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  • We have recently come across this site in our work on a website: We are wondering if there are any other collaborative tools or sites like this that may be effective for partnering or matching with people for link building purposes. If anyone is aware of anything similar, we'd love to hear about it. Thanks in advance!

    Link Building | | Gavo

  • I want to rank for two terms - one is the abbreviation and one is the actual phrase (think UX and user experience). Is it better to create two separate pages to benefit from the exact match keyword (given that the content is 51% unique) or should I work both the acronym and the phrase into one page? If I made the two pages, I could get in a lot more longtail keywords, however it's my belief that I should make one really robust page to ensure all possible link equity and user signals aren't split. Is this a valid argument or does the power of exact match keywords override the need for user signals?

    Keyword Research | | DigitalMarketingSEO

  • Hello there, I am working on a website in which the owner has written navigation links manually at the end of all pages/posts. Example. Page/Post Entry content. Go to home click here,
    Menu item 2
    Menu item 3
    Menu item 4 etc We already have navigation links for that on the main menu and additionally on a sidebar. But we are two years in, and they have always been there. Is there a chance removing all these links will better internal pagerank distribution? Website has millions of views/month so I want to be sure - if I should just leave them as is or remove them all.
    Or what extra questions should I be asking myself about this.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Ganacontrol1233

  • Hello, I'm working on our site and I'm coming into an issue with the duplicate content.  Our company manufactures heavy-duty mobile lifts.  We have two main lifts.  They are the same, except for capacity.  We want to keep the format similar and the owner of the company wants each lift to have its own dedicated page. Obviously, since the layout is the same and content is similar I'm getting the duplicate content issue.  We also have a section of our accessories and a section of our parts.  Each of these sections have individual pages for the accessory/part.  Again, the pages are laid out in a similar fashion to keep the cohesiveness, and the content is different, however similar.  Meaning different terminology, part numbers, stock numbers, etc., but the overall wording is similar.  What can I do to combat these issues?  I think our ratings are dropping due to the duplicate content.

    Technical SEO | | slecinc

  • We migrated to HTTPS in June 2017, so why would I still be seeing a bit of traffic in our HTTP property in Google Search Console? QyqQ2

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | catbur

  • I've been noticing a lot of 404's popping up in my Google Webmaster accounts coming from Utililab itself seems to be some sort of malware, but why is Google indexing it and sending 404's?

    Algorithm Updates | | EthanThompson

  • In Moz's 'SERP Features' section within campaigns, it shows each of my tracked keywords as being eligible for multiple SERP features - sometimes as many as 5 or 6. Does this mean that Google could display a few different rich snippets for these keywords, or just that it could return one of those highlighted?

    Moz Pro | | rwat

  • Hi All, Was looking at our Facebook company page last night and was going through our recent posts and noticed that the individuals that liked our posts had an "Invite" button next to their name. I've been testing this and is it true that I can only send an Invite to like my company page if I'm actually friends with the user? The "Invite" button is there for every individual that has liked a post on our page, but I've only had success sending the invite to people I'm connected with. The frustrating thing about this is that the button changes to "Invited" regardless of whether or not they have actually received the invite.

    Social Media | | Brando16

  • Hi, I am looking at all the pages which Google are indexing for my website and have come across pages of another company's website. I have contacted them through their online form and Facebook page asking for them to remove their listings for us, but to no avail so far. Is there a way I can do this myself?

    Technical SEO | | British-Car-Registrations

  • Two Day  After Starting Moz Pro campaign i experienced Sudden Huge Traffic Drop and Drops in my site..Please I need your help

    On-Page Optimization | | zizutz

  • Hi I want to find out, what people feel the top 3 focuses should be for an SEO (I know there are hundreds)...Content/Backlinks/Social/Technical I'm trying to better prioritise my work - I work on a large ecommerce site - with just me as the SEO & a development team in France So most of the technical stuff is controlled there. I focus on audits, KWD research & briefing content how to better optimise products. A lot of time is taken up by that as the site is so big & I'm concerned I am not putting enough effort into other areas. What should these areas be?! Backlinks/Content/Blogs - I can't do everything but would like to prioritise tasks which will have the 
    biggest impact Can anyone help 

    Algorithm Updates | | BeckyKey

  • The problem is there was redirection between the old branded site and the new one, and now when you type in the name of the old brand, the new one comes up. I have desperately tried to convince this client there is nothing we can do about it, dozens of news articles crop up with the two brands together as this was a hot topic a few years ago, but just in case I missed something I thought I'd ask the community of experts here on Moz. An example for this would be Tyco Healthcare that became covidien in 2007. When you type tyco healthcare, covidien crops up here and there. Any ideas? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Netsociety

  • Hello How do I get the organic keywords that searchers type into organic search to find your website? I know google does not officially provide keywords for organic search now, only paid and I have seen work arounds at.. Are there any other better suggestions you would give?

