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  • Hi guys, I'm new here but I already spent hours reading the forums. I didn't post before because I didn't feel the need to, but today it's different. I don't want to take fixing steps that are not optimal for my website situation. So here's the problem : I am working on an affiliate website that is growing day after day and is already profitable. It is not by any mean a thin affiliate site. It's a french language website with product reviews on it. Right now there is 1 main page (hero page) per review in which I describe the products, put affiliate links, present useful information, etc. These pages have a good word count and I am targeting 1-2 main keywords on them which I consider a good practice. Couple of months ago I decided to add a product page for each one (normally it's 5 products per review) so I added 5 more page per review, targeting product names as new keywords. Problem is that : Product names are very similar to the main keywords (keyword cannibalization problem) There is very little added information on the product page when you compare it to the hero page (too thin) A lot of information is repeated on each of the product pages. I think this is bad. So I decided to keep only the hero pages to keep more link juice, avoid keyword cannibalization, improve page authority and get more content on one single page (only information that was not repeated have been added to hero page). I removed ALL THE LINKS to product pages (from the hero page). So now for my questions : Is it better to keep the product pages in my sitemap or to delete them right away? Is it better to let the product pages die by themselves over time or to 301 redirect all the product pages to hero page to keep link juice? The next question is a bit more complicated. Hope you guys understand what I mean. Considering that product pages are now gone, this will for sure weaken my bounce rate % because only hero page with good/deep information will be accessible to visitors (there is not a lot of internal links in each review, except to other, RELATED reviews). Is setting up goals in google analytics + telling google that it should consider a click on an affiliate link as a NEW PAGE VIEW (like it would act for a click on a link of a product on my own domain) will help for SERPs and SEO?? Or it will just help ME to see a lower bounce rate and setting goals? In other words, is tracking these links and let google see them as new pages clicks will help for the page rankings or not? Because from what I am understanding, a good bounce rate helps for rankings. If the changes made to avoid keyword cannibalization work, when could I potentially see the effects/benefits in the SERPs and trafic?

    Affiliate Marketing | | benoit_2018

  • This great article by Eric Enge makes a compelling case for jumping to AMP for news sites, but does anyone have any data or have heard of an online forum using AMP as well? I run an online community and we are thinking of making the (relatively heavy) investment into making most of our pages AMP friendly... Thank you! Patrick

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | |

  • Hey fam, I ran the Critical Crawler Issues and found 9 pages with critical crawler issues. I'm running a wordpress site and looked in the dashboard for Pages and Posts but the links aren't in the dashboard. Can you help fix? Thank you!

    Technical SEO | | Myflgreen

  • For a bunch of my pages, the MOZ Crawl Report says "Title Too Long". Yoast on my site tells me that the titles are the correct length. How can these two things be at odds with each other? Which one is right?

    Moz Bar | | TeamViviRealEstate

  • We are developing high quality, unique content and sending them out to bloggers to for guest posts. In these articles we have links to 2 to 3 sites. While the links are completely relevant, each article points to the same 2 to 3 sites. The link text varies slightly from article to article, but the linked-to site/URLs remain the same. We have read that it is best to have 2 to 3 external links, not all pointing to the same site. We have followed this rule, but the 2 to 3 external sites are the same sites on the other articles. I'm having a hard time explaining this, so I hope this makes sense. My concern is, will Google see this as a pattern and link juice won't be passed to the linked-to URLs, or worst penalize all/some of the sites being linked to or linked from? Someone I spoke to had suggest that my "link scheme" describes a "link wheel" and the site(s) will be penalized by Penguin. Is there any truth to this statement?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Cutopia

  • On the crawl report it has all these "Critical Crawler Issues". They all say "4xx Error", yet when i click on the link from the crawler report, it goes to a perfectly functioning page, not a 404 page or anything. If i click in it actually says it's a 403 error. It's all for pages generated by the IDX solution for our real estate website. Is Moz broken or am i missing something? Here are a couple examples: <dl class="crawl-page-details-list"> <dd class="crawl-page-details-list-emphasis"></dd> <dd class="crawl-page-details-list-emphasis"> <dl class="crawl-page-details-list"> <dd class="crawl-page-details-list-emphasis"></dd> </dl> </dd> </dl>

