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  • Hey everyone I was having a discussion with a friend and colleague recently regarding the repeal of net neutrality and what it would mean for marketers and website owners. I wanted to reach out to the community and get your thoughts on what you foresee this FCC decision meaning for your efforts and if your plans have changed at all. Obviously, there are appeals happening and any changes are said to be subtle and gradual, but I'd still like to see what is on everyone's mind at this time should the repeal stick. Excited for the conversation!

    Industry News | | PatrickDelehanty

  • Hi Guys, How can you determine the value of external links which are deep inside a website. Two examples: Two sub-folders deep. One sub-folder deep. These links are clearly far from the homepage, so was wondering if they are worthless or how can you determine the value of them? Cheers.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nattyhall

  • We recently found out we have a lot of bad links linking back to our website from spam sites, I disavowed them through the google disavow link webmaster. On my moz report it still shows the links, is that normal?

    Link Building | | Ryan.Cruz

  • Why do we need to write sentences in RDF format (subject, object predicate) is there a reason for that ? Thank you,

    Whiteboard Friday | | seoanalytics

  • I am looking for a tool that will show my how my competitors rank for keywords across regions. Can MOZ help with this? I know right now I can add their website and export a list of terms they rank for, but it would really help me to see how that number fluctuates and changes across the globe. Any solutions?

    Feature Requests | |

  • I am looking for a tool that will show my how my competitors rank for keywords across regions. Can MOZ help with this? I know right now I can add their website and export a list of terms they rank for, but it would really help me to see how that number fluctuates and changes across the globe. Any solutions?

    Feature Requests | |

  • Our ecommerce company has acquired a former competitor which has similar content & largely sells the same set of products. Both domains run on the same ecommerce platform version and do well organically on an overlapping set of keywords. Currently the websites are separate instances which are hosted separately. There is no interlinking or cross branding between the sites. Since each brand has strong equity & SEO, there are no plans to combine brands or domains. For several reasons, it would be ideal to combine platform instances and hosting, but we are concerned about potential SEO impact of shared IP addresses. Is it likely that moving the sites to the same IP/C-Block could have a negative SEO impact since they rank  on the same keywords. Would Google devalue one site if they were seen to be connected or owned by the same company? I know this issue has been addressed for domains with more variance between products and content, but since there is a large overlap (but not duplicate content) between our two domains, we wanted additional insight. Obviously there are other SEO factors when you move a site, but we are currently trying to understand this specific factor. Thanks Community for your help! -Amber

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | AmberHanson

  • Hi For last month my website was ranking to 5 positions for this keyword (Magento Development Company). But recently (28-nov) it's out of 100, some time it's showing on 25 position but not showing in top 5 position. Here is my url (for analysis): Please explain why my keyword rankings are often not showing in the search listings. Note: There are some other keywords of different pages start getting ranking drop. please let me know is there anything i need to change. Thank

    Technical SEO | | harrysamson

  • Hi For last month my website was ranking to 5 positions for this keyword (Magento Development Company). But recently (28-nov) it's out of 100, some time it's showing on 25 position but not showing in top 5 position. Here is my url (for analysis): Please explain why my keyword rankings are often not showing in the search listings. Note: There are some other keywords of different pages start getting ranking drop. please let me know is there anything i need to change. Thank

    Algorithm Updates | | harrysamson

  • Hi all, All SaaS companies have this log-in page as their top visited page in their websites and some times it helps and also hurts them. I've gone through some big SaaS companies websites and they handle the log-in page differently like on sub domain, on website page, some will directly link to their instance login without a page, etc...I wonder what is the best practice to host the log-in to make sure the more visits to log-in page don't hurt us but give us some boost. Thanks

    Web Design | | vtmoz

  • Hi guys, recently won a client who operates globally, their domain is .com and their head office is in the UK. They have built regional sub-directories and translated content and pages of their site for /ru, /fr etc. The issue comes with their /us and /ca pages. This content for the most part is identical to the main .com site. The content is still in English and can't in most situations be changed to be more localised, so there are duplicate content issues. Trying to think of options: Ensure hreflang is added properly, build regional links to regional pages, get local contact details / NAP on all regional pages, set up Google business listings for each regional office and link accordingly. Will Google be able to identify these regional pages as more suitable search results for US searches? Make the main .com version of the content the canonical, which takes away any ranking benefits of the regional pages altogether, but removes the duplicate content issues and means we can focus link building and content resources into making sure the .com version of the page ranks well. Thanks!

