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  • I have a number of builders of new homes as clients. Typically, they build out a whole neighborhood at once and give the neighborhood a fancy name. We were planning to create Google My Business pages for these communities but then ran into some potential challenges. As new communities, they are sometimes not on Google's radar yet Some of them have model homes where you might take a tour with a realtor that serves the community exclusively but many don't. So here come the questions... Is there a way to make Google speed up its process of recognizing new addresses? I have to choose an address to associate with the GMB page, probably the address of model home. Is this going to create annoying problems for a buyer who someday buys that model home? Since some communities don't have a model home, I could arbitrarily assign an address of one of the neighborhood homes to the GMB page, but this leads to the same question about creating a GMB page that will exist after the builder has sold all the houses in the community. Will it be weird to have the GMB referring to someone's private residence down the road? My assumption is that claiming a GMB page would help with local ranking if someone searches for something like "new homes" in addition to providing easy driving directions to someone who has done a bit of research and Googles the name of the new home community while out driving and searching for homes. These seem to be the main benefits, but are the challenges associated with questions 1-3 even worth the trouble of trying to claim listings for these communities?

    Local Listings | | TheKatzMeow

  • I'm trying out DashThis as a way to visualize data for clients with whom we do a combo of SEO, PPC, and SEM work. I like the main Moz Pro campaign dashboard page for distilling top-level information and the rankings page for tracking keyword ranks. In an ideal world, I'd love to be able to sort replicate these within DashThis. I see that DashThis does integrate with Moz but looking at the Mozscape API documentation I couldn't tell if this type of integration is possible in DashThis. I realize this is a super specific question, but I thought I'd ask the community if this integration is possible or if I have more limited range of options.

    API | | TheKatzMeow

  • Hi every body i have a strange issue with my search results in google. i noticed some of my results are disappeared after a while! there are no notifications or messages in webmaster tools just my results get lost! for example when my URL ( take a good place with a keyword's result for some days (page 2 or 3) but after a while that will gone for good in all pages! there is no results anymore in any pages! can you help me please what's the problem with google? i'm so stressed about this results. PS 1: my google webmaster is totally clean and every thing is fine. and of course my "search analytics" positioned the missing keywords in page 2 or 3 but i can't find them! google is showing wrong analytics results!!! some my results are totally gone. PS 2: all of my url's are truly submitted and showing in google there is no removed pages or results. just some keywords are gone after a while. best regards

    Technical SEO | | ZomorodGasht

  • Hi all, As I mentioned some days back here, our duplicate website got indexed a month back. Unfortunately there are links to our original website. I noticed that thousands of links are from our duplicate website at "Links to Your Site". Will this hurts? Now we have blocked the duplicate website getting indexed. What to do to remove these links from "Who links the most"? Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • Hello, Is one of the biggest benefits of a video sitemap that in the search results you will see your video with a link to the website where it is found rather than a link to YouTube? i.e. if the video is hosted on YouTube and embedded in your website, the link in the search results will be to the web page described in the video sitemap? Thanks!

    Image & Video Optimization | | AL123al

  • How can i find the semantically related keywords to a certain topic ? id there a software that does this ? I am not takling about lai but semantically related keywords. tthank you,

    Technical SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Hi Mozzers Happy new year! We've recently picked up a client for some PPC and SEO work and their website is built using Squarespace. It's a B2B business, so enquiries don't always get sent straight from a landing page. Often a user hits our desired landing pages then checks out a few other pages before sending an enquiry. The problem we have is with attaching the source/medium of a lead to the enquiry that we receive. For example if Joe Bloggs completes a form, what we'd like to receive is:
    Name: Joe Bloggs
    Phone: 123456
    Source: Google
    Medium: CPC With the latter as hidden fields. We've tried the hidden field feature built into the form builder, but this only works if the user completes the form on the landing page they arrived on without leaving the page. We've tried to used event tracking but this only gives us accuracy on the number of enquiries from that channel, not who the user was that enquired, so we can't consolidate with our order and revenue report to work out ROI from each activity. Has anybody in the community ever solved this issue on Squarespace? Thanks

    Paid Search Marketing | | ZestUK

  • Hi guys we have launched a new site and need to get some links is it still worth submitting to (paid and unpaid) directories like - obviously we would only consider the non spammy ones cheers

    Link Building | | odysseytravels

  • Trying to understand rel=canonical if you have proper 301 redirects (redirects to the canonical URl) for example when migrating from a HTTP to HTTPS environment why would you also opt to add a rel=cannonical tag on the same pages. What effect does this have on SERP rankings or is it ok to have 301 redirects and rel=canonicalon the same page? Anyone?