    Paid Search Marketing | | TMS_spa

  • Hey all, We have a new in-house built too for building content. The problem is it inserts a letter directly after the domain automatically. The content we build with these pages aren't all related, so we could end up with a bunch of urls like this: Could this cause any significant issues down the line?

    Technical SEO | | joshuaboyd

  • Hi all,
    I ran a crawl on my site   and received the following error  "612 : Page banned by error response for robots.txt." Before anyone mentions it, yes, I have been through all the other threads but they did not help me resolve this issue. I am able to view my robots.txt file in a browser 
    The permissions are set to 644 on the robots.txt file so it should be accessible
    My Google Search Console does not show any issues with my robots.txt file
    I am running my site through StackPath CDN but I'm not inclined to think that's the culprit One thing I did find odd is that even though I put in my website with https protocol (I double checked), on the Moz spreadsheet it listed my site with http protocol. I'd welcome any feedback you might have.  Thanks in advance for your help.
    Kind regards

    Link Explorer | | ME5OTU

  • My company is running a submission contest. All submissions will live on the the main contest page. When clicked, each submission will open up into their own page (with a unique URL). Each submission will also have internal links pointing to a few relevant product pages. My question: Say we receive 1,000 submissions. Is it better to have internal links from 1,000 unique, lower authority submission pages? Or should we canonicalize each submission page to the higher authority main contest page and effectively have all those internal links coming from the main contest page? Is one better than the other? Are there link spam issues to worry about with either? Thank you in advance!

    Link Building | | StevenLevine

  • Local business had a site on domain name - (A) for a 5 years. Few years ago they moved to a new domain - (B) and did 301 redirect from A to B. Now they want to move to another domain containing a keyword - (C+kw).com and apply 301 Question:
    How to proceed with the redirect for a C+kw not to loose ranking? Which option is better?
    1. Redirect from the oldest domain (A) to a newest (C)
    A>301>C 2. Redirect from existing domain (B) to a newest (C)
    B>301>C 3. Stop existing redirect from A to B, instead do two redirects to a new domain (C)
    A stop 301 to B
    B>301>C As far as I know under the same conditions a new domain will rank worse than an aged domain.  On the other part keyword in domain name helps with local SEO. I think that for the long run it's ok to loose some traffic for a few months but have a better chances to rank in future. What do you think guys?

    Local SEO | | Ryan_V

  • Hi there, I was wondering if I could get some assistance for my Maps Listings. Our property management company, Bay Management Group ( started in Baltimore, then added an additional location in Maryland in 2015. We’ve had great success getting both locations to rank organically and in Maps listings for most related terms (property management in Baltimore, Baltimore property management, Maryland property managers, etc.). We have recently expanded and have opened up a new office in Philadelphia. Organic rankings have been pretty good for this location, and Maps listings were gradually gaining in the rankings throughout the summer, however, around the last week in August/first week in September, we started noticing our Maps listings decreasing in the rankings (organic has remained about the same). At first, it was just the Philadelphia Maps listings that were affected, then that started to spread into the Baltimore and Maryland related rankings (again, just in Maps listings). While Baltimore and Maryland Map rankings have started to improve again, we’re struggling to get Philadelphia related rankings back on track. We have tried the following items, but still aren’t seeing much of a rebound. All Maps listings have been claimed in Google (Baltimore and Maryland were claimed ~2010 and 2015 respectively; Philadelphia was claimed in June 2017) Yext and Facebook have been updated to exactly match the phone number and address to how Google Maps has it listed The phone number and address on our website ( exactly matches Google and Yext listings (note that the site has Call Tracking Metrics in it to change the appearance of the number when coming from Adwords or organic search) Updated all business information in Google Maps (NAP, hours, photos) and have used the new “posts” section to publish company updates Last week, we also updated our site speed to perform better in Google’s Pagespeed Insights. The site is responsive and has AMP on the blog posts as well. We've also been keeping an eye on Search Console and there aren't any manual actions against the site. Any thoughts on what we could be overlooking here that’s hindering our listing from rebounding (and improving) on Philadelphia-related Maps listings? Has anyone else noticed significant changes in their Maps listings since the end of August? Thanks in advance for your feedback!