    Moz Bar | | TeamViviRealEstate

  • I'm working for a few regional brands and would like to create a best practice doc for the structure of a location page.  Has anyone seen anything recent regarding a structure for local, regional and national pages? Thanks all, Kevin

    Local Website Optimization | | Kevin.Bekker

  • We are going to create a few 1 - 2 minute instructional videos. I will be creating a blog that will include the video for our main website.  I want to say I read or saw (Whiteboard Friday) that Rand Fishkin mentioned to place the video on your site first for about a month (or weeks). Then, you can publish it on Youtube etc. It sounds like a good plan.  Have Google index your blog with the video and receive organic traffic. Then place it on Youtube. Is that correct? Is that the best practice? Like i said, I think it was Rand that discuss this. Would love to get feedback. Thanks.

    Image & Video Optimization | | Kdruckenbrod

  • Hi all, My website currently has 2 pages that address the theme 'property investment in manchester' or 'buy to let manchester'. I am a bit concerned that we are competing against ourselves for these keywords. In my opinion the /investments page provides better content, but the /developments page ranks higher in Google. What do you think would be the best course of action?: Leave as is Merge the contents of both pages Redirect the /developments to /investments Or something else? Any ideas welcome. Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | brian-madden

  • I've checked various Ranking & Algorithm tracking tools (SEMrush, Mozcast etc.) and since 12th Jan 18 there has been a lot of 'turbulence' in terms predicted Google algorithm changes. This has been 'high' for the past 2 weeks. Question is, would you 'hang tight and ride the wave' or 'act fast'? Our actual rankings haven't really been affected positively or negatively - so I'm thinking I should just ride the wave to see what happens but keep a close eye on the rankings?

    Moz Bar | | Jack_Jahan

  • This is not my area of expertise, but I have a customer with a unique problem. They are primarily an agency that assists student-athletes nationwide with the college recruiting process. They also have a non-profit organization that runs soccer camps for local kids only.  The soccer camp would of course benefit from having it's own GMB page, but they've been told by Google that they can't use the same address as their recruiting business. They are in the same office and moving/adding an office isn't an option at this time. Does anyone have any ideas on how to overcome this issue without risking penalty from Google? Should they change their business name to combine both and add categories for their non-profit? They're such disparate businesses that I'm reluctant to have them do this, but is that the best/only option? Thanks all!

    Local Listings | | camarin_w

  • Before I get ahead of myself, I thought I'd ask the community for a quick assist: We have 8 hotels set up under a single domain aggregate website:
    and so on. Should I technically set up the 8 hotels as separate tracked campaigns, complete with new branded search terms, broad search terms and such? Is this best practice? Thank you in advance for any assistance!

    Getting Started | | PHC-TOM

  • I was cancel my trial account on yesterday, can you check my account? and is it true that i do not have to pay if i cancel my trial account..

    Product Support | | MAYA_miae

  • A large number of sessions in my client's Google Analytics account appear to come from medium: organic and source:Indeed. Since I'm focused on SEO for this project, I'd prefer that Indeed be treated as referral traffic. Any ideas for fixing this issue? Also, and I'm sure the answer is no, is there a way to fix the past data in Google Analytics that has already reported Indeed as an organic medium?

    Reporting & Analytics | | Kevin_P

  • Will google merge structured data from two pages if they have the same canonical? The crawler should be able to get to the tab through an ahref. The tab in question is "Cast & Crew." Thank you in advance for any insight! szmOmj8.jpg uM8qUfi.jpg

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | catbur

  • We added hundreds of pages to our website & restructured the layout to include 3 additional locations within the sub-pages, same brand/domain name. The 3 locations old domains were redirected to their sites within our main brand domain. How long could Google take to crawl/index the new pages and rank the keywords used within those pages? And possibly increase our domain authority hopefully? We didn't want our brand spread out over multiple websites/domains on the internet. This also allowed for more content to be written on pages, per each of our locations service's, as well.

