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  • Interested to know if anybody still uses the strategy of pinging links to make sure they get indexed, there are a number of sites out there which offer it.  Is it considered dangerous/spamy?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | seoman10

  • i don't mean e-commerce site in general, but the actual cart page itself. What's best practice for the links that customers click to add products to the cart, and the cart page itself? Also, I use vanity URLs for my cart links which redirect to the actual cart page with the parameters applied. Should I use use 301 or 302 redirects for the links? Do I make the cart page's canonical tag point back to the store home page so that I'm not accruing link juice to a page that customers don't actually want to land on from search? I'm kinda surprised at the dearth of information out there on this, or maybe I'm not looking in the right places?

    Technical SEO | | VM-Oz

  • Hello, We will be updating an existing page with more helpful information with the goal of reaching more potential customers through SEO and also attaching a SEM campaign to the specific landing page. The current URL of the page scores 25 on Page Authority, and has 2 links to it from blog articles (PA 35, 31). The current content needs to be rewritten to be more helpful and also needs some additional information. The downsides are that it has an "bad" URL- no target keyword and uses underscores. Which of the following choices would you make? 1. Update this old "bad" URL with new content. Benefit from the existing PA. -or- 2. Start with a new optimized URL, reusing some of the old content and utilizing a 301 redirect from the previous page? Thank you!

    Technical SEO | | XLMarketing

  • Hi all New to MOZ and SEO. I run a small business and am interested in building backlinks and was wondering what the best reading material/articles are on the matter. I understand SEO in general, moreover the importance of Pagerank, and was wondering what a good approach would be to building a foundation or intro to this. Thanks in advance Joe

    Link Building | | JoeJenkins

  • Hey Mozzers! I'm working with a client who has 2 websites (different URLs completely), which one is for all parts and the other is for accessories only. They have multiple brick and mortar locations throughout the US and have done a nice job creating Google My Business pages for each and all verified. Their question is will it benefit them to create and verify another GMB page with same address, but place in "Suite B", a new phone number and apply the other URLs for the accessories site. The business name would also be different, but similar meaning Business 1 = ABC where as Business 2 = ABC Accessories. Their goal would be to try to have both rank or display to improve their local SEO. In theory it sounds like it will work given NAP would be satisfied within the GMB, but wanted to get the Moz community thoughts on this first before moving forward. Look forward to the replies. Patrick

    Local SEO | | WhiteboardCreations

  • Help! I'm losing keyword rankings for certain keywords - but still ranking well on others. The trend I can see is that we're losing rankings on plurals, so this page Used to rank well for: platform trolleys
    platform trucks
    flat bed trolleys But now only ranks well for platform trolley flat bed trolleys platform truck I have seen a large number of keywords drop out - they're not hitting traffic massively yet, but conversions are dropping - help! I;m struggling to find the cause!

    Algorithm Updates | | BeckyKey

  • Hello, a beginner SEO question I'd love to hear your perspective on. We're launching a new site and need to prioritize our SEO work. For a news site with multiple articles published daily, using RSS feeds to push stories to Google News is our top priority. Which item should we focus on next, an XML sitemap for Google, or an article directory based on our internal taxonomy that would provide backlinks for the individual posts to rank? Are XML sitemaps still relevant? Is an article directory a must-have or nice-to-have? Appreciate any suggestions you may have!

    Technical SEO | | Gbtyne

  • Hi everyone, I have been working on the SEO for this website for a while now and have had a good amount of success increasing the traffic and rankings. However our main hurdle is improving conversions on the actual website - we want to encourage more people to book a valuation. Does anybody have any suggestions on how we can improve this? The website is Thank you

    Web Design | | sophiecrosby97

  • After reading several posts about the benefits of pruning old, irrelevant content, I went through a content audit exercise to kick off the year. The biggest category of changes so far has been to noindex + remove from sitemap a number of blog posts from 2015/2016 (which were very time-specific, i.e. software release details). I assigned many of the old posts a new canonical URL pointing to the parent category. I realize it'd be ideal to point to a more relevant/current blog post, but could this be where I've gone wrong? Another big change was to hide the old posts from the archive pages on the blog. Any advice/experience from anyone doing something similar much appreciated! Would be good to be reassured I'm on the right track and a slight drop is nothing to worry about. 🙂 If anyone is interested in having a look: [this is the category where changes have been made, primarily] [example of a pruned post]

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | jonmc

  • I did a detailed analysis of the loss in rankings for about 100 pages on my site over the last 6 months. For few pages the SEO clicks have dropped by 40%. This is not due to algorithm penalty but one of the following reason Competitor with a higher DA created a similar article Existing Competitors get more backlinks Search volume itself is down - (Don't care) Loss in long tail traffic can you guys recommend a system to automatically track this and make a report? Also what would be corrective action in case of reason 1 and 4

