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  • I saw a web site which has been number 1 on Google for a long time, and the home page has 5700 words, but the results show it is not spam, so what would be the recommended word number for a home page?

    On-Page Optimization | | Majapopa

  • I have a client who has a very old site with lots and lots of links to it. The site offers as the homepage to logged in users. So, once you're logged in, you can't get back to anymore (unless you log out) and are instead given /loggedin as your new personalized homepage. The problem is that many users over time who linked to the site linked to the site they saw after they signed up and were logged in.... So, there's all these inbound links going to a page that is inaccessible to non-logged-in users. Thus linking to nowheresville. One idea is to fire off a 301 to non-logged in users, forwarding them to the homepage. Thus capturing much of that stranded link juice. Honestly, I'm not 100% sure you can fire off a server code conditioned on if they are logged in or not. I imagine you can, but don't know that for a technical fact. Another idea is to offer some content on /loggedin that is right now mostly currently blank, except for an offer to sign in. Which do you think is better and why? Thanks... Mike

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | 94501

  • Hello, I was wondering where my time is most valuable.  I have a linking tree as follows: Main Site > Product > Specific Product Is the Product page more important to add SEO or is the end deep linked page "specific product" more important? I'm ready to hear the answers of whatever gives a better customer experience and both... Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | DiscGolfShopping

  • Hello, My website - was recently hacked and has been de-listed by google. It had some sort of a crypto mining script on it that I was able to remove.  It shows up if you type in the domain but even a generic search for "musil law firm" does not show the site - it used to rank # 1 for that term and #1 or 2 for immigration lawyer in my local area.  If anyone can assist me in getting it re-indexed please let me know and let me know how much it would cost.  I tried getting it re-indexed through the search console, but no luck. Thank you kindly

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | musillawfirm

  • We create cobranded websites for local businesses in many towns throughout the United States, always under a subdomain of our main site (e.g., Does this hurt our SEO rankings? We have a very specific reason for creating these microsites, because it's a high selling point. I've read and watched the material here on Moz regarding subdomains and subfolders, but it doesn't quite answer my question: since we create all these microsites not with the intent of passing authority to our website but with the intent of making their microsite have their branding.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | teachbanzai

  • Hi All, Should Ecommerce Site Give Registration Option to Customers? What are then advantages and disadvantages? Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | Arnold3

  • On a page with the domain "" (for pt-BR) I will include the following tags: That will work?

    International SEO | | Ewerton.RD

  • Hello, Is there a software that is better than an other to find to right topics to cover in my content. I am thinking about Moz, Marketmuse or Semrush or is it better to look at the search results because they match user intent and see what is covered and cover those in my content Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Hi all, Our website ranking for mail keywords is inversely proportional in the 2 countries (US and India). I mean...if the ranking is improved in one country, it drops in other country and vice versa. The graph looks like exactly something triggered and making this happen at Google. I wonder what might be reasons for this? We have been facing this for more than a year and made number of on-site changes, so I presume if it's something to do with backlinks. Any clue or thoughts on this? Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • Dear community, I am new to blogging what should i do to remove the bad links and how can I get more comments in my blog. I have read few articles but was unable to understand. Warm Regards

    Link Building | | Buddyantra

  • Hi I work for an Inventory Management Software company and we already have a WordPress site but I am currently working on re-designing of our WordPress site and in this process, we are looking for moving to a new template. I want to know what will be the impact on SEO performance while taking a shift to a new template.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Cin7_Marketing

  • Hi everyone, I'm looking to find out if there are any tried and tested ways to raise DA. We have regular articles, a good backlink profile, we post regularly to social media, but we seem to be stuck at DA27. One of our competitors who has no real backlinks, only backlinks from citations and no social media posts has a DA of 31 which we find quite confusing. Thanks in advance!