    Moz Pro | | InternetRep

  • Hi Everyone! I work for a company that had a new website built through a digital agency and that website went live 2 months ago. I have only been with the company for 2 months and find myself under the gun, because they are not coming up in organic search results that they used to. The old domain was 301'ed to point to the new domain. There were also 1 to 1 redirects set up to transfer the old page authority to the new, equivalent pages. In everyone's experience, how long does it take for a domain to start populating for search terms that it used to? I know there are mixed reviews on 301 transfers and how much of the old domain authority is preserved when you take this route. What is your experience? Just looking for some answers. Thanks in advance! John

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | AdvisGroup

  • To check that I understand the terminology, "cornerstone articles" are posts (or pages) that have some extensive, detailed, important information about a subject that other blog posts and articles can link to in reference, right? For example, a website for an auto repair shop might have a blog post about what cold weather does to a car's transmission and that post could link to a cornerstone "explainer" article that goes into more detail explaining to car-dummies like me what a transmission even DOES. But are core pages also in this category of cornerstone content? Or are they something entirely different and should be constructed accordingly? By "core pages", I mean the base-level pages about what your business is and does. For the repair shop example, I mean things like an "About Us" page or a "Services" page*. *or broken up into individual pages listing the services related to brakes, engine, wheels, etc. Thanks!

    Local Website Optimization | | BrianAlpert78

  • We have GA set up on our site for a while now. However, we do not look at the data. We did today and it's quite overwhelming. Is there anything in specific we should start with? A top 3 items we should start to monitor each week and try to improve? Bonus Question: Is there a way to use analytics to find out who are competitors are?

    Competitive Research | | IcarusSEO

  • We have looked up our direct competitor to see what keywords they rank #1 for (aside from their own company name). We have narrowed it down to 3 that we want to focus on. Our plan is to build internal landing pages, external landing pages and beef up our content.  Is that a good strategy to start or are we missing something?

    Keyword Research | | IcarusSEO

  • We have a category on our website for PVC rolls to buy as standard 50m rolls (this includes 15 products in the category). We're also releasing PVC rolls to buy per metre (10m roll/25m roll etc...), again with 15 products, which we are adding as a separate category as it makes more sense for our customers and removes the risk of having too many options. Would using the same description be bad practice for SEO? The product is exactly the same just available in different roll sizes, but we definitely do not want to combine categories as it doesn't work for our customers. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated, thanks.

    On-Page Optimization | | RayflexGroup

  • I have a client that just launched a redesigned website using Angular as a single page app. Google appears to be able to crawl the site just fine, but Moz crawl is only finding one page. We have updated the htaccess to allow for Rogerbot and Dotbot, but still unable to crawl any pages other than the home page. Does anyone have experience with this or ideas of why it won't crawl all pages, and how to allow for Moz to crawl all pages? There is a sitemap with approx. 390 pages. Thanks!

    Getting Started | | PIN_Celler

  • Number of total pages crawled on the latest report is about half the number from one week ago. No major changes to the site. Number of issues also dropped (not surprisingly). Why has the number dropped so significantly from week to week? 
    And are the issues actually cleared up, or just not counted because the crawl is so much smaller?

    API | | JThibode

  • Hi there, Is there a way to turn off the automated site crawl feature for an individual campaign? Thanks

    Moz Bar | | SEONOW123

  • Hi there, after a site crawl Moz has reported that I have duplicated titles, however I don't understand why or how to fix it. Basically the urls  are for the same collection or product and are identical except one has a -1 on the end of it or sometimes a %20. I cannot delete the url as they don't exist in my shopify store so cannot find them. The relevant page has the correct url when I check in shopify. Anyone have any ideas?