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Janki99

  • Hey guys, We did reputation management back in March 2017. We basically built high quality links to online assets such as linkedin, twitter, facebook, positive PR articles and other web properties in order to rank them higher then negative PR. However there was 0 change (the link building was solid). And the negative PR remains in the top 10 with also positive new articles about the site. At this point, i believe that Google is keeping the negative PR in the top 10 to keep balanced SERP results. Does anyone know if this is something Google does to balance positive and negative results? Cheers.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | cathywix

  • I'm currently setting up projects in Buzz Stream so that I can send out news tips and press releases to local news stations. Has anyone been able to do this successfully without signing up for an expensive press release distribution company like Newswire? If so... I would appreciate it if you could share an email template you use to send out your news tips and press releases to the local news stations. Thank you!!!

    Local SEO | | LindsayE

  • Is there a difference in the below two tags? My dev team is saying the first can be implemented (technical issue on their end), even though second is preferable, according to, in the below two sitemap hreflang notations. My question is, will the first xhtml tag work for Google? Appreciate the input. <xhtml:link href="<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">" hreflang="en-ca" rel="alternate" /></xhtml:link href="<a> <xhtml:link  href="<a href=" http:="""" canadastore="" "="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">" rel="alternate" hreflang="en-ca" /></xhtml:link >

    Technical SEO | | ZachKline

  • Today I set up a new campaign for a client, however the crawl has only found the home page and is saying that the URL is unavailable. The site is definitely live and the URL is correct. I have set up the campaign 3 times one with the full address (http://www.) one with www. and with just the domain name. All three of these have come page with one page crawled and "unavailable" above the URL. It is picking up the crawl issues on the page and showing domain authority but I don't know why it's not crawling other pages. Prior to setting up the campaign I did a site crawl and Moz found everything then, so I don't know why it isn't now. Please help. Thanks

    Getting Started | | Wrapped

  • Hi I'm seeing a few category pages drop out of Google for certain keywords but not others, I'm trying to work out why & see if this correlates to a drop in conversion Organic Traffic isnt down, but conversion is so I'm trying to identify where its coming from - a lot has come from the homepage, but we have also lost a lot of positions across the site. has anyone noticed any google updates in Jan? Example of the page Keywords lost in top 10 UK Google: <colgroup><col width="199"></colgroup>
    | racking shelving |
    | shelving racking |
    | racking shelves |
    | industrial shelving unit |
    | racking storage |
    | shelf racking |
    | shelving units industrial |
    | industrial pallet racking |
    | shelf racking system |

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | BeckyKey

  • Hi folks, I'm a total newbie so please go easy. I've published 4 blogs on my website and am using the free Yoast plugin to guide me on my SEO. The blogs have been promoted in various places using organic and paid social. However, the more I look into SEO the more I'm realising that I did literally NO keyword research and the keywords I'm using are pretty useless. The question is this: it should be easy enough for my to change the content of the blog, the meta description etc to reflect the new keywords, but what about the URL / slug?. Is there any way to change this without causing me a massive headache or does having my new keywords in the slug even matter? Thanks, Mike.

    Keyword Research | | Veevlimike

  • I have build several pages (A and B) with high quantity content. Page A is aged and gets lots of organic traffic, ranks for lots of valuable keywords, and has only internal links to this page. Page B is newer (6 months) and gets little traffic, ranks for no keywords, but has terrific content and many high value external links. As Page A and B are related to a similar theme, I was going to merge content from page B onto page A, but don't know which would be the best approach for handling the links going to page B. For the purposes of keep as much link equity as possible, is it best to us a 301 redirect from B to A or use a canonical URL from B to A?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Cutopia

  • In content, does the proximity of semantically related keyword matter ? Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Hi We've started to see steady drops in revenue since Jan 22nd each day & I can't seem to pinpoint why. We aren't seeing a drop in traffic for those pages, but we have seen ranking drops in other areas. The main revenue drops are coming from the homepage - it seems like a downwards trend - any ideas at how I can pinpoint the issue?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BeckyKey

  • MOZ is telling me the URLs are too long. I did a little research and I found out that the length of the URLs is not really a serious problem. In fact, others recommend ignoring the situation. Even on their blog I found this explanation: "Shorter URLs are generally preferable. You do not need to take this to the extreme, and if your URL is already less than 50-60 characters, do not worry about it at all. But if you have URLs pushing 100+ characters, there's probably an opportunity to rewrite them and gain value. This is not a direct problem with Google or Bing - the search engines can process long URLs without much trouble. The issue, instead, lies with usability and user experience. Shorter URLs are easier to parse, copy and paste, share on social media, and embed, and while these may all add up to a fractional improvement in sharing or amplification, every tweet, like, share, pin, email, and link matters (either directly or, often, indirectly)." And yet, I have these questions: In this case, why do I get this error telling me that the urls are too long, and what are the best practices to get this out? Thank You