    Local Listings | | pdrwebsolutions

  • I have a client that has ~30 office locations. Normally, if a business has 1-2 locations then I just submit through Moz Local. However, the marketing director won't approve a $1000+ annual local submissions package. My question: What strategy or service do you recommend that would allow me to submit these 30 locations to the best directories that I can without spending an excessive amount of budget and time? More specifically, if you had around 4 hours and ~$300 to spend on submitting 30 locations, how would you do it?

    Local Listings | | capsquare

  • This is more of a ‘gripe’ than a question, but I would love to hear people’s views. Typically, when you search for a product using the singular and plural versions of the keyword Google delivers different SERPs. As an example, ‘leather handbag’ and ‘leather handbags’ return different results, but surely the search intent is exactly the same? You’d have thought Google was now clever enough to work this out. We tend to optimise our webpages for both the plural and singular variations of the KW’s, but see a mixed bag of results when analysing rankings. Is Google trying to force us to create a unique webpage for the singular version, and another unique webpage for the plural version? This would confuse the visitor, and make no sense.. the search intent is the same! How do you combat this problem? Many thanks in advance. Lee.

    Algorithm Updates | | Webpresence

  • Hi All, I just found this useful article on Recover/Claim Ownership of a Google Analytics Account , I've seen same question asked by website owners, webmasters very frequently in many forums so I decided to share the article. **No affiliation, sponsorship, nor any partnerships with Thanks

    Reporting & Analytics | | Alick300

  • Hi Guys, I am preparing for a pretty standard site migration. Small business website moving to a new domain, new branding and new cms. Pretty much a perfect storm. Right now the new website is being designed and will need another month, however the client is pretty antsy to get her new brand out over the web. We cannot change the current site, which has the old branding. She wants to start passing out business cards and hang banners with the new domain and brand. However, I don't want to be messing with any redirects and potentially screw up a clean migration from the old site to the new. To be specific, she wants to redirect the new domain to the current domain and then when the new site, flip the redirect. However, I'm a little apprehensive with that because a site migration from the current to the new is already so intricate, I don't want to leave any possibility of error. I'm trying to figure out the best solution, these are 2 options I am thinking of: DO NOT market new domain. Reprint all Marketing material and wait until new domain is up and then start marketing it. (At cost to client) Create a one pager on new domain saying the site is being built & have a No Follow link to the current site. No redirects added. Just the no follow link. I'd like option 2 so that the client could start passing out material, but my number one concern is messing with any part of the migration. We are about to submit a sitemap index to Google Search Console for the current site, so we are just starting the site migration. What do you guys think?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Khoo

  • Curious on this topic, as websites that are image heavy, but have little written content can have depend on alt text for "readable content". I am aware the "best practice" is to write it as if you were describing the image to a blind person, but are there any SEO strategies that people have seen good results with? Some examples I've heard are: "unique keyword phrase" "unique keyword phrase + brand name" "Unique Keyword Phrase + LSI Keyword" Interested to hear feedback from the Moz Community! And thanks in advance for sharing your insight.

    Local Website Optimization | | LureCreative

  • I'm pretty sure the answer to this will be a big yes. Obviously this is a tactic that can be gamed quite easily, but I wanted to know if there are any clear guidelines on this. We've done a post about the most influential food bloggers using our own tool, so there's proper data behind the top ten. We wanted to reach out and let them know, give them a badge to include that might drive a bit of traffic and raise some brand awareness. That's why the question has come up as we want to make sure we advise the bloggers properly if a nofollow is best practice.

    Link Building | | joshuaboyd

  • Hey guys and happy Monday! We run a content rich website, 12+ years old, focused on travel in a specific region, and advertisers pay for banners/content etc alongside editorial. We have never used 'nofollow' website links as they're no explicitly paid for by clients, but a partner has asked us to make all links to them 'nofollow' as they have stated the way we currently link is damaging their SEO. Could this be true in any way? I'm only assuming it would adversely affect them if our website was peanalized by Google for 'selling links', which we're not. Perhaps they're just keen to follow best practice for fear of being seen to be buying links. FYI we now plan to change to more full use of 'nofollow', but I'm trying to work out what the client is refering to without seeming ill-informed on the subject! Thank you for any advice 🙂

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SEO_Jim

  • First off, am I correct in thinking that a 'child' sitemap is a sitemap of a subfolder and everything that sits under it, i.e. If so, can someone give me a good recommendation for generation a free child sitemap please? Many thanks, Rhys

    Technical SEO | | SwanseaMedicine

  • I have linked the account to the Google Search Console. In top spot is says (other) followed by other keywords the (other) data is the majority.