    Getting Started | | cookie6498

  • Hello! I noticed this question was asked a while back (around 2013 i think), but I still don't quite understand why I'm seeing these shortened URLs come up as Inbound Links? Can someone please explain? Thanks,

    Link Building | | txwildcard

  • Hello, We're ditching our current keyword strategy and starting over. The reports have been running for about 3 months though. Will our ranking reports factor in those keywords that have been removed? We really only want to see where are campaign is from the new starting point. Or, do I just need to narrow the time frame on my reports. Any advice is appreciated! Thanks!

    Moz Bar | | craig_mozbot

  • NOT talking about the same page being linked to twice Talking about One (1) (landing) page Being Listed Twice In Navigation. Looking for a definitive answer that there is NO negative SEO ( or negative anything ) to put the same page in your site's Navigation Bar ... twice  (or more than once) Can't find anything written that there is anything to consider or be concerned with, but, thought I'd ask. I'm a newERbie, but not a NEWbie...have 2.5 years experience in local, on-page SEO...but only know what I know Maybe I should know this, but, I don't. E.g.      Home       New Cars     Used Cars     Special Offers    Service    Finance    About Us PickUps         PickUps This is JUST an example, but, we have multiple occurences, let's say,  Trade-In-Value  ... in two places. One page, two locations in navigation. I have SEEN it being done, 'all the time', but now, when I went to do it with a little bit of a different rationale, I was questioned about ' ... is this okay for SEO ' I THINK yes But, I want to KNOW yes ... it is ok.

    Local Website Optimization | | GaryT_SEO

  • Hi there: We are developers with some digital marketing expertise, but a current issue has us perplexed. An outside SEO firm has asked us to clean up a large number of 301 redirects. Most of these are 'default' Wordpress behavior that relate to calling the latest version of a JS or CSS file. For instance, a JS file is called with this: but ultimately redirects to this: We are being asked to prevent the redirect from happening by, presumably, calling the ultimate file to begin with. The issue is that, as far as we know, there's no easy way to alter WP behavior to call the ultimate file to begin with. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Thanks.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Daaveey

  • Hi everyone, I am a psychologist in private practice in Colorado and I recently went from one location to 2 locations. I'm currently updating my website to better accommodate the second location. I also plan continued expansion in the future, so there will be more and more locations as time goes on. As a result, I am making my websites current homepage non-location specific and creating location landing pages as I have seen written about in many places. My question is: I know that location landing pages should have unique content, and I have plenty of this, but how much content is it also okay to have be duplicate across the location landing pages and the homepage? For instance, here is the current draft of the new homepage (these are not live yet): And here are the drafts of the location landing pages: And for reference, here is the current homepage that is actually live for my single Denver location: As you can see, the location landing pages have the following sections of unique content: Therapist picture at the top testimonial quotes (the one on the homepage is the only thing I have I framed in this block from crawl so that it appears as unique content on the Denver page) therapist bios GMB listing driving directions and hours and I also haven't added these yet, but we will also have unique client success stories and appropriately tagged images of the offices So that's plenty of unique content on the pages, but I also have the following sections of content that are identical or nearly identical to what I have on the homepage: Intro paragraph blue and green "adult" and child/teen" boxes under the intro paragraph "our treatment really works" section "types of anxiety we treat" section Is that okay or is that too much duplicate content? The reason I have it that way is that my website has been very successful for years at converting site visitors into paying clients, and I don't want to lose aspects of the page that I know work when people land on it. And now that I am optimizing the location landing pages to be where people end up instead of the homepage, I want them to still see all of that content that I know is effective at conversion. If people on here do think it is too much, one possible solution is to turn parts of it into pictures or put them into I-frames on the location pages so Google doesn't crawl those parts of the location pages, but leave them normal on the homepage so it still gets crawled on there. I've seen a lot written about not having duplicate content on location landing pages for this type of website, but everything I've read seems to refer to entire pages being copied with just the location names changed, which is not what I'm doing, hence my question. Thanks everyone!

