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  • Hi Everyone, I've got a bit of a confusing SEO issue which I'm hoping you'll be able to help with. Apologies in advance for the long post, I've put an abridged version below also. We have one main keyword and it seems to have disappeared in some locations. The main keyword is "clothing manufacturers" and up until recently we had stability for almost a year. We're based in London, England and we regularly check "clothing manufacturers" to see where we're showing in search, and we usually see between 3rd - 5th. We use AHREFS to track rankings and noticed recently that "clothing manufacturers" had disappeared totally. We asked some people in different areas of the country to check where we were showing in search - one in Somerset, one in Liverpool, one in Beckingham and we used a VPN in Manchester. In all of these areas we aren't ranking for our main keyword at all. In London though we're 5th which is the lower end of normal. We then checked other keywords and it turns out "Clothes manufacturers" is one we're also not ranking for outside of London. However for "clothing manufacturers uk" and "clothes manufacturers uk" we are ranking for in every location we have tried. "Clothing manufacturers uk" is currently the keyword which brings us the most traffic. There are no manual penalties in webmaster tools, but looking at analytics it looks like our impressions for the main keyword have been down over the past 90 days, so we think we have had a problem and not realised for some time. Around a week before we see that our traffic for "clothing manufacturers" dropped, we made some structural changes to the website homepage, where we added LSIs, more H2s, more long tail keywords and more content, taking the copy from around 500 words to around 1100 words. This was in an effort to make the homepage less keyword stuffed and more natural. As a result of this we saw an overall increase in traffic and enquiries, and that's the reason we didn't notice for so long that traffic from "clothing manufacturers" has dropped so badly. Our first thought is that this might be something to do with Schema. Our website was until last week using a schema which included our "postal address" which is our physical office location in London. The schema was implemented in June 2017 and we have noticed that 3 months after implementing the schema, in October, our traffic fell dramatically for our main keyword, "clothing manufacturers". At the same time, our traffic for "clothing manufacturers uk" increased dramatically. Interestingly, the schemas used by our competitors don't include their office addresses and they show up all over the country for "clothing manufacturers" and "clothes manufacturers". One of our competitors is physically within half a mile of us. Have you guys seen a schema limit a company to searches only in one locality before? We have now removed the address from the schema to see if we start ranking all over the country again, like we used to before we implemented it. If this is the problem then it could take 3 months to turn around like it did for us to get in to this situation (Schema implemented June 2017, traffic fell October 2017). We're therefore trying to investigate every possibility to ensure we leave no stone unturned. Do you have any thoughts on the problem and if it could be schema related, or possibly something else? Thank you in advance! TL:DR Keywords "clothing manufacturers" and "clothes manufacturers" no longer ranking around the UK. Still ranking in London where we are based. Still ranking well for "clothing manufacturers uk" and "clothes manufacturers uk". Traffic for "clothing manufacturers" dropped 3 months after implementing schema and one week after making changes to website homepage (increased word count, added long tail keywords, LSIs and H2s). Schema included "postal address" which we notice none of our competitors have. They rank all over the country for "clothing manufacturers". One of our competitors is based within half a mile of us in London. Could having the address in the schema limit us to one locality? Could it be something else entirely?

    Local Website Optimization | | rswhtn

  • Hello, Do my secondary related keywords need to also come out as subjects in my sentences or can they be objects / predicate. Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Hi All, I am checking browser report since many years today I was checking browser report what I find "DESKTOP" is showing in Browser & OS section with lots of traffic. Screenshot attached Is it google analytic bug? Can anyone please help me? PeGK7

    Reporting & Analytics | | Arnold3

  • Hi all, We have double canonicals. From page A to page B to Page C. Will this be Okay for Google? Or definitely we need to make it A to C and B to C? Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • I had a free trial and I thought I had cancelled it, and was charged yesterday $150. I need help cancelling the account and getting a refund.

