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  • We may have accidentally included the wrong domains in our Disavow file and have since removed most domains leaving the only very highly rated spammy links (using moz's new spam score)in the file. How long can it take for to google to recognise this change?ThanksMike

    Moz Pro | | mlb7

  • Can we talk about Rand's book here? Just delete me mods if it's not appropriate or interesting to anyone. But I thought it was great - no they're not paying me - it put me in the mind of my absolute fave book of all time 'Trust Me I'm Lying' by Ryan Holiday.  I mean rand is nothing like Ryan Holiday but the style of complete and utter openness and fearless criticism of what is bad in the world really gave me a lot to think about. I can highly recommend it.  And to be honest (not transparent - those are different) to be honest don't be tempted to give up in the first few chapters thinking it's a rags to riches personal story.  Because it develops into a real goldmine of technical advice and the sort of advice that you can't get anywhere - emotional advice.  Being a founder is hard and I'd say it's well worth a read (or listen in my case) You'll be surprised if you've only ever seen him on Whiteboard Friday.  It's like a different rand altogether. What did you all think?  I remember some [person] trolling him once for some talk he gave at an SEO conference saying 'stick to whiteboard Friday - nobody wants to know about your life'  But you really do.  Because you need to know that your business is different from everyone else's.  I'm an optimist and think that in marketing the next decade is going to be the decade of authenticity.  And this is a great place to start. _Moderator's Note: This question has been edited to comply with Moz's TAGFEE Code and Community Etiquette Guidelines. _

    SEO Learn Center | | Smileworks_Liverpool

  • Hi guys, Google Search Console gives me an error on these pages: info: info: I see there's an UTM tracking in the URL from Google+. We do have an account there but I don't see how this might give an error. Is this hurting our ranking score? How can we solve this?

    Reporting & Analytics | | conversal

  • Our site , some page are showing this error ("Google chose different canonical than user") on google webmasters. status message "Excluded from search results". Affected on our route page urls mainly. Our canonical tags are fine, rel alternate tags are fine. Can anyone help us regarding why it is happening?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | RobinJA

  • Hi, I have a backlink from a high DA/PA Government Website pointing to which I own and can setup 301 redirects on if necessary. However my is not used and has no active website (but has hosting available which can 301 redirect). is also contextually irrelevant to the backlink. I want the Government Website link to go to - which is both the relevant site and which also should be benefiting from from the seo juice from the backlink. So far I have had no luck to get the Government Website's administrators to change the URL on the link to point to Q1: If i use a 301 redirect on to redirect to will most of the backlink's SEO juice still be passed on to Q2: If the answer to the above is yes -  would there be benefit to taking this a step further and redirect to a deeper directory on which is even more relevant?
    ie. redirect to - passing the link juice deeper.

    Technical SEO | | DGAU

  • We are MOZ pro subscription, we want to change our keywords that we are tracking. Before doing anything I want to download our current keywords for our records. Better yet, if I could download in excel, i could do some sorting and such. Can't find how to download our 1,900 keywords in MOZ that we are tracking.  Help?

    Product Support | | JDView360

  • I am trying to see if there is a reputable / research-backed source that can show which industries are most competitive for search engine optimization. In particularly, I'd be interested in reports / research related to the residential real estate industry, which I believe based on anecdotal experience to be extremely competitive.

    Local Website Optimization | | Kevin_P

  • Hi after update in Google search console yesterday a lot of backlinks in "Link To Your Site" have disappear, before we had 43x domains now we have 12x domains linking to the site. I have checked the sites where we had link do-follow before and they are OK. Can you please tell me the reason what has gone wrong. And also please guide me in fixing the issue , Hope to hear from you soon..! URL:

    Link Building | | heleneolsen

  • So I found a keyword that I want to go after, it gets over 30k searches a month, has a 100% CTR and has a difficulty of 42. Now my question is would it be better to build a page on our already established site (DA of 46) since the site and keyword are both related. Or would it be better to get a domain of that keyword and build a small site about it? The .com is taken but I could get a .co or .us just not sure if its worth making a new site or if I should just build a page on my current site about it.

    Link Building | | americancasinoguide

  • Hi Mozzers, I was wondering if anyone is using the Wordpress LMS plug-in 'Learndash'?
    We use Wistia as hostingplatform for our videos, but a client of us prefers to use Learndash.
    Are you happy with this plug-in? Are there any negative consequences for SEO? Thanks in advance! Jens

    Image & Video Optimization | | WeAreDigital_BE

  • Hello, In the related topic feature now called content suggestions Are the words indicated words to include in my content or are they "topics" to talk about using words that would describe those words turning these words into concepts ? Thank you,

    Moz Bar | | seoanalytics

  • Hello, When writing my content do my related keyword need to be noun subject in my sentence or can they be predicate ?