    Local Website Optimization | | gremmy9

  • I'm a local dentist and have a very successful 'veneers price' blog page. People really want to know the cost of veneers and it gets hundreds of visits a day locally and nationally.  I also have a main Veneers services page talking about how you get veneers and what they are etc. This gets lots of local visitors but less nationally. I have recently tried to replicate it's success with 'dental implants price', 'tooth whitening price' and others but they've just bombed.  I replicated the style and the blogs are similar in structure, same links etc - but obviously totally unique content and topics. The price articles get no search and it's seemed to hurt the main services pages too.  They are all linked to one another in a systematic and helpful-to-the-user hierarchy and structure. Maccabees doesn't seem to have made any difference to the veneers traffic but should I consolidate the other price articles into their respective main pages or leave it and see what happens.  They have been at less than position 20 for months now. Whereas if you type in Veneers Cost UK, you'll probably see us in the featured snippet and position one or two. How do I know whether google regards the price of something to be a different topic from that thing and worthy of it's own page? Do they just want everything all on one massive page? That seems a bit clumsy to me. Thanks! 🙂

    Local SEO | | Smileworks_Liverpool

  • Hi all, This has been a debate for years and I have noticed most of the SEOs suggest to go or switch to sub directories instead of sub domains. Still is this the same or any new updates from Google or SEO community? We have moved a sub domain to sub directory last year. The result was sub directory content started ranking good; but no change in website rankings. Because of moving sub domains to sub directories, will the linkjuice/PR of the website gets diluted as the number of pages increases which will takeaway soe authority? Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • Ciao tutti, Should I include 300 characters for all my customers' page meta descriptions? Some colleagues told me about this but I'm not really sure. Thanks in avance Marco

    On-Page Optimization | | BestSEOItaly

  • Hi All, Just trying to crawl one of my clients sites, but it shows the "It looks like we haven't discovered link data for this site or URL" page, so I looked through the TLD's supported and .London doesn't seem to be there - have these changed as i'm sure I crawled it before? Thanks in advance

    Link Explorer | | SamFanatic

  • I've been doing SEO on my business's site for years and have got good results.  I've always used image Titles and Alt Text text.  Our blog posts are image-intensive, often with 100-200 pictures (not surprising since we're photographers).  For any given blog post, I've tended to have a uniform image Title for each image and then a more specialised Alt Text tag giving a description. A typical image on one of our blog posts would be like this: Image filename: wedding-photography-at-so-and-so-venue-001.jpg   .... 002, 003 etc Image Title Attribute: Wedding Photography at So-And-So-Venue by Our-Company-Name - this would be the same for every image in the blog post. Alternative Text: Bride and groom exchanging vows during wedding ceremony at so-and-so-venue - this would be tailed for each image. So my question is - is this right?    The Moz help page for image SEO is actually incorrect in one aspect: "Alt text (short for “alternative text”) is used to highlight the identity of an image when you hover over it with your mouse cursor. It also shows as text to all users when there are problems rendering the image." This is not the case.  Hovering over the image in Firefox, Chrome, Edge and Opera ALL display the Image Title, NOT Alt Text. Thoughts?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | robandsarahgillespie