    Product Support | | cassy_rich

  • Hi, I recieve a grade A on my on page grader, however i get "Avoid Keyword Stuffing in Document" - now on my page, i am not sure if its avoidable. It says this is highly important, but here is the issue. My website specialises in a particular product, so we have many variations of that product, different fabrics, styles, trimmings etc, so we have over 50 URLS pertaining to different variations of that "keyword" it's not in a spammy way, its actually done as customers are searching for it that way. Let's say for example scarves. Cotton Scarves, Viscose Scarves, Polyester Scarves, Pom Pom Scarves, etc etc So on my homepage even if i reduce the text mentions of "scarves" the urls still have 50 or so with it as the title, and in the URL. So how do i avoid this form of "keyword Stuffing" ?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | phoenixcg

  • Hello, This might be a bit of technical question but how is google linking entities together ? I understand that when writing a piece of content I need to cover multiple topics (which are also entities as far as I understand). Then, in order for google to link multiple entities together my guess is that my sentence needs to be written in subject, predicate, object format ? where my topic / entity comes out as the subject of the sentence. For example if I write that: "Tuscany is a famous for it's rolling hills?, here the subject is Tuscany which is what I want as it one of the topics I want to cover. But let's say that instead I write:" Rolling hills is something you find everywhere in Tuscany". Here Tuscany doesn't help because it isn't a subject and is just dropped there, correct ? Concerning the attributs of my entities (the object), does google have a list of what is right of wrong. For example if I say that Washington is the capital of italy ? can I be penalised for that ? I guess this is called entity disambiguation ? If the capital of italy would also be called Washington I believe that I would be ok but see that it isn't, can it hurt ? Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Why it's happening? How to fix it? This problem is on this website Supporta metāla durvis dzīvoklim ngm_445922407.jpg

    Technical SEO | | Felter

  • VERY much a newbie with MOZ Pro (10 days into my 30-day trial), so for that, I apologize. I just want to get an idea of the time needed to accumulate data for keywords, and if I am doing all this right. I'm guessing this...use the tool and enter as many keyword possibilities as I can come up with for my website. Then wait a week or so. Then make a keyword decision. Is this the recommended or best practice? If it makes a difference, my website pertains to a local onsite service that I provide. Any web traffic more than 50 miles of my physical location would be a waste. My 1 on 1 session with Seun was great, but now I need to put it all together and make some traffic happen! Any other ideas, please throw them my way. If I'm completely off-base with this, feel free to send insults!

    Local Website Optimization | | NewSEOguy

  • VERY much a newbie with MOZ Pro (10 days into my 30-day trial), so for that, I apologize. I just want to get an idea of the time needed to accumulate data for keywords, and if I am doing all this right. I'm guessing this...use the tool and enter as many keyword possibilities as I can come up with for my website. Then wait a week or so. Then make a keyword decision. Is this the recommended or best practice? If it makes a difference, my website pertains to a local onsite service that I provide. Any web traffic more than 50 miles of my physical location would be a waste. My 1 on 1 session with Seun was great, but now I need to put it all together and make some traffic happen! Any other ideas, please throw them my way. If I'm completely off-base with this, feel free to send insults! Thanks, Billy

    Local Website Optimization | | NewSEOguy

  • Hello, i have couple questions about new home page building. I want to start build new home page to replace old one. At this moment my home page is obsolete and shows low conversion. My costumers often have negative thoughts about existing one. My knowledges in coding is weak, where should i pay more attention to design, to section placement, to pictures and video gallery? Can hosting positively or negatively affect to SEO results? How to make the new website load faster? Here's my website's example. Thank you very much, waiting for replay.

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | Felter

  • Hello, Important: please do not ask why we need to change the domain, its not the matter at all, thank you for understanding. Over a month ago we successfully changed our domain name, 301 redirected, did GWT 'change of address' and all. The old domain was 2 years old, ranking very well, the new domain change of address was a success and traffic back on the new domain after a week. Today we need to change the domain name again, unfortunately, for some reasons, we have to, however we are not sure what to do in GWT, when I went to 'change of address' in the domain (the new first domain), i saw the following message (screenshot attached too): This site is undergoing a move Old URL | New URL If any URL on the left should not be moved, you can withdraw its move request. To do this, click the URL and then Withdraw. Now our questions: 1. For second time moving to a new domain, we should move from the old first domain (301 from the first old domain) or from the second domain (301 from the second domain)? 2. If from the old first domain, should we Withdraw from the first domain (lift up the first change of address in GWT) and then redirect the old first domain to the second new domain (the one we want to move now)? If yes, what to do with the first new domain (the one which we moved to a month ago) 3. If we should move from the first new domain, then what to do? The situation is clear but confusing what to do? It's just that we need to change the domain name again, move to a new one, for the second time, now we should redirect from the first old domain or first new domain? I purchased MOZ just to get help from you guys here, the only place i thought I could be helped. Of course gonna use Moz service too now that i have puurchased it 🙂 Awaiting your quick help guys. Thank you! 8csVpOZ2QoiYCoTR1t_SnQ.png

