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  • I have a question that I think I know the answer to, but want to cover my bases. We have a successful blog and are creating a second similar blog for a more specific type of reader. We want to backlink between content because it makes sense for the reader. Our fear is that we may come off spammy to Google by having so many backlinks. Is there a way we are able to tell Google these two sites are related so they don't penalize either site for anything?

    Link Building | | HashtagJeff

  • Hi all, I'm looking at setting up a second website targeting some similar keywords to my existing blog.  I host the site through bluehost and am considering hosting the other website as an addon Domain.  Whilst the content on both websites will be different both will target the same keywords.  Does anyone know if because I'm targeting the same keys words using an addon Domain this could impact my existings site google rankings? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Technical SEO | | thriftypence

  • We recently launched our website that uses React.js and we haven't been able to get any of the pages indexed. Our previous site (which had a .ca domain) ranked #1 in the 4 cities we had pages and we redirected it to the .com domain a little over a month ago. We have recently started using but still haven't seen any success. Has anyone dealt with a similar issue before?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | m_van

  • Hello, Just a quick, question! I was wanting to know if multiple page indexing (site overhaul) could cause a drop in organic traffic ranking or be penalized by Google for submitting multiple pages at one time. Thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | InternetRep

  • Hello, In Keyword explorer out of all the possibilities : Include a Mix of Sources Only Include Keywords With All of the Keyword Terms Exclude Your Query Terms to Get Broader Ideas Based on Closely Related Topics etc... Which one should I use to do my keyword research because they all me different possibilities of keywords. Rand in his article says closely related topic is best for single words like piedmont for example I imagine but what about 2 word keywords like bike tours what is best to use... Thank you,

    Keyword Research | | seoanalytics

  • Hi, I have a Client who owns two restaurant locations. And have been updating and verifying their listings while using Moz's Listing Scores to validate improvements. 1st Locations' Moz listing score can be found here: 2nd Locations' score can be found here: Both have Hot Frog Listings 1st Locations Hot Frog Account: 2nd Hot Frog Account One thing is that although I have created a Hot Frog account for the 1st location, the Hot Frog account does not propagate with Moz's Listing analysis. On the other hand, the Second Location's Moz Listing shows that there is indeed a Hot Frog Account Not sure why one shows up, while the other does not. ZaULBWm d8aPpbG

    Moz Local | | Sociable_Bistro

  • Hi, Currently my client displaying Ratings & Reviews from a third-party (TripAdvisor) service and only displaying 5 reviews but not showing "Read More Reviews" button to TripAdvisor page. Now I would like to use Rich Snippet schema markup code on these rating & reviews but below are my few concerns, could you please guide me: 1. Can I use Rich Snippet Schema markup code on widget of TripAdvisor Rating & Review. 2. If I apply schema markup code, Do I need to maintain TripAdvisor link for "Read More reviews". Below are the URLs which contains TripAdvisor rating & reviews after big image: Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Satla

    Reviews and Ratings | | TrulyTravel

  • Hi, I found a similar thread, but it did not provide a clear-cut answer. We have had this campaign running for over a year, and we are always adding content to the website, but Moz is only ever able to crawl 2 pages, Screaming Frog only picks up 12, but I know there is a lot more than that. None of our pages are set to no-index, so I do not know what is causing this. Welcoming any ideas/solutions. Thanks

    Moz Bar | | GavinAdv

  • Hi Moz, We would like to setup Moz to run on our Staging Server. This would be extremely valuable as it alerts us to new SEO issues/risks in a controlled and secure environment that is not exposed to production. Our internal team has recommended potentially setting up a reverse proxy server that will validate either via Moz's/Rogerbot's http header or IP and allow Moz access to our Staging environment to crawl. Is this something that we can setup with Moz? Are there other ideas to enable Moz to crawl our Staging server?