  • Hi Moz community, We have employed different pages (topics) at same URLs for years. This has brought different backlinks to same page which has led to non relevancy of backlinks. Now we are planning to redirect some URLs which may improve or drop rankings of certain pages. If we roll back the redirects in case of ranking drop, will there be any negative impact from Google? Does Google notice anything about redirect changes beside just passing pagerank from backlinks? Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • I have  multiple webpages built on the same exact model and none of them have external links ? Some rank within a few days some don’t why is that ? Has anyone experienced this ? and any idea what it could be due to ? I have 2 possibilities lsi density or lsi used or topics used ? Does anyone ha e any other idea ?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Hello, One of our sites has been using a domain since 2005 and is shown below.  The domain is terrible for multiple reasons, hyphens and doesn't even reflect our actual company name.  Not to mention its embarrassing when telling a customer to email us at support @ pro "dash, yes the hyphen" gift....  I wanted to change it long ago but feared it would hurt my SEO rankings.  After taking Bruce Clay's training class back in 2004, we managed to rank top 10 for most targeted keywords.  My ranking have slowly dropped over time due to neglect and decaying IBL's.  We still rank for a few targeted keywords but it was just August of 2017 we were still top 10 but something happened and we dropped out of the top 100 right before our holiday season.  We had to run Adwords and BingAds to supplement traffic this holiday season.  So I am wondering before I restart my SEO efforts should I move the domain now before trying to build new content, IBL's, etc? I was always under the impression Google used domain trust a major factor which wasnt only IBL but also domain age.  Our preferred domain I purchased from another owner and it has ZERO links to it.  It was basically a parked domain with the "domain for sale" stuff.  I am a little nervous about moving it over because Google didnt even have it in its index.  I put up a coming soon page and hosted it on my server, same C Block, and requested a crawl from my webmaster console.  I added some text to the new domain index page and it appears Google is showing results for our old domain!  At first I thought it was duplicate content but its not Google obviously has deciphered current site is my old domain and is displaying the title and meta data from the old domain.  I have never seen this before.  Google cache shows the current domain the new domain url. A few questions: Will my site get sandboxed after 301 redirecting and going webmaster console move features etc? Does this reset the trust factors?  I have read examples in my research where some people say it only took a few weeks and everything was back to normal and others that have said it took years. Any experience or insight is greatly appreciated.  I am currently relearning SEO and going over the SEO tutorial articles provided on moz.  Thanks again! New Domain - matches our company name, no hyphens, better branding Google index Current Domain, since 2005, has ranked well for years until this summer

    Branding | | DMAC44

  • i can not delete my account from account setting , so what should i do??

    Product Support | | woline2008

  • First, I want to thank all of our awesome community members here who continuously post interesting, tough and good Local SEO question in the Moz Q&A forum. I love chatting with you all, and I hope you'll keep asking away, giving us all the opportunity to muse and learn together. I think 2018 is going to be challenging and fun, and have a few thoughts on that I'd like to share, hoping you'll reply with your own tips and predictions. In the new year, I believe: Quality is going to further solidify as the most apparent differentiator of local businesses, giving those companies with the most considerate and excellent service and policies the upper hand. Memorably good customer service will drive the high-star reputation and word-of-mouth marketing that leads to success. Small local businesses have an advantage here, in their agility to implement the most genuine home-town excellence, but bigger brands can strive for this, too. From skilled phone service, to adequate in-store staffing, to employee training, to dedicated management of all online local assets, to initiatives that make a lasting, positive impression on consumers, quality is the key ingredient to loyalty, which is what every local business should most pursue in 2018. Speaking of loyalty, I would especially advise SABs to leave no stone unturned in earning it. Google's LSA program will be a serious disruptor of business-as-usual in this sector, changing the makeup of local SERPs and striving to become the middleman in the service industries. SAB owners won't love having to rent back their customers for a fee to Google, so developing Google-independent streams of leads and repeat customers will be vital in any city where LSA rolls out in the coming year. Serving in a smaller town? Begin working on Google-independence anyway, particularly via word-of-mouth marketing so that you have these streams running in advance, should LSA move beyond the more densely-populated areas. While developing Google-independence, don't overlook Google opportunities that are still free. I think Google Posts was the most interesting development of 2017, and there has been some anecdotal evidence that weekly use of this form of knowledge panel microblogging may give a small ranking boost. Be an early adopter and take advantage of that. 2018 may be the year in which Google finally cracks down on two things: keyword stuffing of the business title and review spam. I'm sure they're tired of the complaints surrounding the former and if Google's commitment to identifying quality remains in place, sooner or later, they have got to deal with this false signal of relevance the same way that have with EMDs. As to the latter, Google's increased focus on reviews over the past year is apparent in the sheer number of emails they are now sending out regarding them. Also fascinating to see that we're closing out 2017 with third-party reviews finally reappearing in Google's local products, after years of absence and trouble with the FTC. Overall, Google knows that their review corpus is dependent on consumers trusting it, and better spam detection methodologies and better/faster response to review spam reporting has got to be on their to-do list. This could be the year! For local businesses, protection lies in abandoning any type of spammy practice (from keyword stuffing to self-reviewing). And, being proactive if you are the victim of review spam. Report it. Raise a polite but firm hullabaloo. Let Google know you hold them to reasonable standards of accountability in their role as public arbiter of brand reputation. The best Local SEO agencies and local business will dig deeper into the history and tactics of organic SEO than ever before. We need to understand Hummingbird, RankBrain, and matching content to the buyer journey with the best of them. We need to master not just linkbuilding, but the relationship building that makes it most authentic and of most lasting value - and this is an area in which local businesses have a massive advantage over virtual ones, in that we can actually meet our neighbors face-to-face to build beneficial bonds. And we need to get a real handle on the technical side of SEO, understanding how site structure, handling of the robots.txt file, and the management of indexation and accessibility issues impact us. When we put high-level knowledge of all these considerations together with our Local SEO know-how, we can be successful in new, exciting ways we may have overlooked in the past. Oh, there's so much more I could say about the interesting things I see coming in 2018, but I'd love it if you'd talk now. What do you see in our industry's near future? I'd love to know. And let me take this opportunity to wish you all a fun, exciting and prosperous new year!