    Moz Pro | | Cart_generation

  • My client got a manual penalty notice. Need to submit a disavow file and reconsideration request which is new territory for me. The task of contacting/disavowing 100's of sites to remove 1000's of links is a bit overwhelming. Answers to any of these questions would be greatly appreciated. Search console is showing 100's of hacked websites pointing to the site. Many of the incoming links showing in search console are already gone. Should I include in the disavow file or is the disavow file only for links that persist? I have read that Google does not actually read the #remarks in the disavow file. Since its manual penalty should I include them anyway since it's possible that a human could look it over? If anyone who has submitted a reconsideration request for unnatural links can comment on their use or non use of #remarks and the result that would be very helpful. You can tell that Google wants an effort to be made that the site owners are contacted.  What is the best way to document that?  In the reconsideration request?: The disavow file? or both.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | KentH

  • Hi All, I have implemented enhance ecommerce with tag manager now I am implementing Product List Position so I have query that if visitor do filter or do sorting via highest or lowest price at that time do we have to show List position too? If yes then how and if No then why?

    Reporting & Analytics | | Arnold3

  • Hi There! We are using Moz to compare our metrics to increase our SEO / SERP penetration. According to MOZ API Updates, it was mentioned that the next update will be on 26th Feb. But the update was early, could you please let us know the reason for the same. Why is there a discrepancy between the date mentioned for the Moz Update and the date of release? Thanks Malik Zakaria

    API | | mzakaria

  • Hi, If my keyword is SEO consultant when I write a paragraphs with with my secondary related keywords do I always need to have my primary keyword used in the secondary keywords. "SEO consultant prices", "SEO consultant training" etc.. or can I just surround my primary keyword with the words with the words "prices" and "training" in a sentence ? In a bullet style format if my title is SEO consultant, do the bullet need to include the secondary keyword with the primary keyword in it or not like that SEO consultant SEO consultant training* SEO consultant prices or can it be like that SEO consultant Training* Prices Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Hey guys, I'm in the process of completing some keyword research using Keyword Explorer but every time I complete a search I'm told that explorer is unable to perform the search at this time and that I should refresh the page, or search with a new query. Is anyone else having this issue/had this problem in the past?

    Moz Bar | | daniel-brooks

  • Do alt tags really give you a boost in terms of ranking or is it more for ranking in google images ? Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Hi, When you do keyword research and my terms is SEO for example. Do I need in the content to have the word "SEO" by itself and then a related keyword like "SEO tools" as 2 separate keywords or can I have "SEO tools" only and will this be counted as 2 separate keyword. The 1 st one will be "SEO" and the other one will be "SEO tools." Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Hello, When you do a major change of content on a page I know it takes time to start seeing some results in terms of ranking. Let's say I make a change today expecting to see the first results of that change 2 months from now. Let's say in a month I decide to add some content and make again some minor changes. Do I have to wait another 2 months starting on the date I made my 2 nd changes to see some results or will I see the results of the 1 change as originally planned 2 months after my major content change ? Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Hi I Want to know why my website domain authority drop last month it is in 20 now it is in 18 i want to know what are the reasons.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | joaozzi

  • Hello, I like the automatic scheduled report feature. I was wondering if I could send clients a small list of tasks completed on the 'insights' page of campaigns? Every week I usually do tasks from the 'insights' section of the campaign, then I click finish when I've completed that tasks. I would like to be able to show that to clients monthly. Is this possible?

    Feature Requests | | Extima-Christian

  • Hi Everyone, One section on our website is not being indexed. The product pages are, but not some of the subcategories. These are very old pages, so thought it was strange. Here is an example one one: If you take a chunk of text, it is not found in Google. No issues in Bing/Yahoo, only Google. You think it takes a submission to Search Console? Jeff

    Technical SEO | | vetofunk

  • Hello, I believe mobile indexing 1 st is in place. Since then, does google give  the same value to content that is hidden behind a tab (for example a question where you need to click on the + to see the answer) as content that would be directly visible ? Thank you,

    Technical SEO | | seoanalytics

  • When a website offers multiple divisions for products and services would it be a good SEO practice to implement something as Culligan does by having their homepage be a sort of gateway to the different divisions of site (home, office, commercial, industrial)? 2DaYz

