page topic is really the owl, like this: Your input is greatly appreciated! Jane

    Technical SEO | | CalamityJane77

  • One week ago we migrated our old domain to Our organic search traffic from Google has dropped about 90%. Is this normal? If so, how long should it take to recover? We filed a submitted a domain change request on Webmaster tools one week ago. We are noticing that many of the pages are still indexed which seems strange after a week. To complicate things, we filed a disavow file on April 9th for spammy links that pointed the NYC site. We filed the identical disavow of those links to the new Metro domain to ensure low quality links don't point to the new domain. Prior to making the domain change request, we migrated 30-40 non critical pages from NYC to Metro domains. Webmaster Tools indicated that the traffic was normal on the migrated pages. We then migrated remaining pages and filed the domain change request on April 4th. It is after April 4th that traffic and ranking declined. I would like to mention that there was no change in content; identical content was migrated from Metro to NYC This does not seem normal. Research prior to the migration indicated that if proper steps were taken it should proceed with limited disruption in traffic and ranking. Any ideas on how to remedy this situation? Thanks, Alan

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Kingalan1

  • We have updated and added completely new content to our state pages. Our old state content is sitting in a our Google drive. Can I make these public to get them indexed and provide a link back to our state pages? In theory it sounds like a great link building strategy... TIA!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | LindsayE

  • We have completed a a domain migration. I am ready to archive the existing campaign but would like to migrate the settings (keywords, etcetera) to the new campaign for the new domain. All settings to remain the same except for the domain name. Can this be done in a simple manner. I am not technical so I hope it is really easy. Thanks,

    Moz Bar | | Kingalan1

  • We are using one of your API: on our website and it does not show up the title for each website. 
    But when I see the title of the same website through your extension Moz Bar, then it does show the title from the extension of that website. Can you tell me what is missing here?

    API | | SOSCreatives

  • Hi Everyone, We are about ready to do the migration for our website. I've done smaller migrations in the past, but this is a $5 million+ site. We are moving from Magento to Shopify (same domain, different hosting). I read the Moz migration guide, which was great. Any tips from you guys on things that you might have missed when doing a migration? I've Got... All url redirects completed All legacy redirects completed All image url redirects completed All meta data/content moved over It was recommended that I submit the old site's XML Sitemap to Google when the new site goes live so I can get all the redirects indexed. Do you just create an XML sitemap from the old site and upload it to the new site or how is that done? Is there anything from a server/hosting standpoint I need to watch out for? I am using Screaming Frog for the old site to record all data. I was also thinking about Deep Crawl. Any other tools that helped you with your migration? We have many pages that are for example that is a page 2 of a category. Do these need to be redirected as well? Thank you!

    Web Design | | vetofunk

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