    Local SEO | | MiriamEllis

  • Hi, A client of mine has an opportunity to buy/control another site in the same niche. The client's site is the top-ranked site for the niche. The second site is also often top half of page one. The second site has a 15 year old design that is a really bad, almost non-functional, user experience and thin content. The client's site (site 1) has the best link profile and dominates organic search, but the second site's link profile is as good as our nearest competitor's link profile. Both sites have been around forever. Both sites operate in the affiliate marketing space. The client's site is a multi million dollar enterprise. If the object were to wring the most ROI out of the second site, would you: A) Make the second site not much more than a link slave to the first, going through the trouble to keep everything separate, including owner, hosting, G/A, log-on IPs, so as not to devalue the links to 1st site, etc? Or... B) Develop the second site and not worry about hiding that both are the same owner. Or... C) Develop the second site and  still worry about it keeping it all hidden from Google. Or... D) Buy the second site and forward the whole thing to site 1. I know the white hat answer is "B," but would like to hear considerations for these options and any others. Thanks! P.S., My pet peeve is folks who slam a fast/insufficient answer into an unanswered question, just to be the first. So, please don't.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | 94501

  • Hello Fellow Moz's, We have an issue redirecting some /TAG and /Category pages to inner pages. As an example we use: RedirectMatch 301 /category/Sample-Category(.*)$1 That works well. The issue is we have other categories and tags that are named similar to /Sample-Category As an example, if we try to redirect /Sample-Category-1 to /New-Page-1 - it will not work, and redirects to /New-Page I assume this is because /Sample-Category is already being redirected, so anything after /Sample-Category like -1 or -2 or -3 etc, will not be recognized. Anyone know of a workaround?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Jes-Extender-Australia

  • Are there any Wordpress forums where amateurs can ask questions about programming. My intent it to better understand the complexity of certain tasks and what would be a reasonable amount of time to complete them so my developer does not rip me off by billing me ten hours for a task that takes them ten minutes. Thanks, 

    SEO Learn Center | | Kingalan1

  • Since 2013 a Wordpress developer has coded my real estate website. Their hourly rate is $24 but the programmers take too long to perform tasks and the service has become prohibitively expensive. Examples of unreasonable time estimates below: | | 1. Change theme settings so posts/pages do not display a date. -> 7 hrs
    2.Google search results are displaying the breadcrumb on the top of each page rather than the URL. Please correct so this does not display. -> 3 hrs
    3. Install SSL certificate to domain -> 8 hrs | | The above does not include 5-6 hours for testing. I am considering changing vendors. Potential programmers have asked how the site was developed and to what extent is it is customized. Ends up several plugins were built from scratch. My question is whether a new developer is going to be able to pick up a custom coded site. That without understanding how the site was built, any change will break the site. My concern is that current developer has made themselves indispensable, and created a situation where there is no alternative to using them and they can therefore charge any price they want.Any thoughts? Also below are questions I asked my developer about how the site was built and their answers: | 1. Was everything coded using a child theme?
    No, is a custom theme. 2. Did you use any ready made theme or just plugins
    We used the theme and and we've used plugins. Third party plugins and plugins builded from scratch 3. Can Wordpress and every one of the plugin be updated? 
    Wordpress can be updated, core files was never modified. If after an update something start to work wrong is due to some radical wordpress change or similar Can't be updated: FireStorm Professional Real Estate Plugin Created at xxx: Form Submissions Report Miscellaneous Hooks and Filters NYC Check memory usage NYC SEO listings NYC Slider Sitemap Updater 4. Were any of the plugins customized and if so, which ones?
    Yes, this plugin "FireStorm Professional Real Estate Plugin" |