    Local Website Optimization | | SamFanatic

  • I know it’s hekpful, when attempting to rank for a various cluster of keywords, to have a site that is primarily about that subject matter. For instance, it would be very difficult to rank for keywords pertaining to window treatments, roof repair, lawn mowing, interior decorating, and vegan recipes. I have a client who owns a multi specialty center that does plastic surgery, dermatology, welllness, ophthalmology, skin and laser treatments, and more. I feel like the solution would be to make each verticals a subdomain, and treat each as its own website, for all intents and purposes, using WordPress multisite to manage it. So,,, etc., and have act as the landing page for the center, linking out to the various practice areas. what are your thoughts? Thanks so much in advance!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | minyona

  • I recently changed my company's site homepage title tag to make it start with our target keyword. The page was originally at page #7 or #8 and dropped to page #17 directly after I changed the page title. Is this normal? Is it's a temporary drop or should I change it back to the previous title.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ForumOne

  • With my new Moz account, how would I go about setting up a useful Goal/Conversion on Google Analytics?

    Moz Pro | | Brandon32

  • Hello , I observed my ranking are different in same country but different geographical areas.Is this nature is common or we missing something. How long will it take to come to the same rankings.

    Technical SEO | | medhahostingpr

  • I am working on a website that has been publishing content for years. Some of the content is 6 or 7 years old! Daily, I am re-writing, updating, or deleting old content, and adding new content. We have covered every topic under the sun (within our niche market), and sometimes new content is similar to old content in some way. Or, we are answering the same question a dozen different ways. I have always assumed this was correct for SEO, but I was challenged on this notion today and now I am questioning the practice of writing content that could be the same (or similar) as the old content we have written. What are the pros and content of creating "duplicate" content, provided it is never an exact carbon copy of our older content.

    Content Development | | GreatLegalMarketing

  • Hey Everyone, So as I'm sure everyone has heard the new meta description limits have been increased and I have been going back and forth with whether or not to update my descriptions for my client's websites. I know that Google is now dynamically generating descriptions based off of content, but is it still beneficial to write longer descriptions as well? Will Google display my longer description now if it is ranking well? Rand Fishkin at Moz and others say that you should and other people, including Danny Sullivan, have said you shouldn't worry about it and leave them at between 150-160. My questions is what should I do? I will be focusing heavily on making sure the site's content is very targeted and relevant for when Google dynamically generates the descriptions, but should I still edit my descriptions manually?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | kenturley

  • Does moz pro standard give access to open site explorer & keyword explorer?

    Link Explorer | | SearchOpt

  • This might be a very newbie technical SEO question, but here goes.This page, with no trailing forward a Moz page authority of 45 while this page: a Moz page authority of 1. Right now, the former is forwarding to the latter. Might Google not see the links I've built up to it, like Moz isn't? Can this be fixed in WordPress?I appreciate your responses.

    Moz Pro | | Wagster

  • Hi all, I have a client who operates a remote business and I need to get her Google business/ brand account set up. She doesn't want it listed under her home address (for obvious reasons) but that is where her business is based out of. Apart from getting a PO box and listing her business under that for Google, does anybody know of any other options or best practices? Thanks!

    SEO Learn Center | | Zx3

  • We recently moved our hosting provider over from WPEngine to Site Ground. We increased our page speed scores from D/F to a B this past week. However, we noticed an increase in our PPC cost per click due to the website speed being slower... we cannot figure out why this would happen. Has anyone else experienced something similar? A PPC landing page we have is--->

    Paid Search Marketing | | LindsayE

  • Hi Moz Community. I'm currently working on cleaning up a website footer on an e-commerce site. I was curious to find out if including payment options is important? Either text or image icons. Including Visa, AMEX etc. Are there benefits of displaying them? Image attached. Thanks vcdoL

    Web Design | | Kdruckenbrod

  • Hi all, I'm working with a company that has 3 x websites all on separate WordPress platforms. One is at .com, the others .fr and .de - they are essentially very similar. I have suggested that it is worth exploring setting all of these websites up on the .com domain with country-specific directories to combine their authority and help all 3 websites naturally rank due to combining incoming links, authority etc. Quesitons: To ensure each country has control of their site, would you maintain a separate install of WP at each directory, i.e: .com/fr/ and .com/de or would you put it all on the same WP? Would you go down this route of combining all 3 sites onto one domain with country-specific directories? What are the pitfalls?