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | mdmoz

  • Hello, What does google mean by don't duplicate your meta description. For example if I my meta says : Stunning golf holidays in Florida , call xxxx and book today. and I have another page with golf holiday but in ireland this time. If I write  Stunning golf holidays in Ireland , call xxxx and book today. Is it considered duplicate ?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • We are working with our dev team on a few upcoming user stories to improve We came across a question which isn’t clear in the international targeting documentation. Within, we have a number of regional stores, but those are often built on separate platforms. Therefore a story developed on the US infrastructure doesn’t carry over to Canada and so forth. The Canada Store is managed by a different team, so that story needs to get scoped, prioritized, etc. independently. In regards to helping Google understand page equivalence, will Google accept the page relationship if we include hreflang tags exclusively in the sitemap for the US site and exclusively as page-level markup for Canada site? For example: (hreflang notation at page-level):" />" />" /> (hreflang notation within sitemap file): <loc></loc> rel="alternate" hreflang="en-ca" href="" /> rel="alternate" hreflang="en-us" href="" /> Appreciate the help anyone can give! Zach

    Technical SEO | | ZachKline

  • I've been trying to wrap my head around marking up various bits of information for a local business website, and I want to make sure I understand a few things. If I understand Google's schema guidelines, marked up reviews should only appear on the page of a specific product, not every page, and _definitely _not the homepage, correct? Does this also mean that the LocalBusiness schema that is on every page should **not **use the AggregateRating parameter? And if the AR is only to be put on certain pages, what page should it go on if the business in question provides a service rather than selling specific products? In other words, situations where the local business _itself _is the "product" being reviewed/rated. Individual reviews cannot be taken from 3rd party sites (GMB, Facebook, Yelp, etc) and posted on your website with capital R Review schema ( That markup is only to be used for reviews that have been generated on/for your site specifically. Does this also mean that the numbers used to calculate an AggregateRating have to be unique as well? In other words, if there are 10 reviews of your business on Facebook that average at 4.5/5, you can't take those individual reviews and post them on your site as marked up Reviews. But can you use that "4.5/5 based on 10 reviews" information in the AggregateRating schema? Can AggregateRating scores include ratings from different sources? In other words, if there were 10 ratings on Facebook and 20 on Yelp, could the AggregateRating be marked on the website as "__/5 based on 30 ratings"? If I can simply take the numerical average and pop that into the LocalBusiness JSON markup that goes on every page automatically, alongside the other basic business info like name, phone number, and address, this will make things much easier. Thanks!

    Reviews and Ratings | | BrianAlpert78

  • Hello! I am looking for a spidering tool that: Is Mac-friendly Can render the DOM and find JS links Can spider password-protected sites (prompts for password and then continues spider, etc.) Has competitive pricing for 8+ users. Screaming Frog is amazing - and maybe we're just going to have to bite the bullet there.  But if anyone has any other ideas, I've love to hear them.  Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | mirabile

  • Traffic to my three sites from Bing and Yahoo has been declining over the past year. Meanwhile traffic from Google has been increasing. A year ago Bing and Yahoo brought in 34% of my traffic. Now it's only 19%. What can I do to optimise specifically for Bing/Yahoo? I have Webmaster tools. Or could it be that my customers (largely aged 60+) are moving over to Google? Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | WTH

  • Hi There, I am working on the umbraco CMS and we have a Menu page which sits under one page on the CMS. When accessing this page on the front end and navigating between the food menu / drinks menu, the url changes depending on which content you are on, however i have only one place to input a meta title and description meaning that it is seeing them as duplicate content as both the drinks menu url and food menu url are showing the same meta data. Hopefully this makes sense, does anyone have anything similair where a url change happens when content within the page changes.

    Technical SEO | | AlexStanleyGK

  • Hi Experts, I have done everything to come over the following metrics flagged as spam on my website by Moz, few months ago. But, Moz has not updated the spam score yet. ✓Low MozTrust or MozRank Score - improved from 2 to 4.5
    ✓Large Site with Few Links - My website have more than 6K backlinks
    ✓Small Proportion of Branded Links - My website have a good amount of branded backlinks
    ✓Thin Content - Every webpage on website has more than 500 words content
    ✓External Links in Navigation - There is no external link in navigation other than social media links
    ✓No Contact Info - The proper address has alreay been placed on website footer
    ✓Low Number of Pages Found - I am wondering if there are any standard score or number of links to reach to remove these flag?
    Also, please suggest some ways that will help me improve moz spam score at faster rate. Thanks for your help in advance!"

