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  • Moz, I am noticing that I need to go back and update my outbound links to your site. There are a lot of them because your content is so great and we love you guys. Could you explain your logic for making the change? Example on my Schema Markup Website Audits page: redirected to:

    Link Building | | jessential

  • Hey fam. So I'm a content creator and halfway SEO for a Locksmith company here in Oregon. As probably a lot of you know, the Locksmith industry is known for being super spammy. This company was no different. In 2009 they had like 50 urls for 5 metros. All ranking on page one or close. Well, when I came on I helped them clean up this mess and get honest. It's been quite a journey but we have 301'd almost every Url back to their one and only brand domain. We use wp-engine (whom I love) and we have never had an issue redirecting anything. But last week, we were finally ready to redirect one of their highest ranking domains back to a proper landing page on the main site. Everything looked clean and we were literally ranking number one in that metro. Then we get this email: | Hello Meier, Your SSL/TLS certificate order for had a domain validation error, so we could not successfully set up your certificate for lpibend. The most common cause for this error is that your domain is not pointed to the correct WP Engine install or IP address. To fix this error and prevent it in the future, we recommend using a CNAME record for your domain instead of an A record. If you have further questions about configuring your domain, please start a chat in the User Portal and a support tech will be glad to help. | and the next day we just disappeared from all rankings. I called wp-engine, they said they fixed a problem with the cdn the ssl. I requested reindexing in search console. Is there anything else I can do? How long should we expect to be out of the game? Thank you so much gang, it's pretty embarring to have this happen, I can't even begin to explain how livid they are with me.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Meier

  • If I have a page of 20 local business listings, do I need to provide structured data for each business listing? is that necessary and would it help with SEO? So if I have a page of  Vancouver Brain Injury Lawyers, and list off 20 local law firms that focus on that type of injury, should I have structured data for each law firm that I list?

    Local Listings | | EBKMarketing

  • I am starting new websites for my clients and want to know where to start. I understand that rich, engaging content gets links naturally, but how do we get links to rich content that noone has ever seen?

    Link Building | | Prestonp

  • I know that descriptive image file names are important for SEO. But how important is it to include .png, .jpg, .gif (or whatever file extension) in the url path? i.e. vs. Furthermore, since you can set the filename in the Content-Disposition response header, is there any need to include the descriptive filename in the URL path? Since I'm pulling most of our images from a database, it'd be much simpler to not care about simulating a filename, and just reference an image id in my templates. Example: 1. Browser requests GET /images/123456
    2. Server responds with image setting both Content-Disposition, and Link (canonical) headers Content-Disposition: inline; filename="golden-retriever"
    Link: <https: 123456="""" images="">; rel="canonical"</https:>

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | dsbud

  • We want to start a blog or forum (maybe eventually both) and are unsure what is the best way to publish it from an SEO standpoint. If the blog is published on our domain, like then that obviously helps the site but if the base site is a for-profit business wouldn't it get less credibility, eyeballs, links as opposed to if you started the blog as it's own separate community on a separate domain and then just strategically linked to the for profit site (sponsorship links)? Essentially the question is, if I'm the Lucky Soday Company, do I start a Blog on the Lucky Soda website, or do I start a separate website to grow a soft drink enthusiast community blog / forum? I would guess a blog has more SEO potential than a discussion forum?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MrSem

  • I need help - I'm trying to boost the rankings of a competitive category page - Leather Office Chairs First I'm thinking I need earned links - but for something like leather office chairs thinking of interesting, unique content people would love to read & share is proving difficult. I am struggling - can anyone help?!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BeckyKey

  • Hey All. I have a client whose ecommerce site is build in Webjaguar. Does anyone have experience with this platform. It appears to be loaded with technical SEO challenges (duplicate content, weird URLs, etc). Interestingly, when I Google "webjaguar SEO challenges" and things like that....nothing comes up. Suspicious, methinks. I appreciate any thoughts from SEO folks. Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | JBMediaGroup

  • hi i got a domain with 49 DA and 36 PA and bought it through namecheap after uploading on their server with https:// after 5 days the site lost its PA and DA now it was 1 PA and 9 DA Could any one tell me what the issue behind this the links is fair and not spam but why the dropping of cause for???