    Technical SEO | | Bee159

  • Hello Moz Friends! I was wondering what the correct "SEO friendly" strategy is with badges and awards. We recently got BBB accredited and added their badge to the footer of the website. We also added a review badge from shopper approved to the footer. As I'm joining other communities, I see there's badges given to us. For example, Alignable. Great place for networking. They offer a badge that says "locals recommend us" or something. Should I embed these badges onto our website someplace? Should I create a page for just badges or place them in the footer or sidebar widgets? What the best SEO practice for this? Thank you!!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | LindsayE

  • Dear Community, I would like to ask a question regarding url structure. We are struggling with shorting urls and we thought to add a "parameter" to the url. Example:**/a/** or**/a/**product/ Current url structure: So we go after and short url contains "/a/" and find the category we want. Is this going to harm our SEO strategies? Any idea is welcome.

    Technical SEO | | geofil

  • Hi all, We have changed hundreds and thousands of page and page URLs for last 10 years in our website. So, now we are going to redirect most of the old pages/links to the current related pages. This will increase the number of redirects we set in our website database to thousands. Will this put any extra weight on crawler and any risks involved for employing too many redirects. Thanks

    Web Design | | vtmoz

  • Hi Moz community, Seems like Bing already confirmed that they are using link-less mentions for the ranking graph and some SEO experts believe if Google also employing the same in their Algo....Can anybody please confirm and share your thoughts on this? Thanks

    Branding | | vtmoz

  • Hi guys, Analyzing a large e-commerce site 10,000 pages on Magento and not getting much organic traffic to level 3 sub-category pages, the URLs are like: Primary Keyword Target: BODY MOISTURISERS Primary Keyword Target: LIP MASKS Plus another 40 other URLs at level 3 with low organic performance. Authority of the domain is strong, so it's not an authority issue I believe its internal linking. Besides linking form the blog and breadcrumbs is there anything we can do to improve internal linking to these level 3 pages? Cheers.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nattyhall

  • Hi Guys, Does anyone know what this is called: And how Google pulls it from a page? Do you need some kind of markup? Cheers.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nattyhall

  • I'm re-writing my meta descriptions. I'm wondering if I should include the My Company, LLC. in the description or just My Company. Taking out the entity would save about 4 characters.

    On-Page Optimization | | IcarusSEO

  • Hi, I just added some photography content to my site to showcase my skills, specifically 360 virtual tours. I first tried to have those on regular pages and have the 360s in responsive iframes, but it caused usability problems. So I've chosen instead to have a master page with thumbnails that lead to individuals 360's. Links look like that: Each pano takes over the whole page. My concern is losing internal link juice as each pano page doesn't link anywhere. Also, external link juice when people start linking to each 360. What should I do to fix that? Should I just link back to the master page in the body & noscript area, even though content won't be visible? Fine with Google? Lack of content problem? Thank you for reading, and for your help!

    Technical SEO | | GregMoine

  • An optometrist is looking to buy a practice with really bad Google reviews. They want to rebrand it under their name. This practice has pretty bad SEO as well. What should they do? Should they just mark the GMB page as permanently closed then make a new one under the new business name? Or is that risky or considered spammy since the "new" practice is also an optometrist? Could Google think it is a duplicate or an attempt to trick them?

    Reviews and Ratings | | Mike-i

  • We've been using Zendesk to manage support content, and have old/duplicate articles that we'd like to redirect. However, Zendesk doesn't seem to have a solution for this, and the suggestions we've found (some hacky JS) have not worked. I'd like for us to not just delete/hide these articles. Has anyone else successfully navigated retiring/redirecting Zendesk content in an SEO-friendly fashion?

    Technical SEO | | KMStrava

  • Hello, I have a client who is trying to rank in Maps for "city name house call vet." Their GMB name is NOT their business name... it is: "Business Name the House Call Vets, Dr. Jack Millen" I know that it is a best practice to have the GMB title be ONLY their exact business name. However, I worry if we take out the keyword "House Call Vets" from the GMB business name, they will tank for Google Maps "house call vet" searches. All the top ranking GMB pages have "house call vet" in the GMB  business name (even though it is not in the actual business name of all those businesses). Should I worry about deleting "house call vet" from their GMB page even though it is not a part of their actual business name? Will Google still rank them for "House Call Vet" searches in Maps? Right now they are ranking like 6 which is not great but not horrible in a very large market but also not as high as I think they could be. Thanks in advance for the help!

