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  • I'm trying to convince a boss and another client/partner of the value of MOZ, but it's a challenge when Google's results and the MOZ analytics are way off. For example, when I do non-personalized (MOZ toolbar) Google search for "stair lift kansas city" I see some results that make sense.  Further down the page I see my prospective client, -- it's a new site with poor MOZ grades and almost no backlinks.  It has a PA of 1 and a DA of 4.  Yet it ranks above a YP site that has a DA of 89, and another site that has a PA of 27 and a DA of 14. What gives?  When I used an in-private Bing search for those terms this site didn't display in the 1st 4 pages.  That makes sense with these MOZ rankings and the new site.  So how does the site get page 1 results on Google for the same terms? (I should note that I've gone to this site a lot, for the client, and done other related searches.  I live in Charlotte, which is why I've included Kansas City in the search terms.  With this search, I've tried several ways to do a Google search that is truly anonymous, but I'm not sure I've succeeded.  I've erased browsing data, used incognito, used other browsers, and used the MOZ non-personalized Google search.  All from the same IP though.  Does Google track that?  If so, how can one do a truly anonymous search on Google?) All suggestions welcome.  Thanks! Richard S.

    Moz Pro | | RFS55

  • How do I know if i got it by penguin because my external anchor text is over optimised ? I have 80 external links and 22 of those are exact match, could it be the reason why I went from ranking 1 st for years on a keyword to ranking on 2 nd page for about a year now... Do you recommend trying to get new links or asking to change the existing one... I read that google doesn't treat links the same way if you change the anchor text, is it really the case ? For internal links should I also worry about exact match percentage or not ? is it better to have exact match internally or not ? PS : I redid my website in the meantime so it is hard to say where the issue is coming from. Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Hi, I have breadcrumbs on my site but wondering if in addition to those I should also add contextual links linking to the same pages ? Or is it necessary to duplicate ? The reason i would be doing this is because contextual links/ editorial is what google likes and I am not sure breadcrumbs counts as much. Thanks,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Hello, Is the screen shot below considered contextual ?  and does it have any value or no value What is the value on a scale from 0 to 10 (if you know) of a contextual link versus non contextual links. Thank you, mrbQq

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Hi there, I am scratching my head lately and wondering what is the best in order to increase the ranking of my website... I am sure most of you will say a combination of everything but what else... I know that if an influencer (someone who has a important Klout score) writes about you and links to your website is helpful but what about having a link on a webpage like that : is it still worth my time asking for link on those types of webpages (not that they aren't considered spam according to moz spam score) What about having a link in article on the USA today, what is more important, the fact that the usa today writes about you and has a high DA or the person who writes it ? I am in tourism industry and work with hotels is it worth my time contacting hotels I work with for links or see that a hotel page is not related to what I do which is bicycle tours, or am I wasting my time ? Finally, can't I outrank my competitors by just being more relevant in my content than them know I have a DA of already 38...without chasing links and a website that is 10 years old. Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoanalytics

  • Hi all, Business who has 2 locations.. They have 2 separate pages for their locations But the location and address details also appear on and the home page. Is this going to be hurting their local SEO? In my opinion yes and the address info should just be on the 2 location pages. Thanks in advance

    Local Website Optimization | | LMW

  • I was browsing Google Webmaster Tools and discovered there are 117,301 links to my site— mostly from very low-quality, spammy websites. I definitely did not solicit these links. I'm worried they are from a competitor trying to get me penalized by Google. Should I be worried about this? spam-websites.png?1505218483

    Technical SEO | | steve_benjamins

  • We have had some issues with one of our websites getting hacked. The first time it happened, we noticed it the next morning and cleaned it up before Google even realised. However, the same thing happened again over the weekend, and I came into the office to an email from Google: Google has detected that your site has been hacked by a third party who created malicious content on some of your pages. This critical issue utilizes your site’s reputation to show potential visitors unexpected or harmful content on your site or in search results. It also lowers the quality of results for Google Search users. Therefore, we have applied a manual action to your site that will warn users of hacked content when your site appears in search results. To remove this warning, clean up the hacked content, and file a reconsideration request. After we determine that your site no longer has hacked content, we will remove this manual action. _Following are one or more example URLs where we found pages that have been compromised. Review them to gain a better sense of where this hacked content appears. The list is not exhaustive. _ We have again cleaned up the website, however, my problem is that even though we have received this email, I cannot find any evidence of the manual action having actually been applied. I.e. it doesn't show in the Search Console and I am also not getting a warning in the search results when searching for our own website or clicking on the result for our website. That means I cannot submit a reconsideration request - however I am not sure at all there was actually a manual action applied at all based on my test searches. Has anyone here experienced the same issue? What do you suggest doing in this case? Thank you very much in advance for any ideas.