    Moz Bar | | jamesh.rich01

  • Hi all, I just wonder how much the different formats of an actual content will bring more ranking improvement or visibility for an article or blog-post or landing page. If a topic has been created in video and slides, will that helps landing page at Google technically? Thanks

    Social Media | | vtmoz

  • Hello, From my destinations pages, is it beneficial to have a link going externally to the hotels my clients are staying in ? In other words is it beneficial to my website or will it hurt me to link external from all my destinations pages to all the hotels my clients are staying in ?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Hi everyone, We are working on 5 websites that offer the same products but are of different brands and locations. They are owned by the same company, but each run independently. On the sites, they have content such as privacy policies, terms and conditions and guides that are the same across all brands. Will publishing these be flagged as duplicate content by Google? If yes, is it recommended to add rel=canonical to all duplicate pages across all sites pointing to one of the five? We are just concerned that the 4 sites with duplicate content would be valued less than the canonical as a result of passed link equity. We are doing SEO optimisations for all and are trying to rank them well in SERPs. If a canonical is not the best solution here, what would be the best to do apart from completely rewriting content? Is it noindex tag or turning the texts into images and adding to PDFs? Thank you.

    Technical SEO | | nhhernandez

  • Hi Moz Community, My web design agency has a lot of different projects we showcase in the portfolio of our site, but I'm having trouble finding information on the best practices for how to structure the URLs for all of those portfolio pages. We have tons of projects that we've done in the same service category and even multiple projects we've done for the same company within that category. For example, right now things look like: which tends to get long, bulky and awkward, considering we do lots of projects in the web design category and might do a second project for the same company. How should we differentiate the projects from a URL standpoint to avoid having all of the pages compete for the same keyword? Does it even matter, given that these portfolio showcases are primarily image-based anyways?

    Technical SEO | | formandfunctionagency

  • We are in the self-storage business and have locations through the Pacific Northwest. As we grow, there are cities where we've added multiple (2-3) locations. But we're discovering that we're having a great deal of difficulty ranking for all of these. For instance, we have two locations in Vancouver, WA. One is West Coast Self-Storage Vancouver, and the other is West Coast Self-Storage Padden Parkway. Both are in Vancouver, WA, but for the most part, only West Coast Self-Storage Vancouver is getting ranked. In fact, on those searches where Vancouver ranks, Padden Parkway doesn't show up anywhere. Not in the top 10 pages anyway. Each location has an outer landing page and an inner details page. On each page, we've placed unique, city-optimized keywords in the URL, Page Title, h1s, content. Of course each location has a separate NAP. Each location also has its own GMB page. Each location has a decent amount of reviews across multiple sites (Google, Yelp, GetFiveStars.) Both locations were previously on their own domain until a year ago when they were redirected to their current URLs. Both of those original domains were close to the same age. With the Padden Parkway location, we've tried to be even more hyper-local, by including the address in the URLs and in the h1 of the outer page. We've also created an h2 that references local neighborhoods around the business. We're also running into this situation in at least one other city, so I'm wondering if this has something to do with our url structure. Other businesses in our space use the URL structure of We only go down to the state level. What are we missing?

    Local Website Optimization | | misterfla

  • Hello Moz World! My agency has never had a great strategy for reputation management, but have begun acquiring some Google reviews. We know it's best practice to respond – but I've never considered whether I should respond as an individual or with our company's GMB? The owner of our GMB is "Engenius" – a general admin account for our agency. I'm also a user on the account, as the "owner," but I'm technically not the owner of our company. Should the owner be added as a user and respond directly? Or is it okay to respond as "Engenius" (the brand)? Or can I respond as the "owner," though I'm not technically? I know ultimately it's probably not a huge deal, but any thoughts would be awesome! Thanks!

    Reviews and Ratings | | brooksmanley

  • When setting up a Funnel within Google Analytics, is it possible to use logical operators (e.g. OR, AND) in the first (required) step of the funnel? For example, suppose I want to track users who visit page1.html AND page2.html before proceeding to the destination goal. I've entered two pages separated by the OR operator, and neither the "Verify this Goal" nor "Save" produces an error message - is it safe to assume that this is working as I intend? Thanks in advance!