    Moz Pro | | kriskunisch

  • Hi I am struggling to know what keywords i should be targeting and how the website should be best optimised for said keywords. The website offers bespoke service in the lake district UK a popular tourist destination,  The business operates within say a 30 km riadus of the area.   So target vistors to the website would specifically be looking for services in the lake district.  The trouble is for many targeted keywords for the area are quite low or no data shown. For example: tipi camping lake district,  tipi hire lake district,  Glamping lake district However nationally keywords for the service have a lot higher traffic i.e. tipi hire or tipi camping,  glamping what keywords should be my target? and should I targeting my website for? I don't want to target customers looking for these services outside of the lake district  and also by targeting keywords  without the term  lake district  means my competition is greater as i'm competing with the whole of the Uk  for serivces It can't provide. please advise thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Bengo-99

  • Hi All, I am working on an international site and we have started running into issues with crawlers successfully crawling the site. GeoIPEnable On Redirect one country RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond %{ENV:GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE} ^US$
    RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Host} !$ [NC]
    RewriteRule ^(.)$ [R,L] The main reason for working on a hard GEOIP redirect would be that we are unable to show certain products in certain regions, the customer should not be given the option which is best practice. Can anyone advise? Thanking in advance.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | michaelpw

  • Hi Moz'ers I have recently taken over the company I work for ( and want to migrate approx 200 pages from my hobby site to my company's eCommernce website on Shopify Plus.  The content (text/photos) are highly relevant to the company, is unique & written by me and will hopefully generate some sales. I have a plan to gradually move them all over (I intend on doing 2-5/day) into a specific blog section to house them all.  I'll then create an Apache perm. redirect to the old site too. Source:         D/A 21
    Destination:                D/A 35 The plan is to eventually shut the old site down. Does anybody have any best practice/and/or recommendations? Thanks in advance. Andy

    Technical SEO | | andystorey

  • I have a website with high domain authority and high quality content and blog. I've resubmitted the sitemap half a dozen times. Search console getr half way through and then stops. Does anyone know any reason for this? I've seen the usual responses of 'google is not obligated to crawl you' but this site has been fully crawled in the past. It's very odd Does anyone have any ideas why it might stop half way - or does anyone know a testing tool that might illuminate the situation?

    Algorithm Updates | | Andrew-SEO

  • I wanted to ask about canonical links. Basically I produced some content for my website which was an interview with a famous band who were playing at a festival that summer. I told the festival and they asked to have exclusive dibs on releasing the piece in exchange for linking back to our domain. I said yes as I knew the link would be a good one. So this interview got posted up, I then posted in on my website's blog, and a month later the local newspaper also featured it on their website. Is there some way to have a creative license over this interview piece (which has been copied word for word) without getting the other websites to edit their code and add a canonical reference? I did ask them but my request was unsuccessful. I'm thinking there might be no way to claim this content as my website was not the first domain to post it? Any thoughts appreciated. Thanks

    Technical SEO | | gazdye83

  • To the Moz Community, Should we be considering the information that Google Search Console is telling us? It is showing a dramatic drop in our SEO and our pages are not being indexed, however it is showing differently in our Moz Analytics section. Any clarification will be greatly appreciated. Many thanks Dawn

    Reporting & Analytics | | DawnQ

  • Hi guys is the new meta description limit something temporary - Google just testing or can we assume it will remain moving forward? Just wondering if i should increase my meta description limit to 300 characters for all my sites. Cheers.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | cathywix

  • Hey all.  I setup some domain pointers for a client 8 years ago and now think they are hurting them.  I am afraid google thinks it duplicate content.  They are pointers so you can get to the same page using other domain names.  Is my best approach to do a 301 redirect on them?  The client is on a shared host so I have to use the web.config file.  The site is pretty small so doing it for the 10+ pages is not that big of a deal.  My question is this?  When should I drop those pointers from the website altogether?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | DougDeVore

  • Why does Google change the titles automatically? I have <title>Canyoning Açores - São Jorge | Discover Experience Açores</title> but google show Discover Experience Açores: Canyoning Açores - São Jorge