    Web Design | | BurgSimpson

  • Hi, Let' say one of the topics I want to talk about is "wine tasting2. I do a search in the keywords tool and I find related keywords such as "wine tasting chicago" and all the words that I find do not apply to me because I do "wine tastings in Bordeaux". How do I deal in a situation like that ? Can I type in the keyword tool "wine tasting bordeaux" even though my topic is wine tasting ? I took "wine tasting" but I could apply that to the word "chateaux" where none of the related keywords apply to me. I run into issues when the topics are "large". The other question I have is still about "wine tasting" if I find secondary related keywords that apply to me such a "wine tasting in bordeaux", "wine tasting cellars" do I still need to add in my content the word "wine tasting" by itself in addition to the 2 related keywords or can I just only put the 2 related keywords ? Thank you,.

    Keyword Research | | seoanalytics

  • When adding the rel=canonical tag to a landing page inside a folder, should the tag read: or With or without the index.php? TY KJr

    On-Page Optimization | | KevnJr

  • Hi Mozers! I have a Shopify store (of which there are many advantages) however one big SEO disadvantage, is that my URL structures contravene all Moz advice on dynamic URL structure and whats more I am reminded about this every week when I have a Moz site crawl and I have a batch of URL's that are longe than the 75 characters. A Shopify URL will run www.domain According to advice a it should be www.domain - Don't even get started on sub-collections! I sell portfolio books, album etc and keepsake memory boxes (so long keywords) AND, I have a long(ish) business name. So, For user experience and keyword length, do I just ignore trying to achieve a dynamic URL under 75 characters? When I have asked Shopify, the say their URL's are an integral part of the "Ruby on Rails" system, so nothing can be done Or can it ??? I can't be the only Moz member with this issue can I ??

    On-Page Optimization | | nick_HandCo

  • I have been a MOZ subscriber for a few years now. I don't think MOZ works for .dating and .chat domain extensions. I have 2 sites that have authority 1 despite back links. Here are the details: > DA = 1 > DA = 1 oooo has 221 links (Google search console) talk has 1317 links (Google search console) May be a MOZ staff member can look into this. If you are customer and use some of the newer domain extensions please share your details if you have the same problem.

    Link Explorer | | dmcubed

  • I'm currently running 2x Shopify Stores (names changed from actual): "" is our UK store "" is our USA store However, Google Analytics has shown that most of the traffic to "" comes from the USA, and this market has our biggest growth potential. So we want to switch our domain setup to the below: Make "" our USA store Stop using "" and redirect it to "" Set up our UK store as a new domain (" or subdomain ("") My question is – should I set up the UK store as a domain or a sub-domain? What are the pros and cons of each? Thank you in advance for any help!

    Local Website Optimization | | benkapow

  • Has anyone noticed an unusual shift in ranking fluctuations starting around 20 hours ago? I have noticed some fairly major positive shifts on two different websites, interested if anyone else has seen the same thing.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoman10

  • I lost the GA account connection to my moz campaign account. I am re-connecting now but on the traffic settings, when I am about to disconnect, I get a warning that I will lose the historical data, what is the impact of loosing this data for the campaign? Thank you

    Moz Bar | | RaquelSaiz

  • I have an ecommerce website where some pages link to a product page with a different URL. EXAMPLE: 1: /category/product1.html (not indexed by Google) with canonical pointing to product1.html Other page link to the product like below. 2: product1.html (indexed by Google) Now the question is, does 1: pass any link juice to product1.html or not? Is it worth to change everything and link only to one URL? My site is running on Magento!

    Technical SEO | | bill369

  • Hi Mozers, **We have a glossary of terms made up of a main page that lists out ALL of the terms, and then individual pages per alphabet letter that limit the results to that specific alphabet letter. These pages look like this: ** https://www.XXXX.XXX/publications/dictionaries/XXX-terms?expand=A https://www.XXXX.XXX/publications/dictionaries/XXX-terms?expand=B https://www.XXXX.XXX/publications/dictionaries/XXX-terms?expand=C https://www.XXXX.XXX/publications/dictionaries/XXX-terms?expand=D etc. If I'd like Google to remove all of these "expand=" pages from the index, such that only the main page is indexed, what is the exact parameter that I should ask Google to ignore in Search Console? "expand=" ? Just want to make sure! Thanks for the help!!!