    Reporting & Analytics | | ahirai

  • Hi, Is there a real benefit to having internal links in content other than at the bottom of a page for example and not surrounded by content. Would the benefit be 1 to 10 or 1 to 1.5 ? Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • I am using bootstrap 3 and am wondering if moving to bootstrap 4 would be beneficial as far as seo. Any advice? Thank you!

    On-Page Optimization | | bhsiao

  • When we type in our business name, our google business profile comes up on the right-hand side per usual. However, the photo that is displayed is not the one we want to be displayed. Is there a way to change that? Is there a way to tell google "this is the photo we want to display in search?" Also, the photo that is being displayd is not one that we even have uploaded to the google business page. It is on our website, but not on the photos for google business page. Thanks, Ruben

    Local Listings | | KempRugeLawGroup

  • Hello, Can I increase my ranking if my website loads in under 1 second ? Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • hi google is seeing many of our pages and dupliates but they have canonical url on there has tags
    has tags
    has tags
    my question is which page takes authority?and are they setup correct, can you have more than one link rel="canonical" on one page?

    On-Page Optimization | | hijabgem

  • Hi I have some pages on the site which have a quote form, in my site crawl I see these showing as duplicate content - my webmaster says this isn't the case, but I'm not sure. Landing page - Page with form - - this also somehow has a canonical on it pointing to Which neither of us have added. I'm thinking we need to get the canonical needs to be updated to Is it worth doing this for all these pages or am I worrying about nothing? Becky

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BeckyKey

  • Ok so been trying for some time to get our site ranking. Then the other day these guys pop up from nowhere. I can only see domain age as my issue at the moment but maybe I am missing something?  I mean I don't have any backlinks just yet but they don't seem to even have any mozrank or anything for that matter

    Technical SEO | | Gavlar

  • I want to know everything about compare links metrics.  Like how Moz work and calculate this value of Internal Equity-Passing Links External Equity-Passing Links Total Equity-Passing Links Total Internal Links Total External Links Total Links  in each metrics ( Page Specific Metrics: Subdomain Metrics: Root Domain Metrics: ) Each metrics Show different value for same metrics.

    Link Explorer | | HuptechWebseo

  • Guest Post - What to reply when blogger ask for $$ to post a content? I did not want to pay $$ to post guest post.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | varunrupal

  • I have a website built in SquareSpace. I recently started working with MOZ to track and improve organic SEO. After my initial site crawl, search visibility was reported at a waping 2.38%. Moz showed several critical crawler issues. Most were redirect, 4xx and long URL. So I started working on fixing the redirect and 4xx issues first. I thought this was a good thing. But now my already sad search visibility has dropped to .07% (-95.97%!). I also went from #1 on keyword, brand implementation plan (and 3 variations), to #27. What? Wondering where I went wrong and how to remedy? This is all new to me so I am sure I'm not providing all the info you need to answer my question. Hoping providing the site URL will help. Fire away!

    Getting Started | | RuffHaus

  • Hello, We believe we've had some issues with hreflang tags not remaining validated due to the implementation of geoIP redirects. Previously, if a user clicked a landing page on Google search that was not targeted for their territory, they would instantly be redirected to a sub path that targets their territory using geoIP redirects. We're planning to remove the initial geoIP redirects and have messaging that prompts the user to either stay on the page they've landed on, or be redirected to page that is right for their territory. However, if a user has selected to be redirected to a sub path that is targeted for their territory, they will have a cookie preference set for the IP location they've selected, and will continue to be redirected to their chosen sub path. My question is, will a crawler follow and trigger the geo preference cookie, which could potentially cause complexities in validating hreflang tags and ranking of content for the right market. Thanks.