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Kingalan1

  • Hi Everyone, We implemented the HTTPS change to our four websites about 6 months ago. I have found something that I feel is strange. The homepage of each website shows, but all the internal pages show If you click through it shows it as secure, but I feel that because it is happening on all four websites, that something was done incorrectly. Here is one Google SERP: As you can see, our site displays with no https, but all the internal pages do. It just worries me as I have seen our internal pages increasing in positioning, but not our homepage. Any ideas?

    Technical SEO | | vetofunk

  • Anyone know of a tool to automate checking the Bing index? To check Google's index, I use URL Profiler but there is no option to check Bing.

    Other SEO Tools | | Choice

  • Hi, My first time posting here, I am just looking for some feedback on a indexation issue we have with a client and any feedback on possible next steps or items I may have overlooked. To give some background, our client operates a website for the core band and a also a number of microsites based on specific business units, so you have along with, The content structure isn't ideal, as each microsite follows a structure of, and so on. In addition to this each microsite has duplicate folders from the other microsites so has indexable folders but also the same with has but also Therre are 5 different business units so you have this duplicate content scenario for all microsites. This situation is being addressed in the medium term development roadmap and will be rectified in the next iteration of the site but that is still a ways out. The issue
    About 6 weeks ago we noticed a drop off in search rankings for two of our microsites ( and over a period of 2-3 weeks pretty much all our terms dropped out of the rankings and search visibility dropped to essentially 0. I can see that pages from the websites are still indexed but oddly it is the duplicate content pages so ( or ( is still indexed, similiarly on the bu2.corewebsite microsite and are indexed but no pages from the BU1 or BU2 content directories seem to be indexed under their own microsites. Logging into webmaster tools I can see there is a "Google couldn't crawl your site because we were unable to access your site's robots.txt file." This was a bit odd as there was no robots.txt in the root directory but I got some weird results when I checked the BU1/BU2 microsites in robots text tool. Also due to the fact that there is a redirect from to I thought maybe there could be something there so consequently we removed the redirect and added a basic robots to the root directory for both microsites. After this we saw a small pickup in site visibility, a few terms pop into our Moz campaign rankings but drop out again pretty quickly. Also the error message in GSC persisted. Steps taken so far after that In Google Search Console, I confirmed there are no manual actions against the microsites. Confirmed there is no instances of noindex on any of the pages for BU1/BU2 A number of the main links from the root domain to microsite BU1/BU2 have a rel="noopener noreferrer" attribute but we looked into this and found it has no impact on indexation Looking into this issue we saw some people had similar  issues when using Cloudflare but our client doesn't use this service Using a response redirect header tool checker, we noticed a timeout when trying to mimic googlebot accessing the site Following on from point 5 we got a hold of a week of server logs from the client and I can see Googlebot successfully pinging the site and not getting 500 response codes from the server...but couldn't see any instance of it trying to index microsite BU1/BU2 content So it seems to me that the issue could be something server side but I'm at a bit of a loss of next steps to take. Any advice at all is much appreciated!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ImpericMedia