    Technical SEO | | ViviCa1

  • Hi There, I'm in a weird situation and I am wondering if you can help me. Here we go,  We had some of our developers implement structured data markup on our site, and they obviously did not know what they were doing. They messed up our results in the SERP big time and we wound up getting manually penalized for it. We removed those markups and got rid of that penalty (phew), however now we are still stuck with two issues. We had some pages that we changed their URLs, so the old URLs are now dead pages getting redirected to the newer version of the same old page, however, two things now happened: a) for some reason two of the old dead pages still come up in the Google SERP, even though it's over six weeks since we changed the URLs. We made sure that we aren't linking to the old version of the url anywhere from our site. b) those two old URLs are showing up in the SERP with the old spammy markup. We don't have anywhere to remove the markup from cause there are no such pages anymore so obviously there isn't this markup code anywhere anymore. We need a solution for getting the markup out of the SERP. We thought of one idea that might help - create new pages for those old URLs, and make sure that there is nothing spammy in there, and we should tell google not to index these pages - hopefully, that will get Google to de-index those pages. Is this a good idea, if yes, is there anything I should know about, or watch out for? Or do you have a better one for me? Thanks so much

    Technical SEO | | Joseph-Green-SEO

  • About a year ago we changed the address - and the score basically has not changed.  It's been in the low "80" for about a year.  "Update in Progress" has been updating for several months.  Getting frustrated at to "why" we can get in the 90's for close to 100.  Not sure if Moz is the answer on getting the directories up to date.

    Moz Local | | WalkieTalkie

  • We have several locations that moved to be under a parent location. Should I do a 404 redirect or a 301 redirect to parent page where they can find information about the location they are searching for.

    Local SEO | | lina_digital

  • Moz Community, So we have a website that we are moving to SSL. It has been 4 years since we submitted our disavow file to google via GWT. We decided to go through our backlinks and realized that many domains we are disavowing currently (under Since we are moving to SSL I understand Google looks at this as a new site. Therefore, we decided to go through our backlinks and realized that many domains we are disavowing currently are no longer active (after 4 years this is expected). Therefore, is it ok to create a new disavow file with the new profile on GW (ssl version of our site)? Also, is it ok the new GW disavow file doesn't include urls we previously disavowed with the non https version? Some links from the old disavow we found were disavowed but they shouldn't have been. Moreover, we found new links we wanted to disavow as well. Thanks QL

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | QuickLearner

  • I have already cancelled my account but I can access until 5th October. Will they charge my card? I cancelled everything and I don't wanna pay for it. Thank you so much!

    Product Support | | alejandrarr_

  • Checking our links to our site on GSC and we've dropped from 515 to 324 over night - is this normal?

    Reporting & Analytics | | RayflexGroup

  • A client's developer moved a site onto a new (WordPress) CMS, where the only change was URLs - the front end code stayed the same. The site is 10+ years old and previously had fantastic rankings (#1-4) with inner pages for some relatively generic search phrases (eg 10,000 searches / month in the UK, per Keyword Planner). Now, on Desktop searches the site isn't appearing anywhere in the 300+ results for a key search phrase, where it used to rank between #2-4; however over the last 3 weeks on Mobile the site ranks better than before, even though the site isn't at all mobile-friendly (it's over 10 years old). During the move, there were some errors by their developer: mistakenly left in a sitewide rel=canonical tag referring to the homepage 3-4 301s before finally reaching new URLs a lot of 301s missed (250+ crawl errors appeared in Search Console) page content differentiation by parameter, instead of individual URLs For example, the page that used to rank for the targeted phrase, this left 4 different URLs indexed, with the same content. To tackle this, we have so far: put in correct rel=canonical tags set up Search Console to recognise URL parameter as differentiating content fixed all crawl errors appearing in Search Console added a link direct to the problem page, direct from the homepage stopped duplicate content being indexed (including for the page in question) ensured the page load speed is still good (< 0.75s) Ranking for Desktop over Mobile would make sense, but not Mobile over Desktop!  I'd really appreciate any advice on how to tackle this. Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | magicdust

  • Hi all, Generally we care a lot about keywords at headings, title tags, URL, etc. always. But I wonder how much impact they have being in paragraphs. How much do they matter at paragraphs? Thanks

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • Hi Guys, Have a site which has 302 redirects installed for pages like: to (302 redirect) Is it worth changing the redirect to a 301? This is a large site, like 10,000 pages. Also does anyone know how can this be done via Magento? Cheers