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | tiagoarruda

  • I will be restructuring a large website for an OEM. They provide products & services for multiple industries, and the product/service offering is identical across all industries. I was looking at the site structure and ran a crawl test, and learned they have a LOT of duplicate content out there because of the way they set up their website. They have a page in the navigation for “solution”, aka what industry you are in. Once that is selected, you are taken to a landing page, and from there, given many options to explore products, read blogs, learn about the business, and contact them. The main navigation is removed. The URL structure is set up with folders, so no matter what you select after you go to your industry, the URL will be “”. The product offerings, blogs available, and contact us pages do not vary by industry, so the content that can be found on “” is identical to the content found on “” and so-on and so-forth. This is a large site with a fair amount of traffic because it’s a pretty substantial OEM. Most of their content, however, is competing with itself because most of the pages on their website have duplicate content. I won’t begin my work until I can dive in to their GA and have more in-depth conversations with them about what kind of activity they’re tracking and why they set up the website this way. However, I don’t know how strategic they were in this set up and I don’t think they were aware that they had duplicate content. My first thought would be to work towards consolidating the way their site is set up, so we don’t spread the link-equity of “product-1” content, and direct all industries to one page, and track conversion paths a different way. However, I’ve never dealt with a site structure of this magnitude and don’t want to risk messing up their domain authority, missing redirect or URL mapping opportunities, or ruin the fact that their site is still performing well, even though multiple pages have the same content (most of which have high page authority and search visibility). I was curious if anyone has dealt with this before and if they have any recommendations for tackling something like this?

    On-Page Optimization | | cassy_rich

  • Ive always had pages set up for a lot of our products and had these in the navigation menu. For instance we sell Solar Control Window Film which helps with heat, glare and UV. We then have a navigation menu something like this: Solar Window Film
        Heat Control window Films
        Anti glare window film
        UV window film
    etc etc Ihave this for all my services and products.  I have unique content on each. My question is this.  Would I be better having the naviation menu with links to all the seperate services we offer
    Should I have it linking to the main services and then the related services from within the page> For example Ill have just Solar Window Film in the navigation and then on the page it would internally link to the heat related section and the glare related section etc. Im wondering whether my sub pages would suffer because theyre not linked to from every page with the second method or whether it would help in some way

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Fozzy1609

  • Dear Moz Community, I am running one website, previously it has 32 DA, suddenly backs to 29. This site is registered in October 2003. Daily updated with the latest content. Maintaining world-class content qualities and its unique. Just last week, we found that DA come down from 32 to 29. What are the reasons for downgraded this DA. DA, is important as per SEO?. From where it is created, who creates this DA, either google or MOZ? How to improve DA, either with the help of directory submissions or any other sources. What are the uses of DA. Thank you Community experts. Regards Suresh

    Feature Requests | | SubhaVaastu

  • Hi there, Wondering how to deal w/ about 300+ pages on our site that are autogenerated & considered thin content. Here is an example of those pages: The pages are auto generated when a new security researcher joins our team & then filled by each researcher with specifics about their personal experience. Additionally, there is a fair amount of dynamic content on these pages that updates with certain activities. These pages are also getting marked as not having a canonical tag on them, however, they are technically different pages just w/ very similar elements. I'm not sure I would want to put a canonical tag on them as some of them have a decent page authority & I think could be contributing to our overall SEO health. Any ideas on how I should deal w/ this group of similar but not identical pages?

    Moz Pro | | ChrissyOck

  • We are trying to find someone to join our company but are having a very difficult time. Does anyone have any suggestions about where to find someone like this?