    Link Explorer | | rswhtn

  • Hi Mozzers: We recently launched a site for a client which involved bringing in and redirecting content which formerly had been hosted on different domains. One of these domains still existed and we have yet to bring over the content from it. It has also been flagged as a suspicious/toxic backlink source to our new domain. Would I be wise to redirect this old domain or should I just shut it down? None of the pages seem to have particular equity as link sources. Part of me is asking myself 'Why would we redirect a domain deemed toxic, why not just shut it down.' Thanks in advance, dave

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Daaveey

  • I added a new site to the crawl, but it seems to be stalled. It was supposed to crawl Feb 19, but it is still in process Feb 22. It tried to crawl the site and there was a robots.txt issue, but that issue was resolved way before the 19th. Not sure what is going on. this is for the clear lake campaign.

    Product Support | | dpsoftware

  • Wondering the opinion on blog category subfolders, in the URL? Example:**category/blog-post **vs Thanks !

    Local SEO | | Trent.Warner

  • Hi guys, I am trying to get search traffic for a list of keywords which I put together a few years ago for one of my clients, this was before Google made changes to their Keyword Planner. When I am adding the list into Google Keyword Planner it is "grouping" a number of the keywords/phrases together, and therefore removing 13 of the keywords from the original list of 59 keywords. Is there a way around this so I can get search volume for the original list, and not the cut down one? I am specifically using Google Keyword Planner as I want to get search volume for a number of specific locations in the UK. Any comments/feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance! Jack. I19Op

    Keyword Research | | ChemistryMarketing

  • Hi MOZ community, A few weeks ago we noticed a complete collapse in traffic on some of our pages (7 out of around 150 blog posts in question). We were able to confirm that those pages disappeared for good from Google's index at the end of January '18, they were still findable via all other major search engines. Using Google's Search Console (previously Webmastertools) we found the unindexed URLs in the list of pages being excluded because "Google chose different canonical than user". Content-wise, the page that Google falsely determines as canonical instead has little to no similarity to the pages it thereby excludes from the index. False canonicalization About our setup: We are a SPA, delivering our pages pre-rendered, each with an (empty) rel=canonical tag in the HTTP header that's then dynamically filled with a self-referential link to the pages own URL via Javascript. This seemed and seems to work fine for 99% of our pages but happens to fail for one of our top performing ones (which is why the hassle 😉 ). What we tried so far: going through every step of this handy guide: --> inconclusive (healthy pages, no penalties etc.) manually requesting re-indexation via Search Console --> immediately brought back some pages, others shortly re-appeared in the index then got kicked again for the aforementioned reasons checking other search engines --> pages are only gone from Google, can still be found via Bing, DuckDuckGo and other search engines Questions to you: How does the Googlebot operate with Javascript and does anybody know if their setup has changed in that respect around the end of January? Could you think of any other reason to cause the behavior described above? Eternally thankful for any help! ldWB9

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SvenRi

  • I'm wondering what the best way to present a table for mobile view in terms of SEO? It's a complicated table (not simple rows & columns but also col spans) which doesn't work with any responsive techniques I can find. I can offer different content for desktop / mobile so desktop is OK. But what's the best way forward with Google for mobile? I could offer a jpg or simply an explanation to revisit the page on desktop, but neither of those options  seem particularly Google-friendly?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Ann64

  • Hello, Is is true that search engine give more value to some part of the page than other ? Is only the main content considered ? or are the other also given weight but very small weight ? If I have div in the main content as those considered par of the main content or no ? Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Just had a lengthy chat with an SEO guy and one of the points bought up was that video on the homepage is a definite signal these days and the bots read the metas better than ever. I'm not sure about this, I do think that videos are a thing that improves the user experience but to rank? If it was to rank would I embed a YouTube video as its owned by Google, Vimeo for the quality or self-host but cause me to have a heavy page. I'm a bit lost here and would appreciate some guidance.

    On-Page Optimization | | Libra_Photographic

  • We observer that the Bing bot is crawling our site very aggressively. We set Bing's crawl control so that it should not crawl us during heavy traffic hours, but that did not change a thing. Does anyone have the problem and even better a solution? 