    Keyword Research | | seoanalytics

  • Hello, When describe an alt tag from what I understand you need to put your keyword when you can and not literally describe the image. For example let's say I have a picture with 2 cyclists on a road in the dolomites. I would tend to describe it saying " 2 cyclists riding in the dolomites" But for google it is better to describe it saying "Bike riding in Italy and through the dolomites" based on the fact that I am looking to rank on "italy bike tours" Isn't it ? Thank you,

    On-Page Optimization | | seoanalytics

  • We have a major drop in traffic after migration especially in the US and other international countries but we are more worried about the US. Before Migration:
    February 3 - March 18, 2018 (44 days)
    After Migration:
    March 20 - May 2, 2018 (44 days) See GA traffic comparison (screenshot 1) Also, based on SEMrush the traffic, the United States is down by 46% (see screenshot 2) while Australia has decreased by 12% (screenshot 3). What could be the main issue issue of this? Would really love to hear an in-depth explanation about this. Keen to hear your thoughts about this. Cheers, iNMdNNq OTq5wYn gCBmFOF

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | christwix

  • We are looking to change our URLs to this format /SKU/TITLE/COLOUR as part of our SEO migration.
    e.g. As of the moment, our URLs are TITLE/NO
    (Shopify is creating a random number on the end of the URL which is representing a different colour) Is this fine SEO wise? Will this affect rankings and user experience?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | christwix

  • We've put a fair bit of effort into delivering value here: But a search for "Lewes taxis" or "taxis Lewes" puts this site above us: As you can you see, this is a tiny site that we outperform in most ways.... what can we do to rank above it that we haven't already done? Thanks in advance - Gerard.

    Technical SEO | | Paul730

  • Hi friends, I am building backlinks with the url Does it make any difference to rankings if I do not build links with If yes how should I redirect all links built with to I am feeling that Google is not indexing links in webmaster due to this. please suggest.

    Link Building | | ksmith88

  • Have ideas on how to present hundreds of user ganarated reviews on website in a Google friendly way? "Load more" / calling APIs / or pagination seems to have disadvantages for ranking for this content. Any suggestions, inspiration, tools and articles appreciated.

    Reviews and Ratings | | Joseph-Green-SEO

  • If you ad a rel=canonical tag to a page, should you still optimize that page? I'm talking meta description, page title, etc.

    On-Page Optimization | | marynau

  • We do most of our business in national SEO and we do reasonably well, but we are entering a niche where search engine results are served locally. This is the page we are trying to get ranked: The page has been indexed We beat all the rankers in Domain Authority We're competitive in terms of reviews We're strongly competitive in terms of load time We are a SAB, but other SABs seem to rank, and even companies with no GMB listing rank We have mentioned our locality on the page and meta title It's not that we are not ranking well... we're not even in the top 50. Is there something I've done wrong, or forgotten to do? What might be stopping Google from ranking us locally?

    Local Listings | | Wagster

  • Hi Mozers, Is it true that Google will fill in search forms and thus generate potentially thousands of pages by itself? We have a spike in number of pages indexed and it corresponds with the time we added an advanced search form to the site... Thanks for the advice! Yael

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | yaelslater

  • I'm trying to do an audit but I can't seem to figure out how to find .edu and .gov backlinks from the new link explorer. Can someone please help? I'm trying to learn how as open site explorer will be replaced by the link explorer. Thank you!

    Link Explorer | | AFARiva

  • Hi, I have a price comparison website in English with .com domain. Now as we are expanding, we want to localize our website and target different markets in their local languages. The first market we are targetting is France. For that purpose we have a different domain name in French .fr domain The website however, will have the exact same content & mostly translated in French. My question is what is the best way to avoid getting penalized by Google for having duplicate content? Thanks,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | kh-priyam

  • Hi Moz community, We can see the 404 and soft 404 errors in Google web masters. Usually these are non-existing pages which are found somewhere on internet by Google. I can see some of these reported URLs don't have any back-links (checked on ahrefs tool). Do we need to redirect each and every link reported here or ignore or marked to be fixed? Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • There are various Heading Tags from H1 to H6. In what order and priority should they be used in order to get best reach and ranking in google. Is every Tag a must in a blog?

    Algorithm Updates | | sne7979

  • Hi Moz community, I had implemented schema markup for companies with multiple branches. We setup an organization with multiple points of contact tag, a Local Business tag for each branch and tags for specific products/ services - all through Google tag manager. I managed to fix the product markup with a small update to the code I found in a Google forum but have been unable to revive our local business markup. The tags of the schema mark up are active but when I run the Google structured data testing tool it doesn't find any schema tags. We are seeing some of the tags show up in search console but not all of them. Has anyone else had this problem and found a solution? Or, do you have any recommendations on how to markup an organization with multiple branches? Should we have one overall organization tag and a separate one for each business or is there another way of presenting each branch? Appreciate any insight!