    Reporting & Analytics | | GSAstonMoz

  • Hello All, I'm facing an issue with the MOZ Crawler. Every time it crawls my website , there will be an error message saying " **Moz was unable to crawl your site on Sep 13, 2017. **Our crawler was not able to access the robots.txt file on your site. This often occurs because of a server error from the robots.txt. Although this may have been caused by a temporary outage, we recommend making sure your robots.txt file is accessible and that your network and server are working correctly. Typically errors like this should be investigated and fixed by the site webmaster. " We changed the robots.txt file and checked it . but still the issue is not resolved. URL : Do let me know what went wrong and wjhat needs to be done. Any suggestion is appreciated. Thank you.

    Feature Requests | | Harini.M

  • When people type in a certain keywords in my industry space (animated video), they usually have one of two intents: some want to see videos (for inspiration or entertainment or whatever) and some want to hire a company. We have pages that meet each intent. Some "Best of..." blog posts for the crowd that want to see videos (that might be top-of-the-funnel prospects, potentially) and a landing page for the buying-intent people. I'm seeing each ranking page as essentially two, kept in proper balance to meet search intent by click-throughs. So I'm betting that my landing page won't cannibalize the "best of..." page. Is that the right way to see it, or not?

    Link Building | | Wagster

  • Hello, Is someone out there from support staff. I charged before my trial period ends. As I am leaving in India and Time zone is different. I assume my trial period ends midnight of 17 September 2017 but You charged me before without mailing me. My account shows you are in trial period what should I do. I do not want to continue though I am happy with it. Please reply as soon as possible. Thanks

    Product Support | | sandeepsitoe

  • Hi all, Within Google's "Fetch & Render" (found in Google Search Console) is the ability to index certain pages from my website on-demand. Unfortunately, every time I ask Google to index a page, it registers as a bounce in Google Analytics. Also, if it means anything, my website ( is a single-page application, functioning similarly to Google. If you guys know of any solution to this problem, please help! I originally thought that Google would know to block its own Fetch & Render crawler from Google Analytics but that doesn't seem to be the case. Thanks, Austin

    Reporting & Analytics | | A_Krauss

  • Hey SEO masters! I have a website that is smashing it for SEO in Australia. In an effort to increase a user base I want to make it so only logged in users can see all the content. So today, I launched a new feature hiding content using CSS 'height:' property. The content is obviously still there and if you were a developer you could easily 'inspect element' and remove that CSS style to see everything... There are a few other tweaks i made for logged out users, but that only affects some json. Question: will this affect my SEO rankings? Here is a direct example: if you sign up, there is about 1400words of content.

    Web Design | | thinkLukeSEO

  • Hi guys; Is there any different between URL whit capital ASCII code and URL with small ASCII Code? For example I have 2 URLS for one page like this: 1- 332-%D8%AA%D8%AD%D8%B5%DB%8C%D9%84-%D8%AF%D8%B1-%DA%A9%D8%A7%D9%86%D8%A7%D8%AF%D8%A7.html 2- 332-%d8%aa%d8%ad%d8%b5%db%8c%d9%84-%d8%af%d8%b1-%da%a9%d8%a7%d9%86%d8%a7%d8%af%d8%a7.html both of them point to same page but no 1 is non SSL and no 2 is ssl version! and whole pges of site forces to https

    Technical SEO | | seoiransite

  • If a page is never used as an entry page to your website -- in other words it's an obscure, relatively unimportant page that never ranks high enough in the search engines to be in the first few pages of the search results for any significant number of searches --  does editing the META Description really have any significant benefit? I guess the question could also be phrased as, does the Google Search Algo factor in the META Description tag, or is it only used for display purposes on the search results and doesn't affect ranking?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SeoJaz

  • When I search my keyword on google I can see my website, but when I connect to a VPN and again search it, I'm not in the search result, what happens on my website?

    Reporting & Analytics | | Pintapin

  • Hello, We have quite a few articles "out there" that give us backlinks. We were thinking of also translating the content and submitting it to local content websites, so it can provide us with more backlinks. The main questions here, will this content be recognized as the same content as the English version? Also, being in another language, some of the anchor text might not hit the English keyword. Not sure how Google sees it. Any advise on the matter? thx!!

    Link Building | | PangeaLangs

  • Hi dear experts; I trying to migration to https and follow the guide line that explain how to do it. After redirect 301, I created new property on WMT for ssl version and change the pre address to new one. but as you can see in the attach file, the new property does not appear in the list. the old version of domain is: the new one is : yd9fL

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoiransite

  • Hi all, We have an opening for a Senior SEO Associate. Would love to hire someone in the Moz Community. Here are the details: Sr SEO Associate Cheers, Dana

    Jobs and Opportunities | | danatanseo

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