    Local Listings | | Mike-i

  • Hi to all, what is the best url structure, to have all words in the url or to tweak url like Yoast suggest? If we remove some words from url , not focus keyword but stop words and other keywords to have shorter url will that impact search rankings? - long url, moz crawl error, yoast red light - moz ok, yoast ok Where one is a focus keyword.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | WalterHalicki

  • Hi all, I have a site that is a year old, we have been building backlinks organically - probably around 50 or so - then almost overnight we had100s of spammy links. Screenshot here: My questions: Should I disavow these? What happens if I don't disavow these? Can I work out where they came from? If I disavow a few of them, is this a token offering to the Google Gods that will lower my risk of being penalised? Thank you. cijiub

    Link Building | | Bee159

  • We are a commercial real estate brokerage firm in Manhattan. Our site (w w w . m e t r o - m a n h a t t a n . com) is text heavy and somewhat uninviting. Ranking is fair. Conversions awful. Our niche is very competitive. We plan on reducing the amount of text and making the site more visual. Among the planned changes: -Reduce amount of text in home page and text heavy pages. More emphasis on product (listings)
    -Much larger photos for listings
    -Lighter cleaner design with more open white areas
    -Use of more visible fonts
    -Better forms New design will be like: Theme and graphics based on Manhattan. More visuals. Better photos. Less text. But are we shooting ourselves in the foot by reducing text? Is there a risk that Google will reduce our ranking? Can we compensate for reduced text that is visible to visitors by completing meta tags more fully? Any thoughts??? Thanks,

    Branding | | Kingalan1

  • Will improving our site's graphic design but keeping identical structure, tags and text result in better Google? Are lower bounce rates greater time spent on a site by visitors rewarded by Google n the form of higher ranking? We are a commercial real estate brokerage firm in Manhattan and plan on making the following changes: -Much larger photos for listings
    -Lighter cleaner design with more open white areas
    -Use of more visible fonts 
    -Better forms
    -Potentially less text and more emphasis on product, which in our case are real estate listints. Our existing site:  w w w . m e t r o - m a n h a t t a n . com  is a bit ordinary and uninviting. The redesign will have a concept similar to
    The theme behind this real estate site is the city itself, which is quite clever and applicable to Manhattan. Our home page as well as other URLs use lots of text. If we reduce text and use more images to make the pages more engaging, will our organic ranking decline? If we reduce text can we compensate by fuller completion of meta tags? Any thoughts???

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | Kingalan1

  • What is the current advice for displaying content based on a user's geolocation? On the one hand, I know the rule of thumb is that you are not supposed to treat googlebot any different than any other user to your site and shouldn't show different content than what you would show a regular user, however on the other hand, if we personalize the content based on the geography, it means that the content that is indexed would be specific to Mt. View, CA in Google's index, correct? I know I heard years ago that the best practice was to use javascript to personalize the content client side, and block the js with robots.txt so that google indexes a default page and not a geo-specific page. Any insights or advice appreciated.