    Technical SEO | | Alexanders

  • Hi I know this is a general question and there multiple like it. I've read a lot over the years, but can't figure it out. 1. The site in question is which had the above problem for years. I've recently revamped it and ready to try again. 2. The specific page is this one which is a review for laptop model G3 3579 from Dell. It was posted about two weeks ago, and it's still the only in-depth review in English, it seems. However, beyond the first 1-3 days, it's been lowered in rank and finally disappeared. That happened with other articles as well, over the years. 3. When searching, for example, for "Dell G3 3579 Review", another post of mine shows up in the 1/2 places - just a general short one mentioning the "G3" (this one), instead the full in-depth review. That it make no sense. 4. Currently, the review itself doesn't show up at all, not at page 2/3 (which is bad anyway) Can anyone shed some light on the situation? or offer pro services for it? It's very frustrating, basically making all my efforts go down in the dunk.. Much appreciated!

    Keyword Research | | glj

  • Hi, I have an e-commerce website that is dynamic(not responsive) in nature. when i check the cached version of mobile website it shows the desktop version in cache. Will it create any problem . How can i tell google bot to see my mobile cached version instead of desktop one.

    Technical SEO | | dhananjay.kumar1

  • Hi Mozers, We recently canonicalized a few thousand URLs but when I search for these pages using the site: operator I can see that they are all still in Google's index. Why is that? Is it reasonable to expect that they would be taken out of the index? Or should we only expect that they won't rank as high as the canonical URLs? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | yaelslater

  • Our Fetch as Google in Google Webmaster Tools is showing this. What is this?? Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | bluejay7878

  • Hi guys, I have been enjoying here to be a part of the community. A simple question: I have some local low volume keywords and want to rank on 1 with all. I have set up pages according to the keywords such as "california plumbers" and page is /california-plumbers.html To rank these types of keywords I am doing local listing and adding these particular page instead of "home page". Am I doing right? Would classifieds and local listings are suffice to get these keywords on 1 spot of Google? What else can I do? Can you suggest me some queries to find "deep local directories or classified or other stuff whereby I can target my pages? Thank you in advance for ideas.

    Local Listings | | ksmith88

  • Help me test my website? My website: United Airlines

    Moz Pro | | tunguyen110894

  • I had someone from approach me about putting some content on my site. The content is good. It's unique. It's very relevant and any links out are reasonable. But when I started to look into it, they seem to be churning out a hell of a lot of content for the companies they're doing outreach for and the companies themselves don't seem to be very active on social. I can't find the person they are attributing a guest blog to and I can't find the person that I've been communicating with on linkedin etc. Something doesn't feel right. Any ideas? Simon

    Link Building | | GrowTraffic

  • Hi friends, We are working on a new Magento store for one of our websites. Our strategy is for organic positioning of the products, so we need to understand if the Magento products will position better if the system is hosted in a subdomain of the main company domain or if it is better to host it under its own domain. Thanks,

    Technical SEO | | FWC_SEO

  • Hi, In a regular check with Webmaster Tools, I have noticed some weird 404 errors, for example, my domain URL is something like, the 404 error points to some weird URLs like and, at first I have tried to block them by robots.txt, but now I am getting these kind of 404 errors a lot, and don't think blocking them all is a perfect solution. Can anyone help me out with the issue? Thank you in advance.

    Technical SEO | | nishthaj

  • for some reason its not popping up when I do a scan

    Link Building | | babysapp58

  • Hi there, When redirects are passed through multiple stages e.g. 301 to 301 to Does still retain all link equity from the original referring domain, and is there a limit to the redirect chain before Google starts to not pass through link equity? Cheers

    Technical SEO | | Corbec888

  • I have been trying to get indexed my inner page's title tag but still I cannot see this. It has been almost a week. I have done "Fetch as Google" even though I cannot see this. What can be the reason?

    Link Building | | ksmith88

  • Hello All, I just want to know that is it the right way in SEO to submit the same blog post as an article on Linkedin or other social sites or article sites.

    Branding | | DenorL

  • i have by some links from fiverr  i was ranking 9 for this keyword with 1200 of searches after fiverr it has disappeared from google more then 10 days i guess this is a penalty someone know how long a penalty like this is how many days to months ? i don't get any messages in webmaster tools this is the gig

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | alexmuller87

  • Hi!, i have a question for the community, in a promotion landing page of the type believe that it is positive to include a menu apart from the main one with categories of the type , but in relation to the products maintain the same URL without perform What do they think?

    On-Page Optimization | | WhiteLabelMKT

  • Hi team! Thinking of "repurposing" a keyword on our website. Reason: when researching this particular keyword, GMS are quite high, however, the new content we're creating is more up to date, better in general, than the old content this keyword is attached to. How will this affect rankings we've gained over time? (i.e., will any "age" benefits gained as that keyword has been in use on our website for a few years, be lost?) Will Google see the keyword/URL as totally new because it's attached to new content/something that has gone live recently? Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MariaPuche-Jimenez_Parker

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