    Technical SEO | | Roverandom

  • I've heard it said that by increasing the number of pages on a website (by adding new content) that this in iself can boost a site's ranking. Is this an old wives tale or is there a grain of truth here? My website - metāla durvis Metāla durvju montāža -

    Web Design | | Felter

  • Hello, I have a quick question. I am setting up conversion tracking for my Facebook ads, so I am giving each ad set a tracking URL (UTM) in order to see which ads are converting etc. Is it possible to see on analytics how much I am spending on these ads or a cost per conversion? Or does the tracking merely track general analytics data such as bounce rate, exit rate, revenue generated etc? Kind Regards, James

    Reporting & Analytics | | SO_UK

  • Hello,
    I have added the campaign IJsfabriek Strombeek ( to my account. After the website had been crawled, it showed only 2 crawled pages, but this site has over 500 pages. It is divided into four versions: a Dutch, French, English and German version. I thought that could be the issue because I only filled in the root domain , so I created another campaign with the name ijsfabriekstrombeek with the url . When MOZ crawled this one, I got the following remark:
     **Moz was unable to crawl your site on Feb 21, 2018. **Your page redirects or links to a page that is outside of the scope of your campaign settings. Your campaign is limited to pages with in the URL path, which prevents us from crawling through the redirect or the links on your page. To enable a full crawl of your site, you may need to create a new campaign with a broader scope, adjust your redirects, or add links to other pages that include Typically errors like this should be investigated and fixed by the site webmaster. I have checked the robots.txt and that is fine. There are also no robots meta tags in the code, so what can be the problem? I really need to see an overview of all the pages on the website, so I can use MOZ for the reason that I prescribed, being SEO improvement. Please come back to me soon. Is there a possibility that I can see someone sort out this issue through 'Join me'? Thanks

    Product Support | | Benjamien

  • Hi there, I have been modifying a clients site for months now trying to get higher up in Google for the term "wedding dresses essex" on the website It's always ranked around 7th / 8th place and we want to try and get it into 4/5th position ideally. I have optimised pages and then due to the site speed not being that great we moved it to MaxCDN this week which has made the site much faster, but now we have dropped to number 10 in Google and in danger of dropping out of the first page. I was hoping that making the site much faster for desktop and mobile would help not hinder! Any help would be appreciated! Simon

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Doublestruck

  • My website is .  When I check spam score of, moz show that its spam score is 9. And when i search spam score of, spam score is 0. Although both are same website. Why i am getting such issue. Is there any issue in my website's URL redirection. If yes then what's the issue?

    Link Explorer | | HuptechWebseo

  • I am looking at "Internal Equity-Passing Links" for my website in the competitor link metrics tab of OSE, and it says that my website only has 7 internal links on the site. I know that I have more internal links that this, so I am wondering why this number is so low. Does anyone know where the discrepancy is coming from? Is the Moz crawler unable to access these? I appreciate any insights you can provide.

    Link Explorer | | aperez

  • Hello Community, I am a designer and web developer and I mostly work with squarespace. Squarespace has SEO best practices built into the platform, as well as developer modes for inserting custom code when necessary. I recently built a beautiful website for a Hail Repair Company and referred them to several companies to help them with SEO and paid search. Several of these companies have told this client that in order to do any kind of SEO, they'll need to completely rebuild the site. I've seen some of the sites these companies have built, and they are tacky, over crowded and hard to use. My client is now thinking they need to have their site rebuilt. Is there any merit to this idea? Or are these companies just using the knowledge gap to swindle people into buying more services? The current site is : Any advice would be appreciated.

    Local Website Optimization | | arzawacki

  • Hi Everyone, I've got a question about citations. My website is in a niche where there are 3 main competitors - ourselves and two other sites. We have around 300 citation links and around 50 high quality links within our niche from people like bloggers, editorial links within news sites etc. The other two competitors have 900 and 2000 citations each, but nothing else. None of the high quality links we have worked hard over the past year to get. We're generally ranking lower than the other two sites. Should we focus on getting more citations to "catch up"? Until now we haven't because we've been worried a lot of the citations our other competitors are on look spammy, but it seems whatever we do we can't beat them. On the face of it though, we are a better company with a better site and we've got more/better real links, so I'm starting to wonder if citations are holding us back.