    Web Design | | m-johnson

  • Does Google determine how your permalink shows up in the search results or is that a setting on our end? I noticed most of our competitors have their permalink show up in their snippet results. Ours shows "knowledgebase" instead. I think seeing the keywords in the permalink helps with conversions.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | LindsayE

  • My English site has 1300 Pages I have launched a Russian transasation of the site This site has only 20 pages so far. Doubt: I need to set hreflang for all 1300 pages or only for 20 Pages of that are converted to russian? Due to the limitations of the plugins avaialable I need to MANUALLY set hreflang for all 1300 pages of Please guide

    International SEO | | Janki99

  • Hello, Is it ok to talk about multiple topics under an H tag or should I stick to 1 topic per H tag. Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Hello, I have that search engine discounts stop words in order to gain computing power. Is there a list of those words that are discounted ? Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Hi Moz community, We need to check our website/pages rankings for random keywords at random timings in different countries. Beside checking in search console, we would like to check in browser. But Google now is not allowing us to browse the results of other country. I would like to use best proxy service to browse Google from different location to check how our pages are ranking & fluctuating. Please suggest on this. Thanks

    SERP Trends | | vtmoz

  • Hi we recently did a migration and a lot of content changed locations see: Basically, the 301 goes to the correct location but its a relative URL (as you can see from the screenshot) rather than absolute URL. Do you think this is a high priority issue from an SEO standpoint, should we get the developer to change the redirects to absolute? Cheers.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | cathywix

  • Hi All, When I search for my brand name in safari browser either in ipad, iphone or desktop it is showing "siri suggested website and showing site of my brand first instead of my homepage. 2) My site is for UK and it is happening in UK region only 3) I am aware of this so please dont suggest this - it is happening for 1st time user also. Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | Arnold3

  • Assuming there is an SEO advantage to coding a Wordpress custom theme (wondering if that assumption is correct) versus modifying a child theme, is there a very significant cost difference between the two choices? Competition in my niche (New York City commercial real estate is keen) and I am dealing with competitors such as, and with optimized sites built with quality code. In the event that we modify a child theme, I am leaning in any case towards have wireframes and illustrations provided to present to the developer. Should I expect a custom theme to be double the cost, triple assuming the design is provided? I have read that code maintenance on a child theme is less costly as modifications get pushed to the parent theme. How substantial are maintenance costs (time to maintain) for a custom theme? Thanks!!!

    Web Design | | Kingalan1

  • Hello everyone. I am stuck. I need some good advice on how to build a whitehat backlinking campaign, and I need some advice regarding how to do this, and strategy. Thanks!

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | RyanEly1986

  • Ranking for  New York City commercial real estate is extremely competitive. We compete against:,,, and a dozen other optimized sites. Our site was designed in 2012. We plan on upgrading it. From an SEO perspective, can we compete by purchasing a Wordpress real estate theme and customizing it into a child theme? Our better ranking competitors are using custom themes where the code has been very streamlined to make the sites quick and easy to index by spiders. Would we gain a significant edge by custom coding? This is somewhat technical for a business owner and I am trying to get my head around it. Our existing site is Some of the themes we are considering are: - - - From an SEO perspective is creating a child theme from the above a good approach? Or will a custom theme give us an advantage. If there is an advantage is that edge so marginal that it is not significant? In terms of coding, is a custom site much more labor, 2x, 3x  the time to code? Also is the maintenance of a custom site much more involved? Also, as a related question, my developer since 2012 has created many custom plugins for Wordpress. Is this a no, no? Will avoiding custom plugins add to the development cost? Even if we use a child theme from an existing real estate website, I would hope that the improved user interface will provide a boast in at least conversions if not SEO. Thanks, Alan

    Web Design | | Kingalan1

  • Hi, What should a lower-authority-ranked blog (DA - 21) who is trying to increase general traffic focus on above all when selecting keywords: difficulty, monthly volume, opportunity, or priority? I know that all are important factors to consider, but I fear that without an already consistent following our new content will just get hidden behind more established domains if we select too difficult of keywords. I'd love to hear from someone who's built up a blog audience as to what strategy they used here. Thanks!

    Moz Pro | | ascott777

  • Hi guys! I bought a new domain name and redirected all my URLs from the old domain to the new one. Everything worked perfectly but now I have a little problem. I want to use the option 'Address Change' in google search console. Step 1 Works (Select new website in the list) Step 2 Works (Confirm that the 301 are working) Step 3 Asks me to Verify the old domain (huh!?) in order to complete the request. Obviously that doesn't work because my 301s WORKS! So if I try to verify the old website by putting a google file in the root of my domain Google tries to access it and it automatically redirects to the new domain. I must be missing something lol help!

    Technical SEO | | benoit_2018

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