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | bridhard8

  • Hi, we are trying to move all of our website content from to a subdomain (i.e., and make "" nothing more than an iFrame displaying the content from We have about 10 pages linking from the home page, all indexed separately, so I understand we'll have to do this for every one of them. ( will be an iframe containing the content from, and we'll need to do this for every page) How do we do this so Google continues to index the content hosted at with the parent page in organic results ( We want all users to enter the site through or, which will contain no content except for iFrames pulling in content from Our fear is that google will start directing users directly to, rather than continue feeding to If we use or as the location of the content, instead of say, would these subdomain names work better for passing credit for the iFramed content to the parent page ( Thanks! SIDE NOTE:  Before someone asks why we need to do this, the content on ranks very well, but site has a huge bounce rate due to a poorly designed CMS serving the content. The CMS does not load the page in pieces (like most pages load), but instead presents the visitor with a 100% blank page while the page loads in the background for about 5-10 seconds, and then boom 100% of the page shows up. We've been back and forth with our CMS provider about doing something about this for 5 years now, and we have given up. We tested moving our adwords links to, where users are immediately shown a loading indicator, with our site ( behind it in an iFrame. The immediate result was resounding success... our bounce rate PLUMMETED, and the root domain saw a huge boost in search results. Problem with this is our site still comes up in organic results as, which does not have any kind of spinning disk loading indicator, and still has a very high bounce rate.

    Technical SEO | | vezaus

  • Does anyone know if there is a really easy way to track a button in Google Analytics yourself? It seems that most button click goal setups involve some use of tricky code and I'm wondering if there is a much easier way to do this that will allow us to simply setup and track certain button clicks as goal conversions in Analytics. Your help here is much appreciated!

    Reporting & Analytics | | Gavo

  • hi, If i get paid traffic from social media on my website blog. Will overall ranking of my website increase in search engine or not. Share your experience.

    Social Media | | Khan50

  • Our official brand name has dots in it and we're wondering if having those dots will hurt our organic ranking and (or) lead to a mis-interpreted crawl by the bots..

    Technical SEO | | BoatUS

  • Hey everybody, I'm looking for a bit of advice. A few weeks ago Google sent me an email saying all pages with any text input on them need to switch to https for those pages. This is no problem, I was slowly switching the site to https anyway using a 301 redirect. However, my site also has a language subfolder in the url, etc. Due to poor work on my part the translations of the site haven't been updated in a long time and lots of the pages are in english even on the russian version etc. So I'm thinking of just removing this url structure and just having My plan is to 301 all requests to https and remove the language subfolder in the url at the same time. So far the https switching hasn't changed my rankings. Am I more at risk of losing my rankings by doing this? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | Ruhol

  • We are having, say around 100 products, cakes to be specific, with different flavors, available in more than 100000 areas of 200 plus cities. Now to make it SEO friendly, we have an algorithm which creates a unique page for each cake name, with area name, and few keywords, so that if customer is searching for cake delivery in any specific area of specific city, the user will easily find the right page. Now the thing is - when creating such unique pages for different combinations of cake, city and areas, it is also creating some content. So we wanted to know how much is the importance given to Grammatically correct statement compared to incorrect statement in ranking a page. for example: there is 1Kg Chocolate Cake, available in Satellite Area of Ahmedabad city, which one of the following Page title will have higher ranking? Case A: Send 1Kg chocolate cake to satellite area ahmedabad online Case B: Online 1kg Chocolate Cake delivery in Satellite Ahmedabad In Case A: the statement contains all keywords, but there are some grammatical mistakes in formation of statement as well as Capital Characters are not used for Satellite (Area name) and Ahmedabad (City name) In Case B: the statement is grammatical proper, as well as capital characters are used for Area name and City name. Does all search engine also have their algorithm designed to analyze the grammatical structure of page title or it just scans the keywords? Thanks in advance. Team Midnightcake

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | midnightcake

  • Any google updates or, can anyone tell me what google running, web ranking down, majority keywords showing on 1st pages right now those are on 3rd page, so is there any specific reason, or any solutions plz.. this s my website can anyone help me to audit and what was the issues facing exactly..