    Reporting & Analytics | | ColoradoMarketingTeam

  • I've got an odd issue (that I've never encountered in 12+ years in SEO). A client's home page isn't ranking for their brand term. It's a medical spa in Las Vegas, so physical location that takes online appointments. We have an online booking system (which isn't a good one) that originally had a booking page replacing our home page. My thought is that Google associated that page as our home page because it was a stronger domain and the booking page is most used. That tool didn't allow the booking page to be noindexed (I know, crazy)- so I changed the name inside the booking tool away from the brand name as to not have both the site and the booking site optimized for the brand. Other things I've checked: The home page is indexed Home page canonical tag points to itself Title tag contains brand name at front (rest of site it's at the end) Robots.txt is accurate (allows home page) XML sitemap contains home page (and accurate for other pages) To make this even more confusing, if you search the brand name the physical location appears on the right rail with accurate URL. Any other ideas that I may be missing?

    Local Website Optimization | | karmadigital

  • We have multiple sites selling similar products in different ways but have always kept them separate on the off chance that google does not like it or they penalize one site. We have always put them on different servers but now thinking for performance as they are on shared hosting to put them on a single server which would be our own but we do not know the SEO considerations. We can assign multiple IPs to a server but I am not 100% sure whether there is still a negative impact of running multiple sites on the same server even if from a different IP. Any help would be appreciated, what I am really asking is could if they are on the same server with different IP's be still linked together by google?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | BobAnderson

  • I know that back few years ago, rel=canonical used on cross-domain was passing link juice. As I've read based on many experts (case studies), the canonical cross-domain was working like implementing a 301. Is it still the case ? Does anyone tried to implement it recently and it worked ?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | manoman88

  • Moz cannot carry out the site crawl on my online shop. Not really sure what the issue is, it has no problem getting onto my site when you use www. before the address, but it needs to be able to access Stuck as what to do, we are a shopify store. Anyone else had this problem, or know what i need to change so they can crawl the site? thjis is the page they are getting when trying to get on but if they use the site comes up. Adam

    Getting Started | | bluerinsevintage

  • Good Morning I've been doing some competitor research to see why they're ranking higher than us and noticed that one who seems to be doing well has changed their url structure so that rather than being they've removed levels so for instance they now have: and basically everything seems to come off the root domain rather than having the traditional structure. Our rankings for the product-subcategory pages, which are probably what most people would search for, are just sitting below the first page in most instances and have been for a while I'm interested to know other people's thoughts and if this is an approach they've taken and had good results?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Ham1979

  • I have moved One of my client website http to https. What Changes Required as per SEO like in webmaster or Analytics or any Other Thanks..

    Reporting & Analytics | | digitalseries

  • When I search my website on Google, the sitelinks that I have appear to be wrong. How can I fix this? I have all of my pages optimized.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | litesourceinc

  • I have a huge blog which is connected to a company website. This blog is full with dead links and spam comments. Is it worth to clean up? The website itself ranks very well in search engines. I'm amazed with all de spam that it still ranks. Do you think by removing all de dead links and spam the site will improve ranking in search results?

    On-Page Optimization | | bill369

  • Chrome will be blocking ads on websites that are not compliant with the Better Ads standards as of Feb 15. Could not find any clues whether a pop-up (not an ad) asking for your email is included in this? We currently have a pop-up that appears on exit intent only (which is not penalized). Any ideas?

    Algorithm Updates | | ati1

  • Hi there - was wondering whether someone might be able to help. For a period of a day and a half, all the traffic to our website's blog articles were mistakenly being redirected to our homepage. A number of these articles ranked in the top 5 in Google worldwide for their targeted keywords, so this was a considerable amount of organic traffic that was instantly being redirected. It was a strange site glitch and our web team rectified the error, but now all these articles have disappeared from Google rankings (not visible anywhere in the first five pages). I'm presuming this must be linked to this redirect issue - we've been advised to wait and see whether Google restores these rankings, but I'm still concerned as to whether this represents a more serious problem? We have re-indexed the pages we are most concerned about, but am not sure whether there is anything else obvious we should think to do. If anyone has any thoughts, I'd be happy to hear them!