    Technical SEO | | gamajunova

  • Hi all, Recently we have over taken one of the websites (with Trademark Infringement )who been using our domain name in their domain. That website got no traffic or backlinks. Is there any risk involved in redirecting that website to our website? Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • I hired a company to redesign our website.there are many pages like the example below that we are downsizing content by 80%.(believe me, not my decision)Current page: page (on test server): question to you is, that 80% of content that i am losing in the redesign, can i republish it as a blog?I know that google has it indexed. The old page has been live for 5 years, but now 80% of it will no longer be live. so can it be a blog and gain new (keep) seo value?What should i do with the 80% of content i am losing?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | CamiloSC

  • A client specifically wants an a guide posted on ehow related to their products. I have submitted an application and it has not been approved. Does anyone have a writer they would recommend?

    Link Building | | Packaging-Group

  • Hello, I have a question regarding the snippet of a specific case: When i search the homepage by searching the business name, i find the correct snippet of the homepage (with the meta description that was entered). If i search it via site:www. it still show the default meta description. Has anybody had experience with this? Is there a way to change the snippet of site:www.? Does it influence SEO? Thank you!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | conversal

  • Hello, A couple of weeks ago we requested a change of address in Search console. The new, correct url is already indexed. Yet when we search the old url (with site:www.) we find that the old url is still indexed. Is there another way to remove old urls?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | conversal

  • Hi all, Links disavowing is such a advanced tasks in SEO with decent amount of risk involved. I thought many wouldn't follow use this method as Google been saying that they try to ignore bad links and there will be no penalty for such bad links and negative SEO is really a rare case. But I wondered to see only 38% SEOs never used this method and other 62% are disavowing links monthly, quarterly or yearly. I just wonder do we need to disavow links now? It's very easy to say to disavow a link which is not good but difficult to conclude them whether they are hurting already or we will get hurt once they been disavowed. Thanks Screenshot_3.jpg

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • Hi all, Just checked my website in Google pagespeed insights and most of our website pages were required to reduce the images file size for better page loading. So I have compressed the images using and and replaced the images. Then surprisingly ranking dropped even score improved for all pages with image optimisation. What would be the reason? Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • Hello Has anyone used LiquidWeb? I'm fed up of HostGator and need to migrate! Thank you

    On-Page Optimization | | xdunningx

  • Hello I am looking to hire a professional content writer who can do keyword research and content writing in one. Has anyone ever used a professional freelancer for this and if so, do you have any recommendations for me in terms of freelancers or websites to help me find someone? Thank you

    Keyword Research | | xdunningx

  • Tom Beavan Websites is my business where I create and design affordable websites for small businesses in Wordpress. I am looking to improve my traffic to my website as dramatically as possible. At present, my website is a one-page website with limited content - My website ranks #1 for local keywords like: Web design Wiltshire Web design Trowbridge Wordpress developer UK So in terms of keyword position, I am doing well for local business but I only get 200-300 visitors per month. I would like to dramatically improve this to improve the number of enquiries I get. I do tend to get a few enquiries but think if I improve the website traffic, the quantity of website enquiries will increase too? I have a long list of tasks I would like to do for SEO: Add a lot more content to the website Add more backlinks Guest blogging Lots more What would you recommend a good starting place or a place which will increase traffic effectively? Thanks for your advice in advance 🙂

    Local Website Optimization | | tombeavan

  • Anyone doing SEO for a local business ever tried to do an A/B test between city name in title and not in title? Seems that if you have a Google Places for Business Listing and have correct NAP on your web pages, Google places heavy importance already on that when determining geographic relevance in their algo. As a business expands, maybe not that far from their original service area but starts to offer services in other nearby cities some of which may be as big of a population as the city the business is located in, it seems to make less and less sense to put city names in the title if not for the basic reason of making the title too long. But what if your primary area is basically three cities and including them pushed your title to say, 90 characters.  How much does city name in the title tag matter when you are already coming up the local 3-pack map listing on search results for the relevant cities?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MrSem

  • Hi Moz Community, This is my first post and I just want to introduce myself and say hello! I need to know (who in your opinion) is the best CDN provider? I use the platform WordPress and currently host with HostGator if this helps. Thank you

    On-Page Optimization | | xdunningx

  • Hi, I’m working with a client that is building a job board website. We want to have the ability to show search results in Google that show job results for a specific area. For example, “Office Administrator Jobs in Chicago” or “Marketing Assistant Positions in Cleveland”. How can we go about setting this up? Do I need to create a separate landing page for each of these exact searches? Or can this be done with a taxonomy or the job search function? This is a WordPress built website and we're using the Yoast SEO plugin. Any help would be appreciated!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | cslingerland

  • I am trying to figure out why my title tags comes up different between desktop and mobile search results. Desktop returns my title tag as written, but on mobile I get something completely different. It's related to the site, but not anything I can read, as coded in the site (i.e. not the title tags, meta, or anywhere else). Has anyone else experienced this? My title tag is 64 characters - I know it's a little bit over, but would that cause such a weird issue as a completely different title in the search results?