    On-Page Optimization | | harry550

  • Hi there I have been contacted by a small business to help them with their <acronym title="Search Engine Optimization">SEO</acronym> effort. 
    The business is a children's club offering drama classes, music classes etc... Looking at their online visibility shows they don't even have a Google my business profile which is where i was going to start however, they operate from a local school after hours. The local school already has a GMB profile, obviously with the same address and postcode. Is it possible to set up a GMB for the children's club anyway? Many thanks

    Local Listings | | coolhandluc

  • 2 sites have the same urls but the owner wants just the 1 site. So I will be doing a 301 redirect with .htaccess from redirecting to There are a lot of urls that are the same, so I was wondering what the rule is to put in the file please that will change them all to the corresponding urls? Would this be correct?... RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond %{HTTPS_HOST} ^ [NC,OR]
    RewriteCond %{HTTPS_HOST} ^ [NC]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [L,R=301,NC] Or would a simple rule like this work... redirect 301 / If not correct could you please give me the correct rule, thanks! Then of course doing a change of address of address in webmaster tools after. Also... do I still need to do the forwarding from the domain provider after as well? Many thanks for your help in advance.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | WSIDW

  • We have a client that has an old G maps listing that keeps popping up. The newer listing (less than 2 years) has over 150 legit 5-star reviews, but the older, crappy listing (about 4-5 years old) with 5 reviews keeps coming up in maps. I noticed that Google has new options available, and you can now request that the listing be removed from maps. In the past, this type of option did not "remove" the listing, but rather marked it as "permanently closed." We want to completely remove it from maps altogether but cannot allow the time to reverify and activate if it marks it as permanently closed. Both have the exact same address and different business names. Both are located in our Google manager account. What is the fastest and most efficient way of getting this removed without risking the "permanently closed" showing up and having to re-verify/reclaim? Calling GMB directly?

    Local Listings | | David-Kley

  • I'd like to cancel my MozPro subscription and I don't know where.

    Product Support | | alejandrarr_

  • Hi Mozers, Does Google know time on site, number of page visits, bounce rate, etc. even if Google Analytics is NOT installed? Does it measure all that stuff anyway, and if you install the GA code on your site, that is so that YOU can see those metrics? OR can Google only see those metrics if you install GA on your site? Thanks! Jane

    Reporting & Analytics | | CalamityJane77

  • I have a client that is ranking in the top 10 for several keywords on their homepage. Their site has no purposeful SEO in it, there is barely any text on the homepage at all and none of the text are the keywords it is ranking for.

    On-Page Optimization | | woodchuckarts

  • I work as a marketing director for a small law firm.  I had some basic SEO experience prior to joining the firm but I'm still building my knowledge base.  I'm working to take over where the previous web developer left off and improve the site. The previous firm had developed pages for the law firm featuring yearly car crash statistics, statistics for bike crashes, etc. These pages get a good amount of hits but people quickly jump off the pages, and most are not even located in a region where they could potentially become a client. I feel like they added the pages to show the client that there was an increase in search traffic. However, 100% of the traffic bounces quickly after viewing the statistics pages. Does a page that has a decent amount of hits, but doesn't lead to conversions and has a nearly 100% bounce rate worth keeping around? My thought is, I would like to remove these pages that do not actually attract potential clients and reduce the overall bounce rate of the site. I don't want to take actions to remove the page without throwing this question out to more experienced people.

    On-Page Optimization | | Champlain_Valley_Law

  • Hi All, I have to implement Product Impression tracking as per this - but In our product listing page we show 33 products in total. If we need to track the product impression of only those products which are visible currently in the screen. If we have 3 products in one row, then there should be 3 product impressions and when we do 2nd scroll then again 6 product impression and so on. How can we implement this? In this guide - nothing mention like such things. In my case we I scroll the page on 1st scroll only 33 impression fall down even though I am able to see only 3 products. Hope you understood what I mean?

    Reporting & Analytics | | dhisman

  • Hi all, The images in our sub directory are hosted from a sub domain. This sub domain is blocked to robots. So, I can see all these images are shown as "Blocked Resources" in webmasters. Is anything wrong with this? If so, we also usually block robots to image files location in our website. What's the difference? Thanks

    Web Design | | vtmoz

  • We have shared our company's job postings on several third-party websites, including The Muse, as well as putting the job postings on our own website. Our site and The Muse have about the same schema markup except for these differences: The Muse...
    • Lists Experience Requirements
    • Uses HTML in the description with tags and other markup (our website just has plain text)
    • Has a Name in JobPosting
    • URL is specific to the position (our website's URL just goes to the homepage)
    • Has a logo URL for Organization When you type the exact job posting's title into Google, The Muse posting shows up in Google for Jobs--not our website's duplicate copy. The only way to see our website's job posting is to type in the exact job title plus "site:". What is a good approach for getting our website's posting to be the priority in Google for Jobs? Do we need to remove postings from third-party sites? Structure them differently? Do organic factors affect which version of the job posting is shown, and if so, can I assume that our site will face challenges outranking a big third-party site?