    Technical SEO | | rwat

  • Why is there a difference in the backlinks of my website when checked in and

    Link Explorer | | mzakaria

  • I have a quick question to ask you guys,
    I have my site ( It used to rank very well for all my target keywords. But recently all keywords dropped massively. I can't seems to find a good reason of this drop. We have not change anything which may have caused such drop.
    Any suggestion or advice to get into the problem. I would appreciate your kind responses.

    Technical SEO | | Mustansar

  • Hello guys, I hope this question isn't too broad – but I run out of ideas and I feel like there is some technical issue with our site which sees us penalized: Search: German Google
    Keyword: Hotel Bremen Right now we're ranking between 40 and 50 with the subpage /zimmer. a lot of sites with lesser DA scores and a lot more SEO Issues are ranked higher. The homepage is optimized for hotel bremen, yet /zimmer page ranks first, which I just don't understand 
    (Page Authority is much higher, Keyword density) 
    – I've run the site through a lot of tools and there aren't any severe issues Search Console doesn't say anything in regards to errors My suggestions which I can't confirm: 
    – There are some redirection issues (http/https/www/nonww/)
    – Backlink issues (a lot of backlinks are from 
    – Over optimization penalties? Tank you! Magnus

    Technical SEO | | Maggiathor

  • We are working on a client's PR, and we managed to get them in a news article online. Are there any tools out there that help us measure how many people saw the article?

    Competitive Research | | Undergrnd

  • I've been advised about Siloing (site structure), although I'm getting conflicting advice now saying it is an outdated practice. What is the 2018 verdict?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Undergrnd

  • I have a question with regards to the monthly search ranges. I read your information on how the range is calculated but it does not explain the following. Google AU comparison for "hives" and "urticaria". The range give is 11.5-30.3K per month for both terms. This is highly unusual because we know that people use hives more than urticaria when searching for the same disease. Interesting this is the only medical term that behaves like this and want to understand the reason why.

    Keyword Research | | niritoli

  • Was reviewing a site,, and noted that even though there are over 50,000 total issues found by automated crawls, including 3000 pages with duplicate titles and 6,000 with duplicate content this site still ranks high for primary keywords.  The same essay's worth of content is pasted at the bottom of every single page.  What gives, Google?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | KenSchaefer

  • I'm working with a new developer to redesign several Drupal sites and have 3-4 sites with similar designs and modules. The developer is keen on using Drupal Domain Access to make maintenance and sharing user information easier. Each site currently has a unique domain and content (although the sites are in related niches). Are there issues from an SEO perspective with the Drupal Domain Access Module? With only one instance of Drupal on the backend will Google somehow not view these as independent sites? Thanks for any info!

    Web Design | | talltrees

  • During my last redesign (and migration to Drupal) some of the updated SEO friendly url's on the new site were misspelled. Rather than updating the 301 redirects to point to the correct page the developer just added an additional 301 redirect. So it was redirected like this (301 to) (301 to) Instead of (301 to) I'll be finishing another redesign and updating to https soon, should I remove the redirect to the misspelled domain and just have one 301 from the original page? These multiple redirects have been up for over a year. Thanks for any specific advice!

    Technical SEO | | talltrees

  • One of my Moz listings is paused because "Listing not found on Google or Facebook." My Google account is linked to Moz and the listing is showing in Google results and on the back end of Google My Business but it is not showing in the Import option. You can see the listing does exist and is live on Google:,-84.584448,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x8ea1bc3d2994cbf4?hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiq5ZXejtPYAhXHyoMKHYJGDmsQ_BIIqAEwCw Any ideas on how I can resolve this issue? Thank you in advance.

    Moz Local | | FSCInteractiveLLC

  • The age old question. Should I use "www." for a brand new content site assuming my goal (and most goals starting out) is to get to millions of visits per month? Does the community agree with, The only reason I question it honestly, since most high traffic companies in my search use www., is because moz doesn't. Thanks for your help. Seems it would be quite a pain to go back once you have a lot of traffic.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | mag777

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