  • One of our potential clients is a limousine rental service. His current "Marketer" is going about his business in a seemingly sketchy way. I'm pretty new to having to compare myself to other SEO/Marketing competition. So, this guy has 100's of websites that are nearly identical. Quite a few have duplicate content, but all of them generally look the same. He leases these websites as lead generators: Think of it like this: he probably has 15-20 websites all geared for different parts of the DFW area. Denton Limo Service, Plano Limo Service, Dallas Limo Service, Etc. He also has a bunch of websites for other industries. Every "business" has its own phone number via a Google Number that he forwards to the actual business line. Every "business" has a Google My Business Listing setup as well with no address listed. When someone fills out the contact form on one of these sites, it is forwarded to the business who is leasing it. He also creates his own backlinks on his websites to all of his other websites. I imagine that eventually he will be caught, right? I mean, this has to be Black Hat SEO. Have any of you encountered an SEO/Marketer like this? If so, what do you do about it?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | roger205

  • I have tried searching, multiple opinions and multiple things that supposedly work. What I have now, seems to work from an end user perspective, but Roger tells me otherwise: Redirect Chain issue....redirect, which redirects which redirects etc..... FIRST, we need to redirect all www to non www. SECOND, we need to redirect all to https. THIRD, we need to redirect the homepage to an inner page. (Got to love BOGUS DMCA complaints! :)?) So far we have: RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$ [OR]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$
    RewriteRule ^/?$ "" [R=301,L] Plus down the page there is the usual wordpress settings: <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c="">RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]</ifmodule> So, why does it seem to work for the end user, but Roger has his knickers in a knot saying, redirect, to redirect to redirect etc? Namaste and many thank you's in advance 🙂

    Moz Bar | | Jes-Extender-Australia

  • Hi all, Google crawls all the webpages and gathers content to index and ranking. Beside this general info, what are the all other possible technical details Google will be gathered about a website to rank or penalise or optimise the website in SERP? Like IP address, DNS server, etc.......Please share your knowledge and ideas on this. Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • Moz sent us an email about our website that they failed to crawl. I checked the forums with the same issues with mine and it looks like that Moz has problems with websites from Squarespace. I wonder if you do have a workaround on this. Let me know if you have instructions for me to fix this kind of issue. Thanks!

    API | | leahdickey

  • Hi everyone, A client of us has a quite new website with a lot of URLs. (Google Search Console indicates around 5300.) However, when I execute a site crawl with screaming frog, or a crawl test in MOZ, it only shows me one URL, the homepage. Does somebody have an idea why the other pages of the website are not showing up? Thanks,

    Moz Bar | | WeAreDigital_BE

  • A couple of months ago we requested a change of address in Search console. The new, correct url is already indexed. Yet when we search the old url (with site:www.) we find that the old url is still indexed. in Google Webmaster Tools the amount of indexed pages is reduced to 1. Is there another way to remove old urls?

    Technical SEO | | conversal

  • Hi Experts! Here is my Question for you. I am doing a link exchange in a legit way to increase sales for my site and my associate's site. My associate just wants a sales increase and no link juice. He has a very low DA so I want to give him a no follow link. Is it suspicious of fishy that I give a no follow link and receive a followed link in return? Please let me know how to proceed, I don't want to take any changes. Can you tell me the best way to proceed with this link exchange? Thanks

    Link Building | | Ruchy

  • Greetings: It was pointed out to me that the h1 tags on my website ( all had exactly the same text and that duplication may be contributing to the very low page authority for most URLs. The duplicate h1 appears in line 54-54 (see below) of the home page: itemscope itemtype="" style="position:absolute;top:-9999em;"> <span<br>itemprop="name">Metro Manhattan Office Space</span<br> <img< p="">But the above refers to schema" so is this really duplicate H1 or is there an exception if the H1 is within a schema? Also, I was told that the company street address and city and state were set up incorrectly as part of an alt tag. However these items also appear as schema in lines 49-68 shown below: Dangerous for me to perform surgery on the code without being certain about these key items!! Could ask my developer, however they may be uncomfortable considering that they set this up in the 1st place. So the view of neutral professionals would be highly welcome! itemprop="address" itemscope itemtype="">
    <span<br>itemprop="streetAddress">347 5th Ave #1008
    <span<br>itemprop="addressLocality">New York
    <span<br>itemprop="postalCode">10016<div<br>itemprop="brand" itemscope itemtype="">

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Kingalan1

  • I need to add more photos and my telephne number has changed but i cant seem to find the right place to edit my listing??

    Moz Local | | marktmccabe

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