    On-Page Optimization | | tallyhodesign

  • We've taken down the attorney's official page. Should we redirect her old page to the home page? Do a custom 404? I'm sure there's a best practice here but I'm blanking.

    Local Website Optimization | | TheKatzMeow

  • In the image I've attached you can see that I have pulled a source/medium > google organic report. I've also made "landing page" my secondary dimension. The first landing page that is showing up is /v3/?slug=fnl, that is this page ( You can see that the page has 230 sessions from Sep 3 - 9 and 17 transactions during that same time frame. The only thing is, that landing page is nowhere to be found in the SERPs. So how is it showing up in this report as having received google organic visitors that converted if it's not even in search? 05OclDp

    Reporting & Analytics | | tdastru

  • Hey y'all, could use community help with some strange behavior I'm seeing with a particular ranking. A week ago a high volume keyword ranking above the fold dropped off the map. I immediately thought must be an algorithmic penguin penalty (no manual action message) or panda / dupe content issue. I think it's dupe content at this point because I found my former ranking page in the omitted results section for the keyword we used to rank for. The strange thing is that without making any changes, Google would momentarily show our domain ranking high page one again, but with a strange query string URL. At first just whereas the old ranking was held by but now I see several long query string URLs floating around that the engines don't seem to know what to do with. Canonical tags are in place to canonicalize any query string URL back to the top and I have now designated query string URLs as unimportant in Search Console parameter filtering but these URLs persist. I ended up deduplicating content to a page on another domain we own (think that was the original problem) and there seemed to be a positive effect but now we are top of page 2 with a much longer query string URL as the ranking page. It seems Google wants to rank everything but the former ranking URL even though it's the most authoritative by far, has canonical signals in place, and is now no longer duplicate content. Content checker tool showed 60% similarity to the other piece, which is a ratio I've never known to cause dupe content. We found the source of the query string URLs to be from an external site that has a link to us but it's a buggy site so filtering on the page adds the string to our URL, so Google can find them and thinks they're significant. Long question short, has anyone had trouble like this? Getting weird parameter / query URLs to get out of the index in favor of the non-parameter folder? Is it possible the main folder page got hit with Penguin and is "banned?" Still, I don't know why Google would go out of it's way to rank query string copy pages in its place if that were the case. Any help greatly appreciated. An example of the URL looks like this:

    Technical SEO | | Alder

  • We have PPC landing pages that are also ranking in organic search. We've decided to create new landing pages that have been improved to rank better in natural search. The PPC team however wants to use their original landing pages so we are unable to 301 these pages to the new pages being created. We need to block the old PPC pages from search. Any idea if we can use rel=canonical? The difference between old PPC page and new landing page is much more content to support keyword targeting and provide value to users. Google says it's OK to use rel=canonical if pages are similar but not sure if this applies to us. The old PPC pages have 1 paragraph of content followed by featured products for sale. The new pages have 4-5 paragraphs of content and many more products for sale. The other option would be to add meta noindex to the old PPC landing pages. Curious as to what you guys think. Thanks.

    Technical SEO | | SoulSurfer8

  • For a new B2B service we have identified websites that we would like to make aware of our service.
    There are about 1000 websites for which it was not possible to retrieve emails, and where we need to do the outreach using the websites contact pages. Do you know of any tools that save time or outsource companies specialized in such a service? We do not want to fully automize the process but a human should do a visual check that form is properly filled. What I imagine could save time would be tools that already load from a list of URLs the next pages already in the background  of the browser and good autoform fillers. Any recommendations?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | lcourse

  • Hello, I have an unsual challenge I would appriciate some feedback from the community. I have been managing the digital marketing for a UK franchise for around three years. My approach has been to try and keep to the priciple of one microsite per franchisee - listing only the serviced locations once as appropriate. Now this franchise has been aquired by a US company and a new marketing manager for the US company is overseeing the site - why I am still involved is unkown and is a matter of time I supsect. This marketing 'guru' is clearly blackhat and is pushing agaisnt my eithical, brand driven approach in favor of creating landing pages for pretty much every location. I can see from the other brands he manages - this has been his approach --- boiler plate content and fake addresses (complete with schema markeup) for every location and and additional websites per actual valid location (so 2x listings per term for same brand) My question is how do I go about combating this - or is it a lost cause? I feel responsible for the success of the franchisees. Thanks in advance. Steve