    Local Website Optimization | | Kevin_P

  • we have a lot of pages that we want to create crawlable paths to. How many links are able to be crawled on 1 page for sitemap.html

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | imjonny

  • Hi Mozers, in Google Analytics our ads are registering a 10 second page duration and a 90% bounce rate, which is pretty atrocious. My questions are: Organic page duration is 3:15 minutes, and Social + Referral are similar. Yet Pandora is bringing the average time on site way down, to less than a minute. Will those paid ad metrics be factored to the User Behavior and therefore negative affect our overall rankings? In other words does Google now see our page duration as less than a minute? The Pandora rep says that Google Analytics and Pandora have "systemic issues" such that GA is very inaccurate with Pandora metrics. I find that difficult to believe. Any insights here? Thanks all! Jane

    Reporting & Analytics | | CalamityJane77

  • Hi, I recently found I can no longer view our web pages in Google's cache. I get 404 errors. I did a fetch and render in Search Console and found our header includes a "cache-control: private" entry. The 404's started happening recently. Would this response be the culprit? If Google cannot cache the website, is this bad for SEO? On the surface of it, it sounds bad.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | shop.nordstrom

  • Hello, I am working with a client in the indoor / outdoor wicker furniture area.  They have "wicker" in their domain.  However using the moz keyword ranking tool they do not appear at all in 51+ results.  There was a time that we were appearing on page 1 but then dropped off. Anyone have any ideas on what could be causing us not to rank at all for that generic term?  Our google places listing does come up for when people are local to the store and search, but the website does not.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | creatingdigital

  • A client is getting many false positive site crawl errors for things like duplicate titles and duplicate content on pages that include /tag/ in the URL. An example is To resolve this we have set up a disallow statement in the robots.txt file that says
    Disallow: /page/ For some reason this appears not to work, as the site crawl errors continue to list pages like this. Does anyone understand why that would be and what we need to do to properly disallow crawling these pages?

    Getting Started | | btreloar

  • Hi All, I am wondering if anyone could help me decide how I should go about handling a page i plan on removing and could possibly use later on. So, a perfect example is: Let's say a company in Florida posted a page about the stores hours and possibly closing due to the incoming hurricane. Once the hurricane passes and the store is reopened, should I 404 that page since another hurricane could come after? The url for the company is so this is a url that we would want to use again. I guess we could just 410 and name each url & for each new hurricane. I am just wonder what is the best practice for a situation like this. Thanks for the help!

    Technical SEO | | aua

  • We have an issue with some clients on a Wordpress CMS where title tags implemented on a Yoast SEO plugin for the Homepage are not coming up as we'd implemented them. However, the source code shows we'd implemented them correctly according to what we'd wanted.**For example, this is the title tag we implemented in the CMS:Towing Services Alberta | Jack's TowingSource code shows:Towing Services Alberta | Jack's TowingHowever, SERP results shows:**Jack's Towing | Towing Services Alberta This is not an issue with the rest of the other pages and there isn't a global template for our client's sites. It's perplexing that it's only happening on the Homepage and this is across for 3 of our clients' sites.Even more perplexing, recently we've noticed that SERP is only showing the client's business name as the title tag and this is across for 2 out of the 3 clients we'd mentioned above. Nothing has changed in the back-end.Would appreciate some insight on this issue!

    On-Page Optimization | | Gavo

  • A client of mine has a lot of differentiated landing pages with only a few changes on each, but with the same intent and goal as the generic version. The generic version of the landing page  is included in navigation, sitemap and is indexed on Google. The purpose of the differentiated landing pages is to include the city and some minor changes in the text/imagery to best fit the Adwords text. Other than that, the intent and purpose of the pages are the same as the main / generic page. They are not to be indexed, nor am I trying to have hidden pages linking to the generic and indexed one (I'm not going the blackhat way). So – I want to avoid that the duplicate landing pages are being indexed (obviously), but I'm not sure if I should use noindex (nofollow as well?) or rel=canonical, since these landing pages are localized campaign versions of the generic page with more or less only paid traffic to them. I don't want to be accidentally penalized, but I still need the generic / main page to rank as high as possible... What would be your recommendation on this issue?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ostesmorbrod

  • When using open site explorer MOZ finds 0 internal links on while Google search console finds thousands of internal links. What could the issue be? Cr8Wk14 oGOf1gb

    Link Explorer | | NathanPetralia

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