    Local Listings | | rswhtn

  • On our website we have CMS pages which end normally without a /. However when linking from web banners e.c.t it always adds a / on the end. Will this have a negative impact on SEO?

    On-Page Optimization | | AHF_Furniture

  • Okay, so I am running a store on Shopify at the address This store is reasonably new, so being updated constantly! The thing that is really annoying me at the moment though, is I am getting errors in the form of duplicate content. This seems to be because we work using the machine make and model, which is obviously imperative, but then we have various products for each machine make and model. Have we got any suggestions on how I can cut down on these errors, as the last thing I want is being penalised by Google for this! Thanks in advance, Josh

    Technical SEO | | josh.sprakes

  • Hi, It is confusing to me. So far what I understand is the following: LSI are synonyms of the keyword your target (the one in the H1 and title tag). For example my keyword would be  "Tuscany bike tour" and my LSI would be "Tuscany cycling vacation", "bicycle tour in Tuscany" etc... Then secondary related keyword are for me the other topics I need to cover in my content. In this case for example it would be "Florence", "Siena". But from what I understand a good writer wouldn't use "Siena" or "Florence" multiple times in it's content it would replace it by keywords that support them such as "the town of Florence", "the city of Siena"," the Palio of Siena" etc...Is my understanding correct ? If so what is the use of using those secondary related keyword, is it to rank on other keywords such as Palio of siena tuscany bike tour ? or just not to repeat a secondary keyword too many times. If i write the Palio of Siena isn't it considered as another topic that the topic siena ? Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • I am bringing this topic up again.  Last year, I suddenly stopped ranking for Google Local search results.  I tried backing away and hoping it would correct itself, but it has not.  When I do a search for myself, I rarely show up in the results anymore, and this image shows AFTER I've zoomed WAY in just to find myself.  I think it has something to do with many fishing charters having the same address.  I read the Moz article about which signals are most important, but to be quite honest, I don't think any of these competitors really bother with SEO or even have filled out their Google My Business in its entirety.  They all have way less reviews than I do as well.  I really try to do everything right, but it doesn't seem to help.  Is there something small ad obvious that I am missing.  Any ideas on what to do?

    Reviews and Ratings | | CalicoKitty2000

  • We plan on migrating our site to a new shorter domain name. I like the idea of removing "www" to gain an additional 3 letters in the URL display. Is there any disadvantage of doing so from a technical or SEO perspective? Thanks, 

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Kingalan1

  • I have a specific page which needs multiple videos.  A primary video of the client (Youtube Video) and two secondary videos with patient testimonials (Wistia Videos). Here is the actual page: My understanding is Google only values the first video on a page.  Is this accurate and either way what is the best practice for how to post the second group of videos and gain SEO value? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | mgordon

  • What do you lose by deleting a product and it's images from an e-commerce site? We have many product images with pinterest pins and shares or that show up on google images searches. Our site is an active American craft gallery with jewelry, art and handmade gifts from about 300 different artists. Most products are made in small quantities others are 1 of a kind. So we often have products selling out.  Most items are organized by artist. Are there good practices to follow that will best keep our social media presence and links?  I'd also like to stop buying extra space for all those images on my server Thanks so much Stephen

    Branding | | stephenfishman

  • Hey all, The site in question is The keyword I am trying to rank for (among others) is 'Seattle Wedding Photographer'. I have seen a truly strange pattern emerge. Each Monday in the past two weeks, this site has been ranked in the top 20, usually around 11-14. Come Tuesday, it will drop completely out of the top 50, usually around page 7-8. Does anyone know of anything that might account for that kind of erratic shift in placement? We aren't making any changes to the site: no a/b testing or anything is occurring at the moment. I'm baffled. It could be a fluke. You can bet I will be trying to get screenshots this coming Monday.