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | goodersuk

  • Hey all, Quick question about taxonomies and sitemap settings. On our e-commerce site, we noindex product tags and post tags. Under the "Taxonomies" settings in Yoast I'm seeing taxonomies such as Product Color (pa_color). Would it be wise to remove such taxonomies from our sitemap if we already include product colors, attributes, etc. in our page titles and product descriptions? Thanks in advance, Andrew

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | mostcg

  • Moz, I am noticing that I need to go back and update my outbound links to your site. There are a lot of them because your content is so great and we love you guys. Could you explain your logic for making the change? Example on my Valid JSON-LD image sizes page: []( redirected to: [](

    Algorithm Updates | | jessential

  • Hello, we have an advertisements website. Usually in each country we have this one "main" keyword which has the largest amount of searches. Now we have done both ways in different markets. Sometimes optimize the homepage for the keyword, sometimes optimize ** **the category page. I do not have solid data which works better, as Keyword difficulties are too big to compare. The good thing with category is that i would have internal links pointing to it and keyword in the url. Questions: 1. Which do you recommend better?
    2. Will there be any benefits in optimizing category vs homepage? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | advertisingtech

  • I'm in a situation where content is getting muddled up with my client. Explanation **Website A (client) **releases a press release offline; **Website B (third party news website) **uploads this release to their blog; Website A then uploads this release to their blog. Q1: Who will Google see as the original creator of this content? Q2: If **Website A **and Website B upload the content at the same time, who will Google see as the original creator? Any advice on these questions would be highly appreciated.

    Content Development | | SocialB

  • Hi, I manage a number of campaigns and even though I keep an eye on daily budget based on our monthly budget, I freak out thinking we would waste a lot more money accidentally. Is there a way how I can set a cap for the whole Adwords account so I will not go over, even if I leave daily campaign budgets on crazy amounts? Thanks. Regards, Katarina

    Paid Search Marketing | | Katarina-Borovska

  • A kitchen remodelling firm in Australia has noticed a big increase in spammy backlinks to their website since April this year. Majestic shows that referring domains and backlinks during that period have gone up from 400 domains (10,000 links) to 1,070 domains (47,000+ links). About 100 are sitewide links. The vast majority are "follow" links directed at image files on the site - ending in .jpg. Ahrefs now shows the number one anchor text (23%) is a period (full stop) "." Most of the links come from .us domains, eg: Google Search Console isn't showing any of these links, there's no penalty on the site and there's been no noticeable change in rankings (if anything organic clicks went up over May, June, July) ...  so we're wondering what action - if any - should be taken. Are these links likely to have a negative impact on the site and homepage? Should we disavow these links? Appreciate any advice. Thanks.

    Link Building | | Adab1

  • In our blog posts the Article - Author - @type = 'thing' instead of 'person'. The name is correct. Do you think it would help develop my influencer by getting the @type set as 'person'? or not relevant? I am looking at ways to develop a Subject Matter Expert as an influencer any suggestions appreciated.

    Technical SEO | | Anzacare

  • I have an FAQ database setup on my site and there's about 30 questions in 6 categories so 5 questions per category which is a pretty good page size for one category.  I'm trying to determine the best strategy for publishing them from both a user and SEO standpoint. From a user standpoint, I want to have one page per category.  Dumping them into a page with all 30 questions is not user-friendly and some categories are very unrelated to others.  I should note that Google did already index a page that does have all the questions on it, but I was just planning on changing that page to just have 6 links to each of the category pages so then I don't have to bother with 301 redirect or removing the pages in the site's Search Console. There's also an option to to link the questions for the entire FAQ or from the category list to one page with just that question and answer. So my thinking at this point is to as I said, just change the page that has all 30 questions to a list of the categories and link to category pages having the questions for that category and disable the individual question pages. Or would it be beneficial from an SEO page to have google index the individual question pages and link back to the category page and put a canonical tag on the category pages?  In other words the question then becomes, index the category pages or index the individual question pages? The other issue is the answers for some of the questions are lengthy, multiple paragraphs, and the FAQ has the option to have a hide/unhide feature on the answers so you can easily see all the questions first then expand the answers on the ones you are interested in.  However I thought I heard Google discounts (doesn't ignore) content that is by default hidden on page load.  I guess this would then give a reason for going with the indexing of the individual question pages.  But it seems to me, you can't put the canonical tag on the category pages and point it to the individual question page.  And if you put the canonical tag on the individual question page linking it to the category page, then the individual page won't necessarily get indexed will it?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MrSem