    Local Website Optimization | | IrvCo_Interactive

  • First, let's define the terminology for the various types of ecommerce pages. The terminology differs from organization to organization: Product Description Pages (PDPs): These pages have a single product, pricing, an "add to cart" button, reviews, and a product description. Product Listing Pages (PLPs): These are product category/subcategory pages that have product image links and text links to Product Description Pages (PDPs). Category Pages: These pages have subcategory image and text links to subcategory pages. No product images are displayed Hybrid Category Pages: these pages combine sub-Category Images and text at the top of the page and product listings below. Our CMS currently does not allow us to create hybrids. This conversation revolves primarily around mobile. Our ecommerce team is having discussions around the appropriate use of PLPs vs Category pages. After doing a quick audit of the mobile sites of some top ecommerce players, there is definitely a trend to use Category Pages at the top of the category and sub-category hierarchy and use PLPs at the very bottom. The logic from a usability perspective is to allow visitors to navigate a site without ever using the hamburger navigation. ex: Baby (Category Page) => Car Seats (Category Page) => Convertible Car Seats (PLP) The sites I audited all had hamburger menus. A visitor would navigate from a home page image for "Baby," an image on the "Baby" page to "Car Seats", and an image on the "Car Seats" page to the Convertible Car Seats page. At that point, they would be able to shop for "Convertible Car Seats" on a PLP. This appears to be excellent UX and easy to use navigation. Theoretically, good for SEO as well. In short, category and subcategory pages are being used as navigation to allow visitors to easily navigate to the bottom of the hierarchy and shop on the most narrow page in the hierarchy. Much easier to use than a hamburger menu, but it does entail more clicks. The discussion revolves around allowing users to shop for product at a higher level in the taxonomy. For example, what if a visitor wants to shop all Car Seats? In the above taxonomy, we are precluding users from shopping in this manner. There is no "Car Seats" PLP. Our CMS has the ability to create both a Category Page and a PLP for "Car Seats". We could theoretically place an image on the "Car Seats" category page for "View All Car Seats", and allow users to click to a "Car Seats" PLP. None of the major ecommerce players I've audited are adding a PLP option higher up in the hierarchy. That doesn't mean that it's not good UX. Problems: From an SEO perspective, having a Category Page and a PLP for "Car Seats" would cause cannibalization - they would be competing for the same keywords. I am skeptical that canonicals would work. The pages are not near duplicate content. One page has category images, the other has product images. We could place content blocks on the page to make them more similar. We could noindex the PLP, but that's a waste of internal link juice. Need advice: Will canonicals work in this situation? Should we trash this idea entirely? Does adding a PLP add value or confusion? Is noindex a good idea? Is there an option to target keyword variations with the PLP? Is there another solution?

    Web Design | | Satans_Apprentice

  • For a chiropractic or other doctor's office with multiple doctors, should each have their own personal Google My Business page page AND a business page for the practice? If they just have a business page now, is it worth creating a page for each of the individual doctors? And what if some of them have different focuses (like a acupuncturist and chiropractor), does that mean you should make individual doctor pages when you otherwise wouldn't bother? And IF we should create pages for the individual doctors, should they all have the same address and website since they work in the same practice. Curious if there is a best practice for this... has anyone seen positive or negative results with or without the individual doctor pages? Thanks!

    Local Listings | | Mike-i

  • I have a new client and I discovered that someone has ripped off the business and established it in Texas (business resides in New Jersey) My client is the hijack artist has created forms and business listings such as this There is no google listing for Texas however, I have to think that this is causing some seo issues. Any ideas how to rectify this? I have never come across this situation before. Thanks, Don Silvernail

    Local Listings | | donsilvernail

  • Hi, Does MOZ pick up every error/warning in one crawl? Or does it take numerous crawls? Many thanks Lee

    Getting Started | | lbagley

  • Hello, I've got a really simple a basic question : is it an issue to put an excerpt of a text at the begining of a page, with a "jump to full text" link at the end of the excerpt ? So the first part of the text will be duplicated. A solution would be to hide a part of the text and reveal it with a "read more" button, but we don't want to do that, we want users to be able to read the full text just by scrolling + we want to put an excerpt "above-the-fold" content It's a product page. A second question : we've got duplicate content between our brand category pages, and the related product page, because the presentation text of the brand is shown on the product page + on the brand category page (it's presentations of distilleries, so it's a valuable content for the customer, we want to show it directly on the product page). Do you think it's a big issue ? Or maybe we can think : "ok, there is plenty of other text on those pages, so it won't matter" ?

    Content Development | | Colage

  • I have an unknown problem with my internal links. but after many searches on Moz community and other sites, I didn't find any answer. the question is: why homepage doesn't enough internal links like other pages? the homepage internal links decrease dramatically in 2 months but it doesn't happen to other pages in the same domain 6l6Bh D0bC1

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | canadaoptimize

  • Hello All, I would appreciate if you could share with me your insight and advise on how to run SEO and UX experiments. How do we set up the proper benchmark and control groups, what tools to use? How can we ensure that the changes we see are not due to other factors and what difference is needed to confirm our findings? Some of the things I would like to test is if certain words in the title tag can correlate with higher CTR or with lower bounce rates. I would also like to quickly test if the common best practices only 1 h1 etc have any effect on rankings at all. Please share with me from knowledge and experience. Thanks Much!

    Algorithm Updates | | Joseph-Green-SEO

  • I've been going on the assumption that when verifying a website in search console, it's always good to register and verify all variants of the site URL: http https www non-www However, if you create redirects to the preferred URL, is it really necessary to register/virfy of the other three? If so, why?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | muzzmoz

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