    Technical SEO | | yaelslater

  • I want to know when the subscription will end for QMetry and we are a team of 3 using Moz, out of 3 of us who is the admin?

    Product Support | | vatsala

  • Hello, I'm working on our website SEO optimization. We have a thousands of products pages with different structures for the languages (arg) and very depth folder path .com/[folder]/[folder]/[folder]/product1.hmtl So now I have the happiness of working on the optimization of the website with themajor risk of impacting all current ranking. But anyway, here are a few questions I have on the way. Part 1 - International URL Our websites target people per country and languages. We do not have shops per countries (not enough resources_) but we try to get at least website per languages. What could be the best option?_ Url Parameters +hreflang So we save one folder less and the proper setup. But I'm just scared it's gonna be too messy for Google**?lang=fr** Product page:link rel="alternate" hreflang="en" href=".com/product1" / Language folder + hreflang one folder more but clearer structure**/fr/**product1 **Product **page:****link rel="alternate" hreflang="en" href=".com/product1" / Part 2 - Product URL Our website is structure per categories so the product comes after. However, I've seen a lot of websites recently removing the categories to save folders space. What should be the most efficient option? Category folder It's obviously a good practice but this + the language folder makes already 2 folders{targetedKW} {targetedKW} = cheap product, best price or else All in url I've never done it but it somehow makes sense{targetedKW} Part 3 - Keyword stuffing As I'd like to get most of it automatically done, what could be the best places to add a few KW. **Markups:**All the ones we can **Meta Descriptions:**optimize one for Google + one for twitter + one for facebook Longer to do but then from google shopping and other automatic links, we could have the perfect or, at least, best description possible **All other option:**Reuse our product name + {targetter KW1 KW2 ...} Product description_ex: content_ Buttons (click to buy)ex: button title="Buy product_name cheap" alt="Purchase product_name"Buy Product name/button Images:same than above Meta:Titles and meta description Hn

    International SEO | | omnyex

  • Hi I have worked on various different sites as an SEO, I have found that currently I don't have a list of influential bloggers/sites to contact in the niche I'm in. Where do I start? Do I work on building this list or do I create the some content first, so I can propose a collaboration? I know how long these relationships can take, so I don't want to hold up on producing content Thank you

    Branding | | BeckyKey

  • Hi have spam link issue in my website at attaching report please help to fix this so my domain can get better. thanks. aEP1vVy

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | grbassi

  • Hi, I have the following page where we've implemented a no index tag. But when we run this page in screaming frog or this tool here to verify the noidex is present and functioning, it shows that it's not. But if you view the source of the page, the code is present in the head tag. And unfortunately we've seen instances where Google is indexing pages we've noindexed. Any thoughts on the example above or why this is happening in Google? Eddy

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | eddys_kap

  • Hi, We are a SAAS platform offering cloud based solution for educators. We had a google business listing in India and recently added one for US as well. Our keywords rank significantly better in India than in US. Is it a good idea to remove these business listing? Also, what could be other factors that impact GEO SEO rankings for a online company like ours?

    Local Listings | | WizIQMarketing

  • Hi someone help me how to gain moz trust and domain authority for my web site. here is my web addresss: please tell me how i can improve ranking for my site. please help. thanks.

    Getting Started | | grbassi

  • Hi Guys, When reviewing competitors what would be a better metric - Referring domain count OR domain authority. From my understanding DA is a indication of the quality of the link profile. So if a site has a high DA this is a better metric for comparison then referring domain count. What are your thoughts on this? Cheers/

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | cathywix

  • I've got a blog I'm working on that isn't self-hosted. I've attached a screenshot of the message I get if I try to install any plugins. I really want to block archive, author, tag, category, etc pages but I can't seem to find a way since there's no server for me to block via robots.txt or .htaccess and I can't actually install these plugins which would give me the ability to do it. Any suggestions? vQfnt

    Technical SEO | | ShawnW

  • I have a new client whose rank is jumping around a lot.  I took over the account 7 weeks ago, but they'd been doing SEO with a decent provider. They switched to me because they thought he wasn't working very hard and he's not very nice. I just took them on in December and they started out at #18. On Dec 24 they were at 9, Jan 1 at 12, Jan 2 at 14, Jan 3 at 24, Jan 12 at 19, Jan 15 at 28, Jan 16 at 25, Jan 19 at 28 and today at 24. Some of the really bad black hattish providers have bounced up to the top. Any idea what's going on?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | julie-getonthemap

  • What is best way to display user reviews in languages different from the page language? (e.g. English reviews on a page in Spanish). For the user it would be useful to see these reviews but I am concerned about negative SEO impact.
    I would not want to invest into having them all translated by human translator. Any suggestions?