  • One of my clients implemented lazy load on part of the navigation and I am wondering what the effects will be. Specifically, the drop-down navigation does not load until you hover over it. That means when you look at the page source that drop down navigation is no longer there. I am wondering if that means the google bot no longer sees the links in the navigation drop down. I am looking into this because the dev department of this company is going to do what it wants to and they need proof that its a bad move. I already suspect that it is. Too early to tell what the effects will be and not sure if there is a built-in delay in the algorithm as to when it will impact rankings. Ultimately, I am wondering if my belief that if you can't see it in the page source then as far as that particular page goes it is not seen. That would be an important thing to verify as being true.

    Web Design | | KentH

  • I could use some help on how to fix this. I asked at the walkthrough but was told it was a Wordpress issue but so far I can't find anything to point me in the right direction. There are no errors in the files on server side and I have asked my hosting company too. I am hoping someone here may be able to shed some light on it. One of my websites it giving 404 errors on links that are formed as below and there are over 12.7K of them! Example: <mydomainurl>/<instagram username=""></instagram></mydomainurl> The link that relates to my website is valid and working, but I don't understand the rest. I am totally stumped on how to move forward with this. Any advice, suggestions, tips on how to fix these errors and stop these types of links getting generated. Thanks.

    Moz Bar | | emercarr

  • There's a DR 51 domain we'd like to buy, with a quality backlink profile. We'd like to 301 redirect this domain to our DR 46 domain, and possibly setup something to make the user experience smooth for people expecting the old domain. Is this still a white hat strategy? How would you calculate the value/what kind of offer to make?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | catbur

  • For the 3xx’s I’m not sure if it’s okay for us to redirect to these so please advise on that

    Technical SEO | | lina_digital

  • Do lightboxes (AKA popup boxes when you click "learn more" type CTAs) have any negative effect on SEO? We are looking at revamping our sites to have more of a tiled approach, and a lightbox with summary content popping out with additional CTAs, directing to pages with more information or free trial pages. Is there any downside to this approach from an organic perspective? is there anything specific to keep in mind when creating these if not?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Chris8198

  • I did some research today, one of our keywords is "mobile column lifts."  I recently redid a page on our website to target this keyword.  When I Google search this keyword I see that a page on our site titled "Reconditioned Mobile Lifts" is ranking for this keyword.  I took a look with Moz, our mobile column lifts page ranks 90 for the keyword, and the reconditioned lifts page ranks 73 the keyword.  Why is this happening?  How can I fix this?

    Technical SEO | | slecinc

  • Hi, I have a MOZ PRO account which is brilliant for me. I am about to move my site from HTTP to HTTPS and was looking for a smooth way to list every page and its details so I can make sure I do the correct redirects etc.. before the switch to SSL. Do I need to get Screaming Frog, or can the tools with MOZ Pro ease my path just as well? Thanks

    Link Explorer | | SeoSheikh

  • I am using Optimizely to serve personalized experiences to our website users. Is there an impact on SEO ranking? The personalized content is dynamically changed on our website and the URL does not change. Thank you

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | Dilgul

  • Hi All, In google analytic when I create custom report for my ecommerce site then figures go mad. I really not able to judge peformance of device, browser and it's version, conversion, ecommerce conversion rate etc. same way if I add secondary dimension in report then also figures are not accurate. Again when I create different segment like desktop, mobile, tablet then in tablet segment mobile devices comes and in mobile device tablet appear why segment also not accurate? Is it because I am using free version? Also do we have alternative of google analytic which give same report like google analytic either device, browser, os, segment, enhance ecommerce etc? Thanks!

    Reporting & Analytics | | dhisman

  • Hi everyone, First time poster 🙂 I will keep it simple - we have two pages on our website that are set up in the same way (or so we think) but achieve vastly different search engine rankings. We have spent weeks trying to figure out why this should be the case, but to no avail. Perhaps you guys can do a little diagnosis and see what we are missing: for search term: used machine tools Is working well for us. for search term: new machine tools is a disaster 😞 In  fact, Google ranks our home page which is optimised for other terms, higher. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks!

    Moz Pro | | Delorentis21

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