    International SEO | | SEONOW123

  • We are going to implement a faceted navigation for an ecommerce site of about 1000 products.
    Faceted navigation is implemented via ajax/javascript which adds to the URL a large number of #parameters.
    Faceted pages are canonicalizing to page without any parameters. We do not want google to index any of the faceted pages at this point. Will google include pages with #parameters in their index?
    Can I tell google somehow to ignore #parameters and not to index them?
    Could this setup cause any SEO problems for us in terms of crawl bandwidth and or link equity?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | lcourse

  • Hi everyone! I've read a bunch of articles on the topic, but I can't seem to be able to figure out a solution that works for the specific case. We are creating a site for a service agency, this agency has offices around the world - the site has a global version (in English/French & Spanish) and some country specific versions. Here is where it gets tricky: in some countries, each office has a different version of the site and since we have Canada for example we have a French and an English version of the site. For cost and maintenance reason, we want to have a single domain : We want to be able to indicate via Search Console that each subdomain is attached to a different country, but how should we go about it. I've seen some examples with subfolders like this: Global FR : Canada FR: France: Does this work? It seems to make more sense to use : **Subdirectories with gTLDs, **but I'm not sure how that would work to indicate the difference between my French Global version vs. France site. Global FR : France : Am I going about this the right way, I feel the more I dig into the issue, the less it seems there is a good solution available to indicate to Google which version of my site is geo-targeted to each country. Thanks in advance!

    Technical SEO | | sarahcoutu15

  • Hi all, We're currently in the process of updating our website and we've agreed that one of the things we want to do is get rid of all our pagination (currently used on the blog and product review areas) and instead implement load more on scroll. The question I have is... should we redirect all of the paginated pages and if so, where to? (My initial thoughts were either to the blog homepage or to the archive page) OR do we leave them to just 404? Bear in mind we have thousands of paginated pages 😕 Here's our blog area btw -  Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

    Technical SEO | | iHasco

  • So I've written this beautiful guest post for a site who've quite frankly done a bad job of promoting it and I'm a little disappointed. So I'm thinking: a) I could send it around to some other publishers and see if they want it.  What would be the duplicate content problems here if any? b) Why not just publish it on my own site and promote it to other blogs and the world in the normal way. c) Is this just wrong and if I say I'm going to write for someone then I write for them and if they make a mess of it that's my problem and I should be more selective about who I give my talents away to in the future. Thanks in advance. I am fairly new to outreach and all the internet searching on this topic is returning stuff about 'allowing other people to post guest blogs on your site' which is not helpful.  Rank Brain eh?  Supposed to be smart. But it's really not.  🙂

    Link Building | | Smileworks_Liverpool

  • Hi All, While implementing Product list position when user move to 2nd page then position again start from 1st position so how I will know in google analytic that 1st Position clicked from 1st page, 2nd page, 3rd page etc and same way how do i know if page is sorted with highest or lowest price? I am talking about given below position. dataLayer.push({ 'ecommerce':{ 'currencyCode':'EUR', // Local currency is optional. 'impressions':[ { 'name':'Triblend Android T-Shirt', // Name or ID is required. 'id':'12345', 'price':'15.25', 'brand':'Google', 'category':'Apparel', 'variant':'Gray', 'list':'Search Results', 'position':1 }, Regards, Mitesh

    Reporting & Analytics | | Arnold3

  • Hi Moz community, We have redesigned our website and launched for A/B testing using canonical tags from old website to new website pages, so there will be no duplicate content issues and new website will be shown to the half of the website visitors successfully to calculate the metrics. However I wonder how actually Google considers it? Which pages Google will crawl and index to consider for ranking? Please share your views on this for better optimisation. Thanks

    Web Design | | vtmoz

  • What do you think about 301 redirect of good expired domain to a sub-page instead of the home page? I'm doing this so I don't hurt my brand name. Let me know your thoughts please. Thank you

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | JuanWork

  • Frequently in Moz, I see that the keywords that use "KEYWORD LOCATION " have higher volume than "LOCATION KEYWORD." For example, "chinese food Austin" is 201-500, while "Austin chinese food" is 11-50. I'm interested in your experiences targeting one variation of this type of keyword over the other. Are you seeing that using the exact match matters? Even if the order of K+L versus L+K does matter, do you find that near matches, like "chinese food in Austin", work just as well? Concrete examples of performance would be fantastic.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Kevin_P

  • I read recently that DuckDuckGo doubled in size in 2017. With their search engine, and other alternatives to Google, taking part of the search market away, how can SEO/Marketing/Web pros keep their websites optimized and get traffic from these private search engines? (Also, do any of you have experience with this? What portion of your search traffic is coming from private search engines?)

    SERP Trends | | searchencrypt

  • I work for a hospital that serves patients in multiple states. I'd love to track keywords locally, but entering one town or zip code at a time would take days. Is it possible to track locally by multiple zip codes, by radius, or by states?

    Getting Started | | jaclyn_stevens

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