    International SEO | | lcourse

  • Hello, this is a very specific SEO issue my company and I often have so we want to get a definitive answer for it. Let's say we're writing a guide about a product. Would we be better off releasing that guide as soon as we can (the information embargo date) or is it better to post that guide on the day the product officially releases for the public? We really don't know the answer here, because while we understand being first is very important, we wonder if timeliness with when people are searching for the information matters more. Thanks for all the help, Moz community!

    Content Development | | TwinfiniteSEO

  • 3 of my clients suddenly lost alexa and DA ranks. Websites are active, created more than 10 years ago, and actively updated. About 5000 users each month. What could be the reason? I want to note that we never spam. We do only holistic SEO and write only Unique articles. This looks very strange to me. Any suggestions?

    Moz Pro | | isaacaiden

  • what does "false" in the Mobile Friendly Column of the Ranking by Engine downloaded spreadsheet mean?

    Moz Bar | | TawnyKay

  • Hi, We’ve got a really specific issue – we have an SEO team in-house, and have had numerous agencies look at this – but no one can get to the bottom of this. We’re a UK travel company with a number of great positions on the search engines – our brand is If you try ‘Majorca holidays’, ‘tenerife holidays’, ‘gran canaria holidays’ etc you’ll see us in the top few positions on Google when searching from the UK. However, none of our destination pages (and it’s only the destination pages), show a ‘cached’ option next to them. Example: This isn’t affecting our rankings, but we’re fairly certain it is affecting our ability to be included in the Featured Snippets. Checked and there aren’t any noarchive tags on the pages, example: Anyone have any ideas?

    Technical SEO | | fredgray

  • Hi there, I have client who has multiple domains that already have some PA and DA. Problem is that most websites have the same content and rank better on different keywords.
    I want to redirect all the websites to 1 domain because it’s easier to manage and it removes any duplicate content. Question is if I redirect domain x to domain y do the rankings of domain x increase on domain y? Or is it better to keep domain x separately to generate more referral traffic to domain y? Thanks in advance! Cheers

    Technical SEO | | Leaf-a-mark

  • Hi I'm trying to look for ideas for content on office chairs. Any ideas on where to start with user intent for this type of search query? I'm using answer the public to gather some ideas. Some are good ideas, but I can't actually find any search volume for the phrase so then I'm unsure whether to devote time to writing something.  Surely most people want to just find a supplier, buy the chair & they don't want a huge informational piece how to buy a chair. Our competitors are the likes of amazon, and a load of other huge companies with high DA - so I'm looking at types of content we can write, people are interested in reading about chairs, which is less competitive..I'm not sure that exists... Any help is appreciated 🙂

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BeckyKey

  • Hey guys, We did reputation management back in March 2017. We basically built high quality links to online assets such as linkedin, twitter, facebook, positive PR articles and other web properties in order to rank them higher then negative PR. However there was 0 change (the link building was solid). And the negative PR remains in the top 10 with also positive new articles about the site. At this point, i believe that Google is keeping the negative PR in the top 10 to keep balanced SERP results. Does anyone know if this is something Google does to balance positive and negative results? Cheers, Chris

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | cathywix

  • Hi all, This is my first foray into e-commerce SEO. I'm working with a new client who sells upscale eBikes online.  Since his products are expensive, he wants to have informational pages about the brands he sells eg. However these brands are also category pages for his online shop eg. I'm worried about keyword cannibalization and adding an extra step/click to get to the shop (right now the navigational menu takes you to the information page and from there you have to click to get to the shop) I'm pretty sure it would make more sense to have ONE killer shopping page that includes all the brand information but I want to be 100% sure before I advise him to take this big step. Thoughts?

    Technical SEO | | MouthyPR

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