    Technical SEO | | amygalbraith

  • If someone provide  1 or more cent discount to our customers who put up a link on their site, and wanted to actually show the referral discount in their shopping cart for that customer, can Google see that and realize they are providing a discount for a link? Can Google see what's displayed in our their web application - like in the upload, shopping cart and complete transaction pages?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | K_Monestel

  • Hello, We have an encyclopedia type page on our e-commerce site. Basically, it's a page with a list of terms related to our niche, product definitions, slang terms, etc. The terms on the encyclopedia page are each linked to their own page that contains the term and a very short definition (about 1-2 sentences). The purpose of these is to link them on product pages if a product has a feature or function that may be new to our customers. We have about 82 of these pages. Are these pages more likely to help us because they're providing information to visitors, or are they likely to hurt us because of the very small amount of content on each page? Thanks for the help!

    Technical SEO | | mostcg

  • We rebranded our organization 2 years ago. We decided to leave some of our archived content with our old name because it was already serving link juice to the website. How long should you leave keywords like that on your site related to an old brand?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | sdaily

  • P.S. please suggest me the latest tips and tricks along with the known and lesser known facts regarding the niche question.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | HuptechWebseo

  • Hi all, We have been having a problem for a while now where most transactions are attributed to referrals from our payment gateway Sagepay. The issue started a couple of months ago, when we finally upgraded our website to https:// for logged in users and transactions. Before, when we were using http://, transactions were attributed to the correct channel. Even weirder, we upgraded 4 websites and only 2 of them have the issue now, the other two continue to attribute transactions correctly. I added Sagepay to the referral exclusion list which made no difference. Over the weekend, we upgraded to the global site tag and it seems to have improved somewhat, but yesterday 50% of transactions were still attributed to referral/sagepay. I am also seeing an odd issue, where for half of the transactions, the revenue and transaction are attributed to one channel, but the products (quantity) are attributed to another. One of the channels is always referral/sagepay and the other is the channel that the transaction should be attributed to. Has anyone seen this issue before? I'd appreciate any tips that might help us fix this issue. Thanks in advance!

    Reporting & Analytics | | ViviCa1

  • We have a couple of Tier-1 websites that contain a lot of affiliate links. These outgoing affiliate links currently have the rel="nofollow" element. Yet, I am seeing a lot of other websites and competitors, use data-href="" instead of nofollow. Is the latter better for SEO purposes or are they just using data-href for better tracking?

    Technical SEO | | LoyensT

  • For last 25 days, we are facing a weird attack on our site. We are getting 10x the normal mobile traffic - all from Android, searching for our name specifically. We are sure that this is not authentic traffic as the traffic is coming from Organic searches and bouncing off. Initially, we thought this was a DDoS attack, but that does not seem to be the case. It looks like someone is trying to damage our Google reputation by performing too many searches and bouncing off. Has any one else faced a similar issue before? What can be done to mitigate the impact on site. (FYI - we get ~2M visits month on month, 80% from Google organic searches). Any help would be highly appreciated.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | KJ_AV

  • Hi Guys, We have a 4 sites One in NZ, UK, Canada and Australia. All geo-targeting their respective countries in Google Search Console. The sites are identical. We recently added the same content to all 4 sites. Will this cause duplicate content issues or any issues even though they are in different countries and geo-targeting is set? Cheers.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | wickstar

  • Hola, quisiera saber si se puede habilitar SEO Local para México, ya que no aparece mi negocio

    Moz Local | | VeronicaLeyva

  • Hello Moz community! I could really use your help with some suggestions here with some recent changes I've noticed in the Google serps for terms I've been currently working on. Currently one of the projects I am working on is for an online pharmacy and noticed that the SERPs are being now taken up by hacked websites which look like doorways to 301 redirect to an online pharmacy the hacker wants the traffic to go to. Seems like they may be wordpress sites that are hacked and have unrelated content on their websites compared to online pharmacies. We've submitted these issues as spam to Google and within chrome as well but haven't heard back. When searching terms like "Canadian Pharmacy Viagra" and other similar terms we see this issue. Any other recommendations on how we can fix this issue? Thanks for your time and attached is a screenshot of the results we are seeing for one of our searches. 1Orus

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | monarkg

  • Which is Important? Backlinks or Internal Links? For SEO purpose.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | BBT-Digital

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